Konstantynowicz Bogdan: family - genealogy - origin - ancestry - history - biography - education - information. Rodzina - edukacja - informacja - genealogia - pochodzenie - biografia - historia. Zabno, Tarnow and Horowitz, Blinken, Ujejski, Krasicki - the links to Horowitz and Iassi. Some on HOROWITZ. Hillary Clinton with Samuel Berger in 1972; Eli Segal of Botosani-Suczawa; Paul Wolfowitz of the Radomsko district and Zakrzew; Tannenberg and Radoslaw Sikorski with the Russian intelligence ring together with Szczecin-Lodz Foreign Intelligence Agency under influence of Zionism - copyright by Bogdan Konstantynowicz on 30 September 2023. Hostile network in Czerniowce and Thessaloniki of Jakob Frank with Tbilisi; Zbigniew Brzezinski of Zelechow and Krzynowloga Mala; Barack Obama with Tymieniecka; Albright of Czech; the family - genealogy - origin - ancestry - history.

Table of Contents and Index. The Russian conspiratorial enemy intelligence network: globalism and globalization, RESET to Russia, Zionism and Zelenski vs Morawiecki.
On November 27, 2023, we have a local gypsy, dark face like eagle combined with the devil, long hair, LGB..., 178 cm, 65 years old, lives close to Springfield / Church Rd, disabled but spy hating Poles and me, right foot turned outwards, big steps when walking. We have Obama's advisor to Israel, Seldovich or Seldowitz, arrested aft. 23 November 2023. The Seldovich and Zeldovitsch family came from Zoludowicz / Zholudovich and they lived in the Potockis estates around Berezyna, to south, east and south-east. This is family of Shmuil Dovidov Zholudovich / Shmulya, b. 1773 in Berezyna, d. in 1856 in Byerazino / Berezyna; the son of David Zholudovich + Eska Zeldovich. Dovid Zeldovich b. 1805, d. 1881, was the son of Shmuil Dovidov Zholudovich + Ester Zeldovich. Dovid b. 1805 m. Elka Zeldovich, with children: Meer Zeldovich; Dina Zeldovich; Basia Zeldovich and Eska Zeldovich. Dovid was the brother to Leizer Zeldovich; Hana Zeldovich; Rokha Zeldovich; Girsha Zeldovich; Yelya Shmuilov Zeldovich and two others. Above Leizer Zeldovich b. ca 1790 in Byerazino, d. 1844, the son of Shmuil Dovidov Zholudovich + Ester Zeldovich. Above Yelya Shmuilov Zeldovich b. 1798 married Fruma-Liba Mowshevna Zeldovich with Michal / Mikhlia Zeldovich; Minka Zeldovich; Dawid / Dovid Zeldovich; Vulf Zeldovich and Zelda Zeldovich. YELYA was the brother to Leizer Zeldovich; Hana Zeldovich; Rokha Zeldovich; Girsha Zeldovich; Zelda Zeldovich and two more. In 1816 census from Berezino (Berezan / BEREZYNA), the Ihumen / Igumen district, we have Bereznitsa / Bereznica, south-east to Goronitsy / Gorenichi / Garenitchi around 10 km [west to MIEZONKA]. Close to Kamennyi Borok / Kamienny Barok. In HORENICZY / Goronitsy or Gorenichi / Garenitchi, 10 km south to Byerazino. In Horeniczy / Horenicze / Goronidy / Goronizy, the estate of the Count POTOCKI / Pototskiy, we have Zholudovich (+ Leshchal / LESZCZAL). In Novoselki / NOWOSIOLKI, east to BEREZYNA, 6 km, at half way from Berezyna to Pohost; the owner Starobiniec / Starobinets we have also Zholudovich (+ Unknown or Nakhmanovichich / NACHMANOWICZ). The Huszcza family or Guscis (= Gustis); with Puchala and Horseshoe coats of arms in the Polack province and in Mahileu A.D. 1671 and next in the provinces Vilna and Minsk; they verified the arms in Minsk in 1825; the Huszcza and Tumilowicz families that is the rural "badger nobility", the Polish strongly. The Borsuki village (Badgers) is situated 15 km north - east from Miezonka, according to M. K. Pawlikowski who described history of Ipohorski - Irtenski family from the Berazino parish (proprietors of Backov estate 3 / 4 km E from the Berezina river). When Cagliostro back to WARSAW, in June 1780, he had a performance at the Boguslawski Palace. In this year, he founded the Egyptian Masonic Lodge in Warsaw [MISRAIM]. Cagliostro came to Warsaw in the first days of May 1780. He got introduced to Prince Kazimierz Poniatowski, chamberlain, and count AUGUST Moszynski. Kazimierz's Poniatowski family owned BEREZYNA - LUBUSZANY landestate, close to Miezonka [then the Potocki family took Berezyna-Lubuszany estate; they came from ARTUR POTOCKI, the Templar Freemason. Miezonka belonged to the Konstantynowiczs in 1842]. Both, Kazimierz Poniatowski and the KING were born to Konstancja Czartoryska (b. 1700). The Ipohorski family owned BACKOW at way from BRODETS to Matevichi. The Bulhak noble house of the Syrokomla arms, verified in Minsk A.D. 1802, possessed also in the government of Minsk: Matewitschi = Maciejewicze i.e. Macevicy 14 km SW of Miezonka, and Zuki, Budzilowka and Kondratowicze. The family of Aleksander II Brujewicz or Bonc - Bruievicius of the Boncza arms lived in Zbyszyn or Sbychin near to Tschetschewitschi since 1876 / 1880, 39 km SE away from Miezonka and the big estate had 5548 hectares. He lived next door Gresmer or Greszner family (according to a map edited by A. Brantner of "K.u.k. militar - geographisches Institut" in Wien 1896) and Mr Witold Bulhak home (the Bulhak noble house of the Syrokomla arms, verified in Minsk A.D. 1802, possessed also in the government of Minsk: Matewitschi = Maciejewicze i.e. Macevicy 14 km SW of Miezonka, and Zuki, Budzilowka and Kondratowicze); villages Woncza / Vontcha, Borki and Rogi - which Florian Czarnyszewicz described in a book "Nadberezyncy" i.e. Berezyna's Riverside Inhabitants - were situated close by the Zbyszyn estate: 3 and 7 km; besides a certain Aleksander (IV ?) Brujewicz purchased village Mistow and neighbourhood in the Congress Poland on 25 January 1861 but I haven't yet any firm evidences if it's the same Aleksander (2nd) Brujewicz who settled himself in the Zbyszyn property. Ipohorski took Orzchowka, Niesiata / Nesyata / Neseta few km west to Klichav and close to Smolyarnya ["Nadberezyncy"], Biesiady and Lohozy. Manor in BACKOW in 1914, acc. to me 2 km east to Brodets / Brodziec and 14 km south to Gorenichi. Bef. Szemesz, Obuchowicz and next Ipohorski. In 1893 Tadeusz Irtenski was born here. The grandmother was from CZARNECKI. Close to Boratycze, Niehonicze, LOHY, Horodyszcze. But Orzechowka, Biesiady, Lohoza were lost by Ipohorski. NIESIATA belonged to relatives. Hektor Irtenski was married in 1845 in BACKOW. In 1914 were here among others: Jesman of Kobylanka, and Wiazowiec; of Zaprudzie; Julian Jesmian of Wiazowiec; Wanda Lukaszewicz of Boratycze; Rozniecki of OSMOLOWKA, Rowinski of CHOCZEN, Nowicki of Ostrow / Ostrovo, 6 km north-east to Brodets, Rogowski of HORODYSZCZE, Kuba Lukaszewicz of BRODZIEC / Brodets, Edmund Swietorzecki and Mieczyslaw Swietorzecki, relatives to Ipohorski from Oszmiana. Michal Ipohorski of NIEZYN; and few km on the west from Backow, was the estate of MIESCIN by the BEREZYNA river, of Porebski, the last Antoni Porebski. Here was living old woman SZEMESZ, from the owners of Backow and BORATYCZE. The way was from Bobrujsk to Ostrow / Staryj Ostrov, Usa and Boratycze and from here few km to BACKOW. Why?
Reset to Russia in 1972-February 2023 was built on the genealogical groundwork of my family Konstantynowicz in Kublicze, Berezyna, Miezonka, Dudino-Monasterszczyna, Vajguva / Wajgowo in Belarus-Lithuania: Robert Rubin, Robert Schwarz Strauss, Arlen Specter, Czeslaw Kiszczak in 1972 the head of military intelligence, the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1972, TANYIA CHUTKAN, Tannenwald, Samuel Berger, Bill Clinton, Eli Segal, with Garfinkel of Antopol, Szawle and Wajgowo vs Donald Trump in 2016-2023. Ordega of Zelechow; Roman of Zelechow; Wyssogota-Zakrzewski of Zelechow and Chocen; Lech Walesa's ancestors of the Chocen commune; Jaroslaw Slota vel Skota of Chocen with his friends: Malgorzata Zieleniewska of Lodz - the friend to PM Leszek Miller, Monika Sedzicka nee Bogucka of Sporna and Krokusowa 59, the counter-intelligence officer. Ordega and Jan Bloch and Leopold Kronenberg with the Zamoyski family in Klemensow-Bodaczow with Rettinger and the Kaczorowski's: President Kaczorowski in London and Emilia Kaczorowska Wojtyla, with the Wojtyla family in the Andrychow district: Czaniec close to Roczyny of Romani, General Czeslaw Kiszczak, near to Inwald of the General Miroslaw Milewski's mother. The Ordega-Holynski branch in Monasterszczyna-Dudino, with links to the Konstantynowicz family of the Mscislaw province and in Miezonka in 1842.
And also on 22 November 2023 You Tube show: the former official, Stuart Seldowitz, was recorded in several videos posted on X, also known as Twitter.
Stuart Seldowitz, 64 aged, denied he is Islamophobic. We know on Isadore Seldowitz, 1886-1979; Samuel Seldowitz b. 1878, d. 1937 in Manhattan, New York County, New York; Arthur Seldowitz b. 1918.
In 2018:
Hannah Gelband, AU degree in history, with minors in psychology and Jewish studies, with support from the donor-funded Estelle Seldowitz.
"A former adviser to Barack Obama said that killing 4,000 Palestinian children 'wasn't enough' during a racist and islamophobic rant to a food vendor. In videos shared on social media, Stuart Seldowitz can be heard asking someone off-camera whether they raped their 'daughter like Muhammad did'."

On the SELDOWITZ / Zeldovich family in the BEREZYNA district in the Potockis estates and close to the Ipohorski-Irtenski family, our Miezonka and Berezyna of the Artur Potocki, the TEMPLAR line in Krzeszowice, Zator and Lubuszany; I am writing on 23 November 2023:
we know on Stuart Seldowitz b. 1959 in NEW YORK, is married and has two children. He lives in New York City. He is Jewish and has been a supporter of Israel and its policies. Probably the son of MEYER.

Ida Seldowitz (1888-1976), born on May 25, 1888.

And about Isadore Seldowitz b. 1886 in Berezin / BEREZYNA, the Minsk province, Belarus / BEREZYNA / Berezyna Ihumenska / Bierazino, d. 1979 in Rochester, the Monroe county, New York state, United States. The son of Yehoshua Zeldovitch b. ca 1856/1860 + ?; but Khaim Yehoshua Eliyahu Avraham Zeldovitch b. 1882 in Minsk - maybe the COUSIN to named YEHOSHUA. Khaim Yehoshua Eliyahu Avraham Zeldovitch b. 1882 in Minsk, was the son of Rabbi Baruch David (Halevy) Zeldovich + Khana Rivka Zeldovitch.

Yehoshua Zeldovitch / ZELDOVICH b. ca 1856/1860 [m. ?] was the brother [?] to Rabbi Baruch David (Halevy) Zeldovich (Zeldovitch who had the son Rabbi Moshe Aron Zeldowicz born in Minsk, Belarus. Rabbi BARUCH had sibilings: Musha Zeldovich b. 1858 and Mowsha Zeldovich b. June 1863) b. 1855 in Brzeziny, close to LODZ.
The son of Mowsha Zeldovich + Sheina Girsh-Itzkovna. BARUCH m. Khana Rivka.
Mentioned Mowsha Zeldovich b. 1837, d. in 1863, the son of Vulf Zeldovich + Feiga Borukhovna Zeldovich.
Mowsha ZELDOWICZ b. maybe 1821, Sheina Girsh-Itzkovna Zeldovich b. 1838.

Named above Vulf Zeldovich b. 1821, the son of Yelya Shmuilov Zeldovich + Fruma-Liba Mowshevna Zeldovich b. 1798, d. bef. 1881, the daughter of Movsha. Mentioned Yelya Shmuilov Zeldovich b. 1798, the son of Shmuila Dovidov Zholudovich + Ester Zeldovich b. 1775, the daughter of Girsh b. ca 1750. Above YELYA was the brother to Hana Zeldovich b. in BEREZYNA / Byerazino, the Berazino District, the Minsk Region, Belarus. And HANA's brother was Leizer Zeldovich b. ca 1790 in Berezyna / Byerazino, the Berazino District, Minsk Region, Belarus, d. 1844, the son of Shmuila Dovidov Zholudovich.
Leizer's daughter was b. in 1806, Haika Zeldovich in Berezyna / Byerazino, the Berazino District, the Minsk Region, Belarus. Mentioned Shmuila Dovidov Zholudovich / Shmulya b. in 1773 in BEREZYNA Ihumenska, d. 1856 in Byerazino, Berazino District. The son of David Zholudovich + Eska Zeldovich. Shmuila / SZMUL m. Ester Zeldovich.

The Seldovich and Zeldovitsch family came from Zoludowicz / Zholudovich and they lived in the Potockis estates around Berezyna, to south, east and south-east. This is family of Shmuil Dovidov Zholudovich / Shmulya, b. 1773 in Berezyna, d. in 1856 in Byerazino / Berezyna; the son of David Zholudovich + Eska Zeldovich. Dovid Zeldovich b. 1805, d. 1881, was the son of Shmuil Dovidov Zholudovich + Ester Zeldovich. Dovid b. 1805 m. Elka Zeldovich, with children: Meer Zeldovich; Dina Zeldovich; Basia Zeldovich and Eska Zeldovich. Dovid was the brother to Leizer Zeldovich; Hana Zeldovich; Rokha Zeldovich; Girsha Zeldovich; Yelya Shmuilov Zeldovich and two others. Above Leizer Zeldovich b. ca 1790 in Byerazino, d. 1844, the son of Shmuil Dovidov Zholudovich + Ester Zeldovich. Above Yelya Shmuilov Zeldovich b. 1798 married Fruma-Liba Mowshevna Zeldovich with Michal / Mikhlia Zeldovich; Minka Zeldovich; Dawid / Dovid Zeldovich; Vulf Zeldovich and Zelda Zeldovich. YELYA was the brother to Leizer Zeldovich; Hana Zeldovich; Rokha Zeldovich; Girsha Zeldovich; Zelda Zeldovich and two more. In 1816 census from Berezino (Berezan / BEREZYNA), the Ihumen / Igumen district, we have Bereznitsa / Bereznica, south-east to Goronitsy / Gorenichi / Garenitchi around 10 km [west to MIEZONKA]. Close to Kamennyi Borok / Kamienny Barok. In HORENICZY / Goronitsy or Gorenichi / Garenitchi, 10 km south to Byerazino. In Horeniczy / Horenicze / Goronidy / Goronizy, the estate of the Count POTOCKI / Pototskiy, we have Zholudovich (+ Leshchal / LESZCZAL). In Novoselki / NOWOSIOLKI, east to BEREZYNA, 6 km, at half way from Berezyna to Pohost; the owner Starobiniec / Starobinets we have also Zholudovich (+ Unknown or Nakhmanovichich / NACHMANOWICZ).

Byerazino or Berezino / BEREZYNA Ihumenska is a town on the Berezina. Top core of Polish conspiracy:
TYSZKIEWICZ - POTOCKI of Luboszany / Lubuszany and Berezyna, with the POTOCKI [the TEMPLARS] - PASZKIEWICZ [+ Bystrzanowski] branch of Trzebniow-Cracow-Tonie: Anna Maria Ewa Apolonia Tyszkiewicz, I voto Potocka, II voto Dunin-Wasowicz (1779 - 1867 in Paris) - Polish diarist; she was the landowner of LUBOSZANY - BEREZYNO / BEREZYNA.
BEREZYNA belonged to Maurycy Eustachy Ludwik Potocki, b. 1812 - died in 1879 in Krzeszowice or in Paris in 1880, and to his sons.
BEREZYNA - Alexander Israel Helphand Parvus and August Adam Potocki, b. 1847:
Acc. to 'Cheney Revives Parvus "Permanent War" Madness', by Jeffrey Steinberg, Allen Douglas, and Rachel Douglas:
"...The German government was deeply split over the issue of backing a Russian Bolshevik revolution. Close advisors to the German Kaiser argued that Germany should push a separate peace with the Tsar, while a faction, centered in the General Staff and around Foreign Minister Zimmerman, pushed for a war-to-the-death with Russia, arguing that war with Russia was inevitable, and it made sense to get on with it before Russia became more powerful. One of the key backers of the Parvus Plan at the German General Staff was Count Bogdan von Hutten-Czapski ... In addition to the German Foreign Ministry and the German General Staff, Parvus was also given access to an exhaustive amount of funds for his Russian regime change scheme from a leading German Synarchist industrialist and close associate of Hjalmar Schacht (later Hitler's Economics Minister), Hugo Stinnes of the German coal syndicate. Stinnes granted Parvus control over the shipping and sale of German coal to Denmark, from which Parvus made millions of gold marks per month...". And at present back again to Montenegro and Serbia, Venetia and Turkey:
Alexander Lvovich Parvus born Israel Lazarevich Gelfand / Aleksandr Parvus / Aleksander Izrael Lazariewicz Helphand / Aleksandr Izrail Lazarevich Gelfand (Gelfant, Helfant or Helphand), byname Parvus, left Russia in 1886 for Switzerland. He actually originated the notion of "permanent revolution". Gelfand attended gymnasium in Odessa and received private tutoring.
Parvus was born in 1867 in Berezino [BEREZYNA - LUBUSZANY estate of the Potockis] in the province of Minsk in Byelorussia, but grew up in Odessa where he finished college in 1885. A doctor of philosophy in 1891.
"... Exiled to Siberia, he [PARVUS] escaped. Once back in Europe he managed to lay his hands on 130,000 gold German marks from Max Reinhardt's productions of "The Lower Depths" and other Gorky plays. He was supposed to keep the money safe for their author. Instead, he started a new life in the Ottoman Empire, working first as an arms merchant for Krupp and later as a dealer in grain and coal as well as weapons. By 1915 he was the chief adviser to the German general staff on the revolutionary movement in Russia".
"...Parvus's status in Switzerland was secured by his longtime colleague, Adolph Muller, the German Ambassador in Berne, and a Munich publisher. According to authors James and Suzanne Pool ... he had done business with the Nazis since before the putsch. ... The money that Hitler used to purchase the newspaper came from a White Russian and former Okhrana associate, Vasili Biskupsky. ... At the close of World War I, Parvus wrote the following profile of the European situation: 'There exist two possibilities only: either the unification of western Europe, or Russia's domination. The whole game with the buffer states will end in their annexation by Russia, unless they are united with central Europe in an economic community, which would provide a counter-balance to Russia'. Under any circumstances, Parvus argued that the era of the nation-state system had ended in Europe...".
Acc. to the article on September 23, 2005, Executive Intelligence Review, ... Parvus Permanent War Madness, by Jeffrey Steinberg, Allen Douglas, and Rachel Douglas. This article was based on an exhaustive study by Allen and Rachel Douglas, 'The Roots of the Trust: From Volpe to Volpi, and Beyond - The Venetian Dragomans of the Russian Empire', and on published and unpublished research by Scott Thompson, Marjorie Mazel Hecht, and Joseph Brewda:
"...a doctrine which the Russian-born British intelligence asset Alexander Helphand, also known as Parvus, dictated to Leon Trotsky's effort to overthrow Russia's Tsar in the revolution of 1905. What Helphand dictated to his dupe Trotsky, in writing, personally, there at that time, is a doctrine of 'permanent revolution / permanent war', which Trotsky himself defended up to the moment of his murder by a Soviet assassin, in Mexico in 1940.

Alexander Israel Helphand (a.k.a. Parvus).
Both (Shabotynsky / Zabotynski of BEREZYNA) Jabotinsky and Parvus edited publications of the British / Venetian-spawned Young Turk movement, which helped ... the overthrow of the Ottoman Empire.
Like Jabotinsky, Parvus (1867 - 1924) came from (born in Berezyna in 1867) an Odessa family steeped in the grain trade. By 1886, Helphand / Parvus had already become involved in the Okhrana-spawned Russian socialist scene, travelling to Switzerland to participate in the Emancipation of Labor group, led by a number of documented Okhrana agents, including Lev Deutsch, and suspected Okhrana man Georgi Plekhanov / Plechanow.
... By 1900, Parvus had joined the inner circle of the Bolsheviks, using his Munich, Germany apartment to house the printing press for the group, and hosting V. I. Lenin and other leaders (see Brilling, Duflon and Konstantynowicz family, Inessa Armand, Anna Konstantynowicz nee Armand).
According to several biographical accounts, by 1902, Parvus was receiving direct Okhrana funding through Gorky, who gave Parvus the rights to publish his works abroad (see Neapol and Capua in my research). When the entire leadership of the Petersburg Soviet, including Trotsky, was rounded up and jailed in December 1905, Parvus escaped the police clutches. When he was later captured, he escaped police custody, courtesy of the Okhrana agent Lev Deutsch. Parvus next turned up, via Germany, in Constantinople, as a 'journalist' covering the Young Turk rebellion against the Ottomans ... It would be at this moment that Parvus's ties to the leading European 'Venetian Party' factions would be publicly shown. In 1908, the Committee for Union and Progress, otherwise known as the Young Turks, carried out a military coup, overthrowing the Sultan and seizing power over the Ottoman Empire. ... The actual founder of the Young Turk movement was an Italian Freemason and grain trader named Emmanuel Carasso. Jewish by birth, Carasso had been a founder of the Italian Masonic lodge in Salonika, called the Macedonia Risorta Lodge.
Alexander Parvus (1867 - 1924) came from BEREZYNA.

MEZHONKA - the residents in this Polish noble locality at the beginning of the 20th cent.
- Umecki near by Lodz now,
(Miezonka and neighbourhood) Jan and Florian sons of Jozef, Leon and Piotr sons of Foma, Wasyl and Felicjan sons of Ilin, Jakub and Maciej sons of Wincenty and others; close to Dzierzynski family (brother of Felix); one of them Boleslaw worked at the Monitz factory in Lodz, was born c. 1901 in Miezonka number 9, he had two sisters and brother Bronislaw, nowadays in Poland (near by Lodz, too),
Lodz at a later date;
madam Zaleski,
Barszczewski, Adam the son of Wincenty and Jan the son of a.n. Adam;
= Soroka, Saroka of Leliwa and Suchekomnaty arms in the Brest province and at a later date in Vilkmerge area, Dzisna region since 1571; related to Bulhak noble family and Koziell house; some estates in the Trakai district in 1607; Siberia now. Konstantynowicz among others Bydgoszcz now;
i.e. Sastakas with Dabrowa coat of arms and Tartars with Swan arms (they lived in the Lida and Vilna districts, for example A.D. 1764, and also in the Svencionys district A.D. 1835, derived from Tartar Szostak according to S. Dziadulewicz and verified in Minsk and Vicebsk); Stanislaw Szostak was from this family, person of the same age what my grandfather, he learnt at the "Nikolai - Ingenieurschule" (the air section was here during the First world war) in Petersburg by November 1917, defender of the Winter Palace on 07 November 1917, colonel of armoured weapon 1944 - 1947. According to Dariusz Szostak of 2011: Stanislaw Szostak born 14 January 1898 in Berezyna, died 11 February 1961, jailed 29 October 1917 to 18 December 1917 in Petrograd. Summer 1946 in UK. Among others Lodz now.
Witkowski = Vitovsky of 1860; among other things: Antoni and Wincenty the sons of Mikolaj and Jan who was son of Franciszek, in period of the January Insurrection 1863 - 1864;
Malkiewicz - they had relatives in Paluse i.e. Pluszcze; information of 1958 according to Narcyz Soroko from Siberia; among others Lodz now;
Zbieranowski - one from them, Mr. Aleksander Zbieranowski was convicted during "shahtynski" lawsuit of 1928 - he was radio engineer and the specialist - expert of a radio valves after completion of the Polytechnic of Berlin in 1914; other - Wladyslaw Zbieranowski was courier of the Polish Military Organization at the district of Babrujsk A.D. 1918. Aleksander born 1895 in Miezonka, son of Jan, wife Jozefa b. 1905 - daughter of Michal, lived in Kirylucha close to Rozyszcze in Volhynia before 1939, children: Danuta, Jan, Ryszard, Zygmunt. Near by Lodz now.

or Guscis (= Gustis); with Puchala and Horseshoe coats of arms in the Polack province and in Mahileu A.D. 1671 and next in the provinces Vilna and Minsk; they verified the arms in Minsk in 1825; the Huszcza and Tumilowicz families that is the rural "badger nobility", the Polish strongly. The Borsuki village (Badgers) is situated 15 km north - east from Miezonka, according to M. K. Pawlikowski who described history of Ipohorski - Irtenski family from the Berazino parish (proprietors of Backov estate 3 / 4 km E from the Berezina river); sons of Jerzy: Kazimierz, Hilary, Aleksander, Julian and Maciej Huszcza; peers of this Jerzy: Jan Huszcza, Semen, Fiodor and Kondrat Huszcza in the period of the January Insurrection; they've been living in Siberia and Belarus.

Ipohorski took Orzchowka, Niesiata / Nesyata / Neseta few km west to Klichav and close to Smolyarnya ["Nadberezyncy"], Biesiady and Lohozy. Manor in BACKOW in 1914, acc. to me 2 km east to Brodets / Brodziec and 14 km south to Gorenichi. Bef. Szemesz, Obuchowicz and next Ipohorski. In 1893 Tadeusz Irtenski was born here. The grandmother was from CZARNECKI. Close to Boratycze, Niehonicze, LOHY, Horodyszcze. But Orzechowka, Biesiady, Lohoza were lost by Ipohorski. NIESIATA belonged to relatives. Hektor Irtenski was married in 1845 in BACKOW. In 1914 were here among others:
Jesman of Kobylanka, and Wiazowiec; of Zaprudzie; Julian Jesmian of Wiazowiec; Wanda Lukaszewicz of Boratycze; Rozniecki of OSMOLOWKA, Rowinski of CHOCZEN, Nowicki of Ostrow / Ostrovo, 6 km north-east to Brodets, Rogowski of HORODYSZCZE, Kuba Lukaszewicz of BRODZIEC / Brodets, Edmund Swietorzecki and Mieczyslaw Swietorzecki, relatives to Ipohorski from Oszmiana.
Michal Ipohorski of NIEZYN; and few km on the west from Backow, was the estate of MIESCIN by the BEREZYNA river, of Porebski, the last Antoni Porebski. Here was living old woman SZEMESZ, from the owners of Backow and BORATYCZE.
The way was from Bobrujsk to Ostrow / Staryj Ostrov, Usa and Boratycze and from here few km to BACKOW.

Comment on the Bonch - Bruevichs:

the foremost expert in the radio valves in the tsarist Russia was Michail (2nd) Boncz Brujewicz (Bonch-Bruevich b. 1888 in Orjol - d. 1940; son of Aleksander (III) Boncz Brujewicz / Bonch - Bruevich who stayed in Kiev since 1896), electrician and engineer after completion of the "Nikolai - Ingenieurschule" in Petersburg 1914; he served in the Russian army as a professional officer, expert of electron lamps and radiolocation, 1915 - 1919 made a study of radio valves and organized the first production of one as chief of high - frequency's section in the Central laboratory of War Department in middle of 1917 (the first broadcast valves and valve sets appeared in Russian Air Force in 1917); director of the radio valves laboratory in 1918 - 1920 and author of the broadcasting station's project in Moskow of 1922; his son Aleksej Bonch - Bruevich (b. 1916) was the Soviet expert of electron tubes, too;
his relatives - actual originators of the November coup d'etat in 1917:
Wladymir Boncz Brujewicz = Bonch-Bruevich (1873 - 1955, son of Dmitry Bonch-Bruevich;
photo: W. Boncz - Brujewicz in Moscow, October 1918;
Wladymir i.e. Vladimir Bonch - Bruevich was publisher and one of Lenin's closet associates; he had got a cabin in autonomous Finland and Lenin had hiding place there in period July - October 10th, 1917 [Old Style] i.e. to 23rd October;
Vladimir Bruevich was administration manager at the Council of People's Commissars from November 1917; cf. F. Antoni Ossendowski, "Shadow of the bleak East", edition of 1919 and 1921, p. 57 - 58: he was known to sphere of Petersburg high society, Polish "old nobleman", secret chieftain of socialists; he concealed of Trocki - Bronstein in Petersburg A.D. 1905 and also directed Chrustalow - Nosar or Chrustalov - Nosari in 1905)
and general Michail (III) Boncz Brujewicz / Bonch - Bruevich either Bonch - Bruyevich Mikhail Dmitriyevich or Michal Bonc - Bruevic,
see - if you read Russian - here: http://history.tuad.nsk.ru/index.html (b. 1870 - died 1956; son of Dmitry who stayed in Moscow) who was tsarist general and next chief of staff of the Supreme Commander after November 1917, the military director of the Supreme Military Council and chief of general field staff of the Red Army in 1918 - 1919; was the specialist in take a pictures from airplanes and organized the first technical office of aerial photograph in 1925; he wrote "The aerial photograph" in 1931 and similar book in 1934 (and Grigorij - his son Mikolaj (2nd) b. 1896 was general of the Soviet air force);
the family of Aleksander II Brujewicz or Bonc - Bruievicius of the Boncza arms lived in Zbyszyn or Sbychin near to Tschetschewitschi since 1876 / 1880, 39 km SE away from Miezonka and the big estate had 5548 hectares.
He lived next door Gresmer or Greszner family (according to a map edited by A. Brantner of "K.u.k. militar - geographisches Institut" in Wien 1896) and Mr Witold Bulhak home (the Bulhak noble house of the Syrokomla arms, verified in Minsk A.D. 1802, possessed also in the government of Minsk: Matewitschi = Maciejewicze i.e. Macevicy 14 km SW of Miezonka, and Zuki, Budzilowka and Kondratowicze);
villages Woncza / Vontcha, Borki and Rogi - which Florian Czarnyszewicz described in a book "Nadberezyncy" i.e. Berezyna's Riverside Inhabitants - were situated close by the Zbyszyn estate: 3 and 7 km; besides a certain Aleksander (IV ?) Brujewicz purchased village Mistow and neighbourhood in the Congress Poland on 25 January 1861 but I haven't yet any firm evidences if it's the same Aleksander (2nd) Brujewicz who settled himself in the Zbyszyn property - I am searching information; they derived from Michal 1st Brujewicz who was born 1762 and stayed in the Minsk province and all following generations (all his sons: Aleksander I, Mikolaj I, Bazyli, Wiktor, Piotr, Pawel, Fiodor) served in Russian army at a later date; the Brujewicz family was in Mahileu A.D. 1718 and in Krycau A.D. 1745, Sladzin or Sladziniec in Mahileu region in 1761.

The strength of the civilian intelligence agency from Poland [Nowek + Adam Owsiany] was strengthened by Magdalena Bieniecka, 02 June 2021, 18.30. The full action in 1945-2021 has name CZARNIECKI and was directed by Gyps of Lodz, very long black hair, born ca 1931-1935, fat face like Moon, 175 cm.
02 June - 11.30-12.30, the woman 57 years old, Skalna 15 and under care of Police, Paulina, and with RV10OFB.
On 04 June 2021, 15.05 - T. 63, 15.10 - T. 47; 15.15 - T. 31, RO68YON.
On June 6, 2021, boy, very black hair, 182 cm, aged 18, 13.43-15.15: W. 163;
together with W. 102 - boy, Romanian, 33 years old, strong distance glasses, 14.55-15.07,
W. 163 is the friend of the red-haired boy on W. 135.
Monday, 07 June 2021, 12.39, famous spy from Mapl. 20, 192 cm, Romani of Romania.
On 09 June 2021, 16.30-17.00, St Mary's 74, very long hair, big nose, Balkan eyes, 175 cm.
Sunday, 13 June 2021, 10.39, action with Tatnam Crescent 6 - guy, of Bydgoszcz probably, a flat face like horse, gray-white hair, very short, bald, 55/60 years old, strong, well-built figure, free step, runs 10.39- 11.45.
Works together with Stokes 28, Romani of Poland, very long dark hair and big nose, tattoo all the way to the neck, 60 aged; 13.03-13.09 the same day 13 June.
On June 13, 19, Sinti of Skalna 15 and T. 1B, girl, 175 cm, move out around December 2020.
On June 14, Monday, 2021, 15.13-15.17-15.35: Maple 20, Romani of Romania, 192 cm, black short hair and big nose, he had no GPS data on the phone, but he spoke to his boss in person on the phone, 15.14.
Tuesday, 15 June 2021,
the lady-landlord started intensive activity; local Jew, 75 years old, caver to Paulina, of Wadiste Modou of Senegal, and of high stature woman, 57 years old, Romani of Skalna 15. A girl from Fernside 16/18 was launched at 15.30-17.00; 16.00-17.00, the above owner acted together with MoveOn and talked with my owner, and this old woman give support to Paulina. And with Chinese boy, 25 aged;
and together with fat landlord, woman of W. 91, the owner of B&B and probably 89 + 93.
They were waiting for me and my bus, 18.30-19.00.

On 12 June 2021 we confirm that W. 62/66 of "R-Cleaning" by his fat wife, is friend to W. 102, the boy, 28-32 aged, 165 cm, skinny and google for distance; and with his friend of W. 102, the girl, Romanian [NOT of South America roots], long hair, 178 cm, 28 years old.
On 29 May 2021 [Saturday] acted boy, white skinny face, smokes e-cigarettes, 180 cm, 20 years old, feature it is long, thick, strongly curled, red hair - until it is orange. Maybe he has glasses to go. He has been watching my house since 15.20 to 16.10. Similarly, a girl watched my house on May 10, 2021, 16.50, thick, white, long, very blonde hair with orange highlights, thick legs; upper legs, thighs, tightly connected to each other, around 25 years old, T. 113 - a hotel for several observers from Venezuela, Romania, Poland and Slovakia [she was secured by a boyfriend, white, W. 95; 28 years. 175 cm, moustache, 17.02 on 10 May 2021 + 17.25-17.35, boy, Romania, 165 cm, slim, beard, black hair, glasses for go, at W. 102 - next hotel for observers from Romania, Spain, Venezuela].

The action on 05 June 2021, 16.35-16.55 is similr like the provocation with threats on 02 October 2020, 15.20-16.50: Gy... of Ro... nationality, big gold chain on neck, from Poland, Lodz - Zgierz; similar Ro... in the area at Gorniak / Przybyszewskiego Road, acted ca 1990 together with Lia Tarashvili Turabelidze. Assigned place 04 B; very easy to identification in his minority society - his wife, around 52, with brown hair - took the place on 03 B. On October 2, 2020, they probably reached the capital of one of the countries of Western Europe and then in my city. This is the same group of agents of the Foreign Intelligence Agency from Lodz as Si..., 38 old, muscular, shaved bald, on 30 September 2010, in a white car, EZG 17638 - 14.30-15.35. And Skalna 15
[the same net on 05 June 2021, woman, 175/180 cm, 57 aged; with Telefoniczna 61 and Krokusowa 57 + 59; with the counter-intelligence boss in the 80' of the 20th century for Captain Krzysztof Tomczyk: maybe Colonel of Counter-intelligence in Lodz, Zgierz, Zdunska Wola, 175 cm, very black hair, very long and very twisted hair to neck, fat and a face like Moon, also fat; his roots, Romani of Poland, born ca 1931/36].
Both actions were directed by the same communist - compare in November 2019 - in August 2020 the action from Gorska Road 25, apartment 3 and 4; and also on 03 - 04 October 2020 - Andrzej, once a baker and Marek from clearance of goods - both Si... Now let's go back to the provocation of October 2, 2020, 15.20-16.50 under the cameras, face filmed [for the second time since November 2013] - a provocateur wearing a brown leather jacket with a buttoned collar from the back, metal zip fastening; face of the Ro... of Balkan type, 190 cm tall, thick, very muscular hands, thick black eyebrows, black eyes like Balkan people, under his eyes a very large semicircle of sagging skin - the so-called bags under the eyes [very characteristic crescents], unshaven, very black hair, very short cropped, clear gray hair, round face, approximately 55 years old, the NERK working for the Lodz Foreign Intelligence Agency.
In principle, all these people (October 1987 - September 1989) were associated with the Warsaw special services (Spartakusa Rd No 43 / 45; and Krokusowa Rd 57 + 59), mainly with counter-intelligence of the security services (by the way, like in the whole period 1972 {Boguslaw Grabowski - 1968; Adam Adamkiewicz and A. Krych - 1972; J. Janowski - 1973; K. Wojcieszek - 1973; P. Dmochowski - 1974; J. Hempel - 1975; J. Matysiak - 1977; Slawomir Broniarz - 1978. The General Zbigniew Nowek from Bydgoszcz {General Nowek - his professional career in 1990 started with the aid of the head of the Ministry of Interior, Andrzej Milczanowski} and Torun [in 2005 to 2008 head of the Foreign Intelligence Agency, in 2010 deputy chief of the National Security Agency]. With Colonel Brunon Czabok [cyber threat information security and ex-Deputy Director of the Office of Information Security and Computer Security] a head in KATOWICE}

My friends:
Captain Krzysztof Tomczyk b. ca 1952 ['famous' minority, 'horse' face, ca 192 cm, born ca 1955] + Andrzej Kolczynski; Monika Bogucka Sedzicka; Jaworska Halina - Wodkiewicz; + Rozan by Narew river;
with the next network 2006-2014 reaching to the town Rozan and Geremek; Chodecz {since 1983} - Brzesc Kujawski {2012-2013, Maciej Igor Wojtczak + Radoslaw Sadowski; Wloclawek; to Popowo near Tluchowo; J. Burnicki; Maciej B. of Tczew; Pisz Andrzej; Wabrzezno {since 2005} - Olecko; Jan Ddl; J. Kowalczyk in May-June 2019;
and next Pole, man, 60 years old, drinker, slim, 175 cm, grayish light hair; the ex-owner of plot of land in worker's gardens ['Employees' garden plots] at "Tram depot" on Telefoniczna Rd No 61 - co-operated with No 60, he acted as a provocateur in 2004; again in March 2019; it works around me in May 2019 abroad [Senegal - Szczecin - Polish Jew net].
And on 18th April 2017, a network of Senegal / Nguekokh = NGUEKHOKHE / Jamaica, Mandeville with Bronx - sample: 06 August 2019, 16.55 and 19.25, el Mamadou.
An upset Russian organization from Rachanie - Opoczno - Gostomia - Chocen, together with national minorities, sends for observation my home MODOU, from Nguekhokhe, Senegal in the Thies province until 2015 [2016 Spain, since April 2017 the action around me], 195 cm tall, thin, dressed up as Arab; is April 21, 2020, Tuesday, 11.00-11.18; his W. 135 uses wiretapping from P. S. since 10.30 - and rear protections from Neg..., at Garland 142, HY58WXM; and Burleigh [the Burleigh Hotel co-operated with the Co-operativa Foods, on 04 October 2020, 06.13-06.45, fat young girl, 170 cm, 25 years old; and with Tatnam 113, at a garret - young fat boy, night shift, long black hair, 175 cm, 27 years old]. In addition, waiting at a distance of 100 meters, a white, 180 cm, medium length black hair, fat - 11.04-11.14 in touch via smarthphones.
Shock - compare with:
The rage of the left, which Donald Trump calls terrorists and Nazis, is great. On July 20, 2020 I will go out second time.
A 11{in 2019}/13{in 2021}-year-old girl with a pink t-shirt is waiting for me on W. Hill, 18.40-19.00: she runs around me to the Mansfield Hotel - in the past, this Mansfield Hotel was used by Neg... and Spanish on W. Cliff Gardens. Now a new LG... Spanish, 28 years old, 177 cm, dark face, black long heirs, under the care of a Spaniard from Murcia, was dancing during work on July 18, 2020, drugged. Provocative girl:
11/13 years old, thin, 150 / 155 cm, a pink t-shirt, black long pants, blonde with medium long hair; she got takeaway food as a reward! This 11/13-year-old girl - by physical appearance; thin, sick probably with Asperger syndrome, small head, eyes behind glasses to the distance, had medium-short hair, artificially dyed blond - white, trimmed equally from the back at the height of the neck. From 18.40 to 19.40 her guardian was working:
Caucasian-Balkan type, maybe Ro..., 188 cm, well-built, backpack, face - beige and brown colour. Oblong face. He used a car hidden on 8A McKinley; N899WGR - big old car, gray. This Balkan type, 45 years old, - N899WGR parking on McKinley 8A - was looked after by a white woman, 50 years old, slim, long gray hair, 165 cm - ran to W. Overcliff, around 19.30. Let us remember that the provocateur girl was waiting for me near the school where R. Thompson from Jamaica was employed in 2017, 25 years old, very slim and shapely black woman, genealogically related to the Churchill family. The 12-year-old girl wore thick distance glasses and was in hiding at the Mansfield Hotel until at least 19.50 on July 20, 2020. 19.40-20.00:
next white girl, 30 years old, very tanned, two chins, but slim figure, 155 cm, there was bodyguard for a woman, 50 years old. Girl 30 years old, ran away to Edmondsham House - this building had agents from Romania since about 2015. And all the actions of the left-wing Nazi terrorist provocateurs ended [20.45-21.10; but the start was 17.33-17.36,
with Ro... girl of Tatnam 33, 27-31 years old, 165 cm, long hair, long nose. We added on a local woman of Bancroft Court - 21.10-21.40] at Shaftesbury near the Hospital, a famous drug addict, 195 cm, thin with hashish, Gy..., Ro..., Maple 20 / Garland 41 A. He was waiting on me, 20.30 - 20.59, Monday, 20 July 2020.

Provocation with threats on 02 October 2020, 15.20-16.50:
Gypsy of Roma nationality, from Poland, Lodz - Zgierz; similar Roma in the area of ??Gorniak - Przybyszewski, acted ca 1990. Assigned place 04 B; his wife, around 52, with brown hair - took the place on 03 B.
On October 2, 2020, they probably reached the capital of one of the countries of Western Europe.
This is the same group of agents of the Foreign Intelligence Agency from Lodz as Sinti, 38 old, muscular, shaved bald, on 30 September 2010, in a white car, EZG 17638 - 14.30-15.35.
And Skalna 15.
Both actions were directed by the same communist - compare in November 2019 - in August 2020 the action from Gorska 25, apartment 3 and 4; and also on 03 - 04 October 2020 - Andrzej, once a baker and Marek from clearance of goods - both Sinti.
Now let's go back to the provocation of October 2, 2010,
under the cameras, face filmed [for the second time since November 2013] - a provocateur wearing a brown leather jacket with a buttoned collar from the back, metal zip fastening;
face of the Roma of Balkan type,
190 cm tall, thick, very muscular hands, thick black eyebrows, black eyes like Balkan people, under his eyes a very large semicircle of sagging skin - the so-called bags under the eyes
[very characteristic crescents], unshaven, very black hair, very short cropped, clear gray hair, round face, approximately 55 years old,
NERK working for the Lodz Foreign Intelligence Agency.

On 21 November 2023: one hour and half a chinese eyes Jew of Denmark 74 was looking for me; and two pretty girls, one ex-Garland 72 and second young woman of blondy middle hair, 19 years old, 165 cm.

On 22 November 2023 You Tube show: the former official, Stuart Seldowitz, was recorded in several videos posted on X, also known as Twitter. Stuart Seldowitz, 64 aged, denied he is Islamophobic. We know on Isadore Seldowitz, 1886-1979; Samuel Seldowitz b. 1878, d. 1937 in Manhattan, New York County, New York; Arthur Seldowitz b. 1918. In 2018: Hannah Gelband, AU degree in history, with minors in psychology and Jewish studies, with support from the donor-funded Estelle Seldowitz. "A former adviser to Barack Obama said that killing 4,000 Palestinian children 'wasn't enough' during a racist and islamophobic rant to a food vendor. In videos shared on social media, Stuart Seldowitz can be heard asking someone off-camera whether they raped their 'daughter like Muhammad did'. 'Muhammad, your prophet ... He was a rapist,' he said. Mr Seldowitz was acting director for the National Security Council South Asia Directorate under President Obama, a senior political officer and was deputy director in the US State Department's Office of Israel and Palestinian Affairs from 1999 to 2003. Most recently he served as foreign affairs chair for Gotham Government Relations, which cut ties with him following the release of the videos. Mr Seldowitz has since apologised for the incident. Speaking to City and State on Tuesday night [21 November], he said: 'I regret the whole thing happened and I'm sorry ... In the heat of the moment, I said things that probably I shouldn't have said.'

RESET - American analyst Ian Easton reminds us of this in his book 'Decisive clash. Secrets of China's global strategy'. Published by the Globalization Institute in 2023. And behind RESET are Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Behind them are Eli SEGAL, Samuel BERGER and Paul Wolfowitz. The links to Kublicze in Belarus, Wajgowo in the SZAWLE province, Radomsko with Zakrzew close to Dmenin Bugajski. The thesis put forward by the author is shocking, but not for me and not for Maciarewicz. The greatest geostrategic mistake of all time was the belief that the economic strengthening of Russia and China would lead to their democratization - see Tusk, Tannenwald and VIETOR. And now on 07 November 2023 and 09 November 2023 we lock on Russian RESET of USA with Putin-Medvedev team by Tommy VIETOR, White House spokesman! MEDVEDEV was to present Russia's proposal in LISBON to stop NATO's eastward expansion and limit the alliance's military capabilities in the area of the new NATO members in Central and Eastern Europe [it was about Poland, Romania, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania]. RIABKOV stated that he wanted, for example, in the territory of Poland and the Baltic countries to establish "certain military guarantees". On September 24, 2011, the US announced that the Moscow reset would remain in place regardless of the president in Moscow will be change. On September 24, 2011 Medvedev announced that PUTIN will run for president of Russia in MARCH 2012. "We will continue to benefit from RESET progress, no matter who is president in Moscow," said Tommy VIETOR, White House spokesman! The first time in NATO's history, NATO's new strategic concept for the next 10 years will not define Russia as a threat, but as a partner [Lisbon's meeting]. Rasmussen in the last days of April 2010 said in Tallinn: "We will also discuss how we engage Russia in missile defence. ... I believe that we can and must engage Russia in missile defence, to the benefit of Europe's security and its political unity. ... And the new bilateral agreement between Ukraine and Russia does not change that. It's a bilateral agreement and it will not have an impact on our relationship neither with Russia nor with Ukraine. ... Because last December [2009], we made important decisions at a ministerial level in the NATO-Russia Council on launching a joint review of the 21st Century common security challenges; a comprehensive work program for 2010; and reforms of the NATO-Russia Council; and the time horizon for producing results is by the end of this year [2010]. So I find it quite natural that we meet when there is something concrete to discuss. So I have to say there's nothing dramatic in the fact that we do not have a NATO-Russia Council here in Tallinn". On 09 April 2010 Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama flew from Prague to USA. On 08 April 2010 Dalia Grybauskaite met President Lech Kaczynski in Wilno. EASTON said that both Moscow and Beijing used cooperation with the West and market mechanisms not only for dynamic economic development, but above all for the arms race.
Thanks to the mechanisms of making Western countries dependent on raw materials and production, Beijing is able to exert political pressure on all European Union countries and the United States. The dependence on China is so great that it would not be surprising if it turned out that the European idea of the green revolution came from the initiative of Beijing, or more precisely - of the Communist Party of China, an organization that, still faithful to the Marxist tradition, is the most powerful, omnipotent and omnipresent organization in the Middle Kingdom. Ian Easton claims that Xi Jinping is a figure comparable to Mao Zedong and has concentrated the greatest power since then. CHINA's main goal: It is the creation of global communism, not the light version of democratic socialism known from the European Union. It is not about 'overthrowing the old world, but establishing a new one,' explained Xi Jinping. 'Marxism is the most important guiding principle of our party and our state,' he thundered. CHINA makes weaker governments dependent on itself. It generously grants loans, builds critical infrastructure, and then dictates terms. CHINA tries to be everywhere, collect information, place his agents of influence. Not only in Asian or African countries, but especially in Europe and the USA. China, fighting an invisible war with the West [KENNEDY said on this threst in 60' of the 20th century], wants a tectonic shock, a paradigm shift, the ruin of Western civilization and its replacement by the domination of Chinese communism, a technocratic totalitarianism that will control the individual in every aspect
[James Jesus Angleton vs J. F. Kennedy in 1963 and Dudino-Monasterszczyna of the HOLYNSKI family with Specter. Hillary Clinton and Podesta, Putin, Radek Sikorski. China and Russia with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama Husajn junior. Leopold Kronenberg, Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, Loewenstein and Gerlach, Zamoyski in Klemensow and Kaczorowski with Rettinger. Ordega of Zelechow; Roman of Zelechow; Wyssogota-Zakrzewski of Zelechow and Chocen;
Lech Walesa's ancestors of the Chocen commune; Jaroslaw Slota vel Skota of Chocen with his friends:
Malgorzata Zieleniewska of Lodz - the friend to PM Leszek Miller,
Monika Sedzicka nee Bogucka of Sporna and Krokusowa 59, the counter-intelligence officer.
Ordega and Jan Bloch and Leopold Kronenberg with the Zamoyski family in Klemensow-Bodaczow with Rettinger and the Kaczorowski's: President Kaczorowski in London and Emilia Kaczorowska Wojtyla, with the Wojtyla family in the Andrychow district: Czaniec close to Roczyny of Romani, General Czeslaw Kiszczak, near to Inwald of the General Miroslaw Milewski's mother].
This idea also finds fertile ground for Great Reset ideologists
[Garfinkel, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Anna Teresa Tymieniecka, Bush, Mohrenshildt, Bill Clinton, Summers and Samuelson of Raczki Wielkie close to Suwalki, Sandberg].

In 2021, Xi Jinping was received with honors by Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum. Schwab declared that his environment - the elite of this world - is also part of building a community of people sharing a common future. A few years ago, China presented its vision of how the tectonic shift on the geopolitical map of the world would begin. 'The United States is weakening. China is getting stronger. Russia is becoming aggressive. Europe is in chaos [compare the wars in Ukraine 2022/2023 and in GAZA in October/November 2023].' This scenario is unfolding before our eyes, and only a highly naive person could believe that Beijing only cares about the well-being of its citizens and helping the entire world. Becoming dependent on China carries similar threats to becoming dependent on Russia. Both countries never gave up their dreams of imperial power. Although Moscow [compare my webpages in 2010/2014 and again in 2017/2023] no longer has the strength or resources to conquer the world or even Europe [the Russian plan of 1717/1721/1741/1795/1815], China's power is one big mystery. Inscrutable even to the United States. About March of '71, it was got a call from one of BERGER's closest friends still today, Eli Segal, who later on in the Clinton administration began AmeriCorps, Welfare to Work, and was the Chief of Staff of the campaign in 1992. Beregr was thinking about coming down to Washington to do a clerkship for Judge Theodore Tannenwald of the tax court. Later they are going to elect a President [Bill Clinton] who's 'going to end the war' [with Russia? or in Palestina...]. Trump vs Eli J. Segal, 1943 - 2006, b. in New York, the son of Mortimer Segal and Rose Segal (born Zimand). The Jew family. The peak moment to the Russian victory was 1945 and 1963, when after killing of President John F. Kennedy, a network of secret societies of a globalistic-pro-Russian and liberal-sexual character, took over power in the US until 2016/2017 - but Donald Trump is fighting with the Czerniowce-Jassy-Suczawa movement of Romanian Jews in 2023. Underground monolith in Poland ie. pro-Russian minority-communist-liberal-sexual political option collapsed in 2015. In the US, the Illuminati-globalists suffered in November 2016 with Donald Trump. In the UK in 2017-2020 with Brexit. Of course, the Russians do not allow their global intelligence structures to fail after 300 years, the period of circa 1715-2015, when they built their power, whose symbol is the Russian Army in Paris in 1814. And a small Russian colony in California was at the same time - copyright by Bogdan Konstantynowicz on 21 November 2023.

"The Obama Doctrine's Reset with Russia and Europe", by Oxford University Press and the Kentucky university press, by Robert G. Kaufman in April 2016:
"Ultimately, the reset with Russia that is organic to the Obama Doctrine has enabled Putin's enormous arrogance and grandiose ambitions, ... the reset with an increasingly authoritarian and expansionist Russian regime. Calibrated sanctions and diplomacy will not suffice to persuade Putin to abandon his grand design to restore some type of Russian empire across central Europe, starting with the dismemberment of an independent Ukraine.
The administration's reset has demoralized traditional democratic allies in Eastern Europe and emboldened Putin's worst instincts. The Western European democracies lack the political will or military capability to balance successfully against Putin without a strong, credible American military presence that President Obama's diplomacy and improvident defense cuts have undermined.

The Obama Doctrine will leave Europe less free and less secure than the more robust policies of his Republican internationalist predecessors." Jakub Frank of Czerniowce and his Frankist's movement in Romania with Gypsies and Jews of Suczawa-Jassy-Czerniowce with Sibiu-Timisoara: Cojocaru-Akim and Asien; Wolowski-Szymanowski-Brzezinski-Nejman and Frankists of Poland in the service of Russian Intelligence in 60' of the 18th century with Kamyk of the Kiedrzynskis. Esplanade 32, Pieniny 5, Gorska 25, Tadeusz Cieslak at Krokusowa 72A, and Monika Sedzicka at Krokusowa 59 with Fernside 16 - Polish Gypsies of Lodz, in 2007/September 2023. In the 80' of the 19th century Czerniowce with Kiedrzynski-Arnold-Wolowski branch of Raszkow and Bieganin.
Thessaloniki in Greece and Suczawa-Jassy-Czerniowce with Romanian JEWS close to Clinton-Obama political arrangement: Hitzig b. 1874 in Cucinrul Mare; Segal of Romania, Botosani, and Garfinkel under Oginski with Maya Chrapowicka and Miezonka. Barack Obama and Samuel Berger - Kublicze in Belarus. James Jesus Angleton vs J. F. Kennedy in 1963 and Dudino-Monasterszczyna of the HOLYNSKI family with Specter. Hillary Clinton and Podesta, Putin, Radek Sikorski. China and Russia with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama Husajn junior. Leopold Kronenberg, Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, Loewenstein and Gerlach, Zamoyski in Klemensow and Kaczorowski with Rettinger.
Zakrzew close to Radomsko with Paul Wolfowitz, Ankwicz, Szwarcenberg-Czerny and Sobanski. Kuchary of the Ostrowskis - they took Leszno village close to Krasne and Przasnysz. Zakrzew / Zakrzow Wielki near to Bugaj, Kodrab and Radomsko. Ankwicz intermarried Szwarcenberg-Czerny from the Andrychow district - the links to Skora, Pfeiffer of Przedborz and Lodz, Temler of Wilczkow, Bobrowski, Sobanski and Kiedrzynski.

Reset to Russia in 1972-February 2023 on the genealogical groundwork of my family Konstantynowicz in Kublicze, Berezyna, Miezonka, Dudino-Monasterszczyna, Vajguva / Wajgowo in Belarus-Lithuania: Robert Rubin, Robert Schwarz Strauss, Arlen Specter, Czeslaw Kiszczak in 1972 the head of military intelligence, the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1972, TANYIA CHUTKAN, Tannenwald, Samuel Berger, Bill Clinton, Eli Segal, with Garfinkel of Antopol, Szawle and Wajgowo vs Donald Trump in 2016-2023 - copyright by Bogdan Konstantynowicz on 03 November 2023.
My research concerns many state intelligence networks created in the first half of the 18th century.
Initially it was a global political network of the Russian intelligence infiltrated by the British [1791], French [from the 40s of the 18th century] and Germans [1769/1776], and by the Polish independence conspiracy [was established 1792/1799] starting from a years 1870/1878.
A few details after 10 years of my websites ie in 2013:
In 2007, we have in parallel Eli Segal of the Suczawa district, Bronislaw Komorowski of Courland and Pogodno-Szczecin-Police HQ together with Zbigniew Brzezinski - Obama team. On 25 August 2007, Zbigniew Brzezinski endorsed then Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. In endorsing him, Brzezinski said 'What makes Obama attractive to me is that he understands that we live in a very different world where we have to relate to a variety of cultures and people'. Zbigniew Brzezinski was pro-Israel, he is a so-called Liberal Zionist. He had Jews / Frankists ancestors, Wolowski and Szymanowski. In 1988 Zbigniew Brzezinski endorsed H. W. Bush for President [my father was killed on 02/03 November 1987 - Wojtek with a woman, now 60 years old, the Skladowa/Kilinskiego corner, and this woman, drinker, was working in my factory around 2010/2012 with help of Czarnecki, LGB..., of Job Agency with net to Sewilla and Jerez de la Frontiera in 2003/2004 and Lodz. Wojtek was working for Security Agency of ex-communist officers of Lodz. Compare Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1987] and Zbigniew Brzezinski was Co-Chair of the H. W. Bush national security advisory task force.
From 1987 to 1989 Zbigniew Brzezinski, with the Frankists roots of Szymanowski-Wolowski-Brzezinski-Naimiski net, also served on the H. W. Bush's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. "Bill Clinton' Secretary of State Madeline Albright was a student of Brzezinski's. G. W. Bush Secretary of State, Condi Rice (also a former national security advisor), who studied under Albright's father, shares many of the same world government views with Brzezinski and Albright...". In 1987/1988 Jakob Frank and his ring took top positions in US goverment: Zbigniew Brzezinski of the Wolowskis, Barack Obama with Tymieniecka, Albright of Czech, Hillary Clinton, Samuel Berger, Eli Segal of Romania, Paul Wolfowitz of the Radomsko district, Tannenberg and Radoslaw Sikorski with the Russian intelligence ring together with Szczecin-Lodz Foreign Intelligence Agency under influence of Zionism with Newlinski of Raszkow owned by Kiedrzynski; Zionism with Adam Mickiewicz, Oliphant, Zbigniew Brzezinski and his family intermarried Wolowski-Szymanowski branch. Jakub Frank of Czerniowce and his Frankist's movement acted in Romania [in Smolensk in 1765, the Frankists started work for Russian intelligence net in Poland, Germany, Turkey, and others countries] with Gypsies and Jews of Suczawa-Jassy-Czerniowce with Sibiu-Timisoara: Cojocaru-Akim and Asien; Wolowski-Szymanowski-Brzezinski-Nejman and Frankists of Poland in the service of Russian Intelligence in 60' of the 18th century with Kamyk of the Kiedrzynskis. The Russian intelligence ring together with Colonel Aleksander Lichocki, General Jozef Flis, the Szczecin-Lodz Foreign Intelligence Agency under influence of Zionism with Newlinski of Raszkow owned by Kiedrzynski; Zionism with Adam Mickiewicz, Oliphant, Zbigniew Brzezinski and his family intermarried Wolowski-Szymanowski branch.

Samuel BERGER [his mother's roots from Kublicze in Belarus, owned by the Piottuch-Kublicki intermarried Szumski and Konstantynowicz of Miezonka - the estate took Dominik Konstantynowicz in 1842; until November 1918] studied at the Cornell University in 1967, and his earned Juris Doctor degree from Harvard Law School in 1971. At Cornell, Samuel Berger was a member of the Quill and Dagger society [ca 1967-1971] with Paul Wolfowitz [his roots came from Radomsko and Zakrzew = Zakrzow Wielki close to Bugaj Kodrebski, where acted Skora from my mother genealogical side]. Paul Dundes Wolfowitz (born December 22, 1943) is an American political scientist and diplomat who served as the 10th President of the World Bank, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense, U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia [here Barack Obama was living, then the 'RESET' President of US]. Paul Wolfowitz came from Zakrzow Wielki / ZAKRZEW close to Bugaj / Bugaj Zakrzewski, Kodrab and Radomsko - the estate of Ankwicz intermarried Szwarcenberg-Czerny from the Andrychow district - the links to Skora, Pfeiffer of Przedborz and Lodz, Temler of Wilczkow, Bobrowski, Sobanski and Kiedrzynski.

Top 'RESET to RUSSIA' statesman and main Bill Clinton's supporter was ELI Segal b. 1943. Segal's roots came from Botosani close to Suczawa and from Czerniowce - the main town of Jakob Frank pro-Russian movement in the 60' of the 18th century, with links to Thessaloniki, Frankfurt am Main, Altona close to Hamburg, Podhajce, Rochaczow and with the Wolowski family intermarried Arnold-Kiedrzynski branch in CHOCEN in 1870 and with Szymanowski-Adam Mickiewicz line under Zionist movement. In the Kiedrzynski's Raszkow the Newlinski family was living, and NEWLINSKI was top Zionist member in the 19th century. KUBLICZE in Belarus: Samuel Richard Berger came from [his mother's line] KUBLITZ owned by the Piottuch-Kublicki, my relatives. Samuel also known as Sandy, met Bill Clinton in 1972!

My grandfather Jerzy Konstantynowicz / Marian Stankiewicz / Marys / Marian Konstantynowicz was rarely at home before The Second World War. He traveled often for longer. With these expeditions brought particular trophies. What it was? These trophies from the trips were the Bolshevik guns called "revolver" or "Nagan" with a large caliber. He had a drawer in his office in the garrison of the 77th infantry regiment in Lida, full of them always. Probably, he killed enemies acc. to my father, on behalf of the Polish state. So my father spoke to us, grandfather often had to be on a secret trip to the Soviet Union. When he left the garrison and was in the central Poland, it received the nick-name Stankiewicz. For his interlocutors he took as a gift the Bolshevik guns. Once he was at the anniversary meeting of the members of the Polish Military Organization in Krakow and he was wearing a colonel's uniform. He had several biographies: according to one worked for the mobilization department of the Ministry of Defence. According to another legend, was a accountant. Still other data said that already in Tsarist Russia was learning to future employee of military intelligence, probably in the range of encryption and radio. The course includes swam on the Russian battleship - "Petropavlovsk". During World War I it was stationed in Helsinki. In 1918, in Miezonka and Bobruisk he walked in uniform of the tsarist army probably "junker", very decorative, according to his colleague from Miezonka. Also Jerzy Konstantynowicz, the son of Anna Armand + Apolon Konstantynowicz, used the birth certificate of Marian Konstantinovich, who died shortly after birth, but he was baptized. The new born baby died when his mother Anna also died - she was from the home of Malkiewicz family. These false documents indicated to Stanislaus Konstantynowicz as his adoptive father. When in 1939 he was in a camp for Polish interned soldiers in Palanga, Lithuania has used for identification in contact with the family, a sailing ship picture. In 1947 he settled near to Buenos Aires, Argentina. After 1948 all marks after him are interrupted. It is known, however, that he was in Mexico aft. ca 1950. No one knows where or when he died.
Before the Second World War my grandfather Jerzy or Marian Konstantynowicz did not have in the then Poland any family of his parents. My family in the twenties and thirties of the twentieth century, was running an extensive exchange of correspondence mainly from Estonia and in second place with Finland and Latvia. At a later point were letters from Lithuania.
A revenge on the family of George / Jerzy aka Marian Konstantynowicz, which - since 1945 - found themselves in the new Communist Poland, was also terrible. There is no exact date of the death of his elder son John / Jan Konstantynowicz (he died ca 30 Nov. 2003; in the forties of the 20th century taken name Stankiewicz) and wife of the same Jan, Marianne Konstantynowicz. They had broken heads with blood. His younger son, Edward Guido Konstantynowicz died in a strange and mysterious circumstances on the night 02 November 1987 / November 3, 1987 year. I think that is from the hands of the communist forces. Around 25/28 October 1987 I took informations on three person: Zbigniew Natkanski, Ewa Chudzik married K., and I. G. m. K. that they acted against me both and under command of intelligence services of the communist Poland. The person, Wojciech, who met with my father on November 2, 1987 year died in a year after my discovery of father's death around 1995. But intelligence agency sent to me Wojciech's friend - a woman in 2001/2004, and again ca 2010/2014, very black hairs, b. ca 1965, Jew probably, drinker.
I wanted to talk to father on November 2, 1987 the course of the very important issues that surround our family in communist Poland, but my father went away suddenly, out of this world. The revenge touched Edward's sons in 1987 - 2014. A tomb of the wife of Marian aka George Konstantynowicz - Stankiewicz, or Marian Konstantynowicz this is Sophia Konstantynowicz, nee Plaszczewska of Vilnius, also no longer exist (d. 1987).
My family members were killed at this time, Jan Konstantynowicz and his wife at Skladowa / Kilinskiego corner. On 02/03 November 1987 my father was killed by Wojciech, resident of this building. Wojciech working for security agency of Lodz communist officers. Wojciech's friend, woman born ca 1960 of Lodz, was sent to me abroad after 2010. Mentioned L. was a colonel of the WSI, former head of the First Directorate of the WSW, Aleksander L. Revealing the fact of Komorowski's long-term acquaintance with Col. L., the journalist ended by asking: 'What interest did a high-ranking WSI officer have in acting as a spokesman for Bronislaw Komorowski?' Several days later, on October 27, 2007, 'Wprost' reported that 'The annex to the report of the verification commission of the Military Information Services has already been sent to the president.' It was also reported that 'former Minister of National Defense Bronislaw Komorowski was summoned to appear before the committee next Monday. On October 30, 2007 'Rzeczpospolita' wrote: 'The names of Komorowski, Onyszkiewicz [intermarried Pilsudski's family like the Karwats of Bydgoszcz], Kalisz, Szmajdzinski and Rusak are included in the annex to the report on the Military Information Services.' On November 19, 2007 The 'Diary' brought sensational information with the headline: 'Anyone can buy secret documents, titled Annex to the report on the WSI for sale'. The content of the testimony given by Bronislaw Komorowski at the prosecutor's office (protocol of July 24, 2008) shows that he met with Col. Aleksander L. 'around November 19, 2007.' These days in November 2007, Paulina Sosnierz, born in December 1985, lives in Police near Szczecin, who comes to Winterbourne [from Szczecin] No 14 or 18, and on April 26, 2023, she officially accused me of being a THREAT to her and other managers, and for other colleagues like Marius AKIM from SIBIU in Romania, aged 28, the Cojocaru of Sibiu relatives. Sosnierz met in Spring 2005 abroad with Monika Bogucka married Monika Sedzicka, resident of Sporna in Lodz, then in Krokusowa 59 in Lodz, friends to Halina Wodkiewicz married Halina Jaworska died in 2016 in Lodz, born in the village Leszno close to Przasnysz and Krasne of the Dukes Krasinski, friendly to Leopold Kronenberg's family at the second half of the 19th century, and in Krasne was born Marceli Nowotko, Russian spy.
Turabelidze family with GVANTSA, born around 1992, established contacts with Zilina from Tbilisi intelligence agency but with the roots of North Caucasus gypsies in 1962 and until 1992 under Soviet Union counter-intelligence services. The Wi. 92B was protected by the Niesiolowski net together with Police near Szczecin and with the security company C.I.A. monitoring at Cooperativa Foods. On 01 December 2022, 16.04-16.08, Pole, 182 cm, thick nose, long face, 17/19 years old, backpack with a white vertical line. 16.05 - Ste. Close 24, 16 years old, Romani from Poland, blond hair, skinny. 16.25, very tall, LGBT from Poland, very skinny long legs, ran away somewhere to Danecourt 4 [in 2022 and 2023 acted his sister b. ca 2008, long black hairs - Danecourt Close 4 not 38 at present, on 25 September 2023], skinny, shoulder-length long hair, dyed blonde, 20 years old, backpack with a square emblem and the colors of the Polish flag, white and red. This tall Pole of Romani descent protected a Pole [16.15-16.50] fleeing on Parkstone Rd 59, 175 cm, skinny, performs with a young girl, 16 years old, of gypsy descent. Together with Mrs., 30 years old, thick, 180 cm, eyes rather also Romani - direction Palmer Rd.

The whole team is the second generation, Romani from Poland, underground Romani organization of generals Milewski with a roots to INWALD, Kiszczak of ROCZYNY, Jozef Flis of SZCZECIN [closest to President Lech Walesa with the same roots, came from France ca 1715/1716] and Colonel Adam Owsiany of LODZ [the same roots; the family closest to Leszek Moczulski who came from the Grodek Jagiellonski district, half Romani], captain Krzysztof Tomczyk, of Lodz, the Zurawia Road, with the boss of the Romani roots, b. ca 1935/1939, long black hairs, Moon face, fat and 175 cm. Of course, we return with these characters to my father, who was murdered by the Polish state. Lived 58 years. He had a heart attack on the night of November 2/3, 1987 in an apartment on the first floor of the Kilinskiego Road No 60 corner of Skladowa Street in Lodz. The murderer is Wojtek / Wojciech, b. ca 1960 probably, an employee of a security company in the years around 1990-1995. He was liquidated around 1995, a year after I got on its trail - he was also a resident of Kilinskiego 60 on the corner of Skladowa Street - the building was demolished in 2013. Wojtek / Wojciech had a woman - friend born around 1960/1965, an alcoholic, very black hair, had business at RETKINIA in LODZ in the 90s of the 20th century. Then around 2008 to around 2015 she worked around me in exile. Also employed in my factory around 2014/2015 in the canteen. Krzysztof Tomczyk of the Counter-Intelligence in Lodz - 188 / 190 cm, born 1952, horse face, together with Justyna of LODZ [see Boguslaw Grabowski, Sinti of Lodz, closest to Leszek Balcerowicz, of the famous LIPNO - Pola Negri Chalupiec Dabska, the daughter of Romani of the Zilina county in Slovakia and Kielczewska - in LIPNO studied Lech Walesa and here Walesa served Polish Army; in Lipno married Maciej Igor Wojtczak acted around me ca 2010-2014] aft. 2007 - Ste. 94, P. aft. 2007 from Police near Szczecin [a net of Stefan Niesiolowski of LODZ and Senegal - see W. 135], born 1985. In 2007-2009 around me appeared group of Jew-Gypsy peoples: of OLESNICA was K. Emil, from Wroclaw Aleksander Staniszewski, from LEGNICA top person A. M. - Olesnica had links to the FRANKENBERG family.

Israel - Reset - Globalism -
with HESSE, Frankfurt and Illuminati:
Tannennwald [+ Radoslaw Sikorski], Vietor and Bennett came from HESSE.

Darmstadt is a city near Frankfurt in southwest Germany.

Ignacy Bobrowski SENIOR (1730 - 1802 / 1804), the Royal court official, MP in 1766 from Oswiecim and Zator, was born in 1730, in Nidek. Nidek belonged to the Bobrowskis in the 18th century, the last owner was Joachim Bobrowski in 1855.

NIDEK - 4 km north-west to Wieprz, 8 km north to Andrychow, 10 km north-west to INWALD.

Jadwiga Bobrowski Wysocka (1909-2002), was the last resident in the Andrychow palace in 1940.
Jadwiga probably was the sister to Maria Swiejkowska (born Bobrowska), 1907-1987, the daughter of Rudolf Leopold Bobrowski + Jadwiga Eugenia Sluszkiewicz b. 1879. Rudolf was born in 1873, in Niepolomice. Maria and Jadwiga had a sister Wieslawa Dyminska (born Bobrowska). Maria married Leonidas Swiejkowski born in 1914 with a daughter Jadwiga Swiejkowska.
RUDOLF Bobrowski b. 1873, was the son of Amalia Augusta Bobrowski (born Gessner), 1855-1933. Anna Amalia Augusta Bobrowski (born Gessner) was born in 1855, as the daughter of Wilhelm Gessner + Antonina Wejnert b. 1825 in Rybnik. Wilhelm was born 1822, in Gross Baden, close to Frankfurt am Main. Anna Amalia GESSNER married Leopold Bobrowski in 1873. Leopold Bobrowski b. in 1846 in Jasnik Niemiecki [? the Lwow province]; maybe the son of Karol Leopold Bobrowski b. ca 1805 + Anna Rozalia Zurawska.

But we know on
Css Felicja Helena Wanda Bobrowska, 1906-1987, the daughter of Count Stefan Stanislaw Feliks Bobrowski, 1873-1932 + Roza Mecinska, 1880-1952. Stefan Stanislaw Bobrowski was the son of Count Karol Konstanty Bobrowski, 1833-1886 + Dss Felicja Helena Poninska, 1846-1903.
The grandson of
Count Roman Bobrowski, 1803-1836 + Teresa Rottman, 1812-1888.

General Czeslaw Kiszczak was born in Roczyny near to Andrychow.
Above Teresa Rottman, b. 1812 - died in 1888 in Andrychow [the core of Karol Wojtyla's ancestors; General Czeslaw Kiszczak family; the mother's line of General Miroslaw Milewski], m. in 1832, in Lwow to Count Roman Bobrowski, 1803-1836, the son of Konstanty BOBROWSKI + Barbara Siemonska.

The Bobrowskis owned Andrychow, Zagornik, Sulkowice, Targanice and Inwald [from Inwald was the mother of General Miroslaw Milewski]. In the 18th century in Roczyny settled Romani / Gypsies of Romania and from Slovakia. They lived in Rzyki, 7 kilometres south-east of Andrychow, 12 km south-west of Wadowice and close to INWALD.

The owner of Zelechow in 1752 - Duke Jerzy Ignacy Lubomirski;
in 1753 - Jerzy's wife, Joanna m. Lubomirska.
In 1772 - 1784 acted in Zelechow Rabbi Lewi Izaak of Berdyczow.
Reb Levi Yitzhak, the later Rabbi of Berdyczow, came to Zelechow in 1772. Reb Levi Yitzhak played in that time as one of the first fighters for Hasidism. Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev, also known as the holy Berdichever, and the Kedushas Levi, was a Hasidic master and Jewish leader. He was the rabbi of Ryczywol, Zelechow, Pinsk and Berdychiv / Berdyczow. LEVI was born in 1740, in Zamosc, died in 1809, in Berdyczow / Berdychiv, and was the son of Rabbi Meir (who was the Av Beit Din of Zamosc of the ZAMOYSKI family). Levi Yitzchok married to Perel, b. ca 1750, the daughter of Rabbi Israel Peretz of Levertov b. ca 1720 (Israel LEVERTOV b. ca 1720, was the grandson of Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Teomim-Frenkel Rav of Zolkawa / ZOLKIEW born 1651, who was the son of Rabbi Yonah Teomim-Frenkel b. ca 1620 = Rabbi Yona Frankel Teomim, the Kikayon DeYonah + Beile Frankel-Teomim).

Above R' Yitzchok Meir Teomim-Frankel, A.B.D. Zolkiew, Slutzk and then Pinsk; b. 1651 in Zolkiew / Zolkow, d. 1702 in Zolkiew / Zolkow, the son of Rabbi Yona Frankel Teomim, the Kikayon DeYonah b. ca 1620 = Rabbi Yonah Teomim-Frenkel + Beile Frankel-Teomim (Katzenellenbogen). R' YITZCHOK MEIR TEOMIM was the husband of Sara Mirels-Fraenkel and 2nd unknown.

Teomim of Horodenka was in ALTONA in 1764. In 1766 MOSHE TEOMIM / Aharon Yitzchak ben Moshe, from the family of Rabbis, the Teomims, left Horodenka for Altona in Germany / Denmark as a messenger and preacher for the Shabbetean movement. In 1767, he arrived in Altona from Poland. From there Aharon Yitzhak proceeded to Hamburg. Soon after there were rumors that Aharon Yitzhak was a preacher of the Shabbetai movement. Rav Moshe Teomim had a position as the Rabbi of Horodenka. AHARON TEOMIM was the Physician, Av Beis Din of PRZEMYSL.

Mentioned Reb Levi Yitzhak was in ZELECHOW from 1772 until ca 1784. In that time Zelechow belonged to the Lubomirskis. Marcin Lubomirski later became involved with Jakub FRANK in Frankfurt am Main.

After Rabbi Reb Aharon Hakohen, the rabbinical chair in ZELECHOW was occupied by a scholar from Lublin, Rabbi Reb Yaakov Shimon Ashkenazi / Deutsch Ashkenazi. After Rabbi Reb Shimon Ashkenazi, in Zelechow was his son who came from the Holy Jew from Przysucha [see Leszek Moczulski in 1944/1945].

Dzbadz close to Rozan had a Summer house of Bronislaw Geremek [he came from Rabbi Nachum Ephraim LEWERTOW / Efraim Levertov (Rabbi Nachum Efraim LEWARTOW / Rabbi Nachum Efraim Lewertow) b. ca 1840, d. in 1928, the son of Mortko Lewertow b. ca 1810, and Ajta - Estera]; Mariowka close to Przysucha was hidden place for Leszek Robert Moczulski in 1944/1945.

The ancestor of Bronislaw Geremek was Mortko Lewertow b. ca 1810, and Ajta - Estera. Bronislaw Geremek born as Berele Lewartow, or Benjamin Lewartow, the son of the Lodz rabbi of the Hasidism movement. Chassidism / Hasidic Judaism is a Jewish religious group that arose in the Western Ukraine during the 18th century. Bronislaw Geremek was born as Benjamin Lewertow in Warsaw in 1932, aft. 1945 in Wschowa, aft. ca 1980 in Rozan. His father Boruch Lewertow, a fur merchant in Lodz, was murdered in Auschwitz [b. ca 1900/1906]. Boruch's brother was Menasze Lewertow (1906-1966) b. in Cracow as Rabbi Menashe Levertov.

The first Zelechower ie Rabbi of ZELECHOW was Rabbi Naftali Hirtz who signed the defending document for Reb Jonathan Eibeschitz of Vienna / JONATHAN EYBESCHUTZ. Rabbi Emden continued his attacks against Rabbi Jonathan Eybeschutz. EMDEN had a son Meshullam Solomon / Israel Meshullam Solomon (1723-1794), born as Israel Meshullam Zalman Emden in Altona near Hamburg. "The Order of the Asiatic Brethren was also know as the Die Ritter des Lichts (Knights of the Light) aka Order of Knights and Brothers of the Light ... (the Asiatic Brethren of St. John the Evangelist in Europe) banned 1785." Jonathan Eybeschotz born in Cracow in 1690, d. Altona, 1764, was a Talmudist, Rabbi of the "Three Communities": Altona, Hamburg and Wandsbek. According to Jacob Katz, Jonathan Eybeschotz's grandson was rumored to be Baron Thomas von Schoenfeld, an apostate Jew who inherited his grandfather's collection of Sabbatean kabbalistic works. He eventually left the Sabbatean movement and founded a Masonic lodge called the Asiatische Bruder / Asiatic Brethren, one of four Illuminati lodges in Vienna. After his uncle's death in 1791, he was offered the leadership of the Frankist movement which he refused.

Above complex political, intelligence and genealogical structure was operating under the influence of Russian intelligence formed around 1720/1741 until now, June 2021: in Zelechow [Lucyna Golec in Warsaw in the 70' of the 20th century] + Krzynowloga Mala close to Przasnysz [H. Wodkiewicz Jaworska of the village Leszno, 7 km to Przasnysz; M. Bogucka Sedzicka, M. Zieleniewska, Zbigniew Natkanski of the Opoczno county together with the Lipski family, Pelka + Roman of Krzynowloga Mala and they owned Zelechow, the Malachowski family of Bialaczow {Robert Bubis} + Krasicki + Rzeczycki of Pieniany] - Sedziszow Malopolski {ca 2008-2021, Andrzej and Agnieszka Pisz of the HQ of Polish Foreign Affairs in 2017 under Witold Waszczykowski of Lodz and Piotrkow Trybunalski - with Jan Olczyk of GLOWNO, ex-Ciecierski estate, the the estate of Fryderyk Skorzewski b. in BERLIN in 1768, and above Skorzewski took BRATOSZEWICE; Olczyk's friend was spy Zbigniew Natkanski of Honoratow and Opoczno - Ossa} + Podhajce - Wilkowyja and Kozmin + Berezyna and Lubuszany close to Miezonka - Krzynowloga Mala and the Swiedziebnia commune + Smilowice and Golaszewo close to Chocen - Pakoslaw, Chocen [Jaroslaw Slota / Jaroslaw Skota of Chocen, Maciej Igor Wojtczak of Brzesc Kujawski/Lipno and Wloclawek] with Zelechow - Sedziszow Malopolski [Pisz, under care of SHERYL Sandberg ca 2011-2013, together with P. born ca 1985 and was living in Szczecin-Pogodno and Police - a link to A. M. of Legnica, studied in Berlin; Piotr of Staffline co-operated with Foreign Intelligence Agency of Poland; a link to Stefan Niesiolowski, deputy Speaker of Polish Parliament from Lodz; and this is net of Senegal-Police Chemical Factory-Niesiolowski-A. Ostoja Owsiany - Leszek Moczulski - Bronislaw Geremek of Rozan] together with Krzeszowice, Zator, Berezyna and Lubuszany - Naimski / Nahymski, Jew, Frankist, and his family Piotr Naimski, the intelligence top boss bef. 2002, Neyman, General Jozef Niemojewski, General Franciszek Maksymilian Paszkowski, Artur Potocki in ZATOR, Ignacy Wyssogota-Zakrzewski owned Chocen and ZELECHOW, Kalkstein + Roman + Zbigniew Brzezinski and Lech Walesa [President Lech Walesa studied and served in Army in LIPNO; but his family came from the CHOCEN commune including Smilowice of Gustaw Findeisen - and the Findeisen family moved home to ZGIERZ, intermarried PAWINSKI and Zieleniewski and others German families of ZGIERZ; the communist spies of ZGIERZ, with Romani roots, acted around me aft. 2001, and abroad aft. 2005/2022] - together with the owner of Sedziszow Malopolski in 1787 or in 1790, Barbara Moszynska nee Rudzinska. Maltese Order aft. 1741 under PINTO, with Carsten Niebuhr in the 60' of the 18th century, and Cagliostro together with Illuminati - the Russian and German secret underground in Poland and USA {killed three presidents of US}: Krzynowloga Mala close to Przasnysz with Zbigniew Brzezinski, Pelagia Rodys and Konstanty Rokossowski and the Krasinski - Garczynski in Krasne - Smilowice, Golaszewo and Chocen near to Kowal with Pruszak, Lech Walesa, Ignacy Wyssogota-Zakrzewski of Zelechow, Bielinski - Bobrynsky, and link to Owsiany - Boryslawski line in Chocen and Wielichowo, and Gustaw Findeisen, Edward Jurgens with Leopold Kronenberg in 1863 - Swiedziebnia, 16 km north-east of RYPIN, together with Kalkstein, General Jozef Niemojewski, Gustaw Findeisen, Hutten-Czapski, Nostitz-Jackowski, Orbeliani and Tomasz Swiatopelk-Mirski. Stara Hancza and Miezonka with Chrapowicki, Oskierka, Ilinski, Poniatowski, Stefania Julia Radziwill branch, and the Konstantynowiczs aft. 1842 owned Miezonka.

In the first period October 1987 - September 1989 I recognized the immediate environment of our family Konstantynowicz, maybe 200 people; unfortunately it 'coincided' with the death of my father on November 3, 1987; buried 09 November 1987. Curiosity! The webpage 'Executive Intelligence Review www.larouchepub.com/.../eirv15n03-1988011' was founded on 21 November 1987, but EIR, Executive Intelligence Review, was ed. on January 15, 1988, vol. 15, No 3. EIR: Founder and Contributing Editor: Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. and Editor-in-chief: Criton Zoakos, Editor: Nora Hamerman. EIR is published by New Solidarity International Press Service. Executive Intelligence Review is a newsmagazine founded in 1974 by the American political activist Lyndon LaRouche. The article "New KGB history skirts lessons of the...", by Aleln and Rachel Douglas, is on "A History of the KGB" by John J. Dziak, Lexington Books, 1987, 234 pages. 'Chekisty: The KGB...' was ed. the first by 'Free Press' on 28 September 1987, and again on 01 January 1988 by this publisher. The Lexington Books edited this book in October 1987, but second publisher 'Ballantine Books' ed. on October 31, 1988. We back to my work. Then came the period of 1990 - 2002, I met Georgia, Russia, etc, but mostly tens people of Poland and other countries has granted me accurate genealogical data, and not just about family Konstantynowicz; thanks to this I could - in 1992 - provide a working thesis of particular importance: "in our family was someone on the top of the Soviet military intelligence" , and our family Konstantynowicz moved in Tsarist Russia very close to the Russian intelligence core. The parts it turned out to be true; I am writing that only partially, because the key person was a Swiss with Italian - Estonian origin, and this man had no affinity with our family, but was created by the military system, whose my Konstantynowicz family was a part: in Miezonka, Swolna, Moscow, Estonia, St. Petersburg, Kazan, the Vaud canton and the nearby Swiss villages, Lodz, Riga. This search took me 27 years, but it took 20 years to Stalin it came up on the trail military conspiracy in May 1937 - probably as long, because the key person - Artusov surely created a Soviet counterintelligence, and next he took the position as head of civilian intelligence, then deputy head of the military intelligence of the Soviet Union.

In the period - February 2003 to date (17 July 2014) in 2014, communicate to all with the help of Yahoo servers in California, knowledge on the history and genealogy of the Konstantynowicz family, by using further of the factual help my readers . And again coincidence: already at the turn of October and November 2003 died Jan Konstantynowicz and his wife, no one knew exactly when it happened.

John / Jan Konstantynowicz, Zofia Konstantynowicz / Sophie and Edward Konstantynowicz lived a long time after World War II in Bydgoszcz.

Artuzov was graduating of the metallurgical department of St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute in February 1917 with a diploma in metal engineering, went to work as an engineer to Nizhny Tagil in the Urals, and in Metallurgical Bureau of Professor Vladimir Grum (engineer - designer in Metallurgical Bureau of Professor Vladimir Grum).
Vladimir E. Grum-Grzymajlo b. 1864, inventor, engineer-metallurgist, his father, Yefim Grum - Grzhimailo was a renowned specialist of tobacco (the Department of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Finance in 1867); mother, Margaret M., nee Kornilovich, was the niece of A. O. Kornilovich; graduated from the St. Petersburg Mining Institute in 1885, after he worked at the Urals steelworks in Nizhny Tagil, Salda, Alapayevsk; 1911-1918 - an professor of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute. In 1891, foreign trips in Sweden, Germany, France, Belgium, Austria, in 1900, in Paris. On 01 August 1915 in Petersburg / Petrograd was created the Metallurgical Bureau / Bureau of metallurgical and thermal structures / Office / Institute of design fiery furnace; his brother Grigory Efimovich Grum Grzhimailo b. 1860-1936, Russian traveler, geographer and zoologist.

Artuzov in August 1917, after returning to Petrograd from another trip to the Urals, to Nizhny Tagil, decided to leave the profession of engineer - designer in the Petrograd office and until December 1917 he worked in the Office of the demobilization of the army and navy. In Autumn 1917 (back home in October 1917) he made 'secret' trip to Italy to Genoa / Genova / Genua; why? - I don't know details on the return way: Italy - British Egipt and Iraq or from Italy to France, Sweden, Finland?
From December 1917 to March 1918 he worked as secretary of the Audit Commission of the Commissariat for Military Affairs in Vologda and Arkhangelsk.

The Fraucci-Artuzov came from Switzerland. They lived near Villenouve and Montreux. Belonged - like the family Diserens / Dizeren - to immigrants from Italy. In the former area of the Republic of Genoa, maybe even from Genoa / Genova / Genua. The figure of Artuzov is the key. The biography of Artuzov acknowledges he was of Italo - Swiss ancestry. That's just the truth. He belonged to a group of Italian and French families, who came to Russia in the first and second half of the 19th century (1879 / 1881 to 1889 important period) from Switzerland and often coming from France.

Next a figure. Vyacheslav R. Menzhinsky / Waclaw Mienzynski, Mezynski, b. 1874, Saint Petersburg; the security officer, the successor to F. Dzerzhinsky headed OGPU (1926-1934). A Polish noble family of the Orthodox faith: grandfather sang in chorus and father Rudolf Ignatievich Menzhinsky - State Councilor, a graduate of St. Petersburg University, a history teacher; mother, Maria Shakeeva; 1903 sent to Yaroslavl as a representative of the newspaper 'Iskra', a member of the Yaroslavl organization of the RSDLP, met M. S. Kedrov / Kedar?, N. I. Podvoisky, Didrikil Nina wife of Podvoisky.

In the history of intelligence services Artuzov Arthur Frauchi was headed counterintelligence, foreign intelligence and military intelligence, born 1891 in the village Ustinovo, Kashin County, Tver province (Dubbelt or Dubelt family in Kuvshinovo, Tver region = Russia, Tver Oblast, Kuvshinovo, close to Puzakovo; ca 120 km west of Tver), his father Christian Frautschi was a master cheesemaker in the estate of the landowner Likhachev. Frauchi father remained a Swiss citizen; mother, Augusta Avgustovna Didrikil, Latvian descent, taught him French and German, and then he taught himself English. Family of Christian Frautschi, came from Switzerland to Russia in 1881 and settled in the estate of landowner Popov, Apashkovo, Tver province, where his older brother Paul / Peter Frautschi, arrived in this region 1879, next in Yurino estate, manor Zhdanov, Mikhailovsky, Putjatino, the village Davydkovo / Davydovo, 17 km north-west of Kashin, and north-east of Tver. Cheesemaker was working in the estate Mykolaivka, and Christian Frautschi married Augusta Didrikil, Didrikil family was of mixed origin, the Latvian and Estonian, her grandfather was a Scot; after the wedding, the young family settled in the estate at Kashin County, Tver province.
The ancestors of the Frautschi family were Italians, but they settled in that part of the country, where lived natives of Germany, village in the mountains - Gstaad, about an hour away by car from Bern and ca 2 km only from Saanen; ca 30 km east of Villeneuve; here were always Frautschi, all generation were cheesemaker; spoke a strange dialect of German; Christian Frautschi, went to Russia from this village; Christian's Petrovich daughter Nina came home in Gstaad during the holidays at summer of 1912. House was unhurt now, the house is so empty since 1912.

Elisee Reclus and Piotr Kropotkin were living in Clarens, Montreux. L'Abbaye - Breguet. Abetel in Riex, Lausanne. Morges - Duflon. Demontet - in Villette in the Vaud province. Cully is near to Riex. Villette or Lavaux close to Lutry and Cully. Ramseyer family from Neuchatel and La Chaux-de-Fonds is a Swiss city of the district of La Chaux-de-Fonds in the canton of Neuchatel. Also St-Aubin-Sauges north of Lausanne, Grindlachen, Bern in Switzerland; from Siebnen and Steffisburg north-east of Lousanne, Tavannes, north of Neuchatel. Villeneuve is a municipality of the canton of Vaud in Switzerland, located ca 30 km east-south of Lausanne; Duflon family gone from Nimes 1584, Lutry 1852, Neuchatel, in Paris 1801 - 1877 Louis Duflon. Duflon in 1906 in d'Ardon, south-east of Villeneuve. Also in La Tour-de-Peilz east from Lausanne, close to Villeneuve, 15 km. The DUFLON family 1745 - 1815 was living in Riex of the Vaud province / Vaud canton, Switzerland / Suisse. M. Wilczek from Lausanne, and Michael Dobrovolsky / Michail / Michal Dobrowolski 1903 - 1907 in Lausanne.

Jean Rey / Jean-Alexandre REY b. 1861 in Lausanne / Lauzanne, Switzerland. His first wife Marie Sautter b. 1870, daughter of Louis Sautter - founder of LEMONNIER - HARLE and Co. with Paul LEMONNIER. Diserens or Dizeren among other things, it were the villages and towns: CLARENS located east from Lausanne, also Villette, Cully and Riex. Villette or Lavaux is located close to Lutry and Cully. Shortly before the First World War Kedrov graduated from the Medical Faculty of the University of Lausanne.

Electric lighting has come into use in Russia in 1880s. In the end, the concession for the construction of the first power plant in Ufa and Ufa province was signed in 1896 by a specialist of the companies: 'Dyuflon and Konstantynowicz' from St. Petersburg and the 'Sautter, Harle and Co.' from Paris, engineer Nikolai Vladimirovich Konshin. Construction of the city's first power plant taken about two years, on 01 February 1898 it gave a light. The city council had to pay for it to the owner 275 thousand rubles. In July 1918 to October 1918 Konshin went through terrible ordeals, he was among the 98 hostages of Ufa. He was alive in the early 1920s. His father probably Konshin Vladimir Nikolaevich born ?, member of the Board of the South - Eastern Railway Society and the Rybinsk Railway. Above Konshin Nikolai V. born ?, was working for the Prince of Oldenburg for the exploration of manganese around Trebizond 1887 - 1888, a member of the South Ussuri Expedition 1888 - 1890 and for the exploration of coal in the Semipalatinsk region 1890, in the Urals from 1891, built at his own expense the first power plant in Ufa 1898.

The Minsk City Council on June 28, 1894 decided on the introduction of electric lighting and the Town Council concluded an agreement with the Dyuflon and Konstantynowicz Company. According to the agreement a power station and the city's network lighting should be equipped with a steam boiler of Fiiner Gamper / Hamper from Sosnowiec, Westinghouse steam engine system, dynamos of the Baltic electric plant in Riga, lightbulbs of the Gabriel and Anzheno / Angeno Comp. from Paris, and electric bulbs of Harle factory.

On January 12, 1895 in Minsk, the first city power station started. In 1899 the plant was named 'Elvod', Minsk became the fourth city after Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kiev, where began to use electrical networks.

The first Zelechower ie Rabbi of ZELECHOW was Rabbi Naftali Hirtz who signed the defending document for Reb Jonathan Eibeschitz of Vienna / JONATHAN EYBESCHUTZ. Rabbi Emden continued his attacks against Rabbi Jonathan Eybeschutz. EMDEN had a son
Meshullam Solomon / Israel Meshullam Solomon (1723-1794), born as Israel Meshullam Zalman Emden in Altona near Hamburg.
"The Order of the Asiatic Brethren was also know as the Die Ritter des Lichts (Knights of the Light) aka Order of Knights and Brothers of the Light ... (the Asiatic Brethren of St. John the Evangelist in Europe) banned 1785." Jonathan Eybeschotz born in Cracow in 1690, d. Altona, 1764, was a Talmudist, Rabbi of the "Three Communities": Altona, Hamburg and Wandsbek. According to Jacob Katz,
Jonathan Eybeschotz's grandson was rumored to be Baron Thomas von Schoenfeld, an apostate Jew who inherited his grandfather's collection of Sabbatean kabbalistic works. He eventually left the Sabbatean movement and founded a Masonic lodge called the Asiatische Bruder / Asiatic Brethren, one of four Illuminati lodges in Vienna. After his uncle's death in 1791, he was offered the leadership of the Frankist movement which he refused.

Jacob Josuah ben Zebi Hirsch was born in 1680, the son of Zebi Hirsch + Mirjam Hirsch.

Zebi was born in 1658, in Moravia. Jacob had one child.
JACOB JOSHUA BEN ZEBI HIRSCH, died in Offenbach in 1756, close to Franfurt-on-the-Main. On his mother's side he was a grandson of Joshua of Cracow, the author of 'Maginne Shelomoh'. Jacob became examiner of the Hebrew teachers of Lemberg. In 1702 his wife was killed. In 1717 he was Rabbi in LWOW. In Berlin in 1731-1734; 1734-1741 rabbi of Metz; 1741 - chief rabbi of Frankfort-on-the-Main; the quarrel between Jacob Emden and Jonathan Eybeschutz broke out. The chief rabbi Zebi Hirsch, was in opposition to Eybeschutz, and was ultimately compelled to leave the city (1750). Next he moved home to Worms, where he remained for some years. He was then called back to Frankfurt.

Tsvee Hirsch of Kalisz was the supporter of Samuel Falk in London and / or in Brunswick.
Dr Samuel Falk, the Ba'al Shem of London, who was born in Podhajce at the beginning of the eighteenth century and named Samuel Jacob di Falk Tradiola Laniado. It explains that 'Falk' is the name of a family of distinguished lineage that included Rabbi Joshua ben Alexander Falk and Rabbi Jacob Joshua ben Zevi Hirsch.

PHILIPPSON, German-Jewish family of prominent rabbis and bankers, their family tree goes back to 16th-century Poland, where Joshua Hoeschel ben Joseph (ca 1578-1648) had been chief rabbi of Cracow.

Joshua Hoeschel's great-grandson was the Talmud scholar Jacob Joshua Falk (1680/1681-1756), chief rabbi of Berlin, Metz, and Frankfurt am Main, who strongly opposed the Shabbatean movement. After 1750, the family settled in Arnswalde (Neumark, in Prussia).
Jacob Falk's grandson, the Talmud scholar Reb Phoebus (Philipp) Moses Arnswald (b. ca 1740, d. 1794), moved to Sanderslebens (Anhalt-Dessau) upon his marriage, earning his living as a peddler. His children were the first to change Phoebus into the German Philipp and called themselves Philippson];
2. Sarah / Sarel Sarel Norden;
3. R' Israel Tsarfati Teomim;
4. Peretz Teomim;
5. Haim Joseph Teomim
[Haim Joseph Teomim (1635 - 1705) b. in Cracow, died in Zolkow.
We have Zolkow close to Zerkow and to JAROCIN. And Zolkow No 2, a village in the Jaslo commune, within the Jaslo County, 5 kilometres south of Jaslo and 53 km south-west to Rzeszow. This is NOT Zolkiew], and 5 others.

The unknown woman b. ca 1640, was the half sister of 3 sisters from Hakohen + a son b. ca 1650/1660 of Yona Fraenkel Teomim b. ca 1617/1620.

My research show deep sources to the coup d'etat of 1992 in Poland -
President Lech Walesa of Chocen, Smilowice, Golaszewo, Lipno, Wloclawek;
Donald Tusk of the Koscierzyna county;
Leszek Moczulski of Mariowka in the Przysucha district
[Leszek Robert Moczulski was worked out by me as a civil intelligence agent of the Department I of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Warsaw, in 1988, so Antoni Maciarewicz in 1992 had to reveal him again. Leszek Robert Moczulski was financed by a private company in Ursus receiving payments from the Police, and by one of the banks. His organization in the 80' of the 20th century was a fictional one, and famous television and radio stations in the West was disseminating false information at the time to strengthen him as a fictional nationalist and Jozef Pilsudski's followers leader. Leszek Moczulski know as Berman was deliberately advocated by Bronislaw Geremek aft. 2000' years. According to Geremek, exactly that Leszek Moczulski was the leading Polish globalist, like Zbigniew Brzezinski in the 70' of the 20th century in US. In the forefront there were Gypsies like Katowice, Lodz, Szczecin within this organization. Therefore, the Gypsy family of St. MAGDALENA'S 15, father 50 years old, devilish face, graying, dark white complexion, long nose; the son 22-25 years, 190 cm, slim, brown short hair, on 02 October 2022, 14.35-14.50, they both acted like secret observers];
Waldemar Pawlak of Zychlin district and PACYNA;
Stefan Niesiolowski of LODZ with Police and Senegal;
Bronislaw Geremek of the Rozan commune in DZBADZ, with the roots in LODZ and in ZELECHOW.

The Cabinet of Jan Olszewski was the government of Poland from December 23, 1991 to June 5, 1992. On 2 June, 1992, the final day of coalition negotiations with the Confederation of Independent Poland, Macierewicz met with deputy Marshal of that party, informing him that its leader, Leszek Moczulski, was on the list of collaborators which will be presented to the Parliament the following day. Shortly before the vote, President Lech Walesa [Chocen - Smilowice - Golaszewo + Lipno - Wloclawek] organized a meeting attended by: Donald Tusk [Koscierzyna: Wybicki, Garczynski and Nostitz-Jackowski], Tadeusz Mazowiecki, Mieczyslaw Wachowski, Leszek Moczulski [Mariowka - Kiedrzynski in the Przysucha district; together with the Pelka family - the mother line of Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski in USA. In Ursus], Waldemar Pawlak [Zychlin, here the Znyk family in the 19th and the 20th century and my fate in 1973-1977], Stefan Niesiolowski [Police / Szczecin with Senegal - 1982/1983 and 2005 - October 2022 together with Monika Sedzicka nee Bogucka and Paulina S. hidden by Krzysztof of TCZEW - compare PRUSZAK in Turze, Tczew, Zychlin and CHOCEN], Bronislaw Geremek [Dzbadz close to Rozan and the Castellani close to Opoczno-Przysucha-Bialynicze: Malachowski + Krasicki], Ryszard Bugaj, Gabriel Janowski, Aleksander Luczak, Pawel Laczkowski. The talks resulted in the dismissal of Jan Olszewski's cabinet and the appointment of a new government headed by Waldemar Pawlak of Pacyna-Zychlin district. Leaders: Walesa, Tusk, Moczulski, Pawlak, Geremek, Niesiolowski.

And we have in 2022 the genealogy of Leszek Robert Moczulski by geni.com:
Stanislaw Moczulski b. 1911 in Rodatycze, close Grodek Jagiellonski, d. 1997 in Toronto, in Canada. Stanislaw was the son of Antoni Moczulski and Tekla Wanat, 1877 in Rodatycze - 1944, the daughter of Michal Wanat and Franciszka Lechowicz. Rodatycze close to Grodek Jagiellonski = Horodiatyczi.
Above Antoni Moczulski, 1875 in Rodatycze, close to Grodek Jagiellonski - 1945 in Strzelce Opolskie, the son of Franciszek Moczulski and Franciszka Kaliciak b. 1846 in Rodatycze. Franciszek Moczulski b. 1847 in Rodatycze, d. 1921 in Rodatycze, the son of Wojciech Moczulski and Katarzyna Skalska, ca 1808 in Rodatychi, L'vivs'ka oblast - 1863 in Rodatychi, the daughter of Bartolomeo Skalski and Agnieszka Mazur. Wojciech Moczulski, 1807 in Rodatycze - 1855 in Rodatycze, the son of Kazimierz Moczulski younger and Lucja Zdobylak, ca 1779 in Rodatycze - 1831 in Rodatycze. Kazimierz Moczulski, 1766 in Dobrzany, close to Rodatycze, in the Grodek Jagielonski district - 1830 in Rodatycze.

Bronislaw Geremek born as Berele Lewartow, or Benjamin Lewartow, the son of the Lodz rabbi of the Hasidism movement. Bronislaw Geremek came from Grodek Jagiellonski and Lubartow.

Rabbi Isaac Joshua Kliger of Horodok / Gorodok / Grodek Jagiellonski b. ca 1840, or ca 1820, died ca 1905, was living in KRAKOWIEC. R' Isaac Joshua Kliger, A.B.D. / "Yitzchak Yehoshua / R' Isaac Joshua Kliger, A.B.D. Grayding (Horodok / Gorodok / Grodek Jagiellonski). Isaac Joshua Kliger / R' Isaac Joshua Kliger, A.B.D. Grayding (GRODEK / Grodek Jagiellonski or Horodok / Gorodok, 30 km west to LWOW / Lviv. In 1772 belonged to Austria). Isaac Joshua Kliger / R' Isaac Joshua Kliger, or Yitzchak Yehoshua b. ca 1820, d. 1905, the son of Chaim Dovid Kliger b. ca 1800, d. 1849, and Devora. Dobrzyce is situated in the Rodatycze commune.

Robert Erskine (1677 - 1718) wrote in Paris about Jacob Le Mort and his alchemical works. Erskine undertake alchemical experiments in Moscow in 1706 - 1709, and in the Kikin Palace in St Petersburg. Here was Cornelius Le Bruyn. In 1716, the Tsar designated him to privy councillor.
Robert Erskine was a part of masonic network of Scottish Jacobites that influenced the Russian court.

Albert Seba in 1711 sent to Robert Erskine a letter on exotic medicines and phosphorus. Johannes de Wilde in Amsterdam in 1717 took corespondence from Robert Erskine. About secret chemical recipe wrote de Wilde in 1740 to Empress Anna of Rusia. Jacob Bruce wrote to Erskine in 1712. Robert Erskine was together with Peter the Great in Teplice in Czech in 1712. Robert Erskine had in his library among others two books:
1. the Rosicrucians Manifestos in 1615 in Frankfurt; and
2. the Strasbourg edition of "The Chemical Wedding ...", of Christian Rosencreutz in 1459. And works of Paracelsus published in Strasbourg.

Robert Erskine (1677-1718) was an advisor to Tsar Peter the Great.
He came from Sir John Erskine, 19th Earl of Mar and Anne Drummond. Sir John Erskine, 19th Earl of Mar, was born in 1556 in Stirling.

At the beginning Pierre Le Fort / LEFORT in 1749 in Dukla acted together with Jerzy August Mniszech b. 1715. And Jean Luc Louis de Toux de SALVERT with Jan Karol Mniszech b. 1716, in Wisniowiec by the Horyn river, in 1742.

A social movement related to sexual deviations was developed in the Frankist region:
Podhajce - Rohatyn - Dubno.
There, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, Wilhelm Reich appeared, supporter of bestiality, pedophilia, group sex, liquidation of marriage, free love. The communist Kollataj of the Lenin government created an educational system supporting these sexual disorders. The anarchist movement in the 19th century was dominated by homosexuals.

Three coups in the US: 1881, 1901, 1963, were prepared and co-organized by structures related to sexual liberation and homosexuality, but also to the national minority, liberalizing and mainly derived from the territories of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. They were accompanied by Baltic Germans and Poles, or Polish-Jewish mixed blood persons. All this structure was managed from Russia. The Illuminati formed in the 18th century by the Russian intelligence interested in conquering Central Europe, the American Pacific coast, the Caucasus and the Balkans. The Russians mainly operated in the 18th century through Denmark [with Altona close to Hamburg under Denmark rule] and Malta, by the Templar movements of the Scottish Jacobites who sought support and facilities in St. Petersburg; through the Maltese Order,
through the Frankists in Frankfurt am Main, Altona near Hamburg, Skala Podolska, Krasne close to Przasnysz;
in Ostrow Wielkopolski, Kamieniec Podolski, Podhajce and Rohatyn in Ukraine.

Sexual deviations were to allow the destruction of Western societies; the totality was completed by revolutions, and actually pseudo-revolutions in France in 1789, and in America. Russian intelligence has contributed to Freemasonry since the 1720s.

After 1870/1871, the Illuminati movement was transformed into a globalist movement, and at the beginning, in 1871-1937, it was a Polish underground movement but the British intelligence and the Baltic Germans gained an advantage; however, in a network of secret societies after 1937, i.e. after the Great Purge in the Russian Empire, Russian-Soviet military intelligence service completely took over the leadership.
The peak moment to the Russian victory was 1945 and 1963, when after killing of President John F. Kennedy, a network of secret societies of a globalistic-pro-Russian and liberal-sexual character, took over power in the US until 2016/1017. Underground monolith in Poland ie. pro-Russian minority-communist-liberal-sexual political option collapsed in 2015. In the US, the Illuminati-globalists suffered in November 2016 with Donald Trump. In the UK in 2017-2020 with Brexit. Of course, the Russians do not allow their global intelligence structures to fail after 300 years, the period of circa 1715-2015, when they built their power, whose symbol is the Russian Army in Paris in 1814. And a small Russian colony in California was at the same time.
Promoting sexual deviations in the years 1968-2020 is a powerful attempt to break up the democratic Western society to once again the horses of the Russian army could be watered in the Seine. Russian intelligence in the 19th century sent his man to Texas [Holynski] to learn about group sex, sects, free love, break up of marriage. And again we get to eastern Belarus, to the province of MSCISLAW [ca 1660-1842 the core of my Konstantynowicz family]. Recall the anarchist Emma Goldman, the 1901 coup in the US, and everything returns to Siauliai / Szawle at Zmudz and to Pakosc near Inowroclaw [in Inowroclaw currently there is a strong homosexual movement of 2019].
The coup d'etat in 1963 - everything returns to the Minsk province in Belarus with the Mohrenschildts who were relatives to Pilar-Pilchau close to Tallinn.

First, however, a group of Jews and baptised people in the 50s of the 18th century connected with a group of Catholic bishops - Mikolaj Dembowski [Mikolaj Dembowski was born ca 1680; the son of Florian Dembowski + Ewa Ciechanowiecka of the Mscislav province in Lithuania. Mikolaj DEMBOWSKI visited Dresden in 1727 and 1730, again in 1741; Dembowski in 1741 took the Kamieniec Podolski bishopry {or in 1742};
in 1753 closest supporter to JERZY MNISZECH, the Freemason.

In October 1757 Mikolaj Dembowski ordered to publicly burn the Talmud in Kamianets-Podilskyi, and a month later he died in CZARNOKOZINCE / Chornokozyntsi, 27 km west to Kamieniec Podolski, and 28 km south-east to Skala Podolska / Skala-Podil's'ka Castle of Katarzyna Kossakowska nee Potocka - the center of baptised Frankists. Mikolaj Dembowski was the younger brother of the PLOCK bishop] and Bishop of Kamieniec Podolski, Adam Stanislaw Krasinski [Adam Krasinski was born in 1714, d. 1800; the son of Jan Krasinski.
ADAM visited Krolewiec in 1733, Paris in 1734-1736, in Roma in 1737-1745 and here ADAM KRASINSKI was closest friend to KAJETAN SOLTYK, in 1745 in Germany and then he back to Poland; in 1747 in Plock, after death of Blazej Krasinski our ADAM took Krasne close to Przasnysz. Adam acted together with JERZY MNISZECH, the Freemason, in 1752-1759. Adam was appointed bishop of KAMIENIEC PODOLSKI in 1759 and in 1763-1768 he conducted anti-Russian activities, but pro-German, together with Teodor Wessel in 1767. In 1767 he held secret negotiations with Turkey against Russia and against the Poniatowski family - the talks were in his Czarnokozince close to Kamieniec Podolski. 1768 - in Wroclaw, Dresden, Cieszyn was looking for help from Saxony, and sent Ignacy Potocki to Wien. Adam Krasinski came to Wien and Paris in 1768, then to Cieszyn, Byczyna, were Jozef WYBICKI was sent to BERLIN with anti-Russian support of MARIANNA SKORZEWSKA [she was died in 1791 in Berlin - not in 1773]. In 1769 with Kazimierz PULASKI in Turkey; next in Hungaria together with Jozef Bierzynski, friend of WESSEL, and with JERZY MARCIN LUBOMIRSKI / Marcin Lubomirski to murder the king Stanislaw August Poniatowski - Marcin Lubomirski later became involved with Jakub FRANK in Frankfurt.

Adam Krasinski with Michal PAC appointed the Lithuania government of the insurgents and in BIALA {Bielsko Biala now} the central Uprising Goverment. A great patriot, extremely anti-Russian, devoted his own money to the activity of the insurrection of 1768-1769. He had extra-marital sexual relations with Genowefa Brzostowska] - and a group of noble aristocracy from Poland:
Katarzyna Kossakowska of Skala Podolska
{Carsten Niebuhr in 1767 visited her; Niebuhr was sent fron Denmark to Malta in 1761, then to Egypt, Yemen, India, Turkey and Podolia}, Jerzy Marcin Lubomirski in Hungaria,
Marcin Mikolaj Radziwill close to Ostrow Wielkopolski,
the Poniatowski family
{Kazimierz Poniatowski - net to BEREZYNA, Andrzej Poniatowski, Michal Poniatowski Bishop, the King Stanislaw August Poniatowski}.

His Polish aristocratic supporters chose their wives at the age of 17 and 18.
They kidnapped young girls and made them harem, they used sadism, pedophiles, necrophiles - preparation of corpses, and even adopted Judaic customs, such as the Sabbath and kosher. The Frankis maintained contact with the German Illuminati through Altona in the suburb of Hamburg; and in Frankfurt am Main; in London, through Samuel Falk, through Cagliostro, the main emissary of the Order of Malta, through Carsten Niebuhr in 1767, in Skala Podolska, and established contacts with the Russian authorities in 1766 for anti-Polish purposes, and for muddle in the Balkans.

Russia's supporters in the 18th century and in the 19th century are not just Frankists in 1766; but also it is possible Georgian families, reaching the highest royal and princes dignities in Georgia. They are also aristocratic individuals from upper-class lineages in Poland imbued with the ideology of the Illuminati.
In the second half of the 19th century, a Polish underground movement emerged in Russian intelligence [Armand-Konstantynowicz]; it operated in consultation with France [Breguet, Frauchi], England [Koziell-Poklewski] and Austria and even with Germany [Parvus, Hutten-Czapski]. Poles were assisted by the Baltic Germans [Pilar-Pilchau, Mohrenschildt], who had mastered Russia's counterintelligence from the 1840s.
Georgians nobility and Scottish Templars sought help and support in the Orthodox Church in Moscow.
Frankists in Skala Podolska in 1767 were visited by Carsten Niebuhr, whom sent The Illuminati Superior of the Order of Malta, Manuel Pinto as early as 1761. The whole Niebuhr visit in Poland in 1767, after the search for a New Religion in Persia and drugs in Yemen, and after penetrating Egypt in 1761/1762 [alchemy], organized rich noble families: the Krasinskis from the neighborhood of Przasnysz in Krasne
[Ludwik Krasinski born in 1833, the friend of Leopold Kronenberg; Ludwik owned Krasne, Przystan, Magnuszewo, Krasnosielc and Zulin; Ojcow - Pieskowa Skala; Adamow with Gulow; Ursynow; Rohatyn -
in the vicinity was the center of the sexual deviation movement represented by Wilhelm Reich who wrote extensively, in his diary, about his sexual precocity. He maintained that his first sexual experience was at the age of four. He also was a Marxist.

Ludwik Krasinski owned many villages in the Minsk governorate from Magdalena Kiezgajlo-Zawisza: Kuchcice and Zarnowki in the IHUMEN county.

Maria Magdalena Radziwill, nee Zawisza-Kierzgajlo / Kiezgajlo, primo voto Krasinska, b. 1861, d. 1945 in Fryburg, in 1917/1918 in Moscow and in Minsk she was the communist. In 1919-1935 she co-operated with Jews communities. Maria Magdalena was the daughter of Maria Kwilecka married Kiezgajlo, and Maria Magdalena was Belarussian not Polish! In 1882 she was married to Ludwik Jozef Krasinski.
Ludwik Jozef KRASINSKI died in 1895 and she was married to the son of Wilhelm Adam Radziwill, ie. to Waclaw Mikolaj Radziwill in 1906 in LONDON; he was pro-Russian politic, and the great-great-grandson of
Marcin Mikolaj Radziwill b. 1705 in Ciemkowicze, alchemist, sexual pervert and the FRANKISTS supporter, living close to Ostrow Wielkopolski];

Stadnicki from Pleszew area and Jedlno;
Tarnowski of Podole; Kossakowski of Skala Podolska; the Poniatowskis of Warsaw and of Berezyna in Belarus.

Marcin Mikolaj Radziwill, b. 1705, was the alchemist. He married 1st to BELCHACKA [her father was the manager - governor of LIPNIK close to Bielsko-Biala], the 2nd to Martha Maria Trebicka or Marta Trembicka.

A small village Lipnik [first time in 1325], at present 43-391 in north part of Mazancowice, 7 km north-west to the Bielsko-Biala core [NOT in the Siemkowice commune and close to Mazaniec and Radoszewice in the Pajeczno county]. In Lipnik were living members of evangelical church: Pysz, Sontag, Janowski, Homa, Linert. And Frisch in Biala; in 1726, Pohli; 1715 - Buczkowski; until 1718 Brin; in 1712-1720, lessee of Lipnik was
Adam Belchacki = ADRIAN BELCHACKI,
the first staroste / foreman / governor, he was evangelical man. Adrian of Gledzianow Belchacki, the castellan of Belchatow, the trustee / steward of Lipnica, the squire of the Fourth Part in Lgota, acted in 1714 in the Cracow Consistory.

The Heredom Royal Order of Kilwinning - Templars and the Freemasonry were at the top of the underground and intelligence structures in the second half of the 18th century headed by the noble aristocracy from Poland and a group of Polish Roman Catholic bishops: Bishop Jozef Andrzej Zaluski;
Bishop Antoni Dembowski, protector of the Frankists;
Mikolaj Dembowski;
Kajetan Ignacy Soltyk, 1715 - 1788;
Adam Stanislaw Krasinski (1714-1800);
Marcin Zaluski, the Jesuit monk, the Plock Bishop, the FRANKIST supporter;
Jakub Zaluski, the Sulejow official, the FRANKIST supporter;
Katarzyna Kossakowska of Skala Podolska, the wife of Stanislaw Korwin-Kossakowski;
JERZY MNISZECH, the Freemason;
Jerzy Marcin Lubomirski in Hungaria and Kamyk {owned by the Kiedrzynskis} close to Czestochowa;
Marcin Mikolaj Radziwill close to Ostrow Wielkopolski;
Kazimierz Poniatowski;
Marianna Barbara Skorzewska nee Ciecierska, 1741 - 1791, in Berlin in 1773-1791;
and Tadeusz Grabianka in Berlin in 1778/1779.

And Frankists with Illuminates:
Elisha Schor,
Jakub Frank in Frankfurt am Main,
Meyer Amschel Rothschild,
Donmeh in Greece,
Solomon Benedict de Worms;
and Samuel Falk in Altona and London.

The Royal Order of Heredom included the Rabbi Samuel Jacob Falk (1708-1782) as one of its members. He is linked to Jacob Frank, and was a neighbor to Swedenborg. Swedenborg was a Jacobite spy. Swendenborg apparently met Rabbi Samuel Jacob Falk.
Falk was one of the 'Unknown Superiors' of the Rite of Strict Observance, founded by Karl Gotthelf, Baron Hund (1722-1776) in 1754 [or in 1749; 1751].

Jacob Frank's godfather was King Augustus III of Poland [see ZALUSKI], whose Counselor was von Hund. Baron von Hund was also Counselor of State to Maria Theresa.

Ludwik Krasinski born in 1833, the friend of Leopold Kronenberg; Ludwik owned Krasne, Przystan, Magnuszewo, Krasnosielc and Zulin; Ojcow - Pieskowa Skala; Adamow with Gulow; Ursynow; and Rohatyn. Ludwik Krasinski owned many villages in the Minsk governorate from Magdalena Kiezgajlo-Zawisza: Kuchcice and Zarnowki in the IHUMEN county. Maria Magdalena Radziwill, nee Zawisza-Kierzgajlo / Kiezgajlo, primo voto Krasinska, b. 1861, d. 1945 in Fryburg, in 1917/1918 in Moscow and in Minsk she was the communist. In 1919-1935 she co-operated with Jews communities. Maria Magdalena was the daughter of Maria Kwilecka married Kiezgajlo, and Maria Magdalena was Belarussian not Polish! In 1882 she was married to Ludwik Jozef Krasinski. Ludwik Jozef died in 1895 and she was married to the son of Wilhelm Adam Radziwill, ie. to Waclaw Mikolaj Radziwill in 1906 in LONDON; he was pro-Russian politic, and the great-great-grandson of Marcin Mikolaj Radziwill b. 1705 in Ciemkowicze, alchemist, sexual pervert and the FRANKISTS supporter, living close to Ostrow Wielkopolski. Marcin Mikolaj Radziwill of Ostrow Wielkopolski was the supporter of the FRANKISTS.

The leading role among the converted Jews people belonged to the Wolowski family [compare Kiedrzynski-Arnold-Wolowski branch in Raszkow and Chocen - 1870]. The Wolowskis had lines to Paszkowski in Cracow, to Arnold-Kiedrzynski branch from Raszkow-Bieganin-Orpiszewek, to Niesiolowski, to Szymanowski-Mickiewicz, to Brzezinski of USA. This is Wolowski family derived from Lublin rabbis. Jakub Frank from the 1750s to the 1780s, preferred group sex, had harem of young girls, so-called Frank's court, despite having Ewa's wife. His daughter was the lover of the crown prince of Austria. Jakub Frank also allowed incest.
The Illuminati formed in the 18th century by the Russian intelligence interested in conquering Central Europe, the American Pacific coast, the Caucasus and the Balkans. The Russians mainly operated in the 18th century through Denmark [with Altona close to Hamburg under Denmark rule] and Malta, by the Templar movements of the Scottish Jacobites who sought support and facilities in St. Petersburg; through the Maltese Order, through the Frankists in Frankfurt am Main, Altona near Hamburg, Skala Podolska, Krasne close to Przasnysz; in Ostrow Wielkopolski, Kamieniec Podolski, Podhajce and Rohatyn in Ukraine. Sexual deviations were to allow the destruction of Western societies; the totality was completed by revolutions, and actually pseudo-revolutions in France in 1789, and in America. Russian intelligence has contributed to Freemasonry since the 1720s. After 1870/1871, the Illuminati movement was transformed into a globalist movement, and at the beginning, in 1871-1937, it was a Polish underground movement but the British intelligence and the Baltic Germans gained an advantage; however, in a network of secret societies after 1937, i.e. after the Great Purge in the Russian Empire, Russian-Soviet military intelligence service completely took over the leadership.

Jerzy Marcin Lubomirski in 1755 stationed with the regiment in Kamianets-Podilskyi. In 1757 he was associated with 17-year-old Anna Wylezynska. 1763 - 1765 imprisoned in Buda, Hungary and here he meets 18-year-old Anne Hadzik with a wedding in 1765. In 1768 Jerzy Marcin Lubomirski returned from Buda to the country to Kolbuszowa, which becomes the center of insurgent preparations [the BAR Confederation].

Kazimierz Pulaski, 1745-1779, one of the commanders and marshal of the Bar Confederation, Polish and US general; Freemason. Called the "father of the American cavalry". In 1769 he defended the Trenches of the Holy Trinity against the Russian army, then he moved to Turkey and in Podolia near Barwinek in 1769. Jerzy Marcin Lubomirski was the unfortunate defender of Cracow. During Defense of 'Jasna Gora' (1770-1772), Kazimierz Pulaski and Michal Walewski in 1770, making it a Confederate base. Michal Walewski was appointed commander, but Pulaski had real power.

Jerzy Marcin Lubomirski in 1763 - 1765 was imprisoned in Buda, Hungary and here he met 18-year-old Anne Hadzik with a wedding in 1765. In 1768 he returned from Buda to the country to Kolbuszowa. In 1783 Jerzy Marcin Lubomirski was married to Wilhelmina Albertyna von SEYDLITZ-KURZBACH, 1voto von MASOW. Div. 1785, she was 3rd married to Wojciech MACZYNSKI. In 1787, Jerzy Marcin Lubomirski had court trial with Adam Poninski, junior [ILLUMINATI and Cagliostro link]. 1782 - 1783 gambler; the owner of Bar; liutenant-general; Jerzy Marcin Lubomirski in autumn of 1789 moved from Warsaw to Frankfurt by Man. He approached Jakub Frank's group in Frankfurt, who was living in Offenbach, close to Frankfurt. In December 1791 Jerzy was on the funeral of Jakub Frank. Jerzy Marcin Lubomirski died in Przeclaw in loneliness and deprivation. Last his wife was Tekla LABEDZKA, 2voto Piotrowska, died in Warsaw in 1830, the Frankist. Tekla LABEDZKA, 2voto Piotrowska, ie. Tekla Katarzyna Labecka, 1760-1831, was the daughter of Jozef and Anna Piotrowska. Jozef Bonawentura Labecki was baptized Jew, b. 1730. Marcin Jerzy Lubomirski, 1738-1811, was the son of Antoni Benedykt Lubomirski, 1718-1761, and Anna Zofia Ozarowska. Above Jozef Bonawentura Labecki was the father to Antoni Labecki born 1773 in Warsaw, a politician, MP in 1818 and 1820; freemason. Jozef Bonawentura Labecki originally named Schwan, a descendant of Frankist Moszek (Szwana) from Podhajce, after the baptism as Tomasz Eleazariusz Labecki. Anna Piotrowski also Frankist. Labecki acted as the secretary of Franciszek Jozef Lubomirski. After the rise of Prussian power in Warsaw, he was involved in the organization of a new administration in the Prussian state. Antoni was ennobled in 1818. Ewa came from the Wolowski family - the Frankist family - from Szloma in Rohatyn, the son of Eliasz Szor. After baptism, Szloma was called Lukasz Franciszek Wolowski. Antoni Labecki m. Ewa Wolowska. They had a son Hieronim, organizer of the Congress mining. Hieronim Hilary Labedzki had a sister Zofia Hub (Labecka).

Mentioned Michal Walewski, the Sieradz governor in 1785-1792. In 1764 he was an elector of Stanislaw August Poniatowski. He was a member of the Confederation of the Four-Year Parliament. He proposed the expansion of the Polish army to 100000 soldiers. Marshal of the Bar Confederation of the Cracow Province in 1771.

Note to KAMYK close to Czestochowa:
The Kiedrzyn estate was situated in the Lelow county, the Cracow province, south-east of Kamyk of the Kiedrzynskis, north of Czestochowa, east of Liswarta river - the border of Poland and Prussia. Franciszek Kiedrzynski [b. ca 1625/1640 ?] in 1672 bought Kamyk from the Bielski brothers; his grandson was Maciej Kiedrzynski born ca 1700 / 1710, the owner of Kamyk. In 1759 here were two Lubomirskis. Probably the Frankists settled in KAMYK. Jan Kiedrzynski b. ca 1670/1680, was the son of Franciszek Kiedrzynski, b. ca 1625/1640; Jan had two sons: Andrzej Kiedrzynski b. ca 1715/1720, and Maciej Kiedrzynski b. ca 1700/1710. Andrzej married Franciszka Nostitz-Jackowska, and her sister Anna Nostitz-Jackowska married Skorzewska.
Maciej's son -
Antoni Kiedrzynski born ca 1738/1740,
and the grandson of MACIEJ -
Ludwik Kiedrzynski [in SEKURSKO], the Piotrkow top official in 1790; he married Roza Bleszynski of the PRZEDBORZ district[= Roza Lekinska], with the son Adam Kiedrzynski, b. ca 1785, the Mikorzyce estate owner in the Piotrkow county; Adam Kiedrzynski - inf. in 1840.

Next grandson of named FRANCISZEK Kiedrzynski was Michal Kiedrzynski.

Antoni Aleksy Kiedrzynski b. ca 1738/1740, the owner of Kamyk, Kiedrzyn - inf. 1745, Lechow(o), Kuznica Kiedrzynska, Wola Kiedrzynska north of Czestochowa, officer in Latyczow, the Ostoja coat of arms, he lost assets. Kiedrzynski taken out loans in the Royal Prussian Bank in Berlin. His land estate was in debt (the Kiedrzyn property). This was in the years 1793 - 1806. In 1815 the Government of the Polish Kingdom took over debts owed by the Kiedrzyn property and took over the management of this lands in Kiedrzyn (in the jurisdiction of the State).

At the same time
SAMUEL FALK, known Frankist, was in London [after 1736/1737 or he arrived here before 1742] to Emanuel Swedenborg. Teomim of Horodenka was in ALTONA [Hamburg] in 1764 and in 1767, as the Frankist. Here were living mainly Ashkenazic Jews. Jonathan Eybeschutz born in Cracow in 1690, died in named Altona in 1764, was a Talmudist, Rabbi of the "Three Communities": Altona, Hamburg and Wandsbek. Jonathan Eybeschutz's grandson was Baron Thomas von Schoenfeld, an apostate Jew who inherited his grandfather's collection of Sabbatean kabbalistic works. He founded a Masonic lodge called the Asiatische Bruder, one of four Illuminati lodges in Vienna. After his uncle's death in 1791, he was offered the leadership of the Frankist movement which he refused.

ALTONA was visited by St Germain [St Germain known Catherine the Great of Russia]; the FRANKISTS movement; Tadeusz Grabianka of the Illuminati; maybe ALTHOTAS from Denmark was in Altona - he was friendly to Cagliostro and Manuel Pinto in MALTA. In 1779, St. Germain arrived in Altona in Schleswig, to Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel.
Altona is the westernmost part of Hamburg.
By Ushi Derman:
"Frank addressed his followers:
'I came not to elevate your spirits, but to humiliate you to the bottom of the abyss, where you can get no lower, and where no man can rise from by his own forces, but only God can pull him with his mighty hand from the depth'. By 'abyss' he meant particularly sexual rituals that included sacred orgies with just a touch of incest. ...
David Kahana in his 'Book of Darkness':
'on the 26th day of the month of Shvat in 1756, on a market day in the town of Lanzkron, [LANCKORONA] Podolia, the people of the Frank sect gathered in the morning in an inn of one of their own, closed all the windows in secrecy, and took the rabbi's wife, a beautiful and promiscuous woman, sat her down naked in a palanquin, placed a Torah crown upon her head and danced around her...'."

His Polish aristocratic supporters chose their wives at the age of 17 and 18. They kidnapped young girls and made them harem, they used sadism, pedophiles, necrophiles - preparation of corpses, and even adopted Judaic customs, such as the Sabbath and kosher. The Frankis maintained contact with the German Illuminati through Altona in the suburb of Hamburg; and in Frankfurt am Main; in London, through Samuel Falk, through Cagliostro, the main emissary of the Order of Malta, through Carsten Niebuhr in 1767, in Skala Podolska, and established contacts with the Russian authorities in 1766 for anti-Polish purposes, and for muddle in the Balkans.

Russia's supporters in the 18th century and in the 19th century are not just Frankists in 1766; but also it is possible Georgian families, reaching the highest royal and princes dignities in Georgia. They are also aristocratic individuals from upper-class lineages in Poland imbued with the ideology of the Illuminati. In the second half of the 19th century, a Polish underground movement emerged in Russian intelligence [Armand-Konstantynowicz]; it operated in consultation with France [Breguet, Frauchi], England [Koziell-Poklewski] and Austria and even with Germany [Parvus, Hutten-Czapski]. Poles were assisted by the Baltic Germans [Pilar-Pilchau, Mohrenschildt], who had mastered Russia's counterintelligence from the 1840s. Georgians nobility and Scottish Templars sought help and support in the Orthodox Church in Moscow.

Frankists in Skala Podolska in 1767 were visited by Carsten Niebuhr, whom sent The Illuminati Superior of the Order of Malta, Manuel Pinto as early as 1761. The whole Niebuhr visit in Poland in 1767, after the search for a New Religion in Persia and drugs in Yemen, and after penetrating Egypt in 1761/1762 [alchemy], organized rich noble families: the Krasinskis from the neighborhood of Przasnysz in Krasne [Ludwik Krasinski born in 1833, the friend of Leopold Kronenberg; Ludwik owned Krasne, Przystan, Magnuszewo, Krasnosielc and Zulin; Ojcow - Pieskowa Skala; Adamow with Gulow; Ursynow; Rohatyn - in the vicinity was the center of the sexual deviation movement represented by Wilhelm Reich who wrote extensively, in his diary, about his sexual precocity. He maintained that his first sexual experience was at the age of four. He also was a Marxist.

Ludwik Krasinski owned many villages in the Minsk governorate from Magdalena Kiezgajlo-Zawisza: Kuchcice and Zarnowki in the IHUMEN county. Maria Magdalena Radziwill, nee Zawisza-Kierzgajlo / Kiezgajlo, primo voto Krasinska, b. 1861, d. 1945 in Fryburg, in 1917/1918 in Moscow and in Minsk she was the communist. In 1919-1935 she co-operated with Jews communities.

Maria Magdalena was the daughter of Maria Kwilecka married Kiezgajlo, and Maria Magdalena was Belarussian not Polish! In 1882 she was married to Ludwik Jozef Krasinski. Ludwik Jozef died in 1895 and she was married to the son of Wilhelm Adam Radziwill, ie. to Waclaw Mikolaj Radziwill in 1906 in LONDON; he was pro-Russian politic, and the great-great-grandson of Marcin Mikolaj Radziwill b. 1705 in Ciemkowicze, alchemist, sexual pervert and the FRANKISTS supporter, living close to Ostrow Wielkopolski]; Stadnicki from Pleszew area and Jedlno;
Tarnowski of Podole; Kossakowski of Skala Podolska; the Poniatowskis of Warsaw and of Berezyna in Belarus.

Teomim of Horodenka was in ALTONA in 1764.
In 1764 Rabbi Nachman made Aliyah to Israel [acc. to Dr. N. M. Gelber]. With him were Rabbi Menahem Mendel from Przemyslany / Peremyshliany, at half way from Busk to Rohatyn; and Rabbi Simhah. The group set sail from Galacz in Romania at present, to Constantinopol, and they sailed together with immigrants to Palestine in Jaffa. Someone wrote that Teomim of Horodenka was in ALTONA in 1764.
In 1766 Aharon Yitzchak ben Moshe, from the family of Rabbis, the Teomims, left Horodenka for Altona in Germany as a messenger and preacher for the Shabbetean movement. In 1767, he arrived in Altona from Poland. From there Aharon Yitzhak proceeded to Hamburg. Soon after there were rumors that Aharon Yitzhak was a preacher of the Shabbetai movement. Rav Moshe Teomim had a position as the Rabbi of Horodenka.

In 1779, St. Germain arrived in Altona in Schleswig, to Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel. Altona is the westernmost part of Hamburg. In 1640, Altona came under Danish rule. A major Jewish community developed in Altona starting in 1611, mainly Ashkenazic Jews.
Horodenka was also one of the centers of the Frankist movement.

At the same time Althotas also been identified with Kolmer, the instructor of Adam Weishaupt, a German leader of the Illuminati, and at other times Althotas was identified with the Comte de Saint Germain. Althotas was born in southern of Denmark. Then he was living in Turkey, and EGYPT [Misraim in 1738 - London ?]. Tadeusz Grabianka was in Hamburg and Altona under the name of Slonskimp as the Illuminati. Cagliostro had been initiated into the rite by the COMTE St. GERMAIN. The Comte de Saint Germain born ca 1691/1712, d. 1784, was a European alchemist. In 1779, St. Germain arrived in Altona in Schleswig, to Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel, who also had an interest in mysticism and in secret societies.

ALTONA was visited by St Germain [St Germain known Catherine the Great of Russia]; the FRANKISTS movement; Tadeusz Grabianka of the Illuminati; maybe ALTHOTAS from Denmark was in Altona - he was friendly to Cagliostro and Manuel Pinto in MALTA. A social movement related to sexual deviations was developed in the Frankist region: Podhajce - Rohatyn - Dubno. There, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, Wilhelm Reich appeared, supporter of bestiality, pedophilia, group sex, liquidation of marriage, free love. The communist Kollataj of the Lenin government created an educational system supporting these sexual disorders. The anarchist movement in the 19th century was dominated by homosexuals.

Three coups in the US: 1881, 1901, 1963, were prepared and co-organized by structures related to sexual liberation and homosexuality, but also to the national minority, liberalizing and mainly derived from the territories of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. They were accompanied by Baltic Germans and Poles, or Polish-Jewish mixed blood persons. All this structure was managed from Russia. The Illuminati formed in the 18th century by the Russian intelligence interested in conquering Central Europe, the American Pacific coast, the Caucasus and the Balkans. The Russians mainly operated in the 18th century through Denmark [with Altona close to Hamburg under Denmark rule] and Malta, by the Templar movements of the Scottish Jacobites who sought support and facilities in St. Petersburg; through the Maltese Order, through the Frankists in Frankfurt am Main, Altona near Hamburg, Skala Podolska, Krasne close to Przasnysz; in Ostrow Wielkopolski, Kamieniec Podolski, Podhajce and Rohatyn in Ukraine. Sexual deviations were to allow the destruction of Western societies; the totality was completed by revolutions, and actually pseudo-revolutions in France in 1789, and in America. Russian intelligence has contributed to Freemasonry since the 1720s.

After 1870/1871, the Illuminati movement was transformed into a globalist movement, and at the beginning, in 1871-1937, it was a Polish underground movement but the British intelligence and the Baltic Germans gained an advantage; however, in a network of secret societies after 1937, i.e. after the Great Purge in the Russian Empire, Russian-Soviet military intelligence service completely took over the leadership.
By K. E. Sjoden in 1995:
"... Pernety indicates an important date in his role in the history of Swedenborgianism: September 29, 1779. ... The group came to be universally known as the Illuminati in Avignon. Who were the first members of this group? ... Count Thadee Lessige GRABIENSKA [Tadeusz Grabianka], Nobleman of Liva, known in Holland under the name of Janiewske [Janiewski]; in England under the name of Soudkowski [Sudkowski]; in France and some parts of Germany under the name of Ostap; in Hamburg and Altona under the name of Slonskimp. ... This letter of October 20, 1781 constitutes a veritable gold mine for those who take an interest in Pernety and his activities. I became aware of it thanks to a copy translated into Swedish located in the Royal Library in Stockholm... A letter from Grabianka to the Dutch editor Pierre F. Gosse of February 24, 1787, published in ... Hague, 1884... Included among them were his wife, his mother-in-law, Countess Stadnisca [Stadnicka], his daughter Annette Grabianka [Aneta Grabianka], his sister and brother-in-law, Count and Countess Jean Tarnowski [Jan Tarnowski], as well as Mademoiselle Bruchier from Strasbourg, who was his daughter Annette's tutor and also the ... medium. ... But it was Louis-Joseph-Bernard-Philibert de Morveau, known as 'Brumore', initiated prior to Grabianka, who was even more influential. Brumore served as librarian to the King's brother, Henri [Henry], at his Castle of Reinsberg, near Berlin. Henri had hired a troop of French actors, one of whom, Bauld de Sens, was also a member of the secret Society. It is known that he entrusted Pernety and Brumore with two rare documents dealing with alchemy ... I have found some mention of the Prince in the register of the members of the Illuminati in Avignon...".

The relatives of Jan Bloch - Meshullam Solomon / Israel Meshullam Solomon (1723-1794), was b. in 1723 in Altona - d. 1793/1794/1795 in HAMBURG; he was born as Israel Meshullam Zalman Emden in Altona near Hamburg, was one of two rival Chief Rabbis of the United Kingdom and the rabbi of the Hambro' Synagogue. Solomon claimed authority as Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom from 1765 to 1780. Israel Meshullam Solomon (1723-1794/1795), was the son of Jacob / Yaakov EMDEN, 1697-1776 + Rachel KOHEN, ca 1700-1739; the grandson of Tzvi Hirsch ben Yaakov ASHKENAZI, 1658-1718 + Sarah Mirls / Mirles NEUMARK, 1670-1719.

Israel Meshullam Solomon in 1722/1723 in Altonia / Altona in Hamburg (now Germany). Israel Meshullam Zalman EMDEN in 1764 was appointed rabbi of the Hamburger Synagogue in London. In 1780 he left London and in 1794/1795 he died in Hamburg. He was known in England as Meshullam SOLOMON. Israel was the son of Jacob / Yaakov EMDEN + Rachel KOHEN.

Above Tzvi Hirsch ben Yaakov Ashkenazi, 1656-1718), known as the Chacham Tzvi, born in 1658 in Velke, Moravia. His father Jacob Wilner was active in Moravia. He was descended of Ephraim ha-Kohen, who in turn was the son-in-law of a grandchild of Elijah Ba'al Shem of Chelm Lubelski.

Above R' Israel (Solomon) Meshullam Zalman Emden, was ABD Podhajce and later in London.
Israel was the son of Yaakov Israel Emden + Rachel Emden Ashkenazi.
Israel was the father to Benjamin Emden.
Israel was the brother of Blimah Eisenstadt Ash, Second Wife; R' Meir Zalman Yavetz Emden, A.B.D. Konstantin; and others. And the half brother of Nechama Yavetz and others.

Above Benjamin Emden b. 1765 + Jetta Charney, with a daughter Chia Leah Rotkel (Emden) died in 1942, married Mattias Rotkel / Mates, 1860-1942, the son of David Rotkel. CHIA was the daughter of Benjamin Emden and Jetta.
Chia was the mother of David Rotkel; Bella Weiss; Felicia Flatau; Benjamin Rotkel.
Above Mattias Rotkel had a daughter b. in 1907, Cecile Wechsler born in Warsaw. Cecile had a son born in 1931, Felix Leneman died in Paris. Cecile died in 2004 in New York. Felix Leneman b. 1931 in Paris, d. in 2000 in San Leandro, in California.

Above EPHRAIM BEN JACOB HA-KOHEN (1616-1678), rabbinic authority, served as a judge in Vilna together with Shabbetai Kohen and Aaron Samuel Koidanover. Born in Wilna in 1616; died in 1678, at Budapest / Ofen, Hungary; persecuted by the Chmielnicki uprising.

Jan Gotlib Bloch (1836-1902), also known as Ivan Bloch, born Jewish and a convert to Calvinism, was sympathetic to the Zionist movement. Bloch was married to Emilia Julia Kronenberg (1845-1921), the granddaughter of Polish banker Samuel Eleazar Kronenberg, the daughter of medical doctor Henryk Andrzej Kronenberg;
and niece of industrialist Leopold Stanislaw Kronenberg;
"the Kronenberg and Bloch families had often been in competition with each other in several 19th century Polish businesses".

Amelia Maria Weyssenhoff Soltan's brother was Jozef Weyssenhoff who married Alicja Bloch / Aleksandra Emilia Bloch, the daughter of Jan Bloch, a banker from Lodz. Amelia Maria Weyssenhoff + Wiktor Wladyslaw Pereswit Soltan b. 1853, d. 1905, the son of Stanislaw Soltan and Albertyna Dunin- Jundzill Countess.

Tsvee Hirsch of Kalisz was the supporter of Samuel Falk in London and / or in Brunswick. Dr Samuel Falk, the Ba'al Shem of London, who was born in Podhajce at the beginning of the eighteenth century and named Samuel Jacob di Falk Tradiola Laniado. It explains that 'Falk' is the name of a family of distinguished lineage that included Rabbi Joshua ben Alexander Falk and Rabbi Jacob Joshua ben Zevi Hirsch.

Falk made the acquaintance of Moses David of Podhajce. Falk's family move from Podhajce to Furth in Germany, which had become a major centre of Jewish life. The crypto-Sabbatians and hidden Frankists lived in Furth that influenced Falk's personality. Philippe II was also another pupil of Rabbi Samuel Falk. Louis Philippe II, Duke of Orleans, Grand Master of the Grand Orient, in 1772. Philippe was the great-grandson of Philippe, Duke of Orleans, the Grand Master of Baron Hund's the Templar Order.

SAMUEL FALK, known Frankist, was in London [after 1736/1737 or he arrived here before 1742] to Emanuel Swedenborg. Teomim of Horodenka was in ALTONA [Hamburg] in 1764 and in 1767, as the Frankist. Here were living mainly Ashkenazic Jews. Jonathan Eybeschutz born in Cracow in 1690, died in named Altona in 1764, was a Talmudist, Rabbi of the "Three Communities": Altona, Hamburg and Wandsbek. Jonathan Eybeschutz's grandson was Baron Thomas von Schoenfeld, an apostate Jew who inherited his grandfather's collection of Sabbatean kabbalistic works. He founded a Masonic lodge called the Asiatische Bruder, one of four Illuminati lodges in Vienna. After his uncle's death in 1791, he was offered the leadership of the Frankist movement which he refused.

ALTONA was visited by St Germain [St Germain known Catherine the Great of Russia]; the FRANKISTS movement; Tadeusz Grabianka of the Illuminati; maybe ALTHOTAS from Denmark was in Altona - he was friendly to Cagliostro and Manuel Pinto in MALTA. In 1779, St. Germain arrived in Altona in Schleswig, to Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel. Altona is the westernmost part of Hamburg.

Above Jacob Josuah ben Zebi Hirsch, 1680-1756 = Jacob Joshua Falk in 'Biographical Summaries of Notable People'. Jacob Joshua Falk was born in 1680, in Cracow, d. in 1756, Polish rabbi, died in Offenbach in January 1756. On his mothers side he was a grandson of Joshua b. 1578; the son of Joshua Falk + Taubchen Ber b. in LWOW / Lemberg, d. in 1775. Joshua was the son of Falk ben Joshua b. ca 1610. JACOB FALK was the father to Moses Arnswald.

Cagliostro ... had been initiated into the rite by the COMTE St. GERMAIN
[the Comte de Saint Germain born ca 1691/1712, d. 1784, was a European alchemist. In 1779, St. Germain arrived in Altona in Schleswig, to Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel, who also had an interest in mysticism and in secret societies. He had invented a new method of colouring cloth. St. Germain was an Alsatian Jew, Simon Wolff by name, and was born at Strasbourg.
Maybe was a Spanish Jesuit named Aymar. The title of the Count of St Germain had during the early 1740s. He is called an Italian, a Spaniard, a Pole. In London he was in 1745. He understood Polish, and soon learnt to understand English. St. Germain appeared in the French court around 1748. In 1749, he was employed by Louis XV for diplomatic missions.
He prophesied the French Revolution. He met Giuseppe Balsamo (alias Cagliostro) in London. St. Germain was an alchemist, and Rosicrucian. Ebenezer Sibly was deeply involved in occult, but his brother Manoah SIBLY was the member of the Swedenborgian Theosophical Society; and was living in London like Swedenborgian minister. Manoah SIBLY thus provided a tangible connection between Ebenezer SIBLY / Ebenezer Sibley, and the Swedenborgian enthusiasts Philippe de LOUTHERBOURG,
Peter Lambert de LINTOT and
and in ca 1776 to CAGLIOSTRO.
Above acc. to Susan Mitchell Sommers.

Above Charles of Hesse-Kassel was born in Kassel in 1744 as the son of Frederick II, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel (or Hesse-Cassel) and his first wife Princess Mary of Great Britain. His mother was a daughter of King George II of Great Britain and Caroline of Ansbach and a sister of Queen Louise of Denmark.
The grandfather, William VIII, Landgrave of Hesse].

... it was SAMUEL FALK who sent CAGLIOSTRO on the mission of Egyptian Freemasonry. It was also known as the RITE of MISRAIM, ... From as early as 1738, traces of the Rite of Misraim can be found, which include alchemical, occult and Egyptian references with a structure of 90 degrees. Through his association with the Grand Master of the Order of the Knights of MALTA, Manuel Pinto de Fonseca, Cagliostro founded the Rite of HIGH EGYPTIAN MASONRY in 1784. Between 1767 and 1775 he received the ARCANA ARCANORUM ... from Sir Knight LUIGI D'AQUINO, the brother of the national Grand Master of NEAPOLITAN MASONRY. In 1788, he introduced them into the RITE of MISRAIM ... The Rite was composed of 90 degrees, taken from SCOTTISH RITE Freemasonry, MARTINISM and other Masonic traditions...".

From as early as 1738, one can find traces of this Rite filled with alchemical, occult and Egyptian references, with a structure of 90 degrees. Joseph Balsamo / Cagliostro was very close to the Grand Master of the Order of the Knights of Malta, Manuel Pinto de Fonseca. Cagliostro founded the Rite of High Egyptian Masonry in 1784, with Arcana Arcanorum which are three very high hermetic degrees, from Sir Knight Luigi d'Aquino, the brother of the national Grand Master of Neapolitan Masonry. In 1788, he introduced them into the Rite of Misraim.

Jakob Frank was the son of a rabbi who traveled in the Middle East, in 1738. But in 1730 they moved home to CZERNIOWCE. On Jakob's return to Poland in 1755, he founded the Frankists, a heretical Jewish sect that was an anti-Talmudic outgrowth of the mysticism of Sabbatai Zevi. Frank born Jakub Lejbowicz in 1726, claimed to be the reincarnation of messiah Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676). Jacob Frank maybe was born in Buchach / BUCZACZ, 39 km south-east to PODHAJCE. His father was a Sabbatean, and moved to CZERNIOWCE / Czernowitz, in 1730. Frank began to reject the Talmud.

Jakob Frank in 1738 joined his father on a business journey to Thessaloniki and he was introduced to Sabbatean circles in Thessaloniki. Jakob Frank returned to Poland in 1755. As a traveling merchant in textile and precious stones he often visited Turkish territories, in Tesaloniki / Salonica and Smyrna. But they settled in Vallachia, part of the Ottoman Empire, and in Bukovina and Bucharest were he was learning the local Cabbalistic traditions of Judaism and learning Ladino, the language of the Sephardic Jews in the Balkans, and Turkish with Hebrew.

"In 1755 as a Sabbatian Messiah, Frank probably didn't know Polish nor Yiddish ... In the early 1750s, Frank became intimate with the leaders of the Sabbateans, like Osman Baba (d. 1720) in 1752, and the Donmeh in Salonica". In Landskron / LANCKORONA his activity ended in a scandal. Frank was forced to leave Podolia. About 2000 Jews in Lvov in 1759, were accused of belonging to the Frankist cult, ie. the Sabbateans. The main concept in Sabbatean theology was from Shabtai Zvi. "The sexual adventures reached the ears of the senior rabbis of Poland, after the Frankists held a rough sexual ceremony described by David Kahana, in 1756, in Lanckorona / Lanzkron, at Podolia". Jacob Frank was jailed [in Czestochowa close to KAMYK of my family KIEDRZYNSKI] because his sexual antics. He then converted to the Russian Orthodox Church.

St. Germain, an Alsatian Jew, Simon Wolff by name, born at Strasbourg, had the title of the Count of St Germain during the early 1740s, called an Italian, a Spaniard, a Pole, was in London in 1745. St. Germain understood Polish and visited ALTONA close to Hamburg. Alexander Mikhailovich (Sandro) was the Freemason, and he called himself Philalethes. The 1785 congress convened by the Amis Reunis and the Philalethes was also attended by the Anton Mesmer, Comte St. Germain and Comte Cagliostro, another student of Rabbi Falk. Cagliostro, had known all the secrets of Dr. Samuel Falk.
Catherine the Great was reportedly also associated with the Comte St. Germain. St. Germain was in St Petersburg, where he participated in a conspiracy when the Russian army assisted Catherine in usurping the throne from her husband Peter III of Russia. At the same time Althotas also been identified with Kolmer, the instructor of Adam Weishaupt, a German leader of the Illuminati, and at other times Althotas was identified with the Comte de Saint Germain. Althotas was born in southern of Denmark. Then he was living in Turkey, and EGYPT [Misraim in 1738 - London ?]. Tadeusz Grabianka was in Hamburg and Altona under the name of Slonskimp as the Illuminati. Cagliostro had been initiated into the rite by the COMTE St. GERMAIN. The Comte de Saint Germain born ca 1691/1712, d. 1784, was a European alchemist. In 1779, St. Germain arrived in Altona in Schleswig, to Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel, who also had an interest in mysticism and in secret societies.

In Turkey, in the 2nd half of the 17th century, Donmeh / Donme, a group of Sabbatean crypto-Jews in the Ottoman Empire, was created as the political and religious movement. The movement was centered in Thessaloniki were Jakob Frank was in 1738. Jakob Frank in 1738 joined his father on a business journey from Czerniowce to Thessaloniki and he was introduced to Sabbatean circles in Thessaloniki. At the same time SAMUEL FALK, known Frankist, was in London [after 1736/1737 or he arrived here before 1742] to Emanuel Swedenborg. Teomim of Horodenka was in ALTONA [Hamburg] in 1764 and in 1767, as the Frankist. Here were living mainly Ashkenazic Jews. Jonathan Eybeschutz born in Cracow in 1690, died in named Altona in 1764, was a Talmudist, Rabbi of the "Three Communities": Altona, Hamburg and Wandsbek. Jonathan Eybeschutz's grandson was Baron Thomas von Schoenfeld, an apostate Jew who inherited his grandfather's collection of Sabbatean kabbalistic works. He founded a Masonic lodge called the Asiatische Bruder, one of four Illuminati lodges in Vienna. After his uncle's death in 1791, he was offered the leadership of the Frankist movement which he refused. ALTONA [the Bloch family of LODZ has a roots in ALTONA] was visited by St Germain [St Germain known Catherine the Great of Russia]; the FRANKISTS movement; Tadeusz Grabianka of the Illuminati; maybe ALTHOTAS from Denmark was in Altona - he was friendly to Cagliostro and Manuel Pinto in MALTA. In 1779, St. Germain arrived in Altona in Schleswig, to Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel. Altona is the westernmost part of Hamburg.

Jakob Frank was the son of a rabbi who traveled in the Middle East, in 1738. But in 1730 they moved home to CZERNIOWCE. On Jakob's return to Poland in 1755, he founded the Frankists, a heretical Jewish sect that was an anti-Talmudic outgrowth of the mysticism of Sabbatai Zevi. Frank born Jakub Lejbowicz in 1726, claimed to be the reincarnation of messiah Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676). Jacob Frank maybe was born in Buchach / BUCZACZ, 39 km south-east to PODHAJCE. His father was a Sabbatean, and moved to CZERNIOWCE / Czernowitz, in 1730. Frank began to reject the Talmud.

At STIRLING a system of MASONIC TEMPLARY prevailed which they attributed, ... to certain Knights of St. John and the Temple who became protestants, and joined MASONIC LODGE at that place...". The author of above John Yarker b. 1833, was an English Freemason in 1855, author, and occultist. Yarker later became International Grand Master (1902) of the Rite of Memphis-Misraim. The Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraim is a masonic rite founded in Naples in September 1881. The first Grand Hierophant from 1881 was Giuseppe Garibaldi. All three conspiracy centers, Brittany, Malta, Scotland, were taken over by Russian intelligence. This happened gradually in the 18th century. Russia built its power in the 18th century and took every opportunity to act against France, England and Spain. The goal was to conquer Western North America on the Pacific coasts. This plan was implemented from the 20s of the 18th century by Peter the Great, to 60's of the 19th century when Alaska was sold to the Americans. "From as early as 1738, traces of the Rite of Misraim can be found, which include alchemical, occult and Egyptian references, with a structure of 90 degrees".

In 2013, the first on the world I show very interesting network!
It was a global political network of the Russian intelligence infiltrated by the British, French and Germans, and by the Polish independence conspiracy: Lenin and Inessa Armand, Duflon, nobility from Scotland, Italy, Ireland, France, Switzerland, the German noble families in Estonia. This military - political intelligence network has a different appearance depending on, which side you watch from. It's like the external universe, which expands. It has a chaotic structure, but only to the viewers. For top executives of the network, it is extremely bright and clear. It works like clockwork. Time passes, and this network is expanding, as the universe, at that time some stars turning pale, faded and disappeared.
The underground structure has clearly defined objectives at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries:
1. call up the chaos in Europe;
2. to bring the continental war;
3. overthrow of the Romanovs in Russia;
4. lead to anarchy in Russia;
5. starting the war between the invaders, who take away the Polish independence;
6. pulling the western countries into the war, and in due time also America.

These network in the 18th to 21st cent is the intelligences networks.
Overarching objectives are at the beginning of the 20th cent.:
1. Polish independence,
2. The independence of the Baltic States;
3. The creation of a Jewish state in Palestine.

Tools to achieve these goals are:
1. The money from the Scottish, Jewish and American banks; revenue from the Mediterranean trade - Marseille, Greece, Naples, Crimea; and plantations in Ceylon and from the Asian trade - Ceylon, India, Japan;
2. the use of secret non-goverment organisations (NGOs) in Europe and America;
3. The creation of favorable underground structures inside the intelligence networks of Western Europe and American countries.

Strangely connected story about which I'm writing now, with the current history of several countries in the 21st century. It turns out that liberal sexual policy is the domain of Russian intelligence. You must enter the keyword 'sex' or 'sexual' at this webpage. You will find over 20 times a combination of history, genealogy, Freemasonry, Templars, the Illuminati, globalists, Russian intelligence, with today's in 2020, LGBT activities.
Let's take a look at the sexual deviations of Jakub Frank, a Jewish dissenter who joined the sect of the Sabbathians in Thessaloniki [Turkey in 18th century], not to pay taxes for Jewish communities, but also to loosen family and sexual ties in Jewish communities.
Today, also, in 2015-2023, we see a struggle and tug between two types of behavior in Jewish communities: atheism and sexual liberalism struggles with the orthodox type of behavior characteristic of the State of Israel.

David Livingstone in 2013 wrote:
"The Asiatic BRETHREN continued to be associated with Egyptian Rite Freemasonry, which its origins with Count CAGLIOSTRO. Cagliostro ... had been initiated into the rite by the COMTE St. GERMAIN [the Comte de Saint Germain born ca 1691/1712, d. 1784, was a European alchemist. In 1779, St. Germain arrived in Altona in Schleswig, to Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel, who also had an interest in mysticism and in secret societies. He had invented a new method of colouring cloth. St. Germain was an Alsatian Jew, Simon Wolff by name, and was born at Strasbourg.
Maybe was a Spanish Jesuit named Aymar. The title of the Count of St Germain had during the early 1740s. He is called an Italian, a Spaniard, a Pole. In London he was in 1745. He understood Polish, and soon learnt to understand English. St. Germain appeared in the French court around 1748. In 1749, he was employed by Louis XV for diplomatic missions. He prophesied the French Revolution. He met Giuseppe Balsamo (alias Cagliostro) in London. St. Germain was an alchemist, and Rosicrucian.
Ebenezer Sibly was deeply involved in occult, but his brother Manoah SIBLY was the member of the Swedenborgian Theosophical Society; and was living in London like Swedenborgian minister. Manoah SIBLY thus provided a tangible connection between Ebenezer SIBLY / Ebenezer Sibley, and the Swedenborgian enthusiasts Philippe de LOUTHERBOURG, Peter Lambert de LINTOT and Charles RAINSFORD and in ca 1776 to CAGLIOSTRO.
Above acc. to Susan Mitchell Sommers.

Charles of Hesse-Kassel was born in Kassel in 1744 as the son of Frederick II, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel (or Hesse-Cassel) and his first wife Princess Mary of Great Britain. His mother was a daughter of King George II of Great Britain and Caroline of Ansbach and a sister of Queen Louise of Denmark. The grandfather, William VIII, Landgrave of Hesse].

Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick 1721 - 1792, was mentioned in Robison's secret Illuminati membership list, as the patron of the Asiatic Brethern, an Illuminati offshoot. The Sabbatian Vienna Lodge of the Asiatic Brethren was founded by Jacob Frank's cousin, Moses Dobrushka, alias Von Schoenfeld. Jonathan Eybeschutz born in Cracow in 1690, d. Altona, 1764, was a Talmudist, Rabbi of the "Three Communities": Altona, Hamburg and Wandsbek. Jonathan Eybeschutz's grandson was Baron Thomas von Schoenfeld.

Count Thadee Lessige GRABIENSKA [Tadeusz Grabianka], Nobleman of Liva, known in Holland under the name of Janiewske [Janiewski]; he was in England under the name of Soudkowski [Sudkowski]; in France and some parts of Germany under the name of Ostap; in Hamburg and Altona under the name of Slonskimp.

Cagliostro had been initiated into the rite by the COMTE St. GERMAIN. The Comte de Saint Germain born ca 1691/1712, d. 1784, was a European alchemist. In 1779, St. Germain arrived in Altona in Schleswig, to Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel, who also had an interest in mysticism and in secret societies. He had invented a new method of colouring cloth. St. Germain was an Alsatian Jew, Simon Wolff by name, and was born at Strasbourg.
In 1768-1789 two Frankists agents were in Prague and Possnitz.
Jakob Frank was freed by the Russians from Czestochowa in August 1772, and he left the town early in 1773. He came to Warsaw and in March 1773 escaped to BERNO to Dobruschka until 1786. In March 1775 met with Austrian Empress. At 1786/1787 established himself in OFFENBACH with the Prince Ysenburg.
Jakob Frank acted together with the Russian Orthodox Church and with the Russian government in 1773 in Czestochowa and Warsaw, but in 1765 Frankist delegation went to Smolensk and Moscow, acc. to Robert Akers.
St. Germain, an Alsatian Jew, Simon Wolff by name, born at Strasbourg, had the title of the Count of St Germain during the early 1740s, called an Italian, a Spaniard, a Pole, was in London in 1745. St. Germain understood Polish and visited ALTONA close to Hamburg.

Alexander Mikhailovich (Sandro) was the Freemason, and he called himself Philalethes. The 1785 congress convened by the Amis Reunis and the Philalethes was also attended by the Anton Mesmer, Comte St. Germain and Comte Cagliostro, another student of Rabbi Falk.

Cagliostro, had known all the secrets of Dr. Samuel Falk. Catherine the Great was reportedly also associated with the Comte St. Germain. St. Germain was in St Petersburg, where he participated in a conspiracy when the Russian army assisted Catherine in usurping the throne from her husband Peter III of Russia.

At the same time Althotas also been identified with Kolmer, the instructor of Adam Weishaupt, a German leader of the Illuminati, and at other times Althotas was identified with the Comte de Saint Germain. Althotas was born in southern of Denmark. Then he was living in Turkey, and EGYPT [Misraim in 1738 - London ?].
Tadeusz Grabianka was in Hamburg and Altona under the name of Slonskimp as the Illuminati.
Cagliostro had been initiated into the rite by the COMTE St. GERMAIN. The Comte de Saint Germain born ca 1691/1712, d. 1784, was a European alchemist. In 1779, St. Germain arrived in Altona in Schleswig, to Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel, who also had an interest in mysticism and in secret societies.
In Turkey, in the 2nd half of the 17th century, Donmeh / Donme, a group of Sabbatean crypto-Jews in the Ottoman Empire, was created as the political and religious movement. The movement was centered in Thessaloniki were Jakob Frank was in 1738. Jakob Frank in 1738 joined his father on a business journey from Czerniowce to Thessaloniki and he was introduced to Sabbatean circles in Thessaloniki.

At the same time SAMUEL FALK, known Frankist, was in London [after 1736/1737 or he arrived here before 1742] to Emanuel Swedenborg.

Teomim of Horodenka was in ALTONA [Hamburg] in 1764 and in 1767, as the Frankist. Here were living mainly Ashkenazic Jews. Jonathan Eybeschutz born in Cracow in 1690, died in named Altona in 1764, was a Talmudist, Rabbi of the "Three Communities": Altona, Hamburg and Wandsbek. Jonathan Eybeschutz's grandson was Baron Thomas von Schoenfeld, an apostate Jew who inherited his grandfather's collection of Sabbatean kabbalistic works. He founded a Masonic lodge called the Asiatische Bruder, one of four Illuminati lodges in Vienna. After his uncle's death in 1791, he was offered the leadership of the Frankist movement which he refused.

ALTONA was visited by St Germain [St Germain known Catherine the Great of Russia]; the FRANKISTS movement; Tadeusz Grabianka of the Illuminati; maybe ALTHOTAS from Denmark was in Altona - he was friendly to Cagliostro and Manuel Pinto in MALTA. In 1779, St. Germain arrived in Altona in Schleswig, to Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel.

JACOB Cremieux was at the time organizing the Alliance Israelite Universelle ['All Jews are responsible for one another'].

This courier was a French lawyer and journalist, Armand Levy (1827 - 1891), an anti-clericalist, a freemason, a socialist; he was "born in a Roman Catholic family, but with a Jewish grand-father, he was passionate about the Jewish cause. He fought alongside his illustrious friends, such as Adam Mickiewicz [Mickiewicz's stay on the Bosporus],
Ion Bratianu
and Camillo Cavour,
for the independence of Poland and Romania, and for the unification of Italy",
by Wikipedia;
Armand LEVY propagated the social upheaval in Russia.

The Alliance Israelite Universelle is a Jewish organization founded in 1860 by Adolphe Cremieux "to safeguard the human rights of Jews around the world".
The first President:
Louis Jean Konigswarter (1814-1878).
He came from Jonas Hirsch Konigswarter (ca 1740 - 1805) who was emigrated to Furth, in Bavaria, where he established a business. He had five sons, among others - Julius Jonas Konigswarter (1783-1845) with Julius's son Louis Jean Konigswarter (1814-1878).
Louis's great-grandson Jules de Konigswarter (1904-1995), married to Pannonica Rothschild (1913-1988). Louis's granddaughter Helene Josephine Konigswarter (1873-1922), married to Gaston Calmann-Levy (1864-1948).

Calmann-Levy is a French publishing house founded in 1836 by Michel Levy (1821-1875) and his brother Kalmus LEVY / Calmann Levy (1819-1891). In 1893, Calmann was succeeded by his sons Georges, Paul and mentioned Gaston.

The second President:
Isaac-Jacob Adolphe Cremieux b. 1796, d. 1880, a French Minister of Justice in 1848, and in 1870-1871. He was a defender of the rights of the Jews in France. The Freemason in 1818, at Grand Orient de France lodge in Nimes, and in Paris during 1830. In 1866 CREMIEUX became 33rd degree [TEMPLAR] and Great Commander in 1868.

Ascher Ginsberg - Ahad Ha'am (1856 - 1927) and Theodor Herzl for several years were at the head of the Zionist movement and were called the founders of Zionism; close friends of Herzl were Max Nordau, and Professor Richard Gotheyl.

And Frankists with Illuminates:
Elisha Schor,
Jakub Frank in Frankfurt am Main,
Meyer Amschel Rothschild,
Donmeh in Greece,
Solomon Benedict de Worms;
and Samuel Falk in Altona and London.

Jacob Frank (1726 - 1791) and the Frankists also became involved in international political intrigue, and sent secret emissaries to the Russian government and the Eastern Orthodox Church offering to help in the overthrow of Poland and the Catholic Church.
By 1786, Frank suffered temporary financial problems, and moved his court to Offenbach, near Frankfurt. There Frank's money problems were solved. The source of Frank's immense wealth is not clear. He may have used his movement's system of secret messengers to make the constant political turmoil involving Austria-Hungary, Turkey and the Balkans.
Jacob Frank then began collaborating with Adam Weishaupt, the Jewish Jesuit. The parents of Adam Weishaupt were Marranos. The German Illuminati Order was not invented by Adam Weishaupt, but rather renewed and reformed. Meyer Amschel Rothschild was acted in Frankfurt am Main, as early as 1764. The leader of the Cabala at that time, Jakob Frank, a Polish born Jew with the family name of Leibowicz, lived in Offenbach, the south of the city of Frankfurt, from 1786/1787. Johann Adam Weishaupt was at Ingolstadt in 1770. The Prieure de Sion is the secret society in Paris which oversees all other secret societies. It is the mysterious Illuminati, which had its origins in the Society of Ormus which was birthed in Alexandria, Egypt, whence it relocated to Calabria, Italy.

Meyer Amschel financed Adam Weishaupt and Jakob Frank laid the cabalistic theological foundation for the Order of the Illuminati.

The Donmeh / Donme, were a group of Sabbatean crypto-Jews in the Ottoman Empire. The movement was centered in Thessaloniki. The first was formed in Izmir (Smyrna). The first schism created the sect of the Jakubi, founded by Jacob Querido (1650 - 1690), the brother of Zevi's last wife. The second split was of Berechiah Russo (1695 - 1740). Missionaries from the Karakashi / Konioso of Russo were active in Poland in the first part of the 18th century and taught Jacob Frank (1726 - 1791). The Lechli, of Polish descent, lived in exile in Thessaloniki and Constantinople.
Jacob Querido d. in 1690, in Alexandria, Egypt, but he was born in Thessaloniki. Querido converted to Islam taking his name as Yakup in 1687. In Turkey the modern form of Illuminati is known as the Donmeh.

The Grand Master of the Asiatic Brethren, and leading member of the Illuminati, was Prince Karl / CHARLES of Hesse-Kassel / Hessen-Kassel, the brother of Wilhelm I of Hessen-Kassel.
Both were the sons of Frederick II of Hessen-Kassel, from his wife, Mary of Hanover, Princess of Great Britain, the daughter of George II King of England, and therefore cousin to Frederick II the Great of Prussia.
"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws" - Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild. Mayer Amschel Rothschild / Anschel (b. 1743 or in 1744), was a German Jewish banker and the founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty. In 1770, "Mayer Amschel Rothschild draws up plans for the creation of the Illuminati and entrusts ... Adam Weishaupt, ... with its organization and development...".
In 1791 - the formation of TEMPLAR's first Grand Conclave, with Thomas Dunckerley as Grand Master. In 1805 their Royal Patron, Duke of Kent [Prince Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathearn / Edward Augustus], became TEMPLAR Grand Master himself. The modern revival of Templarism in Scotland starts with Alexander Deuchar, of the Grand Assembly of the High Knights Templar in Edinburgh; in 1811 with a Charter from the Templar Grand Master in England, the Duke of Kent, Alexander Deuchar established the Grand Conclave of Knights of the Holy Temple and Sepulchre, and of St. John of Jerusalem [see Wankowicz and Swolna]. In 1813 Prince Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex, became Grand Master of the Premier Grand Lodge of England, and in December 1813 - named Prince Edward [Prince Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathearn / Edward Augustus] became Grand Master of the Antient Grand Lodge of England. Mentioned above the Prince Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathearn / Edward Augustus, b. 1767, died in 1820, was the fifth child of King George III of the United Kingdom and the father of Queen Victoria!

Baron von Estorff advised the Landgrave that Mayer Amschel Rothschild showed an exceptional ability to increase wealth through his investments. Mayer Amschel arranged to hire 16800 Hessian soldiers to assist the nephew of Federick's wife, King George III of England, in suppressing the American Rebellion. When Frederick II of Hessen-Kassel died in 1785, Rothschild obtained total influence over his successor, Karl's [Charles of Hessen-Kassel] brother Elector Wilhelm IX, who he managed to make one of the wealthiest monarchs of his time. In 1769, Mayer Amschel Rothschild had become an agent for the Hessen-Kassel court [Frederick II of Hessen-Kassel died in 1785] of Prince William IX of Hesse - Kassel. Prince WILHELM IX / William IX was the grandson of George II, and also a cousin to George III of England, who was a nephew to the King of Denmark and also a brother in law to the King of Sweden. Prince William handed his wealth to be managed by the Rothschilds.

Wilhelm X Landgraf von Hessen-Kassel-Rumpenheim that is Prince William of Hesse-Kassel, b. 1787, was the first son of Prince Frederick of Hesse-Kassel and Princess Caroline of Nassau-Usingen. Above Prince Frederick of Hesse-Kassel, b. 1747, was a Danish general. He was born as the youngest son of Prince Frederick of Hesse-Kassel / Landgrave Frederick II, and Princess Mary of Great Britain, he was the last surviving grandchild of George II of Great Britain, dying one month before Queen Victoria (granddaughter of his first cousin King George III) ascended to the throne. Mentioned Frederick II / Landgraf Friedrich II von Hessen-Kassel, b. 1720, was Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel (or Hesse-Cassel) from 1760 to 1785. He raised money by renting soldiers to Great Britain to help fight the American Revolutionary War, he combined Enlightenment ideas with Christian values [see ALTONA and St Germain; St Germain and Catherine the Great of Russia; ALTONA and the FRANKISTS movement; ALTONA close to Hamburg and Tadeusz Grabianka; ALTHOTAS from Denmark and Cagliostro and Manuel Pinto in MALTA].

By 1785, the Illuminati was banned and all of the Bavarian lodges of the Grand Orient were closed down. Around the same time, Mayer Rothschild moved with his family to a five story house in Frankfurt, which he shared with the Schiff family. Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744 - 1812) was also a financial advisor of Landgrave of Hesse Hanau - Prince Frederick of Hesse-Kassel (1747 - 1837). Landgrave was born as the youngest son of Hereditary Prince Frederick of Hesse-Kassel (the future Landgrave Frederick II) and Princess Mary of Great Britain. He was the last surviving grandchild of George II of Great Britain. Frederick II of Hessen-Kassel married Maria Princess of Hanover, cousin of Frederick II the Great King of Prussia, and the daughter of [mentioned above] George II King of England.

In December 1745, Frederick [Frederick of Hesse / HESSEN] landed in Scotland with 6000 Hessian troops to support his father-in-law, [named above] George II of Great Britain, in dealing with the Jacobite rising.

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, his [Mayer Amschel Rothschild] five sons began expanding the family business: 1809, Nathan Mayer Rothschild 1st (1777-1836) in London;
1812, Jakob Rothschild (1792-1868) in Paris; 1820,
Salomon Rothschild (1774-1855) in Vien;
in 1821, Kalman Rothschild or Carl Mayer von Rothschild (1788-1855) in Naples;
oldest Amschel Mayer Rothschild (1773-1855) in Frankfurt.

The family supported the creation of the state of Israel. Edmond James de Rothschild is the patron of the first settlements in Palestine in Riszon le-Cijjon, ca 1887 (see Oliphant and Odessa - the TEMPLARS).

Baron Solomon Benedict de Worms (1801 - 1882) was an Austrian aristocrat, plantation owner in Ceylon [see tea and Azbelev - Duflon and Konstantynowicz family; Pilsudski and Sieroszewski in Japan]; stockbroker in London. His father was Benedikt Moses Worms (1769 - 1824) and his mother, Schonche Jeannette Rothschild.
He had two brothers, Maurice Benedict de Worms (1805-1867) and Gabriel Benedict de Worms (1802-1881).
His maternal grandfather was Mayer Amschel Rothschild.

So the main thought of the Illuminati Order [Polish-French-Englisch vs German Illuminati] is the work of Tadeusz Grabianka. The thought of taking power in Russia was a central idea guiding the Polish underground from the 80s of the 18th century until 1917. The first step to limit Russia to its ethnic territory was made by Jozef Sulkowski, then Adam Mickiewicz, and Israel Parvus from Berezina. The continuator of the main thought of Tadeusz Grabianka about taking power in the tsar state - in the Russian Empire - was the political movement of Jozef Pilsudski.

Remember here on connections:

Jozef Pilsudski - Andrzejak - Karol Zbieranowski - Marshal Marian Spychalski - Miezonka - Konstantynowicz, and then Moscow:
General Franciszek Paszkowski - Armand - Demonsi of Kazan - Apolon Konstantynowicz + Anna Konstantynowicz nee Armand - LENIN;
and further Breguet - Duflon - Piotr Maleszewski - Michal Poniatowski - Venture de Paradise - and we return to Jozef Sulkowski; here, Marshal Murat and Napoleon Bonaparte;
again from Marshal Jozef Pilsudski we have lines to Aldona Dzierzynski + Feliks Dzierzynski and Pilar Pilchau of Parnu / Parnawa - Oziemblowski and Terlecki.
And again, we return to Wojciech Paszkowski + Franciszek Paszkowski, but this time we are going to Sebastian Bystrzanowski in Trzebniow and the Templars in Scotland. We're joining Br. Bystrzanowski with George Washington. We similarly connect General Franciszek Paszkowski - General Tadeusz Kosciuszko - General Stanislaw Fiszer - and then Mielzynski of Chobienice - von Unruh / Niepokojczycki of Sluck and Kargowa - Oppeln-Bronikowski of Kunowo {Kiedrzynski}; Wojciech Paszkowski + Artur Potocki and again the Templars.
Artur Potocki with a network of connections to Cracow / Krakow, Berezina / BEREZYNA, and Lubuszany close to Miezonka. And Miezonka: Zarako Zarakowski, Malkiewicz, Oskierka, Prozor, Stafania Radziwill, and Chrapowicki of Swolna. And Chrapowicki of Swolna - this line leads to Wankowicz from Kaluzyca and to Konstantynowicz from Miezonka, Swolna, Tallinn, and Moscow.

The structure of the Illuminati was taken over as a whole in the Spring of 1937 in the Soviet Union by Stalin and our enemies. This network of multi-country intelligence underwent degeneration and it transformed around 1961 into a globalist movement.
The main role is currently played - after 2015 - by Russia and China as the heirs of this globalist movement and Soviet ideology - currently the main enemies of Donald Trump, the USA and contemporary anti- Communist Poland.

This "sect" of Tadeusz Grabianka [since 1778/1779], or The Order of Illuminati, it is a Polish intelligence network created during the collapse of the Polish-Lithuanian State and it is a secretive intelligence and political organization working to rebuild independent Poland in conditions when the entire territory of the country was occupied by three hostile neighbors.

In the absence of state independence, Tadeusz Grabianka created the foundation of a political intelligence. It was the period of his activity from 1778 to the murder in 1807 in Russia.

Tadeusz Grabianka used social engineering methods, he had the ability to recruit collaborators - for example during a visit to London [then this network surrounds Edward Brown], which lasted almost a year - and he could recruit future "soldiers": a courier, probably also murderers, heads of smaller underground groups.

Tadeusz Grabianka co-operated with the French intelligence.

Tadeusz Grabianka also knew that in every country [Berlin, London, France, Austrian Galicia, Russian Podole and Ukraine; in Russia] after some time his conspiracy would be taken over by counterintelligences of these countries.
However, Tadeusz Grabianka's aims were at the same time attractive to France and Great Britain.

Thus, the situation will appear in which our Polish resistance conspiracy will help to other countries - including the US and not only through official state channels, as Thomas Jefferson said - and to the royal courts [George III, Duke of Kent].

And the reverse, other countries gladly use our underground networks.

It was not alchemy and sect. These were chemical laboratories where it was possible to produce poisonous and hallucinogenic drugs for Polish intelligence in the absence of an independent state.

The goals have changed over the next years.
In the 70s of the 19th century, the Polish conspiracy [Koziell-Poklewski] unequivocally led to
causing chaos in Europe,
provoking a European war and world conflict [USA, Japan],
invoking massive revolutions
[the scheme of Tadeusz Grabianka; use of national minorities - Leopold Kronenberg and the Wloclawek area]
by providing attractive ideologies [Nestor Trubecki, Duke Kropotkin, Lenin].

Some researchers have come to a completely wrong conclusion that this is a devilish conspiracy.

Most European politicians in the 19th century knew, however, that this is so-called "Polish conspiracy."
That is, a conspiracy involving the entry into the Russian state and intelligence system.
This was done, among others, by the Konstantynowicz family, creating the company "Duflon & Konstantinovich", also co-operating with the NOBEL family, Armand, Gernet, Azbelev, Pilsudski, Breguet; co- creating Lenin's person.

The family of Paszkowski-Armand-Konstantinovich took part in the non-legal conspiracy.

And so the powerful underground Network was created:

the King of Naples, Marshal Joachim Murat - General Armand - General Axamitowski of Poznan - General Franciszek Paszkowski
[+ Maria Paszkowska Armand - Apolon Konstantynowicz - BREGUET]
Colonel / General JAN DEMBOWSKI, the Freemason, the friend of Ignacy Potocki and Artur Potocki
[the Templars and of the Grand Orient in 1818]
and from ARTUR POTOCKI to Wojciech Paszkowski + Br. Bystrzanowski and the Mark Masons Order
[and here the line to Kalinowski and Tadeusz Grabianka / Marcin Tarnowski / Stadnicki / Ilinski - the ILLUMINATI and the TEMPLARS]
Tadeusz Kosciuszko in 1776
[+ General Franciszek Paszkowski and General Stanislaw Fiszer (Fiszer lived in Koninko in 1803 - 17 km south-east to POZNAN)].

The Armand family, who since 1799 wanted to settle in Moscow, met with General Franciszek Paszkowski, through the family Alexandre de Bauffremont-Courtenay and his son - Alphonse de Bauffremont / prince de Bauffremont Courtenay.

Named Alphonse de Bauffremont and General Franciszek Paszkowski were together adjutants / aide-de-camp of Marshal Joachim Murat.

Murat and Jozef Sulkowski were adjutants of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Mentioned Alexandre de Bauffremont-Courtenay and [then he was Baron] General Armand were in Russia in 1791. So, 29 year-old general Paul Armand [Paul 1st] came from Paris together with Alexandre, the Marquis de Courtenay.

Paul Armand [Paul 2nd, wine merchant], 1760 - 1835, or was born in 1762, was the first in Russia in 1791.

General Paul Armand [Baron, the 1st], in Russia in 1791, but Jean-Louis Armand [he was the son of Paul Armand, the 2nd] was the first in Russia in 1799.

Mentioned Alexandre de Bauffremont [de Bauffremont-Courtenay], born in 1773 and died in 1833, prince de Bauffremont, emigrated to Koblenz but rallied to Napoleon I who made him count Empire.

Mentioned above Alphonse de Bauffremont, born in 1792 and died in 1860, duke of Bauffremont, prince of Bauffremont, was created count by Napoleon and became aide-de-camp of Murat [see JOZEF SULKOWSKI and General FRANCISZEK PASZKOWSKI !].
Alphonse de Bauffremont distinguished himself at the Battle of the Moskowa, in 1812, under MURAT as his aide- de-camp, as well as in the Saxony campaign in 1813 [Dresde / Dresden / Drezno in 1813]. During the Hundred Days, Alphonse de Bauffremont was instructed by Murat to bring Napoleon confidential dispatches.

In 1806, Izabela Czartoryski Lubomirska, the owner of the Teczyn estate, which included, among others, Krzeszowice village
[close to TONIE of the General Franciszek Paszkowski, the friend of General Tadeusz Kosciuszko, and of General Franciszek Fiszer - Polish intelligence Commander],
wrote to her grandson Artur Potocki from Podhajce and he took the property after the death of his grandmother in 1816. Since then, Krzeszowice has become the seat of the Potocki family. Then Andrzej Kazimierz Potocki of Podhajce, 1861-1908, and Adam Wladyslaw Artur Potocki of Podhajce, b. 1896.

When Cagliostro back to WARSAW, in June 1780, he had a performance at the Boguslawski Palace. In this year, he founded the Egyptian Masonic Lodge in Warsaw [MISRAIM]. Cagliostro came to Warsaw in the first days of May 1780. He got introduced to Prince Kazimierz Poniatowski, chamberlain, and count AUGUST Moszynski.

Prince KAZIMIERZ Poniatowski, chamberlain, b. 1721, a Deputy Chamberlain of Lithuania (1742-1773), Commander of the Royal Army, was the brother of the last King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania, Stanislaw II Augustus, who saw in his nephew a possible successor and heir to the throne of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
[ie. Stanislaw Poniatowski younger, the son of named Kazimierz Poniatowski].

Kazimierz's Poniatowski family owned BEREZYNA - LUBUSZANY landestate, close to Miezonka
[then the Potocki family took Berezyna-Lubuszany estate; they came from ARTUR POTOCKI, the Templar Freemason. Miezonka belonged to the Konstantynowiczs in 1842].
Both, Kazimierz Poniatowski and the KING were born to Konstancja Czartoryska (b. 1700).

Jan Nepomucen Poninski (1735 - d. aft. 1782), known as Ignacy August Piotr Poninski = Jan Poninski, the son of ANTONI Poninski with the 2nd wife SALOMEA SZEMBEK
[Antoni Jozef Poninski / Eques Polonus or Joannes Maximilianus Krolikiewicz, died in 1742. Married 1st - Zofia Woronicz; 2nd - Salomea Szembek],
was in 1771-1775 in Paris;
visited STRASBURG / Strasbourg [to de ROHAN ?].
In 1779, in Poland acted as FREEMASON, under Strasbourg - in Cracow and Warsaw,
Michal Oginski,
Kazimierz Nestor SAPIEHA,
and Jan Potocki of Pinsk.

Jan Nepomucen Poninski co-operated together with
August Moszynski,
Alojzy BRUHL,
and Andrzej Mokronowski in 1780, under Strasbourg.

Jan Poninski / Jan Nepomucen Poninski was in Courland [to von MEDEM ?];
and Russia in 1781 to Ksawery Branicki;
Jan fought against Michal MNISZECH in St Petersburg.

The King Stanislaw August PONIATOWSKI, met just before his election, foreign occultist Toux de Salverte, who was friendly with August Moszynski.
Count August Moszynski, thoroughly acquainted with chemical processes, managed the physics cabinet funded by the king in the Warsaw castle and was an active member of the Physical Society founded in 1777. From the beginning he referred to Cagliostra with distrust and even hostility. The performance of the Italian magician and the ILLUMINATI promised to be extremely interesting. He undertook experiments on an elderly Toux de Salverte, which Stanislaw August became extremely interested in and he prepared a philosophical stone for transmutation of metals into gold.

On June 6, 1780, Cagliostro sent to Stanislaw August Poniatowski, living in his summer palace in Lazienki, the mysterious letter.

Cagliostro - Balsamo fled Warsaw on 28 June 1780.

A series of French letters by Jan Lukasz Toux de Salverte from Warsaw in the years 1786-1788 were sent to the chamberlain Krzysztof Oledzki, who lived in Raudany property. Toux de Salverte was in a difficult position then. He was sick, lonely, and his possible supporters and friends,
Treasurer Adam Poninski,
August Moszynski
and governor Hylzen left Poland or died.

These Scottish degrees, or so-called Templar system, made rapid progress, and as it had headquarters in the Jesuit College of CLERMONT at PARIS, was termed the System of Clermont.
The System of Clermont was introduced in Germany in 1751, by the Baron HUNDT, as the Strict Observance rite. System of Clermont contemplated the restoration of the Stuarts to the throne.
Charles Edward Louis John Casimir Sylvester Severino Maria Stuart, was the second Jacobite pretender to the thrones of England, Scotland, France and Ireland. In 1742, Lord Kilmarnock and other exiled Stuart participants received Karl Gotthelf, Baron Von Hund into the Order of the Temple in Paris showing the Jacobite Templar link still existed.

Traditional Martinist Order i.e. the Elus Cohen of Martinez de Pasqually.
The Elect Cohens, were a society of Cabbalists, organised on 'Scottish' Masonic lines, who were influenced by the Spanish Alumbrados / Sufi;
"...they were the first group to be called the FRENCH Illumines, or Illuminati, though their relatively conservative views were diametrically opposite to the GERMAN Bavarian Illuminati.
It was founded in 1765 by the Freemason Jacques de Livron Joachim de la Tour de la Casa Martinez de Pasqually, of Grenoble, France, and the Order was initially only open to Master Masons.

Clirici Ordinis Templariorum / Clerics of the Knights Templar;
it was the clerical brand of Templarism
in France in 1705 - 1749;
in 1750 in French Brittany;
see Count Belford who had flown from Scotland to Russia;
in Ireland 1750/1760 or since ca 1758-1760;
on 24th June 1758 in Tipperary at Lodge No 296 (see below) with Sir Chas. A. CAMERON;
Berlin in 1760;
in Ireland in 1765 - Sir Edward Gilmore].

Charles Edward Louis John Casimir Sylvester Severino Maria Stuart (1720 - 1788), the Pretender, was Grand Master of the TEMPLAR Order, under the title of 'EQUES A SOLE AUREO', from 1743, until his death in 1788.
And after Stuart, JOHN OLIVANT of BACHILTON succeeded him as the Templar Grand Master.
John OLIPHANT, d. 1795, or Olyphant of BACHELTON, 2nd., and held the office until his death, on 15th Oct., 1795.

Alexander Deuchar was elected the new Grand Master;
he was a Freemason and also a Harold of Lord Lyon at his court.
Alexander Deuchar was elected Commander of Edinburgh Templar camp in 1808.
He was helped in his affords by his brother, David Deuchar from the third Battalion of Royal Regiment / King's Scotsmen. Deuchar capped a cross from the Templar Church at the Tomar Castle in Portuguese.
In 1796 Alexander Deuchar becomes the Heritor to the Jacobite Templar legacy.
Alexander Deuchar (1777 - 1844) stayed in Lyon, his family had been Jacobite; in 1807, Deuchar holds a meeting of Knights Templar in Edinburgh;
the new Order started formally in 1805 "when a charter was issued to by the Early Grand Encampment of Ireland (previously the High Knight Templars of Ireland Lodge), under the title of the Edinburgh Encampment No 31" -
it became the Grand Assembly of Knights Templar in Edinburgh.
The Templar degree had filtered into the lodges of the Antients from Ireland about 1780.
In 1791, Dunckerley became the Grand Master of the first national Grand Conclave of English Masonic Knights Templar;
then followed,
in 1805 by their Royal Patron, Duke of Kent, who became Grand Master himself.

Thomas Dunckerley (1724 - 1795) was a Provincial Grand Master of several provinces, and in 1767 King George III claiming to be his illegitimate half brother.

"The famous Szmul Chaim Falk did great works in his life; Rabbi Abraham gave us evidence of Abramalima's knowledge in the cabbalae...".
From this work written in German, it was allowed to make copies, some of which are in Vienna.

The ILLUMINATI in Berlin since 1778/1779 took the number of new members.
So in September 1780 the friend of Tadeusz Grabianka, 50-year-old Roniker, goes personally to Pernety. Soon he obtains a great trust of both Illuminati and is allowed to work on the "Great Work".
Brumore, personally came to Poland, to Ostapkowiec / Ostapkowce (1782), with the intention of ending the whole "operation." Further attempts were made - in Ujejski's opinion - in Ostapkowce or perhaps in the Sutkowiec castle in 1782 [Sutkowce].
Pernety left Berlin in November 1783, accompanied by the count Tadeusz Grabianka, "returned to Avignon and accepted, at the end of 1784, the invitation of the Marquis de Vaucroze, a wealthy landowner in Bedarrides, who said he was ready to welcome them to his home, in one of his properties, the 'Temple of the Mount' Thabor".
On his return to AVIGNON, PERNETY became friendly with the Marquis de Vaucroze, who installed Pernety in a little house on his estate at Bedarrides, a few miles from Avignon, 120 km north-west to Marsylia.

The German Illuminati were called to life by Adam Weishaupt on May 1, 1776.
They used the name 'Ordo Illuminati Germaniae'. The symbol of the Enlightened was the pyramid with the omniscient eye at the top (identical to that found on dollar banknotes).

Weisshaupt / WEISHAUPT collaborated with Count Alessandro di Cagliostro
[compare Cagliostro's visits to Adam Poninski, Poniatowski in Warsaw, and in Curland, St Petersburg, Naples and Malta - Turkey - Egypt; in London].

Cagliostro with Manuel Pinto, the Grand Master of the Order in Malta - the Illuminati net with Carsten Niebuhr, 1761-1767 - were the core of Illuminati Conspiracy and of Russian intelligence.

Tadeusz Grabianka [during 1778/1779 - 1807] and the Templars [1785-1790-1805] tried to take over this enemy organization of Germans and Russians.

The Russians created ideologies for this underground political intelligence and the system of secret organizations [40' of the 18th century, Freemasonry, too].
Marxism, atheism, and feminism as well abortion movement, mixed with anarchism, they were supposed to be the basis for contacts with Soviet Russia in the 1960s of the 20th century.
There were quite other people behind direct killers in 1901 and 1963:
in 1901 they organized weapons and money, provided organizational contacts, and in 1963 they gave home, work and political contacts.
An uninterrupted intelligence system [1738/1741-2020] is depicted on this website and on other pages in my domain 'konstantynowicz.info'.

This structure was based, among others on genealogies and places of residence in Belarus, Lithuania, Estonia, in Russia and Poland, as well as Scotland and Ireland. In addition, in France and Switzerland.

To conquer the North American west coast [Alaska - to California] they created - [beginning in 1706/1721/1738/1741] through contacts on Malta - the intelligence network in Central and Western Europe [phase 1741-1791].
This organization was called the Illuminati [official beginnings of 1765/1776/1778/1779].

In Poland it was built from the side of Kamieniec Podolski / Kamianets-Podilskyi and Podolia / Podole [with Podhajce, Rohatyn, Skala Podolska], through Warsaw and western Great Poland / Wielkopolska [Wilkowo Polskie - Stary Bialcz ?].

Pernety indicates an important date in his role in the history of Swedenborgianism:
September 29, 1779. ... The group came to be universally known as the Illuminati in Avignon. Who were the first members of this group? ...
Count Thadee Lessige GRABIENSKA [Tadeusz Grabianka], Nobleman of Liva, known in Holland under the name of Janiewske [Janiewski]; in England under the name of Soudkowski [Sudkowski]; in France and some parts of Germany under the name of Ostap; in Hamburg and Altona under the name of Slonskimp.
The Stadnickis - the same ones who are in Jedlno for three / four generations associated with the Mecinski [then the Walewski-Mecinski branch], the owners of Dzialoszyn and Jedlno.
It's the same Stadnicki family, from which the wife of Tadeusz Grabianka was - the head of the Illuminati [Berlin of winter 1778/1779 - until 1807], who was killed in 1807 in St Petersburg - over 200 years ago - and the Russians declassified the documentation for some of the English university at present.

Secret accusations of Tadeusz Grabianka, of course, claim that he has done something illegal, typically without proof that this is the case - alleged international anti-Russian conspiracy.
It was not just in Avinion and Paris but in London, where Grabianka acted around the same group of buildings - 70 meters - of the Browne family / BROWN, from 1870 the Breguet company owners.

The "sect" of Tadeusz Grabianka [since 1778/1779], or The Order of Illuminati, it is a Polish intelligence network created during the collapse of the Polish-Lithuanian State and it is a secretive intelligence and political organization working to rebuild independent Poland in conditions when the entire territory of the country was occupied by three hostile neighbors.
In the absence of state independence, Tadeusz Grabianka created the foundation of a political intelligence.
It was the period of his activity from 1778 to the murder in 1807 in Russia.

Tadeusz Grabianka used social engineering methods, he had the ability to recruit collaborators [like Cagliostro] - for example during a visit to London [then this network surrounds Edward Brown], which lasted almost a year - and he could recruit future "soldiers": a courier, probably also murderers, heads of smaller underground groups.

Tadeusz Grabianka co-operated with the French intelligence.

The Russian Army commandant in 1877 against Turkey, was Nikolaj Nikolajevic senior, Romanov; that is Mikolaj Mikolajewicz Romanow, b. 1831, d. 1891; Grand Duke, General Adjutant - 1856, General Field Marshal - 1878. Third son of Tsar Nicholas I and Tsarina Aleksandra Fedorovna, born as Charlotte / Charlotta Princess of Prussia.
His older brothers were Tsar Alexander II and Grand Duke of Russia, Konstanty Mikolajewicz. Michal Mikolajewicz, b. 1832, was the next brother.

On 17 November 2023, provocation with a girl, 13 years old, long black hairs, 160 cm, semitic eyes, like a family of Garland 72 or Fernside 16 / Pieniny 3 or 5. With support from Denmark 74, sometimes at Denmark 68, JEW like BENNETT of Israel, 170 cm, very long lower part of ears, bald, under care of Jew solicitors, High Street. And action was ended with HJ20XUT, boy, a large fringe of thick and curly hair, 180 cm, 17 aged, slowly walking, and with old browne, long nose, 160 cm, 70 aged, RK72OFS, MARNHULL.

Below is a short description about Naftali Bennett, 13th Prime Minister of Israel, and on the family Garczynski and Lewald-Jezierski.
Naftali born and raised in Haifa, the son of immigrants from the United States, Bennett served in the Sayeret Matkal and Maglan special forces units of the Israel Defense Forces. Naftali Bennett, 13th Prime Minister of Israel co-operated with CYOTA software US company. He came from Sepolno Kajenskie, Poznan and BRUSY north-east to Chhojnice, and also he has roots in Bavaria and HESSE.
At margin to Sepolno Krajenskie in my research:
Chryzostom Garczynski married 1st in 1680 to Marianna Wilczynska d. 1688 / 1696; Chryzostom m. 2nd in 1697 to Katarzyna Zboinska, of Dobrzyn, 1voto Dzialynska, died aft. 1730, the owner of Klonia Wielka, or Wielka Klonia, at half way from Sepolno Krajenskie to Tuchola, 3 km south-west to Karczewo; Karczewo, 19 km east-north-east to Sepolno Krajenskie; Karczewko in 1720 to 1724.
The Garczynski clan came from the Koscierzyna district and the Liniewo county in the 16th century - 19th century. Later they moved home to Sepolno Krajenskie - Chojnice - Tuchola area, in the 17th / 18th centuries.
The Garczynskis gone to Wilkowo Polskie [here then Kiedrzynski + Zamoyska; Pradzynski - the link to Wola Wiazowa] - the KOSCIAN county; Zbaszyn near to Chobienice [of the Mielzynskis]; Swarzedz close to Poznan; Margonin - Chodziez area [here were living Arciszewski, Kiedrzynski, Skorzewski, Dukes Woroniecki].
Below details:
Samson Garczynski was buried in Gdansk, (b. in 1596 - died in 1667), bought Obory in 1653, the Chelmno official in 1655 until 1667, m. 1st Katarzyna Gleisen - Doregowska (d. 1629), and he married second Barbara Werda, b. ca 1610 - d. 1687/1689, the owner of Klonia / Wielka Klonia / Gross Klonia, 5 kilometres south-west of Gostycyn, 17 km south-west of Tuchola, 3 km south-west to KARCZEWO.

Samson GARCZYNSKI bought Karczewo and Karczewko - 15 km south-west to TUCHOLA. His widowed Barbara Werda Garczynska took Wiecbork in 1684 - 1687, 14 km south to Sepolno Krajenskie; And probably his widowed Barbara Werda Garczynska took Nynkowo in 1669 - 14 km east to Zukowo, at present in west Gdansk.
Samson's children:
Ewa Eufrozyna Garczynska (b. ca 1632 - d. bef. 1714), m. 1st in 1658 to Wawrzyniec Waldowski, the owner of Karnowko and Waldowko - 17 km south-east to LINIEWO [the Liniewo commune with the TUSK family]; Wawrzyniec died aft. 1661. EWA married sec. to Wojciech Ignacy Gut Zapedowski, who sec. married Elzbieta Konstancja (d. aft. 1719), bought Obodowo - 14 km east to SEPOLNO KRAJENSKIE - in 1695.
Barbara Garczynska [b. ca 1640 ?] m. in 1689, Ludwik Zbozy Zakrzewski;
Zofia Franciszka Garczynska (b. ca 1640/1642 - d. 1683 or she died aft. 1689), m. in 1664, to Feliks Felicjan Krasinski, the Ciechanow official in 1689. Zofia married Feliks Felicjan Korwin - Krasinski born in 1637, in Ciechanow. They had one son,
Jan Jozef Ignacy Krasinski, born ca 1675 in Ciechanow, died ca 1764 in Krasne, close to PRZASNYSZ and villege Leszno {from Leszno came Wodkiewicz - Jaworska and net to Bogucka - Sedzicka; from Krasne - Nowotko of communist underground}!
Jan Jozef Ignacy Krasinski married to Elzbieta Teresa SOLTYK {Teresa Elzbieta Soltyk Krasinska, 1680-1728, she was married 4 times. The 3rd to Jan Kochanowski, 1680-1710, with Ewa Kochanowska married Antoni KRASINSKI, b. ca 1700. The 4th to named Jan Jozef Ignacy KRASINSKI, 1675-1764, official in Wislica, Stezyca, Wizna, Malogoszcz}, the daughter of Aleksander Nikodem SOLTYK.

Damian Kazimierz Garczynski (b. ca 1653, d. 1709), the owner of
Klonia - 17 km north-east to CHOJNICE; Skarpa in 1674, Kurczewo - 23 km north to Chojnice; Kurczewko, in 1674, Jerzmianki / Jerzmionki - 14 km south-west to Chojnice, in 1674, Wiecbork, 14 km south to Sepolno Krajenskie; Ostrowek, 7 km east to Smilowo; Peperzyno / Peperzyn, 20 km south to Sepolno Krajenskie, and 9 km south-east to Wiecbork; Sitno Niemieckie - 10 km south-east to Smilowo [or 8 km east to KARTUZY and 5 km west to Zukowo]; Zakrzewko / ZAKRZEWEK [5 km north-west to WIECBORK; 9 km north-west to SMILOWO], Suchorask [5 km west to Sitno; 7 km south to SMILOWO],
above Smilowo, 4 km east to Wiecbork [or 26 km north-west to MARGONIN - the links to Ciecierski and Skorzewski owners of BRATOSZEWICE];
Nowydwor = Nowy Dwor, 4 km north-east to Zakrzewek, Witonia / WITUNIA, 3 km west to Wiecbork; Wysoka = Wysoka Krajenska, 8 km north-east to Wiecbork; Zboze, 3 km west to named above Wysoka Krajenska; Jastrzebiec - 14 km south to Sepolno Krajenskie, 6 km east to Smilowo, in 1687,
and DAMIAN GARCZYNSKI bought Swarzedz - 11 km east to POZNAN [see Naftali Bennett's ancestors].

Stanislaw Garczynski (b. bef. 1680, d. 1737), the Inowroclaw and BYDGOSZCZ governor.
The son of Damian Kazimierz Garczynski (1640-1711), the Poznan official, the owner of Zbaszyn. Stanislaw's mother was Anna Katarzyna Radomnicka, of the Wilkowo Polskie in the KOSCIAN county, the daughter of Kazimierz Wladyslaw RADOMICKI, the KALISZ governor; she was died in 1689.
Stanislaw married twice: ca 1730 - 1st to Katarzyna Zaluska, the daughter of the RAWA governor, Hieronim Zaluski; she d. 1714. They had Barbara, and sons: Jozef Garczynski and Mikolaj Garczynski.
The second wife was Wiktoria Szczawinska with the son Waclaw Garczynski, the KLODAWA official. Stanislaw Garczynski (d. 1737) was the owner of Wiecbork in 1692 [15 km south to Sepolno Krajenskie], Ostrowek - 9 / 10 km east to Wiecbork, Suchorask, Smilowo near to Wiecbork, Witonia / Witunia close to Wiecbork, in 1707 until 1710.
Stanislaw was the Poznan official in 1706 - 1720, Inowlodz in 1712, the Bydgoszcz governor in 1720 - 1726, Inowroclaw in 1726 - 1737, he 1st married in 1710 to Wiktoria Anna Szczawinska, and she was the owner of Wierzbiczany and Szubsko in the Inowroclaw county; 2nd he married in 1712 to Katarzyna Zaluska, d. aft. 1716.
Chryzostom Krzysztof Garczynski or Krzysztof Chryzostom Garczynski, had 10 sibilings, acc. to 'myheritage', died in 1724, and he bought:
Podlesie in 1680, 30 km north to Wronczyn; Budziejewo, 5 km east to Podlesie Wysokie, 31 km north-east-north to Wronczyn; Zbitka in 1686, until 1721, a house at Pulwsie in POZNAN, in 1686, Gerzmiowki (or Jerzmianki), Mrocza 1696, 19 km south-east to Wiecbork, Nieswiastowo / Nieswiastow in 1699, until 1721, 14 km west to MIKORZYN; a house of Podleski in Poznan Garbary in 1690.

Chryzostom Garczynski married 1st in 1680 to Marianna Wilczynska d. 1688 / 1696; Chryzostom m. 2nd in 1697 to Katarzyna Zboinska, of Dobrzyn, 1voto Dzialynska, died aft. 1730, the owner of Klonia Wielka, or Wielka Klonia, at half way from Sepolno Krajenskie to Tuchola, 3 km south-west to Karczewo; Karczewo, 19 km east-north-east to Sepolno Krajenskie; Karczewko in 1720 to 1724.

Samson Garczynski = Jan Samson Garczynski, b. 1680 / 1681 - d. 1720 / 1721, in Budziejewo, the Wagrowiec County. Jan Samson was the son of Rafal Garczynski [b. 1629] and the grandson of Samson Garczynski [b. 1596], older, from the Koscierzyna county, the Liniewo community. Jan Samson Garczynski was the father of Maciej Garczynski, and Rozalia Otto-Trampczynska nee Garczynska.

We back to Samson GARCZYNSKI who bought Karczewo and Karczewko - 15 km south-west to TUCHOLA. His widowed Barbara Werda Garczynska took Wiecbork in 1684 - 1687, 14 km south to Sepolno Krajenskie. And probably his widowed Barbara Werda Garczynska took Nynkowo in 1669 - 14 km east to Zukowo, at present in west Gdansk. Samson's daughter was Ewa Eufrozyna Garczynska (b. ca 1632 - d. bef. 1714), m. 1st in 1658 to Wawrzyniec Waldowski, the owner of Karnowko and Waldowko - 17 km south-east to LINIEWO. Wawrzyniec died aft. 1661. EWA married sec. to Wojciech Ignacy Gut Zapedowski, who sec. married Elzbieta Konstancja (d. aft. 1719), bought Obodowo - 14 km east to SEPOLNO KRAJENSKIE - in 1695.

Above Ewa Eufrozyna Garczynska b. ca 1635, m. 1st in 1658 to Wawrzyniec Waldowski, the owner of Karnowko and Waldowko, died aft. 1661; m. 2nd in 1671 to Wojciech Ignacy Gut Zapedowski.

The Bloch family from the PRZEDECZ district has links to Leszcze, close to Koscielec close to KOLO [we have also different Koscielec close to Czestochowa]:
Above Koscielec close to KOLO has associations with Izabela Grabowska, the wife of Wicenty Tyszkiewicz, and Izabela Tyszkiewicz Grabowska was the sister of
Css Emilia Skorzewska, nee Goetzendorf-Grabowska, b. 1807 in Wawelno, close to Sosno and to Sepolno Krajenskie, died in 1875 in Jeziory Wielkie, close to Zaniemysl and to Sroda Wielkopolska; Emilia was the wife of Count Heliodor Jan Jozef Skorzewski, b. in 1792 in Margonin, d. in 1858 in Poznan. Heliodor Skorzewski was the son of Count Fryderyk Jozef Andrzej Skorzewski and Antonina GARCZYNSKA, the daughter of Stefan Garczynski JUNIOR. Count Fryderyk Skorzewski owned BRATOSZEWICE near to GLOWNO.
Count Edward Goetzendorf Grabowski + Jozefa Goetzendorf Grabowska Koscielska, b. ca 1809, d. in 1860, the daughter of Jozef Koscielski and Kunegunda ROKITNICKA.
Leokadia Poninska, b. 1817 in Grylewo, close to Wagrowiec - died in 1906 in Koscielec, close to KOLO. Leokadia was the wife of Boleslaw Jozef Aleksander Poninski, b. 1814 in Wegierki, in the Wrzesnia County, d. in 1887 in Bydgoszcz, the son of Stanislaw Poninski and Anna SIERAKOWSKA.
Count Stanislaw Poninski, b.in 1779 in Wrzesnia, d. in 1847 in Berlin, the son of Marceli Poninski and Rozalia GRUDZIELSKA. Marceli Poninski b. ca 1750, d. in 1816, was the son of Walenty Poninski and Marcjanna AWRYLEWSKA. Walenty Poninski was the son of Michal Poninski and Anna Trampczynska, the daughter of Wladyslaw Otto Trampczynski and Anna Bojanowska GOLINSKA.

Samson Garczynski (d. 1667) bought Obory in 1653, the Chelmno official in 1655, m. Katarzyna Gleisen - Doregowska, (d. 1629), m. 2nd to Barbara Werda, d. 1687/ 1689, the owner of Klonia - 18 km north-east to CHOJNICA, Karczewo and Karczewko in the Tuchola district; Wiecbork in 1684 - 1687, owner of Nynkowo - 14 / 15 km east of ZUKOWO, at present in the west part of GDANSK, in 1669.
With a daughter Ewa Eufrozyna Garczynska (d. bef. 1714) and others.
His widowed Barbara Werda Garczynska took Wiecbork in 1684 - 1687, 14 km south to Sepolno Krajenskie. And probably his widowed Barbara Werda Garczynska took Nynkowo in 1669 - 14 km east to Zukowo [see BLOCH ancestors and Donald Tusk's ancestors], at present in west Gdansk.

Samson's older [b. 1596] had also children:
Elzbieta Konstancja (d. aft. 1719) bought Obodowo in 1695, m. in 1675 to Jakub Teofil Dorpowski, d. 1689/1693.
Barbara Zakrzewska.
Zofia Franciszka Krasinska.
Stanislaw Garczynski (1651 - 1722). The owner of Garczyn south-east to KOSCIERZYNA [see Gostkowski from the Wadowice district and TUSK] and of Krztowo / Kartouen / Kartno / KARSZYN, south to KARGOWA - in 1667, in 1774 to Tucholka, in 1762 to Trembecki. Krztowo (Kartowen) in the KOSCIAN county ie Karszyn.

Naftali BENNET was b. in 1972 in Haifa, Israel, the son of James S. Bennet and unknown wife?,
the grandson of Samuel Bennett, 1911-1975 + Shirley Eve Solomonson, the daughter of Julian KASKEL SALOMONSON 1884-1951 + Clara Vivian HIRSCH 1888-1918.
Samuel was the son of unknown parents!
Above Clara Vivian Solmonson (Hirsch) b. 1888 in San Francisco.
Clara Vivian Solmonson (Hirsch) was the daughter of Salomon Joseph Hirsch + Nettie J. Hirsch.
Nettie J. Hirsch (Bissinger) b. 1862 in Louisville, Jefferson, KY, United States. The daughter of Henry (Heinrich) Bissinger + Helena Bissinger nee Frank b. 1822 in Oldenburg, Lower Saxony.
Above HENRY:
Henry (Heinrich) Bissinger b. 1819 in Ichenhausen, Bavaria, Germany. The son of Baruch Benedikt Bissinger + Brendel Babette Bissinger b. 1793, d. in 1856 in Giengen, Stuttgart, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany; buried in Krumbach, Bavaria, Germany. The daughter of Rabbi Abraham Josef Joas Mayer + Rachel Regina Mayer.
Note to above RABBI:
Rabbi Abraham Josef Joas Mayer b. 1766 in Altenstadt, Darmstadt, Hesse, Germany, d. Illereichen, Altenstadt, Darmstadt, Hesse. The son of Rabbi Joseph Joas Mayer + Rachel Mayer (Landauer) b. 1750 in Altenstadt, Neu-Ulm, Bayern, Germany.

Mentioned Rabbi Joseph-Joas Mayer / Josef bar Meir / Jonas b. 1748 in Illereichen-Altenstadt, Bavaria, Germany, died in 1812 in the Neu-Ulm district, Bayern, Germany; buried in Altenstadt.
Josef bar Meir b. 1748 / Rabbi Joseph-Joas Mayer / Josef bar Meir.

Salomon Joseph Hirsch b. 1853 in Frankfurt, Darmstadt, Hesse. His mother was Carolina Zerline Hirsch (nee Alexander).

Mentioned Julian Kaskel Solomonson b. 1883 in Little Rock, Pulaski, AR, United States.
The son of Solomon Solomonson + Sarah Solmonson. The husband to Hazele Mirsky and to Clara Vivian Solmonson.

Named above Solomon Solomonson b. 1855 in San Francisco, California. The son of Julius Solomonson + Pauline Solomonson. The son of Julius Solomonson + Pauline.
Mentioned Pauline Solomonson (Israelski) b. 1831 in SEPOLNO Krajenskie, Poland (Polska), d. in 1904 in San Francisco. The daughter of Abraham Israelski + Esther Israelski. Above Abraham Israelski (Izraelski) b. 1798 in Sepolno Krajenskie, d. in 1864 in Sepolno Krajenskie. The son of Samuel Israelski + Zore Israelski.

At margin:
Pauline Israelski (Bluhm) b. in 1794, d. in 1890, the daughter of Julius Bluhm + Hanna Bluhm.
Salomon Israelski b. 1790 in Sepolno Krajenskie, died in 1865 in Brusy, the Chojnice county (at half way from Chojnice to KOSCIERZYNA), the son of Samuel Israelski + Zore [see below].

Above BRUSY:
JULIA Prozor Zaleska m. 1st to Dionizy Jaczewski, the son of Teodor Jaczewski and Jadwiga Lewald-Jezierska died 1857.
Dionizy Jaczewski b. 1810.

JERZY's ZABIELLO the great-grandson -
Maurycy Prozor junior 3rd, born 1849, m. Maria Grabowska 2nd. He was the Lithuanian Count born in Vilnius.

"Markiz" Teodor Jaczewski + Hedwig / Jadwiga Lewald-Jezierska b. ca 1780, died 1857, the daughter of
Nazary Celesty Lewald Jezierski, b. ca 1750, the Marshal of the Taraszczansk county, the owner of Hajworon, Aleksandrowka, Matwicha, Czerepin and Czerepinka;
and the granddaughter of
Michal Lewald Jezierski b. ca 1720 + Rozalia Obrebska;
the great-granddaughter of
Fryderyk Lewald Jezierski b. ca 1690 + Jadwiga Piorunowska;
who was the son of
Melchior Lewald Jezierski b. ca 1640 + Eufrozyna Niezabitowska;
and the grandson of
Michal Lewald Jezierski, Junior b. ca 1610, died in 1676 + Dorota Grabowska; Michal was the judge in Tuchola, the owner of Chelmy, Dobrogoszcz, and Klincze. Michal junior was the son of Senior, Michal Lewald Jezierski, b. ca 1577, d. 1633 in Koscierzyna + Zofia KNUT.

Mentioned Samuel Israelski (Isaac) b. ca 1770 in Sepolno Krajenskie and the son of Issac Ben Gershon + Hanna Gershon.
Samuel's wife was Zore Israelski b. ca 1774 in Sepolno Krajenskie.

Issac Ben Gershon / Israelski b. ca 1740, d. bef. 1810, the son of Gershon b. ca 1715 in Sepolno Krajenskie, d. ca 1770.

On 25 May 2018, GDP (RODO) enters into force, in other words a new regulation of the EUROPEAN UNION regarding the protection of personal data. Below - conditions for processing specific categories of personal data in the general EU regulation.
Special category data is personal data which the GDPR says is more sensitive, and so needs more protection.
In order to lawfully process special category data, you must identify both a lawful basis under Article 6 and a separate condition for processing special category data under Article 9. These do not have to be linked.
There are ten conditions for processing special category data in the GDPR itself, but the Data Protection Bill will introduce additional conditions and safeguards.
You must determine your condition for processing special category data before you begin this processing under the GDPR, and you should document it. ... Special category data is broadly similar to the concept of sensitive personal data under the 1998 Act. ... The conditions are listed in Article 9 (2) of the GDPR:

(a) the data subject has given explicit consent to the processing of those personal data for one or more specified purposes, except where Union or Member State law provide that the prohibition referred to in paragraph 1 may not be lifted by the data subject;

(b) processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller or of the data subject in the field of employment and social security and social protection law in so far as it is authorised by Union or Member State law or a collective agreement pursuant to Member State law providing for appropriate safeguards for the fundamental rights and the interests of the data subject;

(c) processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person where the data subject is physically or legally incapable of giving consent;

(d) processing is carried out in the course of its legitimate activities with appropriate safeguards by a foundation, association or any other not-for-profit body with a political, philosophical, religious or trade union aim and on condition that the processing relates solely to the members or to former members of the body or to persons who have regular contact with it in connection with its purposes and that the personal data are not disclosed outside that body without the consent of the data subjects;

(e) processing relates to personal data which are manifestly made public by the data subject;

(f) processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims or whenever courts are acting in their judicial capacity;

(g) processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest, on the basis of Union or Member State law which shall be proportionate to the aim pursued, respect the essence of the right to data protection and provide for suitable and specific measures to safeguard the fundamental rights and the interests of the data subject;
(j) processing is necessary for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes in accordance with Article 89(1) based on Union or Member State law which shall be proportionate to the aim pursued, respect the essence of the right to data protection and provide for suitable and specific measures to safeguard the fundamental rights and the interests of the data subject.

On November 12, 2023, it turned out that it was Krzysztof I. from Tczew who distributed the Foreign Intelligence Agency from Szczecin: Sosnierz b. 1985 December; and Wloclawek, connected with the murder of Father Popieluszko on the orders of the Polish half-Gypsy General Miroslaw Milewski from Inwald near Adrychow and Wadowice. Tczew was also distributed by Jerez de la Frontiere from Andalusia, and the same from northern Andalusia was distributed by Denmark 74. It turns out that this slant-eyed 170 cm, LG... environment, Denmark 74, also connected with Ukraine, Justyna from Lodz, Maple 20 and Denma. 68 and 40, and with DABROWA district in LODZ. Denmark 40 are Romanian gypsies who followed me to Poland, currently Tat. 4 with links to Canfo. 2 and Marius AKIM of SIBIU in Romania, the Cojocaru clan of Romani in Romania, together with Warsaw University and a bank in CRACOW.
Den. 74 was protected by a woman, Philippines, Winterbour. 32A, 150 cm, 32 years old, thin; Winterbour. 32 A, old hotel of Foreign Intelligence Agency, was guarded by Y18HAH and by NATALIA KAMINSKA, a Jew from Wloclawek but also lived in CHELMZA, and Piotr SZYBKO from Chelmza and Natalia Kaminska were under the care of Krzysztof I. from TCZEW, Jew, 188 cm, 40 years old. Natalia Kaminska, 60 years old, thin, 160 cm, short blond hair, smokes cigarettes, YL08MWW, currently lives in the former house Sosnierz and Venezuela, Winterbourne 14 - all three are spies of Foreign Intelligence Agency from Lodz, Szczecin and Bydgoszcz-Torun-Wloclawek, so a network of General Zbigniew NOWEK, Romani of Bydgoszcz, and of General Miroslaw Milewski, 1955-1985 he managed civilian intelligence in communist Poland, but Milewski was recruited by Soviet military counterintelligence in 1944 in SUWALKI; his son Jacek Milewski founded the first school for the Roma in Poland in SUWALKI - near Suwalki we have the spy Tomek from Jeleniewo and the Samuelson Jewish family from Raczki Wielkie, i.e. the Summers-Arrow-Samuelson family genealogically connected with ROMANIA, Romanian Jews building globalism in the USA - Summers took care of Jews from Romania, SANDBERG, i.e. the 1972-1976 campaign involving bringing Jews from Ukraine, Moldova, Romania and Poland to the West - their daughter is FACEBOOK.
Natalia Kaminska lived as a child on the border of the former Kronenberg estate, which until 1945 bordered WLOCLAWEK. Kaminska [a friend to Ster. 94 - Justyna's family of Lodz, in 2007 under Foreign Intelligence Agency of Lodz together with Paulina of Police close to SZCZECIN in 2007, Winterbourne 14] was protected by a blue BP57XAH, Jo. 2 - he circled me twice, a woman, hair as white as a Barbie doll, thin, long face, small sharp nose, probably 170 cm, pink hat. So Denm. 74 is the same spy network as Wi. 201 + 137, W. 46 + 48 + 80, Winterbourn. 32A, Winterbourn. 14 + 17 + 19, Jolli. 2 + 2A, and WF08NRL, YL08MWW, BP57XAH.

Below is a short description about RETTINGER, and on the family Zamoyski [see Marjanna Zamoyski / Marianna Zamoyska + KIEDRZYNSKI].
Michal Zdzislaw Zamoyski (1679 - 1735) was the 6th Ordynat of Zamosc estate. His children inter alia:
1. Tomasz Antoni Zamoyski,
Jan Jakub Zamoyski
(b. 1716, died in 1790, IX Ordynat; Ludwika Maria Poniatowska born 1728, in 1745 married Jan Jakub Zamoyski, with daughter Urszula Zamoyska. Ludwika Maria Poniatowska died in 1781, was daughter of Stanislaw Poniatowski and sister of the King of Poland - Stanislaw August Poniatowski; mentioned above her daughter Urszula Zamoyska (1750-1806), was best known as Ursula Mniszech.
Ludwika Maria Poniatowska had the second daughter - Brygida / Maria Brygida Galecki / Brygida Galecka
- see about Radolinski, Fiszer, Wola Pszczolecka, Kosciuszko; see at my webpages on Venture, Sulkowski, Murat, Paszkowski, Szaniawski, Armand),
and 3.
Andrzej Hieronim Zamoyski.

Count Wladislaw Zamoyski 1853-1924, was closest friend of Jozef Rettinger / Retinger who was born in Cracow, in Austria-Hungary (see more at my webpages) - his father, Jozef Stanislaw Retinger, was the personal legal counsel and adviser to Count Wladyslaw Zamoyski.

Acc. to Wikipedia: when Retinger's father died, Count Zamoyski took Jozef into his household. Financed by Count Zamoyski, Retinger entered the Sorbonne in 1906, and two years later became the youngest person to earn a Ph.D. there at age twenty. He moved to England in 1911, where his closest friend was Polish writer Joseph Conrad. See the European Union (EU) and its origins from the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Economic Community.

Count Wladislaw Zamoyski 1853-1924, was closest friend of Jozef Rettinger / Retinger who was born in Cracow, in Austria-Hungary (see more at my webpages) - his father, Jozef Stanislaw Retinger, was the personal legal counsel and adviser to Count Wladyslaw Zamoyski.
Acc. to Wikipedia: when Retinger's father died, Count Zamoyski took Jozef into his household. Financed by Count Zamoyski, Retinger entered the Sorbonne in 1906, and two years later became the youngest person to earn a Ph.D. there at age twenty. He moved to England in 1911, where his closest friend was Polish writer Joseph Conrad. See the European Union (EU) and its origins from the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Economic Community.
Father of above Count Wladyslaw Zamoyski was Count Wladyslaw Stanislaw Zamoyski (1803 - 1868) - politician, and general. He served as aide-de-camp to Grand Duke Constantine / Konstanty Romanow, commander-in-chief of the army and de facto viceroy of Congress Poland. Working with Adam Jerzy Czartoryski he became one of the main activists in the Hotel Lambert group. He emigrated to England; 1848 - 1849 he organized Polish units in Italy, serving with the Sardinian Army to fight against the Austrians (see about the Carbonari movement at my domain).
His father was Count Stanislaw Kostka Zamoyski b. 1775, politician; 1809 he became the chairman of the Provisional Government of Galicia. He was Senator 1810 until 1831.
He was the son of Count Andrzej Hieronim Franciszek Zamoyski 1716 / 1717 - 1792, 1764 until 1767 Great Crown Chancellor.
And he was the grandson of [see below] Michal Zdzislaw Zamoyski b. 1679.

In WSCHOWA in 1775 Marianna Zamoyska
[widowed after death of Stanislaw Rembowski of Dobrzyn {marriage in 1752}, and after {death ?} Stanislaw Kostka Kiedrzynski, writer in Wschowa],
after receipt of payment from Ignacy Szoldrski of Smolensk, formally recognized the case is closed about Wilkowo Polskie and the Bielawy farm, since 1768 in hands of Jakub Szoldrski.
The assets also included: Siekowo, Siekowko, Ziemin and Bielawa.
In 1750 named Jakub Szoldrski [wife Eufrozyna GAJEWSKA, with son Wiktor Tomasz Szoldrski b. 1779, d. Jan. 1830; and grandson Wlodzimierz Damazy Szoldrski b. 1818], was the officer in Rogozno, and ruled Nowe Miasto ROGOZNO.

Les Freres Anglais et Francois Reunis was founded in 1807 in Poznan, subsidiaries of the French Grand Orient, and consisted of numerous military and civilian dignitaries and prominent citizens; the champion for a long time was general Wincenty Axamitowski.
Colonel Stanislaw Mycielski,
Jozef Poninski,
Aleksander Zychlinski,
Augustyn Zaborowski, Bernard Rose, Count Kacper Skarbek,
Wiktor Szoldrski,
General Henryk Dabrowski,
General Amilkar Kosinski,
Count Aleksander Bninski,
Kazimierz Turno, Count Melchior Lacki.
In 1812 Faustyn Zakrzewski a master; and with Jozef Poniatowski.
The secret organisation was formed - probably at the beginning of 1820 in Poznan - that is national Freemasonry:
Count Wiktor Szoldrski,
Gajewski, Czapski, Pawlikowski, Morawski, Jarochowski, Karol Stablewski, Klaudiusz Sczaniecki, brothers Bojanowski, Zaborowski, Radomski,
Stanislaw Chlapowski,
three brothers Mielzynski.

Wilkowo Polskie, 25 km east of Wolsztyn; north of Leszno [see Sulkowski]; 15 km north-east of PRZEMET / Przemet [see in named Przemet was living a father to Andrzej Mielzynski of Kcynia, 1698-1771 + Anna Petronela Bninska, 1720-1771].

Acc to Ian Easton by Niezalezna.pl:
the author is the founder and director of the Globalization Institute (www.globalization.org).
Author of The Final Struggle: Inside China's Global Strategy. Also wrote The Chinese Invasion Threat.

RESET - American analyst Ian Easton reminds us of this in his book 'Decisive clash. Secrets of China's global strategy'. Published by the Globalization Institute in 2023. And behind RESET are Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
Behind them are Eli SEGAL, Samuel BERGER and Paul Wolfowitz.
The links to Kublicze in Belarus, Wajgowo in the SZAWLE province, Radomsko with Zakrzew close to Dmenin Bugajski.
The thesis put forward by the author is shocking, but not for me and not for Maciarewicz. The greatest geostrategic mistake of all time was the belief that the economic strengthening of Russia and China would lead to their democratization - see Tusk, Tannenwald and VIETOR.
And now on 07 November 2023 and 09 November 2023 we lock on Russian RESET of USA with Putin-Medvedev team by Tommy VIETOR, White House spokesman!
MEDVEDEV was to present Russia's proposal in LISBON to stop NATO's eastward expansion and limit the alliance's military capabilities in the area of the new NATO members in Central and Eastern Europe [it was about Poland, Romania, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania]. RIABKOV stated that he wanted, for example, in the territory of Poland and the Baltic countries to establish "certain military guarantees". On September 24, 2011, the US announced that the Moscow reset would remain in place regardless of the president in Moscow will be change. On September 24, 2011 Medvedev announced that PUTIN will run for president of Russia in MARCH 2012.
"We will continue to benefit from RESET progress, no matter who is president in Moscow," said Tommy VIETOR, White House spokesman! The first time in NATO's history, NATO's new strategic concept for the next 10 years will not define Russia as a threat, but as a partner [Lisbon's meeting].
On 05 May 2013 I am writing:
Barack Obama assumed office as President of the United States on January 20, 2009:
Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel in 2009-2010. Rahm Israel Emanuel - some Palestinians and Arabs expressed dismay at Obama's appointment of Emanuel. Ali Abunimah of the Electronic Intifada said that Obama's appointment of Emanuel sent the signal he would not be taking "more balanced, more objective".
Ben Shalom Bernanke, born December 13, 1953. The Bernankes were one of the few Jewish families in Dillon and attended Ohav Shalom. Bernanke learned Hebrew as a child from his maternal grandfather, Harold Friedman, a professional hazzan; Bernanke's father and uncle owned and managed a drugstore they purchased from Bernanke's paternal grandfather, Jonas Bernanke. Jonas Bernanke was born in Boryslav, Austria-Hungary (today part of Ukraine), on January 23, 1891. He immigrated to the United States from Przemysl, Poland, and arrived at Ellis Island, in 1921.
Christina Romer on November 24, 2008, President Barack Obama designated her as Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers upon the start of his administration. With economist Jared Bernstein, Romer co-authored Obama's plan for economic recovery. Her husband David Hibbard Romer (born March 13, 1958) is an American economist. Greg Mankiw served as best man at their wedding (Romer served as best man at Mankiw's wedding).
Mankiw was born in Trenton, New Jersey. His grandparents were all Ukrainians.
Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton (born October 26, 1947); Hillary Clinton, the 67th United States secretary of state under president Barack Obama from January 21, 2009 until February 1, 2013. During her tenure, Clinton established the Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review. "The White House is believed to prefer the Czech capital, Prague, where Obama set out his vision of a nuclear-free world in a major speech...".
H. Clinton was in Prague accompanied President Obama to the signing of a Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty with Russia, on April 8-9, 2010. Then she was in Estonia, Tallinn attended a NATO Informal Ministerial Meeting. Met with President Ilves and Foreign Minister Paet.

Rasmussen in the last days of April 2010 said in Tallinn:
"We will also discuss how we engage Russia in missile defence. ... I believe that we can and must engage Russia in missile defence, to the benefit of Europe's security and its political unity. ... And the new bilateral agreement between Ukraine and Russia does not change that. It's a bilateral agreement and it will not have an impact on our relationship neither with Russia nor with Ukraine. ... Because last December [2009], we made important decisions at a ministerial level in the NATO-Russia Council on launching a joint review of the 21st Century common security challenges; a comprehensive work program for 2010; and reforms of the NATO-Russia Council; and the time horizon for producing results is by the end of this year [2010]. So I find it quite natural that we meet when there is something concrete to discuss. So I have to say there's nothing dramatic in the fact that we do not have a NATO-Russia Council here in Tallinn".

On 09 April 2010 Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama flew from Prague to USA.
On 08 April 2010 Dalia Grybauskaite met President Lech Kaczynski in Wilno.

EASTON said that both Moscow and Beijing used cooperation with the West and market mechanisms not only for dynamic economic development, but above all for the arms race. Thanks to the mechanisms of making Western countries dependent on raw materials and production, Beijing is able to exert political pressure on all European Union countries and the United States.
The dependence on China is so great that it would not be surprising if it turned out that the European idea of the green revolution came from the initiative of Beijing, or more precisely - of the Communist Party of China, an organization that, still faithful to the Marxist tradition, is the most powerful, omnipotent and omnipresent organization in the Middle Kingdom.
Ian Easton claims that Xi Jinping is a figure comparable to Mao Zedong and has concentrated the greatest power since then.
CHINA's main goal:
It is the creation of global communism, not the light version of democratic socialism known from the European Union. It is not about 'overthrowing the old world, but establishing a new one,' explained Xi Jinping. 'Marxism is the most important guiding principle of our party and our state,' he thundered.

CHINA makes weaker governments dependent on itself. It generously grants loans, builds critical infrastructure, and then dictates terms. CHINA tries to be everywhere, collect information, place his agents of influence. Not only in Asian or African countries, but especially in Europe and the USA.

China, fighting an invisible war with the West
[KENNEDY said on this threst in 60' of the 20th century], wants a tectonic shock, a paradigm shift, the ruin of Western civilization and its replacement by the domination of Chinese communism, a technocratic totalitarianism that will control the individual in every aspect [James Jesus Angleton vs J. F. Kennedy in 1963 and Dudino-Monasterszczyna of the HOLYNSKI family with Specter. Hillary Clinton and Podesta, Putin, Radek Sikorski. China and Russia with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama Husajn junior. Leopold Kronenberg, Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, Loewenstein and Gerlach, Zamoyski in Klemensow and Kaczorowski with Rettinger. Ordega of Zelechow; Roman of Zelechow; Wyssogota-Zakrzewski of Zelechow and Chocen; Lech Walesa's ancestors of the Chocen commune; Jaroslaw Slota vel Skota of Chocen with his friends: Malgorzata Zieleniewska of Lodz - the friend to PM Leszek Miller, Monika Sedzicka nee Bogucka of Sporna and Krokusowa 59, the counter-intelligence officer. Ordega and Jan Bloch and Leopold Kronenberg with the Zamoyski family in Klemensow-Bodaczow with Rettinger and the Kaczorowski's: President Kaczorowski in London and Emilia Kaczorowska Wojtyla, with the Wojtyla family in the Andrychow district: Czaniec close to Roczyny of Romani, General Czeslaw Kiszczak, near to Inwald of the General Miroslaw Milewski's mother].
This idea also finds fertile ground for Great Reset ideologists [Garfinkel, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Anna Teresa Tymieniecka, Bush, Mohrenshildt, Bill Clinton, Summers and Samuelson of Raczki Wielkie close to Suwalki, Sandberg]. In 2021, Xi Jinping was received with honors by Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum. Schwab declared that his environment - the elite of this world - is also part of building a community of people sharing a common future.
A few years ago, China presented its vision of how the tectonic shift on the geopolitical map of the world would begin. 'The United States is weakening. China is getting stronger. Russia is becoming aggressive. Europe is in chaos [compare the wars in Ukraine 2022/2023 and in GAZA in October/November 2023].'
This scenario is unfolding before our eyes, and only a highly naive person could believe that Beijing only cares about the well-being of its citizens and helping the entire world. Becoming dependent on China carries similar threats to becoming dependent on Russia. Both countries never gave up their dreams of imperial power.
Although Moscow [compare my webpages in 2010/2014 and again in 2017/2023] no longer has the strength or resources to conquer the world or even Europe [the Russian plan of 1717/1721/1741/1795/1815], China's power is one big mystery.
Inscrutable even to the United States.
Trump vs Monasterszczyna and Dudino of Holynski intermarried Konstantynowicz - the assassination of J. F. Kennedy in 1963; Parvus of Berezyna close to Miezonka of Konstantynowicz; Hanecki; Samuel Berger in 1972 with Hillary Clinton; Piottuch-Kublicki in Kublicze with Soltan and Konstantynowicz - the link to Samuel Richard Berger / ex BREGER, b. 1945, d. 2015, the son of Albert Berger (Aaron Breger) and Rose Lehrman. Samuel Berger in 1972 met Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton - Berger's mother came from Kublicze of Piottuch-Kublicki, and Kublicki intermarried Szumski and Konstantynowicz of Miezonka. Hillary Clinton in February 2008, Barack Obama and the links to Anna Teresa Tymieniecka, Loewenstein, Leopold Kronenberg with Krasinski of Krasne and with Zamoyski of Klemensow - the links to Rettinger and Kaczorowski. Donald Tusk with Wybicki, Garczynski, Nostitz-Jackowski and Gostkowski of Tomice, Koscierzyna; Angela Merkel in Baszkow, with Mielzynski, Billewicz. RESET in November 2007 until 12 July 2023 in Vilnius, with the links to Jesus James Angleton, Rettinger and Zamoyski in Klemensow, Kaczorowski in Klemensow-Bodaczow, Cracow, Czaniec; and Wojtyla in Czaniec close to Roczyny, Inwald and General Miroslaw Milewski.
Wojtyla in Czaniec close to Roczyny, Inwald and General Miroslaw Milewski.
Samuel Berger and Hillary Clinton, Zbigniew Brzezinski and Sandberg; Angela Merkel with Donald Tusk, John F. Kennedy, George Mohrenschildt and the Russian intelligence global network after 1721/1741. On 02 August 2023: John Luman Smith (born 1969) is an American attorney who has served in the United States Department of Justice as an assistant U.S. attorney, acting U.S. attorney, and head of the department's Public Integrity Section. GARLAND appointed SMITH. Merrick Brian Garland (born November 13, 1952) is an American lawyer and jurist serving since March 2021 as the 86th United States attorney general. Garland's "[by Wikipedia] mother Shirley (nee Horwitz; 1925-2016) was a director of volunteer services at Chicago's Council for Jewish Elderly (now called CJE SeniorLife). Trump vs BERGER got to know Clinton since 1972 and sometime in the '90s, when Bill Clinton went down to Arkansas one weekend.
About March of '71, it was got a call from one of BERGER's closest friends still today, Eli Segal, who later on in the Clinton administration began AmeriCorps, Welfare to Work, and was the Chief of Staff of the campaign in 1992. Beregr was thinking about coming down to Washington to do a clerkship for Judge Theodore Tannenwald of the tax court.
Later they are going to elect a President [Bill Clinton] who's 'going to end the war' [with Russia? or in Palestina...].
Trump vs Eli J. Segal, 1943 - 2006, b. in New York, the son of Mortimer Segal and Rose Segal (born Zimand). The Jew family.
The peak moment to the Russian victory was 1945 and 1963, when after killing of President John F. Kennedy, a network of secret societies of a globalistic-pro-Russian and liberal-sexual character, took over power in the US until 2016/2017 - but Donald Trump is fighting with the Czerniowce-Jassy-Suczawa movement of Romanian Jews in 2023. Underground monolith in Poland ie. pro-Russian minority-communist-liberal-sexual political option collapsed in 2015. In the US, the Illuminati-globalists suffered in November 2016 with Donald Trump. In the UK in 2017-2020 with Brexit. Of course, the Russians do not allow their global intelligence structures to fail after 300 years, the period of circa 1715-2015, when they built their power, whose symbol is the Russian Army in Paris in 1814. And a small Russian colony in California was at the same time.

This whole strange multi-state spy organization that has been following me from 1972 to the present is nationalistic. It is mainly staffed by two national minorities that suffered losses as a result of the Second World War. At the lowest level of street spies and provocateurs, Roma and Sinti predominate, but at the top it is run by Jews, Belarusians and Germans. Everything is directed from Moscow. People are recruited from Romania, Poland, Lithuania, Hungary, Slovakia, but also from Venezuela, Brazil, Jamaica, Oman, etc. All they could be accused of 'incitement to hatred based on national, ethnic, racial and religious differences' (Article 256 of the Penal Code). From their many behaviors and attacks, I feel that they hate me and my family.

But we back 10 years and below a few details after 10 years of my websites ie in 2013:

My grandfather Jerzy Konstantynowicz / Marian Stankiewicz / Marys / Marian Konstantynowicz was rarely at home before The Second World War. He traveled often for longer. With these expeditions brought particular trophies. What it was? These trophies from the trips were the Bolshevik guns called "revolver" or "Nagan" with a large caliber. He had a drawer in his office in the garrison of the 77th infantry regiment in Lida, full of them always. Probably, he killed enemies acc. to my father, on behalf of the Polish state. So my father spoke to us, grandfather often had to be on a secret trip to the Soviet Union. When he left the garrison and was in the central Poland, it received the nick-name Stankiewicz.
For his interlocutors he took as a gift the Bolshevik guns.
Once he was at the anniversary meeting of the members of the Polish Military Organization in Krakow and he was wearing a colonel's uniform. He had several biographies: according to one worked for the mobilization department of the Ministry of Defence. According to another legend, was a accountant.
Still other data said that already in Tsarist Russia was learning to future employee of military intelligence, probably in the range of encryption and radio. The course includes swam on the Russian battleship - "Petropavlovsk". During World War I it was stationed in Helsinki. In 1918, in Miezonka and Bobruisk he walked in uniform of the tsarist army probably "junker", very decorative, according to his colleague from Miezonka.
Also Jerzy Konstantynowicz, the son of Anna Armand + Apolon Konstantynowicz, used the birth certificate of Marian Konstantinovich, who died shortly after birth, but he was baptized. The new born baby died when his mother Anna also died - she was from the home of Malkiewicz family. These false documents indicated to Stanislaus Konstantynowicz as his adoptive father.
When in 1939 he was in a camp for Polish interned soldiers in Palanga, Lithuania has used for identification in contact with the family, a sailing ship picture.
In 1947 he settled near to Buenos Aires, Argentina. After 1948 all marks after him are interrupted. It is known, however, that he was in Mexico aft. ca 1950. No one knows where or when he died.

Before the Second World War my grandfather Jerzy or Marian Konstantynowicz did not have in the then Poland any family of his parents.
My family in the twenties and thirties of the twentieth century, was running an extensive exchange of correspondence mainly from Estonia and in second place with Finland and Latvia. At a later point were letters from Lithuania.

A revenge on the family of George / Jerzy aka Marian Konstantynowicz, which - since 1945 - found themselves in the new Communist Poland, was also terrible.
There is no exact date of the death of his elder son John / Jan Konstantynowicz (he died ca 30 Nov. 2003; in the forties of the 20th century taken name Stankiewicz) and wife of the same Jan, Marianne Konstantynowicz. They had broken heads with blood.
His younger son, Edward Guido Konstantynowicz died in a strange and mysterious circumstances on the night 02 November 1987 / November 3, 1987 year. I think that is from the hands of the communist forces. Around 25/28 October 1987 I took informations on three person: Zbigniew Natkanski, Ewa Chudzik married K., and I. G. m. K. that they acted against me both and under command of intelligence services of the communist Poland.
The person, Wojciech, who met with my father on November 2, 1987 year died in a year after my discovery of father's death around 1995. But intelligence agency sent to me Wojciech's friend - a woman in 2001/2004, and again ca 2010/2014, very black hairs, b. ca 1965, Jew probably, drinker.

I wanted to talk to father on November 2, 1987 the course of the very important issues that surround our family in communist Poland, but my father went away suddenly, out of this world. The revenge touched Edward's sons in 1987 - 2014. A tomb of the wife of Marian aka George Konstantynowicz - Stankiewicz, or Marian Konstantynowicz this is Sophia Konstantynowicz, nee Plaszczewska of Vilnius, also no longer exist (d. 1987).

More about Estonia, Finland, Sweden and Latvia in combination with radiotelegraphy, communications, telephone, radio tubes, wiring, and transmission of information by radio to the next page of my genealogy.

And now on 07 November 2023 we lock on Russian RESET of USA with Putin-Medvedev team by Tommy VIETOR, White House spokesman!

MEDVEDEV was to present Russia's proposal in LISBON to stop NATO's eastward expansion and limit the alliance's military capabilities in the area of the new NATO members in Central and Eastern Europe [it was about Poland, Romania, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania]. RIABKOV stated that he wanted, for example, in the territory of Poland and the Baltic countries to establish "certain military guarantees". On September 24, 2011, the US announced that the Moscow reset would remain in place regardless of the president in Moscow will be change. On September 24, 2011 Medvedev announced that PUTIN will run for president of Russia in MARCH 2012.

"We will continue to benefit from RESET progress, no matter who is president in Moscow," said Tommy VIETOR, White House spokesman! The first time in NATO's history, NATO's new strategic concept for the next 10 years will not define Russia as a threat, but as a partner [Lisbon's meeting].

On 05 May 2013 I am writing:
Barack Obama assumed office as President of the United States on January 20, 2009:
1. Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel in 2009-2010. Rahm Israel Emanuel - some Palestinians and Arabs expressed dismay at Obama's appointment of Emanuel. Ali Abunimah of the Electronic Intifada said that Obama's appointment of Emanuel sent the signal he would not be taking "more balanced, more objective".
2. Ben Shalom Bernanke, born December 13, 1953. The Bernankes were one of the few Jewish families in Dillon and attended Ohav Shalom. Bernanke learned Hebrew as a child from his maternal grandfather, Harold Friedman, a professional hazzan; Bernanke's father and uncle owned and managed a drugstore they purchased from Bernanke's paternal grandfather, Jonas Bernanke. Jonas Bernanke was born in Boryslav, Austria-Hungary (today part of Ukraine), on January 23, 1891. He immigrated to the United States from Przemysl, Poland, and arrived at Ellis Island, in 1921.
3. Christina Romer on November 24, 2008, President Barack Obama designated her as Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers upon the start of his administration. With economist Jared Bernstein, Romer co-authored Obama's plan for economic recovery. Her husband David Hibbard Romer (born March 13, 1958) is an American economist. Greg Mankiw served as best man at their wedding (Romer served as best man at Mankiw's wedding).
Mankiw was born in Trenton, New Jersey. His grandparents were all Ukrainians.
Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton (born October 26, 1947); Hillary Clinton, the 67th United States secretary of state under president Barack Obama from January 21, 2009 until February 1, 2013. During her tenure, Clinton established the Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review. "The White House is believed to prefer the Czech capital, Prague, where Obama set out his vision of a nuclear-free world in a major speech...".
H. Clinton was in Prague accompanied President Obama to the signing of a Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty with Russia, on April 8-9, 2010. Then she was in Estonia, Tallinn attended a NATO Informal Ministerial Meeting. Met with President Ilves and Foreign Minister Paet.
Rasmussen in the last days of April 2010 said in Tallinn:
"We will also discuss how we engage Russia in missile defence. ... I believe that we can and must engage Russia in missile defence, to the benefit of Europe's security and its political unity. ... And the new bilateral agreement between Ukraine and Russia does not change that. It's a bilateral agreement and it will not have an impact on our relationship neither with Russia nor with Ukraine. ... Because last December [2009], we made important decisions at a ministerial level in the NATO-Russia Council on launching a joint review of the 21st Century common security challenges; a comprehensive work program for 2010; and reforms of the NATO-Russia Council; and the time horizon for producing results is by the end of this year [2010]. So I find it quite natural that we meet when there is something concrete to discuss. So I have to say there's nothing dramatic in the fact that we do not have a NATO-Russia Council here in Tallinn".

On 09 April 2010 Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama flew from Prague to USA.
On 08 April 2010 Dalia Grybauskaite met President Lech Kaczynski in Wilno.

On 26 April 2023, 17.00:
Szczecin and West Hill Rd accused me about DISRUPTIVE bahaviour towards anyone, behave like THREATENING and others [26 April - 08 May 2023, provocators acted - Joll. 2A, Venezuela's 30 years old woman, 160 cm; W. 46 - a girl, face light black, big thick lips, 155 cm; Birds Hill 6A, Negro, 30 years old, 170 cm; Jar... / Nowakowska of Szczecin; chinese eyes, mental sick, 165 cm, Denmark 74].
On 23-24-26 April 2023, from Juiz de Fora, taken by Polish Intelligence Agency aft. 2020 [her flat West Hill Road 1-3 was taken by Foreign intelligence Agency of Szczecin [on 26 April 2023, 08.30, I was kicked out from my work, factory by Police/Szczecin - the links to Monika Bogucka in 2005 {the counter- intelligence, then married SEDZICKI, Romani at Krokusowa 59 in LODZ} and in 2007 for Foreign Intelligence Agency of Szczecin-Lodz network; the link to Tczew, Wadiste el modou of Senegal, Jeleniewo close to Suwalki] - Lodz - Tczew aft. 2016/2017 for street agents and spies], with co-operation of Justyna of Lodz, Romani, 41 years old; with ex-Tczew Intelligence Agency [acted until June 2022], and Rochelle Thompson [in 2017/2019 - Rochelle b. ca 1991 in Jamaica; the same flat like Camila Camope of Minas Geiras province in Brazil in Triangle, 2020/2023] of Jamaica, taken by Polish Intelligence Agency aft. 2018 - the links to Wadiste el modou, of Senegal [acted April 2017 - 2023 April], b. ca 1995 in Senegal, April 2017 at Wi. 135, with cover of P. in Police close to Szczecin, b. ca 1985; Camopy / Camope would like kicked out me from my job position [accusation against me about "thretening" to co-workers, on 26 April 2023, 17.00] - the Obama network?

We back to Tommy VIETOR and his genealogy. He came from
Thomas Frederick Vietor, I b. 1871 in Kings County (Brooklyn), New York, USA, and d. 1933, the son of George Frederick Vietor + Anna Margaret / Margaretha Vietor; Thomas m. Elizabeth Bacon.
Above Anna Margaret / Margaretha Vietor (Achelis) / Annie Achelis b. 1847 in New York, the daughter of Thomas X Achelis + Julie Sophie Rosine Huetterott b. 1821 in Bremen, Germany, the daughter of Georg Huetterott + Marie Caroline Klocke b. in Kassel, in the Kassel-Hesse, Germany ca 1800, died in 1861 in Neustadt, close to Harzburg and Goslar, at Lower Saxony, Germany, the daughter of Gerhard Klocke b. ca 1770 and unknown Klocke.

We know on Johann Gerhard Klocke b. ca 1820 and Anna Gertrud Jacobs. Gertrud Jacobs married to Joan Gerhard Klocke with Joan Hermann Henrich Klocke, 1845-1911. Joan Hermann Henrich Klocke b. in 1845 in Borkenwirthe, d. in 1911 in Hoxfeld, m. Elisabeth Dirks with Joan Hermann Klocke, 1878-1957 and Anna Maria Elisabeth Klocke, 1883-1954.

Borkenwirthe close to Borken, Germany, 6 km east to Netherlands.

The family Klocke and Marie Caroline Huetterott, were merchants in Kassel (Hesse).
Maybe Gerhard Klocke b. ca 1770 and Johann Heinrich Klocke, 1787 - 1858, were the brothers or relatives. Johann Heinrich Klocke was born in 1787, married Louise Henriette Klocke Stock in 1813, and named Louise was born in 1790, and they had 9 children: Hermann Dietrich Christian Klocke, Amalia Louise Bohle (born Klocke) and 7 others.

Mentioned Gerhard Klocke maybe was born in Jablonow in the Zielona Gora province.

Thomas Frederick Vietor, I b. 1871, the son of George Frederick Vietor and Anna Margaret / Margaretha Vietor.
His son b. 1915. Below about this family:
Thomas Frederick VIETOR III b. 1943 in New York, d. in 2010 in Stamford, Connecticut. His father was mentioned Thomas Frederick VIETOR, Jr., b. 1915, New York, m. Carolyn R. RAYMOND, b. 1916, New York, with childre:
1. T. F. VIETOR, IV; and 2. T. L. VIETOR.

T. F. VIETOR, IV = Thomas Frederick Vietor IV (born August 31, 1980) is an American political commentator and podcaster. He was a spokesperson for President Barack Obama.
His father was Thomas Frederick VIETOR, III, b. 1943, New York, + J. K. WINDBIEL.

The Grand Master of the Asiatic Brethren, and leading member of the Illuminati, was Prince Karl / CHARLES of Hesse-Kassel / Hessen-Kassel, the brother of Wilhelm I of Hessen-Kassel.
Both were the sons of Frederick II of Hessen-Kassel, from his wife, Mary of Hanover, Princess of Great Britain, the daughter of George II King of England, and therefore cousin to Frederick II the Great of Prussia.

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws" - Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild / Anschel (b. 1743 or in 1744), was a German Jewish banker and the founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty. In 1770, "Mayer Amschel Rothschild draws up plans for the creation of the Illuminati and entrusts ... Adam Weishaupt, ... with its organization and development...".

In 1791 - the formation of TEMPLAR's first Grand Conclave, with Thomas Dunckerley as Grand Master. In 1805 their Royal Patron, Duke of Kent [Prince Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathearn / Edward Augustus], became TEMPLAR Grand Master himself. The modern revival of Templarism in Scotland starts with Alexander Deuchar, of the Grand Assembly of the High Knights Templar in Edinburgh; in 1811 with a Charter from the Templar Grand Master in England, the Duke of Kent, Alexander Deuchar established the Grand Conclave of Knights of the Holy Temple and Sepulchre, and of St. John of Jerusalem [see Wankowicz and Swolna]. In 1813 Prince Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex, became Grand Master of the Premier Grand Lodge of England, and in December 1813 - named Prince Edward [Prince Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathearn / Edward Augustus] became Grand Master of the Antient Grand Lodge of England.
Mentioned above the Prince Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathearn / Edward Augustus, b. 1767, died in 1820, was the fifth child of King George III of the United Kingdom and the father of Queen Victoria!

Baron von Estorff advised the Landgrave that Mayer Amschel Rothschild showed an exceptional ability to increase wealth through his investments. Mayer Amschel arranged to hire 16800 Hessian soldiers to assist the nephew of Federick's wife, King George III of England, in suppressing the American Rebellion.
When Frederick II of Hessen-Kassel died in 1785, Rothschild obtained total influence over his successor, Karl's [Charles of Hessen-Kassel] brother Elector Wilhelm IX, who he managed to make one of the wealthiest monarchs of his time.
In 1769, Mayer Amschel Rothschild had become an agent for the Hessen-Kassel court [Frederick II of Hessen-Kassel died in 1785] of Prince William IX of Hesse - Kassel. Prince WILHELM IX / William IX was the grandson of George II, and also a cousin to George III of England, who was a nephew to the King of Denmark and also a brother in law to the King of Sweden. Prince William handed his wealth to be managed by the Rothschilds.

Wilhelm X Landgraf von Hessen-Kassel-Rumpenheim that is Prince William of Hesse-Kassel, b. 1787, was the first son of Prince Frederick of Hesse-Kassel and Princess Caroline of Nassau-Usingen. Above Prince Frederick of Hesse-Kassel, b. 1747, was a Danish general. He was born as the youngest son of Prince Frederick of Hesse-Kassel / Landgrave Frederick II, and Princess Mary of Great Britain, he was the last surviving grandchild of George II of Great Britain, dying one month before Queen Victoria (granddaughter of his first cousin King George III) ascended to the throne. Mentioned
Frederick II / Landgraf Friedrich II von Hessen-Kassel, b. 1720, was Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel (or Hesse-Cassel) from 1760 to 1785. He raised money by renting soldiers to Great Britain to help fight the American Revolutionary War, he combined Enlightenment ideas with Christian values
[see ALTONA and St Germain; St Germain and Catherine the Great of Russia; ALTONA and the FRANKISTS movement; ALTONA close to Hamburg and Tadeusz Grabianka; ALTHOTAS from Denmark and Cagliostro and Manuel Pinto in MALTA].

By 1785, the Illuminati was banned and all of the Bavarian lodges of the Grand Orient were closed down. Around the same time, Mayer Rothschild moved with his family to a five story house in Frankfurt, which he shared with the Schiff family.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744 - 1812) was also a financial advisor of Landgrave of Hesse Hanau - Prince Frederick of Hesse-Kassel (1747 - 1837). Landgrave was born as the youngest son of Hereditary Prince Frederick of Hesse-Kassel (the future Landgrave Frederick II) and Princess Mary of Great Britain. He was the last surviving grandchild of George II of Great Britain.
Frederick II of Hessen-Kassel married Maria Princess of Hanover, cousin of Frederick II the Great King of Prussia, and the daughter of [mentioned above] George II King of England.

In December 1745, Frederick [Frederick of Hesse / HESSEN] landed in Scotland with 6000 Hessian troops to support his father-in-law, [named above] George II of Great Britain, in dealing with the Jacobite rising.

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, his [Mayer Amschel Rothschild] five sons began expanding the family business:
1809, Nathan Mayer Rothschild 1st (1777-1836) in London;
1812, Jakob Rothschild (1792-1868) in Paris; 1820,
Salomon Rothschild (1774-1855) in Vien;
in 1821, Kalman Rothschild or Carl Mayer von Rothschild (1788-1855) in Naples;
oldest Amschel Mayer Rothschild (1773-1855) in Frankfurt.
The family supported the creation of the state of Israel. Edmond James de Rothschild is the patron of the first settlements in Palestine in Riszon le-Cijjon, ca 1887 (see Oliphant and Odessa - the TEMPLARS).

Baron Solomon Benedict de Worms (1801 - 1882) was an Austrian aristocrat, plantation owner in Ceylon [see tea and Azbelev - Duflon and Konstantynowicz family; Pilsudski and Sieroszewski in Japan]; stockbroker in London.
His father was Benedikt Moses Worms (1769 - 1824) and his mother, Schonche Jeannette Rothschild.
He had two brothers, Maurice Benedict de Worms (1805-1867) and Gabriel Benedict de Worms (1802-1881).
His maternal grandfather was Mayer Amschel Rothschild.

The Russian Army commandant in 1877 against Turkey, was Nikolaj Nikolajevic senior, Romanov; that is Mikolaj Mikolajewicz Romanow, b. 1831, d. 1891; Grand Duke, General Adjutant - 1856, General Field Marshal - 1878.
Third son of Tsar Nicholas I and Tsarina Aleksandra Fedorovna / Charlotte / Charlotta Princess of Prussia.
His older brothers were Tsar Alexander II and Grand Duke of Russia, Konstanty Mikolajewicz. Michal Mikolajewicz, b. 1832, was the next brother.

Donald Trump in 2016-2023 vs Jakub Frank of Czerniowce and his Frankist's movement in Romania and Poland in the service of Russian Intelligence in 60' of the 18th century. Suczawa-Jassy-Czerniowce and Romanian JEWS close to Clinton-Obama political arrangement: Segal of Romania and Garfinkel under Oginski with Maya Chrapowicka and Miezonka. Barack Obama and Samuel Berger - Kublicze in Belarus.

Miriam Segal or Sigler then Levitt (born Davis Davizon Davidsohn), ca 1872 - 1958, was the daughter of Isaac Hirsh / Yitzhak Davizon or Davidsohn / Davids + Anne Leah Rollinger. Miriam had 4 brothers: Abraham Leib Davids Davizon and 3 others. Miriam married SAMUEL ISAAC LEVITT in 1909, born in 1868, with 4 sons: Frank (or David Fishel) Levitt and 3 others. Miriam then married Moses Segal born in 1879.

LEHRMAN intermarried UNRUH / von Unruh and to LEVITT / Leavitt [above named Miriam Lehrman Levitt / maybe Leavitt]. Above Miriam Lehrman (born Levitt) b. ca 1860.

Anna Lehrman (born Unruh), 1837 - 1914; Anna Unruh married Heinrich Lehrman b. 1828. They had a son David Lehrman b. ca 1860. Above Anna Schmidt Lehrman (Unruh) b. 1837 in Alexanderwohl, in Ukraine. The daughter of Peter Unruh + Helena Unruh / Schmidt.

Miriam Lehrman (born Levitt), 1860 - 1923, married Moshe Mordechai Lehrman born in 1857, with 7 children: Anna Lillian Lehrman, Sarah Alpert (born Lehrman) and 5 others. Miriam lived in 1910-1920, in New York.

Sarah Alpert (born Lehrman), 1889 - 1951, was the daughter of Morris Moshe Mordechai Lehrman + Mirka (Miriam) Levitt. Sarah had 6 siblings: Anna Lillian Lehrman, Jacob Lehrman and 4 others. Sarah married Israel Noah Alpert in 1912, in New York. Israel was born on month day in 1883, and they had 4 children:
Herman Saul Alpert and 3 others.

Radoslaw Sikorski was under cover of Jew, Tannenwald in USA. Sikorski was in US in February 2008 and Radoslaw Sikorski was talking with advisors of Hillary Clinton [BERGER]. FIVE days after his back to Warsaw, Donald TUSK met PUTIN in Moscow. Tannenwald came from HESSE, the Illuminati Duchy in Germany, but with Jews and Frankists influences in the 2nd half of the 18th century.

BARUCH TANNENWALD had a daughter Jettchen Gluckauf (Tannenwald). Baruch Tannenwald m. Adelheid Tannenwald (nee Bluth). Named Jettchen m. Moses Gluckauf, the son of Jacob Gluckauf + Esther. Mentioned Baruch Tannenwald, 1815 in Rotenburg, Kassel - 1865 in Rotenburg, the son of Isaac or Issak Tannenwald + Roeschen or Recha. Mentioned Roeschen / Reischen / Recha Tannenwald (nee Katz), b. 1781 in Malsfeld, Kassel, died in 1869 in Rotenburg / Fulda, Hessen, and she was the mother of Giedel; Leiser Tannenwald; Esther Werthan; Dina Werthan; Baruch Tannenwald.

Above Malsfeld, Kassel, at half way from Rotenburg to KASSEL. Rotenburg belonged to Kassel. In 1803, the Landgraviate of Hesse-Kassel was raised to the Electorate of Hesse and Landgrave William IX was elevated to Imperial Elector, taking the title William I, Elector of Hesse.

Landgrave William IX / Wilhelm IX, Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel, later Elector of Hesse (1743-1821) upon the death of his father on 31 October 1785, became William IX, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel. William I, Elector of Hesse (1743 - 1821) was the eldest surviving son of Frederick II, Landgrave of Hesse - Kassel (or Hesse-Cassel) and Princess Mary of Great Britain, the daughter of George II.
During the 17th century, the landgraviate was internally divided for dynastic purposes, without allodial rights, into:
the Landgraviate of Hesse-Rotenburg (1627-1834).

About 1700 two sons, William (d. 1725) and Charles (or Karl) (d. 1711), divided their territories, and founded the families of Hesse-Rotenburg and Hesse-Wanfried.

The latter family died out in 1755, when William's grandson, Constantine (d. 1778), reunited the lands except Rheinfels, which had been acquired by Hesse-Kassel in 1735, and ruled them as Landgrave of Hesse-Rotenburg. At the peace of Luneville in 1801, the part of the landgraviate on the left bank of the Rhine was surrendered to France and, in 1815, other parts were ceded to Prussia, the landgrave Victor Amadeus being compensated by the abbey of Corvey and the Silesian Duchy of Ratibor / Raciborz.

Elfershausen after the Reformation - the village passed into the Landgraves' ownership. Beginning in 1770, the "Domane Elfershausen" even included parts of Dagobertshausen; it was finally dissolved only in 1971 when it was amalgamated with Malsfeld in what would turn out to be the beginning of the later "Greater Community of Malsfeld". Under rule of Constantine of Hessen-Rotenburg (May 24, 1716 in Rotenburg - December 30, 1778 in Schloss Wildeck) who was Landgrave of Hesse-Rotenburg from 1749 until his death. Constantine was the son of Landgrave Ernest Leopold, Landgrave of Hesse-Rotenburg and his wife, Princess Eleonore of Lowenstein-Wertheim-Rochefort. Constantine married in 1745 with Countess Marie Sophia Theresia Hedwigis Eva von Starhemberg (1722-1773), a daughter of the Imperial envoy Count Konrad Sigmund von Starhemberg (1689-1727) and his wife, Princess Leopoldine von Lowenstein-Wertheim-Rochefort (1689-1763). She was sister of Georg Adam, Prince of Starhemberg and widow of William Hyacinth, Prince of Nassau-Siegen.

Charles of Hesse-Kassel was born in Kassel in 1744 as the son of Frederick II, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel (or Hesse-Cassel) and his first wife Princess Mary of Great Britain. His mother was a daughter of King George II of Great Britain and Caroline of Ansbach and a sister of Queen Louise of Denmark.

The grandfather, William VIII, Landgrave of Hesse.

The Illuminati, Charles of Hesse-Kassel was born in Kassel in 1744 and William I, Elector of Hesse (Wilhelm I, Kurfurst von Hessen; b. 1743) were the brothers! Tsvee Hirsch of Kalisz was the supporter of Samuel Falk in London and / or in Brunswick.

Dr Samuel Falk, the Ba'al Shem of London, who was born in Podhajce at the beginning of the eighteenth century and named Samuel Jacob di Falk Tradiola Laniado. It explains that 'Falk' is the name of a family of distinguished lineage that included Rabbi Joshua ben Alexander Falk and Rabbi Jacob Joshua ben Zevi Hirsch. Falk made the acquaintance of Moses David of Podhajce. Falk's family move from Podhajce to Furth in Germany, which had become a major centre of Jewish life.

The crypto-Sabbatians and hidden Frankists lived in Furth that influenced Falk's personality. Philippe II was also another pupil of Rabbi Samuel Falk. Louis Philippe II, Duke of Orleans, Grand Master of the Grand Orient, in 1772. Philippe was the great-grandson of Philippe, Duke of Orleans, the Grand Master of Baron Hund's the Templar Order.

SAMUEL FALK, known Frankist [see CZERNIOWCE], was in London [after 1736/1737 or he arrived here before 1742] to Emanuel Swedenborg. Teomim of Horodenka was in ALTONA [Hamburg] in 1764 and in 1767, as the Frankist. Here were living mainly Ashkenazic Jews.

Jonathan Eybeschutz born in Cracow in 1690, died in named Altona in 1764, was a Talmudist, Rabbi of the "Three Communities": Altona, Hamburg and Wandsbek. Jonathan Eybeschutz's grandson was Baron Thomas von Schoenfeld, an apostate Jew who inherited his grandfather's collection of Sabbatean kabbalistic works. He founded a Masonic lodge called the Asiatische Bruder, one of four Illuminati lodges in Vienna. After his uncle's death in 1791, he was offered the leadership of the Frankist movement which he refused.

ALTONA was visited by St Germain [St Germain known Catherine the Great of Russia]; the FRANKISTS movement; Tadeusz Grabianka of the Illuminati; maybe ALTHOTAS from Denmark was in Altona - he was friendly to Cagliostro and Manuel Pinto in MALTA. In 1779, St. Germain arrived in Altona in Schleswig, to Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel. Altona is the westernmost part of Hamburg.

Tannenwald came from HESSE.

The 1785 congress convened by the Amis Reunis and the Philalethes was also attended by the Anton Mesmer, Comte St. Germain and Comte Cagliostro, another student of Rabbi Falk. Cagliostro, had known all the secrets of Dr. Samuel Falk. Catherine the Great was reportedly also associated with the Comte St. Germain. St. Germain was in St Petersburg, where he participated in a conspiracy when the Russian army assisted Catherine in usurping the throne from her husband Peter III of Russia.

At the same time
Althotas also been identified with Kolmer, the instructor of Adam Weishaupt, a German leader of the Illuminati, and at other times Althotas was identified with the Comte de Saint Germain. Althotas was born in southern of Denmark. Then he was living in Turkey, and EGYPT [Misraim in 1738 - London ?]. Tadeusz Grabianka was in Hamburg and Altona under the name of Slonskimp as the Illuminati.

Cagliostro had been initiated into the rite by the COMTE St. GERMAIN. The Comte de Saint Germain born ca 1691/1712, d. 1784, was a European alchemist. In 1779, St. Germain arrived in Altona in Schleswig, to Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel, who also had an interest in mysticism and in secret societies.

In Turkey, in the 2nd half of the 17th century, Donmeh / Donme, a group of Sabbatean crypto-Jews in the Ottoman Empire, was created as the political and religious movement. The movement was centered in Thessaloniki were Jakob Frank was in 1738. Jakob Frank in 1738 joined his father on a business journey from Czerniowce to Thessaloniki and he was introduced to Sabbatean circles in Thessaloniki.

At the same time
SAMUEL FALK, known Frankist, was in London [after 1736/1737 or he arrived here before 1742] to Emanuel Swedenborg. Teomim of Horodenka was in ALTONA [Hamburg] in 1764 and in 1767, as the Frankist. Here were living mainly Ashkenazic Jews. Jonathan Eybeschutz born in Cracow in 1690, died in named Altona in 1764, was a Talmudist, Rabbi of the "Three Communities": Altona, Hamburg and Wandsbek. Jonathan Eybeschutz's grandson was Baron Thomas von Schoenfeld, an apostate Jew who inherited his grandfather's collection of Sabbatean kabbalistic works. He founded a Masonic lodge called the Asiatische Bruder, one of four Illuminati lodges in Vienna. After his uncle's death in 1791, he was offered the leadership of the Frankist movement which he refused.

ALTONA was visited by St Germain [St Germain known Catherine the Great of Russia]; the FRANKISTS movement; Tadeusz Grabianka of the Illuminati; maybe ALTHOTAS from Denmark was in Altona - he was friendly to Cagliostro and Manuel Pinto in MALTA. In 1779, St. Germain arrived in Altona in Schleswig, to Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel. Altona is the westernmost part of Hamburg.

Finally Althotas invited Cagliostro to accompany him to Malta. In 1766, he arrived at Rhodes, and thence embarked for Malta. He was graciously received by the Grand Master, Pinto. "Althotas appeared in the dress and insignia of the Order of Malta. I have every reason to believe that the Grand Master Pinto was acquainted with my real origin".

Althotas, possibly a Greek, but he was speaking a mixture of languages. Grand Master Pinto engaged Altotas to assist him in his laboratory. They were admitted into the Order by Pinto, the Grand Master of the Knights of Malta. At Malta they assisted the Grand Master Pinto.

At the same time Althotas also been identified with Kolmer, the instructor of Adam Weishaupt, a German leader of the Illuminati, and at other times Althotas was identified with the Comte de Saint Germain. Althotas was born in southern of Denmark. Then he was living in Turkey, and EGYPT [Misraim in 1738 - London ?]. Tadeusz Grabianka was in Hamburg and Altona under the name of Slonskimp as the Illuminati. Cagliostro had been initiated into the rite by the COMTE St. GERMAIN. The Comte de Saint Germain born ca 1691/1712, d. 1784, was a European alchemist. In 1779, St. Germain arrived in Altona in Schleswig, to Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel, who also had an interest in mysticism and in secret societies.

Marcin Mikolaj Radziwill, b. 1705, was the alchemist. The FRANKISTS leaders maintained a relationship with Prince Marcin Mikolaj Radziwill, b. 1705, who "showed interest in religious issues and who visited Yaakov Frank in 1759". Marcin Mikolaj Radziwill of Ostrow Wielkopolski was the supporter of the FRANKISTS. In 1765, Jakob Frank, known Sabbatean, planned to establish links with the Russian Orthodox Church and with the Russian government through a Russian ambassador in Warsaw, Prince REPNIN. At the end of the year a Frankist delegation went to Smolensk and Moscow.

Marcin Mikolaj Radziwill, b. 1705 in Ciemkowicze, General Lieutenant, d. 1782 in Sluck, the son of Jan Mikolaj Radziwill [the co-owner of OSTROW WIELKOPOLSKI with the Przebendowskis], and Dorota Henryka Przebendowska [b. ca 1680 ?] 2nd voto Franciszek Bielinski [1683 - 1766].

David Livingstone in 2013 wrote:
"The Asiatic BRETHREN continued to be associated with Egyptian Rite Freemasonry, which its origins with Count CAGLIOSTRO. Cagliostro ... had been initiated into the rite by the COMTE St. GERMAIN. The Comte de Saint Germain born ca 1691/1712, d. 1784, was a European alchemist. In 1779, St. Germain arrived in Altona in Schleswig, to Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel, who also had an interest in mysticism and in secret societies. He had invented a new method of colouring cloth. St. Germain was an Alsatian Jew, Simon Wolff by name, and was born at Strasbourg".
"Maybe was a Spanish Jesuit named Aymar. The title of the Count of St Germain had during the early 1740s. He is called an Italian, a Spaniard, a Pole. In London he was in 1745. He understood Polish, and soon learnt to understand English.
St. Germain appeared in the French court around 1748. In 1749, he was employed by Louis XV for diplomatic missions. He prophesied the French Revolution. He met Giuseppe Balsamo (alias Cagliostro) in London. St. Germain was an alchemist, and Rosicrucian.
Ebenezer Sibly was deeply involved in occult, but his brother Manoah SIBLY was the member of the Swedenborgian Theosophical Society; and was living in London like Swedenborgian minister.

Manoah SIBLY thus provided a tangible connection between Ebenezer SIBLY / Ebenezer Sibley, and the Swedenborgian enthusiasts Philippe de LOUTHERBOURG, Peter Lambert de LINTOT and Charles RAINSFORD and in ca 1776 to CAGLIOSTRO".
Above acc. to Susan Mitchell Sommers.

Charles of Hesse-Kassel was born in Kassel in 1744 as the son of Frederick II, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel (or Hesse-Cassel) and his first wife Princess Mary of Great Britain. His mother was a daughter of King George II of Great Britain and Caroline of Ansbach and a sister of Queen Louise of Denmark. The grandfather, William VIII, Landgrave of Hesse.

SAMUEL FALK sent CAGLIOSTRO on the mission of Egyptian Freemasonry. It was also known as the RITE of MISRAIM. From as early as 1738, traces of the Rite of Misraim can be found, which include alchemical, occult and Egyptian references with a structure of 90 degrees. Through his association with the Grand Master of the Order of the Knights of MALTA, Manuel Pinto de Fonseca, Cagliostro founded the Rite of HIGH EGYPTIAN MASONRY in 1784.

Between 1767 and 1775 Cagliostro received the ARCANA ARCANORUM from Sir Knight LUIGI D'AQUINO, the brother of the national Grand Master of NEAPOLITAN MASONRY. In 1788, Cagliostro introduced them into the RITE of MISRAIM. From as early as 1738, one can find traces of this Rite filled with alchemical, occult and Egyptian references, with a structure of 90 degrees. Joseph Balsamo / Cagliostro was very close to the Grand Master of the Order of the Knights of Malta, Manuel Pinto de Fonseca. Cagliostro founded the Rite of High Egyptian Masonry in 1784, with Arcana Arcanorum which are three very high hermetic degrees, from Sir Knight Luigi d'Aquino, the brother of the national Grand Master of Neapolitan Masonry. In 1788, he introduced them into the Rite of Misraim.

Jacob Frank was jailed because his sexual antics. He then converted to the Russian Orthodox Church.

Teomim of Horodenka was in ALTONA in 1764.

In 1764 Rabbi Nachman made Aliyah to Israel [acc. to Dr. N. M. Gelber]. With him were Rabbi Menahem Mendel from Przemyslany / Peremyshliany, at half way from Busk to Rohatyn; and Rabbi Simhah. The group set sail from Galacz in Romania at present, to Constantinopol, and they sailed together with immigrants to Palestine in Jaffa.

Someone wrote that Teomim of Horodenka was in ALTONA in 1764.

In 1766 Aharon Yitzchak ben Moshe, from the family of Rabbis, the Teomims, left Horodenka for Altona in Germany as a messenger and preacher for the Shabbetean movement. In 1767, he arrived in Altona from Poland. From there Aharon Yitzhak proceeded to Hamburg. Soon after there were rumors that Aharon Yitzhak was a preacher of the Shabbetai movement. Rav Moshe Teomim had a position as the Rabbi of Horodenka.

In 1779, St. Germain arrived in Altona in Schleswig, to Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel. Altona is the westernmost part of Hamburg. In 1640, Altona came under Danish rule. A major Jewish community developed in Altona starting in 1611, mainly Ashkenazic Jews.

Horodenka was also one of the centers of the Frankist movement like CZERNIOWCE.

At the same time Althotas also been identified with Kolmer, the instructor of Adam Weishaupt, a German leader of the Illuminati, and at other times Althotas was identified with the Comte de Saint Germain. Althotas was born in southern of Denmark. Then he was living in Turkey, and EGYPT [Misraim in 1738 - London ?]. Tadeusz Grabianka was in Hamburg and Altona under the name of Slonskimp as the Illuminati. Cagliostro had been initiated into the rite by the COMTE St. GERMAIN. The Comte de Saint Germain born ca 1691/1712, d. 1784, was a European alchemist. In 1779, St. Germain arrived in Altona in Schleswig, to Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel, who also had an interest in mysticism and in secret societies.

ALTONA was visited by St Germain [St Germain known Catherine the Great of Russia]; the FRANKISTS movement; Tadeusz Grabianka of the Illuminati; maybe ALTHOTAS from Denmark was in Altona - he was friendly to Cagliostro and Manuel Pinto in MALTA. A social movement related to sexual deviations was developed in the Frankist region: Podhajce - Rohatyn - Dubno. There, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, Wilhelm Reich appeared, supporter of bestiality, pedophilia, group sex, liquidation of marriage, free love. The communist Kollataj of the Lenin government created an educational system supporting these sexual disorders. The anarchist movement in the 19th century was dominated by homosexuals.

Three coups in the US: 1881, 1901, 1963, were prepared and co-organized by structures related to sexual liberation and homosexuality, but also to the national minority, liberalizing and mainly derived from the territories of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Romania: Suczawa-Czerniowce-Jassy.
They were accompanied by Baltic Germans and Poles, or Polish-Jewish mixed blood persons. All this structure was managed from Russia.

The Illuminati formed in the 18th century by the Russian intelligence interested in conquering Central Europe, the American Pacific coast, the Caucasus and the Balkans. The Russians mainly operated in the 18th century through Denmark [with Altona close to Hamburg under Denmark rule] and Malta, by the Templar movements of the Scottish Jacobites who sought support and facilities in St. Petersburg; through the Maltese Order, through the Frankists in Frankfurt am Main, Altona near Hamburg, Skala Podolska, Krasne close to Przasnysz; in Ostrow Wielkopolski, Kamieniec Podolski, Podhajce and Rohatyn in Ukraine.

Sexual deviations were to allow the destruction of Western societies; the totality was completed by revolutions, and actually pseudo-revolutions in France in 1789, and in America.
Russian intelligence has contributed to Freemasonry since the 1720s.
After 1870/1871, the Illuminati movement was transformed into a globalist movement, and at the beginning, in 1871-1937, it was a Polish underground movement but the British intelligence and the Baltic Germans gained an advantage;
however, in a network of secret societies after 1937, i.e. after the Great Purge in the Russian Empire, Russian-Soviet military intelligence service completely took over the leadership.

William I, Elector of Hesse (1743-1821) was the eldest surviving son of Frederick II, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel (or Hesse-Cassel) and Princess Mary of Great Britain, the daughter of George II.

Frederick II of Hesse-Cassel b. 1720, the son of William VIII, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel and Dorothea Wilhelmine Caroline von Sachsen-Zeitz.
Wilhelm VIII von Hessen-Kassel b. 1682, the son of Charles I landgrave of Hesse-Kassel and Prinzessin Maria Amalia von Kurland [Mitau, the Illuminati center - compare Bronislaw Komorowski and Tadeusz Wolanski].

Karl I von Hessen-Kassel (Hessen), Landgraf, b. 1654, the son of William VI, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel and Princess Hedwig Sophia of Brandenburg.
Wilhelm VI von Hessen-Kassel (Hessen), Landgraf, b. 1629, the son of Wilhelm V von Hessen-Kassel and Countess Amalia Elisabeth of Hanau-Munzenberg.

Donald Trump in 2016-2023 vs Jakub Frank of Czerniowce and his Frankist's movement in Romania and Poland in the service of Russian Intelligence in 60' of the 18th century. Suczawa-Jassy-Czerniowce and Romanian JEWS close to Clinton-Obama political arrangement: Segal of Romania and Garfinkel under Oginski with Maya Chrapowicka and Miezonka. Barack Obama and Samuel Berger - Kublicze in Belarus.

J. F. Kennedy in 1963 and Dudino-Monasterszczyna of the HOLYNSKI family. Hillary Clinton and Podesta, Putin, Radek Sikorski. China and Russia with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama Husajn junior. Leopold Kronenberg, Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, Loewenstein and Gerlach, Zamoyski in Klemensow and Kaczorowski with Rettinger.
Ordega of Zelechow; Roman of Zelechow; Wyssogota-Zakrzewski of Zelechow and Chocen; Lech Walesa's ancestors of the Chocen commune; Jaroslaw Slota vel Skota of Chocen with his friends: Malgorzata Zieleniewska of Lodz - the friend to PM Leszek Miller, Monika Sedzicka nee Bogucka of Sporna and Krokusowa 59, the counter-intelligence officer.

Jakob Frank returned to Poland in 1755. As a traveling merchant in textile [CZERNIOWCE] and precious stones he often visited Turkish territories, in Tesaloniki / Salonica and Smyrna. But they settled in Vallachia, part of the Ottoman Empire, and in Bukovina and Bucharest were he was learning the local Cabbalistic traditions of Judaism and learning Ladino, the language of the Sephardic Jews in the Balkans, and Turkish with Hebrew.

Donald Trump vs Garland had originally been Garfinkel, like Nakhman Garfinkel.

Garfinkel / Garland of the Oginskis property WAJGOWO in the SZAWLE county
[Emma Goldman and Tadeusz Wolinski came from SZAWLE (close to Kielmy and Wajgowo) - General Tadeusz Kosciuszko was the god-father of Tadeusz Wolinski who moved home to PAKOSC, the Dzialynski estate. Tadeusz Wolinski had German wife. Close to Pakosc the CZOLGOSZ family was living in the 19th century, from the GRODNO county. Tadeusz Wolinski was pro-Russian statesman and he was educated in Mitau / Mitawa - compare the Garfinkel genealogy. Czolgosz and Goldman, the LGBT ideology, killed US President McKinley in 1901. The next coup in USA in 1963, involved Jerzy Mohrenschild from the Minsk governorate and the Tallinn county; OSWALD under care of James Jesus Angleton, the pupil of Russian spy, KIM PHILBY; and Oswald co-operated with above George Mohrenschild and the PAINE family - the LGB... ideology. The Oginski family acted in Polish underground against Russia, and Ignacy Oginski senior b. ca 1698 was the landlord for the GARFINKEL family (in WAJGOWO close to Kielmy) in the SZAWLE county (GARLAND in USA)].

The Garfinkels, Jews, came from the Kobryn district: Antopol; and from Szawle and the Szawle county.

Adam Potocki, the son of Artur Potocki, the Templar Freemason, owned Kobryn and Zabianka, and also Adam Potocki owned Zalesie and Olchowka, ie Zales'ye close to Ol'khovka;
but Al'khavyets / Olchowiec is situated in the Horki / Gorki district, 1 km west to the modern Russian border;
and Jablonowka / Yablonovka, 9 km north-east to Stowbtsy / Stoubce / Stoubcy and south-west to MINSK.

Lobushany south-east to Berezyna / Byerazino, and 13 km west to Miezonka / Mezhonka, belonged to the Potockis, and also to the family of Artur Potocki. Above Count Adam Jozef Potocki (24 February 1822, Lancut - 15 June 1872, Krzeszowice close to Cracow) "was a Polish politician from Galicia, who was a prominent advocate for the autonomy of that region. He owned numerous estates, steel mills in Silesia, and shares in the consortium building Galicia's railway lines" by Wikipedia. The son of Artur Stanislaw Potocki and Zofia Branicka. Adam was the husband of Katarzyna Branicka - married 26 October 1847 in Dresden,
and the father of:
Roza Raczynski [the wife of Edward Alexander Raczynski, married in 1886],
Artur Wladyslaw Potocki, the husband of Roza Pelagia Lubomirska, married in Cracow in 1877,
Zofia Zamoyska, the wife of Stefan Zamoyski,
and Andrzej Kazimierz Potocki, the husband of Krystyna Tyszkiewicz, m. 1889 in Traku Voke, in the Vilnius county.

Above Roza Potocka, 1849-1937, married in 1868, in Krzeszowice, to Wladyslaw Krasinski, 1844-1873, and Roza Potocka m. in 1886, Krzeszowice, to Edward Raczynski, 1847-1926.
Above Stefan Zamoyski, the son of Zdzislaw Zamoyski, 1810-1855 + Jozefina Walicka, 1808-1880; Stefan's son was Adam Zdzislaw Zamoyski b. 1872, d. in 1933 in Cracow.

Wajgowo close to Szawle - Ignacy Oginski, Kiezgajlo, Garfinkel / Garland, close to Kielmy and Szawle - Goldman, Wolinski, Tyzenhauz; Kublicze of the Piottuch-Kublicki; and the dangerous net of Jakub Frank in Czerniowce and his Frankist's movement in the service of Russian Intelligence in 60' of the 18th century. Suczawa-Jassy-Czerniowce and Romanian JEWS
[this Jews play together with Romanian Romani, at Timisoara-Sibiu-Brasov and Ploiesti-Bucuresti area, like Marius AKIM aged 28, the Cojocaru family, ASIEN family of Denmark 40; and with Polish Romani at Jeleniewo close to Suwalki, Szczecin and Police; Zgierz, Glowno, Zdunska Wola, Tomaszow Mazowiecki, and others places]
close to Clinton-Obama political arrangement: Segal of Romania and Garfinkel under Oginski with Maya Chrapowicka and Miezonka. Barack Obama and Samuel Berger - Kublicze in Belarus. J. F. Kennedy in 1963 and Dudino-Monasterszczyna of the HOLYNSKI family. Hillary Clinton and Podesta, Putin, Radek Sikorski. China and Russia with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama Husajn junior. Leopold Kronenberg, Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, Loewenstein and Gerlach, Zamoyski in Klemensow and Kaczorowski with Rettinger by Bogdan Konstantynowicz. J. F. Kennedy in 1963 and Dudino-Monasterszczyna of the HOLYNSKI family. Donald Trump and his faight in August 2023 against Tanyia Chutkan of Jamaica and she came from Frank Hill, and Stephen Hill, black nationalists, and communist spy. Hillary Clinton and Podesta, Putin, Radek Sikorski.

China and Russia with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama Husajn junior. Leopold Kronenberg, Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, Loewenstein and Gerlach, Zamoyski in Klemensow and Kaczorowski with Rettinger.

Jan Gotlib Bloch (1836-1902) was born into a poor Jewish family, the Polish banker and geographer,
was the son of
Selim Bloch + Fryderykia Neumark.

Selim BLOCH was born in 1790, in Lezno, the Zukowo commune, the Kartuzy county [see Donald TUSK's family].

Jan Bloch b. 1836 had siblings among others Hertz and Taubchen Jellinek. Jan Bloch married Emilia Julia Kronenberg in 1862, and Emilia KRONENBERG was born in 1845.

Above Selim = Salomon Bloch m. Friederike Neumark / Fryderyka, 1803-1879. Salomon Bloch / Selim Bloch b. 1790 in Lezno, was the son of Filip Bloch [1760-1839; Filip b. in named Lezno, died in 1795/1839.
Note to above Nathan Jellinek m. Taubchen Bloch. Jellinek came from Rousinov / Rausnitz, a town in Vyskov District in the South Moravian Region] + Mariem Hamburger b. 1760, d. 1839, the daughter of Meir Hamburger + Sarah Mamrat.
Sarah was the daughter of Nathan Mamrat + Gnendel Dvora / Dvora Mamrat-Hirschfeld-Oldenburg Ashkenazi, ca 1688 in Altona, close to Hamburg, Germany - after ca 1717,
the daughter of
Chacham Tzvi Hirsch Ashkenazi + Sarah Rivka / Sara Rivka Mirels, Chacham Zvi' 2nd wife, b. in 1670 in London, d. 1719 in LWOW / L'viv, the daughter of R' Meshulam Zalman HaLevi Mirels, A.B.D. Hamburg.


Jonathan Eybeschutz born in Cracow in 1690, d. Altona, 1764, was a Talmudist, Rabbi of the "Three Communities": Altona, Hamburg and Wandsbek. Jonathan Eybeschutz's grandson was Baron Thomas von Schoenfeld, an apostate Jew who inherited his grandfather's collection of Sabbatean kabbalistic works. He founded a Masonic lodge called the Asiatische Bruder, one of four Illuminati lodges in Vienna. After his uncle's death in 1791, he was offered the leadership of the Frankist movement which he refused.

David Livingstone in 2013 wrote:
"The Asiatic BRETHREN continued to be associated with Egyptian Rite Freemasonry, which its origins with Count CAGLIOSTRO. Cagliostro ... had been initiated into the rite by the COMTE St. GERMAIN [the Comte de Saint Germain born ca 1691/1712, d. 1784, was a European alchemist. In 1779, St. Germain arrived in Altona in Schleswig, to Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel, who also had an interest in mysticism and in secret societies. He had invented a new method of colouring cloth".
St. Germain was an Alsatian Jew, Simon Wolff by name, and was born at Strasbourg.
Maybe was a Spanish Jesuit named Aymar. The title of the Count of St Germain had during the early 1740s. He is called an Italian, a Spaniard, a Pole. In London he was in 1745. He understood Polish, and soon learnt to understand English. St. Germain appeared in the French court around 1748. In 1749, he was employed by Louis XV for diplomatic missions. He prophesied the French Revolution.
He met Giuseppe Balsamo (alias Cagliostro) in London. St. Germain was an alchemist, and Rosicrucian.
Ebenezer Sibly was deeply involved in occult, but his brother Manoah SIBLY was the member of the Swedenborgian Theosophical Society; and was living in London like Swedenborgian minister.
Manoah SIBLY thus provided a tangible connection between Ebenezer SIBLY / Ebenezer Sibley, and the Swedenborgian enthusiasts
Peter Lambert de LINTOT and
and in ca 1776 to CAGLIOSTRO."
Above acc. to Susan Mitchell Sommers.

Charles of Hesse-Kassel was born in Kassel in 1744 as the son of Frederick II, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel (or Hesse-Cassel) and his first wife Princess Mary of Great Britain.
His mother was a daughter of King George II of Great Britain and Caroline of Ansbach and a sister of Queen Louise of Denmark.
The grandfather, William VIII, Landgrave of Hesse].

Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick 1721 - 1792, was mentioned in Robison's secret Illuminati membership list, as the patron of the Asiatic Brethern, an Illuminati offshoot. The Sabbatian Vienna Lodge of the Asiatic Brethren was founded by Jacob Frank's cousin, Moses Dobrushka, alias Von Schoenfeld. Jonathan Eybeschutz born in Cracow in 1690, d. Altona, 1764, was a Talmudist, Rabbi of the "Three Communities": Altona, Hamburg and Wandsbek. Jonathan Eybeschutz's grandson was Baron Thomas von Schoenfeld.

Count Thadee Lessige GRABIENSKA [Tadeusz Grabianka], Nobleman of Liva, known in Holland under the name of Janiewske [Janiewski]; he was in England under the name of Soudkowski [Sudkowski]; in France and some parts of Germany under the name of Ostap; in Hamburg and Altona under the name of Slonskimp.

Cagliostro had been initiated into the rite by the COMTE St. GERMAIN. The Comte de Saint Germain born ca 1691/1712, d. 1784, was a European alchemist. In 1779, St. Germain arrived in Altona in Schleswig, to Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel, who also had an interest in mysticism and in secret societies. He had invented a new method of colouring cloth. St. Germain was an Alsatian Jew, Simon Wolff by name, and was born at Strasbourg.

In 1768-1789 two Frankists agents were in Prague and Possnitz.

Jakob Frank was freed by the Russians from Czestochowa in August 1772, and he left the town early in 1773. He came to Warsaw and in March 1773 escaped to BERNO to Dobruschka until 1786. In March 1775 met with Austrian Empress. At 1786/1787 established himself in OFFENBACH with the Prince Ysenburg.

Jakob Frank acted together with the Russian Orthodox Church and with the Russian government in 1773 in Czestochowa and Warsaw, but in 1765 Frankist delegation went to Smolensk and Moscow, acc. to Robert Akers.

St. Germain, an Alsatian Jew, Simon Wolff by name, born at Strasbourg, had the title of the Count of St Germain during the early 1740s, called an Italian, a Spaniard, a Pole, was in London in 1745. St. Germain understood Polish and visited ALTONA close to Hamburg.

Alexander Mikhailovich (Sandro) was the Freemason, and he called himself Philalethes. The 1785 congress convened by the Amis Reunis and the Philalethes was also attended by the Anton Mesmer, Comte St. Germain and Comte Cagliostro, another student of Rabbi Falk.

Cagliostro, had known all the secrets of Dr. Samuel Falk.
Catherine the Great was reportedly also associated with the Comte St. Germain. St. Germain was in St Petersburg, where he participated in a conspiracy when the Russian army assisted Catherine in usurping the throne from her husband Peter III of Russia.

At the same time
Althotas also been identified with Kolmer, the instructor of Adam Weishaupt, a German leader of the Illuminati, and at other times Althotas was identified with the Comte de Saint Germain. Althotas was born in southern of Denmark. Then he was living in Turkey, and EGYPT [Misraim in 1738 - London ?].

Tadeusz Grabianka was in Hamburg and Altona under the name of Slonskimp as the Illuminati.

Cagliostro had been initiated into the rite by the COMTE St. GERMAIN. The Comte de Saint Germain born ca 1691/1712, d. 1784, was a European alchemist. In 1779, St. Germain arrived in Altona in Schleswig, to Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel, who also had an interest in mysticism and in secret societies.

In Turkey, in the 2nd half of the 17th century, Donmeh / Donme, a group of Sabbatean crypto-Jews in the Ottoman Empire, was created as the political and religious movement.
The movement was centered in Thessaloniki were Jakob Frank was in 1738. Jakob Frank in 1738 joined his father on a business journey from Czerniowce to Thessaloniki and he was introduced to Sabbatean circles in Thessaloniki.

At the same time
SAMUEL FALK, known Frankist, was in London [after 1736/1737 or he arrived here before 1742] to Emanuel Swedenborg.

Teomim of Horodenka was in ALTONA [Hamburg] in 1764 and in 1767, as the Frankist. Here were living mainly Ashkenazic Jews.

Jonathan Eybeschutz born in Cracow in 1690, died in named Altona in 1764, was a Talmudist, Rabbi of the "Three Communities": Altona, Hamburg and Wandsbek. Jonathan Eybeschutz's grandson was Baron Thomas von Schoenfeld, an apostate Jew who inherited his grandfather's collection of Sabbatean kabbalistic works. He founded a Masonic lodge called the Asiatische Bruder, one of four Illuminati lodges in Vienna. After his uncle's death in 1791, he was offered the leadership of the Frankist movement which he refused.

ALTONA was visited by St Germain [St Germain known Catherine the Great of Russia]; the FRANKISTS movement; Tadeusz Grabianka of the Illuminati; maybe ALTHOTAS from Denmark was in Altona - he was friendly to Cagliostro and Manuel Pinto in MALTA.
In 1779, St. Germain arrived in Altona in Schleswig, to Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel.

Altona is the westernmost part of Hamburg.

By Ushi Derman:
"Frank addressed his followers:
'I came not to elevate your spirits, but to humiliate you to the bottom of the abyss, where you can get no lower, and where no man can rise from by his own forces, but only God can pull him with his mighty hand from the depth'.
By 'abyss' he meant particularly sexual rituals that included sacred orgies with just a touch of incest. ...
David Kahana in his 'Book of Darkness':
'on the 26th day of the month of Shvat in 1756, on a market day in the town of Lanzkron, [LANCKORONA] Podolia, the people of the Frank sect gathered in the morning in an inn of one of their own, closed all the windows in secrecy, and took the rabbi's wife, a beautiful and promiscuous woman, sat her down naked in a palanquin, placed a Torah crown upon her head and danced around her...'."

His Polish aristocratic supporters chose their wives at the age of 17 and 18. They kidnapped young girls and made them harem, they used sadism, pedophiles, necrophiles - preparation of corpses, and even adopted Judaic customs, such as the Sabbath and kosher. The Frankis maintained contact with the German Illuminati through Altona in the suburb of Hamburg; and in Frankfurt am Main; in London, through Samuel Falk, through Cagliostro, the main emissary of the Order of Malta, through Carsten Niebuhr in 1767, in Skala Podolska, and established contacts with the Russian authorities in 1766 for anti-Polish purposes, and for muddle in the Balkans.

Russia's supporters in the 18th century and in the 19th century are not just Frankists in 1766; but also it is possible Georgian families, reaching the highest royal and princes dignities in Georgia. They are also aristocratic individuals from upper-class lineages in Poland imbued with the ideology of the Illuminati.

In the second half of the 19th century, a Polish underground movement emerged in Russian intelligence [Armand-Konstantynowicz]; it operated in consultation with France [Breguet, Frauchi], England [Koziell-Poklewski] and Austria and even with Germany [Parvus, Hutten-Czapski]. Poles were assisted by the Baltic Germans [Pilar-Pilchau, Mohrenschildt], who had mastered Russia's counterintelligence from the 1840s.
Georgians nobility and Scottish Templars sought help and support in the Orthodox Church in Moscow. Frankists in Skala Podolska in 1767 were visited by Carsten Niebuhr, whom sent The Illuminati Superior of the Order of Malta, Manuel Pinto as early as 1761. The whole Niebuhr visit in Poland in 1767, after the search for a New Religion in Persia and drugs in Yemen, and after penetrating Egypt in 1761/1762 [alchemy], organized rich noble families:
the Krasinskis from the neighborhood of Przasnysz in Krasne
[Ludwik Krasinski born in 1833, the friend of Leopold Kronenberg; Ludwik owned Krasne, Przystan, Magnuszewo, Krasnosielc and Zulin; Ojcow - Pieskowa Skala;
Adamow with Gulow; Ursynow;
Rohatyn - in the vicinity was the center of the sexual deviation movement represented by Wilhelm Reich who wrote extensively, in his diary, about his sexual precocity. He maintained that his first sexual experience was at the age of four. He also was a Marxist.

Ludwik Krasinski owned many villages in the Minsk governorate from Magdalena Kiezgajlo-Zawisza: Kuchcice and Zarnowki in the IHUMEN county.
Maria Magdalena Radziwill, nee Zawisza-Kierzgajlo / Kiezgajlo, primo voto Krasinska, b. 1861, d. 1945 in Fryburg, in 1917/1918 in Moscow and in Minsk she was the communist. In 1919-1935 she co-operated with Jews communities.

Maria Magdalena was the daughter of Maria Kwilecka married Kiezgajlo, and Maria Magdalena was Belarussian not Polish! In 1882 she was married to Ludwik Jozef Krasinski.
Ludwik Jozef died in 1895 and she was married to the son of Wilhelm Adam Radziwill, ie. to Waclaw Mikolaj Radziwill in 1906 in LONDON; he was pro-Russian politic, and
the great-great-grandson of Marcin Mikolaj Radziwill b. 1705 in Ciemkowicze, alchemist, sexual pervert and the FRANKISTS supporter, living close to Ostrow Wielkopolski];
Stadnicki from Pleszew area and Jedlno;
Tarnowski of Podole; Kossakowski of Skala Podolska; the Poniatowskis of Warsaw and of Berezyna in Belarus.

Jacob Frank was jailed because his sexual antics. He then converted to the Russian Orthodox Church.

Teomim of Horodenka was in ALTONA in 1764.

In 1764 Rabbi Nachman made Aliyah to Israel [acc. to Dr. N. M. Gelber]. With him were Rabbi Menahem Mendel from Przemyslany / Peremyshliany, at half way from Busk to Rohatyn; and Rabbi Simhah. The group set sail from Galacz in Romania at present, to Constantinopol, and they sailed together with immigrants to Palestine in Jaffa.

Someone wrote that Teomim of Horodenka was in ALTONA in 1764.
In 1766 Aharon Yitzchak ben Moshe, from the family of Rabbis, the Teomims, left Horodenka for Altona in Germany as a messenger and preacher for the Shabbetean movement. In 1767, he arrived in Altona from Poland. From there Aharon Yitzhak proceeded to Hamburg. Soon after there were rumors that Aharon Yitzhak was a preacher of the Shabbetai movement. Rav Moshe Teomim had a position as the Rabbi of Horodenka.

In 1779, St. Germain arrived in Altona in Schleswig, to Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel. Altona is the westernmost part of Hamburg. In 1640, Altona came under Danish rule. A major Jewish community developed in Altona starting in 1611, mainly Ashkenazic Jews.
Horodenka was also one of the centers of the Frankist movement.
At the same time Althotas also been identified with Kolmer, the instructor of Adam Weishaupt, a German leader of the Illuminati, and at other times Althotas was identified with the Comte de Saint Germain. Althotas was born in southern of Denmark. Then he was living in Turkey, and EGYPT [Misraim in 1738 - London ?]. Tadeusz Grabianka was in Hamburg and Altona under the name of Slonskimp as the Illuminati.

Cagliostro had been initiated into the rite by the COMTE St. GERMAIN. The Comte de Saint Germain born ca 1691/1712, d. 1784, was a European alchemist. In 1779, St. Germain arrived in Altona in Schleswig, to Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel, who also had an interest in mysticism and in secret societies.
ALTONA was visited by St Germain [St Germain known Catherine the Great of Russia]; the FRANKISTS movement; Tadeusz Grabianka of the Illuminati; maybe ALTHOTAS from Denmark was in Altona - he was friendly to Cagliostro and Manuel Pinto in MALTA.
A social movement related to sexual deviations was developed in the Frankist region: Podhajce - Rohatyn - Dubno. There, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, Wilhelm Reich appeared, supporter of bestiality, pedophilia, group sex, liquidation of marriage, free love. The communist Kollataj of the Lenin government created an educational system supporting these sexual disorders. The anarchist movement in the 19th century was dominated by homosexuals.

Three coups in the US: 1881, 1901, 1963, were prepared and co-organized by structures related to sexual liberation and homosexuality, but also to the national minority, liberalizing and mainly derived from the territories of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. They were accompanied by Baltic Germans and Poles, or Polish-Jewish mixed blood persons. All this structure was managed from Russia.

The Illuminati formed in the 18th century by the Russian intelligence interested in conquering Central Europe, the American Pacific coast, the Caucasus and the Balkans. The Russians mainly operated in the 18th century through Denmark [with Altona close to Hamburg under Denmark rule] and Malta, by the Templar movements of the Scottish Jacobites who sought support and facilities in St. Petersburg; through the Maltese Order, through the Frankists in Frankfurt am Main, Altona near Hamburg, Skala Podolska, Krasne close to Przasnysz; in Ostrow Wielkopolski, Kamieniec Podolski, Podhajce and Rohatyn in Ukraine.

Sexual deviations were to allow the destruction of Western societies; the totality was completed by revolutions, and actually pseudo-revolutions in France in 1789, and in America.
Russian intelligence has contributed to Freemasonry since the 1720s.
After 1870/1871, the Illuminati movement was transformed into a globalist movement, and at the beginning, in 1871-1937, it was a Polish underground movement but the British intelligence and the Baltic Germans gained an advantage;
however, in a network of secret societies after 1937, i.e. after the Great Purge in the Russian Empire, Russian-Soviet military intelligence service completely took over the leadership.

By K. E. Sjoden in 1995:
"... Pernety indicates an important date in his role in the history of Swedenborgianism: September 29, 1779. ... The group came to be universally known as the Illuminati in Avignon. Who were the first members of this group? ... Count Thadee Lessige GRABIENSKA [Tadeusz Grabianka], Nobleman of Liva, known in Holland under the name of Janiewske [Janiewski]; in England under the name of Soudkowski [Sudkowski]; in France and some parts of Germany under the name of Ostap; in Hamburg and Altona under the name of Slonskimp. ... This letter of October 20, 1781 constitutes a veritable gold mine for those who take an interest in Pernety and his activities. I became aware of it thanks to a copy translated into Swedish located in the Royal Library in Stockholm... A letter from Grabianka to the Dutch editor Pierre F. Gosse of February 24, 1787, published in ... Hague, 1884... Included among them were his wife, his mother-in-law, Countess Stadnisca [Stadnicka], his daughter Annette Grabianka [Aneta Grabianka], his sister and brother-in-law, Count and Countess Jean Tarnowski [Jan Tarnowski], as well as Mademoiselle Bruchier from Strasbourg, who was his daughter Annette's tutor and also the ... medium. ...
But it was Louis-Joseph-Bernard-Philibert de Morveau, known as 'Brumore', initiated prior to Grabianka, who was even more influential. Brumore served as librarian to the King's brother, Henri [Henry], at his Castle of Reinsberg, near Berlin. Henri had hired a troop of French actors, one of whom, Bauld de Sens, was also a member of the secret Society. It is known that he entrusted Pernety and Brumore with two rare documents dealing with alchemy ...
I have found some mention of the Prince in the register of the members of the Illuminati in Avignon...".

The relatives of Jan Bloch - Meshullam Solomon / Israel Meshullam Solomon (1723-1794), was b. in 1723 in Altona - d. 1793/1794/1795 in HAMBURG; he was born as Israel Meshullam Zalman Emden in Altona near Hamburg, was one of two rival Chief Rabbis of the United Kingdom and the rabbi of the Hambro' Synagogue. Solomon claimed authority as Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom from 1765 to 1780.

Israel Meshullam Solomon (1723-1794/1795), was the son of Jacob / Yaakov EMDEN, 1697-1776 + Rachel KOHEN, ca 1700-1739; the grandson of Tzvi Hirsch ben Yaakov ASHKENAZI, 1658-1718 + Sarah Mirls / Mirles NEUMARK, 1670-1719.

Israel Meshullam Solomon in 1722/1723 in Altonia / Altona in Hamburg (now Germany). Israel Meshullam Zalman EMDEN in 1764 was appointed rabbi of the Hamburger Synagogue in London. In 1780 he left London and in 1794/1795 he died in Hamburg. He was known in England as Meshullam SOLOMON. Israel was the son of Jacob / Yaakov EMDEN + Rachel KOHEN.

Above Tzvi Hirsch ben Yaakov Ashkenazi, 1656-1718), known as the Chacham Tzvi, born in 1658 in Velke, Moravia. His father Jacob Wilner was active in Moravia.
He was descended of Ephraim ha-Kohen, who in turn was the son-in-law of a grandchild of Elijah Ba'al Shem of Chelm Lubelski.

Above R' Israel (Solomon) Meshullam Zalman Emden, was ABD Podhajce and later in London.
Israel was the son of Yaakov Israel Emden + Rachel Emden Ashkenazi.
Israel was the father to Benjamin Emden.
Israel was the brother of Blimah Eisenstadt Ash, Second Wife;
R' Meir Zalman Yavetz Emden, A.B.D. Konstantin;
and others. And the half brother of Nechama Yavetz and others.

Above Benjamin Emden b. 1765 + Jetta Charney, with a daughter Chia Leah Rotkel (Emden) died in 1942, married Mattias Rotkel / Mates, 1860-1942, the son of David Rotkel.
CHIA was the daughter of Benjamin Emden and Jetta.
Chia was the mother of David Rotkel; Bella Weiss; Felicia Flatau; Benjamin Rotkel.
Above Mattias Rotkel had a daughter b. in 1907, Cecile Wechsler born in Warsaw. Cecile had a son born in 1931, Felix Leneman died in Paris. Cecile died in 2004 in New York. Felix Leneman b. 1931 in Paris, d. in 2000 in San Leandro, in California.

Above EPHRAIM BEN JACOB HA-KOHEN (1616-1678), rabbinic authority, served as a judge in Vilna together with Shabbetai Kohen and Aaron Samuel Koidanover. Born in Wilna in 1616; died in 1678, at Budapest / Ofen, Hungary; persecuted by the Chmielnicki uprising.

Jan Gotlib Bloch (1836-1902), also known as Ivan Bloch, born Jewish and a convert to Calvinism, was sympathetic to the Zionist movement. Bloch was married to Emilia Julia Kronenberg (1845-1921), the granddaughter of Polish banker Samuel Eleazar Kronenberg,
the daughter of medical doctor Henryk Andrzej Kronenberg;
and niece of industrialist Leopold Stanislaw Kronenberg;
"the Kronenberg and Bloch families had often been in competition with each other in several 19th century Polish businesses".

Amelia Maria Weyssenhoff Soltan's brother was Jozef Weyssenhoff who married Alicja Bloch / Aleksandra Emilia Bloch, the daughter of Jan Bloch, a banker from Lodz. Amelia Maria Weyssenhoff + Wiktor Wladyslaw Pereswit Soltan b. 1853, d. 1905, the son of Stanislaw Soltan and Albertyna Dunin- Jundzill Countess.
Amelia's father:
Michal Weyssenhoff b. 1831 + Wanda Lubienska Countess, ca 1830 / after 1836 / 1839 - ca 1880, her father was Seweryn Lubienski Count + Amelia Golabek Jezierska Countess;
Amelia Maria Weyssenhoff's brother:
Jozef Weyssenhoff writer + Alicja Bloch / Aleksandra Emilia Bloch.

Zionist movement:
Jan Bloch of Lodz, Armand Levy and Adam Mickiewicz with Leopold Kronenberg, Zamoyski, Adam Grabowski, Gustaw Findeisen, Filip Michal Newlinski.

JAN BLOCH m. Emilia Julia Kronenberg.
Jan Bloch was the father of
Maria Katarzyna Koscielska; Henryk Jan Bloch;
Aleksandra Emilia Weyssenhoff;
Emilia Ordega;
Janina Maria Kostanecka.

Emilia Bloch, 1870-1940, m. in 1890, Warszawa, to Ksawery Holynski, 1856-1901. Emilia Bloch Holynska was the sister of Aleksandra Emilia Weyssenhoff. Aleksandra Emilia Bloch, 1868-1939, the daughter of Jan Gotlib Bogumil Bloch + Emilia Julia KRONENBERG b. 1845, the daughter of Henryk Andrzej Kronenberg, b. 1813;
the granddaughter of Samuel Eleazar Kronenberg / Lejzor Hirszowicz Kronenberg, b. in 1773.

Named Samuel Eleazar was the father of Ludwik (Lewek) Kronenberg; Dorota Loewenstein; Rozalia Loewenstein; Stanislaw Salomon Kronenberg; Maria Kronenberg and 3 others:
Leopold Stanislaw Kronenberg, nickname Eliezer, b. 1812, d. 1878 in Nice, the son of Samuel Eleazar Kronenberg + Tekla Teresa.
Above Aleksandra Emilia BLOCH was the wife of Jozef Weyssenhoff b. in 1860 in Kolano, d. in 1932.

the owners: 1. in 1714, Jan Jakub Holynski; and in 1719.
2. in 1729, the Mscislaw official, Kazimierz Holynski, b. 1670.
Michal Holynski, the Marshal [in 1804] of the nobility in Mohylew, b. ca 1760, married Teresa Ciechanowiecka, b. ca 1770, was the owner of named Monasterszczyna / Monasterszczyzna, and probably Dudino - ex Dukes Horski possession. Michal Holynski, the Mohylew nobility Marshal, was the son of Jozef Antoni Tadeusz Holynski, b. ca 1730, the Klimowicze official, married Petronela Zukowska.
The grandson of Kazimierz Holynski, b. ca 1670.
The great-grandson of Stefan Holynski and Izabela Ostankiewicz, ie. Stefan = Stefan Kazimierz Holynski (ca 1630 / 1640 - 1701).
Next the landlord in DUDINO was Michal Holynski
[his grandson Ksawery Holynski, 1856-1901 + Emilia Bloch of LODZ],
b. ca 1782, d. 1854, m. Elzbieta Tolstoj, b. 1773,
had the grandparents of him:
mentioned Jozef Antoni Tadeusz Holynski, of Klimowicze, b. ca 1730 + Petronela Zukowska.

The Bloch family from the PRZEDECZ district has links to Leszcze, close to Koscielec close to KOLO [we have also different Koscielec close to Czestochowa]:

Above Koscielec close to KOLO has associations with Izabela Grabowska, the wife of Wicenty Tyszkiewicz, and Izabela Tyszkiewicz Grabowska was the sister of
Css Emilia Skorzewska, nee Goetzendorf-Grabowska, b. 1807 in Wawelno, close to Sosno and to Sepolno Krajenskie, died in 1875 in Jeziory Wielkie, close to Zaniemysl and to Sroda Wielkopolska; Emilia was the wife of Count Heliodor Jan Jozef Skorzewski, b. in 1792 in Margonin, d. in 1858 in Poznan. Heliodor Skorzewski was the son of Count Fryderyk Jozef Andrzej Skorzewski and Antonina GARCZYNSKA, the daughter of Stefan Garczynski JUNIOR. Count Fryderyk Skorzewski owned BRATOSZEWICE near to GLOWNO.
Count Edward Goetzendorf Grabowski + Jozefa Goetzendorf Grabowska Koscielska, b. ca 1809, d. in 1860, the daughter of Jozef Koscielski and Kunegunda ROKITNICKA.
Leokadia Poninska, b. 1817 in Grylewo, close to Wagrowiec - died in 1906 in Koscielec, close to KOLO.

Leokadia was the wife of Boleslaw Jozef Aleksander Poninski, b. 1814 in Wegierki, in the Wrzesnia County, d. in 1887 in Bydgoszcz, the son of Stanislaw Poninski and Anna SIERAKOWSKA.
Count Stanislaw Poninski, b.in 1779 in Wrzesnia, d. in 1847 in Berlin, the son of Marceli Poninski and Rozalia GRUDZIELSKA.
Marceli Poninski b. ca 1750, d. in 1816, was the son of Walenty Poninski and Marcjanna AWRYLEWSKA.

Walenty Poninski was the son of Michal Poninski and Anna Trampczynska, the daughter of Wladyslaw Otto Trampczynski and Anna Bojanowska GOLINSKA.

On September 17, 2009, U.S. President Barack Obama announced that the U.S. was dropping the Bush administration's plan to build a missile defense shield in Eastern Europe. Russia had viewed the planned missile shield as a military threat in 2008. Vladimir Putin said the decision was "correct and brave". President Barack Obama in Istanbul was on April 7, 2009. Obama met Putin in Moscow before G-8 meeting in Italy in JULY 2009.

On 07 JULY 2009, in keynote in Moscow, Barack Obama saw prosperity in relations with Moscow on the basis of the end of the Cold War. 'Gone are the days when empires threatened their neighbors'. On the second day of his visit to Moscow, President Obama said that the US 'NEEDS to play a role in making a FRESH START in relations with Russia'. "America wants a strong Russia," Obama said! 'I have called for a RESET in relations between USA and Russia' and 'this must be more than FRESH start'. 'That is important'. 'polityka.pl', on 7 March 2009, by Marek Ostrowski. He wrote down on the meeting of the US secretary of state CLINTON with LAWROW and it was assessed that Obama seriously wants to change relations with Russia. Hilary Clinton in GENEVA, March 2009, said that the 'most important thing is NEW START', because in December 2009 the old agreement on nuclear disarmament expires.

Clinton called for cooperation in Afghanistan and against Iran, but spoke of "disagreement" on the restoration of Russia's own sphere of influence in the area of the former Soviet Union and disagreement on the Partition of Georgia. In March 2009 in Geneva, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov pressed the symbolic RESET button.

On 6 March 2009 in Geneva, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presented Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov with a red button with the English word "reset" and the Roman alphabet transliteration of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet word "peregruzka". It was intended that this would be the Russian word for "reset" but actually was the word for "overload". The correct translation would be "perezagruzka". Additionally, the button switch was the type commonly used as an emergency stop on industrial equipment. Hillary Clinton was later praised by the Russian diplomats for resolving the issue politely, stating her team's good intentions. Lavrov and Clinton pushed the button simultaneously. Perezagruzit - reset, to reboot, to repeat a download.

In private, several Obama administration officials expressed doubts about the reset and were concerned that it was overly optimistic [by Wikipedia], particularly Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and U.S. ambassador to Russia John Beyrle.

In July 2009, Russian president Dmitry Medvedev announced that U.S. forces and supplies could pass through Russian airspace on their way to Afghanistan. On 17 September 2009, U.S. President Barack Obama announced that the U.S. was dropping the Bush administration's plan to build a missile defense shield in Eastern Europe. Russia had viewed the planned missile shield as a military threat. Vladimir Putin said the decision was "correct and brave".

In March, 2010, the U.S. and Russia agreed to reduce their nuclear arsenals. But Lech Kaczynski was on this way. In April 2010 the Russians killed all Polish goverment - in Warsaw around 09.00/11.00 am on 10 April 2010, Sikorski-Komorowski-Tusk were waiting for information from Smolensk. Macierewicz in July 2023 said that Bronislaw Komorowski was 'ready' for taking the President post. Komorowski and his wife that is a net of JEWS from Szczecin. Radek Sikorski this net of JEWS of USA. Lawrow referred to RESET, which was brought to GENEVA by Hilary Clinton as a gift. The Russians in the protocol translated the word RESET differently. Lawrow recognized the error but was pleased that Clinton judged BUSH's policy to be CONFRONTATIONAL. Ostrowski noted that the only confrontation was the anti-missile shield in the Czech Republic and Poland in REDZIKOWO.

RESET was interpreted by everyone in MARCH 2009 as IMPROVEMENT. Kaczmarski in April 2011, wrote about the fragile reset. The "reset" policy in November 2008/March 2009 proposed by the US has brought Russia a series of blows geopolitical, prestige and economic benefits. The most important include: return to arms control; US withdrawal from the plans for the deployment of elements of the strategic defense system of the missile defense in Poland and the Czech Republic; entry into force of the agreement on civil nuclear cooperation. In response, Russia provided support to the United States in resolving the Iranian crisis [it was for ISRAEL most important] and offered assistance in Afghanistan, regarding the transit of supplies. Moscow's anti-American rhetoric has also softened. The changes that have taken place in Russian-American relations have no permanent character. Existing contentious issues have not been resolved, e.g. in the case of missile defence.

From the beginning of 2009, Russian-American relations began to deteriorate significant changes, which are briefly referred to as "reset". Russian-American relations gradually deteriorated, starting with the Iraqi conflict in 2003. At the end of George W. Bush, reached the lowest point in the entire post-Cold War period [in 1989]. A symbolic expression of the crisis in bilateral relations was the war with Georgia, which, given the degree of American involvement in that country, was treated by Russian elites as clash with the United States and Lech Kaczynski.

The annual speech by President Dmitry Medvedev was delivered immediately after the election of Barack Obama on November 5, 2008. Only later Russian politicians began to see the possibility of improving relations with the USA.

The new OBAMA administration [the net of Kronenberg-Zamoyski-Rettinger-Kaczorowski-Loewenstein-Tymieniecka-Czaniec and Roczyny-Brzezinski-Sandberg-Summers-Samuelson of Raczki and Suwalki and General Miroslaw Milewski in 1944 in Suwalki, with the roots in INWALD est to Andrychow-close to Wadowice and the Gostkowski family in Tomice and the Koscierzyna county] re-evaluated the current assessment of Russia's importance for the USA. It was decided [November 2008 in US] that Moscow would able to help (or at least not to hinder) the implementation of priority issues - ending the war in Afghanistan and stopping the Iranian nuclear program. Barack Obama's administration [since January 2009] decided to abandon the unilateral approach policy of shaping the nuclear arsenal (initiated by George W. Bush withdrew from the ABM treaty in December 2001) and return to a real joint control of offensive arms with Moscow [see 08 April 2010 in Prague, Medvedev and Obama-Clinton team; Clinton back to US on 09 April 2010; 08 April 2010 Kaczynski was in Lithuania; 10 April 2010 all Polish goverment was killed in Smolensk but in the night 09/10 April six NATO generals prepared to Smolensk trip; evening 09 April 2010 from Prague was sent key information on the terrorist attack on airplane]. The new START treaty was signed by both countries on April 8, 2010 and ratified in January 2011. It replaced the expired one in December 2009, the START treaty and the 2002 SORT treaty. On September 24, 2011, the US announced that the Moscow reset would remain in place regardless of the president's change in Moscow.

On September 24, 2011 Medvedev announced that PUTIN will run for president of Russia in MARCH 2012. "We will continue to benefit from RESET progress, no matter who is president in Moscow," said Tommy VIETOR, White House spokesman. ' tvn24' wrote: "the first time in NATO's history, NATO's new strategic concept for the next 10 years will not define Russia as a threat, but as a partner". This is how not the NATO ministerial meeting to determine further policy. In MAY 2018, the European Union sought to return to NORMAL relations with Russia, 'Rzeczpospolita' reported.

The main proponents were Bulgaria and Germany. USA: "Reset" with Russia will remain in force regardless of new Russian president Putin changing Medvedev. The term "reset" in relations between Washington and Moscow was first used in early 2009 by the then-new US administration.

On October 22, 2010, in Berlin, Rasmussen said that the basis of a REAL EURO-ATLANTIC security architecture will be cooperation with Russia. On November 17, 2010, Rasmussen made relations with Russia his most important goal, and for the first time since 2002, when the NATO-Russia Council was established, the LISBON Summit will be devoted to relations with Russia. Already in his inaugural speech, Rasmussen called for GLOBAL changes in these relations with Russia. On 03 November 2010, Dane, Rasmussen discussed in MOSCOW key issues for the Lisbon summit.

"We see Russia as an important strategic partner", Rasmussen said in an interview with LAWROW at the time. "To forget the demons of the PAST" - this is how Lawrow and Rasmussen summarized the KATYN murders in 1940 and in April 2010 all Polish goverment was killed in SMOLENSK. In Lisbon, it was planned to invite Russia to join the BMD joint missile defense system, RASMUSSEN said in SEPTEMBER 2010.

WESTERWELLE [German minister] said that Russia should be part of SHIELD. He said this in Vilnius during his autumn visit in 2010. The Americans did not say NO to the German-Atlantic politician in September-November 2010. On 12 October 2010, FRANK ROSE US security adviser said Russia cannot have veto power but Washington will STILL try to work with Russia "on building a shield in Europe". LAWROW just before LISBON, and after the G20 summit in SEUL, stated that cooperation between Russia and NATO is possible if it is based on partnership, in building a JOINT missile defense system - Lawrow is a Gypsy with strong anti-Semitic statements, like the one from 2022 about Hitler, who, according to LAWROW, was a Jew. Israel strongly condemned Lavrov's statement.

MEDVEDEV was to present Russia's proposal in LISBON to stop NATO's eastward expansion and limit the alliance's military capabilities in the area of the new NATO members in Central and Eastern Europe [it was about Poland, Romania, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania]. RIABKOV stated that he wanted, for example, in the territory of Poland and the Baltic countries to establish "certain military guarantees". On September 24, 2011, the US announced that the Moscow reset would remain in place regardless of the president in Moscow will be change. On September 24, 2011 Medvedev announced that PUTIN will run for president of Russia in MARCH 2012.

"We will continue to benefit from RESET progress, no matter who is president in Moscow," said Tommy VIETOR, White House spokesman! The first time in NATO's history, NATO's new strategic concept for the next 10 years will not define Russia as a threat, but as a partner [Lisbon's meeting].

On 05 May 2013 I am writing:
Barack Obama assumed office as President of the United States on January 20, 2009:
Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel in 2009-2010. Rahm Israel Emanuel - some Palestinians and Arabs expressed dismay at Obama's appointment of Emanuel. Ali Abunimah of the Electronic Intifada said that Obama's appointment of Emanuel sent the signal he would not be taking "more balanced, more objective".
Ben Shalom Bernanke, born December 13, 1953. The Bernankes were one of the few Jewish families in Dillon and attended Ohav Shalom. Bernanke learned Hebrew as a child from his maternal grandfather, Harold Friedman, a professional hazzan; Bernanke's father and uncle owned and managed a drugstore they purchased from Bernanke's paternal grandfather, Jonas Bernanke. Jonas Bernanke was born in Boryslav, Austria-Hungary (today part of Ukraine), on January 23, 1891. He immigrated to the United States from Przemysl, Poland, and arrived at Ellis Island, in 1921.
Christina Romer on November 24, 2008, President Barack Obama designated her as Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers upon the start of his administration. With economist Jared Bernstein, Romer co-authored Obama's plan for economic recovery. Her husband David Hibbard Romer (born March 13, 1958) is an American economist. Greg Mankiw served as best man at their wedding (Romer served as best man at Mankiw's wedding).
Mankiw was born in Trenton, New Jersey. His grandparents were all Ukrainians.
Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton (born October 26, 1947); Hillary Clinton, the 67th United States secretary of state under president Barack Obama from January 21, 2009 until February 1, 2013. During her tenure, Clinton established the Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review. "The White House is believed to prefer the Czech capital, Prague, where Obama set out his vision of a nuclear-free world in a major speech...".
H. Clinton was in Prague accompanied President Obama to the signing of a Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty with Russia, on April 8-9, 2010. Then she was in Estonia, Tallinn attended a NATO Informal Ministerial Meeting. Met with President Ilves and Foreign Minister Paet.

Rasmussen in the last days of April 2010 said in Tallinn:
"We will also discuss how we engage Russia in missile defence. ... I believe that we can and must engage Russia in missile defence, to the benefit of Europe's security and its political unity. ... And the new bilateral agreement between Ukraine and Russia does not change that. It's a bilateral agreement and it will not have an impact on our relationship neither with Russia nor with Ukraine. ... Because last December [2009], we made important decisions at a ministerial level in the NATO-Russia Council on launching a joint review of the 21st Century common security challenges; a comprehensive work program for 2010; and reforms of the NATO-Russia Council; and the time horizon for producing results is by the end of this year [2010]. So I find it quite natural that we meet when there is something concrete to discuss. So I have to say there's nothing dramatic in the fact that we do not have a NATO-Russia Council here in Tallinn".

On 09 April 2010 Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama flew from Prague to USA.

On 08 April 2010 Dalia Grybauskaite met President Lech Kaczynski in Wilno.

On 26 April 2023, 17.00:
Szczecin and West Hill Rd accused me about DISRUPTIVE bahaviour towards anyone, behave like THREATENING and others [26 April - 08 May 2023, provocators acted - Jol. 2A, Venezuela's 30 years old woman, 160 cm; W. 46 - a girl, face light black, big thick lips, 155 cm; Birds Hill 6A, Negro, 30 years old, 170 cm; Jar... / Nowakowska of Szczecin; chinese eyes, mental sick, 165 cm, Denmark 74].

On 23-24-26 April 2023, from Juiz de Fora, taken by Polish Intelligence Agency aft. 2020 [her flat West Hill Road 1-3 was taken by Foreign intelligence Agency of Szczecin [on 26 April 2023, 08.30, I was kicked out from my work, factory by Police/Szczecin - the links to Monika Bogucka in 2005 {the counter-intelligence, then married SEDZICKI, Romani at Krokusowa 59 in LODZ} and in 2007 for Foreign Intelligence Agency of Szczecin-Lodz network; the link to Tczew, Wadiste el modou of Senegal, Jeleniewo close to Suwalki] - Lodz - Tczew aft. 2016/2017 for street agents and spies], with co-operation of Justyna of Lodz, Romani, 41 years old; with ex-Tczew Intelligence Agency [acted until June 2022], and Rochelle Thompson [in 2017/2019 - Rochelle b. ca 1991 in Jamaica; the same flat like Camila Camope of Minas Geiras province in Brazil in Triangle, 2020/2023] of Jamaica, taken by Polish Intelligence Agency aft. 2018 - the links to Wadiste el modou, of Senegal [acted April 2017 - 2023 April], b. ca 1995 in Senegal, April 2017 at Wi. 135, with cover of P. in Police close to Szczecin, b. ca 1985; Camopy / Camope would like kicked out me from my job position [accusation against me about "thretening" to co-workers, on 26 April 2023, 17.00] - the Obama network?

We back again but only 6 years to a Polish mine - Szczecin-Police plant - in Tivaouane, in Senegal - 33 km north-east of THIES. And Nguokhokh - source of instigators - 45 km south of THIES. Both towns are the same COUNTY: Tivaouane or Tivawan / Tiwaawan, is a city located in the Thies Region of Senegal + BT54 BKA + [black man, drug addict, 22 years old, 182 cm, skinny] Durley Chine Rd / Chine Cres, 'Kensington Lodge' [13 May 2018; 19 April 2019, 17.30/18.00]. Polish counterintelligence - response time to the hearing and telephone, 1 minute 30 seconds: compare - 15 May 2019, 12.38 - 12.40, and the same day, 18.31-18.33: Serpentine 21. Mandeville, Jamaica + on December the 1st, 2017, police had to intervene [and similer on 01 March 2018]; on action around me on 6 September 2018, 11.50-12.50, near ASDA + 11 Dec. 2018, 20.35 p.m.; an action on 10th April 2018, 20.15-22.40, with: Sadowska E.; Russian woman aged 50, ex-Estonian citizen of Soviet Union, on 06 October 2018, 18.50/19.30. Radek Sadowski; Rochelle Thompson; Radoslaw Majewski;
on 26th May 2018: LGBT and Senegalese refugees in conjunction with Arabic double; lovers of hashish, at the Ster. Rd 80; and the Romanian intelligence network - 7 December 2018, 17.55 p.m.; and on 11th and 12th March, 2018, together with the Police / Szczecin network; Bubis - the Opoczno network; Cheikh Anta Diop in Thies; the "Women in Business" movement; LeanIn.Org receives all of the profits of Lean In: Women, Work & the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg. Przybranowo / Wloclawek; again Michalow / Suwalki; MARCIN, on 21 March 2005 - 19 August 2017, an active counter-intelligence agent at St Swithun's Rd; Zgierz {2005/2006 and again since October 2015 with international support from his "brethren"}.
With the mysterious quarter of residential houses in Lodz, between the streets: Rybna Rd, Zachodnia Rd., Limanowskiego Rd., Lutomierska Rd - in the years 1983-1987, 2005, 2015-2017. In 1982/1988 from Opoczno - Natkanski Zbigniew - ZARNOW, Ossa - 7 km north-east to ZARNOW;
CHELSTY - 5 km south to ZARNOW;
"Bogdan - they were very easy to get along in your case", a man named Przemyslaw of Zgierz says in spring 2006 to me; he was the bartender from the Piotrkowska street in 2004.

Above highly dangerous, aggressive network of a pseudo Counterintelligence nature dependent on the Russians, led by national minority, currently is in a state of underground conspiracy [2016-2017]. The creator of this special services network since 1972 was General Kiszczak, the head of military intelligence, former communist prime minister and the head of the secret police. The funeral of Czeslaw Kiszczak was in November 2015 and his wife said: "God will pay you for all the harm, which ungrateful, unworthy Pole has done to you. A wrong words fall somewhere there out, hateful to you - of the people full of evil, hypocritical ... Your heroic deeds will be exposed."

The rage of the left, which Donald Trump calls terrorists and Nazis, is great.
And all the actions of the left-wing Nazi terrorist provocateurs ended [20.45-21.10; but the start was 17.33-17.36, with Ro... girl of Tatn. 33, 27-31 years old, 165 cm, long hair, long nose. We added on a local woman of Bancro. Court - 21.10-21.40] at Shaftesbury near the Hospital, a famous drug addict, 195 cm, thin with hashish, Gy..., Ro..., Mapl. 20 / Garlan. 41 A. He was waiting on me, 20.30 - 20.59, Monday, 20 July 2020.

On October 26, 2023, two people from Police HQ kept watch for 20 minutes, a man with a long red-brown beard and medium-length brown hair, long face, sharp chin, 185 cm, 50 years + woman, same age, smoker, white barbie doll hair. On October 25 and 26, 2023, Marius Akim, 28 aged, 175 cm, fat, chinese eyes and chinese hairs, of SIBIU in Romania, went crazy after taking drugs in his car. On September 19, 2023, Zelensky said at the UN:
'Some in Europe are preparing the stage for the Moscow actor.
It may seem that they are playing their own roles. In fact, they help set the stage for an actor from Moscow'.
Or 'It seems that they are playing on each other, but in fact they are helping to prepare the stage for the actor from Moscow', said the Ukrainian leader.

On Friday, September 22, the premiere of 'The Green Border', a film by three-time Oscar nominee Agnieszka Holland, the daughter of Red Army lieutenant. So the Jews attacked not only me in September 2023, but Frasyniuk, Ochojska, Holland and Zelenski attacked the entire Polish nation, on September 19 - 22, so a hybrid attack on Poles is led by Russian, Soviet and Polish Jews.
On this day, September 23, 2023, we have the results of a public opinion poll in Poland and 33 percent of Polish citizens refused to participate in defense of the country where they live in the event of armed military aggression against Poland. This proves that 33 percent of citizens are descendants of national minorities and descendants of the apparatus of repression from the years of Soviet occupation in 1944-1992 and from the years 1989-2015, when Poland was ruled by genetically and ideologically alien people.

Around Bogdan Konstantynowicz acted the underground structures protectived the Walesa family in the Chocen commune aft. ca 1803, and they came from Wilkowyja close to Jarocin ca 1715/1716 under care of the Sapiehas [the Walesas moved home from FRANCE] - the cover for Polish Gypsies; in Kozmin Wielkopolski; Raszkow and Pogrzybow north-west to Ostrow Wielkopolski under Niemojewski - Skorzewski family branch. In Golaszewo, Smilowice, Wola Nakonowska aft. ca 1803, Filipki, Nakonow and Kowal close to Chocen near to the Dambskis and to Findeisen-Rodys of Przasnysz and Swiedziebnia. Above Russian underground webnet acted in Wielichowo in the Koscian county together with the Owsiany clan close to the Broel-Plater family; in Wloclawek with Chocen, Lipno, Sobowo, Popowo, Chalin near by the Nostitz-Jackowski family line.

The network around me was created in cooperation of the Lodz civilian espionage with Szczecin [Glebokie]; but also with Olecko, Suwalki, Kowale Oleckie, mainly ethnic minorities from the Bialystok provice; and on 18th April 2017, a network of Senegal / Nguekokh / Jamaica / Bronx; the samples: 17.45-18.01, 10th September 2018; 16 September 2017 in Maple Convenience Store [the action completed visit to P. S. - 6.50 am the next day]; on 11th Oct. and 23rd October 2017, at Commercial Rd, Exeter Rd, Holdenhurst Rd, Undercliff Dr and the Square; El mamadou mld wadiste on a mission on Nov. 11, 2017 around Chaddesley Glen, Shore Rd and Haven Rd, with WN54VLO; around the Bus Station on July 12, 2018, 22.30; with the next African observer on Stourwood Ave on July 13, 2018. And another Senegalese action, on July 18, 2018 at 22.55 / 22.59 / 23.04; check the chat on his mobile phone. a resident of Oman - an Arab of the type black, low, with a beard, phone numbers around 23.15-23.40 on July 18, 2018.
The group operating around me from 2005 to 2019 is focused on thievery through money extortion, bank data changes, sexual accusations, racial and national provocations, substitution of women; to precede by: on 19.03.2005, 18.20, Telefoniczna 60; on 11.03.2005, 22.25/22.55, Marszal, No 41; Zaspowa 21, 02.02.2005; on 20.12.2004, Spartakusa 43; Giewont 51.
News from the group of racial provocative: a provocateur of probably Senegalese nationality, male, skinny, probably paling hashish [compare - Garl. 43 + Lowczynski], for a seat in ... on November 10, 2018 {W. 95}, he disembarked and fled ... on November 10, 2018, after 6:20 am {in October 2018 at Telefoniczna Rd; in November 2018 at Brzezinska Rd}. Compare: 16 November 2018, 9.50-10.05 of Gorska 4 at staircase 2.
Roma from Romania, mainly in Ploesti and Timisoara + Nguekokh, in Thies district / county, Senegal.
A Polish mine - Police plant - in Tivaouane, in Senegal - 33 km north-east of THIES. And Nguokhokh - source of instigators - 45 km south of THIES. Both towns are the same COUNTY: Tivaouane or Tivawan / Tiwaawan, is a city located in the Thies Region of Senegal.
LGBT and Senegalese refugees in conjunction with Arabic double;
lovers of hashish, at the Ster. Rd 80; and the Romanian intelligence network - 7 December 2018, 17.55 p.m.; and on 11th and 12th March, 2018, together with the Police network; Bubis - the Opoczno network;
Cheikh Anta Diop in Thies;
the "Women in Business" movement;
LeanIn.Org receives all of the profits of Lean In: Women, Work & the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg.
Przybranowo / Wloclawek; again Michalow / Suwalki; MARCIN, on 21 March 2005 - 19 August 2017, an active counter-intelligence agent at St Swithun's Rd; Zgierz {2005/2006 and again since October 2015 with international support from his "brethren"}. With the mysterious quarter of residential houses in Lodz, between the streets: Rybna Rd, Zachodnia Rd., Limanowskiego Rd., Lutomierska Rd - in the years 1983-1987, 2005, 2015-2017. In 1982/1988 from Opoczno - Natkanski Z. - ZARNOW, Ossa - 7 km north-east to ZARNOW; CHELSTY - 5 km south to ZARNOW; "Bogdan - they were very easy to get along in your case", a man named Przemyslaw of Zgierz says in spring 2006 to me; he was the bartender from the Piotrkowska street in 2004 + Karwat in 2019.
Above highly dangerous, aggressive network of a pseudo Counterintelligence nature dependent on the Russians, led by national minority, currently is in a state of underground conspiracy [2016-2019] inside Polish Civic Intelligence Agency.
They hates Poles and me.
Of course, these minorities: sexual, the Roma nationality, and negro, use the help of "famous" [under Russian verification] an ethnic minority that hides behind them, such as 23rd [LGBT] or 27th August 2019 [15.00/18.00 with Senegalese]. And this is one step to Garland 43, Semitic face appearance, but Roma national minority, straight black hair and a big nose - acted around my home on 22nd August 2019, 6.25-6.40, by sending an impulse from a mobile phone first, and then receiving a text message after 1 minute.
In the Civil Intelligence Agency [the "famous" minority conspiration] was played a large personnel role by Adam Ostoja Owsiany. In June 2008 - Adam Ostoja-Owsiany, was the head of the Human Resources department of the Foreign Intelligence Agency / the Civil Intelligence Agency, decided on newly admitted intelligence officers.
In July 2002, Adam Ostoja-Owsiany, was the head of the Office for State Protection in Lodz. The son of Andrzej Ostoja-Owsiany, who was the friend of Rober Berman Moczulski alias Lech Robert Moczulski / Leszek Moczulski of Mariowka [and his cover].
Leszek Moczulski was the friend of Bronislaw Geremek. L. Moczulski in 2005 defended at the Academy in Pultusk a doctoral dissertation entitled Geopolitics. The supervisor was Professor Bronislaw Geremek of ROZAN.
Zbigniew Nowek was the head of UOP / the Office for State Protection in Poland; and then of the Foreign Intelligence Agency.
The 1st chief of named Intelligence Agency was Siemiatkowski, and the 1st chief of the Internal Security Agency was Andrzej Barcikowski.
Of course, these minorities: sexual, the Roma nationality, and negro, use the help of "famous" [under Russian verification] an ethnic minority that hides behind them, such as 23rd [LGBT] or 27th August 2019 [15.00/18.00 with Senegalese]. The biggest hit of communist-Soviet agents in "Over Vistula" state against me and my family lasted from September 2001 to March 2005 [+ Monika Sedzicka on "my tail" spring 2005 in Western Europe - on the seafront promenade - is also a network based on the Gypsy minority from Poland].
During this period, the largest impact on special intelligence services on the Vistula province ["Poland"] had Andrzej Barcikowski (April 2002 - June 2002). Before him Z. Nowek and Z. Siemiatkowski. Then A. Barcikowski was the Head of the Internal Security Agency, from June 2002 to November 2005; his successor is Witold Marczuk [in 2005 - 2008, head of intelligence, both military and civil intelligence].
Named A. Barcikowski is a high official of the communist party, 1984-1990; trusted Prime Minister Wlodzimierz Cimoszewicz [W. Cimoszewicz is the son of Marian Cimoszewicz from Wolkowysk and grandparents during World War I came to Symbirsk, where Marian Cimoszewicz was born; Wlodzimierz Cimoszewicz's father was a professional military officer and served in 1940-1943 the Red Army in the Soviet Union and then in counterintelligence of a communist army in "Poland"]. ANDRZEJ Barcikowski is the grandson of Waclaw Barcikowski, 1887-1981, one of the most important communists under Stalinist management in Warsaw: First President of the Supreme Court (1945-1956), Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Parliament, member (1947-1952) and deputy head of the communist state (1952-1956) in the so-called Council of State. Waclaw Barcikowski came from a Warsaw; he worked at the 'Szukiert and Siemens' plant in Warsaw. Before World War I, he spent several years in Moscow [here also the fate of my family], where he participated in the 1905 revolution. In 1912 he passed the matriculation examination in Moscow, and in 1918 he graduated studies at the Moscow University. Waclaw married Antonina Balakirev. Waclaw Barcikowski in the years 1919-1924 worked as a prosecutor in Poland. Waclaw defended Wladyslaw Gomulka, then the head of Polish communists. Waclaw Barcikowski had a son, General Wladyslaw Barcikowski born in 1916 in Merefa, in the Charkow district, Ukraine now. Wladyslaw Barcikowski in 1964 was appointed military commander Institute of Aviation Medicine [here the fate of my family].
The note on 01st September 2019:
So it turns out that civil intelligence from several local centers in Poland [Siemiatkowski - Ananicz - Nowek under Milczanowski's support], during the communist rule of Aleksander Kwasniewski [the head of the communist student movement in the 1980s in the 20th century] + communist PM Leszek Miller [in 2001 - May 2004;
the friend of Malgorzata Zieleniewska, registering premises for the installation of wiretaps until 2001. Then replaced by Monika Bogucka from the Internal Security Agency; it is the network of Wodkiewicz - Jaworska of village Leszno near the Krasne estate {here in 1939 Nowotko from the communist Soviet intelligence} and Przasnysz - this is the Russian intelligence network: Kronenberg - Krasinski. Connection with Kamieniec Podolski in 1767 - compare Carsen Niebuhr from Malta], led preparations for the transfer of Negroes from Senegal and Ghana to Poland through southern Spain.
Recruitment of people from the Province of Cadiz in 2003-2004 took over [probably] the Gypsy national minority from the region Huelva - Jerez de la Frontera - Seville [with Adeco job agency]. I am currently dealing in August 2019 probably with their children.
They are supported by the Roma national minority from Romania: Ploiesti - Timisoara [Garla. 144 - Wi. 89 - Denmar.]. This whole system from May 2019 until September 2019 is supported by LGBT environment [sample: Ambros / Ambrus of Parkstone] but the local counterintelligence - infiltrated by the "famous" minority - plays a major role since March 21, 2019 [compare a letter to me at my work place]. Roma from Romania, mainly in Ploesti and Timisoara + Nguekokh, in Thies district / county, Senegal.
A Polish mine - Police plant - in Tivaouane, in Senegal - 33 km north-east of THIES. And Nguokhokh - source of instigators - 45 km south of THIES. Both towns are the same COUNTY: Tivaouane or Tivawan / Tiwaawan, is a city located in the Thies Region of Senegal and Durley Chine Rd, Kensington Lodge [13 May 2018].
"Bogdan - they were very easy to get along in your case", a man named Przemyslaw of Zgierz says in spring 2006 to me; he was the bartender from the Piotrkowska street in 2004.
But 08 October we are writing new text on Altona and Jews:
Gordon-Levitt / Gordon Levett (1921-2000) was a former Royal Air Force pilot in World War II. Levett was the only English gentile pilot in the Israeli Air Force.

R' Yitzchok Meir Teomim-Frankel, A.B.D. Zolkiew, Slutzk / SLUCK and then Pinsk; b. 1651 in [this is NOT Zolkiew] Zolkow, the RZESZOW province, d. 1702 in Zolkow,
the son of
Rabbi Yona Frankel Teomim, the Kikayon DeYonah b. ca 1617/1620 = Rabbi Yonah Teomim-Frenkel + Beile Frankel-Teomim (Katzenellenbogen).
Above R' YITZCHOK MEIR TEOMIM b. 1651, was the husband of Sara Mirels-Fraenkel and 2nd unknown;
they had children:
R' Yehuda Yona Teomim-Frankel;
R' Aaron Frankel;
R' Aryey Liebus Frankel;
Beila Teomim;
R' Abraham Jonah Teomim-Frankel,
and 5 others.

R' YITZCHOK b. 1651, was the brother of
1. Eidel Karo;
2. unknown sister b. ca 1640 [?] by name m. R' Israel Moses / Joseph Israel Gordon b. ca 1620;
3. Sarah / Sarel Sarel Norden;
4. R' Israel Tsarfati Teomim;
5. Peretz Teomim and 5 others;
the half brother of 3 sisters from Hakohen + a son b. ca 1650/1660 of Yona Fraenkel Teomim b. ca 1617.

Compare: Rabbi Yona Frankel Teomim, b. ca 1617, the Kikayon DeYonah + Beile Frankel-Teomim (Katzenellenbogen) = Rabbi Yonah Teomim-Frenkel b. ca 1617/1620.

Teomim of Horodenka was in ALTONA in 1764. In 1766 MOSHE TEOMIM / Aharon Yitzchak ben Moshe, from the family of Rabbis, the Teomims, left Horodenka for Altona in Germany / Denmark as a messenger and preacher for the Shabbetean movement.
In 1767, AHARON arrived in Altona from Poland. From there Aharon Yitzhak proceeded to Hamburg. Soon after there were rumors that Aharon Yitzhak was a preacher of the Shabbetai movement. Rav Moshe Teomim had a position as the Rabbi of Horodenka. AHARON TEOMIM was the Physician, Av Beis Din of PRZEMYSL.

Mentioned GORDON:
the unknow woman b. ca 1640, by name was the wife of R' Israel Moses Joseph Israel Gordon (Teomim), b. 1620, d. in 1685 in Krakow / Cracow,
the daughter of
Rabbi Yona Frankel Teomim, b. ca 1617/1620, the Kikayon DeYonah and Beile Frankel-Teomim (Wahl Katzenellenbogen).
The unknown b. ca 1640, was the wife of
R' Israel Moses Joseph Gordon.
Mother of Isaac Gordon.
The sister of
Eidel Karo
[Eidel Karo (Teomim) b. ca 1620, d. 1678, the mother of
A. Sarah Isserles;
Elchanan Karo, of Prossnitz {Prostejov is a city in the Olomouc Region of the Czech Republic},
Rabbi Yehuda Karo, ABD of KALISZ / Kalisch.
EIDEL was the wife of R' Avigdor Karo, of Vienna, ABD of Stary Konstantynow / Stary Konstantin
{Starokostyantyniv in Ukraine, in the Khmelnytskyi Raion of western Ukraine}
and Glogau / GLOGOW
{in 1329 to Czech Kingdom}.
Above Rabbi AVIGDOR b. ca 1600, d. in 1678 in GLOGOW / Glogau, in Silesia, the son of
Rabbi Schneur Feivisch of Brody in Ukraine b. ca 1570, d. 1643 in BRODY
- in Brody we have the PASZKOWSKI family with links to my father's line.
Rabbi AVIGDOR was the Welfare Commissioner in Vienna / Wien.

The first Zelechower ie Rabbi of ZELECHOW was Rabbi Naftali Hirtz who signed the defending document for Reb Jonathan Eibeschitz of Vienna / JONATHAN EYBESCHUTZ.
Rabbi Emden continued his attacks against Rabbi Jonathan Eybeschutz. EMDEN had a son
Meshullam Solomon / Israel Meshullam Solomon (1723-1794), born as Israel Meshullam Zalman Emden in Altona near Hamburg.
"The Order of the Asiatic Brethren was also know as the Die Ritter des Lichts (Knights of the Light) aka Order of Knights and Brothers of the Light ... (the Asiatic Brethren of St. John the Evangelist in Europe) banned 1785."
Jonathan Eybeschotz born in Cracow in 1690, d. Altona, 1764, was a Talmudist, Rabbi of the "Three Communities": Altona, Hamburg and Wandsbek.
According to Jacob Katz,
Jonathan Eybeschotz's grandson was rumored to be Baron Thomas von Schoenfeld, an apostate Jew who inherited his grandfather's collection of Sabbatean kabbalistic works. He eventually left the Sabbatean movement and founded a Masonic lodge called the Asiatische Bruder / Asiatic Brethren, one of four Illuminati lodges in Vienna.
After his uncle's death in 1791, he was offered the leadership of the Frankist movement which he refused.
Jacob Josuah ben Zebi Hirsch was born in 1680, the son of Zebi Hirsch + Mirjam Hirsch.
Zebi was born in 1658, in Moravia. Jacob had one child.
JACOB JOSHUA BEN ZEBI HIRSCH, died in Offenbach in 1756, close to Franfurt-on-the-Main. On his mother's side he was a grandson of Joshua of Cracow, the author of 'Maginne Shelomoh'.
Jacob became examiner of the Hebrew teachers of Lemberg. In 1702 his wife was killed. In 1717 he was Rabbi in LWOW. In Berlin in 1731-1734; 1734-1741 rabbi of Metz; 1741 - chief rabbi of Frankfort-on-the-Main;
the quarrel between Jacob Emden and Jonathan Eybeschutz broke out. The chief rabbi Zebi Hirsch, was in opposition to Eybeschutz, and was ultimately compelled to leave the city (1750). Next he moved home to Worms, where he remained for some years. He was then called back to Frankfurt.

Tsvee Hirsch of Kalisz was the supporter of Samuel Falk in London and / or in Brunswick.
Dr Samuel Falk, the Ba'al Shem of London, who was born in Podhajce at the beginning of the eighteenth century and named Samuel Jacob di Falk Tradiola Laniado.
It explains that 'Falk' is the name of a family of distinguished lineage that included
Rabbi Joshua ben Alexander Falk
Rabbi Jacob Joshua ben Zevi Hirsch.

Falk made the acquaintance of Moses David of Podhajce. Falk's family move from Podhajce to Furth in Germany, which had become a major centre of Jewish life. The crypto-Sabbatians and hidden Frankists lived in Furth that influenced Falk's personality.
Philippe II was also another pupil of Rabbi Samuel Falk. Louis Philippe II, Duke of Orleans, Grand Master of the Grand Orient, in 1772. Philippe was the great-grandson of Philippe, Duke of Orleans, the Grand Master of Baron Hund's the Templar Order.

SAMUEL FALK, known Frankist, was in London [after 1736/1737 or he arrived here before 1742] to Emanuel Swedenborg.
Teomim of Horodenka was in ALTONA [Hamburg] in 1764 and in 1767, as the Frankist. Here were living mainly Ashkenazic Jews.
Jonathan Eybeschutz born in Cracow in 1690, died in named Altona in 1764, was a Talmudist, Rabbi of the "Three Communities": Altona, Hamburg and Wandsbek. Jonathan Eybeschutz's grandson was
Baron Thomas von Schoenfeld, an apostate Jew who inherited his grandfather's collection of Sabbatean kabbalistic works. He founded a Masonic lodge called the Asiatische Bruder, one of four Illuminati lodges in Vienna.
After his uncle's death in 1791, he was offered the leadership of the Frankist movement which he refused.

ALTONA was visited by St Germain [St Germain known Catherine the Great of Russia]; the FRANKISTS movement; Tadeusz Grabianka of the Illuminati; maybe ALTHOTAS from Denmark was in Altona - he was friendly to Cagliostro and Manuel Pinto in MALTA. In 1779, St. Germain arrived in Altona in Schleswig, to Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel. Altona is the westernmost part of Hamburg.

Above Jacob Josuah ben Zebi Hirsch, 1680-1756 = Jacob Joshua Falk
in 'Biographical Summaries of Notable People'.
Jacob Joshua Falk was born in 1680, in Cracow, d. in 1756, Polish rabbi, died in Offenbach in January 1756. On his mothers side he was a grandson of Joshua b. 1578;
the son of Joshua Falk + Taubchen Ber b. in LWOW / Lemberg, d. in 1775.
Joshua was the son of Falk ben Joshua b. ca 1610.
JACOB FALK was the father to Moses Arnswald.

PHILIPPSON, German-Jewish family of prominent rabbis and bankers, their family tree goes back to 16th-century Poland, where Joshua Hoeschel ben Joseph (ca 1578-1648) had been chief rabbi of Cracow.

Joshua Hoeschel's great-grandson was the Talmud scholar Jacob Joshua Falk (1680/1681-1756), chief rabbi of Berlin, Metz, and Frankfurt am Main, who strongly opposed the Shabbatean movement.
After 1750, the family settled in Arnswalde (Neumark, in Prussia).
Jacob Falk's grandson, the Talmud scholar Reb Phoebus (Philipp) Moses Arnswald (b. ca 1740, d. 1794), moved to Sanderslebens (Anhalt-Dessau) upon his marriage, earning his living as a peddler.
His children were the first to change Phoebus into the German Philipp and called themselves Philippson];
Sarah / Sarel Sarel Norden;
R' Israel Tsarfati Teomim;
Peretz Teomim;
Haim Joseph Teomim
[Haim Joseph Teomim (1635 - 1705) b. in Cracow, died in Zolkow.
We have Zolkow close to Zerkow and to JAROCIN. And Zolkow No 2, a village in the Jaslo commune, within the Jaslo County, 5 kilometres south of Jaslo and 53 km south-west to Rzeszow. This is NOT Zolkiew],
and 5 others.

The unknown woman b. ca 1640, was the half sister of 3 sisters from Hakohen + a son b. ca 1650/1660 of Yona Fraenkel Teomim b. ca 1617/1620.

My research show deep sources to the coup d'etat of 1992 in Poland -
President Lech Walesa of Chocen, Smilowice, Golaszewo, Lipno, Wloclawek;
Donald Tusk of the Koscierzyna county;
Leszek Moczulski of Mariowka in the Przysucha district
[Leszek Robert Moczulski was worked out by me as a civil intelligence agent of the Department I of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Warsaw, in 1988, so Antoni Maciarewicz in 1992 had to reveal him again.
Leszek Robert Moczulski was financed by a private company in Ursus receiving payments from the Police, and by one of the banks. His organization in the 80' of the 20th century was a fictional one, and famous television and radio stations in the West was disseminating false information at the time to strengthen him as a fictional nationalist and Jozef Pilsudski's followers leader. Leszek Moczulski know as Berman was deliberately advocated by Bronislaw Geremek aft. 2000' years. According to Geremek, exactly that Leszek Moczulski was the leading Polish globalist, like Zbigniew Brzezinski in the 70' of the 20th century in US. In the forefront there were Gypsies like Katowice, Lodz, Szczecin within this organization. Therefore, the Gypsy family of St. MAGDALENA'S 15, father 50 years old, devilish face, graying, dark white complexion, long nose; the son 22-25 years, 190 cm, slim, brown short hair, on 02 October 2022, 14.35-14.50, they both acted like secret observers];
Waldemar Pawlak of Zychlin district and PACYNA;
Stefan Niesiolowski of LODZ with Police and Senegal;
Bronislaw Geremek of the Rozan commune in DZBADZ, with the roots in LODZ and in ZELECHOW.
The Cabinet of Jan Olszewski was the government of Poland from December 23, 1991 to June 5, 1992. On 2 June, 1992, the final day of coalition negotiations with the Confederation of Independent Poland, Macierewicz met with deputy Marshal of that party, informing him that its leader, Leszek Moczulski, was on the list of collaborators which will be presented to the Parliament the following day.
Shortly before the vote, President Lech Walesa [Chocen - Smilowice - Golaszewo + Lipno - Wloclawek] organized a meeting attended by: Donald Tusk [Koscierzyna: Wybicki, Garczynski and Nostitz-Jackowski], Tadeusz Mazowiecki, Mieczyslaw Wachowski, Leszek Moczulski [Mariowka - Kiedrzynski in the Przysucha district; together with the Pelka family - the mother line of Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski in USA. In Ursus], Waldemar Pawlak [Zychlin, here the Znyk family in the 19th and the 20th century and my fate in 1973-1977], Stefan Niesiolowski [Police / Szczecin with Senegal - 1982/1983 and 2005 - October 2022 together with Monika Sedzicka nee Bogucka and Paulina S. hidden by Krzysztof of TCZEW - compare PRUSZAK in Turze, Tczew, Zychlin and CHOCEN], Bronislaw Geremek [Dzbadz close to Rozan and the Castellani close to Opoczno-Przysucha-Bialynicze: Malachowski + Krasicki],
Ryszard Bugaj, Gabriel Janowski, Aleksander Luczak, Pawel Laczkowski. The talks resulted in the dismissal of Jan Olszewski's cabinet and the appointment of a new government headed by Waldemar Pawlak of Pacyna-Zychlin district.
Leaders: Walesa, Tusk, Moczulski, Pawlak, Geremek, Niesiolowski.
And we have in 2022 the genealogy of Leszek Robert Moczulski by geni.com:
Stanislaw Moczulski b. 1911 in Rodatycze, close Grodek Jagiellonski, d. 1997 in Toronto, in Canada. Stanislaw was the son of Antoni Moczulski and Tekla Wanat, 1877 in Rodatycze - 1944, the daughter of Michal Wanat and Franciszka Lechowicz.
Rodatycze close to Grodek Jagiellonski = Horodiatyczi.
Above Antoni Moczulski, 1875 in Rodatycze, close to Grodek Jagiellonski - 1945 in Strzelce Opolskie, the son of Franciszek Moczulski and Franciszka Kaliciak b. 1846 in Rodatycze.
Franciszek Moczulski b. 1847 in Rodatycze, d. 1921 in Rodatycze, the son of Wojciech Moczulski and Katarzyna Skalska, ca 1808 in Rodatychi, L'vivs'ka oblast - 1863 in Rodatychi, the daughter of Bartolomeo Skalski and Agnieszka Mazur.
Wojciech Moczulski, 1807 in Rodatycze - 1855 in Rodatycze, the son of Kazimierz Moczulski younger and Lucja Zdobylak, ca 1779 in Rodatycze - 1831 in Rodatycze.
Kazimierz Moczulski, 1766 in Dobrzany, close to Rodatycze, in the Grodek Jagielonski district - 1830 in Rodatycze.

Bronislaw Geremek born as Berele Lewartow, or Benjamin Lewartow, the son of the Lodz rabbi of the Hasidism movement. Bronislaw Geremek came from Grodek Jagiellonski and Lubartow.

Rabbi Isaac Joshua Kliger of Horodok / Gorodok / Grodek Jagiellonski b. ca 1840, or ca 1820, died ca 1905, was living in KRAKOWIEC. R' Isaac Joshua Kliger, A.B.D. / "Yitzchak Yehoshua / R' Isaac Joshua Kliger, A.B.D. Grayding (Horodok / Gorodok / Grodek Jagiellonski).
Isaac Joshua Kliger / R' Isaac Joshua Kliger, A.B.D. Grayding (GRODEK / Grodek Jagiellonski or Horodok / Gorodok, 30 km west to LWOW / Lviv. In 1772 belonged to Austria). Isaac Joshua Kliger / R' Isaac Joshua Kliger, or Yitzchak Yehoshua b. ca 1820, d. 1905, the son of Chaim Dovid Kliger b. ca 1800, d. 1849, and Devora.
Dobrzyce is situated in the Rodatycze commune.
Kazimierz had 2 sisters among others Katarzyna Horoszczak (born Moczulska). Kazimierz 1st married Lucja Zdobylak b. 1779 in Rodatycze, 2nd married Katarzyna Kaliciak. Kazimierz Moczulski, b. 1766 in Dobrzany in the Rodatycze commune - 1830, had 9 children.
Kazimierz's younger had the father [?] Kazimierz Moczulski senior b. ca 1720 [in Moczydly ?], died in 1792 in unknown place, the son of Adam Moczulski b. ca 1700 in Moczydly.
Moczydly is a village in the Raczki commune, within the Suwalki County, 3 kilometres south-west of Raczki, 18 km south-west of Suwalki.
Kazimierz Moczulski senior married Franciszka Bialy in 1744, and they had 6 children. Kazimierz Moczulski senior died in 1792.

Ella Lipton and the Samuelsons immigrated to the USA in 1908 to build a pharmacy business in Gary, Indiana. Frank's older brother Herman also emigrated from Poland [the Suwalki area].
Samuelson come from RACZIK / RACZKI, Poland, then of the Prussian Empire to 1945 [Raczki Wielkie, north-east of Olecko, Prussia to 1945, and 1 km west of ex-Russian border; Nowe Raczki ca 6 km east of Olecko, and 2 km west to the ex-Russian border].
Robert Summers (June 22, 1922 - April 17, 2012) was a U.S. economist and professor, University of Pennsylvania, where he taught from 1960. He was the son of above named Frank Samuelson and Ella (Lypski) Samuelson.
Anna (Glotstein) Lypski was a wife of Mayer Lypski and mother of Sophia Lypski born in 1892 in Suwalki.

Abraham Salomon Kosciuszko - was born in 1821 in Suwalki, died 1917, husband of Jeanette Marx and father of Louis Kosciuszko b. 1857 [grandfather of Jacques Achille Kosciusko 1913 in Paris, died 1994 in Paris].
Mordechai Nissan Lypski born ca 1815 maybe close to SUWALKI or in SUWALKI [north-east Poland together with JELENIEWO, RACZKI Wielkie, Olecko]. He visited the USA for economic advantage before the civil war 1861. He was a participant in the 1849 California Gold Rush. He make money in the USA as the wholesale wheat trader.

Maria Konopnicka, the writer, married Jaroslaw Konopnicki who come from Tekla Potocka-Konopnicka.
Maria Stanislawa Konopnicka nee Wasilowska, b. in 1842 in Suwalki. In 1849, the Wasilowskis moved home to Kalisza [compare the family of Wladyslaw Hutten Czapski and the Jaruzelski family in KALISZ].
In 1862 in Kalisz [see in Kalisz: Karwat - Hutten Czapski - JARUZELSKI], Maria Wasilowska m. Jaroslaw Konopnicki, b. 1830 [see above on RACZKI WIELKIE - compare Samuelson and USA].
They moved to Bronowo, then to Gusin in the Kalisz province; Jaroslaw Konopnicki was the owner of Konopnica [2 km north to Bronow], Bronowek and Bronow: 9 km east to UNIEJOW and 22 km north-east to DOBRA. The Konopnickis took in 1784, Spedoszyn. In 1844 they bought Bronow: Wawrzyniec Konopnicki, the father of Jaroslaw Konopnicki.

Compare Ster. Road, No 94, ..11BNN, two woman of Poland with Police - Niesiolowski net; among others - woman, Polish, 150 cm, eagle's nose, face like Moon, Romani, acted in Summer 2022 abroad - A. P. and Paulina, acted 2005/2007/2010 - October 2022, around me, and they studied Sandberg's LEANIN.org ca 2010/2012] and Jews of Romania and Suwalki - Olecko - Raczki.

Count Karol Wladyslaw Romer b. in 1920 in Inwald.
Czaniec - 5 km south to BULOWICE; 4 km south-west to ROCZYNY; 5 km west to Andrychow and 10 km west to Inwald; 18 km west to Wadowice; and 14 / 15 km east to LIPNIK [now in eastern Bielsko-Biala]; 18 / 19 km north-east to Cyganski Las / Gypsy Forest
[southern part of Bielsko-Biala: the Zelazo / Iron action of General Miroslaw Milewski - and General Milewski acted for Red Army in the Augustow county {2007-2021 the nerks of this district acted around me at the West} in 1944-1945, the Bialystok province {Michalow / Wi. 92} in 1945 until April 1955, Suwalki-Olecko-Raczki
{Samuelson / Summers - the link to Anna Tymieniecka and Leopold Kronenberg}
area {Kin. 81}].

General Miroslaw Milewski was involved in death of Priest Popieluszko in Wloclawek {in 1985/1990 General Milewski was accused of Popieluszko's death in the area Bydgoszcz-Torun-Wloclawek - compare General Zbigniew Nowek in Bydgoszcz and Torun aft. 2002}:
this is area of Wloclawek-Chocen-Brzesc Kujawski-Lipnik with Maciej Igor Wojtczak, Lech Walesa, Leszek Balcerowicz and Pola Negri, the Kielczewski family and Dambski.

Leszek Moczulski worked for Department I of Polish Home Office in the 70' and 80' of the 20th century, under General Miroslaw Milewski who acted in 1955-1985 in this Intelligence Departament, in 1985 - aft. 1990 under General Czeslaw Kiszczak, and both Generals had Romani roots of the Andrychow district.

Count Karol Wladyslaw Romer b. in 1920 in Inwald. Pope John Paul II was the head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican City State in 1978 until his death in 2005. He was elected pope by the second papal conclave of 1978. Born in 1920, Wadowice, 8 / 9 km east to INWALD.

Czaniec - 5 km south to BULOWICE; 4 km south-west to ROCZYNY; 5 km west to Andrychow and 10 km west to Inwald; 18 km west to Wadowice; and 14 / 15 km east to LIPNIK [now in eastern Bielsko-Biala]; 18 / 19 km north-east to Cyganski Las / Gypsy Forest [southern part of Bielsko-Biala:
the Zelazo / Iron action of General Miroslaw Milewski - and General Milewski acted for Red Army in the Augustow county {2007-2021 the nerks of this district acted around me at the West} in 1944-1945, the Bialystok province {Michalow / Wi. 92} in 1945 until April 1955, Suwalki-Olecko-Raczki {Samuelson / Summers - the link to Anna Tymieniecka and Leopold Kronenberg} area {Ki. 81}].
General Miroslaw Milewski was involved in death of Priest Popieluszko in Wloclawek {in 1985/1990 General Milewski was accused of Popieluszko's death in the area Bydgoszcz-Torun-Wloclawek - compare General Nowek in Bydgoszcz and Torun aft. 2002}: this is area of Wloclawek-Chocen-Brzesc Kujawski-Lipnik with M. I. Wojtczak, Lech Walesa, Leszek Balcerowicz and Pola Negri, the Kielczewski family and Dambski.
Communist General Czeslaw Kiszczak (1925-2015), b. 1925 in Roczyny, working in Vienna during Second World War, soviet spy. Kiszczak was born 1925, in Roczyny, the son of a struggling farmer who was fired as a steelworker because of his communist affiliation. Roczyny close to Andrychow.
Roczyny - 2 km west to Andrychow.

ANASTAZJA MILEWSKA b. in 1895 in INWALD in the Andrychow commune, the Wadowice county.
Inwald - 5 km east to Andrychow. Inwald is a village in the Andrychow commune, within the Wadowice County, 5 kilometres east of Andrychow, 8 km west of Wadowice.
Anastazja studied in Bielsko - Biala in 1913-1918. Aft. November 1918 working in Jaziewo, the Sztabin commune, 1918 - 1923. In 1924 in Lipsk at the Podlasie.
Jaziewo close to JAMINY, the Sztabin commune, within the Augustow County. Anastazja married BOLESLAW Milewski moved home to Lipsko in 1923 or in 1924. Then in Wasiliszki and Szczuczyn Nowogrodzki. Anastazja was killed in Grodno in 1943. Anastazja's husband was Boleslaw Milewski of JAZIEWO either MALONKI or MOGILNICE, with the son General Miroslaw Milewski.

The Moczulski family with the Lada coat of arms, in the Grodno governorate in 1839. Among others Bartlomiej Moczulski.
With the Korwin coat of arms came from Moczydly.
Jozef Antoni Moczulski was the Drohiczyn governor. Maybe he had the Trzywdar coat of arms.
Moczydly Dubiny in 1580 writing as Moczydly Pidaje.

Waldemar Pawlak was born in the village of Model, in 1959. Model, close to Pacyna, 9 km north-east to Zychlin, 2 km south to Pacyna. In 1984 Pawlak lived in Kamionka. Kamionka in Pacyna commune, 2 km east to Pacyna.
Zofia Znyk (born Pawlak) married Mikolaj Znyk in 1897, and Mikolaj was born in 1831, in Zagroby, 5 kilometres north-east of Zychlin, 23 km east of Kutno, 3 km south to Model.
PACYNA at present here the Znyk family; WALDEMAR PAWLAK lived in PACYNA in 1982. In 1985 in Kamionka near to Pacyna.
In 1792, Pacyna belonged to Prussia. In 1806 in the Warsaw Duchy. Teodor Dembowski was the owner of Pacyna. In 1863, Russian burned Slup and Malina in the Pacyna commune.
Miroslawa Znyk-Sobczyk and ZNYK Teresa Aniela, were from Zychlin. Miroslawa born 1941/1942, studied in Kutno. ZNYK JOANNA, now in ZYCHLIN.
Sleszyn, Szymon Bialecki, in 1900, together with Antoni Znyk, of Grzybow, 5 km north-east to Sleszyn. Grzybow Dolny - 10 km south to Model, 7 / 8 km east to Zychlin. Sleszyn, in 1886, Antoni Znyk. Sleszyn is a village 7 kilometres south-east of Zychlin, 23 km east of Kutno, 11 km south to Model. Adam Znyk b. 1836 in Sedki, d. in 1916 in Oratki.
Sedki - 4 km south to Model.
Oratki - Oratki Gorne, 5 kilometres east of Zychlin, 22 km east of Kutno, 2 and 3 km west to Sedki and Kaczkowizna, and 5 km south to Model.
Znyk in Sedki 4 km south to Model; in Kaczkowizna, 1 km to SEDKI; 1880, in Bakow Poduchowny, Bakow Dolny, 7 km south to Sleszyn. Ca 1796, in Kiernozia and Brodno - Kiernozia 3 km west to Brodno / Brodne, 12 km south-east-east to PACYNA. 1837, in Zlakow Koscielny. 1889, in Kaczkowizna, 4 km south to Model.

Next person -
Leszek Moczulski / Robert Leszek Moczulski b. in 1930, the son of Stanislaw Moczulski and Janina born in 1904 / 1910. Janina married Stanislaw Moczulski b. ca 1905 / 1910 / 1911, with Henryk Moczulski and Leszek Moczulski. Janina Moczulska (born Kierska) was born in 1904. Above Stanislaw Moczulski came from the Grodek Jagiellonski district; NOT from Ciechanowiec. But we look on different Stanislaw Moczulski who was born in 1904, in Ciechanowiec. Ciechanowiec is a small town west to BRANSK.

Most European politicians in the 19th century knew that this is so-called "Polish conspiracy." That is, a conspiracy involving the entry into the Russian state and intelligence system. This was done, among others, by the Konstantynowicz family, creating the company "Duflon & Konstantinovich", also co-operating with the NOBEL family, Armand, Gernet, Azbelev [see also in Japan], Pilsudski, Breguet; co-creating Lenin's person.
The family of Paszkowski-Armand-Konstantinovich took part in the non-legal conspiracy aft. 1880.
And so the powerful underground Network was created:
the King of Naples, Marshal Joachim Murat - General Armand - General Axamitowski of Poznan - General Franciszek Paszkowski [+ Maria Paszkowska Armand - Apolon Konstantynowicz - BREGUET] - Colonel / General JAN DEMBOWSKI, the Freemason, the friend of Ignacy Potocki and Artur Potocki [the Templars and of the Grand Orient in 1818] - and from ARTUR POTOCKI to Wojciech Paszkowski + Br. Bystrzanowski and the Mark Masons Order [and here the line to Kalinowski and Tadeusz Grabianka / Marcin Tarnowski / Stadnicki / Ilinski - the ILLUMINATI and the TEMPLARS]
+ Tadeusz Kosciuszko in 1776
[+ General Franciszek Paszkowski and General Stanislaw Fiszer (Fiszer lived in Koninko in 1803 - 17 km south-east to POZNAN)].
The Armand family, who since 1799 wanted to settle in Moscow, met with General Franciszek Paszkowski, through the family Alexandre de Bauffremont-Courtenay and his son - Alphonse de Bauffremont / prince de Bauffremont Courtenay. Named Alphonse de Bauffremont and General Franciszek Paszkowski were together adjutants / aide-de-camp of Marshal Joachim Murat. Murat and Jozef Sulkowski were adjutants of Napoleon Bonaparte.
Mentioned Alexandre de Bauffremont-Courtenay and [then he was Baron] General Armand were in Russia in 1791. So, 29 year-old general Paul Armand [Paul 1st] came from Paris together with Alexandre, the Marquis de Courtenay.
We have below only sample came from
Anatol Rapoport, b. 1911, a Russian-Jewish-born American mathematical psychologist. Rapoport was born in Lozova, the Kharkov Governorate, Russia / Kharkiv Oblast into a secular Jewish family. His father was Munya Haim Ber (later Boris) Naftulevich Rapoport (1888-?) and the mother from Czerkasy. In 1921/1922 Anatol moved to US; he was a member of the American Communist Party for three years. A notable scholar of the Rapoport branch included
R. Khaim Kohen Rapoport, who lived in Lviv and died there in 1771. He was one of the key "talmudists" involved in the Frankist debates set up by the Archbishop Dembowski in 1757. The Rapoport dynasty traces its roots back to Rabbi Jacob Emden (1697-1776) - the JAN BLOCH reletives. ELISHA SCHOR, the first known of the Wolowski family, was a descendant of Zalman Naphtali Schor, a rabbi of Lublin. For many years Elisha Schor held the position of Maggid in the community of ROHATYN / Rogatin, and was among the leaders of Shabbateanism in the southeastern part of the Polish Kingdom.
In 1755, with his sons and his son-in-law Hirsch Shabbetais, the husband of his daughter Hayyah, joined the sect of Jacob Frank / JAKOB FRANK, whom he regarded as the loyal successor of Shabbateanism. It was at Elisha's initiative and with his participation that the disputation with the rabbis was held at Kamieniec Podolski / Kamenets Podolski in June 1757; he also signed the Patshegen ha-Ta'anot ve-ha-Teshuvot ("Summary of the Arguments and the Replies"). An outright messianic movement developed around the person of one Shabbetai Tzvi (1626 - 1676) and his prophet, Nathan of Gaza. Nathan became a Roman Catholic, and the movement largely collapsed. Jacob Frank's born as Yakov ben Judah Leib Frankovich (1726 - 1791). He was born in Podolia in Korolivka / Korolowka, a village located on the Tupa River in the Borshchiv District of Ternopil Oblast in western Ukraine. Korolivka is situated close Holovchyntsi village. Holovchyntsi - 45 km west to Skala Podolska of Kossakowska.
Jakob Frank was the son of a rabbi who traveled in the Middle East, in 1738. But in 1730 they moved home to CZERNIOWCE. On Jakob's return to Poland in 1755, he founded the Frankists, a heretical Jewish sect that was an anti-Talmudic outgrowth of the mysticism of Sabbatai Zevi. Frank born Jakub Lejbowicz in 1726, claimed to be the reincarnation of messiah Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676). Jacob Frank maybe was born in Buchach / BUCZACZ, 39 km south-east to PODHAJCE. His father was a Sabbatean, and moved to CZERNIOWCE / Czernowitz, in 1730. Frank began to reject the Talmud. Jakob Frank in 1738 joined his father on a business journey to Thessaloniki and he was introduced to Sabbatean circles in Thessaloniki. Jakob Frank returned to Poland in 1755. As a traveling merchant in textile and precious stones he often visited Turkish territories, in Tesaloniki / Salonica and Smyrna. But they settled in Vallachia, part of the Ottoman Empire, and in Bukovina and Bucharest were he was learning the local Cabbalistic traditions of Judaism and learning Ladino, the language of the Sephardic Jews in the Balkans, and Turkish with Hebrew. "In 1755 as a Sabbatian Messiah, Frank probably didn't know Polish nor Yiddish ... In the early 1750s, Frank became intimate with the leaders of the Sabbateans, like Osman Baba (d. 1720) in 1752, and the Donmeh in Salonica". In Landskron / LANCKORONA his activity ended in a scandal. Frank was forced to leave Podolia.
About 2000 Jews in Lvov in 1759, were accused of belonging to the Frankist cult, ie. the Sabbateans. The main concept in Sabbatean theology was from Shabtai Zvi.
And the note at margin to above communist network:
HONORATOW, 20 km north-west to Ossa - a home of Zbigniew Natkanski, senior, b. 1958; 19 km north-west to ZARNOW - see Robert Bubis, and and 19 km north-west to Nadole - see Bubis, 2016-2020 abroad; 25 km north-west to Bialaczow of the Malachowskis - see the Illuminati pyramid here. Junior, ZBIGNIEW NATKANSKI acted in Wojcin, 4 km south-east to Honoratow, b. ca 1989.
Honoratow lies 9 kilometres west of Paradyz, 21 km west of Opoczno. Close to Wielka Wola, CZERNIEWICE, and to Wojcin.
Czerniewice and Wielka Wola belonged to Aleksander Feliks Lipski, b. ca 1650, d. 1702
[he was married in 1679 to Zofia OLSZOWSKA, with son Jozef Lipski, 1681 in Lipie - 1704; and a daughter Marianna Lipska died after 1742.
Zofia Olszowska Lipska was the daughter of Hieronim Olszowski b. ca 1622, d. 1677, and Petronela WOLUCKA],
the son of
Jan Wojciech Lipski died 1676, and Maksymilianna Ossolinska b. ca 1610
[the daughter of Maksymilian Ossolinski b. in 1588, and Katarzyna Glebocka b. ca 1590].

Bronislaw Geremek came from Rabbi Nachum Ephraim LEWERTOW / Efraim Levertov (Rabbi Nachum Efraim LEWARTOW / Rabbi Nachum Efraim Lewertow) b. ca 1840, d. in 1928.
Rabbi NACHUM had a son R' Yitzchak Eizik Yehuda Yechiel Levertov (Lewertow), b. ca 1870 ?, d. 1938; in 1900, he was living in SANOK, in 1906 in Cracow.
Nachum was the son of Nachum Efraim Levertov + Freidel Udel Klingberg.

R' Yisrael Levertov b. 1900 in Sanok, was the brother of Rabbi Menashe Yaakov Levertov [1906 in Cracow - d. 1966 in Brooklyn; Rabbi, and Schindler List Survivor. Rav Menashe Yaakov Levertov was the Chief Rabbi of Krakow].
R' Yisrael was the son of above R' Yitzchak Eizik Yehuda Yechiel Levertov.

The Jan Bloch' relatives was JACOB Emden who was returned to his native Altona in 1733 until his death. On arrival in Altona he was established a synagogue. Rabbi Emden continued his attacks against Rabbi Jonathan Eybeschutz. EMDEN had a son
Meshullam Solomon / Israel Meshullam Solomon (1723-1794), born as Israel Meshullam Zalman Emden in Altona near Hamburg, and he was one of two rival Chief Rabbis of the United Kingdom and the rabbi of the Hambro' Synagogue. Solomon was the Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom in 1765 to 1780, while Rabbi Tevele Schiff claimed the same authority from 1765 to 1791.
Rabbi Solomon was the son of above Jacob Emden, the grandson of the Chacham Tzvi, and a great-great-great grandson of Elijah Ba'al Shem of Chelm Lubelski.

After being rabbi at Podhajce, Meshullam Solomon was appointed rabbi of the Hamburger Hambro' Synagogue in London in 1764. Meshullam Solomon died in Hamburg in 1794.

The first Zelechower ie Rabbi of ZELECHOW was Rabbi Naftali Hirtz who signed the defending document for Reb Jonathan Eibeschitz of Vienna / JONATHAN EYBESCHUTZ.

Reb Levi Yitzhak, the later Rabbi of Berdyczow, came to Zelechow in 1772. Reb Levi Yitzhak played in that time as one of the first fighters for Hasidism. Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev, also known as the holy Berdichever, and the Kedushas Levi, was a Hasidic master and Jewish leader. He was the rabbi of Ryczywol, Zelechow, Pinsk and Berdychiv / Berdyczow. LEVI was born in 1740, in Zamosc, died in 1809, in Berdyczow / Berdychiv, and was the son of Rabbi Meir (who was the Av Beit Din of Zamosc of the ZAMOYSKI family).
Levi Yitzchok married to Perel, b. ca 1750, the daughter of Rabbi Israel Peretz of Levertov b. ca 1720
(Israel LEVERTOV b. ca 1720, was the grandson of Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Teomim-Frenkel Rav of Zolkawa / ZOLKIEW born 1651, who was the son of Rabbi Yonah Teomim-Frenkel b. ca 1620 = Rabbi Yona Frankel Teomim, the Kikayon DeYonah + Beile Frankel-Teomim).

Above R' Yitzchok Meir Teomim-Frankel, A.B.D. Zolkiew, Slutzk and then Pinsk; b. 1651 in Zolkiew / Zolkow, d. 1702 in Zolkiew / Zolkow, the son of
Rabbi Yona Frankel Teomim, the Kikayon DeYonah b. ca 1620 = Rabbi Yonah Teomim-Frenkel + Beile Frankel-Teomim (Katzenellenbogen).
R' YITZCHOK MEIR TEOMIM was the husband of Sara Mirels-Fraenkel and 2nd unknown;
they had children:
R' Yehuda Yona Teomim-Frankel;
R' Aaron Frankel;
R' Aryey Liebus Frankel;
Beila Teomim;
R' Abraham Jonah Teomim-Frankel
and 5 others.
R' YITZCHOK was the brother of Eidel Karo;
unknown sister m. R' Israel Moses / Joseph Israel Gordon;
Sarah / Sarel Sarel Norden;
R' Israel Tsarfati Teomim;
Peretz Teomim and 5 others;
the half brother of 3 sisters from Hakohen + a son Yona Fraenkel Teomim. Compare: Rabbi Yona Frankel Teomim, the Kikayon DeYonah + Beile Frankel-Teomim (Katzenellenbogen) = Rabbi Yonah Teomim-Frenkel.

Teomim of Horodenka was in ALTONA in 1764. In 1766 MOSHE TEOMIM / Aharon Yitzchak ben Moshe, from the family of Rabbis, the Teomims, left Horodenka for Altona in Germany / Denmark as a messenger and preacher for the Shabbetean movement.
In 1767, he arrived in Altona from Poland. From there Aharon Yitzhak proceeded to Hamburg. Soon after there were rumors that Aharon Yitzhak was a preacher of the Shabbetai movement. Rav Moshe Teomim had a position as the Rabbi of Horodenka. AHARON TEOMIM was the Physician, Av Beis Din of PRZEMYSL.

Mentioned Reb Levi Yitzhak was in ZELECHOW from 1772 until ca 1784. In that time Zelechow belonged to the Lubomirskis.
Marcin Lubomirski later became involved with Jakub FRANK in Frankfurt am Main.

After Rabbi Reb Aharon Hakohen, the rabbinical chair in ZELECHOW was occupied by a scholar from Lublin, Rabbi Reb Yaakov Shimon Ashkenazi / Deutsch Ashkenazi.
After Rabbi Reb Shimon Ashkenazi, in Zelechow was his son who came from the Holy Jew from Przysucha [see Leszek Moczulski in 1944/1945].

Dzbadz close to Rozan had a Summer house of Bronislaw Geremek [he came from Rabbi Nachum Ephraim LEWERTOW / Efraim Levertov (Rabbi Nachum Efraim LEWARTOW / Rabbi Nachum Efraim Lewertow) b. ca 1840, d. in 1928,
the son of
Mortko Lewertow b. ca 1810, and Ajta - Estera];
Mariowka close to Przysucha was hidden place for Leszek Robert Moczulski.

The ancestor of Bronislaw Geremek was Mortko Lewertow b. ca 1810, and Ajta - Estera.

Bronislaw Geremek born as Berele Lewartow, or Benjamin Lewartow, the son of the Lodz rabbi of the Hasidism movement.
Chassidism / Hasidic Judaism is a Jewish religious group that arose in the Western Ukraine during the 18th century. Bronislaw Geremek was born as Benjamin Lewertow in Warsaw in 1932, aft. 1945 in Wschowa, aft. ca 1980 in Rozan.
His father Boruch Lewertow, a fur merchant in Lodz, was murdered in Auschwitz [b. ca 1900/1906].

Below is genealogy of Bronislaw acc. to my research - please check all data.
Boruch's brother was Menasze Lewertow (1906-1966) b. in Cracow as Rabbi Menashe Levertov.
Rabbi Menashe Yaakov Levertov b. in 1906, d. in 1966 in NY, United States.
Boruch was the son of
Rabbi Yitzchak Eizik Yehuda Yechiel Levertov b. ca 1870, and Rivkah.

Boruch and named Menasze had a brother Rabbi Yisrael Levertov.
Above Yisrael Levertov b. in 1900 in Sanok, m. Gitel Halberstam, the daughter of Rabbi Aharon Halberstam b. ca 1870 and Devora Kliger of Krakowiec b. ca 1875,
the daughter of
Rabbi Isaac Joshua Kliger of Horodok / Gorodok b. ca 1840.

Rabbi Menashe Yaakov Levertov b. in 1906, Boruch Lewertow b. ca 1900/1906, and Rabbi Yisrael Levertov b. in 1900, were the sibilings.

Above Rabbi Isaac Joshua Kliger of Horodok / Gorodok b. ca 1840, or ca 1820, died ca 1905, was living in KRAKOWIEC. R' Isaac Joshua Kliger, A.B.D. / "Yitzchak Yehoshua / R' Isaac Joshua Kliger, A.B.D. Grayding (Horodok / Gorodok / Grodek Jagiellonski).
The husband of DINA.

Isaac Joshua Kliger / R' Isaac Joshua Kliger, A.B.D. Grayding (GRODEK / Grodek Jagiellonski or Horodok / Gorodok, 30 km west to LWOW / Lviv. In 1772 belonged to Austria). Isaac Joshua Kliger / R' Isaac Joshua Kliger, or Yitzchak Yehoshua b. ca 1820, d. 1905, the son of Chaim Dovid Kliger b. ca 1800, d. 1849, and Devora.
Above Isaac Joshua Kliger / R' Isaac Joshua Kliger, A.B.D. Grayding (Horodok / Gorodok, b. ca 1820, was the father of
R' Meir Kliger, A.B.D. Krakowiec, b. ca 1850 [close to Polish-Ukrainian border; the father of R' Kliger, A.B.D. Teschin / CIESZYN b. ca 1880];
Devora Halberstam;
3. Chaim David Klieger;
Gitel Chaya Sarah Ashkenazi b. ca 1870, d. in Holocaust

[the wife of R' Zvi Hirsch Ashkenazi, Admur Olesko and in Stanislawow, b. 1874, d. 1942 in Holocaust. The son of
R' Asher Anschel Ashkenazi, Admur Stanislawow and Olesko, b. 1832 in Olesko, the Busk county, the Lviv Oblast, d. 1896 in Stanislawow / Ivano-Frankivsk;
the grandson of R' Joel Ashkenazi, A.B.D. ZLOCZOW / Zlatchov, b. ca 1810 in LWOW, d. 1882; who was the son of
R' Moses David Ashkenazi, A.B.D. Tulcheve of Hungaria and Safed in ISRAEL / TULCZA / Tolczva, in Hungary, b. 1774 in ROZDOL / Rozdil, d. 1856 in Safed, Israel, close to Tzfat, North District in Israel, 35/40 km east to AL-KARMEL.

Mary Stirling married Ebenezer Oliphant, a son of Laurence Oliphant.
Eearly Zionist, Sir Laurence Oliphant and his wife Alice between 1882 and 1887 settled in Karmel.
OLIPHANT LAURENCE (1829-1888), "English writer and traveler, Christian mystic, and active supporter of the return of the Jewish people to Erez Israel". He was living in Region North in Daliyat Al-Karmel Isfiya.

Above MOSES DAVID was the son of Rabbi Asher Anshil (Anscherele) Ashkenazi, ca 1740 - d. 1793; b. in LWOW.
The grandson of Rabbi Moshe Ashkenazi-Segal of TYSMIENICA, ca 1710-1760 and Rivko Aschkenasy.
Rabbi MOSHE was the son of R' Mordechai Segal, A.B.D of Tysmienica / Tysmenytsya, 1670 in Turobin, d. 1720 in Tysmenytsia];

R' Yosef Kliger, A.B.D. Greiding;
and 1 unknown.

Above Turobin is a village in the Bilgoraj County, 31 kilometres north of Bilgoraj;
33 km north-west to Bodaczow of the ZAMOYSKI family.

Isaac Joshua Kliger / R' Isaac Joshua Kliger, A.B.D. Grayding (Horodok / Gorodok), b. ca 1820, was the brother of Moses Kliger.

Above Chaim Dovid / Chaim Dovid Kliger b. ca 1800, died in 1849, was the son of Avraham Tzvi Kliger b. ca 1770, d. in March 1831.

Above the ancestor of Bronislaw Geremek was Rabbi Yitzchak Eizik Yehuda Yechiel Levertov b. ca 1870. R' Yitzchak Eizik Yehuda Yechiel Levertov (Lewertow) d. 1938, the son of Nachum Efraim Levertov b. ca 1840, and Freidel Udel Klingberg m. Levertov.
Above Nachum Efraim Levertov (Lewertow) / R' Nachum Ephraim Levertov, b. ca 1840, d. 1928, the son of Mortko Lewertow b. ca 1810, and Ajta - Estera. Mortko or Myrtka was going from Rabbi Israel Peretz of Levertov b. ca 1710 - see ZELECHOW.

This web-page is created on 23 September 2023 [with inf. until 22nd October 2023] and covers the thematic scope:
1. Zionism, globalization and RESET to Russia of Eli Segal, Samuel Berger, Hillary Clinton, Paul Wolfowitz, Zbigniew Brzezinski and Barack Obama together with the Russian intelligence net, German influences and Polish conspirators in Zakrzew close to Radomsko and here together with Paul Wolfowitz, Ankwicz, Szwarcenberg-Czerny and Sobanski. Nearby Kuchary belonged to the Ostrowskis - they took Leszno village close to Krasne and Przasnysz. Zakrzew / Zakrzow Wielki is situated near to Bugaj, Kodrab and Radomsko. Ankwicz intermarried Szwarcenberg-Czerny from the Andrychow district - the links to Skora, Pfeiffer of Przedborz and Lodz, Temler of Wilczkow, Bobrowski, Sobanski and Kiedrzynski.
2. Reset to Russia in 1972-February 2023 on the genealogical groundwork of my family Konstantynowicz in Kublicze, Berezyna, Miezonka, Dudino-Monasterszczyna, Vajguva / Wajgowo in Belarus-Lithuania-western Russia: Robert Rubin, Robert Schwarz Strauss, Arlen Specter, Czeslaw Kiszczak in 1972 the head of military intelligence, the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1972, TANYIA CHUTKAN, Tannenwald, Samuel Berger, Bill Clinton, Eli Segal, with Garfinkel of Antopol, Szawle and Wajgowo vs Donald Trump in 2016-2023.
3. Zionism with Newlinski of Raszkow owned by Kiedrzynski; Zionism with Adam Mickiewicz, Oliphant, Zbigniew Brzezinski and his family intermarried Wolowski-Szymanowski branch. Jakub Frank of Czerniowce and his Frankist's movement in Romania with Gypsies and Jews of Suczawa-Jassy-Czerniowce with Sibiu-Timisoara: Cojocaru-Akim and Asien; Wolowski-Szymanowski-Brzezinski-Nejman and Frankists of Poland in the service of Russian Intelligence in 60' of the 18th century with Kamyk of the Kiedrzynskis. In the 80' of the 19th century Czerniowce with Kiedrzynski-Arnold-Wolowski branch of Raszkow and Bieganin. Thessaloniki in Greece and Suczawa-Jassy-Czerniowce with Romanian JEWS close to Clinton-Obama political arrangement: Hitzig b. 1874 in Cucinrul Mare; Segal of Romania, Botosani, and Garfinkel under Oginski with Maya Chrapowicka and Miezonka. Barack Obama and Samuel Berger - Kublicze in Belarus.
4. James Jesus Angleton vs J. F. Kennedy in 1963 and Dudino-Monasterszczyna of the HOLYNSKI family with Specter. Hillary Clinton and Podesta, Putin, Radek Sikorski. China and Russia with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama Husajn junior. Leopold Kronenberg, Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, Loewenstein and Gerlach, Zamoyski in Klemensow and Kaczorowski with Rettinger. Ordega of Zelechow; Roman of Zelechow; Wyssogota-Zakrzewski of Zelechow and Chocen; Lech Walesa's ancestors of the Chocen commune; Jaroslaw Slota vel Skota of Chocen with his friends: Malgorzata Zieleniewska of Lodz - the friend to PM Leszek Miller, Monika Sedzicka nee Bogucka of Sporna and Krokusowa 59, the counter-intelligence officer. Ordega and Jan Bloch and Leopold Kronenberg with the Zamoyski family in Klemensow-Bodaczow with Rettinger and the Kaczorowski's: President Kaczorowski in London and Emilia Kaczorowska Wojtyla, with the Wojtyla family in the Andrychow district: Czaniec close to Roczyny of Romani, General Czeslaw Kiszczak, near to Inwald of the General Miroslaw Milewski's mother.
Jakob Frank and his ring: Zbigniew Brzezinski of the Wolowskis, Barack Obama with Tymieniecka, Albright of Czech, Hillary Clinton, Samuel Berger, Eli Segal of Romania, Paul Wolfowitz of the Radomsko district, Tannenberg and Radoslaw Sikorski with the Russian intelligence ring together with Szczecin-Lodz Foreign Intelligence Agency under influence of Zionism with Newlinski of Raszkow owned by Kiedrzynski; Zionism with Adam Mickiewicz, Oliphant, Zbigniew Brzezinski and his family intermarried Wolowski-Szymanowski branch. Jakub Frank of Czerniowce and his Frankist's movement in Romania with Gypsies and Jews of Suczawa-Jassy-Czerniowce with Sibiu-Timisoara: Cojocaru-Akim and Asien; Wolowski-Szymanowski-Brzezinski-Nejman and Frankists of Poland in the service of Russian Intelligence in 60' of the 18th century with Kamyk of the Kiedrzynskis. The Russian intelligence ring together with Colonel Aleksander Lichocki, General Jozef Flis, the Szczecin-Lodz Foreign Intelligence Agency under influence of Zionism with Newlinski of Raszkow owned by Kiedrzynski; Zionism with Adam Mickiewicz, Oliphant, Zbigniew Brzezinski and his family intermarried Wolowski-Szymanowski branch. The Russian intelligence ring together with Colonel Aleksander LICHOCKI, Szczecin-Lodz Foreign Intelligence Agency under influence of Zionism with Newlinski, Kiedrzynski, Adam Mickiewicz, Oliphant, Zbigniew Brzezinski, the Wolowski-Szymanowski branch.
The result of erroneous American policy and infiltration by Russian intelligence were such events in Polish history as: Katyn in 1940 and in 2010 with the 'Russian reset' in Poland in November 2007/August 2008 by Donald Tusk, Bronislaw Komorowski and Radoslaw Sikorski. The pinnacle of the reset policy was the cancellation of the construction of the anti-missile shield in Poland on 17 September 2009, by Barack Obama Husain Second. Obama and Hillary Clinton signed new agreement on 08 April 2010 in Prague with Medvedev and Obama on 09 April 2010 back to USA.
Diplomacy of Zbigniew Brzezinski, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, was connected to Garfinkel of Szawle [in Szawle was born Emma Goldman + Leon Czolgosz and Tadeusz Wolanski with BLOCH in Pakosc; Tadeusz Wolanski, was born in SZAWLE, the godson of General Tadeusz Kosciuszko; WAJGOWO close to SZAWLE], Wajgowo and Antopol; and to emigrating Jews from CZERNIOWCE, Suczawa, Jassy and Botosani, together with Radomsko-Zakrzew-Wielgomlyny, and this diplomacy was completely wrong.
In Poland the Foreign Affairs Minister was Radek Sikorski with similar political point of view. His wife was Anne Elizabeth Applebaum, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey M. Applebaum of Washington. Radek was the son of Jan Sikorski of Dwor Chobielin, Poland. "Judge Theodore Tannenwald, a senior judge of the United States Tax Court in the District of Columbia, performed the wedding ceremony at the home of the bride's parents".
Named above Theodore Tannenwald Junior was appointed in 1965 by President Lyndon Johnson, after shooting of President John F. Kennedy in 1963. The same President Johnson appointed Zbigniew Brzezinski.
Theodore Tannenwald, Jr. studied at the Harvard Law School, he worked "more than two decades at the New York firm of Weil, Gotshal & Manges. During World War II, he served as a Special Adviser to the Air Force in the European and Pacific Theatres. He later served as counsel to New York Governor Averell Harriman, as a Special Assistant to the Secretary of State during the Truman Administration, and as a member of the Kennedy Task Force on Foreign Assistance....".
The Theodore Tannenwald, Jr. Papers were donated to the Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives by Selma Peterfreund Tannenwald. Jacob Rader Marcus Center - "The American Jewish Archives (AJA) was founded by Dr. Jacob Rader Marcus (1896-1995), former graduate and professor at the Hebrew Union College, in the aftermath of World War II and The Holocaust". By Wikipedia. Jacob Rader Marcus (March 5, 1896 - 1995) was a scholar of Jewish history and a Reform rabbi.
"Theodore Tannenwald Jr., a senior judge on the United States Tax Court in Washington, a foreign-aid adviser to three Democratic Presidents and a governor of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Manhattan for the last 40 years...".

In 2007, we have in parallel Eli Segal of the Suczawa district, Bronislaw Komorowski of Courland and Pogodno-Szczecin-Police HQ together with Zbigniew Brzezinski - Obama team.
On 25 August 2007, Zbigniew Brzezinski endorsed then Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. In endorsing him, Brzezinski said 'What makes Obama attractive to me is that he understands that we live in a very different world where we have to relate to a variety of cultures and people'.
Zbigniew Brzezinski was pro-Israel, he is a so-called Liberal Zionist. He had Jews / Frankists ancestors, Wolowski and Szymanowski.
In 1988 Zbigniew Brzezinski endorsed H. W. Bush for President
[my father was killed on 02/03 November 1987 - Wojtek with a woman, now 60 years old, the Skladowa/Kilinskiego corner, and this woman, drinker, was working in my factory around 2010/2012 with help of Czarnecki, LGB..., of Job Agency with net to Sewilla and Jerez de la Frontiera in 2003/2004 and Lodz. Wojtek was working for Security Agency of ex-communist officers of Lodz. Compare Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1987]
and Zbigniew Brzezinski was Co-Chair of the H. W. Bush national security advisory task force.
From 1987 to 1989 Zbigniew Brzezinski, with the Frankists roots of Szymanowski-Wolowski-Brzezinski-Naimiski net, also served on the H. W. Bush's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. "Bill Clinton' Secretary of State Madeline Albright was a student of Brzezinski's. G. W. Bush Secretary of State, Condi Rice (also a former national security advisor), who studied under Albright's father, shares many of the same world government views with Brzezinski and Albright...".
In 1987/1988 Jakob Frank and his ring took top positions in US goverment:
Zbigniew Brzezinski of the Wolowskis, Barack Obama with Tymieniecka, Albright of Czech, Hillary Clinton, Samuel Berger, Eli Segal of Romania, Paul Wolfowitz of the Radomsko district, Tannenberg and Radoslaw Sikorski with the Russian intelligence ring together with Szczecin-Lodz Foreign Intelligence Agency under influence of Zionism with Newlinski of Raszkow owned by Kiedrzynski; Zionism with Adam Mickiewicz, Oliphant, Zbigniew Brzezinski and his family intermarried Wolowski-Szymanowski branch. Jakub Frank of Czerniowce and his Frankist's movement acted in Romania [in Smolensk in 1765, the Frankists started work for Russian intelligence net in Poland, Germany, Turkey, and others countries] with Gypsies and Jews of Suczawa-Jassy-Czerniowce with Sibiu-Timisoara: Cojocaru-Akim and Asien; Wolowski-Szymanowski-Brzezinski-Nejman and Frankists of Poland in the service of Russian Intelligence in 60' of the 18th century with Kamyk of the Kiedrzynskis. The Russian intelligence ring together with Colonel Aleksander Lichocki, General Jozef Flis, the Szczecin-Lodz Foreign Intelligence Agency under influence of Zionism with Newlinski of Raszkow owned by Kiedrzynski; Zionism with Adam Mickiewicz, Oliphant, Zbigniew Brzezinski and his family intermarried Wolowski-Szymanowski branch.

Samuel BERGER [his mother's roots from Kublicze in Belarus, owned by the Piottuch-Kublicki intermarried Szumski and Konstantynowicz of Miezonka - the estate took Dominik Konstantynowicz in 1842; until November 1918] studied at the Cornell University in 1967, and his earned Juris Doctor degree from Harvard Law School in 1971.
At Cornell, Samuel Berger was a member of the Quill and Dagger society [ca 1967-1971] with Paul Wolfowitz [his roots came from Radomsko and Zakrzew = Zakrzow Wielki close to Bugaj Kodrebski, where acted Skora from my mother genealogical side].
Paul Dundes Wolfowitz (born December 22, 1943) is an American political scientist and diplomat who served as the 10th President of the World Bank, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense, U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia [here Barack Obama was living, then the 'RESET' President of US]. Paul Wolfowitz came from Zakrzow Wielki / ZAKRZEW close to Bugaj / Bugaj Zakrzewski, Kodrab and Radomsko - the estate of Ankwicz intermarried Szwarcenberg-Czerny from the Andrychow district - the links to Skora, Pfeiffer of Przedborz and Lodz, Temler of Wilczkow, Bobrowski, Sobanski and Kiedrzynski.

Top 'RESET to RUSSIA' statesman and main Bill Clinton's supporter was ELI Segal b. 1943. Segal's roots came from Botosani close to Suczawa and from Czerniowce - the main town of Jakob Frank pro-Russian movement in the 60' of the 18th century, with links to Thessaloniki, Frankfurt am Main, Altona close to Hamburg, Podhajce, Rochaczow and with the Wolowski family intermarried Arnold-Kiedrzynski branch in CHOCEN in 1870 and with Szymanowski-Adam Mickiewicz line under Zionist movement.
In the Kiedrzynski's Raszkow the Newlinski family was living, and NEWLINSKI was top Zionist member in the 19th century.
KUBLICZE in Belarus: Samuel Richard Berger came from [his mother's line] KUBLITZ owned by the Piottuch-Kublicki, my relatives. Samuel also known as Sandy, met Bill Clinton in 1972!
From 1972, continuous observation of me began - Gorska 25, Apt. 3 and 4; Tadeusz Cieslak at Krokusowa 72A; Halina Wodkiewicz nee Jaworska, d. at Kroku. 57 in 2016, from Leszno, small village close to Przasnysz and Krasne, with links to Marcel Nowotko of Krasne, the Krasinski estate, who co-operated with the Leopold Kronenberg family aft. ca 1860 until ca 1918; the Sedzicki family, Sinti Romani at Krokusowa 59; family Krych, Karski - Romani family, Adamski, Adam Adamkiewicz, Plachecki, Niedzwiecki - Jews, Zbigniew Natkanski of Honoratow and Opoczno / Ossa, Lodz in 1977/ca 2010; Telefoniczna 61 with Wi. 135/137; Sadecka - the Grzanek family; Adam Zielinski b. ca 1958; and others to July 2023, with St. Rd 94 and 96, 44, 66, 16, 6; Ster. Cl 24, 22, 28, 1 and 2.
In 1972 my family was reunited with Georgia in the Soviet Union, then with gypsies from the North Caucasus, Tbilisi and Thessaloniki in Greece, and Bruges in Belgium; the destruction of my father began in 1972, who was killed on the night of 02/03 October 1987.
After 1945, Jerzy Kruszynski of Nawra, near CHELMZA, was active around my father / aft. 2000 it was killed his older brother Jan Konstantynowicz b. in LIDA, the 77 Infantry Regiment until morning 18 September 1939.
And now we know where the Polish pedophile teacher gets her orders [Lodz-Zgierz Gypsy/German ring with Captain Krzysztof Tomczyk at Zurawia in Lodz; Colonel Adam Owsiany b. 1962; Monika Sedzi. at Krok. 59; Justyna of Lodz at Ste. Rd 94 / 96]. On September 22, 2023, the person distributing the shares [13.02] was the famous Przemyslaw from Zgierz, a gypsy, currently 43 years old, has been spying abroad since March 2005, 2004 employed at Piotrkowska Street in Lodz, as a bartender, 182 cm, currently fat, under the care of the Police near Szczecin and Tomasz, a very fat gypsy from Jeleniewo near Suwalki, he cooperate with Mariusz Akim from Sibiu in Romania [28 aged, he also checked where I was on September 22, 2023]. Przemyslaw from Zgierz has links to the Pawinski group and a boy, aged 19, is currently studying in Bratoszewice; and Findeisen / Leszek Miller PM / Malgorzata Zieleniewska from Sporna in Lodz like Monika Sedzicka born Monika Bogucka ca 1976, black hairs, 2005 had a child, a husband Sinti, chinese eyes, of the Sedzickis at Krokusowa 59 the friends to the Jaworskis and Halina Wodkiewicz married JAWORSKA died 2016, born in LESZNO village close to Przasnysz and near by the Nowotko family in KRASNE. On September 22, 2022, Przemyslaw from Zgierz, cooperated with two 17-year-olds [both 180 cm, one fat Jew, thick curly hair, long and slightly brown hairs, fat and round face; the second boy is a gypsy, 17 years old, 180 cm, thin, Semitic eyes long and narrow, very black and short hairs, Chinese hairs, long and bony face, SH71UKS red small], ex-students of Commercial School, so in combination with a teacher from Poland , 182 cm, 42 years old, The Cosmopolitan Apartments and together with mulatto, 12/13 years old from Longfleet 66. On September 21, 2023, the new charge of a pedophile teacher, Cosmopolitan MMXX, 42 years old, Polish, 182 cm - a girl waited for me for three quarters of an hour. Crow Hill Court, girl, mulatto, strongly Semitic eyes, light black face, probably Somali-Eritrean, 12 years old, 140 cm, recruited by the Foreign Intelligence Agency from Lodz-Szczecin this year, age like Kin. 6 or Wi. 135, the one with freckles with a round face like the Moon; and a boy, 12/13 years old, gypsy from K. 67/68. And residents of India, Ste. Close 22, under care of Romani of Lodz, Justyna, 42 aged, Moon face.
On September 20, 2023, The Burleigh, black man mixed with Arab, dark brown, slightly black, 178 cm, 30 years old, negroid beard, short negroid hair, thin face, Semitic eyes, probably Eritrea; together with the boy, 16 years old, 178 cm, thin, negroid bangs, slightly black face, very small round eyes at direction to Fernside - together with the alcoholic Jew, gray hair, horse face, similar height to the previous two, similar degenerate, Latvian-Soviet Jew, Aigars at Longfleet 107, born around 1960 , 190 cm, face degenerated by alcohol - so today two alcoholic Jews and two negroid types. At the same time, aft. 05 September 2023, there is an ongoing attack by the Jewish-communist community on the Polish government in Poland. We have Agnieszka the daughter of Henryk Holland, b. 1920 in Warsaw, d. 1961, who was the son of Cecylia Holland [Cecylia Holland perished in Warsaw ghetto]. The counter-polish movie of Agnieszka Holland on 5 September 2023 showed in Venice, on 21/22 September 2023 in Poland. Above Henryk Holland b. 1920 in Warsaw, died December 21, 1961, captain of the Polish People's Army, communist activist, senior lieutenant of the Red Army, came from a Jewish family. From 1932 to 1936 he was active in the Hashomer Hatzair. In 1934, he became a member of the Revolutionary Association of Poor School Youth. He was active in the Academic Anti-Ghetto Committee. After the capitulation of Warsaw, he got to Vilnius, and from November 1939 he stayed in Lviv, where he collaborated with communist-soviet newspapers. In June 1943, he took part in the first congress of the Association of Polish Patriots. He was the author of many aggressive press articles against the Home Army and the anti-communist underground. He was one of the editors of the works of Lenin and Stalin. From 1953 he also worked in the ideological department of Trybuna Ludu. Married (from November 1947 to June 1961) with journalist Irena Rybczynska. Father of film directors: Agnieszka Holland and Magdalena Lazarkiewicz, and Magdalena m. Piotr b. 1954. Magdalena was the mother of composer Antoni Komasa-Lazarkiewicz, b. 1980. Antoni b. 1980 + Maria Komasa. Maria became a member of the honorary committee supporting Bronislaw Komorowski before the early presidential elections in 2010 aft. coup in April 2010. Antoni Mary Komasa, real name Maria Wiktoria Komasa-Lazarkiewicz (born 1985 in Poznan) is Polish singer and currently living in Berlin. She is the younger sister of director Jan and the daughter of actor Wieslaw Komasa junior. Wieslaw Augustyn Komasa senior (born January 15, 1949 in Nowy Wisnicz) is Polish theater, film and television actor. His wife is Gina, a soloist of the Spirituals and Gospel Singers. They have four children: Jan, twins Szymon and above Maria Komasa-Lazarkiewicz and Zofia.

In 1972, the fictitious movement of the Sandberg family began
[the Summers / Arrow / Samuelson of RACZKI Wielkie close to Suwalki - cover and support for the Sandbergs], the return to Israel - it involved young Jews from Ukraine, Moldavia and Romania, as well as Jan Janowski from Baden-Baden, Krzysztof Wojcieszek from Munich; Niedzwiecki of Chicago and so on from my friends. Everything is connected with Gypsy underground movements inside People's Poland: general Miroslaw Milewski from Inwald near Andrychow; General Czeslaw Kiszczak from Roczyna near Czaniec and Andrychow - this included civilian intelligence conducted by Department I at the Ministry of the Interior and gypsies from Bielsko-Biala and the ANDRYCHOW district; Lodz {Justyna, Romani of Lodz in 2007/2023}, Zdunska Wola, Zgierz and Glowno.
And in the US there is a key arrangement of Samuel Berger with Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton in 1972, which will be joined by PODESTA later. It is with the Clinton / Berger arrangement that Radoslaw Sikorski will encounter in the USA on 31 January / 03 February 2008, and 5 days after his return to Warsaw, Donald Tusk will go to Wladimir PUTIN
(similar - on 07 April 2010, Vladimir Putin was talking with Donald Tusk of the Koscierzyna district, at the Gostkowskis estates, and Gostkowski took Tomice close to Wadowice, small distance north-east to ANDRYCHOW and to Habsburg-Romer-Bobrowski-Szwancenberg Czerny-Dembinski properties close to Andrychow and Czaniec.
On 08 April 2010, PM Donald Tusk met in Prague / Praga with Barack Obama, who was together with Hillary CLINTON; on 10 April 2010, over 90 persons from Polish goverment were killed by Russians in Smolensk. Tusk after the meeting with Obama: nothing will change regarding the 'shield', by newsweek.pl at 21:35 on 08 April 2010. The meeting with US President Barack Obama in Prague of the Prime Minister Donald Tusk was after Obama invited Tusk to Prague. Prime Minister Donald Tusk was invited by US President Barack Obama for security talks, together with the leaders of the new Europe).
However, according to American researchers, the key is Hillary Clinton, and according to me, Samuel Berger, after 1972.
Samuel Richard Berger / ex BREGER, b. 1945, d. 2015, the son of Albert Berger (Aaron Breger) and Rose Lehrman. Rose b. 1910, the daughter of Louis or Yehuda Lieb Lehrman and Rebecca Fried.
Mentioned above Albert (Aaron) Breger b. 1909 in New York, the son of Schulim Breger and Sara Laufer, b. 1882 in Osterreich (Austria), d. in 1959 in Fishkill, in the Dutchess County, New York. SARA was the daughter of Yehuda Schapiro and Chaika Laufer.
Yehuda Schapiro (Laufer) b. ca 1845 in Bukovina, Austria. Chaika Laufer (nee Katz) b. ca 1850.

Samuel Berger, was National Security Advisor to the Clinton administration.
Samuel Richard 'Sandy' Berger (October 28, 1945 - December 2, 2015) was an attorney who served as the 18th US National Security Advisor for US President Bill Clinton from 1997 to 2001, after he had served as the Deputy National Security Advisor for the Clinton administration from 1993 to 1997 - by Wikipedia. The Jew family.

By Jean-Francois Loiseau, published on October 28, 2017/2023: in her autobiography Living History, Hillary Rodham Clinton describes her maternal grandmother, Della Murray, as 'one of nine children from a family of French Canadian, Scottish and Native American ancestry'. In 2007, the genealogist Gail F. Moreau-DesHarnais and her team confirmed the presence of French emigrants, including some from Perche, in the ancestry of Hillary Clinton. Regarding the claimed Native American ancestry, no records have been found to support this statement and the genealogist E.H. Hail published in 2015 an article largely based on work by William Addams Reitwiesner which proves that Hillary Clinton has no Amerindian ancestry.

In 1972, Samuel BERGER met Bill Clinton, forming a friendship that lasted for decades. Berger later urged Clinton to run for President of the United States. Berger served as Senior Foreign Policy Advisor to Governor Clinton during the campaign, and as Assistant Transition Director for National Security of the 1992 Clinton-Gore Transition. Berger served eight years on the National Security Council staff, first from 1993 to 1997 as deputy national security.
Samuel BERGER studied at the Cornell University in 1967, and his earned Juris Doctor degree from Harvard Law School in 1971. At Cornell, Berger was a member of the Quill and Dagger society with Paul Wolfowitz.

Paul Dundes Wolfowitz (born December 22, 1943) is an American political scientist and diplomat who served as the 10th President of the World Bank, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense, U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia.
Compare OBAMA in Indonesia. "Obama started a close relationship with his maternal grandparents. In 1965, his mother remarried to Lolo Soetoro from Indonesia. Two years later, Dunham took Obama with her to Indonesia to reunite him with his stepfather. In 1971, Obama returned to Honolulu" - by Wikipedia.
Paul Wolfowitz enjoyed immense popularity when he served as US ambassador to Indonesia from 1986 to 1989.
The second Jewish child of Jacob Wolfowitz (b. Warsaw; 1910-1981) and Lillian Dundes, Paul Wolfowitz was born in Brownsville, Brooklyn, New York, into a Polish Jewish immigrant family, and grew up mainly in Ithaca, New York. Paul married Clare Selgin Wolfowitz (born November 1945), an American anthropologist with a specialism in Indonesia, the daughter of Italian immigrants.
When Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz hosts a Pentagon meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs Bernard Bot, of the Netherlands, on Feb. 17, 2005, together with him was Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for European and NATO Affairs Ian Brzezinski, who joined Wolfowitz and Bot to discuss a range of bilateral security issues. IAN Brzezinski - the son of Zbigniew Brzezinski.
BERGER got to know Clinton since sometime in the '90s, when Bill Clinton went down to Arkansas one weekend.

About March 1971, it was got a call from one of BERGER's closest friends still today, Eli Segal, who later on in the Clinton administration began AmeriCorps, Welfare to Work, and was the Chief of Staff of the campaign in 1992. Beregr was thinking about coming down to Washington to do a clerkship for Judge Theodore Tannenwald of the tax court.
Later they are going to elect a President who's 'going to end the war'. The Samuel Berger oral history interview, is part of the Clinton Presidential History Project.

On Aug 25, 2007, Zbigniew Brzezinski, the Foreign Policy expert, discusses his support of Barack Obama. Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski known as 'Zbig', was a Polish-American diplomat and political scientist.
Zbigniew Brzezinski served as a counselor to President Lyndon B. Johnson aft. J. F. Kennedy's killing. On 28 August 2007, former National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski waded into the 2008 presidential race
and on 12 August 2008, Zbigniew Brzezinski, the foreign policy adviser of US presidential candidate Barack Obama, has called on the world community to isolate Russia in protest over its Georgia's policy [by 'The Guardian'].
After 2 weeks, on September 8, 2007, the decision has been made of the President of the Republic of Poland ordering elections to the Parliament and Senate and it was published in the Journal of Laws - the official beginning of the election campaign.
Mentioned above Eli J. SEGAL and Phyllis N. Segal established the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University in 2007. Phyllis is currently Vice President of Encore.org, which empowers people over 50 to be a force for good. Phyllis serves on the boards of the John F. Kennedy Library.
Eli J. Segal was Clinton Aide who led major initiatives.
Eli J. Segal was an American politician, and Bill Clinton stated in 2007 that Eli J. Segal "had a quality that was relatively rare in public service, government service, at the time. He could take a vision and turn it into a reality". Segal got his start in politics during the 1972 presidential campaign of George McGovern. He organized some business ventures in the 1980s, and was CEO of Vogart Crafts Corporation before becoming Chief of Staff of President Bill Clinton's campaign in 1992. After the election of Bill Clinton, Segal served as the first CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service; then he was - by President Clinton - assistant to Clinton's Welfare-to-Work initiative.
Next step was designation of Donald Tusk as Prime Minister (on November 9, 2007) in the Presidential Palace, after Tusk and his Civic Platform party emerged victorious in the 2007 Polish parliamentary election, defeating Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski. Tusk was PM from November 16, 2007 to September 22, 2014.
On October 23, 2007, the national board of Civic Platform decided that Donald Tusk would be Prime Minister.
Tusk's expose was on November 23, 2007. The February 8, 2008 visit to Russia by Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, and the meetings between Foreign Ministers of the two countries in Brussels and Moscow, were the 'Russian RESET'. Radoslaw Sikorski back from USA on 03 February 2008 and he was talking with Hillary Clinton's advisors.
Copyright by Bogdan Konstantynowicz on 13 September 2023. So on September 12, 2023 I continue the topic:
Russian reset in 1972/2023 and Globalization in 1963/2022 with Zionism at
At above webpage you can read on "The Russian intelligence ring together with Szczecin-Lodz Foreign Intelligence Agency under influence of Zionism with Newlinski of Raszkow owned by Kiedrzynski; Zionism with Adam Mickiewicz, Oliphant, Zbigniew Brzezinski and his family intermarried Wolowski-Szymanowski branch. Jakub Frank of Czerniowce and his Frankist's movement in Romania with Gypsies and Jews of Suczawa-Jassy-Czerniowce with Sibiu-Timisoara: Cojocaru-Akim and Asien; Wolowski-Szymanowski-Brzezinski-Nejman and Frankists of Poland in the service of Russian Intelligence in 60' of the 18th century with Kamyk of the Kiedrzynskis. Esplanade 32, Pieniny 5, Gorska 25, Tadeusz Cieslak at Krokusowa 72A, and Monika Sedzicka at Krokusowa 59 with Fernside 16 - Polish Gypsies of Lodz, in 2007/September 2023. In the 80' of the 19th century Czerniowce with Kiedrzynski-Arnold-Wolowski branch of Raszkow and Bieganin. Thessaloniki in Greece and Suczawa-Jassy-Czerniowce with Romanian JEWS close to Clinton-Obama political arrangement: Hitzig b. 1874 in Cucinrul Mare; Segal of Romania, Botosani, and Garfinkel under Oginski with Maya Chrapowicka and Miezonka. Barack Obama and Samuel Berger - Kublicze in Belarus. James Jesus Angleton vs J. F. Kennedy in 1963 and Dudino-Monasterszczyna of the HOLYNSKI family with Specter. Hillary Clinton and Podesta, Putin, Radek Sikorski. China and Russia with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama Husajn junior".

For Romanian Jews I check Cucinrul Mare, that is probably now in Romania = Tisauti - 7 km south-east to Suczawa, 43 km south-west to Botosani.
Suceava is a town situated in the Bukovina region, northeastern Romania. From 1775 to 1918, Suceava was under the administration of the Habsburg Empire. After 1918, along with the rest of Bukovina, Suceava became part of the then newly enlarged Kingdom of Romania.
Our CLINTON's supporter - Eli J. Segal, 1943 - 2006, b. in New York, the son of Mortimer Segal b. ca 1922 and Rose Segal (born Zimand). The Jew family of ROMANIA. Rose was born on November, 30th in 1916, in Montreal, in Canada. Eli had 2 children. He m. twice: Shana A. Crystal in 2006, in New Jersey.
Above Mortimer Segal b. ca 1922, m. Rose Zimand in New York; Rose (Zimand) died September 22, 2005 - the mother of Eli and Alan. Grandmother of Jonathan, Mora, Yamin, and others. Eli J. Segal was the chief of staff of Bill Clinton's victorious campaign for president in 1992. The Eli J. and Phyllis N. Segal established the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University in 2007. Phyllis is currently Vice President of Encore.org, which empowers people over 50 to be a force for good. Phyllis serves on the boards of the John F. Kennedy Library.
Mentioned Moses / Moshe Hitzig / Mozes Hitzig b. 1874 in Cucinrul Mare, in Romania, d. in 1937 in Montreal, the son of Osias Hirsch Hitzig + Hannah Charlotte (Lotti). Moshe m. Rebecca Rifka Hitzig, 1872 in Czernovitz / CZERNIOWCE, in BUKOWINA / Buchovina, in Austria-Hungary - 1944 in Montreal, the daughter of Israel Unknown.
Above Osias Hirsch Hitzig b. 1825 in CZERNIOWCE / Chernivtsi, in present Ukraine - d. ca 1869 in Szczerzec, the LWOW county. OSIAS was the son Simon Solomon Itzig + Sophia Aaron.
Mentioned Hannah Charlotte (Lotti) Hitzig b. 1830 in Lukowica close to Czerniowce / Lukowitza, Chernivtsi.
Osias Hirsch Hitzig known as Tzvi Hirsch Hitzig / Osias Hitzig the son of Simon Solomon Itzig and Sophia Aaron, b. 1805 in Schwerin. Above named Simon Solomon Itzig b. ca 1800 in Prussia, d. ca 1860 in Germany, the son of Elias Daniel Itzig + Marianne Leffmann. Named here Miriam Marianne Itzig (Leffmann) b. 1759 in Berlin, d. 1827 in Berlin, Germany, the daughter of Herz Abraham Heinrich Leffmann + Edel Riess.
Herz Abraham Heinrich Leffmann, ca 1725 in Germany - 1773 in Berlin.
The commune of Cucinrul-Mare, the court area of Cernauti / Czerniowce.
We have similar Cucorani in Romania close to Roma [Romani center ?] and to Botosani. Cucinrul in the County of Cernauti (CZERNIVCI / Cernivti, Czerniowce, Czernowitz, Czernowcy / Cernovti), of Romania bef. 1945, in Bukovina, with the capital city at Cernauti. The area was incorporated into the Soviet Union in 1940. Cucinrul-Mare, the Czerniowce County / Cernttuti = Cernauti, Chernivtsi Oblast, at present in Ukraine. The area known as Bukovina with Chernivtsi passed to the Turks and then in 1774 to the Habsburg monarchy. In 1918/1920 - 1940, Romania - after World War I, it was ceded to Romania, and in 1940, the town was acquired by the Ukrainian SSR.

We back to the FRANKISTS:
So let's give some conclusions linking the Polish Foreign Civil Intelligence Agency with international homosexual-liberal ideology, created in Moscow, and let's do it an hour after the described shot [11 November 2019].
It is a mix of European nations {with Amer-Indian of Venezuela, on 10 and 11 August 2023} - the "famous" minority controls the whole, although they are rootless people, atheists hiding their origin, with only one purpose: money. It is a racist, nationalist and strongly xenophobic, anti-Polish and aggressive structure.
They are helped by a second national minority injured during an extermination during World War II by Germans. Mainly they are going from Poland [the center near Wloclawek - Osiecz Wielka - Chocen], Romania [incl. Ploiesti], Spain [Andalusia], Latvia [Rezekne], Estonia [Viljandi], Lithuania [Ignalino], assisted from minority in the USA, Russia, England and Berlin. They are supported by homosexuals, feminists, the abortion movement, the mentally ill peoples, drug addicts [hashish], Negroes [Senegal, Ghana, Jamaica, Tanzania], and the whole is headed by the Russian Army from the Kremlin.
By Niezalezna.pl -
"Deranged Jack Smith, DOJ [Justice] prosecutor of Joe Biden, sent a letter (it was Sunday night! - today we have Tuesday, 18 July 2023, and provocators against me 14.10/15.25, also from the local Police HQ) stating that I was the target of a grand jury investigation on January 6, and giving me a very short four days to appear before the grand jury juries, which almost always means arrest and charge," - Trump tweeted on his TRUTH Social. In a lengthy statement he posted, he said that he was once again the victim of political persecution and this is another "election interference", indicating that he is an opponent of President Biden in next year's election. At the same time, he maintained his false theses about electoral fraud. "This is a very sad and dark time for our nation," he said.
Trump has so far been indicted in two cases, one involving his payment of silence to porn star Stormy Daniels, brought by the New York State Attorney's Office, and the other, related to the keeping of documents containing state secrets in his home, brought by specially appointed independent prosecutor Jack Smith.
Smith is also investigating the January 6 events and Trump's attempts to alter the election results. Additionally, Trump is under investigation by the Georgia state's attorney's office, which is investigating his pressure on local authorities to overturn the state's election results.
On 01 August 2023 about PRE-RESET to Russia / Soviet Union [it was only two young spies, boy, 19 years old, Amer-Indian, probably St. Cl 1, 2, 22; second boy, big bangs, curly hair, short, messy beard, nose like a potato, full of little pimples, 177 cm, maybe 20 years old - disappeared behind Tatnam Crescent; Marius Akim cannot survive defeat...]:
Eli J. Segal, 1943 - 2006, b. in New York, the son of Mortimer Segal and Rose Segal (born Zimand). The Jew family.
Rose was born on November 30 1916, in Montreal, in Canada. Eli had 2 children. He m. twice: Shana A. Crystal in 2006, in New Jersey. Above Mortimer Segal m. Rose Zimand in New York; Rose (Zimand) died September 22, 2005. Mother of Eli and Alan. Grandmother of Jonathan, Mora, Yamin, and others.
Eli J. Segal was the chief of staff of Bill Clinton's victorious campaign for president in 1992. The Eli J. and Phyllis N. Segal established the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University in 2007. Phyllis is currently Vice President of Encore.org, which empowers people over 50 to be a force for good. Phyllis serves on the boards of the John F. Kennedy Library.
Eli J. Segal was Clinton Aide who led major initiatives. Eli J. Segal was an American politician, and Bill Clinton stated in 2007 that Eli J. Segal "had a quality that was relatively rare in public service, government service, at the time. He could take a vision and turn it into a reality".
Eli Segal got his start in politics during the 1972 presidential campaign of George McGovern. He organized some business ventures in the 1980s, and was CEO of Vogart Crafts Corporation before becoming Chief of Staff of President Bill Clinton's campaign in 1992.

From 1972, continuous observation of me began - Gorska 25, Apt. 3 and 4; Tadeusz Cieslak at Krokusowa 72A; Halina Wodkiewicz nee Jaworska, d. at Krokus. 57 in 2016, from Leszno, small village close to Przasnysz and Krasne, with links to Marcel Nowotko of Krasne, the Krasinski estate, who co-operated with the Leopold Kronenberg family aft. ca 1860 until ca 1918; the Sedzicki family, Sinti Romani at Krok. 59; family Krych, Karski - Romani family, Adamski, Adam Adamkiewicz, Plachecki, Niedzwiecki - Jews, Zbigniew Natkanski of Honoratow and Opoczno / Ossa, Lodz in 1977/ca 2010; Telefoniczna 61 with Wi. 135/137; Sadecka - the Grzanek family; Adam Zielinski b. ca 1958; and others to July 2023, with S. Rd 94 and 96, 44, 66, 16, 6; St. Cl 24, 22, 28, 1 and 2. In 1972 my family was reunited with Georgia in the Soviet Union, then with gypsies from the North Caucasus, Tbilisi and Thessaloniki in Greece, and Bruges in Belgium;
the destruction of my father began in 1972, who was killed on the night of 02/03 NOVEMBER 1987 {it was my mistake about October; compare Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1987} -
after 1945, Jerzy Kruszynski of Nawra, near CHELMZA, was active around my father / aft. 2000 it was killed his older brother Jan Konstantynowicz b. in LIDA, the 77 Infantry Regiment until morning 18 September 1939; in 1972, the fictitious movement of the Sandberg family began
[the Summers / Arrow / Samuelson of RACZKI Wielkie close to Suwalki - cover and support for the Sandbergs], the return to Israel - it involved young Jews from Ukraine, Moldavia and Romania, as well as Jan Janowski from Baden-Baden, Krzysztof Wojcieszek from Munich; Niedzwiecki of Chicago and so on from my friends.

Everything is connected with Gypsy underground movements inside People's Poland: general Miroslaw Milewski from Inwald near Andrychow; General Czeslaw Kiszczak from Roczyna / Roczyny near Czaniec and Andrychow - this included civilian intelligence conducted by Department I at the Ministry of the Interior and gypsies from Bielsko-Biala and the ANDRYCHOW district; Lodz {Justyna, Romani of Lodz in 2007/2023}, Zdunska Wola, Zgierz and Glowno].

Compare - From 1987 to 1990, Chutkan was in private practice at the law firm Hogan & Hartson (now Hogan Lovells). From 1990 to 1991, she worked at the law firm of Donovan, Leisure, Rogovin [Russian Jew], Huge & Schiller. From 1991 to 2002, she was a trial attorney and supervisor at the Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia.

Sberbank - "Savings bank of Russia" is a Russian banking and financial services company headquartered in Moscow. As part of Perestroika reforms, in 1987 the savings bank outlets are reorganised into the Savings Bank of the USSR.
Since 2007, Sberbank is led by former economy minister Herman Gref. In 2011, Sberbank acquired Volksbank International AG from its shareholders Osterreichische Volksbanken AG, BPCE, DZ Bank and WGZ Bank. The majority shareholder of Sberbank is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Danielle Pletka (born 1963 in Melbourne, Australia) is the vice-president for foreign and defense policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). Pletka was editorial assistant with the Los Angeles Times and Reuters, working in Jerusalem from 1984 to 1985 [by Wikipedia]. Pletka is married to Stephen Rademaker, who was Assistant Secretary of State for International Security and Nonproliferation (including head of the Bureau of Arms Control) in the George W. Bush [see Moczulski in 1987] presidential administration.

Trump vs "... Zbigniew Brzezinski is Barack Obama's foreign policy advisor. ... Brzezinski was the national security advisor for President Carter from 1977 to 1981".
"David Rockefeller first invented Jimmy Carter around 1971, arranged for Zbigniew Brzezinski to train him in global politics, and then rigged his nomination and election. ... The second Rockefeller connection - more obvious, less noted - was the Trilateral Commission. The Trilateral Commission was David Rockefeller's brain child ... The commission was conceived in 1972 as a private vehicle for planning the industrial world's course out of the international monetary crisis (and John Connally's cowboy responses) of that period, away from the 'Nixon shocks' that had troubled Japan ... Jimmy Carter had been the one Democratic governor chosen among sixty North American members of the Trilateral Commission in 1973...". "...Patrick Wood, author of 'Trilaterals Over Washington', points out there are only 87 members of the Trilateral Commission who live in America. Obama appointed eleven of them to posts in his administration. For example: Tim Geithner, Treasury Secretary; James Jones, National Security Advisor; Paul Volker, Chairman, Economic Recovery Committee; Dennis Blair, Director of National Intelligence. Several other noteworthy Trilateral members: George H. W. Bush; Bill Clinton; Dick Cheney; Al Gore".

Kazimierz Brzezinski, Sr. born ca 1824, d. 1876, (60s of the 19 cent. emigrated to Austrian Galicia), married ca 1865 to Zuzanna Mayer [born ca 1840 / 1845]; they were living in Zolkiew. Zbigniew Brzezinski come from Kazimierz Brzezinski, Sr., 1824-1876.

Jozefa Teofila Szymanowska, 1833-1875: her father was
Jakub Szymanowski, 1795/1797-1873 [Member of the Agricultural Society of the Kingdom of Poland in 1861; lived in ZBIKOW close to BLONIE]; her half-brother was
Waclaw Cyryl Jakub 1821-1886 who married Michalina Naimska, 1833-1918 [Jew, Nahymski, Frankist].

Jakub Szymanowski, 1795/1797 - 1873, was the son of Franciszek Szymanowski and Agata Wolowska; Franciszek was born in 1760/bef. 1770, in Warszawa; Agata was born in 1770, in Warszawa, died in Virginia in USA. Franco Francis Szymanowski / Franciszek Szymanowski b. ca 1760 or 1770, and Agatha / AGATA Wolowska, had a daughter Marianna Kunegunda Zawadzka.

Jakub had sister Filipina Teofila Brzezinska (born Szymanowska). She was married Franciszek Jakub Brzezinski, 1794 - 1846, the son of Michal Brzezinski;
they had children:
Teofila Anna Zielinska;
Aniela Brzezinska;
Kazimierz Brzezinski senior [family of Zbigniew Brzezinski]
and Franciszka Teofila Krysinska.

Named above Maria Szymanowska born Marianna Agata Wolowska in Warsaw, 1789, died in 1831, St. Petersburg, Russia; was a Polish composer and one of the first professional virtuoso pianists of the 19th century. Marianna Agata Wolowska was the daughter of
Franciszek Wolowski, a landlord and a brewer + Barbara LANCKORONSKA, 1780 - 1849 / 1850.

Marianna Agata Wolowska m. 1810 in Warsaw to Jozef Szymanowski, with whom she had three children while living in Poland: Helena (1811 - 1861), who married a man named Malewski, and twins:
Celina Szymanowska (1812 - 1855), who married the poet Adam Mickiewicz,
and Romuald (1812 - 1840), who became an engineer.

George Soros at the turn of the 80s and 90s in Poland supported the reforms that have contributed to the consolidation of the post-communist structures. The financier came to Poland already on May 8, 1988; Soros met, among others, with gen. Wojciech Jaruzelski, and the Prime Minister Mieczyslaw Rakowski. But actually the Stefan Batory Foundation was established earlier - Soros established the Stefan Batory Foundation on the 5 November 1987 in New York and legalized in the General New York Consulate of the People's Polish Republic. George Soros in the US, is known primarily as a critic of George Bush and the supporter of Barack Obama. And at the same time the fight about money and influences lasted also on another front. "In June 1988, the European Council meeting in Hanover, Germany, set up the Committee for the Study of Economic and Monetary Union, chaired by the then President of the Commission, Jacques Delors, and including all EC central bank governors. Their unanimous report, submitted in April 1989, defined the monetary union objective as a complete liberalisation of capital movements, full integration of financial markets, irreversible convertibility of currencies, irrevocable fixing of exchange rates, and the possible replacement of national currencies with a single currency...", at http://ec.europa.eu/economy_finance.
Professor Witold Kiezun wrote:
"On May 8, 1988, George Soros arrived to Poland. ... Then, [Jeffrey David Sachs] Jeffrey Sax, funded by George Soros, a young Harvard professor, arrived to Poland. ... he develops a program, which is now called the Balcerowicz program, but this is not the Balcerowicz program...", by http://journal-neo.org/ Jeffrey David Sachs born in 1954, "is an American economist and director of The Earth Institute at Columbia University, where he holds the title of University Professor...". In Poland advised on how to convert to a market economy, not on whether to be free-market like the US or social democratic like Scandinavia. Sachs worked in Poland intensive from April 1989 to end-1991.

Vladimir Putin & Hillary Clinton - Common financial interests - Vladimir Putin's political mentor, Anatoly Chubais, is Chairman of Putin's favored funding front - Rusnano (Russian Nanotechnology Corporation). Bill and Hillary's closest advisor, John Podesta, has been associated with various Dutch companies in which Podesta and Chubais have been directors and in which Rusnano invested 35 million. If this weren't close enough, one of the investors with Rusnano is the Wyss Foundation that made an up to 5 million donation to The Clinton Foundation.
"... Chubais helped lead the disastrous Russian privatization voucher program in the early 1990's pressed by then World Bank chief economist, Larry Summers. Summers later served alongside Podesta in the Clinton and Obama White Houses. Summers' aids in the Russian privatization debacle were Sheryl K. Sandberg and Yuri Milner, who were later placed in charge of global email and social networking via Gmail, Mail.ru, Facebook and VKontakte. In short, this small group has taken over the Internet by exploiting state powers using the social networking invention stolen from Columbus innovator Leader Technologies as well as core Internet inventions by others...". More: 'americans4innovation.blogspot.co.uk/2016', October 2016.
Note on the above YURI MILNER:
Bentsion Zakharovitch Milner / Benzion / Boris Z. Milner b. 1929, d. 2013, Soviet and Russian economist, was in 1969-1976 the Head in the US and Canada Institute of the USSR Academy; 1987 to 2000 - first deputy director of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. his wife - Betty Iosifovna Milner / Betty Milner, the doctor-virologist; the son - Yuri Milner, the Internet investor, co-founder of Mail.ru Group and the DST Global owner. Yuri Milner was born into a Jewish family in 1961 in Moscow. Yuri Milner in 2012 was the investor of the 23andMe, Inc. / 23 and Me, the leading genetics company, together with Sergey Brin, and Anne Wojcicki.

Characteristic that appeared to it in the years 1987 and 1988. Recently in 1987, I started by solving puzzles and political genealogy around my Konstantynowicz family in Poland and Russia. In the first period October 1987 - September 1989 I recognized the immediate environment of our family Konstantynowicz, maybe 200 people; unfortunately it 'coincided' with the sudden death of my father on November 3, 1987; buried 09 November 1987. And at the same time: in the villa at the Zawrat Street in Warsaw, General Czeslaw Kiszczak meets Lech Walesa [+ Bishop Jerzy Dabrowski] dated 31-08-1988, 15-09-1988; in Magdalenka near Warsaw with Kiszczak were meetings on 27-01-1989 and 02-03-1989, 07-03-1989 and 29-03-1989.

Not counting other important my family events on 28 October 1987 and 1 November 1987 - and finally, on November 2, 1987 I attempted to obtain from my father (died 03rd Nov.) the most important data about our family.
In principle, all these people (October 1987 - September 1989) were associated with the Warsaw special services (Spartakusa Rd No 43 / 45; and Krokusowa Rd 57 + 59), mainly with counter-intelligence of the security services (by the way, like in the whole period 1972 {Boguslaw Grabowski - 1968; Adam Adamkiewicz and A. Krych - 1972; J. Janowski - 1973; K. Wojcieszek - 1973; P. Dmochowski - 1974; J. Hempel - 1975; J. Matysiak - 1977; Slawomir Broniarz - 1978. The General Zbigniew Nowek from Bydgoszcz {General Nowek - his professional career in 1990 started with the aid of the head of the Ministry of Interior, Andrzej Milczanowski} and Torun [in 2005 to 2008 head of the Foreign Intelligence Agency, in 2010 deputy chief of the National Security Agency].
With Colonel Brunon Czabok [cyber threat information security and ex-Deputy Director of the Office of Information Security and Computer Security] a head in KATOWICE} - 2017.
My friends:
Captain Krzysztof Tomczyk b. ca 1952 + Andrzej Kolczynski; Monika Bogucka Sedzicka; Jaworska Halina - Wodkiewicz; + Rozan by Narew river; with the next network 2006-2014 reaching to the town Rozan and Geremek; Chodecz {since 1983} - Brzesc Kujawski {2012-2013, Maciej Wojtczak + Radoslaw S.; Wloclawek; to Popowo near Tluchowo; J. Burnicki; Maciej B. of Tczew; Pisz Andrzej; Wabrzezno {since 2005} - Olecko; Jan Ddl, and on 18th April 2017, a network of Senegal / Nguekokh / Jamaica / Bronx - The network created in cooperation of the Lodz civilian espionage with Szczecin [Glebokie]; but also with Olecko, Suwalki, Kowale Oleckie, mainly ethnic minorities from the Bialystok provice; and on 18th April 2017, a network of Senegal / Nguekokh / Jamaica / Bronx; the samples: 17.45-18.01, 10th September 2018; 16 September 2017 in Maple Convenience Store [the action completed visit to Sosnierz - 6.50 am the next day].

From KUBLICZE [the estate of Piottuch-Kublicki intermarried Soltan, Szumski, and ca 1832 to the Konstantynowiczs of Miezonka in 1842] came from Samuel Richard Berger, also known as Sandy, who met in 1972 Bill Clinton!
From 1972, continuous observation of me began - Gorska 25, Apt. 3 and 4; Tadeusz Cieslak at Krokusowa 72A; Halina Wodkiewicz nee Jaworska, d. at Krokusowa 57 in 2016, from Leszno, small village close to Przasnysz and Krasne, with links to Marceli Nowotko of Krasne, the Krasinski estate, who co-operated with the Leopold Kronenberg family aft. ca 1860 until ca 1918; the Sedzicki family, Sinti Romani at Krokusowa 59; family Krych, Karski - Romani family, Adamski, Adam Adamkiewicz, Plachecki, Niedzwiecki - Jews, Zbigniew Natkanski of Honoratow and Opoczno / Ossa, Lodz in 1977/ca 2010; Telefoniczna 61 with W. 135/137; Sadecka - the Grzanek family; Adam Zielinski b. ca 1958; and others to July 2023, with Stert. Rd 94 and 96, 44, 66, 16, 6; Ste. Cl 24, 22, 28, 1 and 2. In 1972 my family was reunited with Georgia in the Soviet Union, then with gypsies from the North Caucasus, Tbilisi and Thessaloniki in Greece, and Bruges in Belgium; the destruction of my father began in 1972, who was killed on the night of 02/03 October 1987 - after 1945, Jerzy Kruszynski of Nawra, near CHELMZA, was active around my father / aft. 2000 it was killed his older brother Jan Konstantynowicz b. in LIDA, the 77 Infantry Regiment until morning 18 September 1939; in 1972, the fictitious movement of the Sandberg family began
[the Summers / Arrow / Samuelson of RACZKI Wielkie close to Suwalki - cover and support for the Sandbergs], the return to Israel - it involved young Jews from Ukraine, Moldavia and Romania, as well as Jan Janowski from Baden-Baden, Krzysztof Wojcieszek from Munich;
Niedzwiecki of Chicago and so on from my friends. Everything is connected with Gypsy underground movements inside People's Poland: general Miroslaw Milewski from Inwald near Andrychow; General Czeslaw Kiszczak from Roczyna / Roczyny near Czaniec and Andrychow - this included civilian intelligence conducted by Department I at the Ministry of the Interior and gypsies from Bielsko-Biala and the ANDRYCHOW district; Lodz {Justyna, Romani of Lodz in 2007/2023}, Zdunska Wola, Zgierz and Glowno].

Various bandits have been launched against my family: in the 90' of the 20th century - Gypsy family Konatowicz which moved home aft. 1945 from Lithuania, and Miscicki family which working in the 60' of the 20th century for military counter-intelligence; in the 80' of the 20th century - Jew family Sasin, working for communist military counter-intelligence in the 60' of the 20th century; the Sobiczewski family, mixed Jew-Polish nobility ca 2004-2010; the Kulakowski family which moved home from Lithuania, mixed Jew-Gypsy clan, the communist secret co-workers, friends to Tadeusz Cieslak at Krokusowa 72A, in 2011-2017; the Tersa family of Parzymiechy, Jew family, communist militia in the 80' of the 20th century; the Sedzicki family, "chinese" Gypsy at Krokusowa 59; the Jaworski family, Polish intermarried Halina Wodkiewicz of Leszno village close to Krasne of the Krasinski Dukes - aft. July 1955 until 2016, Krokusowa 57 in Lodz; in the 70' of the 20th century: Krych, Gypsy; Karski mixed Polish-Gypsy at Gorska 25; Plachecki; Adamkiewicz b. 1958; the Grabowski family, Gypsy, ca 1968 until 90' of the 20th century; Maciej Igor Wojtczak in 2012-2013, from Brzesc Kujawski, Wloclawek and Lipno; the Sadowski family of Przybranowo in 2009-2019; and others communist spies.
In 2023 Bulgarian Gypsy, with cover Bulgarian Turkish, Tatnam Crescent 2, sample: on 17 April 2023, 160 cm, very fat belly, sways when walking, legs bent like a barrel, very black straight hair falling out in patches from some skin disease, less than 50 years old.

Waclawa Konstancja Wiktoria Plachecka, b. ca 1870, m. in 1896, in Lodz Church of Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Poland at Zgierska 230 at present [Iwona Plachecka bef. 1973 had friend Alicja KARSKA, the family of the Sobotka-Bieganin-Raszkow area], to Jozef Lachmanowicz, b. ca 1860, the son of Pawel Aleksander Lachmanowicz, ca 1822-1895 + Waleria Nowakowska,
with a son
Stefan Konstanty Lachmanowicz, ca 1890 - 1914.

We back to the Frankists with the Czerniowce center:

Filipina Szymanowska [Filipina Teofila Karolina Szymanowska, 1800-1886] married Franciszek Jakub Brzezinski (1794 - 1846) and had four children:
Franciszka Teofila Krysinska (born Brzezinska),
Kazimierz Brzezinski [? - Kazimierz Brzezinski, Sr. born ca 1820 / 1824 / 1840 - see the genealogy of famous ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI !],
Teofila Zielenska (born Brzezinska) and
Aniela Brzezinska.

On 04 AUGUST 2023:
Obama and Samuel Berger - Kublicze in Belarus. J. F. Kennedy in 1963 and Dudino-Monasterszczyna of the HOLYNSKI family.
Hillary Clinton and Podesta, Putin, Radek Sikorski. China and Russia with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama Husajn junior. Leopold Kronenberg, Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, Loewenstein and Gerlach, Zamoyski in Klemensow and Kaczorowski with Rettinger.

Inf. on 07 August 2023, after Marius Akim's action [of Romania but Gypsy, browne face]:
Polly Segal (Hitzig) b. 1900 in Romania, d. 1993 in Montreal, the daughter of Moses Moshe Hitzig and Rebecca Rifka. Polly m. Harry Segal b. 1902 in Romania, d. 1996 in Montreal, the son of Leizer Segal + Brana. Polly had 2 children, among others Mortimer SEGAL b. ca 1922.
Harry had 2 brothers Saul Shlomo Segal; Meir Segal and sister Reisel Segal.

Saul Shlomo Segal b. 1908 in Botosani, in Romania, d. in 2003 in Montreal in Canada. Above Meir Segal or Myer b. 1912, d. 1997 + Jennie Ketchiff b. 1910. Above Reisel Segal (Green Yarkon) + Iancu Green Yarkon. Above Polly Segal (Hitzig) b. 1900 in Romania.
Polly Hitzig SEGAL had a brother MORTIMER and she gave first name to her son Mortimer b. ca 1922 [she had 2 children]:
Polly's brother - Mortimer (Max) Hitzig b. 1897 in Bukovina, Austria and d. in 1964 in Montreal + Sarah. Mortimer was the brother of Salomon (Samuel) Hitzig; Anna Randall; Polly Segal; and others.

Our CLINTON's supporter - Eli J. Segal, 1943 - 2006, b. in New York, the son of Mortimer Segal b. ca 1922 and Rose Segal (born Zimand). The Jew family of ROMANIA. Rose was born on November, 30th in 1916, in Montreal, in Canada. Eli had 2 children. He m. twice: Shana A. Crystal in 2006, in New Jersey.
MARKUS Mortimer Segal b. ca 1900/1905 [NOT Mortimer Segal b. 1922], m. Rose Zimand in New York; Rose (Zimand) died September 22, 2005 - the mother of Eli and Alan. Grandmother of Jonathan, Mora, Yamin, and others. Eli J. Segal was the chief of staff of Bill Clinton's victorious campaign for president in 1992. The Eli J. and Phyllis N. Segal established the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University in 2007. Phyllis is currently Vice President of Encore.org, which empowers people over 50 to be a force for good. Phyllis serves on the boards of the John F. Kennedy Library.
Mentioned Moses / Moshe Hitzig / Mozes Hitzig b. 1874 in Cucinrul Mare, in Romania, d. in 1937 in Montreal, the son of Osias Hirsch Hitzig + Hannah Charlotte (Lotti). Moshe m. Rebecca Rifka Hitzig, 1872 in Czernovitz, in Buchovina, in Austria-Hungary - 1944 in Montreal, the daughter of Israel Unknown. Above Osias Hirsch Hitzig b. 1825 in CZERNIOWCE / Chernivtsi, in present Ukraine - d. ca 1869 in Szczerzec, the LWOW county. OSIAS was the son Simon Solomon Itzig + Sophia Aaron.

Mentioned Hannah Charlotte (Lotti) Hitzig b. 1830 in Lukowica close to Czerniowce / Lukowitza, Chernivtsi.
Osias Hirsch Hitzig known as Tzvi Hirsch Hitzig / Osias Hitzig the son of Simon Solomon Itzig and Sophia Aaron, b. 1805 in Schwerin. Above named Simon Solomon Itzig b. ca 1800 in Prussia, d. ca 1860 in Germany, the son of Elias Daniel Itzig + Marianne Leffmann. Named here Miriam Marianne Itzig (Leffmann) b. 1759 in Berlin, d. 1827 in Berlin, Germany, the daughter of Herz Abraham Heinrich Leffmann + Edel Riess.
Herz Abraham Heinrich Leffmann, ca 1725 in Germany - 1773 in Berlin.
The links to - KUBLICZE in Belarus, Samuel Richard Berger came from [his mother's line], also known as Sandy, who met in 1972 Bill Clinton!

On 08 AUGUST 2023:
The dangerous net of Jakub Frank in Czerniowce and his Frankist's movement in the service of Russian Intelligence in 60' of the 18th century. Suczawa-Jassy-Czerniowce and Romanian JEWS close to Clinton-Obama political arrangement: Segal of Romania and Garfinkel under Oginski with Maya Chrapowicka and Miezonka. Barack Obama and Samuel Berger - Kublicze in Belarus. J. F. Kennedy in 1963 and Dudino-Monasterszczyna of the HOLYNSKI family. Hillary Clinton and Podesta, Putin, Radek Sikorski. China and Russia with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama Husajn junior. Leopold Kronenberg, Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, Loewenstein and Gerlach, Zamoyski in Klemensow and Kaczorowski with Rettinger by Bogdan Konstantynowicz. J. F. Kennedy in 1963 and Dudino-Monasterszczyna of the HOLYNSKI family. Donald Trump and his faight in August 2023 against Tanyia Chutkan of Jamaica and she came from Frank Hill, and Stephen Hill, black nationalists, and communist spy. Hillary Clinton and Podesta, Putin, Radek Sikorski. China and Russia with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama Husajn junior. Leopold Kronenberg, Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, Loewenstein and Gerlach, Zamoyski in Klemensow and Kaczorowski with Rettinger.

On 10 August 2023:
Donald Trump in 2016-2023 vs global Russian and Soviet intelligence, also against Jews, Gypsies and Frankists from Chernivtsi / Czerniowce, Podhajce / Pidhaitsa, Suceava / SUCZAWA, Iasi / JASSY, Rohatyn and Chocen.
It is a highly anti-civilization Russian intelligence network, striving for dominance over the northern hemisphere, using Jews from Lithuania, Romania and Belarus [two estates of my relatives and the 3rd property of the next of kin to the owners of Miezonka] and other lost people, often sick and hating the environment, with pseudo-ideas about a colorful world.
Donald Trump against RESET policy from Botosani in Romania, SEGAL who came from Polly Segal (Hitzig) b. 1900 in Romania, d. 1993 in Montreal, the daughter of Moses Moshe Hitzig and Rebecca Rifka.
Polly m. Harry Segal b. 1902 in Romania, d. 1996 in Montreal, the son of Leizer Segal + Brana. Polly had 2 children, among others Mortimer SEGAL younger b. ca 1922. Harry had 2 brothers Saul Shlomo Segal; Meir Segal and sister Reisel Segal.
Trump vs CLINTON's supporter - Eli J. Segal, 1943 - 2006, b. in New York, the son of Mortimer Segal older b. ca 1900/1905 and Rose Segal (born Zimand). The Jew family of ROMANIA.
Donald Trump vs Samuel Richard Berger / ex BREGER, b. 1945, d. 2015, the son of Albert Berger (Aaron Breger) and Rose Lehrman. Rose b. 1910, the daughter of Louis or Yehuda Lieb Lehrman and Rebecca Fried. Mentioned above Albert (Aaron) Breger b. 1909 in New York, the son of Schulim Breger and Sara Laufer, b. 1882 in Osterreich (Austria), d. in 1959 in Fishkill, in the Dutchess County, New York. SARA was the daughter of Yehuda Schapiro and Chaika Laufer. Yehuda Schapiro (Laufer) b. ca 1845 in Bukovina, Austria. Chaika Laufer (nee Katz) b. ca 1850.
This family: in 1874 Rebecca Shapiro was born in Zhadowa, Austria. Zhadowa in Bukowina (ca 40 km west to Czernowitz / CZERNIOWCE).
Mentioned Albert (Aaron) Breger / Berger, b. 1909 in New York, the son of Schulim Breger and Sara Laufer. Named Schulim Breger b. ca 1876 in Osterreich (Austria), d. in 1921 in Brooklyn. The son of Josel Chaim Breger and Sarah Breger (Alter) b. ca 1857 in Osterreich (Austria). Mentiond Josel Chaim Breger b. ca 1859 in Viznitsa / WISNICA, in Austria = WYZNICA / Vyzhnytsya, in the Chernivets'ka oblast, Ukraine. The son of Israel Lieb Yehuda Breger and Toba Tessie Breger (Druckman) = Toba Stein b. in Austria.
This family:
Jacob Breger b. 1892 in Buchavenia / BUKOWINA, in Chenovitz / CZERNIOWCE, d. in 1963 in Dade, Florida. About Jacob Breger says born in Vizhnitsa, in Austria, which is in the Chernivets'ka Oblast.
Trump against Jakob Frank was the son of a rabbi who traveled in the Middle East, in 1738. But in 1730 they moved home to CZERNIOWCE. On Jakob's return to Poland in 1755, he founded the Frankists, a heretical Jewish sect that was an anti-Talmudic outgrowth of the mysticism of Sabbatai Zevi. Frank born Jakub Lejbowicz in 1726, claimed to be the reincarnation of messiah Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676). Jacob Frank maybe was born in Buchach / BUCZACZ, 39 km south-east to PODHAJCE. His father was a Sabbatean, and moved to CZERNIOWCE / Czernowitz, in 1730. Frank began to reject the Talmud. Jakob Frank in 1738 joined his father on a business journey to Thessaloniki and he was introduced to Sabbatean circles in Thessaloniki. Jakob Frank returned to Poland in 1755. As a traveling merchant in textile and precious stones he often visited Turkish territories, in Tesaloniki / Salonica and Smyrna. But they settled in Vallachia, part of the Ottoman Empire, and in Bukovina and Bucharest were he was learning the local Cabbalistic traditions of Judaism and learning Ladino, the language of the Sephardic Jews in the Balkans, and Turkish with Hebrew.
Marcin Mikolaj Radziwill of Ostrow Wielkopolski was the supporter of the FRANKISTS.
In 1765, Jakob Frank, known Sabbatean, planned to establish links with the Russian Orthodox Church and with the Russian government through a Russian ambassador in Warsaw, Prince REPNIN. At the end of the year a Frankist delegation went to Smolensk and Moscow.
A social movement related to sexual deviations was developed in the Frankist region:
Podhajce - Rohatyn - Dubno - Czerniowce - Suczawa.
There, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, Wilhelm Reich appeared, supporter of bestiality, pedophilia, group sex, liquidation of marriage, free love. The communist Kollataj of the Lenin government created an educational system supporting these sexual disorders. The anarchist movement in the 19th century was dominated by homosexuals.
Three coups in the US: 1881, 1901, 1963, were prepared and co-organized by structures related to sexual liberation and homosexuality, but also to the national minority, liberalizing and mainly derived from the territories of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. They were accompanied by Baltic Germans and Poles, or Polish-Jewish mixed blood persons. All this structure was managed from Russia. The Illuminati formed in the 18th century by the Russian intelligence interested in conquering Central Europe, the American Pacific coast, the Caucasus and the Balkans. The Russians mainly operated in the 18th century through Denmark [with Altona close to Hamburg under Denmark rule] and Malta, by the Templar movements of the Scottish Jacobites who sought support and facilities in St. Petersburg; through the Maltese Order,
through the Frankists in Frankfurt am Main, Altona near Hamburg, Skala Podolska, Krasne close to Przasnysz;
in Ostrow Wielkopolski, Kamieniec Podolski, Podhajce and Rohatyn in Ukraine.
The peak moment to the Russian victory was 1945 and 1963, when after killing of President John F. Kennedy, a network of secret societies of a globalistic-pro-Russian and liberal-sexual character, took over power in the US until 2016/2017 - but Donald Trump is fighting with the Czerniowce-Jassy-Suczawa movement of Romanian Jews in 2023. Underground monolith in Poland ie. pro-Russian minority-communist-liberal-sexual political option collapsed in 2015. In the US, the Illuminati-globalists suffered in November 2016 with Donald Trump. In the UK in 2017-2020 with Brexit. Of course, the Russians do not allow their global intelligence structures to fail after 300 years, the period of circa 1715-2015, when they built their power, whose symbol is the Russian Army in Paris in 1814. And a small Russian colony in California was at the same time.
We have Vorona Mare in Romania close to Botosani.
Moses / Moshe Hitzig / Mozes Hitzig b. 1874 in Cucinrul Mare, in Romania, d. in 1937 in Montreal, the son of Osias Hirsch Hitzig + Hannah Charlotte (Lotti). Moshe m. Rebecca Rifka Hitzig, 1872 in Czernovitz, in Buchovina, in Austria-Hungary - 1944 in Montreal, the daughter of Israel Unknown. Above Osias Hirsch Hitzig b. 1825 in CZERNIOWCE / Chernivtsi, in present Ukraine - d. ca 1869 in Szczerzec, the LWOW county. OSIAS was the son Simon Solomon Itzig + Sophia Aaron. The commune of Cucinrul-Mare, the court area of Cernauti / Czerniowce.
We have Cucorani in Romania close to Roma [Romani center ?] and to Botosani.
Cucinrul in the County of Cernauti (CZERNIVCI / Cernivti, Czerniowce, Czernowitz, Czernowcy / Cernovti), of Romania bef. 1945, in Bukovina, with the capital city at Cernauti. The area was incorporated into the Soviet Union in 1940. Cucinrul-Mare, the Czerniowce County / Cernttuti = Cernauti, Chernivtsi Oblast, at present in Ukraine. The area known as Bukovina with Chernivtsi passed to the Turks and then in 1774 to the Habsburg monarchy. In 1918/1920 - 1940, Romania - after World War I, it was ceded to Romania, and in 1940, the town was acquired by the Ukrainian SSR.
Mordechai Nissan Lypski born ca 1815 maybe close to SUWALKI or in SUWALKI [north-east Poland]. He visited the USA for economic advantage before the civil war 1861. He was a participant in the 1849 California Gold Rush. He make money in the USA as the wholesale wheat trader.
Kenneth Joseph "Ken" Arrow born in 1921 is an American economist, writer, and political theorist. Arrow was born in New York City. By Wikipedia: "... Arrow's mother, Lilian, was born in IaLzi (Romania), and his father, Harry, was from Podu Iloaiei (close to Iasi, Romania). The Arrow family has Romanian Jewish origins. ... Growing up during the Great Depression, he embraced socialism in his youth. He would later move away from socialism, but his views retained a left philosophy...".
Donald Trump vs ELISHA SCHOR, the first known of the Wolowski family, was a descendant of Zalman Naphtali Schor, rabbi of Lublin. For many years Elisha Schor held the position of Maggid in the community of ROHATYN / Rogatin, and was among the leaders of Shabbateanism in the southeastern part of the Polish Kingdom. In 1755, with his sons and his son-in-law Hirsch Shabbetais, the husband of his daughter Hayyah, joined the sect of Jacob Frank / JAKOB FRANK, whom he regarded as the loyal successor of Shabbateanism. It was at Elisha's initiative and with his participation that the disputation with the rabbis was held at Kamieniec Podolski / Kamenets Podolski in June 1757; he also signed the Patshegen ha-Ta'anot ve-ha-Teshuvot ("Summary of the Arguments and the Replies").

TADEUSZ BRZEZINSKI was the father of Zbigniew Brzezinski and they came from the Wolowski-Szymanowski branch of the Frankists:
Diplomat, Tadeusz Brzezinski, and Leonia Roman married Brzezinski, helped Jews escape Nazi Germany. TADEUSZ's father - Kazimierz Brzezinski junior b. 1866 in Zolkiew, was son of Kazimierz Brzezinski senior and Zuzanna Mayer.

Maria Szymanowska born Marianna Agata Wolowska younger in Warsaw, 1789, died in 1831.

Jakub Szymanowski, 1795/1797 - 1873, was the son of Franciszek Szymanowski and Agata Wolowska older b. 1770; Franciszek was born in 1760/bef. 1770, in Warszawa; Agata Wolowska Szymanowska older was born in 1770, in Warszawa, died in Virginia in USA.
Franco Francis Szymanowski / Franciszek Szymanowski b. ca 1760 or 1770, and Agatha / AGATA Wolowska, had a daughter Marianna Kunegunda Zawadzka.

Filipina Szymanowska that is Filipina Brzezinska-Szymanowska (1800 - 1886) was a Polish pianist and composer,
the daughter of Franciszek Szymanowski / Franco Francis Szymanowski {b. ca 1770/1780} and Agatha / AGATA Wolowska older b. 1770.
FILIPINA was sister-in-law of the composer Maria Szymanowska ("szwagierka" or "bratowa" = sister-in-law). Named above Maria Szymanowska born Marianna Agata Wolowska younger in Warsaw, 1789, died in 1831, St. Petersburg, Russia; was a Polish composer and one of the first professional virtuoso pianists of the 19th century. Marianna Agata Wolowska was daughter of Franciszek Wolowski, a landlord and a brewer. Her mother - Barbara LANCKORONSKA, 1780 - 1849 / 1850?

Adam Wolowski (1855 to August 1865) and then Stanislaw Pusch were the directors of the Warsaw mint; that is Adam Ernest Wolowski, b. ca 1798, died 1868 - Warszawa.
He married ca 1820 to Barbara Maryewska, 1796-1863; his children:
Wladyslaw Jozef Ludwik WOLOWSKI, 1829-1895 + Jozefa Teofila Szymanowska, 1833-1875;
with son
Adam Franciszek Gabriel Wolowski, 1856-1900 m. the 1st Maria Koziell-Poklewska, 1860-1891, the 2nd to Pss Stefania Woroniecka 1860-1925.
Felicja Zofia Wolowska 1832-1906 + Count Bronislaw Juliusz Edmund Lasocki, a judge in Mlawa, 1828-1912;
Stanislaw Wolowski, 1834-1892 + Maria Rawicz, 1840-1922.

Jozefa Teofila Szymanowska, 1833-1875: her father was
Jakub Szymanowski, 1795/1797-1873 [Member of the Agricultural Society of the Kingdom of Poland in 1861; lived in ZBIKOW close to BLONIE];
her half-brother was
Waclaw Cyryl Jakub SZYMANOWSKI, 1821-1886 who married Michalina Naimska, 1833-1918 [Jew, Nahymski, Frankist].

Jakub Szymanowski, 1795/1797 - 1873, was the son of Franciszek Szymanowski and Agata Wolowska; Franciszek was born in 1760/bef. 1770, in Warszawa; Agata was born in 1770, in Warszawa, died in Virginia in USA. Franco Francis Szymanowski / Franciszek Szymanowski b. ca 1760 or 1770, and Agatha / AGATA Wolowska, had a daughter Marianna Kunegunda Zawadzka.

Jakub Szymanowski had sister Filipina Teofila Brzezinska (born Szymanowska). She was married Franciszek Jakub Brzezinski, 1794 - 1846, the son of Michal Brzezinski;
Filipina Teofila Brzezinska nee Szymanowska had children:
Teofila Anna Zielinska;
Aniela Brzezinska;
Kazimierz Brzezinski senior [family of Zbigniew Brzezinski]
and Franciszka Teofila Krysinska.

Bronislaw Juliusz Edmund Lasocki [member of the 1863 Uprising], Count, 1828-1912, m. Felicja Zofia Wolowska, 1832 -1906. Her parents were the Frankists:
Adam Ernest Wolowski 1798-1868 + Barbara Maryewska, 1796-1863.

Wladyslaw Jozef Ludwik Wolowski that is Ludwik Wolowski, Member of the Agricultural Society of the Kingdom of Poland [with Jakub Szymanowski, 1795/1797-1873]; he lived in Chamsk, close to Biezun [north-east], the Mlawa county [32 km south-west to Mlawa and west of PRZASNYSZ]; b. ca 1829, died in 1895 in Warszawa,
was the son of mentioned
Adam Ernest Wolowski 1798-1868 and Barbara Maryewska, 1796-1863.

Wladyslaw Jozef Ludwik Wolowski married in 1851, Warszawa, to Jozefa Teofila Szymanowska, 1833-1875,
with a son
Adam Franciszek Gabriel WOLOWSKI, 1856-1900 + Maria Koziell-Poklewska, 1860-1891.

Adam Ernest Wolowski 1798-1868 - parents:
Adam WOLOWSKI 1770-1833, and Teresa Zalewska.

Brygida Bardzka Walknowska + JAKUB Kiedrzynski [Izydor Kiedrzynski was the brother to named Jakub Kiedrzynski and Izydor's son was GABRYEL Kiedrzynski - my ancestor of Jedlno and Wola Wiazowa] had two daughters, among others:
Juliana Konstancja Kiedrzynska ARNOLD, b. 1770 / 1772-1811 or Julianna Kiedrzynska. Juliana was married in the Sobotka parish, close to Raszkow, in 1798, to Jan Arnold b. 1751 - died in 1840 in Pietrzykowo / Pietrzykow close to Kalisz. The Arnolds had a home in PLOCK in 1824. Jan was the owner of Pecherzow, married the 1st to Juljanna Kiedrzynski, b. ca 1770 / or in 1772-1811; he was 1st married Ruszkowska, widowed, the owner of Wierzchoslaw [north to GOLENIOW]; he was 3rd married in 1813 in LISKOW to Helena Kiedrzynska (17 km west to WILCZKOW, the place of birth to Jakub Kiedrzynski; south to MADALIN, 8 km south-west to BEDZIECHOW of Kiedrzynski; 17 west-south-west to GLUCHOW ! and north-west to WRONIAWY), with a son of named Helena - Jozef ARNOLD, 1814-1885, and
a granddaughter, 1845-1935, married in 1867 in OSZCZEKLIN [in 1885 somebody of the branch Wolowski-Kiedrzynski-Arnold died in CZERNIOWCE, not in Oszczeklin] to Marian Jozef Edward Wolowski, 1838 - 1909,
the son of Ksawery WOLOWSKI b. Dec. 1792 - Warsaw, d. 1867 - Oszczeklin;
studied in Warsaw, married Agnieszka Basinska.
See: Mikolaj Basinski, inf. in 1844 in Kalisz and in 1839 in SZADEK.
Ksawery WOLOWSKI b. Dec. 1792 married Agnieszka Basinska Wolowski, b. 1809 in LASK, died in OSZCZEKLIN in 1897, south-west to WRONIAWY and LISKOW.
Julianna Arnold nee Kiedrzynska had two great-granddaughters:
Seweryna Jozefa Maria Wolowska 1869-1949 (m. Walenty Hieronim Julian Kamocki in ca 1885), and
Wanda Edwardina Wolowska b. 1870 (m. Wincenty Jacenty Beniamin Gorski).
PETRONELA KIEDRZYNSKA married to Melchior Jan Pradzynski, and the Pradzynskis were the owners of Wola Wiazowa in the 19th century.
ca 1790, it bought Stanislaw Potocki. In 1854 Oszczeklin was owned by Ksawery Wolowski [with new village Ksawerow]. In 1866 the estate took his son Marian Wolowski, b. 1838, with ca 1875 Marianowo and Agnieszkowo. Marian Wolowski in 1863 was the insurgent. In 1909 died Stanislaw Wolowski, the son of named Marian. Marian Wolowski died also in 1909, buried in Rajsk.

Oszczeklin belonged to Maria, the daughter of Marian Wolowski [Wincenty Gorski was the 1st married to WANDA Edwardina Wolowska b. 1870]. Maria married Wincenty Gorski who bought the estate in 1899 from hands of Konrad Arnold. Oszczeklin belonged to ARNOLD in 1895.

Samuel Richard Berger / ex BREGER, b. 1945, d. 2015 [Hillary Clinton + Segal + Radek Sikorski in February 2008 + Bill Clinton and Podesta + Barack Obama and Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka with Czrdinal Karol Wojtyla + CZANIEC close to Roczyny of General Czeslaw Kiszczak + 08/09 April 2010 in Prague, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama with Donald Tusk and Medvedev closest to Vladymir Putin], the son of Albert Berger (Aaron Breger) and Rose Lehrman. Rose b. 1910, the daughter of Louis or Yehuda Lieb Lehrman and Rebecca Fried.
Mentioned above Albert (Aaron) Breger b. 1909 in New York, the son of Schulim Breger and Sara Laufer, b. 1882 in Osterreich (Austria), d. in 1959 in Fishkill, in the Dutchess County, New York. SARA was the daughter of Yehuda Schapiro and Chaika Laufer. Yehuda Schapiro (Laufer) b. ca 1845 in Bukovina, Austria.
Chaika Laufer (nee Katz) b. ca 1850.
This family:
in 1874 Rebecca Shapiro was born in Zhadowa, Austria. Zhadowa in Bukowina (ca 40 km west to Czernowitz / CZERNIOWCE).
Mentioned Albert (Aaron) Breger / Berger, b. 1909 in New York, the son of Schulim Breger and Sara Laufer. Named Schulim Breger b. ca 1876 in Osterreich (Austria), d. in 1921 in Brooklyn. The son of Josel Chaim Breger and Sarah Breger (Alter) b. ca 1857 in Osterreich (Austria).
Mentiond Josel Chaim Breger b. ca 1859 in Viznitsa / WISNICA, in Austria = WYZNICA / Vyzhnytsya, in the Chernivets'ka oblast, Ukraine. The son of Israel Lieb Yehuda Breger and Toba Tessie Breger (Druckman) = Toba Stein b. in Austria.
This family:
Jacob Breger b. 1892 in Buchavenia / BUKOWINA, in Chenovitz / CZERNIOWCE, d. in 1963 in Dade, Florida. About Jacob Breger says born in Vizhnitsa / WYZNICA, in Austria, which is in the Chernivets'ka Oblast.

The transfer of people from the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Romania [Suczawa-Czerniowce-Jassy] began in the years 1860s and 1870s, mainly from modern Belarus, Lithuania and ethnic Poland. Often, to hide the origin and roots of these people [national minority from ex-Grand Duchy of Lithuania], they were given the term 'Russians' from 'Russia'. This applies, of course, to everyone from Zmudz / Samaites, around Grodno / Hrodna, and the Minsk Governorate of Belarus.

The Russians created ideologies for this underground political intelligence and the system of secret organizations [Freemasonry, too]. Marxism, atheism, and feminism as well abortion movement, mixed with anarchism, they were supposed to be the basis for contacts with Soviet Russia in the 1960s of the 20th century. There were quite other people behind direct killers in 1901 and 1963: in 1901 they organized weapons and money, provided organizational contacts, and in 1963 they gave home, work and political contacts. An uninterrupted intelligence system is depicted on this website and on other pages in my domain 'konstantynowicz.info'.
This structure was based, among others on genealogies and places of residence in Belarus, Lithuania, Estonia, in Russia and Poland, as well as Scotland and Ireland. In addition, in France and Switzerland.
To conquer the North American west coast [Alaska - to California] they created - [beginning in 1721] through contacts on Malta - the intelligence network in Central and Western Europe [phase 1741-1791]. This organization was called the Illuminati [official beginnings of 1776/1778/1779]. In Poland it was built from the side of Kamieniec Podolski / Kamianets-Podilskyi and Podolia / Podole, through Warsaw and western Great Poland / Wielkopolska. In Germany: Courland [then German-Polish territory], Konigsberg, Berlin, Neuchatel [then in Prussia], Brunswick and Strasbourg. In Great Britain: southern Ireland, Scotland, London. In Russia, among others the Tver Governorate and Minsk Province in Belarus and the Vitebsk Governorate [together with Polish Livonia].

Mentioned Kazimierz Brzezinski junior studied in Zloczow, then in Lwow; 1889 back home to Zolkiew; 1894-1897 worked in Zloczow; married in 1894 in Zolkiew or in Zloczow, to Zofia Woroniecka,
the daughter of Maksymilian WORONIECKI and Ernestyna Kropaczek b. ca 1850.
In 1896 was born son - above mentioned Tadeusz Brzezinski.
Tadeusz Brzezinski in 1928-1931, lived in Lille, then 1931-1935 in Lipsk, 1936 - 1937 in Charkow; 1938, Tadeusz and Leonia ROMAN b. 1896 in Brzeziny close to Lodz [came from Krzynowloga Mala, north to Przasnysz],
with sons:
Adam, Zbigniew Brzezinski the US advisor, Lech and Jerzy Zylinski, moved to New York, and Montreal.

Mentioned above wife of Kazimierz Brzezinski - Zofia, after death of her husband in 1924 in Przemysl, was living in BORUJA / Broruja / Borui in the Wolsztyn county; d. June 1941, and buried in KROSNO [Laczki Jagiellonskie ?; now in Przemysl]; Laczki Jagiellonskie - village in the Krosno county.

Named above Ernestyna Woroniecka nee Kropaczek, b. ca 1850, was the wife of Maksymilian Woroniecki [born ca 1840; a branch of the Galicia Woroniecki clan from Brzezany, Zloczow, Zbaraz], and the mother of Zofia Brzezinska.
Mentioned above Zofia Brzezinska b. circa 1866 / 1870, died 1941 in BORUJA, west border of Poland, buried in Laczki Jagiellonskie, close to Krosno. Mother of Tadeusz Brzezinski and Bogdan Brzezinski. Above Bogdan Brzezinski was the father of Bronislaw Brzezinski b. 1909 in Krematorow, died 1990 in Gora Kalwaria. Above Kazimierz Brzezinski, Jr. b. 1866 in Zolkiew, died 1924 in Przemysl.
Named Boruja / Boruia / Borui - village in the Wolsztyn county; 1776, Kuznica was owned by Ludwik Mielecki; Boruja Kuznicka was named Boruja Koscielna [Kirchplatz-Borui]; Chobienice and GrAljec to Mielzynski family !, Belecin to Mielecki; Wielka Wies owned by Bloch; Tuchorza to Kotwitz / Kottvitz.
In 1830 Maciej Mielzynski of Chobienice [see SZUMSKI here] was insurrgent of the November Uprising under gen. Chlapowski in Lithuania. In 1848, Chobienice, was the center of Uprising with Jozef Mielzynski (son of Maciej), Ignacy Bobrowski, Jan Adamczak, Ignacy Szumski, and landlord of Wroniawa - Stanislaw Plater. Ca 1900 acted here Maciej Mielzynski [junior] of Chobienice.
In MIELEC died in 1867 Kazimierz Woroniecki, son of above named Maksymilian and Ernestyna Kropaczek; and in Mielec died in 1870 above Maksymilian Woroniecki.

Mentioned Zbigniew Brzezinski joined the faculty of Harvard University in 1952 [Henry Kissinger in 1952 also joined the faculty of the Harvard University] but moved to Columbia University in 1959. The former director of the CIA, Robert Gates, stated in his memoirs that the American intelligence services began to aid the Mujahiddin in Afghanistan six months before the Soviet intervention. Is this period, Zbigniew Brzezinski was the national securty advisor to President Carter. On July 3, 1979 President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul.

Next great person - Stanley Hoffmann was born 1928, in Vienna. He was living in Nice, then in Neuilly in 1936, graduated at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques in 1948, in 1951, he studied at Harvard's government department, where his fellow students included Zbigniew Brzezinski, Judith N. Shklar and Samuel Huntington, and where he became a protege of McGeorge Bundy, a professor in the department; Mr. Hoffmann avoided the role of counselor to government leaders. Mr. Bundy was a professor in the department, not its chairman.

Judith Nisse Shklar b. 1928, was a political theorist, and worked at Harvard University;
Judith Shklar was born in Riga, Latvia to Jewish parents who fled there; graduated from McGill University and at the Harvard University in 1955.

Samuel Phillips Huntington b. 1927, was an American political adviser, at Harvard University he was director of Harvard's Center for International Affairs; during the Carter administration, Huntington was the White House Coordinator of Security Planning for the National Security Council; a member of Harvard's department of government from 1950 until 1959, and along with Zbigniew Brzezinski moved to Columbia University in New York. Huntington and Warren Demian Manshel co-founded and co-edited Foreign Policy.

The Arnold A. Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies is a research center that is part of Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs in New York, was led for 25 years by Professor William T. R. Fox. Prominent scholars have included Samuel P. Huntington, Glenn Snyder, Roger Hilsman, Michael Armacost, and Joan E. Spero.

Glenn Herald Snyder b. 1924 an important scholar of international relations theory and security studies.
Roger Hilsman, Jr. b. 1919, was an aide and adviser to President John F. Kennedy and, briefly, to President Lyndon B. Johnson, in the U.S. State Department while serving as Director of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research during 1961-1963.

John Davison Rockefeller Sr. (1839 - 1937) was a co-founder of the Standard Oil Company, which dominated the oil industry; with Andrew Carnegie defined the structure of modern philanthropy.

Above mentioned Andrew Carnegie (1835 - 1919) was a Scottish industrialist "who led the enormous expansion of the American steel industry in the late 19th century. He is often identified as one of the richest people in history, alongside John D. Rockefeller and Jakob Fugger". Andrew Carnegie was born in Dunfermline, Scotland; his uncle, George Lauder Sr., a Scottish political leader, deeply influenced him as a boy.

George Lauder Sr., b. 1837, was a Scottish industrialist, and a partner in the Carnegie Steel Corporation, a forerunner of U.S. Steel. His father known for his commitment to Scottish nationalism was a keen radical for the time; after Andrew and his family left for America, George stayed in Scotland, studying under Lord Kelvin.

ELISHA SCHOR, the first known of the Wolowski family, was a descendant of Zalman Naphtali Schor, a rabbi of Lublin. For many years Elisha Schor held the position of Maggid in the community of ROHATYN / Rogatin, and was among the leaders of Shabbateanism in the southeastern part of the Polish Kingdom.
In 1755, with his sons and his son-in-law Hirsch Shabbetais, the husband of his daughter Hayyah, joined the sect of Jacob Frank / JAKOB FRANK, whom he regarded as the loyal successor of Shabbateanism. It was at Elisha's initiative and with his participation that the disputation with the rabbis was held at Kamieniec Podolski / Kamenets Podolski in June 1757; he also signed the Patshegen ha-Ta'anot ve-ha-Teshuvot ("Summary of the Arguments and the Replies"). An outright messianic movement developed around the person of one Shabbetai Tzvi (1626 - 1676) and his prophet, Nathan of Gaza. Nathan became a Roman Catholic, and the movement largely collapsed.

Jacob Frank's born as Yakov ben Judah Leib Frankovich (1726 - 1791). He was born in Podolia in Korolivka / Korolowka, a village located on the Tupa River in the Borshchiv District of Ternopil Oblast in western Ukraine. Korolivka is situated close Holovchyntsi village. Holovchyntsi - 45 km west to Skala Podolska of Kossakowska. Jakob Frank was the son of a rabbi who traveled in the Middle East, in 1738. But in 1730 they moved home to CZERNIOWCE. On Jakob's return to Poland in 1755, he founded the Frankists, a heretical Jewish sect that was an anti-Talmudic outgrowth of the mysticism of Sabbatai Zevi.
Frank born Jakub Lejbowicz in 1726, claimed to be the reincarnation of messiah Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676).

Jacob Frank maybe was born in Buchach / BUCZACZ, 39 km south-east to PODHAJCE. His father was a Sabbatean, and moved to CZERNIOWCE / Czernowitz, in 1730. Frank began to reject the Talmud. Jakob Frank in 1738 joined his father on a business journey to Thessaloniki and he was introduced to Sabbatean circles in Thessaloniki. Jakob Frank returned to Poland in 1755.
As a traveling merchant in textile and precious stones he often visited Turkish territories, in Tesaloniki / Salonica and Smyrna. But they settled in Vallachia, part of the Ottoman Empire, and in Bukovina and Bucharest were he was learning the local Cabbalistic traditions of Judaism and learning Ladino, the language of the Sephardic Jews in the Balkans, and Turkish with Hebrew. "In 1755 as a Sabbatian Messiah, Frank probably didn't know Polish nor Yiddish ... In the early 1750s, Frank became intimate with the leaders of the Sabbateans, like Osman Baba (d. 1720) in 1752, and the Donmeh in Salonica".
In Landskron / LANCKORONA his activity ended in a scandal. Frank was forced to leave Podolia. About 2000 Jews in Lvov in 1759, were accused of belonging to the Frankist cult, ie. the Sabbateans.

An outright messianic movement developed around the person of one Shabbetai Tzvi (1626 - 1676) and his prophet, Nathan of Gaza. Nathan became a Roman Catholic, and the movement largely collapsed.

Jacob Frank's born as Yakov ben Judah Leib Frankovich (1726 - 1791). He was born in Podolia in Korolivka / Korolowka, a village located on the Tupa River in the BORSZCZOW / Borshchiv District of Ternopil Oblast in western Ukraine. Korolivka is situated close Holovchyntsi village.
Holovchyntsi - 45 km west to Skala Podolska of Kossakowska.
Jakob Frank was the son of a rabbi who traveled in the Middle East, in 1738. But in 1730 they moved home to CZERNIOWCE. On Jakob's return to Poland in 1755, he founded the Frankists, a heretical Jewish sect that was an anti-Talmudic outgrowth of the mysticism of Sabbatai Zevi. Frank born Jakub Lejbowicz in 1726, claimed to be the reincarnation of messiah Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676). Jacob Frank maybe was born in Buchach / BUCZACZ, 39 km south-east to PODHAJCE. His father was a Sabbatean, and moved to CZERNIOWCE / Czernowitz, in 1730. Frank began to reject the Talmud.
Jakob Frank in 1738 joined his father on a business journey to Thessaloniki [spies around me from Greece and named Thessaloniki in 2014/2018, with links to Romani of Tbilisi and to Albania; and a girl aged 32 now, Thessaloniki, with boy-friend Andrei Kerul of the Ignalina / Ignalino district - with his friend a teacher from Ignalina but in Bulgaria - compare spies around me from Bulgaria: W. 46 in all 2023, Tatnam Cross 2 and 1 in 2022/2023; New Foundland Rd in August 2023] and he was introduced to Sabbatean circles in Thessaloniki.

Jakob Frank returned to Poland in 1755. As a traveling merchant in textile and precious stones he often visited Turkish territories, in Tesaloniki / Salonica and Smyrna. But they settled in Vallachia, part of the Ottoman Empire, and in Bukovina and Bucharest were he was learning the local Cabbalistic traditions of Judaism and learning Ladino, the language of the Sephardic Jews in the Balkans, and Turkish with Hebrew.
Donald Trump vs Garland had originally been Garfinkel, like Nakhman Garfinkel.
In 1888 they are living in Vaiguva, Kelmes district - 19 km north-west to KELME. The property of IGNACY Oginski SENIOR b. ca 1698, owner of Darsuniskis and Vaiguva / WAJGAWA / Wajguwa, ca 1775/1780. Ignacy Oginski (SENIOR, ca 1698 - 1775 in Halle), the Lithuanian Marshall, the Wilno governor, and in BRASLAW, envoy. The Borysow governor in 1720. The son of Marcjan Michal Oginski and Teresa Brzostowski. Donald Trump against Jews from Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, and Hungaria with Romania: CZERNIOWCE, Botosani, Suczawa, Jassy and Gypsies from Ploiesti, Timisoara and Bucuresti, Glowno, Zgierz, Zdunska Wola, Lodz, Szczecin and Police, Wabrzezno, Torun, Chelmza, Tczew and Gniew with Bydgoszcz; Jeleniewo, Olecko, RACZKI Wielkie and Suwalki. Donald Trump vs Yetta Gross (Schwartz) / Etta, born ca 1861 in Hungary, d. 1925 in New York, Bronx County, daughter of Morris D. Schwartz and Ray Schwartz. Above named Morris D. Schwartz b. in Hungary.
Named above Samuel Gross b. ca 1852, was the son of Jacob Gross and Pearl Gross.
Trump vs adviser of the US Presidents, Robert Summers (Samuelson) / Bob Summers b. 1922, d. 2012, the son of Frank Samuelson + Ella (Lypski) Samuelson b. ca 1900. Robert was the father to Lawrence / Larry Henry Summers; Robert was the brother to Harold Samuelson and Paul Samuelson.
And against Morris D. Schwartz b. in Hungary [Austria-Hungary Empire, for sample CZERNIOWCE; SOROS of Hungaria,
Lech Walesa with roots from Chocen, and Leszek Balcerowicz of Lipno; Romani of the Andrychow district: General Czeslaw Kiszczak, General Miroslaw Milewski, and main boss General Wojciech Jaruzelski with roots to KALISZ.
Donald Trump vs Anita Arrow Summers.
She is Professor Emerita at the University of Pennsylvania.
The daughter of Jewish immigrants from Romania. Trump vs Zbigniew Brzezinski, Summers, Samuelson of SUWALKI and Raczki Wielkie, Arrow, Wolowski, Szymanowski, Adam Mickiewicz, Jakub Frank, Shor, Leopold Kronenberg and Loewenstein, Tymieniecka and Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton. Donald Trump vs Samuel Berger - Kublicze in Belarus.
The J. F. Kennedy's assassination in 1963 and Dudino-Monasterszczyna of the HOLYNSKI family this is the same Russian intelligence net. Hillary Clinton and Podesta, Putin, Radek Sikorski. China and Russia with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama Husajn junior. Leopold Kronenberg, Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, Loewenstein and Gerlach, Zamoyski in Klemensow and Kaczorowski with Rettinger. My research concerns multi-states intelligence networks created in the first half of the 18th century.
Initially it was a global political network of the Russian intelligence infiltrated by the British [1791], French [from the 40s of the 18th century] and Germans [1769/1776], and by the Polish independence conspiracy [was established ca 1792/1799] starting from a years 1870/1878.

Acc. to Polish goverment ie Morawiecki in September 2023, Merkel is top RESET figure [on 18 September 2023, 15.40, Jew from Albacete in north Andalusia, LGB..., like a support to woman-teacher-provocator, 180 cm, at 1 - 3, Commercial Road in 2021-2023]. Obama has seen Merkel several times since he left office in 2017, and has always been full of praise for the German leader. In his 2020 memoir 'A Promised Land,' he called Merkel 'reliable, honest, intellectually precise and friendly in a natural way.' In November 2009 Merkel's speech at Congres of USA. Chancellor Merkel has said Mr Obama is 'fun' to work with. She welcomed him on his first visit to Berlin as president in 2013. On 17 Nov 2016, Obama in a joint statement with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. SEVEN years later TRUMP cancelled BUTON and caused a tornado from the site of the Soviet Jews, globalization and RESET to Russia of Eli Segal, Samuel Berger, Hillary Clinton, Paul Wolfowitz, Zbigniew Brzezinski and Barack Obama together with the Russian intelligence net and German influences. Reset to Russia in 1972-February 2023 was heavily based on the genealogical groundwork of my family Konstantynowicz in Kublicze, Berezyna, Miezonka, Dudino-Monasterszczyna, Vajguva / Wajgowo in Belarus-Lithuania-western Russia: Robert Rubin, Robert Schwarz Strauss, Arlen Specter, Czeslaw Kiszczak in 1972 the head of military intelligence, the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1972, TANYIA CHUTKAN, Tannenwald nad Radoslaw Sikorski, Samuel Berger, Bill Clinton, Eli Segal, with Garfinkel of Antopol / Antopal, Szawle and Wajgowo. All above ring attacked Donald Trump in 2016-2023. In 2016. Obama and Merkel on the eve of the vist at Wirtschaftswoche wrote that they won't world before GLOBALISATION. President Barack Obama holds a bilateral meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany in the Oval Office, Feb. 9, 2015. 'Germany is one of our strongest allies, so whenever we meet, it's an opportunity to coordinate closely on a whole range of issues critical to our shared security and prosperity,' President Obama said in a joint press conference. 'As Angela and our German friends prepare to host the G7 this spring, it's also important for us to be able to coordinate on a set of shared goals.' President Obama and Chancellor Merkel's meeting was dominated by two particular issues: Russia's aggression against Ukraine, and the fight against ISIL. In JUNE 2015 Merkel met Obama at G7. President Barack Obama praised German Chancellor Angela Merkel for her work with refugees in Europe, saying 'she's on the right side', on 24 Apr 2016. President Obama says Germany's Angela Merkel is 'on Right Side'. On 24 Apr 2016, Obama praised Merkel, saying that he is 'proud' of her and the German people. 'She is on the right side of history on this,' he said in a press conferency. On 17 Nov 2016, Barack Obama meets Angela Merkel for the last time in his presidency, he may be tempted to think back to one of their first encounters. On 17 Nov 2016, Chancellor Merkel has said Mr Obama is 'fun' to work with. She welcomed him on his first visit to Berlin as president in 2013. On 25 May 2017 Angela Merkel [the Billewicz / Bjelewicz family of Baszkow close to Silesian border, bef. 1793, was Angela's ancestors. Under cover of Counts MIELZYNSKI], the most powerful leader in Europe, first met Obama in Berlin discussing democracy and faith at the Brandenburg Gate. Barack Obama met Merkel in Berlin on 5 Apr 2019. Chancellor Angela Merkel has received former U.S. President Barack Obama at her office in Berlin for a meeting during the former US President's tour of Germany. From Bush to Biden, Angela Merkel interacted with US presidents. Since Angela Merkel became German chancellor in 2005 she has seen three US presidents come and go. Following the tense Trump years, we see more harmonious scenes with Joe Biden. Angela Dorothea Merkel is a German former politician and scientist who served as chancellor of Germany from 2005 to 2021; she came from communist East Germany. Former leaders Merkel and Obama meet in Washington on June 29, 2022. "The pair of former German and US leaders visited a museum together, with former US President Barack Obama taking the opportunity to praise his 'friend'." "Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel traveled to the United States and included time for a visit with former US President Barack Obama in Washington. The pair, known to have had a strong working relationship when they overlapped in office, met at the National Museum of African American History and Culture".

Trump vs Monasterszczyna and Dudino of Holynski intermarried Konstantynowicz - the assassination of J. F. Kennedy in 1963; Parvus of Berezyna close to Miezonka of Konstantynowicz; Hanecki; Samuel Berger in 1972 with Hillary Clinton; Piottuch-Kublicki in Kublicze with Soltan and Konstantynowicz - the link to Samuel Richard Berger / ex BREGER, b. 1945, d. 2015, the son of Albert Berger (Aaron Breger) and Rose Lehrman. Samuel Berger in 1972 met Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton - Berger's mother came from Kublicze of Piottuch-Kublicki, and Kublicki intermarried Szumski and Konstantynowicz of Miezonka. Hillary Clinton in February 2008, Barack Obama and the links to Anna Teresa Tymieniecka, Loewenstein, Leopold Kronenberg with Krasinski of Krasne and with Zamoyski of Klemensow - the links to Rettinger and Kaczorowski. Donald Tusk with Wybicki, Garczynski, Nostitz-Jackowski and Gostkowski of Tomice, Koscierzyna; Angela Merkel in Baszkow, with Mielzynski, Billewicz. RESET in November 2007 until 12 July 2023 in Vilnius, with the links to Jesus James Angleton, Rettinger and Zamoyski in Klemensow, Kaczorowski in Klemensow-Bodaczow, Cracow, Czaniec; and Wojtyla in Czaniec close to Roczyny, Inwald and General Miroslaw Milewski.
Wojtyla in Czaniec close to Roczyny, Inwald and General Miroslaw Milewski.
Samuel Berger and Hillary Clinton, Zbigniew Brzezinski and Sandberg; Angela Merkel with Donald Tusk, John F. Kennedy, George Mohrenschildt and the Russian intelligence global network after 1721/1741. On 02 August 2023: John Luman Smith (born 1969) is an American attorney who has served in the United States Department of Justice as an assistant U.S. attorney, acting U.S. attorney, and head of the department's Public Integrity Section. GARLAND appointed SMITH. Merrick Brian Garland (born November 13, 1952) is an American lawyer and jurist serving since March 2021 as the 86th United States attorney general. Garland's "[by Wikipedia] mother Shirley (nee Horwitz; 1925-2016) was a director of volunteer services at Chicago's Council for Jewish Elderly (now called CJE SeniorLife). Trump vs BERGER got to know Clinton since 1972 and sometime in the '90s, when Bill Clinton went down to Arkansas one weekend.
About March of '71, it was got a call from one of BERGER's closest friends still today, Eli Segal, who later on in the Clinton administration began AmeriCorps, Welfare to Work, and was the Chief of Staff of the campaign in 1992. Beregr was thinking about coming down to Washington to do a clerkship for Judge Theodore Tannenwald of the tax court.
Later they are going to elect a President [Bill Clinton] who's 'going to end the war' [with Russia? or in Palestina...].
Trump vs Eli J. Segal, 1943 - 2006, b. in New York, the son of Mortimer Segal and Rose Segal (born Zimand). The Jew family. Rose was born on November 30 1916, in Montreal, in Canada. Eli had 2 children. He m. twice:
Shana A. Crystal in 2006, in New Jersey. Above Mortimer Segal m. Rose Zimand in New York; Rose (Zimand) died September 22, 2005. Mother of Eli and Alan. Grandmother of Jonathan, Mora, Yamin, and others.
Eli J. Segal was the chief of staff of Bill Clinton's victorious campaign for president in 1992.
The Eli J. and Phyllis N. Segal established the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University in 2007. Phyllis is currently Vice President of Encore.org, which empowers people over 50 to be a force for good. Phyllis serves on the boards of the John F. Kennedy Library. Eli J. Segal was Clinton Aide who led major initiatives. Eli J. Segal was an American politician, and Bill Clinton stated in 2007 that Eli J. Segal "had a quality that was relatively rare in public service, government service, at the time. He could take a vision and turn it into a reality". Segal got his start in politics during the 1972 presidential campaign of George McGovern. He organized some business ventures in the 1980s, and was CEO of Vogart Crafts Corporation before becoming Chief of Staff of President Bill Clinton's campaign in 1992. After the election of Bill Clinton, Segal served as the first CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service; then he was - by President Clinton - assistant to Clinton's Welfare-to-Work initiative. Eli Segal m. 1st to Nichamoff / Niczamow [Russian Jew?] in 1965, in New York, with 2 children. Eli Jay Segal was an architect of Democratic presidential campaigns from Eugene McCarthy and George McGovern through Bill Clinton.
Trump has so far been indicted in two cases, one involving his payment of silence to porn star Stormy Daniels, brought by the New York State Attorney's Office, and the other, related to the keeping of documents containing state secrets in his home, brought by specially appointed independent prosecutor Jack Smith.
At the same time, on 09 May 2023, Donald Trump was attacked in New York. Action has boss Roberta Ann Kaplan (born 1966), an American lawyer. Kaplan joined Paul Weiss in 1996 and was made partner in 1999. She has served on the board and as chair of the board of the Gay Men's Health Crisis, which created the Roberta Kaplan Legal Center to provide free legal services. In July 2017, Kaplan founded Kaplan Hecker and Fink LLP, a law firm. Roberta Kaplan grew up in a Jewish family. LGBT scholar and activist Aaron Belkin was Kaplan's high school friend. She earned an B.A. in Russian history and literature. While in college she spent a semester abroad in Moscow and 'discovered a passion for political activism when she became active in the movement to free Soviet Jewry' - compare the Sandberg family in Romania, Moldowa and ukraine in the 70' of the 20th century. On 09 May 2023, KAPLAN acted against Trump. Co-operated with Mark Lawrence Wolf (born November 23, 1946). Kaplan is friend to Jews from Poland - from Benjamin and Lena (nee Cohen) Smith, Jewish immigrants from Poland who lived on a farm in Sullivan County, New York. "Deranged Jack Smith, DOJ [Justice] prosecutor of Joe Biden, sent a letter (it was Sunday night! - today we have Tuesday, 18 July 2023, and provocators against me 14.10/15.25, also from the local Police HQ) stating that I was the target of a grand jury investigation on January 6, and giving me a very short four days to appear before the grand jury juries, which almost always means arrest and charge," - Trump tweeted on his TRUTH Social. In a lengthy statement he posted, he said that he was once again the victim of political persecution and this is another "election interference", indicating that he is an opponent of President Biden in next year's election. At the same time, he maintained his false theses about electoral fraud. "This is a very sad and dark time for our nation," he said. Trump has so far been indicted in two cases, one involving his payment of silence to porn star Stormy Daniels, brought by the New York State Attorney's Office, and the other, related to the keeping of documents containing state secrets in his home, brought by specially appointed independent prosecutor Jack Smith.
Smith is also investigating the January 6 events and Trump's attempts to alter the election results. Additionally, Trump is under investigation by the Georgia state's attorney's office, which is investigating his pressure on local authorities to overturn the state's election results.
Donald Trump vs several other noteworthy Trilateral members: George H. W. Bush; Bill Clinton; Dick Cheney; Al Gore.
Keep in mind that the original stated goal of the TC was to create 'a new international economic order'. In the run-up to his inauguration after the 2008 presidential election, Obama was tutored by the co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, Zbigniew Brzezinski ...". The Trilateral Commission is a non-governmental group founded by David Rockefeller in July 1973. "...the Commission hopes to play a creative role as a channel of free exchange of opinions with other countries and regions. Further progress of the developing countries and greater improvement of East-West relations will be a major concern. ... Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter, from 1977 to 1981, ... and a Rockefeller advisor who was a specialist on international affairs, left his post to organize the group along with: Henry D. Owen,
George S. Franklin, executive director of the Council on Foreign Relations in New York,
Robert R. Bowie, the Foreign Policy Association and director of the Harvard Center for International Affairs,
Gerard C. Smith; Marshall Hornblower, former partner at Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering;
William Scranton, Edwin Reischauer, Max Kohnstamm, Tadashi Yamamoto;
other founding members included Alan Greenspan and Paul Volcker; both later heads of the Federal Reserve System"
[by Wikipedia].
"...Brzezinski, who later became the mastermind of Jimmy Carter's foreign affairs and national security blunders, is still looked to as a policy guru by the liberal media today. Using the same collectivist mindset, objectives and premise as the CFR, Rockefeller funded and set up the New York-based Trilateral Commission with Zbigniew Brzezinski as its intellectual architect and purposely patterned after Brzezinski's book. ...".
"... David Rockefeller is the grandson of John D. Rockefeller, founder of the Standard Oil Trust, which today are Exxon Mobil, Chevron, Conoco Philips. David Rockefeller's father founded the Chase National Bank, which today is JPMorgan Chase, where David Rockefeller was Chairman/CEO from 1969-1980 and beyond in other functions...".
Trump vs "... Zbigniew Brzezinski is Barack Obama's foreign policy advisor. ... Brzezinski was the national security advisor for President Carter from 1977 to 1981.
In 1988 he endorsed H. W. Bush for President and was Co-Chair of the H. W. Bush national security advisory task force. From 1987 to 1989 he also served on the H. W. Bush's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. Clinton Secretary of State Madeline Albright was a student of Brzezinski's. G. W. Bush Secretary of State, Condi Rice (also a former national security advisor), who studied under Albright's father, shares many of the same world government views with Brzezinski and Albright...".
Maciarewicz said that the diplomacy of Western countries together with - in Poland - military special services were involved in the coup d'etat on April 10, 2010; the Russians were the contractors murdering almost 100 people over Smolensk [I wrote down several pages in web net in 2010/2014 on the Smolensk coup d'etat, but I was kicked out in 2013 from my job position, by Jews Hern, Pisz and Romani of Brzesc Kujawski, Wloclawek and Lipno: Maciej Igor Wojtczak, and then acted around me his friend Radoslaw Sadowski of Przybranowo - both studied in Wloclawek, ex-Walesa core like Lipno and Chocen - from Chocen and Kowal acted around me spies in 1982/2001, next by Zgierz in the 70' and 90'of the 20th century by Malgorzata Zieleniewska, Przemyslaw, W. Adamski, Andrzej Zielinski and Jaworski-Cieslak-Sedzicki-Bogucki net at Sporna and at Krokusowa 57, 59, 55, 72A in Lodz] and then a dozen killed more in Poland. One can see here some role of the American services behind Obama, who on April 8, 2010 entered into an agreement with Russia in Prague [+ Merkel]. I will add now on April 19, 2023: it was the civilian Foreign Intelligence Agency [since 2002] that supported the Tusk government and led to the coup d'etat promoting Komorowski and Sikorski on April 10, 2010. The coup on April 08/10, 2010 had the permission of Obama and the US secret services behind it.
Under Obama we have directors of the Central Intelligence Agency (D/CIA) as the head of the Central Intelligence Agency, which in turn is a part of the United States Intelligence Community. The director reports to the director of national intelligence (DNI) and is assisted by the deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency (DD/CIA). The director of national intelligence (DNI) is a senior, cabinet-level United States government official. DNI top bosses during Obama's rule: 1. Dennis C. Blair, January 29, 2009 - May 28, 2010, his mother was Abbie-Dora Ansel Blair b. 1921 in Long Beach, Los Angeles County. 2. David Gompert, acting May-August 2010; 3. James Clapper, 2010 - January 20, 2017. CIA top bos:
Leon Panetta acting 2009 - June 2011. Leon Panetta b. 1938 in Monterey, California, the son of Carmelina Maria (Prochilo) and Carmelo Frank Panetta, Italian immigrants from Siderno in Calabria, Italy. In the 1940s, the Panetta family owned a restaurant in Monterey. Carmelina Maria Panetta (born Prochilo) was born 1912, the daughter of Giuseppe Prochilo and Vincenzina Panetta (born Muzzi). Giuseppe was born in Siderno, Calabria, Italy. Vincenzina was born in Mammola, Reggio di Calabria in Italy. Carmelina married Carmelo Francesco Panetta b. 1898, in Siderno, Calabria, Italy or Carmelo Panetta was born in 1883, in Cinquefrondi, Reggio Calabria, in Italy, as the son of Raffaele Panetta b. ca 1862 and Carolina Gatto. Carmelo Panetta was born in 1883, in Cinquefrondi, Reggio Calabria, the son of Raffaele Panetta and Carolina Gatto. Carmelo's siblings: Eleanor Panetta Collace, 1879-1920. Carmelo Panetta b. 1883, d. 1945 or ca 1945.
The Russians in Smolensk on April 10, 2010 were the same performers as in Gibraltar in 1943 when Sikorski and his entourage were murdered, but the permission was from our wartime allies. All hostile activities around me are carried out with the consent of the Western special services since 2005 and several European countries; the Russians use it [compare Tarashvili-Turabelidze and Warsaw Foreign Affairs]; the direct contractor is the Foreign Intelligence Agency from Zgierz, Lodz, Piotrkow Trybunalski, Opoczno, Szczecin, Police, Tczew, Suwalki, Wabrzezno and Bydgoszcz, Gniew, Chelmza.
On 12 April 2023 our PM Morawiecki said in USA:
"The Evil Empire has been reborn in the East. Russian barbarians threaten not only Ukraine. They threaten all of Europe and the whole free world. This is no mere incident, no coincidence, no maniac's impulse. Putin has been building his Evil Empire for 23 years [time of Obama, Merkel, Tusk since 2000], in preparation for this conflict. New Europe understands this. It is time that Old Europe understood it too".
And about November 25, 2016 began an unprecedented attack on Trump. Who led the attack?
Jill Ellen Stein born in 1950, an American physician, activist, and politician. Stein was born in Chicago, the daughter of Gladys Wool and Joseph Stein. By Wikipedia: "...Her parents were from Russian Jewish families, and Stein was raised in a Reform Jewish household, attending Chicago's North Shore Congregation Israel, a Reform synagogue...". She is the Ashkenazi Jewish family.
"Jill's paternal grandparents were Abraham 'Abe' Stein and Lillian / Lily Zeidman / Zudman (the daughter of Joseph Zeidman and Sarah Green). Abraham was a Jewish immigrant from Russia / Poland. Lillian was born in London, England, to Russian Jewish parents. Jill's maternal grandparents were Israel William Wool (the son of Aaron Wool and Rose Lerner) and Mae Surslossky / Swislow. Israel and Mae were Russian Jewish immigrants. Israel was from Volhynia [ex Poland]. Aaron was the son of Joseph Wool".
Above Abraham Stein b. 1903 in Latvia, d. 1971 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. We know on Abraham Stein b. 1905, died in 1971 in Pa, USA. The same ? ABRAHAM STEIN b. 1895, d. 1971 in Philadelphia. Read more: locateancestors.com/abraham-stein. Place of Burial in Jenkintown, PA, USA - this is Philadelphia!
Abraham was the son of Morris Stein and Eva Stein; Abraham was the husband of Helen Stein - not Lillian.
Above Eva Stein (Glass) b. 1872 in Lithuania - ex Poland, died 1946 in Phila in Pennsylvania, United States. Mother of Ethel Stein; Abraham Stein; Benjamin Stein; Phillip Stein and Leon Stein. Above Morris Stein b. 1874 in Lithuania [compare Jo Witchwil / Withwill attack on me in 2014/2016], d. 1950 in Phila, Pennsylvania, United States.
CBS News contributor, David Leavitt says he hopes Donald Trump dies before being sworn in as President.
David Leavitt wrote down: "Trump died sleeping" - 3:49 AM - 30 Nov 2016 - Boston, MA [twitter.com/DrDavidDuke/status/803977428179808256].
David Leavitt born 1961, is an American writer of novels, short stories, and non-fiction. He said - "I am the youngest son of a youngest son of a youngest son. ... All four of my grandparents were Jewish immigrants from the Pale of Settlement. Leavitt, a Mayflower name, is my grandfather's Americanization of Labovitz, which was in turn his father's Russianization of Lieb. Just as, in the Lithuania of the 1850s, a Russian name was considered better than a German name, so, in the Boston of the 1890s, a Mayflower name was considered better than a Russian name.
My paternal grandfather, Joe Leavitt, owned a dress shop in Lynn. ... He and his wife, May, had eleven children...
My father, Harold, was the baby of the family. He went to Harvard as an undergraduate, then earned his MA from Brown and his PhD from MIT. ...".
The Pale of Settlement "...was a western region of Imperial Russia with varying borders that existed from 1791 to 1917, in which permanent residency by Jews was allowed and beyond which Jewish permanent residency was generally prohibited. However, Jews were excluded from residency in a number of cities within the Pale, and a limited number of categories of Jews...", by Wikipedia.
Above Joseph Leavitt (Labovitz / Lieb) b. 1877 or 1878 in Lithuania / ex-Poland, died in Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States. Marriage: Massachusetts, USA. His father: Samuel Labovitz.
Mother: Ida Sarah Apreyafski / Aprejawski. That is Samuel Labovitz b. 1838 in Russia and Ida Apreyafski.
Joseph Leavitt (Labovitz ) b. 1877 or 1878 in Lithuania / ex-Poland, married Mamie Lapata b. January 1880 in Kushan, the Kovno government, in Russia / Lithuania
[where ? - north-east to VAIGUVA / Wajgowo of Ignacy Oginski senior = Kurszany / Kursenai / Kursenai, 23 km to Szawle / Siauliai; south-west of JONISKIS and Zagare, east of Telsiai / Telsze; in 1564 - Jerzy Despot-Zenowicz (1510-1583);
then to the Pac family - Stefan Pac (1587-1640) in 1631 sold the estate to Jerzy Gruzewski (1600-1651) who was married to Marianna Podbereska (1590-?); Gruzewski - to 1939 [Jerzy Gruzewski killed in Majdanek]; mainly Jewish population. Kurszany in 1717 belonged to Jakub Gruzewski (1670-?), grandson of Jerzy; Jakub m. Anna Potocka (1680-?) - Pilawa; Kurszany ca 1800 to Stefan Gruzewski (1776-1826), m. Jozefa Swiderska (1797-1826).

My research show deep sources to the coup d'etat of 1992 in Poland [going to Russia, USA, Romania and with Jakob Frank, Szymanowski-Wolowski-Brzezinski branch, and RESET-GLOBALIZATION ideology of 1972/2023] -
President Lech Walesa of Chocen, Smilowice, Golaszewo, Lipno, Wloclawek;
Donald Tusk of the Koscierzyna county;
Leszek Moczulski of Mariowka in the Przysucha district
[Leszek Robert Moczulski was worked out by me as a civil intelligence agent of the Department I of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Warsaw, in 1988, so Antoni Maciarewicz in 1992 had to reveal him again.
Leszek Robert Moczulski was financed by a private company in Ursus receiving payments from the Police, and by one of the banks. His organization in the 80' of the 20th century was a fictional one, and famous television and radio stations in the West was disseminating false information at the time to strengthen him as a fictional nationalist and Jozef Pilsudski's followers leader. Leszek Moczulski know as Berman was deliberately advocated by Bronislaw Geremek aft. 2000' years. According to Geremek, exactly that Leszek Moczulski was the leading Polish globalist, like Zbigniew Brzezinski in the 70' of the 20th century in US. In the forefront there were Gypsies like Katowice, Lodz, Szczecin within this organization. Therefore, the Gypsy family of St. MAGDALENA'S 15, father 50 years old, devilish face, graying, dark white complexion, long nose; the son 22-25 years, 190 cm, slim, brown short hair, on 02 October 2022, 14.35-14.50, they both acted like secret observers];
Waldemar Pawlak of Zychlin district and PACYNA;
Stefan Niesiolowski of LODZ with Police and Senegal;
Bronislaw Geremek of the Rozan commune in DZBADZ, with the roots in LODZ and in ZELECHOW.
The Cabinet of Jan Olszewski was the government of Poland from December 23, 1991 to June 5, 1992. On 2 June, 1992, the final day of coalition negotiations with the Confederation of Independent Poland, Macierewicz met with deputy Marshal of that party, informing him that its leader, Leszek Moczulski, was on the list of collaborators which will be presented to the Parliament the following day.
Shortly before the vote, President Lech Walesa [Chocen - Smilowice - Golaszewo + Lipno - Wloclawek] organized a meeting attended by: Donald Tusk [Koscierzyna: Wybicki, Garczynski and Nostitz-Jackowski], Tadeusz Mazowiecki, Mieczyslaw Wachowski, Leszek Moczulski [Mariowka - Kiedrzynski in the Przysucha district; together with the Pelka family - the mother line of Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski in USA. In Ursus], Waldemar Pawlak [Zychlin, here the Znyk family in the 19th and the 20th century and my fate in 1973-1977], Stefan Niesiolowski [Police / Szczecin with Senegal - 1982/1983 and 2005 - October 2022 together with Monika Sedzicka nee Bogucka and Paulina S. hidden by Krzysztof of TCZEW - compare PRUSZAK in Turze, Tczew, Zychlin and CHOCEN], Bronislaw Geremek [Dzbadz close to Rozan and the Castellani close to Opoczno-Przysucha-Bialynicze: Malachowski + Krasicki],
Ryszard Bugaj, Gabriel Janowski, Aleksander Luczak, Pawel Laczkowski. The talks resulted in the dismissal of Jan Olszewski's cabinet and the appointment of a new government headed by Waldemar Pawlak of Pacyna-Zychlin district.
Leaders: Walesa, Tusk, Moczulski, Pawlak, Geremek, Niesiolowski.

Samuel Berger was working four year in the Carter State Department (Carter was friend to Zbigniew Brzezinski). Berger has been part of Washington's Democratic establishment. Berger's closest friend was Pamela Harriman and he and Clinton named her ambasador to France.
Diplomacy of Zbigniew Brzezinski, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, was connected to Garfinkel of Szawle, Wajgowo and Antopol; and to emigrating Jews from CZERNIOWCE, Suczawa, Jassy and Botosani together with Radomsko-Zakrzew-Wielgomlyny, and this diplomacy was completely wrong. In Poland the Foreign Affairs Minister was Radek Sikorski with similar political point of view. His wife was Anne Elizabeth Applebaum, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey M. Applebaum of Washington. Radek was the son of Jan Sikorski of Dwor Chobielin, Poland. "Judge Theodore Tannenwald, a senior judge of the United States Tax Court in the District of Columbia, performed the wedding ceremony at the home of the bride's parents". Copyright by nytimes. Named above Theodore Tannenwald Junior was appointed in 1965 by President Lyndon Johnson, after shooting of President John F. Kennedy in 1963. The same President Johnson appointed Zbigniew Brzezinski.

Garfinkel was the Rabbi of SZAWLE. He came from the KOBRYN district, and here we have Antopol / Antopal.
"... Applebaum has stated that she was brought up in a "very reformed" Jewish family. Her ancestors came to America from what is now Belarus {Stolpce - Brzesc Litewski - Kobryn area}. ...".
"...Nathan Applebaum, born ca. 1880 in Kobrin, Russia (now Belarus), immigrated to U.S. ca. 1903, married cousin Freda (Friedberg), practiced law NYC until his death in 1939".
KOBRYN, east to Brzesc Litewski.
... the Applebaum family on the 1930 in the Kings County census. It turns out that your father had three additional siblings (all brothers - they are listed as being from Poland because in 1930, Kobrin, Belarus was under Polish rule).
The Applebaums of Kobrin were friends of Goldsteins and the Goldens of Kobrin. One of the Applebaums helped start a temple (no longer in existence) called Sharei Tephila, located at the former site of 30 Norfolk Street in Manhattan.
"Gershko (Harry) Vainshtein (Weinstein) who was born in Kobrin about 1805. His son, Meyer David, was my great-great-great grandfather, and one of his other daughters, was Fruma Applebaum. I see that you are related to both Weinsteins and Applebaums from Kobrin...".
And "Movsha-Gershko Mordechai Epelbaum / Appelbaum, b. ca 1860 ..." Russia, but was living in 1887 in BREST = Brzesc Litewski.

Anne Elizabeth Applebaum (born July 25, 1964) is an American journalist and historian -
her parents are Harvey M. Applebaum, a partner in the Covington and Burling law firm, and Elizabeth (Bloom) Applebaum, of the Corcoran Gallery of Art.
Harvey Applebaum b. 1931 in Brooklym, New York; brother of Muriel Phyllis Friedman [Muriel Phyllis Friedman (Applebaum) b. 1926 in Jamaica, New York]. HARVEY was the son of William S. Applebaum [b. 1901, in New York; the son of Samuel Applebaum b. ca 1860 {?: 1860 - 1934 - maybe Stolpce or born in 1860 in Russia, married IDA; maybe in 1869}, and Clara] and Ethel Eleanor Goldman b. 1899 in NEW YORK [the daughter of Morris Berman b. ca 1860/1870, and Fannie - and anmed ETHAL was the wife of William S. Applebaum and Arthur Goldman].

We know on the Garfinkels:
Rabbi Baruch Garfinkel was the Preacher (Magid) in SZAWLE / Shavel, Lithuania; d. in 1933 in Philadelphia, maybe he was born ca 1870. Rabbi Baruch Garfinkel maybe was the brother to Chaim Meir Garfinkel [Chaim Meir Garfinkel b. ca 1871 in Antepolya, in Russia, the son of Avrohom Tzvi Garfinkel b. ca 1840 ?] + Rochel Garfinkel [Rochel Garfinkel (Mintz) b. ca 1869 in Antepolya, in Russia / Belarus / Poland bef. 1945, d. 1920. Antepol / ANTOPOL close to KOBRYN].
Max Garfinkel, was born in Mlawa about 1900. The Garfinkel-Herskovits-Illowicz / Illovich were from Romania and Belarus. Baruch (Bernard) Garfinkel; and somebody from RIVNE / Rowno in Ukraine. Ruth Garfinkel (Kramer) b. 1922 in Brooklyn, NY, United States, the daughter of Hyman Zalman Kramer and Fayge Deena (Fannie) Kramer.
Herbert Garfinkel = Chaim Meir Garfinkel b. 1917 in New York, the son of Rabbi Dovid Binyomin Garfinkel + Anna (Henya Reeva) Davidson [Anna (Henya Reeva) or Henya Reeva b. 1897 in NYC].
Rabbi Dovid Binyomin Garfinkel / Rabbi Dovid Binyomin b. 1890 in ANTOPAL / Antopole close to KOBRYN; two emissaries from Jerusalem visited Antopal in the 1880s and mentioned the Jewish community in their records.
In 1847, there were 1,108 Jews in Antopal close to Horodec and Golowczyce. "The presiding judges of Antopal and the nearby town of Horodoff were Rabbi Haim S. Zalman Bressler, Rabbi Pinkas Michalek and Rabbi Mordechaie Wizel Rosenblatt. Rabbi Moshe Neeman Akiva of Antopal went to Israel and survived the Safed riots of 1834" by Wikipedia.

Stephen Miller (born 1985) an American political advisor who served as a senior advisor for policy and White House director of speechwriting to President Donald Trump, came from Antopal close to Kobryn.
Miller was born in the Jewish family of Michael D. Miller, and Miriam Glosser. His mother's ancestors - Wolf Lieb Glotzer and his wife, Bessie - emigrated to the United States from the Russian Empire's Antopol, in 1903, and his great-grandmother arrived in the U.S. in 1906, she spoke only Yiddish.

Above Rabbi Dovid Binyomin Garfinkel / Rabbi Dovid Binyomin b. 1890 in ANTOPAL, d. in 1969 in Monticello, NY, United States; the son of Chaim Meir Garfinkel [Chaim Meir Garfinkel b. ca 1871 in Antepolya, in Russia, the son of Avrohom Tzvi Garfinkel b. ca 1840/1845 ?] + Rochel Garfinkel [Rochel Garfinkel (Mintz) b. ca 1869 in Antepolya, in Russia / Belarus / Poland bef. 1945, d. 1920]. Anna (Henya Reeva) Davidson b. 1897 in New York, United States, the daughter of Moshe Davidson and Esther. Moshe Davidson b. ca 1860 in Kobryn / Kobrin [of the POTOCKIs.

Compare Lis, jurnalist; and Nipokojczycki close to Kobryn], the son of Mayer Dovid Davidson.

Avrohom Tzvi Garfinkel b. ca 1840/1845 maybe was the brother to Nachman Garland (Garfinkel) / Nakhman Gorfinkel, b. 1847 in Vilnius / Wilno, the son of Leib Yitzchak Garfinkel.
Leib Yitzchak Garfinkel / Leyba Itsko Gorfinkel b. ca 1825. LEIB was the son of Zelig Garfinkel b. ca 1790.

ARTUR POTOCKI in 1823, founded the "Woolen Bank" in Ogledow, he founded a male school in Staszow. After his death in Vienna, Arthur was inherited by his only son, Adam Jozef Potocki born in 1822
[ADAM POTOCKI was the CONSPIRATOR in CRACOW in April 1848 {here Wojciech Paszkowski closest to Artur Potocki; and his half-brother General Franciszek Maksymilian Paszkowski with his daughter in Moscow intermarried ARMAND}; imprisoned in 1851. He studied in SCOTLAND in Edynburg {see CHOPIN !}. In 1848 in Paris was the chief of the National Guard.
Adam Potocki was the owner of:
Krzeszowice close to the PASZKOWSKI family; Tenczynek,
Medrzechow, Gora Ropczycka, Strzechowskie, Pacanow, Spytkow, Staszow, Buzanka; Daszkowka;
in POLESIE - Kobryn, Zabianka, Jablonowka, Zalesie and Olchowiec].
ARTUR POTOCKI was married to Zofia Branicki Potocka born on 11 January 1790 in Warsaw, whom she married in 1816, a philanthropist. She was the daughter of Franciszek Ksawery Branicki and Aleksandra.
Zofia Branicki Potocka was an art lover [compare the above Countess Giulia Samayloff / Julia von der Pahlen (1803-1875), Julia Samoilova / Yuliya Pavlovna Samoilova], collected, among others Italian painting. She founded a hospital and shelter in Krzeszowice and named him husband Artur Potocki. She helped the wounded in the January Uprising in 1863. She was the initiator of the reconstruction of the chapel of Saint Leonard in Wawel. She was buried in Krzeszowice on January 9, 1879.

Eli J. Segal was the chief of staff of Bill Clinton's victorious campaign for president in 1992. The Eli J. and Phyllis N. Segal established the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University in 2007. Phyllis is currently Vice President of Encore.org, which empowers people over 50 to be a force for good. Phyllis serves on the boards of the John F. Kennedy Library. Eli J. Segal was Clinton Aide who led major initiatives.
President Donald Trump commented:
"...We must work together to confront forces, whether they come inside or out, from the south or the east, that threaten over time to undermine these values and to erase the bonds of culture, faith and tradition that make us who we are. If left unchecked, these forces will undermine our courage, sap our spirit and weaken our will to defend ourselves and our societies. ...",
"...It's a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth, and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities. ... This is not just conspiracy but reality, and you and I know it. The establishment and their media enablers wield control over this nation through means that are well-known. Anyone who challenges their control is deemed a sexist, a racist, a xenophobe and morally deformed. They will attack you, they will slander you, they will seek to destroy your career and reputation [Paulina Sosnierz, Camila Camopy of the Belo Horizonta province, in April and May 2023 and again in September 2023]. And they will lie, lie and lie even more. ...".

In Poland, Soviet intelligence played a key role in creating a pro-Russian network after Second World War.
After 1944/1945, Russian intelligence operates through General Miroslaw Milewski and General Czeslaw Kiszczak, each of them half gypsies from the Andrychow district, that is, from Inwald and Roczyna / Roczyny - among them is Czaniec. What's interesting for you, but dangerous for me, are two gypsy women about 35 years old, Agnieszka with thick thighs, and Paulina Sosnierz in 2005 talking to Monika Sedzicka, the husband of Romani peoples, slant-eyed, like the Chinese from Krokusowa 59 in Lodz. Monika nee Bogucka married Sedzicka is an arrangement Jaroslaw Skota vel Slota from Chocen; Malgorzata Zieleniewski, colleague of PM Leszek Miller from Zgierz, who is half German, half Jew; Zieleniewski from Lodz and Zgierz are the Pawinski family from Zgierz and the German Findeisen from Smilowice near Chocen. After 1947, my parents were married in Spala by Jerzy Kruszynski, spy, with genealogical roots near Chelmza, just like Nostitz-Jackowski was intermarried in WILCZKOW from Kiedrzynski.
So the Miezonka-Kublicze family clan of Konstantynowicz was merged with Kiedrzynski-Arnold-Wolowski and Chocen-Zgierz was merged with Bialorus together with the Czernivtsi-Chocen-Raszkow family clan of Arnold-Wolowski-Kiedrzynski-Pradzynski-Trampczynski. The Russians connected the Frankists Wolowski with Zbigniew Brzezinski, Arnold-Kiedrzynski, Szymanowski and with the ancestors of Zbigniew Brzezinski from Krzynowloga Mala north to Przasnysz.
Ex-Kiedrzynski at the beginning of the 20th century merged with Skora from Krery, but part of Skora lived in Kuchary, Dmenin Zakrzewski near Zakrzew and in Kodrab.
In 1885, the Wolowski family even landed in Czernivtsi - the famous headquarters of Jewish spies like Jakob Frank and the Frankists movement. In the USA, after the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963, James Jesus Angleton joined hands with such people as: Paul Wolfowitz from Radomsko and Zakrzew / Zakrzow Wielki; Samuel Berger + Lehrman in Kublicze of Piottuch-Kublicki and this nobility intermarried Konstantynowicz of MIEZONKA; Eli Segal; Garland + Smith, combining Romania and Poland, obviously communist countries and subordinated exclusively to Russian intelligence before 2015. This is the environment of my factory, exclusively gypsies from Romania and Poland: in September 2023, Agnieszka and Paulina Sosnierz, both about 38 years old, want to finish me off with hard work, like in a concentration camp, and they do not know that gypsies from Poland are just pawns in the hands of the Jewish group Bronislaw Geremek, Soros, Berger, Garland in the USA + SEGAL of Romania.
From here one step to Zionism and Israel.

The Russian intelligence net in the second half of the 19th century and in the 20th century worked in Zakrzew / Zakrzow Wielki near to Bugaj Zakrzewski, Kodrab and Radomsko including too the Ankwicz family intermarried Szwarcenberg-Czerny from the Andrychow district - the links to Skora, Pfeiffer of Przedborz and Lodz, Temler of Wilczkow, Bobrowski, Sobanski and Kiedrzynski. Reset to Russia in 1972-February 2023 on the genealogical groundwork of my family Konstantynowicz in Kublicze, Berezyna, Miezonka, Dudino-Monasterszczyna, Vajguva / Wajgowo in Belarus-Lithuania: Robert Rubin, Robert Schwarz Strauss, Arlen Specter, Czeslaw Kiszczak in 1972 the head of military intelligence, the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1972, TANYIA CHUTKAN, Tannenwald, Samuel Berger, Bill Clinton, Eli Segal, with Garfinkel of Antopol, Szawle and Wajgowo vs Donald Trump in 2016-2023.
The Ordega-Holynski branch in Monasterszczyna-Dudino, with links to Kennedy's death in 1963, and the Konstantynowicz family of the Mscislaw province and in Miezonka in 1842.

Mentioned above Zakrzew is situated close to Radomsko with Paul Wolfowitz's ancestors, the landlords of Ankwicz intermarried Szwarcenberg-Czerny and nearby Sobanski.
Nearby Kuchary of the Ostrowskis - they took Leszno village close to Krasne and Przasnysz, too. From Leszno we have spy Halina Wodkiewicz married Jaworska in Lodz. From Krasne we have Marceli Nowotko. From Krzynowloga Mala close to Przasnysz we have Zbigniew Brzezinski's line of his mother Roman side - the Romans took Zelechow, then to Ignacy Wyssogota-Zakrzewski of CHOCEN, and to ORDEGA. In Kuchary, Antoni Skora was living, and his relatives in Krery in the Chelmo parish; and in Lodz the Skora family intermarried Pfeiffer and Bobrowski.

Samuel Berger knew Bill Clinton all through the 1980s, and in 1988 Clinton and Berger were together at the Democratic National Convention. In 1988 in Poland acted together Captain Krzysztof Tomczyk, Andrzej Ostoja-Owsiany the cover for Leszek Moczulski, Adam Owsiany, Terlecki, and Zbigniew Natkanski of Honoratow and Opoczno, Ewa Chudzik married Kubacka, Andrzej Karbowiak of Lodz, Jadwiga Czerwinska, Halina Jaworska nee Wodkiewicz of Leszno village close to Krasne, and relatives of Skora-Grzanek clan from Czarnocin, Krery, Beczkowice, Przedborz, Kodrab and Bugaj Dmeninski. Berger [the 1992 US campaign - but in Poland in 1992 was coup against PM Jan Olszewski] served as foreign policy adviser to Bill Clinton. Berger's mother genealogical line came from Kublicze in Belarus, the estate owned by the Piottuch-Kublicki family intermarried Konstantynowicz, Szumski, Soltan.

This civilization-threatening Russian intelligence network initiated globalism after the assassination of J. F. Kennedy.
This intelligence network was based on national minorities from Romania and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth within the pre-1772 borders.

The most important connections have already been made in the USA by Soviet / Russian spy ring after 1963/1971/1972. Several hundred kilometers separated Kublicze in Belarus, Miezonka near Luboszany and Berezyn; Wajgowo near Szawle, and the area around Kobryn-Antopol from Radomsko, Andrychow, Chocen, Pleszew, Tczew, Czerniowce, Wyznica, Suczawa with Botosani and IASI / Jassy in Romania.

In addition, this network coupled Zakrzew / Zakrzow Wielki near Radomsko and Bugaj Kodrebski. It was joined by artificial genealogical and political activities: Chernivtsi, Vyznitsa, Suceava, Iasi, Timisoara, Sibiu, Ploiesti and Botosani. The Russians connected the distributed network only years later in the USA. In the lands of Central and Eastern Europe, this network around my Kiedrzynski-Konstantynowicz family was invisible and uncontrollable.

In March 1992, "president Lech Walesa presented his conception of new economic and military alliance with former Warsaw Pact during his visit to Germany, which went against the euro Atlantic direction of the government. Jan Olszewski total stoped privatization what led to open conflict with liberal groups in the parliament [Tusk]. On 22 May 1992, Jan Olszewski opposed the signing of a clause in Polish-Russian Treaty of Friendly and Neighbourly Cooperation, which handed over former Russian military bases to international Polish-Russian corporations. Olszewski sent a telegram to Moscow to the president Lech Walesa informing of government opposition to the clause. Lech Walesa, after a conversation with Boris Yeltsin / Borys Jelcyn changed the controversial clause. However, this did not stop further clashes with the president Lech Walesa".

"This dependent relationship among Berger and Clinton created an unusual bond. Sandy provided a comfort level on a subject on which the president was manifestly uncomfortable". Bill Clinton appointed Samuel Berger to the position his national security adviser in the 2nd term. Berger took Professor Anthony Lake / Tony Lake, who was the national security advisor in the 1st term.
Mr. Berger has served for the four years as deputy to Anthony Lake, the departing security adviser.

Samuel Berger, Adviser to Clinton, succeeded Anthony Lake, Mr. Clinton's first national security adviser.

Samuel Berger, Jew, was the 18th United States National Security Advisor in 1997 till January 20, 2001, succeeded by Condoleezza Rice.
Lake also was a master of indirection and "Lake could be inscrutable and complained privately that he was not giving their views a fair hearing with Clinton". In November 1992 President-elect Bill Clinton has named Samuel (Sandy) Berger. Other Jews appointed to prominent posts include Eli Segal, Jew of Romania. Berger, Jew of Belarus, has been a law partner in the Washington firm of Hogan & Hartson, "and his views on specific foreign policy issues lie in the mainstream" ring in USA. In Clinton's new foreign policy team was Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, Jew of Czech, refugee of the Nazis. "Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, the only Republican in the Clinton Cabinet, was an iconoclastic senator, who wrote novels and poetry".

Eli Segal, a longtime friend of Samuel Berger said about 20-years period of preparations, ie 1972-1992. Clinton and Berger met in 1972 when both were working for the presidential campaign of Democratic presidential nominee George S. McGovern, strongly against the Vietnam War. The White House deputy chief of staff John D. Podesta, a friend since the 1970s. Berger studied at Cornell and the law school at Harvard, which led to the Washington law firm of Hogan & Hartson. Among the goals aft. 1996, BERGER identified were integrating Eastern and Western Europe without provoking new tensions with Russia!
The 2nd - more open trade;
the 3rd - improving shared defenses against 'transnational threats' like terrorism and drug trafficking;
and encouraging a 'strong, stable Asia Pacific community,' a policy Clinton seeks to promote by stressing cooperation with China over trade rather than confrontation over human rights!

The Russians have built a wonderful network of deep political intelligence and placed it in the US at the beginning of the 20th century
- they have grabbed the head of the northern hemisphere aft. 1963.
The rest of peoples are from Romania, Poland, Lithuania within today's borders, and once it was the area of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the entirety of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. This civilization-threatening Russian intelligence network initiated globalism after the assassination of J. F. Kennedy.
This intelligence network was based on national minorities from Romania and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth within the pre-1772 borders.
The most important connections have already been made in the USA by Soviet / Russian spy ring after 1963/1971/1972. Several hundred kilometers separated Kublicze in Belarus, Miezonka near Luboszany and Berezyn; Wajgowo near Szawle, and the area around Kobryn-Antopol from Radomsko, Andrychow, Chocen, Pleszew, Tczew, Czerniowce, Wyznica, Suczawa with Botosani and IASI / Jassy in Romania.
In addition, this network coupled Zakrzew / Zakrzow Wielki near Radomsko and Bugaj Kodrebski. It was joined by artificial genealogical and political activities: Chernivtsi, Vyznitsa, Suceava, Iasi, Timisoara, Sibiu, Ploiesti and Botosani. The Russians connected the distributed network only years later in the USA. In the lands of Central and Eastern Europe, this network around my Kiedrzynski-Konstantynowicz family was invisible and uncontrollable.
Donald Trump inside the US threatened this Russian intelligence network operating through the administrations of successive US presidents after the assassination of Kennedy in 1963. RESET-GLOBALIZATION reached its apogee under the administrations of Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton-Barack Obama Husajn-Tymieniecka structures + Merkel-Tusk-Sarkozy team with a base of Leopold Kronenberg-Loewenstein-Zamoyski-Rettinger-Bloch-Holynski-Ordega.
Samuel R. Berger, just after I left on March 21, 2005, wrote an Oral History at the Miller Center about Clinton [March 25, 2005] and made it clear that he had a primary influence on Bill Clinton and his "RESET" policy towards a hostile Russia.
Diplomacy of Zbigniew Brzezinski, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Garfinkel of Szawle, Wajgowo and Antopol; and emigrating Jews from CZERNIOWCE, Suczawa, Jassy and Botosani together with Radomsko-Zakrzew-Wielgomlyny, was completely wrong. Globalization after 1972 and RESET TO RUSSIA led to the creation of China's power and rebuilt Russia economically. The main and last initiator of these misdeeds was Barack Obama Hussein Jr. These huge mistakes in American foreign policy resulted in Russia's attack on Ukraine in February 2022, and the current threat to Poland's borders, very clear in August 2023.

Thus, we see - on 17 / 28 December 2020 / 28 August 2023 - that the Russians created an anti-Polish intelligence network in the lands of central Poland and acted ca 1741-2015/2020; this underground Russian diversionary uses together atheistic and deprived of a historical and ideological background three national minorities: German, Gy... [Sinti and Romani] and Jews of Romania and Spain are facilities for the diversion at present.
Of course, it is about individual families and individuals, people extremely alienated from the Polish national community, and this does not apply to entire nations, which national minorities also suffered from the Russian occupation after 1815 and lost a lot due to the fall of the Republic of Poland in 1795.
After killing three US presidents in the years 1885-1901-1963, the brain of anti-Polish and anti-civilization Russian action moved to the USA. This network was established after 1858 in Plock-Wloclawek-Warsaw-Przasnysz. These saboteurs infiltrated our independence movement [sample only: Chocen-Smilowice-Golaszewo-Przasnysz + Kalkstein in the Swiedziebnia commune with Krzynowloga Mala in the Przasnysz county, the village Leszno and the Krasne estate near to Przasnysz; together with Wieniec-Brzezie close to Wloclawek] throughout the second half of the 19th century [since 1858/1868].
The Russians occupied from 1815 to 1915 what is now central Poland, creating the so-called Congress Poland and the Vistula Country, and in 1988-1992 the so-called New Third Polish Republic. Despite this, the Polish underground led to regaining independence in 1918, but lost in 1939 and lost again in 1945-2015. The Polish underground had headquarters in the Berezina parish in Belarus from around 1797 to November 1918 [Templar Artur Potocki in the 20' of the 19th century, and his family + the Konstantynowiczs with the Armand-Paszkowski family branch after 1840].
This structure in Miezonka-Lubuszany-Berezyna Ihumenska actively collaborated with British intelligence that formed the Round Table in England and the Illuminati movement [ca 1870] leading to the liquidation of Russia's state structures in 1917 - 1922. The Russian intelligence operated in Poland from the 1740s, co-creating the Masonic movement in Poland and the Maltese Order [Poninski-Szoldrski in Wilkowo Polskie and in Kamieniec Podolski in 1767]. The Duflon and Konstantynowicz Company co-operated with the military FRENCH intelligence.
The Germans operated through Polish noble families [Skorzewski-Ciecierski clan + Wessel and Bruhl in LIPNIK close to Bielsko-Biala + the Krasinskis in Krasne close to Przasnysz] from the Greater Poland from 1760s leading to the defeat of the Bar Confederation in 1768-1771.

A note on November the 15th, 2016:
The daughter of Zbigniew Brzezinski - Mika Brzezinski says that Sheryl Sandberg's 'Lean In' [see Sosnierz and Pisz ca 2011/2013 around me of course!] is what women need to hear, and Sandberg is the perfect messenger.
By Frances Stead Sellers in 2015:
Mika Brzezinski, co-host of MSNBC's 'Morning Joe' and author of the 2011 bestseller 'Knowing Your Value', is launching a new venture this year - a series of day-long events for women in Philadelphia, Washington, Chicago, Boston and Orlando.
By: Meredith Lepore:
Mika Brzezinski wants women to get more confident and she wants them to do it now. That's why she's teamed up with NBC Universal (her news show Morning Joe is on MSNBC).
"... individuals which have transitioned into the Obama Administration, most being veterans of the Clinton and Bush Administrations and having histories of being involved in furthering long-range globalist objectives. Thirty-one of the forty-seven people Barack Obama has named for appointments have ties to the Clinton Administration, including Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Larry Summers [see Sandberg], Madeline Albright, ... Military hawks from previous Administrations have been transitioned as well, including Zbigniew Brzezinski [see above Mika Brzezinski], and Robert Gates has been held over from the Bush Administration.
Larry Summers and Timothy Geithner have been involved with implementing damaging financial legislation during the Clinton Administration, and Rahm Emanuel has been a strong proponent of NAFTA and WTO related legislation".
Facebook's founder Mark Zuckerberg sought advice from the chairman of Hillary Clinton's campaign about how he could get involved in politics and said he was 'hungry to learn', according to leaked documents.
Emails from Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg [see Summers] to John Podesta, published by Wikileaks, suggested he was keen to influence public policy on issues like immigration, education and scientific research.
In one email, in August 2015, Sandberg wrote to Podesta:
'Mark [Zuckerberg] is meeting with people to learn more about next steps for his philanthropy and social action and it's hard to imagine someone better placed or more experienced than you to help him.'
The leaked emails supports Donald Trump's claims that Clinton is too close to those with vested interests, such as Zuckerberg, whose Facebook empire has 1.7 billion users globally.
Earlier in October 2016, other leaked emails showed Sandberg had gave Hillary Clinton aides research on 'gender and leadership by women' as they put together the former first lady's presidential campaign.
"...It should come as no great surprise to anyone that Silicon Valley's tech billionaires are "in the tank" for Hillary [Clinton; see Brzezinski]. That said, emails like the one below from Facebook's Chief Operating Officer, Sheryl Sandberg, will never cease to be shocking, particularly because she oversees the operations of a social media giant that wields incredible power and influence over news media presented to America's young voters.
Of course, the "cozy" relationship between Sandberg and Podesta is even more disturbing in light of the fact that former new curators for Facebook admitted that the company routinely suppressed conservative news on its news feed. Per a previous post we wrote back in June: After former news curators admitted that Facebook routinely suppressed conservative news on its news feed, a training manual was leaked that confirmed there was only one of ten "trusted" news sources by which trending news topics could come from with any type of conservative angle.
... After all of the aforementioned events, one would assume that Facebook would lay low and let all of this fade with time, but one would be wrong. Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook's chief operating officer recently announced that the company would be introducing a "political bias" training program in addition to the managing unconscious bias class the company offers employees. ... As the Daily Signal reports, Sandberg acknowledged that Facebook and other tech companies are perceived as being liberal ... Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg told Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta that she 'badly' wants Clinton to become president, according to new emails released by Wikileaks. In a May 2015 email thread, Podesta offered his condolences for the sudden death of Sandberg's husband, Dave Goldberg.
Sandberg thanked Podesta for his kind words, then affirmed her desire to 'help' Clinton win the 2016 election. She mentioned a home visit where Clinton interacted with her children.
'I still want HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton] to win badly', she wrote.
... Previous batches of leaked emails reveal that Sandberg offered to put Podesta in contact with Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg, stating that Zuckerberg was interested in influencing policies relating to 'social oriented objectives (like immigration, education or basic scientific research)'. Podesta appears to have at least arranged that meeting; his assistant emailed him in August 2015 with directions to Zuckerberg's office.
... Zuckerberg has been politically active since 2013, when he co-founded a 501(c)3 called 'FWD.us', primarily lobbying for expansion of the H-1B visa program and amnesty for illegal immigrants. ...".
Mrs. Clinton's State Department worked aggressively to attract U.S. investment partners and helped the Russian State Investment Fund, Rusnano [ROSNANO], identify American tech companies worthy of Russian investment (Peter Schweizer, 'The Clinton Foundation, State And Kremlin Connections', The Wall Street Journal, 7/31/16).
U.S. Military Experts Believe These Skolkovo-Based Companies Serve As Vehicles To Expand Russia's Military Capacity. Acc. to donaldjtrump.com/press-releases.
"...Research conducted in 2012 on Skolkovo by the U.S. Army Foreign Military Studies Program at Fort Leavenworth declared that the purpose of Skolkovo was to serve as a 'vehicle for world-wide technology transfer to Russia in the areas of information technology, biomedicine, energy, satellite and space technology, and nuclear technology'," by Peter Schweizer.
Clinton's Campaign Chairman John Podesta Sat On The Board Of An Energy Company Called 'Joule Unlimited'.
'Still, Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta sat on the executive board of a small energy company called Joule Unlimited' (Stephen K. Bannon & Peter Schweizer, Report: Hillary Clinton's Campaign Mgr John Podesta Sat On Board Of Company That Bagged 35 Million From Putin-Connected Russian Govt Fund, Breitbart, 8/1/16).
Received Up To 35 Million From Rusnano, An Investment Firm Founded By Putin In 2007. In 2014 Joule Received 'An Extraordinary Warning' - Warning From The FBI, Informing The Company That Skolkovo 'May Be A Means For The Russian Government To Access' Sensitive Or Classified Information".

Tony Podesta Is A 'Big-Money Bundler' For Clinton Whose Brother, John, Is The Chairman Of Clinton's Campaign. 'It should be noted that Tony Podesta is a big-money bundler for the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign while his brother John is the chairman of that campaign, the chief architect of her plans to take the White House this November [2016]', by John R. Schindler, Panama Papers Reveal Clinton's Kremlin Connection, The New York Observer, 4/7/16.
As Recently As The Second Quarter Of 2016, Tony Podesta Has Lobbied For Sberbank Of Russia, by Lobbying Disclosure Database, Accessed 8/15/16. Sberbank Is Russia's Biggest Financial Institution.
'Which is exactly what Sberbank, Russia's biggest financial institution, did this spring. As reported at the end of March, the Podesta Group registered with the U.S. Government as a lobbyist for Sberbank, as required by law, naming three Podesta Group staffers: Tony Podesta plus Stephen Rademaker and David Adams, the last two former assistant secretaries of state', by John R. Schindler.
Above Stephen Geoffrey Rademaker (born 1959) is an attorney [by Wikipedia], lobbyist and former Bush Administration government official. He was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, the Jefferson Literary and Debating Society ... After leaving government, Rademaker joined Barbour, Griffith and Rogers in January 2007. He came to the firm from the staff of Senate majority Leader Bill Frist, where he served as Policy Director for National Security Affairs and Senior Counsel. In February 2011, Rademaker left Barbour, Griffith and Rogers and joined the Podesta Group.
Mr. Rademaker is married to Danielle Pletka, vice-president for foreign and defense policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute. Above Danielle Pletka (born 1963 in Melbourne, Australia) is the vice-president for foreign and defense policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). Pletka was editorial assistant with the Los Angeles Times and Reuters, working in Jerusalem from 1984 to 1985 [by Wikipedia]. Pletka is married to Stephen Rademaker, who was Assistant Secretary of State for International Security and Nonproliferation (including head of the Bureau of Arms Control) in the George W. Bush [see Moczulski in 1987] presidential administration.

Sberbank - "Savings bank of Russia" is a Russian banking and financial services company headquartered in Moscow. As part of Perestroika reforms, in 1987 the savings bank outlets are reorganised into the Savings Bank of the USSR. Since 2007, Sberbank is led by former economy minister Herman Gref. In 2011, Sberbank acquired Volksbank International AG from its shareholders Osterreichische Volksbanken AG, BPCE, DZ Bank and WGZ Bank. The majority shareholder of Sberbank is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
Above Herman Oskarovich Gref born in 1964, "... is a Russian statesman and top manager. He was the Minister of Economics and Trade of Russia from May 2000 to September 2007. He currently is the CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board of the largest Russian bank Sberbank. .... Gref was born in the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic (now Kazakhstan) into a family of ethnic German deportees who were exiled there in 1941. Gref was considered as one of the liberal reformers in Vladimir Putin's administration of the early and mid-2000s...".
Herman Gref is member of boards and supervisory boards of a number of companies, including Yandex.
Yandex N.V. is a Russian multinational technology company specializing in Internet-related services and products. Yandex ranked as the 4th largest search engine worldwide, based on information from Comscore.com.
Yandex Labs is a wholly owned division of Yandex located in the San Francisco Bay Area. In March 2007 Yandex acquired moikrug.ru, a Russian social network, to search and support professional and personal contacts. Among the largest investors in Yandex were Baring Vostok Capital Partners and Tiger Global Management. Above Tiger Management Corp., also known as "The Tiger Fund," was a hedge fund founded by Julian Robertson.
Co-operated with Stephen F. Mandel born 1956, a founder of the hedge fund Lone Pine Capital, who worked as a consumer-retail analyst at Goldman, Sachs & Co. before working as a consumer analyst and eventually managing director at Tiger Management, a hedge fund founded by Julian Robertson; he married Susan Joy Zadek of Baltimore. She formerly worked in the corporate finance department of Dillon, Read & Company in New York.
Miss Zadek's father is chief of the orthopedic-surgery department of Sinai Hospital in Baltimore, and her mother, Miriam Zadek, is director of social work at the Hearing and Speech Agency of Metropolitan Baltimore. "Miss Zadek is a granddaughter of Mrs. Hyman I. Scharfman of West Palm Beach, Fla., and the late Mr. Scharfman, and the late Dr. Isadore Zadek, who was a director of orthopedic service at the Hospital for Joint Diseases in New York. Mr. Mandel's father is president of the International Welding Products Company in Greenwich, Conn. He is a grandson of Mrs. James W. Safford of New Canaan, Conn., and of Mrs. Richard H. Mandel of New York", by nytimes.com.

In 2012 Sheryl Sandberg was named in the Time 100, an annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world according to Time magazine. Ms. Sandberg's personal wealth is reported to be in the region of 400 million, thanks to her stock holdings in Facebook as well as other companies. "... Sheryl Sandberg was born in Washington, D.C, ... Ms. Sandberg graduated Harvard College ... being awarded the highly prestigious John H. Williams Prize for the top graduating student in her subject. While studying at Harvard, Ms. Sandberg first got to know Larry Summers who was teaching at the college. After graduation Summers asked Sheryl to join him as his research assistant at the World Bank reporting on important health projects funded by the bank in India. Sheryl was to remain at the World Bank for around twelve months during 1993, before enrolling at the Harvard Business School ... Sheryl Sandberg began her professional career as a management consultant for McKinsey & Company, before the meeting her professional association with Larry Summers, by then United States Secretary of the Treasury in the administration of President Bill Clinton. From 1996 to 2001, Sandberg held the role of Summer's Chief of Staff, playing a major part in the Treasury's mission of forgiving debt in the developing world. Ms. Sandberg left the Treasury to join Google Inc. in 2001, remaining there until early 2008, when she was appointed by Facebook to become their COO. Sheryl Sandberg is a key figure in the Facebook management team...".

Above The World Bank [under copyright by Wikipedia] is an international financial institution that provides loans to developing countries for capital programs. It comprises two institutions: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), and the International Development Association (IDA). The World Bank is a component of the World Bank Group, which is part of the United Nations system.
On 23 March 2012, U.S. President Barack Obama announced that the United States would nominate Jim Yong Kim as the next president of the Bank.
Mentioned Larry Summers - Lawrence Henry "Larry" Summers is an American economist who is President Emeritus and Charles W. Eliot University Professor of Harvard University. Summers became a professor of economics at Harvard University in 1983. He left Harvard in 1991, working as the Chief Economist at the World Bank from 1991 to 1993. In 1993, Summers was appointed Undersecretary for International Affairs of the United States Department of the Treasury under the Clinton Administration. In 1995, he was promoted to Deputy Secretary of the Treasury under his mentor Robert Rubin [under copyright by Wikipedia]. After his departure from Harvard, Summers worked as a managing partner at the hedge fund D. E. Shaw & Co., and as a freelance speaker at other financial institutions, including Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Merrill Lynch and Lehman Brothers.
Summers was born in New Haven, in 1954, into a Jewish family, the son of two economists, Robert Summers (who changed the family surname from Samuelson, of the SUWALKI DISTRICT, in RACZKI Wielkie) and Anita Summers (of Romanian-Jewish ancestry), who are both professors at the University of Pennsylvania.
Above named D. E. Shaw & Co., L.P. [under copyright by Wikipedia] is a global investment management firm founded in 1988 by David E. Shaw and based in New York City. ... The company has made investments in technology, wind power, real estate, and financial services firms. The subsidiaries of the company acquired the toy store FAO Schwarz and eToys.com.
Above mentioned David Elliot Shaw born in 1951 [under copyright by Wikipedia] is an American computer scientist and computational biochemist who founded D. E. Shaw & Co., a hedge fund company which was once described by Fortune magazine as "the most intriguing and mysterious force on Wall Street". In 1986, he joined Morgan Stanley.
Shaw is married to personal finance commentator and journalist Beth Kobliner. They are members of the Stephen Wise Free Synagogue in New York. Named above Beth Kobliner born in 1965 [under copyright by Wikipedia] is a personal finance commentator and journalist, and author of the New York Times bestseller Get a Financial Life: Personal Finance in Your Twenties and Thirties. Above Kobliner grew up in a Jewish family ... she worked for Sylvia Porter.

Sylvia Field Porter (1913 - 1991) [under copyright by Wikipedia] was an American economist, journalist and author. The daughter of Russian Jewish immigrants, was born as Sylvia Feldman in Patchogue, New York, to Louis Feldman, a physician, and Rose (Maisel) Feldman. Porter was born as Sylvia Field Feldman. In February 1966 Porter advised President Lyndon B Johnson on the appointment of Andrew Brimmer, the first African American to the serve on the Federal Reserve Board. She married banker Reed Porter in 1931.
Named above FAO Schwarz, founded in 1862, was once the oldest toy store in the United States. FAO Schwarz was sold to Netherlands-based NV Koninklijke Bijenkorf Beheer / Vendex/KBB, in 1990.
Named Robert Rubin / Robert Edward Rubin born in 1938, an American lawyer, former cabinet member, and retired banking executive. He served as the 70th United States Secretary of the Treasury during the Clinton administration. Before his government service, he spent 26 years at Goldman Sachs, eventually serving as a member of the board and co-chairman from 1990 to 1992; co-chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, serves as chairman of the board of the Local Initiatives Support Corporation, the nation's leading community development support organization, and serves on the board of trustees of Mount Sinai-NYU Health.
Rubin was born in New York City, the son of Sylvia (nee Seiderman) and Alexander Rubin, a wealthy Jewish family. He joined Goldman Sachs in 1966. Robert S. Strauss credited Rubin with making the system work.
Robert Schwarz Strauss, 1918 - 2014, his service dates back to future president Lyndon Johnson's first congressional campaign in 1937. "... [at Wikipedia] By the 1950s, he was associated in Texas politics with the conservative faction of the Democratic Party led by [LYNDON] Johnson and John Connally. He served as the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee between 1972 and 1977 and served under President Jimmy Carter [see ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI] as the U.S. Trade Representative and special envoy to the Middle East. Strauss was selected by President George H. W. Bush to be the U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union in 1991 and after the USSR's collapse, he served as the U.S. ambassador to Russia from 1991 until 1992.
Strauss was born in Lockhart, Texas, south of Austin. He was the son of Edith Violet (nee Schwarz) and Charles H. Strauss. His parents were Jewish immigrants from Germany".
Charles H Strauss, b. ca 1886 in Alsace, France. Husband of above named Edith Violet Strauss (Schwarz) b. ca 1887 in Lockhart, in the Caldwell County, Texas, United States; she was the daughter of Leo Schwarz, of Dzierzoniow and Selma Schwarz; above Leo Schwarz, of Dzierzoniow b. 1854 in Dzierzoniow, in the Lower Silesian Voivodeship at present, Poland, died in 1931 in Fort Worth, Texas.
Above LEO was the son of Heinrich Chaim Schwarz, Rabbi and Julia Nathan. Named above Selma Schwarz nee Weinbaun or Weinbaum, born in 1861 in Germany.

David Laurence Aaron born 1938, in Chicago, is an American diplomat who served in the Jimmy Carter administration. He then joined the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency where he served as a member of the U.S. Delegation to the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks.
In 1974, on the recommendation of Zbigniew Brzezinski, Aaron became Senator Walter Mondale's legislative assistant. In 1977, Aaron was asked by Zbigniew Brzezinski to become Deputy National Security Advisor in the administration of Jimmy Carter.
In Israel, Aaron worked with Moshe Dayan.
When Reagan became President in 1981, Aaron moved into the private sector, becoming Vice President for Mergers and Acquisitions at Oppenheimer and Co. and Vice Chairman of Oppenheimer International.
Aaron was involved in the election campaign of Bill Clinton.

"... Zbigniew Brzezinski is Barack Obama's foreign policy advisor. ... Brzezinski was the national security advisor for President Carter from 1977 to 1981. In 1988 he endorsed H. W. Bush for President and was Co-Chair of the H. W. Bush national security advisory task force. From 1987 to 1989 he also served on the H. W. Bush's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board.
Clinton Secretary of State Madeline Albright was a student of Brzezinski's.
G. W. Bush Secretary of State, Condi Rice (also a former national security advisor), who studied under Albright's father, shares many of the same world government views with Brzezinski and Albright...".

"...this is not an argument that David Rockefeller first invented Jimmy Carter around 1971, arranged for Zbigniew Brzezinski to train him in global politics, and then rigged his nomination and election. ... The second Rockefeller connection - more obvious, less noted - was the Trilateral Commission. The Trilateral Commission was David Rockefeller's brain child ... The commission was conceived in 1972 as a private vehicle for planning the industrial world's course out of the international monetary crisis (and John Connally's cowboy responses) of that period, away from the 'Nixon shocks' that had troubled Japan ... Jimmy Carter had been the one Democratic governor chosen among sixty North American members of the Trilateral Commission in 1973...".

"...Patrick Wood, author of 'Trilaterals Over Washington', points out there are only 87 members of the Trilateral Commission who live in America. Obama appointed eleven of them to posts in his administration. For example: Tim Geithner, Treasury Secretary; James Jones, National Security Advisor; Paul Volker, Chairman, Economic Recovery Committee; Dennis Blair, Director of National Intelligence. Several other noteworthy Trilateral members: George H. W. Bush; Bill Clinton; Dick Cheney; Al Gore. Keep in mind that the original stated goal of the TC was to create 'a new international economic order'.
In the run-up to his inauguration after the 2008 presidential election, Obama was tutored by the co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, Zbigniew Brzezinski ...".
Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski, geostrategist, served to President Lyndon B. Johnson from 1966 to 1968 and to President Jimmy Carter 1977 - 1981. Brzezinski belongs to the school of Halford Mackinder and Nicholas J. Spykman.

Sir Halford John Mackinder b. 1861, was a member of the Coefficients dining club, set up in 1902 by the Fabian campaigners Sidney and Beatrice Webb; in 1919 said: "Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland; Who rules the Heartland commands the World Island; Who rules the World Island commands the World," to warn of the possibility of another major war like by John Maynard Keynes; Mackinder was anti-Bolshevik, and as British High Commissioner in Southern Russia in late 1919 and early 1920.
Nicholas John Spykman b. 1893, known as the "godfather of containment," arguing that the balance of power in Eurasia directly affected United States security [1943/1944]; he thought that it was in U.S. interests to leave Germany strong after World War II in order to be able to counter Russia's power.

Reset to Russia in 1972 was finishing in February 2023: it was work by Robert Rubin, Robert Schwarz Strauss, Arlen Specter, Czeslaw Kiszczak in 1972 the head of military intelligence, the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1972, TANYIA CHUTKAN, Tannenwald, Samuel Berger, Bill Clinton, Segal, with Garfinkel of Antopol, Szawle and Wajgowo.

And we back to SOROS [who play with Hungarian left movement, and Estonian - what is around me in 2023] who said:
"... I was told to go to the Jewish Council. And there I was given these small slips of paper ... It said report to the rabbinical seminary at 9 am ... And I was given this list of names. I took this piece of paper to my father. He instantly recognized it. This was a list of Hungarian Jewish lawyers. He said, "You deliver the slips of paper and tell the people that if they report they will be deported." Soros did not return to that job and went into hiding the next day.
Later that year, at age 14, Soros lived with and posed as the godson of an employee of the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture. The official was at one point ordered to inventory the remaining contents of the estate of a wealthy Jewish family that had fled the country; rather than leave Soros alone in the city, the official brought him along. ... in 1945, Soros survived the Battle of Budapest, in which Soviet and German forces fought house to house through the city.
In 1947 Soros emigrated to England... In 1954 Soros began his financial career at the merchant bank Singer & Friedlander of London.
In 1956 Soros moved to New York city, where he worked as an arbitrage trader for F. M. Mayer (1956 - 59). From 1963 to 1973, Soros's experience as a vice president at Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder resulted in little enthusiasm for the job; ... In 1969 Soros set up the Double Eagle hedge fund with 4m of investors' capital including 250,000 of his own money. It was based in Curacao, Dutch Antilles. ...".
George Soros at the turn of the 80s and 90s in Poland supported the reforms that have contributed to the consolidation of the post-communist structures. The financier came to Poland already on May 8, 1988; Soros met, among others, with gen. Wojciech Jaruzelski, and the Prime Minister Mieczyslaw Rakowski [from LIPNO. like Lech Walesa's military practica]. But actually the Stefan Batory Foundation was established earlier - Soros established the Stefan Batory Foundation on the 5 November 1987 in New York and legalized in the General New York Consulate of the People's Polish Republic.

George Soros in the US, is known primarily as a critic of George Bush and the supporter of Barack Obama [see discus on Hillary Clinton and RESET to Russia in January/February 2008].
And at the same time the fight about money and influences lasted also on another front. "In June 1988, the European Council meeting in Hanover, Germany, set up the Committee for the Study of Economic and Monetary Union, chaired by the then President of the Commission, Jacques Delors, and including all EC central bank governors. Their unanimous report, submitted in April 1989, defined the monetary union objective as a complete liberalisation of capital movements, full integration of financial markets, irreversible convertibility of currencies, irrevocable fixing of exchange rates, and the possible replacement of national currencies with a single currency...", at ec.europa.eu/economy_finance.
Professor Witold Kiezun wrote:
"On May 8, 1988, George Soros arrived to Poland. ... Then, [Jeffrey David Sachs] Jeffrey Sax, funded by George Soros, a young Harvard professor, arrived to Poland. ... he develops a program, which is now called the Balcerowicz program, but this is not the Balcerowicz program...", by journal-neo.org/
Jeffrey David Sachs born in 1954, "is an American economist and director of The Earth Institute at Columbia University, where he holds the title of University Professor...". In Poland advised on how to convert to a market economy, not on whether to be free-market like the US or social democratic like Scandinavia. Sachs worked in Poland intensive from April 1989 to end-1991.

"Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander was a financial services provider offering corporate and investment banking services to small and medium-sized companies, as well as wealth management services for high-net-worth individuals. Primary areas of activity were treasury, investment management, capital markets services, asset finance, and private banking. The company was created in August 2006 by the merger of Singer & Friedlander Plc and Icelandic Kaupthing Bank. The UK government put the company into administration in October 2008 in response to the failure of its parent as a result of the financial crisis of 2007 - 08.".
In 1907: Julius Singer founds London brokerage. 1920: The company is incorporated as Singer & Friedlander. 1957: The company is listed on the London stock exchange. 1963: Regional expansion occurs; a Birmingham office is opened. 1971: Singer & Friedlander (Isle of Man) Ltd. is launched. 1987: Singer & Friedlander becomes an independent bank. 1991: Collins Stewart is acquired.
Carnegie Group (Sweden) is acquired. 1998: The company exits from capital markets operations. 2000: The company spins off Collins Stewart. 2001: Carnegie Group is listed on the Swedish stock exchange. Carnegie Investment Bank AB is a Swedish financial services group with activities in securities brokerage, investment banking, asset management and private banking. In the wake of the economic crisis of 2008 Carnegie Investment Bank AB was nationalized on November 10, 2008. Carnegie was established as a trading company in 1803 when David Carnegie, Sr., a Scotsman, founded D. Carnegie & Co AB in Gothenburg. The management of the company was later succeeded by Carnegie's nephew, David Carnegie Jr., who later returned to Scotland, leaving the company, which by then had considerable interests in brewing and sugar production, in the hands of Oscar Ekman.
David Carnegie, Sr. (8 February 1772, Montrose, Angus - 10 January 1837) was a Scottish entrepreneur who founded D. Carnegie & Co. in Gothenburg, Sweden, today known as Carnegie Investment Bank. David Carnegie Jr b. 1813 and died in 1890 in Stirling, Scotland; son of James Carnegie and Margaret Gillespie.
above James Carnegie b. 1773 and died 1851 was son of George Carnegie and Susan Scott; husband of Margaret Gillespie; father of mentioned above David Carnegie Jr.

Andrew Carnegie b. 1835, a Scottish-American industrialist. Born in Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland; he built Pittsburgh's Carnegie Steel Company, which he sold to J. P. Morgan in 1901; starting in 1853, Thomas A. Scott of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company employed Carnegie as a secretary / telegraph operator.
Thomas Alexander Scott b. 1823, an American businessman, railroad executive, was appointed in 1861 by President Abraham Lincoln as the U.S. Assistant Secretary of War during the American Civil War; Scott's protege Andrew Carnegie later challenged the Rockefeller monopoly in petroleum from his dominance of the steel industry.

"... Alfred Nobel (1833-1896) and Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919) lived in an era with fewer super-wealthy individuals than today; and even Carnegie's wealth did not match that of today's wealthiest. ... Both men had immigrated in their youth, Nobel from Sweden to Russia at age 9, Carnegie from Scotland to the United States at age 12. Both were sickly...".

A note on November the 15th, 2016:
The daughter of Zbigniew Brzezinski - Mika Brzezinski says that Sheryl Sandberg's 'Lean In' [see Sosnierz and Pisz] is what women need to hear, and Sandberg is the perfect messenger.
By Frances Stead Sellers in 2015:
Mika Brzezinski, co-host of MSNBC's 'Morning Joe' and author of the 2011 bestseller 'Knowing Your Value', is launching a new venture this year - a series of day-long events for women in Philadelphia, Washington, Chicago, Boston and Orlando.
By: Meredith Lepore:
Mika Brzezinski wants women to get more confident and she wants them to do it now. That's why she's teamed up with NBC Universal (her news show Morning Joe is on MSNBC).
"... individuals which have transitioned into the Obama Administration, most being veterans of the Clinton and Bush Administrations and having histories of being involved in furthering long-range globalist objectives. Thirty-one of the forty-seven people Barack Obama has named for appointments have ties to the Clinton Administration, including Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Larry Summers [see Sandberg], Madeline Albright, ... Military hawks from previous Administrations have been transitioned as well, including Zbigniew Brzezinski [see above Mika Brzezinski], and Robert Gates has been held over from the Bush Administration.
Larry Summers and Timothy Geithner have been involved with implementing damaging financial legislation during the Clinton Administration, and Rahm Emanuel has been a strong proponent of NAFTA and WTO related legislation".
Facebook's founder Mark Zuckerberg sought advice from the chairman of Hillary Clinton's campaign about how he could get involved in politics and said he was 'hungry to learn', according to leaked documents.
Emails from Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg [see Summers] to John Podesta, published by Wikileaks, suggested he was keen to influence public policy on issues like immigration, education and scientific research.
In one email, in August 2015, Sandberg wrote to Podesta:
'Mark [Zuckerberg] is meeting with people to learn more about next steps for his philanthropy and social action and it's hard to imagine someone better placed or more experienced than you to help him.'
The leaked emails supports Donald Trump's claims that Clinton is too close to those with vested interests, such as Zuckerberg, whose Facebook empire has 1.7 billion users globally.
Earlier in October 2016, other leaked emails showed Sandberg had gave Hillary Clinton aides research on 'gender and leadership by women' as they put together the former first lady's presidential campaign.
"...It should come as no great surprise to anyone that Silicon Valley's tech billionaires are "in the tank" for Hillary [Clinton; see Brzezinski]. That said, emails like the one below from Facebook's Chief Operating Officer, Sheryl Sandberg, will never cease to be shocking, particularly because she oversees the operations of a social media giant that wields incredible power and influence over news media presented to America's young voters.
Of course, the "cozy" relationship between Sandberg and Podesta is even more disturbing in light of the fact that former new curators for Facebook admitted that the company routinely suppressed conservative news on its news feed.
Per a previous post we wrote back in June:
After former news curators admitted that Facebook routinely suppressed conservative news on its news feed, a training manual was leaked that confirmed there was only one of ten "trusted" news sources by which trending news topics could come from with any type of conservative angle.
... After all of the aforementioned events, one would assume that Facebook would lay low and let all of this fade with time, but one would be wrong. Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook's chief operating officer recently announced that the company would be introducing a "political bias" training program in addition to the managing unconscious bias class the company offers employees. ... As the Daily Signal reports, Sandberg acknowledged that Facebook and other tech companies are perceived as being liberal ... Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg told Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta that she 'badly' wants Clinton to become president, according to new emails released by Wikileaks. In a May 2015 email thread, Podesta offered his condolences for the sudden death of Sandberg's husband, Dave Goldberg.
Sandberg thanked Podesta for his kind words, then affirmed her desire to 'help' Clinton win the 2016 election. She mentioned a home visit where Clinton interacted with her children.
'I still want HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton] to win badly', she wrote.
... Previous batches of leaked emails reveal that Sandberg offered to put Podesta in contact with Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg, stating that Zuckerberg was interested in influencing policies relating to 'social oriented objectives (like immigration, education or basic scientific research)'. Podesta appears to have at least arranged that meeting; his assistant emailed him in August 2015 with directions to Zuckerberg's office.
... Zuckerberg has been politically active since 2013, when he co-founded a 501(c)3 called 'FWD.us', primarily lobbying for expansion of the H-1B visa program and amnesty for illegal immigrants. ...".
Mrs. Clinton's State Department worked aggressively to attract U.S. investment partners and helped the Russian State Investment Fund, Rusnano [ROSNANO], identify American tech companies worthy of Russian investment (Peter Schweizer, 'The Clinton Foundation, State And Kremlin Connections', The Wall Street Journal, 7/31/16).
U.S. Military Experts Believe These Skolkovo-Based Companies Serve As Vehicles To Expand Russia's Military Capacity. Acc. to donaldjtrump.com/press-releases.
"...Research conducted in 2012 on Skolkovo by the U.S. Army Foreign Military Studies Program at Fort Leavenworth declared that the purpose of Skolkovo was to serve as a 'vehicle for world-wide technology transfer to Russia in the areas of information technology, biomedicine, energy, satellite and space technology, and nuclear technology'," by Peter Schweizer.
Clinton's Campaign Chairman John Podesta Sat On The Board Of An Energy Company Called 'Joule Unlimited'.
'Still, Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta sat on the executive board of a small energy company called Joule Unlimited' (Stephen K. Bannon & Peter Schweizer, Report: Hillary Clinton's Campaign Mgr John Podesta Sat On Board Of Company That Bagged 35 Million From Putin-Connected Russian Govt Fund, Breitbart, 8/1/16).
Received Up To 35 Million From Rusnano, An Investment Firm Founded By Putin In 2007. In 2014 Joule Received 'An Extraordinary Warning' - Warning From The FBI, Informing The Company That Skolkovo 'May Be A Means For The Russian Government To Access' Sensitive Or Classified Information".

Tony Podesta Is A 'Big-Money Bundler' For Clinton Whose Brother, John, Is The Chairman Of Clinton's Campaign. 'It should be noted that Tony Podesta is a big-money bundler for the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign while his brother John is the chairman of that campaign, the chief architect of her plans to take the White House this November [2016]', by John R. Schindler, Panama Papers Reveal Clinton's Kremlin Connection, The New York Observer, 4/7/16.
As Recently As The Second Quarter Of 2016, Tony Podesta Has Lobbied For Sberbank Of Russia, by Lobbying Disclosure Database, Accessed 8/15/16. Sberbank Is Russia's Biggest Financial Institution.
'Which is exactly what Sberbank, Russia's biggest financial institution, did this spring. As reported at the end of March, the Podesta Group registered with the U.S. Government as a lobbyist for Sberbank, as required by law, naming three Podesta Group staffers: Tony Podesta plus Stephen Rademaker and David Adams, the last two former assistant secretaries of state', by John R. Schindler.
Above Stephen Geoffrey Rademaker (born 1959) is an attorney [by Wikipedia], lobbyist and former Bush Administration government official. He was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, the Jefferson Literary and Debating Society ... After leaving government, Rademaker joined Barbour, Griffith and Rogers in January 2007. He came to the firm from the staff of Senate majority Leader Bill Frist, where he served as Policy Director for National Security Affairs and Senior Counsel. In February 2011, Rademaker left Barbour, Griffith and Rogers and joined the Podesta Group.
Mr. Rademaker is married to Danielle Pletka, vice-president for foreign and defense policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute. Above Danielle Pletka (born 1963 in Melbourne, Australia) is the vice-president for foreign and defense policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). Pletka was editorial assistant with the Los Angeles Times and Reuters, working in Jerusalem from 1984 to 1985 [by Wikipedia]. Pletka is married to Stephen Rademaker, who was Assistant Secretary of State for International Security and Nonproliferation (including head of the Bureau of Arms Control) in the George W. Bush [see Moczulski in 1987] presidential administration.

Sberbank - "Savings bank of Russia" is a Russian banking and financial services company headquartered in Moscow. As part of Perestroika reforms, in 1987 the savings bank outlets are reorganised into the Savings Bank of the USSR. Since 2007, Sberbank is led by former economy minister Herman Gref. In 2011, Sberbank acquired Volksbank International AG from its shareholders Osterreichische Volksbanken AG, BPCE, DZ Bank and WGZ Bank. The majority shareholder of Sberbank is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
Above Herman Oskarovich Gref born in 1964, "... is a Russian statesman and top manager. He was the Minister of Economics and Trade of Russia from May 2000 to September 2007. He currently is the CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board of the largest Russian bank Sberbank. .... Gref was born in the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic (now Kazakhstan) into a family of ethnic German deportees who were exiled there in 1941. Gref was considered as one of the liberal reformers in Vladimir Putin's administration of the early and mid-2000s...".
Herman Gref is member of boards and supervisory boards of a number of companies, including Yandex.
Yandex N.V. is a Russian multinational technology company specializing in Internet-related services and products. Yandex ranked as the 4th largest search engine worldwide, based on information from Comscore.com.
Yandex Labs is a wholly owned division of Yandex located in the San Francisco Bay Area. In March 2007 Yandex acquired moikrug.ru, a Russian social network, to search and support professional and personal contacts. Among the largest investors in Yandex were Baring Vostok Capital Partners and Tiger Global Management. Above Tiger Management Corp., also known as "The Tiger Fund," was a hedge fund founded by Julian Robertson.
Co-operated with Stephen F. Mandel born 1956, a founder of the hedge fund Lone Pine Capital, who worked as a consumer-retail analyst at Goldman, Sachs & Co. before working as a consumer analyst and eventually managing director at Tiger Management, a hedge fund founded by Julian Robertson; he married Susan Joy Zadek of Baltimore. She formerly worked in the corporate finance department of Dillon, Read & Company in New York.
Miss Zadek's father is chief of the orthopedic-surgery department of Sinai Hospital in Baltimore, and her mother, Miriam Zadek, is director of social work at the Hearing and Speech Agency of Metropolitan Baltimore. "Miss Zadek is a granddaughter of Mrs. Hyman I. Scharfman of West Palm Beach, Fla., and the late Mr. Scharfman, and the late Dr. Isadore Zadek, who was a director of orthopedic service at the Hospital for Joint Diseases in New York. Mr. Mandel's father is president of the International Welding Products Company in Greenwich, Conn. He is a grandson of Mrs. James W. Safford of New Canaan, Conn., and of Mrs. Richard H. Mandel of New York", by nytimes.com.

In 2012 Sheryl Sandberg was named in the Time 100, an annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world according to Time magazine. Ms. Sandberg's personal wealth is reported to be in the region of 400 million, thanks to her stock holdings in Facebook as well as other companies. "... Sheryl Sandberg was born in Washington, D.C, ... Ms. Sandberg graduated Harvard College ... being awarded the highly prestigious John H. Williams Prize for the top graduating student in her subject. While studying at Harvard, Ms. Sandberg first got to know Larry Summers who was teaching at the college. After graduation Summers asked Sheryl to join him as his research assistant at the World Bank reporting on important health projects funded by the bank in India. Sheryl was to remain at the World Bank for around twelve months during 1993, before enrolling at the Harvard Business School ... Sheryl Sandberg began her professional career as a management consultant for McKinsey & Company, before the meeting her professional association with Larry Summers, by then United States Secretary of the Treasury in the administration of President Bill Clinton. From 1996 to 2001, Sandberg held the role of Summer's Chief of Staff, playing a major part in the Treasury's mission of forgiving debt in the developing world. Ms. Sandberg left the Treasury to join Google Inc. in 2001, remaining there until early 2008, when she was appointed by Facebook to become their COO. Sheryl Sandberg is a key figure in the Facebook management team...".

Above The World Bank [under copyright by Wikipedia] is an international financial institution that provides loans to developing countries for capital programs. It comprises two institutions: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), and the International Development Association (IDA). The World Bank is a component of the World Bank Group, which is part of the United Nations system.
On 23 March 2012, U.S. President Barack Obama announced that the United States would nominate Jim Yong Kim as the next president of the Bank.
Mentioned Larry Summers - Lawrence Henry "Larry" Summers is an American economist who is President Emeritus and Charles W. Eliot University Professor of Harvard University. Summers became a professor of economics at Harvard University in 1983. He left Harvard in 1991, working as the Chief Economist at the World Bank from 1991 to 1993. In 1993, Summers was appointed Undersecretary for International Affairs of the United States Department of the Treasury under the Clinton Administration. In 1995, he was promoted to Deputy Secretary of the Treasury under his mentor Robert Rubin [under copyright by Wikipedia]. After his departure from Harvard, Summers worked as a managing partner at the hedge fund D. E. Shaw & Co., and as a freelance speaker at other financial institutions, including Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Merrill Lynch and Lehman Brothers.
Summers was born in New Haven, in 1954, into a Jewish family, the son of two economists, Robert Summers (who changed the family surname from Samuelson, of the SUWALKI DISTRICT, in RACZKI Wielkie) and Anita Summers (of Romanian-Jewish ancestry), who are both professors at the University of Pennsylvania.
Above named D. E. Shaw & Co., L.P. [under copyright by Wikipedia] is a global investment management firm founded in 1988 by David E. Shaw and based in New York City. ... The company has made investments in technology, wind power, real estate, and financial services firms. The subsidiaries of the company acquired the toy store FAO Schwarz and eToys.com.
Above mentioned David Elliot Shaw born in 1951 [under copyright by Wikipedia] is an American computer scientist and computational biochemist who founded D. E. Shaw & Co., a hedge fund company which was once described by Fortune magazine as "the most intriguing and mysterious force on Wall Street". In 1986, he joined Morgan Stanley.
Shaw is married to personal finance commentator and journalist Beth Kobliner. They are members of the Stephen Wise Free Synagogue in New York. Named above Beth Kobliner born in 1965 [under copyright by Wikipedia] is a personal finance commentator and journalist, and author of the New York Times bestseller Get a Financial Life: Personal Finance in Your Twenties and Thirties. Above Kobliner grew up in a Jewish family ... she worked for Sylvia Porter.

Sylvia Field Porter (1913 - 1991) [under copyright by Wikipedia] was an American economist, journalist and author. The daughter of Russian Jewish immigrants, was born as Sylvia Feldman in Patchogue, New York, to Louis Feldman, a physician, and Rose (Maisel) Feldman. Porter was born as Sylvia Field Feldman. In February 1966 Porter advised President Lyndon B Johnson on the appointment of Andrew Brimmer, the first African American to the serve on the Federal Reserve Board. She married banker Reed Porter in 1931.
Named above FAO Schwarz, founded in 1862, was once the oldest toy store in the United States. FAO Schwarz was sold to Netherlands-based NV Koninklijke Bijenkorf Beheer / Vendex/KBB, in 1990.
Named Robert Rubin / Robert Edward Rubin born in 1938, an American lawyer, former cabinet member, and retired banking executive. He served as the 70th United States Secretary of the Treasury during the Clinton administration. Before his government service, he spent 26 years at Goldman Sachs, eventually serving as a member of the board and co-chairman from 1990 to 1992; co-chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, serves as chairman of the board of the Local Initiatives Support Corporation, the nation's leading community development support organization, and serves on the board of trustees of Mount Sinai-NYU Health.
Rubin was born in New York City, the son of Sylvia (nee Seiderman) and Alexander Rubin, a wealthy Jewish family. He joined Goldman Sachs in 1966. Robert S. Strauss credited Rubin with making the system work.
Robert Schwarz Strauss, 1918 - 2014, his service dates back to future president Lyndon Johnson's first congressional campaign in 1937. "... [at Wikipedia] By the 1950s, he was associated in Texas politics with the conservative faction of the Democratic Party led by [LYNDON] Johnson and John Connally. He served as the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee between 1972 and 1977 and served under President Jimmy Carter [see ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI] as the U.S. Trade Representative and special envoy to the Middle East. Strauss was selected by President George H. W. Bush to be the U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union in 1991 and after the USSR's collapse, he served as the U.S. ambassador to Russia from 1991 until 1992.
Strauss was born in Lockhart, Texas, south of Austin. He was the son of Edith Violet (nee Schwarz) and Charles H. Strauss. His parents were Jewish immigrants from Germany".
Charles H Strauss, b. ca 1886 in Alsace, France. Husband of above named Edith Violet Strauss (Schwarz) b. ca 1887 in Lockhart, in the Caldwell County, Texas, United States; she was the daughter of Leo Schwarz, of Dzierzoniow and Selma Schwarz; above Leo Schwarz, of Dzierzoniow b. 1854 in Dzierzoniow, in the Lower Silesian Voivodeship at present, Poland, died in 1931 in Fort Worth, Texas.
Above LEO SCHWARZ was the son of Heinrich Chaim Schwarz, Rabbi and Julia Nathan. Named above Selma Schwarz nee Weinbaun or Weinbaum, born in 1861 in Germany.

David Laurence Aaron born 1938, in Chicago, is an American diplomat who served in the Jimmy Carter administration. He then joined the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency where he served as a member of the U.S. Delegation to the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks.
In 1974, on the recommendation of Zbigniew Brzezinski, Aaron became Senator Walter Mondale's legislative assistant. In 1977, Aaron was asked by Zbigniew Brzezinski to become Deputy National Security Advisor in the administration of Jimmy Carter.
In Israel, Aaron worked with Moshe Dayan.
When Reagan became President in 1981, Aaron moved into the private sector, becoming Vice President for Mergers and Acquisitions at Oppenheimer and Co. and Vice Chairman of Oppenheimer International.
Aaron was involved in the election campaign of Bill Clinton.

"... Zbigniew Brzezinski is Barack Obama's foreign policy advisor. ... Brzezinski was the national security advisor for President Carter from 1977 to 1981. In 1988 he endorsed H. W. Bush for President and was Co-Chair of the H. W. Bush national security advisory task force. From 1987 to 1989 he also served on the H. W. Bush's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board.
Clinton Secretary of State Madeline Albright was a student of Brzezinski's.
G. W. Bush Secretary of State, Condi Rice (also a former national security advisor), who studied under Albright's father, shares many of the same world government views with Brzezinski and Albright...".

"...this is not an argument that David Rockefeller first invented Jimmy Carter around 1971, arranged for Zbigniew Brzezinski to train him in global politics, and then rigged his nomination and election. ... The second Rockefeller connection - more obvious, less noted - was the Trilateral Commission. The Trilateral Commission was David Rockefeller's brain child ... The commission was conceived in 1972 as a private vehicle for planning the industrial world's course out of the international monetary crisis (and John Connally's cowboy responses) of that period, away from the 'Nixon shocks' that had troubled Japan ... Jimmy Carter had been the one Democratic governor chosen among sixty North American members of the Trilateral Commission in 1973...".

"...Patrick Wood, author of 'Trilaterals Over Washington', points out there are only 87 members of the Trilateral Commission who live in America. Obama appointed eleven of them to posts in his administration. For example: Tim Geithner, Treasury Secretary; James Jones, National Security Advisor; Paul Volker, Chairman, Economic Recovery Committee; Dennis Blair, Director of National Intelligence. Several other noteworthy Trilateral members: George H. W. Bush; Bill Clinton; Dick Cheney; Al Gore. Keep in mind that the original stated goal of the TC was to create 'a new international economic order'.
In the run-up to his inauguration after the 2008 presidential election, Obama was tutored by the co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, Zbigniew Brzezinski ...".
Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski, geostrategist, served to President Lyndon B. Johnson from 1966 to 1968 and to President Jimmy Carter 1977 - 1981. Brzezinski belongs to the school of Halford Mackinder and Nicholas J. Spykman.

Sir Halford John Mackinder b. 1861, was a member of the Coefficients dining club, set up in 1902 by the Fabian campaigners Sidney and Beatrice Webb; in 1919 said: "Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland; Who rules the Heartland commands the World Island; Who rules the World Island commands the World," to warn of the possibility of another major war like by John Maynard Keynes; Mackinder was anti-Bolshevik, and as British High Commissioner in Southern Russia in late 1919 and early 1920.
Nicholas John Spykman b. 1893, known as the "godfather of containment," arguing that the balance of power in Eurasia directly affected United States security [1943/1944]; he thought that it was in U.S. interests to leave Germany strong after World War II in order to be able to counter Russia's power.

I wrote above on 22 January 2021 / 23 August 2023.

The President of US, J. F. KENNEDY said in April 1961:
this is the introduction and brief guide on how to read this page about the Russian secret network around our world:
"... I want to talk about our common responsibilities in the face of a common danger. ... The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. ... Today no war has been declared - and however fierce the struggle may be, it may never be declared in the traditional fashion. Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe. The survival of our friends is in danger. And yet no war has been declared, no borders have been crossed by marching troops, no missiles have been fired. ... For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence - on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined.
Its dissenters are silenced, not praised.
No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.
... and the question remains whether those restraints need to be more strictly observed if we are to oppose this kind of attack as well as outright invasion...".

In his speech [April 1961] President J. F. Kennedy addresses his discontent with the press's news coverage before, and during, and after the Bay of Pigs incident, suggesting there is a need for "far greater public information" and "far greater official secrecy". April the 28th, 1961 we read on the 'JFK Tells of Red Menace',
"President Kennedy told the nations newspaper publishers Thursday night that no formally declared war ever posed as great a threat to American security as does the rampant worldwide menace of communism. In view of this deadly challenge, he urged newspapers across the land to re-examine their obligations in the light of global danger and, in presenting the news, to heed the duty of self-restraint. Kennedy ... speaking at the annual Waldorf-Astoria dinner of the Bureau of Advertising of the American Newspaper Publishers Association, suggested there is a need for greater public information, and at the same time a need for greater official secrecy...".

On April 28, 1961, President Kennedy explained what is meant by the term: "The Communist conspiracy". We read The Address in Chicago at a Dinner of the Democratic Party of Cook County on April 28, 1961:
"Mayor Daley, Governor Kerner, Senator Douglas, Congressman Dawson, Chairman Cullerton ... ladies and gentlemen: ... We live in a hazardous and dangerous time. ... Now our great responsibility is to be the chief defender of freedom, in this time of maximum danger. Only the United States has the power and the resources and the determination. We have committed ourselves to the defense of dozens of countries stretched around the globe who look to us for independence, who look to us for the defense of their freedom.
We are prepared to meet our obligations, but we can only defend the freedom of those who are determined to be free themselves. ... The Russians and the Chinese, containing within their borders nearly a billion people, totally mobilized for the advance of the Communist system, operating from narrow, interior lines of communication, pressuring on Southeast Asia with the masses of the Chinese armies potentially ready to move-of the Russians who hold great power potentially in the Middle East and Western Europe ... There is no easy answer to the dilemmas that we face. Our great ally is the fact that people do desire to be free, that people will sacrifice everything in their desire to maintain their independence. And as the true nature of the Communist conspiracy becomes better known around the globe, when people come to realize - as they surely will - that the Communist advance does not represent a means of liberation but represents a final enslavement, then I believe that they will rally to the cause to which we have given our support and our commitment".


Paul Wolfowitz came from Zakrzow Wielki / ZAKRZEW close to Bugaj / Bugaj Zakrzewski, Kodrab and Radomsko - the estate of Ankwicz intermarried Szwarcenberg-Czerny from the Andrychow district - the links to Skora, Pfeiffer of Przedborz and Lodz, Temler of Wilczkow, Bobrowski, Sobanski and Kiedrzynski. Top 'RESET to RUSSIA' statesman and main Bill Clinton's supporter was ELI Segal b. 1943, the son of MARKUS Mortimer SEGAL born in the LOWER Silesia [either Montreal or Bukovina, maybe CZERNIOWCE / the Czerniowce district or BOTOSANI in 1900/1905].
We back to Jacob Wolfowitz / Jack Wolfowitz b. 1910 in Warsaw, d. in 1981 in Tampa, Florida.
Jacob was the son of Shulem Wolfowicz. Jacob was the father to Paul Wolfowitz / Paul Dundes Wolfowitz born 1943, diplomat who served as the 10th President of the World Bank. Mentioned Shulem Wolfowicz b. ca 1880, the son of Mendel Wolfowicz b. ca 1852.
Copyright by Yahav.
This is family of Estusha (Ester) Nugiel (Chlopska) d. in 2018 in Los Angeles, buried in Netanya, in Israel; the daughter of Jacob Yankel Chlopski and Necha; the mother of Dr David Nugiel, an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Camden County College, a Principal Scientist at DuPont Pharmaceuticals from 1990-2002 and a Principal Scientist at AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals from 2003-2009.
Above Shulem Wolfowicz, the son of Mendel Wolfowicz b. after 1852, d. in 1923 in Lodz;
the grandson of Pinkus Wolf / Wolfowicz + Malka Waksman b. 1839 in RADOMSKO, d. 1918 in Radomsko, the daughter of Izrael Zilbershatz Waksman + Maszia Waksman.
This is family of Tauba Teofila Grynbaum (Epstein) b. 1864 in Zakrzow Wielkie [Zakrzow Wielki or Zakrzew = ZAKRZEWO close to Radomsko]; d. ca September 1942 in Czestochowa, the daughter of Abram Icyk Epsztajn + Ella (Zilbershatz Waksman) / Ela Epstein, born 1844 in Radomsko, d. 1912 in Radomsko, the daughter of Izrael Zilbershatz Waksman + Bajla.
Named Izrael Zilbershatz Waksman / Israel Zylberszac Waksman or Waxman b. 1815 in Radomsko, d. in 1886 in Radomsko, the son of Herszlik Zvi Hirsh Zilbershatz-Waksman.
Herszlik Zvi Hirsh Zilbershatz-Waksman b. ca 1789 in Radomsko, the son of Icyk Zilbershatz + Bluma Zilbershatz Wolf.
Icyk Zilbershatz (Zylberszac) b. 1747 in Radomsko, d. in 1827 in Radomsko, the son of Hershlik Zylberszac + Shprinca.
Hershlik Zylberszac, ca 1725 - ca 1797.

Zakrzewo / Zakrzew / Zakrzewo Wielkie close to RADOMSKO.

Mortimer Segal / Markus Mortimer Segal b. ca 1900/1905, was the son of unknown mother born 1878 [Brana or 2nd wife of Leizer] + father of the Lower Silesia [LEIZER SEGAL of Botosani in Romania]. Markus Mortimer Segal b. ca 1900/1905, m. in New York to ROSE ZIMAND b. 1916.
MARKUS Mortimer SEGAL b. ca 1900/1905, was probably the half-brother to HARRY SEGAL of Romania, maybe of BOTOSANI. Above Harry Segal b. in 1902 in BOTOSANI probably, in Romania, died in 1996 in Montreal, Canada. HARRY was the son of Leizer Segal + Brana. HARRY SEGAL had a brother Saul Shlomo Segal b. 1908 in Botosani, Romania.
Mentioned Leizer Segal b. ca 1880 in Botosani, Romania, died in Haifa, Israel. The son of Hersh Segal b. ca 1850 + Lea.
Named above Brana Segal (Bainvohl) b. 1878 or ca 1880, the daughter of Yona Bainvohl + Rifka.
Brana's children among others:
in 1902 the birth of Harry Segal in Romania; in 1908 the birth of Saul Shlomo Segal in Botosani, Romania. SAUL moved home to CANADA: Saul Shlomo Segal, b. 1908 in Botosani, Romania, d. in 2003 in Montreal, Canada, the son of Leizer Segal + Brana. Saul m. Ester Byer, 1913-2007, the daughter of Abraham Lazar Byer b. ca 1880 + Rachel.

This is a complex political, intelligence and genealogical structure operating under the influence of Russian intelligence formed around 1720/1741 until now, December 2020 / 28 August 2023:
in Zelechow + Krzynowloga Mala close to Przasnysz [H. Wodkiewicz Jaworska, M. Bogucka Sedzicka, M. Zieleniewska, Zbigniew Natkanski of the Opoczno county together with the Lipski family, Pelka + Roman, Malachowski of Bialaczow {Robert Bubis} +
Krasicki + Rzeczycki of Pieniany] - Sedziszow Malopolski + Podhajce - Wilkowyja and Kozmin + Berezyna and Lubuszany close to Miezonka - Krzynowloga Mala and the Swiedziebnia commune + Smilowice and Golaszewo close to Chocen - Pakoslaw, Chocen [Jaroslaw Slota, Maciej Igor Wojtczak] with Zelechow - Sedziszow Malopolski [Pisz] together with
Krzeszowice, Zator, Berezyna and Lubuszany - Naimski, Neyman, General Jozef Niemojewski, General Franciszek Maksymilian Paszkowski, Artur Potocki, Ignacy Wyssogota-Zakrzewski, Kalkstein + Roman + Zbigniew Brzezinski and Lech Walesa - together with the owner of Sedziszow Malopolski in 1787 or in 1790, Barbara Moszynska nee Rudzinska.
Maltese Order with Carsten Niebuhr and Cagliostro together with Illuminati - the Russian and German secret underground in Poland and USA:
Krzynowloga Mala close to Przasnysz with Zbigniew Brzezinski, Pelagia Rodys and Konstanty Rokossowski and the Krasinski - Garczynski in Krasne - Smilowice, Golaszewo and Chocen near to Kowal with Pruszak, Lech Walesa, Ignacy Wyssogota-Zakrzewski of Zelechow, Bielinski - Bobrynsky, and link to Owsiany - Boryslawski line, and Gustaw Findeisen, Edward Jurgens with Leopold Kronenberg in 1863 - Swiedziebnia, 16 km north-east of RYPIN, together with Kalkstein, General Jozef Niemojewski, Gustaw Findeisen, Hutten-Czapski, Nostitz-Jackowski, Orbeliani and Tomasz Swiatopelk-Mirski. Stara Hancza and Miezonka with Chrapowicki [in JELENIEWO close to SUWALKI], Oskierka, Ilinski, Poniatowski,
Stefania Julia Radziwill branch {MIEZONKA}, and the Konstantynowiczs.

Samuel BERGER [his mother's roots from Kublicze in Belarus, owned by the Piottuch-Kublicki intermarried Szumski and Konstantynowicz of Miezonka - the estate took Dominik Konstantynowicz in 1842; until November 1918] studied at the Cornell University in 1967, and his earned Juris Doctor degree from Harvard Law School in 1971.
At Cornell, Samuel Berger was a member of the Quill and Dagger society with Paul Wolfowitz [his roots came from Radomsko and Zakrzew = Zakrzow Wielki close to Bugaj Kodrebski, where acted Skora from my mother genealogical side].

Paul Dundes Wolfowitz (born December 22, 1943) is an American political scientist and diplomat who served as the 10th President of the World Bank, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense, U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia [here Barack Obama was living, then the 'RESET' President of US]. Paul Wolfowitz came from Zakrzow Wielki / ZAKRZEW close to Bugaj / Bugaj Zakrzewski, Kodrab and Radomsko - the estate of Ankwicz intermarried Szwarcenberg-Czerny from the Andrychow district - the links to Skora, Pfeiffer of Przedborz and Lodz, Temler of Wilczkow, Bobrowski, Sobanski and Kiedrzynski.

Top 'RESET to RUSSIA' statesman and main Bill Clinton's supporter was ELI Segal b. 1943. Segal's roots came from Botosani close to Suczawa and from Czerniowce - the main town of Jakob Frank pro-Russian movement in the 60' of the 18th century, with links to Thessaloniki, Frankfurt am Main, Altona close to Hamburg, Podhajce, Rochaczow and with the Wolowski family intermarried Arnold-Kiedrzynski branch in CHOCEN in 1870 and with Szymanowski-Adam Mickiewicz line under Zionist movement. Kiedrzynski in Raszkow had the Newlinski family, top Zionist member.

The Ordega-Holynski branch in Monasterszczyna-Dudino, with links to the Konstantynowicz family of the Mscislaw province and in Miezonka in 1842.

About March 1971, it was got a call from one of BERGER's closest friends still today, Eli Segal, who later on in the Clinton administration began AmeriCorps, Welfare to Work, and was the Chief of Staff of the campaign in 1992. SAMUEL Beregr was thinking about coming down to Washington to do a clerkship for Judge Theodore Tannenwald of the tax court. Hillary Clinton served as a young attorney on the staff of the Democrats' attorney for the Senate Nixon impeachment committee. Clintons' Legal Defense Fund in 2001: Judge Tannenwald, concurring, joined by Raum and Sterrett, would have held there was no gift 'absent a familial or other personal relationship between a candidate and his benefactor.'

BERGER got to know Clinton since 1972 and sometime in the '90s, when Bill Clinton went down to Arkansas one weekend.
About March of '71, it was got a call from one of BERGER's closest friends still today, Eli Segal, who later on in the Clinton administration began AmeriCorps, Welfare to Work, and was the Chief of Staff of the campaign in 1992.

Beregr was thinking about coming down to Washington to do a clerkship for Judge Theodore Tannenwald of the tax court.
Later they are going to elect a President [Bill Clinton] who's 'going to end the war' [with Russia? or in Palestina...].

Radoslaw Sikorski was under cover of Jew, Tannenwald in USA. Sikorski was in US in February 2008 and Radoslaw Sikorski was talking with advisors of Hillary Clinton [BERGER]. FIVE days after his back to Warsaw, Donald TUSK met PUTIN in Moscow. Tannenwald came from HESSE, the Illuminati Duchy in Germany, but with Jews and Frankists influences in the 2nd half of the 18th century.
BARUCH TANNENWALD had a daughter Jettchen Gluckauf (Tannenwald). Baruch Tannenwald m. Adelheid Tannenwald (nee Bluth). Named Jettchen m. Moses Gluckauf, the son of Jacob Gluckauf + Esther. Mentioned Baruch Tannenwald, 1815 in Rotenburg, Kassel - 1865 in Rotenburg, the son of Isaac or Issak Tannenwald + Roeschen or Recha. Mentioned Roeschen / Reischen / Recha Tannenwald (nee Katz), b. 1781 in Malsfeld, Kassel, died in 1869 in Rotenburg / Fulda, Hessen, and she was the mother of Giedel; Leiser Tannenwald; Esther Werthan; Dina Werthan; Baruch Tannenwald.
Above Malsfeld, Kassel, at half way from Rotenburg to KASSEL. Rotenburg belonged to Kassel. In 1803, the Landgraviate of Hesse-Kassel was raised to the Electorate of Hesse and Landgrave William IX was elevated to Imperial Elector, taking the title William I, Elector of Hesse.
Landgrave William IX / Wilhelm IX, Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel, later Elector of Hesse (1743-1821) upon the death of his father on 31 October 1785, became William IX, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel. William I, Elector of Hesse (1743 - 1821) was the eldest surviving son of
Frederick II, Landgrave of Hesse - Kassel (or Hesse-Cassel) and Princess Mary of Great Britain, the daughter of George II.

Diplomacy of Zbigniew Brzezinski, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, was connected to Garfinkel of Szawle, Wajgowo and Antopol; and to emigrating Jews from CZERNIOWCE, Suczawa, Jassy and Botosani together with Radomsko-Zakrzew-Wielgomlyny, and this diplomacy was completely wrong. In Poland the Foreign Affairs Minister was Radek Sikorski with similar political point of view. His wife was Anne Elizabeth Applebaum, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey M. Applebaum of Washington. Radek was the son of Jan Sikorski of Dwor Chobielin, Poland. "Judge Theodore Tannenwald, a senior judge of the United States Tax Court in the District of Columbia, performed the wedding ceremony at the home of the bride's parents". Copyright by nytimes. Named above Theodore Tannenwald Junior was appointed in 1965 by President Lyndon Johnson, after shooting of President John F. Kennedy in 1963. The same President Johnson appointed Zbigniew Brzezinski.
Theodore Tannenwald, Jr. studied at the Harvard Law School, he worked "more than two decades at the New York firm of Weil, Gotshal & Manges. During World War II, he served as a Special Adviser to the Air Force in the European and Pacific Theatres. He later served as counsel to New York Governor Averell Harriman, as a Special Assistant to the Secretary of State during the Truman Administration, and as a member of the Kennedy Task Force on Foreign Assistance....".
The Theodore Tannenwald, Jr. Papers were donated to the Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives by Selma Peterfreund Tannenwald. Jacob Rader Marcus Center - "The American Jewish Archives (AJA) was founded by Dr. Jacob Rader Marcus (1896-1995), former graduate and professor at the Hebrew Union College, in the aftermath of World War II and The Holocaust". By Wikipedia. Jacob Rader Marcus (March 5, 1896 - 1995) was a scholar of Jewish history and a Reform rabbi.
"Theodore Tannenwald Jr., a senior judge on the United States Tax Court in Washington, a foreign-aid adviser to three Democratic Presidents and a governor of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Manhattan for the last 40 years...".

In 2007, Eli Segal of the Suczawa district, Bronislaw Komorowski of Courland and Paulina of Pogodno-Szczecin:
in August 2007, Zbigniew Brzezinski endorsed then Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. In endorsing him, Brzezinski said 'What makes Obama attractive to me is that he understands that we live in a very different world where we have to relate to a variety of cultures and people'. Brzezinski is pro-Israel, he is a so-called Liberal Zionist.
Eli J. SEGAL and Phyllis N. Segal established the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University in 2007. Phyllis is currently Vice President of Encore.org, which empowers people over 50 to be a force for good. Phyllis serves on the boards of the John F. Kennedy Library. Eli J. Segal was Clinton Aide who led major initiatives.
Eli J. Segal [his Jews roots from Romania] was an American politician, and Bill Clinton stated in 2007 that Eli J. Segal "had a quality that was relatively rare in public service, government service, at the time. He could take a vision and turn it into a reality". Segal got his start in politics during the 1972 presidential campaign of George McGovern. He organized some business ventures in the 1980s, and was CEO of Vogart Crafts Corporation before becoming Chief of Staff of President Bill Clinton's campaign in 1992. After the election of Bill Clinton, Segal served as the first CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service; then he was - by President Clinton - assistant to Clinton's Welfare-to-Work initiative.

Designation of Donald Tusk as Prime Minister (on November 9, 2007) in the Presidential Palace, after Tusk and his Civic Platform party emerged victorious in the 2007 Polish parliamentary election, defeating Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski. Tusk was PM from November 16, 2007 to September 22, 2014. On October 23, 2007, the national board of Civic Platform decided that Donald Tusk would be Prime Minister.
Tusk's expose was on November 23, 2007. The February 8, 2008 visit to Russia by Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, and the meetings between Foreign Ministers of the two countries in Brussels and Moscow, were the Russian RESET.
Tusk's lawyers suggests, that only a longer fragment of his statement of 23rd November 2007 may be quoted. The words about dialogue with Russia were part of this fragment:
'Even though we have our opinions about the situation in Russia, we want dialogue with Russia, such as it is. Absence of dialogue would benefit neither Poland, nor Russia. It would damage interests and reputation of both countries in the international community. That is why I believe that the time for good change in this matter has just come. I am satisfied that there are signals from our Eastern neighbour confirming that also there this view is maturing. We are going to invariably support Ukraine's pro-Western aspirations, expressed by every democratically elected government of this country. The future of Ukraine should be a pivotal element of the Eastern dimension and the neighbourhood policy of the European Union. It will be the task of our policy towards Belarus to convince all political circles in this country, that democracy is worthy of their support'. The opposition leader attorneys go as far as to accuse TVP in 2023 of realising 'an enemy-creation strategy' as in the propaganda of 'totalitarian regimes'.'
My note on 06 July 2023:
on August 20, 2008, the government of Donald Tusk signed an agreement on the deployment of elements of the anti-missile shield on the territory of the Republic of Poland. In 2007, it was planned that the anti-missile base would be equipped with a two-stage GBI, because the distance from Poland to enemy ballistic missile launchers is shorter than from the US. The anti-missile base will protect US territory first, Israel second, and Europe third (including Poland) in the event of a missile attack on at least two countries (e.g. the US and Lithuania). This order does not apply to an attack on a single country (e.g. Poland) - the base will immediately protect only it.
In 2007, it was planned that the anti-missile shield in Poland would consist of a GMD (Ground-Based Midcourse Defense) system base with 10 GBI anti-missiles (ultimately equipped with a 20 Multiple Kill Vehicle) MKVs placed in silos. In March 2013, Polish Deputy Minister of Defense Robert Kupiecki [from 2008 to 2012, he served as Poland's ambassador to the United States. Kupiecki was nominated for this post on 15 November 2007, and presented his letter of credence on 22 April 2008. On 22 August 2012, he was appointed Deputy Minister of National Defence, replacing Zbigniew Wlosowicz] announced that Poland intended to build its own missile defense within NATO, complementing the US deployment. Poland's tentative budget for the next decade is "10 billion for the modernization of air defense, where half of this sum is dedicated to lower-tier missile defense."
Very interesting that Cenckiewicz in June 2023 shows November 2007 as the RESET beginning [this is note about Russian intelligence which acted in Poland, USA and France, Germany bef. November 2007]. I know that in November 2007 / March 2008 from Poland Foreign Intelligence Agency [the net of Tusk, Gostkowski close to Koscierzyna and near by Wadowice; Tomice close Wadowice, Inwald/Andrychow/Roczyny/Czaniec with Habsburg and earlier Szwarcenberg-Czerny] sent many spies around me [the Adam Owsiany of Lodz, General Jozef Flis of Szczecin; General Zbigniew NOWEK of Bydgoszcz and Torun; Gliwice/Katowice intelligence center]. At Winterbourne 14 or 18 in 2007, and Justyna of Lodz at Ste. Road 94 in 2007 [this is net of Monika Sedzicka at Krokusowa 59, Tadeusz Cieslak at Krokusowa 72A; Krzysztof Tomczyk at Zurawia in Lodz; Boguslaw Grabowski, Sinti of Lodz, Gorska Rd].

On a June night in 2008, the Polish Parliament, with the votes of the current coalition, passed an amendment to the Act on the Military Counterintelligence Service and the Military Service, which effectively completed the verification process under Antoni Maciarewicz. The 'marshal scandal', and the series of events from 2007-2008 (the name after Bronislaw Komorowski's position - his wife Jew from parents Jews working in SZCZECIN in the 60' of the 20th century) is the 'mother' of all scandals in Poland. If the marshal scandal were explained and its mechanisms revealed, it would block Komorowski's further political career in April 2010 after killing in Smolensk all Polish from goverment. It is highly probable that revealing pathological relations already in 2008 would have protected us from the dangers caused by the influence of the 'Russian factor' on political life, wrote on February 15, 2021 by Aleksander Szumanski, born in 1931 in Lviv. This allowed for the preparation of a document called 'Report on the activities of WSI soldiers and employees', subsequently published in Monitor Polski, pursuant to the decision of President Lech Kaczynski of February 16, 2007 - he was killed on 10 April 2010. The work of the Verification Commission was obstructed in every way, its members were discredited and intimidated, the head of the commission was slandered, and a media atmosphere of accusations and illegal activities was created around the process of liquidation of the WSI. At the end of 2007, an operational combination began with the participation of propaganda centers, people of the WSW-WSI, the leadership of the Internal Security Agency and the then Speaker of the Parliament, Bronislaw Komorowski - which I called the Marshal's Scandal. At the beginning of November 2007, on Komorowski's initiative, Tobiasz met with the head of the Internal Security Agency, Krzysztof Bondaryk, Col. Grzegorz Reszka (acting head of the Military Counterintelligence Service) and Pawel Gras (then deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee for secret services). At the meeting, arrangements were made for activities related to members of the Verification Committee.
Bondaryk's testimony showed that Komorowski summoned the head of the Internal Security Agency on November 23, 2007, and the meeting with Tobiasz took place on the same day on the premises of the Polish Parliament. Komorowski met with L. [?] before October 20, 2007, and therefore lied to the prosecutor, claiming that the meeting took place 'around November 19'. Jadwiga Zakrzewska told that a colonel from the WSI, 'who is her neighbor,' wanted to meet, and Zakrzewska, appearing on the "Special Mission' program on September 16, 2008, strongly denied her neighborly acquaintance with Tobiasz. When Bronislaw Komorowski testified again in this case in January 2009, he claimed that Zakrzewska only acted as an intermediary in organizing the meeting.
Col. L. [Colonel Aleksander Lichocki, last chief of military communist services] is associated with the Russian services. Gras's testimony showed that after the appointment of Donald Tusk's government, the then Marshal Komorowski contacted him again, saying that Col. Tobiasz was with him again.
Only after this information did Gras call Krzysztof Bondaryk, who had been appointed acting a few days earlier the head of the Internal Security Agency. The death of this main witness (in February 2012) eliminated the chance to confront his testimony with Komorowski's statements. The annex to the WSI Verification Report became the subject of scandalous and corrupt activities. This thesis was covered by the 'flagship' publication of the 'Dziennik' newspaper of November 19, 2007, entitled 'Annex to the report on the WSI for sale'. On October 18, 2007 'Gazeta Polska' published an article by Leszek Misiak titled 'Komorowski and WSI', which referred to the earlier publication of the weekly 'Wprost'.
In the article we could read about Komorowski's mysterious friend, who in March 2004 informed Leszek Misiak about the car accident that Komorowski's son had suffered.
My family members were killed at this time, Jan Konstantynowicz and his wife at Skladowa / Kilinskiego corner. On 02/03 November 1987 my father was killed by Wojciech, resident of this building. Wojciech working for security agency of Lodz communist officers. Wojciech's friend, woman born ca 1960 of Lodz, was sent to me abroad after 2010. Mentioned L. was a colonel of the WSI, former head of the First Directorate of the WSW, Aleksander L.
Revealing the fact of Komorowski's long-term acquaintance with Col. L., the journalist ended by asking: 'What interest did a high-ranking WSI officer have in acting as a spokesman for Bronislaw Komorowski?' Several days later, on October 27, 2007, 'Wprost' reported that 'The annex to the report of the verification commission of the Military Information Services has already been sent to the president.' It was also reported that 'former Minister of National Defense Bronislaw Komorowski was summoned to appear before the committee next Monday. On October 30, 2007 'Rzeczpospolita' wrote: 'The names of Komorowski, Onyszkiewicz [intermarried Pilsudski's family like the Karwats of Bydgoszcz], Kalisz, Szmajdzinski and Rusak are included in the annex to the report on the Military Information Services.' On November 19, 2007 The 'Diary' brought sensational information with the headline: 'Anyone can buy secret documents, titled Annex to the report on the WSI for sale'.
The content of the testimony given by Bronislaw Komorowski at the prosecutor's office (protocol of July 24, 2008) shows that he met with Col. Aleksander L. 'around November 19, 2007.' These days in November 2007, Paulina Sosnierz, born in December 1985, lives in Police near Szczecin, who comes to Winterbourne [from Szczecin] No 14 or 18, and on April 26, 2023, she officially accused me of being a THREAT to her and other managers, and for other colleagues like Marius AKIM from SIBIU in Romania, aged 28, the Cojocaru of Sibiu relatives. Sosnierz met in Spring 2005 abroad with Monika Bogucka married Monika Sedzicka, resident of Sporna in Lodz, then in Krokusowa 59 in Lodz, friends to Halina Wodkiewicz married Halina Jaworska died in 2016 in Lodz, born in the village Leszno close to Przasnysz and Krasne of the Dukes Krasinski, friendly to Leopold Kronenberg's family at the second half of the 19th century, and in Krasne was born Marceli Nowotko, Russian spy.

Colonel Aleksander Lichocki born 1947, studied KGB school in 1981 in Soviet Union, finished August 27, 1981. In the Polish People's Republic, Lichocki served in the Internal Military Service and trained in Moscow. Just before the dissolution of the WSW, he headed the 1st Directorate dealing with military counterintelligence. He was responsible for the protection of the central institutions of the Ministry of National Defense, as well as, among others, General Staff. After the liquidation of WSW, he was transferred to the staff reserve of the newly established Military Information Services. In 1991, he left the army with the rank of colonel. In the early 1990s, according to the report on the liquidation of the WSI, Lichocki was allegedly involved in the surveillance of the right wing. The contacts of Lieutenant Piotr Polaszczyk [WSI officer] with right-wing politicians from 1991 to 1993 could have been inspired by high-ranking former officers of the WSW leadership: Col. Aleksander Lichocki and Col. Marek Wolny. Lieutenant Polaszczyk was in frequent contact with these officers at that time. In the early 1990s, Aleksander Lichocki joined the First Class travel agency, whose supervisory board included, among others, Roman Kurnik, former deputy chief of police. Privately, he is a friend of Lichocki. Lichocki was a hit among influential politicians and businessmen.
In the early 1990s Lichocki met a Polish businessman, Edward Mazur. Lichocki did not abandon contacts with MAZUR even after he was accused of ordering the murder of General Marek Papala, the former police commander.
In 1998, a month before Papala's murder, Colonel Aleksander Lichocki allegedly informed Col. Jan Bisztyga, a former intelligence officer and advisor to Prime Minister Leszek Miller
[of ZGIERZ, the friend to Malgorzata Zieleniewska, my enemy and Malgorzata was the friend to Jaroslaw Skota vel Jaroslaw Slota of CHOCEN, and to Monika Bogucka married Monika SEDZICKA, and the Sedzickis were Romani of Krokusowa 59 in Lodz, the friends to Halina Wodkiewicz married JAWORSKA, Jew of the Leszno village close to KRASNE and PRZASNYSZ, then at Krokusowa 57, and Sasiedzka, acted around my family in 1955-2016. Mentioned the Zieleniewski family of Zgierz and Lodz, came from the Findeisen-Pawinski-Rodys clan of Swiedziebnia, Przasnysz, Bratoszewice, Zgierz and Smilowice close to Chocen. In the Chocen commune we have ancestors of President Lech WALESA in 1803; and Sokolowski of the KOLO district, with ENOCH; and Broel-Plater also in BIALACZOW; Dabski intermarried Sapiecha and Dabski married Pola Negri, Gypsy of ZILINA in Slovakia and in LIPNO. In Lipno we have Lech Walesa and Leszek Balcerowicz and Maciej Igor Wojtczak, devil face, dark, my enemy aft. 2011/2014, born in Brzesc Kujawski, studied in WLOCLAWEK together with Radoslaw SADOWSKI of Przybranowo, spy abroad at Wi. 98. Wojtczak has family in the Chocen commune at present],
that the former police chief may be at risk. This information was received by investigators explaining the circumstances of Papala's murder.
Organization of the WSI:
Counterintelligence Board - established on the basis of the counterintelligence department of the former WSW (Board I WSW), it was headed by, among others: Col. Aleksander Lichocki 1988-1991 (WSW/WSI), Col. Lucjan Jaworski in 1991-1993, Commander Kazimierz Glowacki in 1993-1996, Col. Roman Januchta in 1996, Col. Marek Mackiewicz in 1997, Col. Kazimierz Mochol in 1997-1998; Operational Intelligence Board: established on the basis of the former Board of the 2nd General Staff of the Polish Army; it was managed by, among others: Col. Konstanty Malejczyk in 1992-1994, Col. Cezary Lippert in 1994-1997. The Office of Studies and Analyzes: managed by, among others, by colonel Stanislaw Wozniak, Col. Zenon Bilewicz in 1999-2002,
during the reorganization of the civil services, part of BSiA was incorporated into the Foreign Intelligence Agency
[in 2002; Colonel Adam Owsiany, b. 1962, the son of Andrzej Ostoja-Owsiany, the cover for Leszek Moczulski, like Bronislaw Geremek aft. 2000' - and Adam Owsiany was the chief of Personal Dep. of new Intelligence Agency in Warsaw, ca 2007/2009, then in Wenezuela; Owsiany - half Gypsy, intermarried Terlecki, in Lodz under influenced of Zbigniew Natkanski b. 1958, of Honoratow, Opoczno, Lodz and Ossa near to BIALACZOW; Natkanski known Jan Olczyk of GLOWNO, Romani. The Natkanskis of Opoczno-Honoratow are Jews. Above Foreign Intelligence Agency acted around me from March 2005 with Zgierz, Romani agents, and Glowno, also Romani young girl; to present days on 13 September 2023 with Sosnierz, Wypych, Camopy and Akim of SIBIU, Justyna of Lodz, now St. Rd 94 with Ste. 102, 96, 66, 16, 6, 44, 80, 84, 128, 97 and Ste. Cl 24, 22, 28, 1, 2].
The Analysis Bureau had data from global reconnaissance and analysis of events and people throughout history. Since 2002, in the hands of Adam Owsiany and Zbigniew Nowek. My factory aft. 2007 is made up of people whom I present in the background of the activities of Russian global intelligence in USA and in Poland.
And also - local provocation unsuccessful: on 24 July 2020, Friday, white man was waiting [before 13.55 - 14.05 - 14.12] for me behind the fence on St. Road 133, a backpack, 30 / 35 years old, 180 cm, blonde-red hair, typical Semitic face - large and sharp nose, oblong eyes; living St. Close 24. The friend to semitic, ex-colleague of Ewelina Sadow., 14.25-14.35; with net to sibiling of Witold Kowalski, the nerk of Lodz, Si... probably - younger brother, a little, blue tattoo below right ear [on 26 July 2020, St. Close No 1 - ex Chelmza and drugs line. With Wi. 95 - a Ro... man, 35 years old with van car close to this home - 175 cm, black hair]. And - on 24 July 2020 - a support of girl, white, 28 years old, 160 cm, working ABCO Distributors. This Semitic guy, 30 / 35 years old, 180 cm, 14.14-14.20, called to a friend - next girl, 25 years old, very slim, local white girl dressed in a black tracksuit, living in 28 St. Cl. - acted 14.15 / 14.20. Compare Tatn. 1B, ex-residents. We have actions of a local pedophile working at the School of Business and Trade recruiting young people [the same Krokusowa 15/17, LODZ, in Home for Children; the teacher, 185 cm, 35 years old, light google for distance, smoker, shaved bald in 2022; girls 12/14 years old in 2021/2022] aged 13-15 as street spies [see Fernside 16/Pieniny 5 - Polish girl, 13/14 years old at present, very skinny, google to distance in 2020-2022 + Tadeusz Cieslak, Przelecz 6 apt. 1; Gorska 25, Apt. 3 and 4 + Krokusowa 59 + Telefoniczna 61 + Skalna 15/ex-Tatnam, ex-St Anna's Hospital] ca 2018-2022. And so on 07 June 2022, 15.57-16.07, couple: 15-year-old girl, 170 cm, round face, long blonde hair close to pedestrian bridge + boy, born ca 2006, all family working for Lodz Foreign Intelligence Agency, white face, long pulled face, very narrow eyes, short fair hair, resident at Ste. Close 24. On 08 June 2022, 16.05-16.10, young boy, 178 cm, lush hair of fair hair turning into reddish but not red, of course 15 years + girl also 15 years old, narrow eyes, full cheeks, white, blonde, slim legs.
And on November 3, 2022, we have another 11-year-old girl this time, a white, probably Polish, Business School subject to the local government, there is probably a pedophile at school {this is actually a woman, a teacher, active from about December 1 to December 15, 2022, tall, slim, long legs, 180 cm, 40 years old - twice she mistook the way to her house and watched my house, High School of Commercial and Business, co-operated with St. Close 24 and Ste. Rd 84 and 94, together with Cooperative Foods} who has contact with 11-year-old girls same like at Krokusowa 15/17 in Lodz; she had long, crimped hair up to her shoulders, a dragged face, big eyes, a sharp nose, gray hair with highlights, a navy blue-black uniform, very skinny legs, she waited around my house for 15 minutes and didn't know how to follow me a few times - it was 4:20 pm - 4:35 pm on Thursday, November 3.
Military Information Services ('WSI'), Inspectorate of Military Information Services together with subordinate organizational units of the Ministry of National Defense, was Polish special service existing in the years 1991-2006. During the political changes in Poland in 1989, changed the service operating since 1957, responsible for, among others, for military counterintelligence, the Internal Military Service, and the military intelligence service operating since 1951 under the name of the Second Directorate of the General Staff of the Polish Army.

The first major reorganization of the military secret services was undertaken on July 27, 1990, including part of the former Military Intelligence Service to the Second Directorate of the General Staff of the Polish Army. The name was changed to the Directorate of the Second Intelligence and Counterintelligence of the General Staff of the Polish Army. The organization of the 'WSI':
Counterintelligence Board: established on the basis of the counterintelligence department of the former WSW (Board I WSW);
2. Operational Intelligence Board: established on the basis of the former Board of the 2nd SG of the Polish Army;
3. Mentioned above the Office of Studies and Analyzes: managed by colonel Stanislaw Wozniak, Col. Zenon Bilewicz in 1999-2002, during the reorganization of the civil services, part of 'BSiA' was incorporated into the Foreign Intelligence Agency. Named Intelligence Agency (AW) (JW 3164), Polish special service responsible for foreign intelligence, started its operations on June 29, 2002.
Marek Mackiewicz (born June 26, 1947 in Kozuchow close to Nowa Sol, died July 2, 2013) - his father Jozef Mackiewicz b. 1917 Sept., d. in 1970; Marek was Polish colonel of military intelligence of the Polish People's Republic (Board of the Second General Staff of the Polish Army), WSI officer. In 1989-1990, Mackiewicz was a senior officer of the "Y" Branch (Agentural Strategic Intelligence), a special military intelligence unit established in 1983. Then, in the Third Polish Republic, an officer of the Military Information Services (WSI).
Unit Y - it dealt with strategic intelligence, recruiting personal sources of information among civilians. In 1983, a new Strategic Intelligence Branch (the so-called "Y" Branch) was established. Due to financial constraints, emphasis was placed on recruiting of businesses.
Mentioned Alexander Lichocki - the last head of the First Directorate of the Military Intelligence of Warsaw, a graduate of the Soviet Intelligence school at the GRU courses in Moscow [like General Jozef Flis, Romani of the Lublin district, then in SZCZECIN-Glebokie, 1982/1983 around me; two times studied in Soviet Union].
After the liquidation of WSW, with the consent of Bronislaw Komorowski. Col. Aleksander Lichocki, the last head of the First Directorate of the Military Administration, a graduate of the GRU courses in Moscow. After the liquidation of the WSW, with the consent of Bronislaw Komorowski, he was transferred to the staff reserve of the newly established WSI. In the 1980s, he was involved in the persecution of the independence opposition and the Church. In the early 1990s, he participated in the surveillance of the right-wing. Friend of Edward Mazur, accused of ordering the murder of General Marek Papala. In 1991, Lichocki left the army with the rank of colonel and as a general. The reason was the commencement of the so-called the Okrzesik committee, a parliamentary subcommittee for investigating the activities of the former WSW, whose report revealed irregularities and crimes taking place in the WSW. Accused in the so-called the marshal's scandal involving an attempt to sell a secret annex to the WSI verification report. On May 13, 2008, officers of the Internal Security Agency enter the apartments and houses of four people. The searches are carried out at the premises of two members of the WSI verification commission, Piotr Baczek and Leszek Pietrzak, journalist Wojciech Sumlinski and retired military secret service officer Col. Aleksander Lichocki. The prosecutor's office later charged the latter two with paid protection. Citing their influence in the verification commission, they allegedly offered positive verification and corrections in a secret annex to the report on the liquidation of the WSI in exchange for money. After the scandal was revealed, Lichocki, working in the shadows, became the hero of the front pages of newspapers. The weekly Wprost revealed that the Speaker, Bronislaw Komorowski met with Col. Lichocki at the end of 2007. The retired officer then allegedly suggested to him that he could obtain a secret annex. Komorowski said thet he known Lichocki. On 11 Feb 2019, former colonel of the WSW and WSI Aleksander Lichocki was sentenced on December 16, 2015 by the District Court for Warsaw-Wola for paid protection. The Republika TV obtained documents describing close ties with the KGB of Col. Aleksander Lichocki, former officer of the Military Information Services, who met Bronislaw Komorowski many times. The file, which has been preserved in the Personnel Department of the Ministry of National Defense, contains 98 pages documenting the course of Colonel's service of Lichocki in the years 1962-1991. One document issued on June 20, 1984, written entirely in Cyrillic, deserves special attention. This is the certificate of completion of Col. Aleksandra Lichocki, the 3-year course at the KGB USSR Higher School. Aleksander Lichocki is a retired colonel of the Military Information Services, associated with the events of 2007-2008.

The links to - KUBLICZE in Belarus, Samuel Richard Berger came from [his mother's line], also known as Sandy, who met in 1972 Bill Clinton! From 1972, continuous observation of me began - Gorska 25, Apt. 3 and 4; Tadeusz Cieslak at Krokusowa 72A; Halina Wodkiewicz nee Jaworska, d. at Krokusowa 57 in 2016, from Leszno, small village close to Przasnysz and Krasne, with links to Marcel Nowotko of Krasne, the Krasinski estate, who co-operated with the Leopold Kronenberg family aft. ca 1860 until ca 1918; the Sedzicki family, Sinti Romani at Krokusowa 59; family Krych, Karski - Romani family, Adamski, Adam Adamkiewicz, Plachecki, Niedzwiecki - Jews, Zbigniew Natkanski of Honoratow and Opoczno / Ossa, Lodz in 1977/ca 2010; Telefoniczna 61 with W. 135/137; Sadecka - the Grzanek family; Adam Zielinski b. ca 1958; and others to July 2023, with St. Rd 94 and 96, 44, 66, 16, 6; St. Cl 24, 22, 28, 1 and 2. In 1972 my family was reunited with Georgia in the Soviet Union, then with gypsies from the North Caucasus, Tbilisi and Thessaloniki in Greece, and Bruges in Belgium; the destruction of my father began in 1972, who was killed on the night of 02/03 October 1987 - after 1945, Jerzy Kruszynski of Nawra, near CHELMZA, was active around my father / aft. 2000 it was killed his older brother Jan Konstantynowicz b. in LIDA, the 77 Infantry Regiment until morning 18 September 1939;
in 1972, the fictitious movement of the Sandberg family began
[the Summers / Arrow / Samuelson of RACZKI Wielkie close to Suwalki - cover and support for the Sandbergs], the return to Israel - it involved young Jews from Ukraine, Moldavia and Romania, as well as Jan Janowski from Baden-Baden, Krzysztof Wojcieszek from Munich; Niedzwiecki of Chicago and so on from my friends. Everything is connected with Gypsy underground movements inside People's Poland: general Miroslaw Milewski from Inwald near Andrychow; General Czeslaw Kiszczak from Roczyna near Czaniec and Andrychow - this included civilian intelligence conducted by Department I at the Ministry of the Interior and gypsies from Bielsko-Biala and the ANDRYCHOW district; Lodz {Justyna, Romani of Lodz in 2007/2023}, Zdunska Wola, Zgierz and Glowno].
And in the US there is a key arrangement of Samuel Berger with Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton in 1972, which will be joined by PODESTA later. It is with the Clinton / Berger arrangement that Radoslaw Sikorski will encounter in the USA on 31 January / 03 February 2008, and 5 days after his return to Warsaw, Donald Tusk will go to Wladimir PUTIN
(similar - on 07 April 2010, Vladimir Putin was talking with Donald Tusk of the Koscierzyna district, at the Gostkowskis estates, and Gostkowski took Tomice close to Wadowice, small distance north-east to ANDRYCHOW and to Habsburg-Romer-Bobrowski-Szwancenberg Czerny-Dembinski properties close to Andrychow and Czaniec; 08 April 2010, PM Donald Tusk met in Prague / Praga with Barack Obama, who was together with Hillary CLINTON; on 10 April 2010, over 90 persons from Polish goverment were killed by Russians in Smolensk. Tusk after the meeting with Obama: nothing will change regarding the 'shield', by newsweek.pl at 21:35 on 08 April 2010. The meeting with US President Barack Obama in Prague of the Prime Minister Donald Tusk was after Obama invited Tusk to Prague. Prime Minister Donald Tusk was invited by US President Barack Obama for security talks, together with the leaders of the new Europe).
However, according to American researchers, the key is Hillary Clinton, and according to me, Samuel Berger, after 1972.
Samuel Richard Berger / ex BREGER, b. 1945, d. 2015, the son of Albert Berger (Aaron Breger) and Rose Lehrman. Rose b. 1910, the daughter of Louis or Yehuda Lieb Lehrman and Rebecca Fried.
Mentioned above Albert (Aaron) Breger b. 1909 in New York, the son of Schulim Breger and Sara Laufer, b. 1882 in Osterreich (Austria), d. in 1959 in Fishkill, in the Dutchess County, New York. SARA was the daughter of Yehuda Schapiro and Chaika Laufer.
Yehuda Schapiro (Laufer) b. ca 1845 in Bukovina, Austria. Chaika Laufer (nee Katz) b. ca 1850.
This family: in 1874 Rebecca Shapiro was born in Zhadowa, Austria. Zhadowa in Bukowina (ca 40 km west to Czernowitz / CZERNIOWCE).
Mentioned Albert (Aaron) Breger / Berger, b. 1909 in New York, the son of Schulim Breger and Sara Laufer. Named Schulim Breger b. ca 1876 in Osterreich (Austria), d. in 1921 in Brooklyn. The son of Josel Chaim Breger and Sarah Breger (Alter) b. ca 1857 in Osterreich (Austria).
Mentiond Josel Chaim Breger b. ca 1859 in Viznitsa / WISNICA, in Austria = WYZNICA / Vyzhnytsya, in the Chernivets'ka oblast, Ukraine. The son of Israel Lieb Yehuda Breger and Toba Tessie Breger (Druckman) = Toba Stein b. in Austria.
This family:
Jacob Breger b. 1892 in Buchavenia / BUKOWINA, in Chenovitz / CZERNIOWCE, d. in 1963 in Dade, Florida. About Jacob Breger says born in Vizhnitsa, in Austria, which is in the Chernivets'ka Oblast.
Rebecca Fried b. 1878 in Russia, d. 1942, the wife of Louis (Yehuda Lieb) Lehrman. Above Louis (Yehuda Lieb) Lehrman b. 1875 in Russia, d. in 1917 in Harrisburg, in Pennsylvania, USA, the son of Aaron Lehrman and Chaia Sarah Lehrman. Chaia Sarah Lehrman b. 1852 in Belarus, d. 1914 in Brooklyn, the daughter of Dov Ber (Beryl) Lehrman and Esther Lehrman. Above Esther Lehrman (nee Kaplan) b. 1825, d. in 1871, m. Beryl Lehrman / Dov Ber (Beryl) Lehrman, b. 1829, d. 1913 in Tchaschniki, the Vitebsk Oblast, Belarus, the son of Tzvi Aaron Lehrman. BERYL m. twice - to Esther Lehrman and Tamara Lehrman. Named Tamara Lehrman d. in VILNA, in RUSSIA.
Chashniki - is a small town of the Vitebsk region of Belarus, the battle during the French invasion of Russia in 1812; at half way from LEPIEL / LEPEL to Syanno / Sianno.
Tzvi Aaron Lehrman, b. ca 1795.
We are a LEHRMAN family descended from early 19th in Kublitz, Vitebsk / KUBLICZE. Dov Ber (Beryl) and Shimon Lehrman's children settled in the nearby towns of Polotsk, Lepel [43 km west to Chashniki] and Shashniki / CHASHNIKI / Czasniki. Beryl and Shimon Lehrman died in Kublitz [Kublichi / Kubliczy / KUBLICZE - 60 km north-west to LEPEL], but their children started to come to the USA in the 1890's, acc. to geni.com. There have been two large LEHRMAN family reunions.
The last one was in 1996. Some of the many names associated with this family are: KAUFMAN, GINSBURG, GILDEN, KIRSNER, GILSON, ALPERT, ROYAK, FIRESTONE, HURWITZ and BROWN.
Kublicze - see my ancestrors Piottuch Kublicki.
And in the US there is a key arrangement of Samuel Berger with Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton in 1972, which will be joined by PODESTA later. It is with the Clinton / Berger arrangement that Radoslaw Sikorski will encounter in the USA on 31 January / 03 February 2008, and 5 days after his return to Warsaw, Donald Tusk will go to Wladimir PUTIN
(similar - on 07 April 2010, Vladimir Putin was talking with Donald Tusk of the Koscierzyna district, at the Gostkowskis estates, and Gostkowski took Tomice close to Wadowice, small distance north-east to ANDRYCHOW and to Habsburg-Romer-Bobrowski-Szwancenberg Czerny-Dembinski properties close to Andrychow and Czaniec; 08 April 2010, PM Donald Tusk met in Prague / Praga with Barack Obama, who was together with Hillary CLINTON; on 10 April 2010, over 90 persons from Polish goverment were killed by Russians in Smolensk. Tusk after the meeting with Obama: nothing will change regarding the 'shield', by newsweek.pl at 21:35 on 08 April 2010. The meeting with US President Barack Obama in Prague of the Prime Minister Donald Tusk was after Obama invited Tusk to Prague. Prime Minister Donald Tusk was invited by US President Barack Obama for security talks, together with the leaders of the new Europe).
However, according to American researchers, the key is Hillary Clinton, and according to me, Samuel Berger, after 1972.
Samuel Richard Berger / ex BREGER, b. 1945, d. 2015, the son of Albert Berger (Aaron Breger) and Rose Lehrman. Rose b. 1910, the daughter of Louis or Yehuda Lieb Lehrman and Rebecca Fried.

From 1972, continuous observation of me began - Gorska 25, Apt. 3 and 4; Tadeusz Cieslak at Krokusowa 72A; Halina Wodkiewicz nee Jaworska, d. at Krokusowa 57 in 2016, from Leszno, small village close to Przasnysz and Krasne, with links to Marcel Nowotko of Krasne, the Krasinski estate, who co-operated with the Leopold Kronenberg family aft. ca 1860 until ca 1918; the Sedzicki family, Sinti Romani at Krokusowa 59; family Krych, Karski - Romani family, Adamski, Adam Adamkiewicz, Plachecki, Niedzwiecki - Jews, Zbigniew Natkanski of Honoratow and Opoczno / Ossa, Lodz in 1977/ca 2010; Telefoniczna 61 with Wi. 135/137; Sadecka - the Grzanek family; Adam Zielinski b. ca 1958; and others to July 2023, with St. Rd 94 and 96, 44, 66, 16, 6; Ste. Cl 24, 22, 28, 1 and 2. In 1972 my family was reunited with Georgia in the Soviet Union, then with gypsies from the North Caucasus, Tbilisi and Thessaloniki in Greece, and Bruges in Belgium;
the destruction of my father began in 1972, who was killed on the night of 02/03 NOVEMBER 1987 {it was my mistake about October; compare Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1987} -
after 1945, Jerzy Kruszynski of Nawra, near CHELMZA, was active around my father / aft. 2000 it was killed his older brother Jan Konstantynowicz b. in LIDA, the 77 Infantry Regiment until morning 18 September 1939; in 1972, the fictitious movement of the Sandberg family began
[the Summers / Arrow / Samuelson of RACZKI Wielkie close to Suwalki - cover and support for the Sandbergs], the return to Israel - it involved young Jews from Ukraine, Moldavia and Romania, as well as Jan Janowski from Baden-Baden, Krzysztof Wojcieszek from Munich; Niedzwiecki of Chicago and so on from my friends.
Everything is connected with Gypsy underground movements inside People's Poland: general Miroslaw Milewski from Inwald near Andrychow; General Czeslaw Kiszczak from Roczyna near Czaniec and Andrychow - this included civilian intelligence conducted by Department I at the Ministry of the Interior and gypsies from Bielsko-Biala and the ANDRYCHOW district; Lodz {Justyna, Romani of Lodz in 2007/2023}, Zdunska Wola, Zgierz and Glowno].

Compare - From 1987 to 1990, Chutkan was in private practice at the law firm Hogan & Hartson (now Hogan Lovells). From 1990 to 1991, she worked at the law firm of Donovan, Leisure, Rogovin [Russian Jew], Huge & Schiller. From 1991 to 2002, she was a trial attorney and supervisor at the Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia.

Various bandits have been launched against my family: in the 90' of the 20th century - Gypsy family Konatowicz which moved home aft. 1945 from Lithuania, and Miscicki family which working in the 60' of the 20th century for military counter-intelligence; in the 80' of the 20th century - Jew family Sasin, working for communist military counter-intelligence in the 60' of the 20th century; the Sobiczewski family, mixed Jew-Polish nobility ca 2004-2010; the Kulakowski family which moved home from Lithuania, mixed Jew-Gypsy clan, the communist secret co-workers, friends to Tadeusz Cieslak at Krokusowa 72A, in 2011-2017; the Tersa family of Parzymiechy, Jew family, communist militia in the 80' of the 20th century; the Sedzicki family, "chinese" Gypsy at Krokusowa 59; the Jaworski family, Polish intermarried Halina Wodkiewicz of Leszno village close to Krasne of the Krasinski Dukes - aft. July 1955 until 2016, Krokusowa 57 in Lodz; in the 70' of the 20th century: Krych, Gypsy; Karski mixed Polish-Gypsy at Gorska 25; Plachecki; Adamkiewicz b. 1958; the Grabowski family, Gypsy, ca 1968 until 90' of the 20th century; Maciej Igor Wojtczak in 2012-2013, from Brzesc Kujawski, Wloclawek and Lipno; the Sadowski family of Przybranowo in 2009-2019; and others communist spies.
In 2023 Bulgarian Gypsy, with cover Bulgarian Turkish, Tatnam Crescent 2, sample: on 17 April 2023, 160 cm, very fat belly, sways when walking, legs bent like a barrel, very black straight hair falling out in patches from some skin disease, less than 50 years old.

Waclawa Konstancja Wiktoria Plachecka, b. ca 1870, m. in 1896, in Lodz Church of Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Poland at Zgierska 230 at present [Iwona Plachecka bef. 1973 had friend Alicja KARSKA, the family of the Sobotka-Bieganin-Raszkow area], to Jozef Lachmanowicz, b. ca 1860, the son of Pawel Aleksander Lachmanowicz, ca 1822-1895 + Waleria Nowakowska,
with a son Stefan Konstanty Lachmanowicz, ca 1890 - 1914.

HOUTHAKKER, Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka / Enna-Tiresa Timieniecka, died in 2014.
Bohdan Wladyslaw Zaremba Tymieniecki or Bogdan / Bohdan ZAREMBA-Tymieniecki, was born in Warsaw, then he was living in Paris, war in 1939 in Poland, Colonel in Italy [author with a nickname Visconsini, Amadeo], a landowner before 1939 - was the brother of ANNA-TERESA Tymieniecka!
Anna Teresa was born on Feb 28 1923 in Marianowo, in the Rypin County, close to Golub-Dobrzyn and RYPIN - but not near by Mlawa.
Her mother was Maria-Ludwika de Lanval Tymieniecka / LENVAL.

Wife of above Bogdan / Bohdan was Joanna Tymieniecka Burhardt, b. 1920, daughter of Stanislaw Seweryn Burhardt-Bukacki and Jadwiga Beck.

Above Jadwiga Beck nee Salkowska, b. 1896 in Lublin, died in 1974 in London, UK, daughter of Waclaw Salkowski and Jadwiga Maria;
wife of General Stanislaw Seweryn Burhardt-Bukacki and Colonel Jozef Beck, III -
mother of Joanna Tymieniecka.

Above Stanislaw Seweryn Burhardt-Bukacki b. 1890 in Cannes, France, died in 1942 in Edinburgh; he was the son of Jan Krzysztof Burhardt and Salomea Otylia Burhardt; father of Joanna Tymieniecka.

Above Jozef Beck, III born in 1894 in Warszawa, died in 1944 in Stanesti, Romania, son of Alojzy Beck, II and Bronislawa Filipina; husband of Maria Wiktoria Janiszewska and Jadwiga Beck; Jozef Beck - Polish politician, a diplomat, a close associate of Josef Pilsudski, Colonel of the Polish Army.

Above named Stanislaw Seweryn Burhardt-Bukacki - b. in Cannes, France, d. in Edinburgh, Division General of the Polish Army. He was the grandson of the November insurgent and the son of the January uprising. He studied in Czestochowa, and then began his studies at the Technical University of Lvov. Since 1906 he participated in the independence movement. After the outbreak of World War I in Legions. The commander of the second platoon; after the oath crisis interned in Beniaminow. In October 1918 he appointed commander of the Polish underground troops in the territories occupied by the Austrian army. Named above Joanna Tymieniecka was the daughter of Stanislaw Seweryn Burhardt-Bukacki.
On September 13, 2023 we have spies:
1. tall guy, Kin., was already in the summer of 2023, rounded nose, fair, long face, Semitic eyes, does not smoke cigarettes, ran away for 2 hours, gray hair / white on the sides of the head and in the front, black top, hair very short haircut, 183 cm, 50 years old, had protection: 2. a man with sagging breasts, a spy from Denmark 74, this time he did not show his testicles, he had Chinese eyes; 3. a poor lame boy with a red braid down to his buttocks, 173 cm, 20 aged [and again on 14 Sptember 2023], a friend of the dark girl from 46 W., the same poor, 145 cm.

On 01/04 August 2023, TANYIA CHUTKAN, accuses Donald TRUMP. Tanyia - this is Russian first name. Chutkan was born in July 5, 1962 in Kingston, Jamaica - compare Rachelle Thompson and me in around 2018/2020, teacher of primary school, Triangle, the flat after her took Camila CAMOPY - the links to Sosnierz of Police close to Szczecin and to TCZEW. A net of Stefan Niesiolowski of LODZ, and SENEGAL with Honoratow-Opoczno, Zbigniew Natkanski.
Chutkan studied Penn Carey Law; married Peter A. Krauthamer [both are mulattoes]. Both appointed by Barack Obama.

Eli J. Segal was the chief of staff of Bill Clinton's victorious campaign for president in 1992.
Eli J. Segal was the chief of staff of Bill Clinton's victorious campaign for president in 1992. The Eli J. and Phyllis N. Segal established the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University in 2007. Phyllis is currently Vice President of Encore.org, which empowers people over 50 to be a force for good. Phyllis serves on the boards of the John F. Kennedy Library. Eli J. Segal was Clinton Aide who led major initiatives.
"... said Will Marshall, president of the Progressive Policy Institute, the think-tank arm of the leadership council.
'We want to reinforce the notion that there really is no free lunch'. Eli Segal, assistant to the president and director of the Office of National Service, says national service and the trust fund make up a perfect model for linking responsibility and opportunity. ..." - publication place: Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania, United States.
As Eli Segal, the president of the Welfare to Work Partnership said at the recent conference in Chicago: 'Many of the people who have made the transition are just hanging on they've gone...'.

The link among J. F. Kennedy in 1963 and Dudino-Monasterszczyna of the HOLYNSKI family with Specter.
Hillary Clinton and Podesta, Putin, Radek Sikorski with Tannenwald. China and Russia with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama Husajn junior. Leopold Kronenberg, Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, Loewenstein and Gerlach, Zamoyski in Klemensow and Kaczorowski with Rettinger. Ordega of Zelechow; Roman of Zelechow; Wyssogota-Zakrzewski of Zelechow and Chocen; Lech Walesa's ancestors of the Chocen commune; Jaroslaw Slota vel Skota of Chocen with his friends: Malgorzata Zieleniewska of Lodz - the friend to PM Leszek Miller, Monika Sedzicka nee Bogucka of Sporna and Krokusowa 59, the counter-intelligence officer.

Samuel Richard "Sandy" Berger (October 28, 1945 - December 2, 2015) was an attorney who served as the 18th US National Security Advisor for US President Bill Clinton from 1997 to 2001 after he had served as the Deputy National Security Advisor for the Clinton administration from 1993 to 1997.
Samuel BERGER got to know Clinton since 1972 and sometime in the '90s, when Bill Clinton went down to Arkansas one weekend.

About March 1971, it was got a call from one of BERGER's closest friends still today, Eli Segal, who later on in the Clinton administration began AmeriCorps, Welfare to Work, and was the Chief of Staff of the campaign in 1992.
Beregr was thinking about coming down to Washington to do a clerkship for Judge Theodore Tannenwald of the tax court. Later they are going to elect a President [Bill Clinton] who's 'going to end the war' [with Russia? or in Palestina...].

Monasterszczyna and Dudino of Holynski intermarried Konstantynowicz - the assassination of J. F. Kennedy in 1963; Parvus of Berezyna close to Miezonka of Konstantynowicz; Hanecki; Samuel Berger in 1972 with Hillary Clinton; Piottuch-Kublicki in Kublicze with Soltan and Konstantynowicz
- the link to Samuel Richard Berger / ex BREGER, b. 1945, d. 2015, the son of Albert Berger (Aaron Breger) and Rose Lehrman. Samuel Berger in 1972 met Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton - Berger's mother came from Kublicze of Piottuch-Kublicki, and Kublicki intermarried Szumski and Konstantynowicz of Miezonka.
Hillary Clinton in February 2008, Barack Obama and the links to Anna Teresa Tymieniecka, Loewenstein, Leopold Kronenberg with Krasinski of Krasne and with Zamoyski of Klemensow - the links to Rettinger and Kaczorowski. Donald Tusk with Wybicki, Garczynski, Nostitz-Jackowski and Gostkowski of Tomice, Koscierzyna; Angela Merkel in Baszkow, with Mielzynski, Billewicz. RESET in November 2007 until 12 July 2023 in Vilnius, with the links to Jesus James Angleton, Rettinger and Zamoyski in Klemensow, Kaczorowski in Klemensow-Bodaczow, Cracow, Czaniec; and Wojtyla in Czaniec close to Roczyny, Inwald and General Miroslaw Milewski. Wojtyla in Czaniec close to Roczyny, Inwald and General Miroslaw Milewski.
Samuel Berger and Hillary Clinton, Zbigniew Brzezinski and Sandberg; Angela Merkel with Donald Tusk, John F. Kennedy, George Mohrenschildt and the Russian intelligence global network after 1721/1741.

And we back to SOROS [who play with Hungarian left movement, and Estonian - what is around me in 2023] who said:
"... I was told to go to the Jewish Council. And there I was given these small slips of paper ... It said report to the rabbinical seminary at 9 am ... And I was given this list of names. I took this piece of paper to my father. He instantly recognized it. This was a list of Hungarian Jewish lawyers. He said, "You deliver the slips of paper and tell the people that if they report they will be deported." Soros did not return to that job and went into hiding the next day.
Later that year, at age 14, Soros lived with and posed as the godson of an employee of the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture. The official was at one point ordered to inventory the remaining contents of the estate of a wealthy Jewish family that had fled the country; rather than leave Soros alone in the city, the official brought him along. ... in 1945, Soros survived the Battle of Budapest, in which Soviet and German forces fought house to house through the city.
In 1947 Soros emigrated to England... In 1954 Soros began his financial career at the merchant bank Singer & Friedlander of London.
In 1956 Soros moved to New York city, where he worked as an arbitrage trader for F. M. Mayer (1956 - 59). From 1963 to 1973, Soros's experience as a vice president at Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder resulted in little enthusiasm for the job; ... In 1969 Soros set up the Double Eagle hedge fund with 4m of investors' capital including 250,000 of his own money. It was based in Curacao, Dutch Antilles. ...".
George Soros at the turn of the 80s and 90s in Poland supported the reforms that have contributed to the consolidation of the post-communist structures. The financier came to Poland already on May 8, 1988; Soros met, among others, with gen. Wojciech Jaruzelski, and the Prime Minister Mieczyslaw Rakowski [from LIPNO. like Lech Walesa's military practica]. But actually the Stefan Batory Foundation was established earlier - Soros established the Stefan Batory Foundation on the 5 November 1987 in New York and legalized in the General New York Consulate of the People's Polish Republic. George Soros in the US, is known primarily as a critic of George Bush and the supporter of Barack Obama [see discus on Hillary Clinton and RESET to Russia in January/February 2008].
And at the same time the fight about money and influences lasted also on another front. "In June 1988, the European Council meeting in Hanover, Germany, set up the Committee for the Study of Economic and Monetary Union, chaired by the then President of the Commission, Jacques Delors, and including all EC central bank governors. Their unanimous report, submitted in April 1989, defined the monetary union objective as a complete liberalisation of capital movements, full integration of financial markets, irreversible convertibility of currencies, irrevocable fixing of exchange rates, and the possible replacement of national currencies with a single currency...", at ec.europa.eu/economy_finance.
Professor Witold Kiezun wrote:
"On May 8, 1988, George Soros arrived to Poland. ... Then, [Jeffrey David Sachs] Jeffrey Sax, funded by George Soros, a young Harvard professor, arrived to Poland. ... he develops a program, which is now called the Balcerowicz program, but this is not the Balcerowicz program...", by journal-neo.org/
Jeffrey David Sachs born in 1954, "is an American economist and director of The Earth Institute at Columbia University, where he holds the title of University Professor...". In Poland advised on how to convert to a market economy, not on whether to be free-market like the US or social democratic like Scandinavia. Sachs worked in Poland intensive from April 1989 to end-1991.

"Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander was a financial services provider offering corporate and investment banking services to small and medium-sized companies, as well as wealth management services for high-net-worth individuals. Primary areas of activity were treasury, investment management, capital markets services, asset finance, and private banking. The company was created in August 2006 by the merger of Singer & Friedlander Plc and Icelandic Kaupthing Bank. The UK government put the company into administration in October 2008 in response to the failure of its parent as a result of the financial crisis of 2007 - 08.".
In 1907: Julius Singer founds London brokerage. 1920: The company is incorporated as Singer & Friedlander.
1957: The company is listed on the London stock exchange. 1963: Regional expansion occurs; a Birmingham office is opened. 1971: Singer & Friedlander (Isle of Man) Ltd. is launched. 1987: Singer & Friedlander becomes an independent bank. 1991: Collins Stewart is acquired.
1994: Carnegie Group (Sweden) is acquired. 1998: The company exits from capital markets operations. 2000: The company spins off Collins Stewart. 2001: Carnegie Group is listed on the Swedish stock exchange. Carnegie Investment Bank AB is a Swedish financial services group with activities in securities brokerage, investment banking, asset management and private banking. In the wake of the economic crisis of 2008 Carnegie Investment Bank AB was nationalized on November 10, 2008. Carnegie was established as a trading company in 1803 when David Carnegie, Sr., a Scotsman, founded D. Carnegie & Co AB in Gothenburg. The management of the company was later succeeded by Carnegie's nephew, David Carnegie Jr., who later returned to Scotland, leaving the company, which by then had considerable interests in brewing and sugar production, in the hands of Oscar Ekman.
David Carnegie, Sr. (8 February 1772, Montrose, Angus - 10 January 1837) was a Scottish entrepreneur who founded D. Carnegie & Co. in Gothenburg, Sweden, today known as Carnegie Investment Bank. David Carnegie Jr b. 1813 and died in 1890 in Stirling, Scotland; son of James Carnegie and Margaret Gillespie.
above James Carnegie b. 1773 and died 1851 was son of George Carnegie and Susan Scott; husband of Margaret Gillespie; father of mentioned above David Carnegie Jr.

Andrew Carnegie b. 1835, a Scottish-American industrialist. Born in Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland; he built Pittsburgh's Carnegie Steel Company, which he sold to J. P. Morgan in 1901; starting in 1853, Thomas A. Scott of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company employed Carnegie as a secretary / telegraph operator.
Thomas Alexander Scott b. 1823, an American businessman, railroad executive, was appointed in 1861 by President Abraham Lincoln as the U.S. Assistant Secretary of War during the American Civil War; Scott's protege Andrew Carnegie later challenged the Rockefeller monopoly in petroleum from his dominance of the steel industry.

"... Alfred Nobel (1833-1896) and Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919) lived in an era with fewer super-wealthy individuals than today; and even Carnegie's wealth did not match that of today's wealthiest. ... Both men had immigrated in their youth, Nobel from Sweden to Russia at age 9, Carnegie from Scotland to the United States at age 12. Both were sickly...".

A note on November the 15th, 2016:
The daughter of Zbigniew Brzezinski - Mika Brzezinski says that Sheryl Sandberg's 'Lean In' [see Sosnierz and Pisz] is what women need to hear, and Sandberg is the perfect messenger.
By Frances Stead Sellers in 2015:
Mika Brzezinski, co-host of MSNBC's 'Morning Joe' and author of the 2011 bestseller 'Knowing Your Value', is launching a new venture this year - a series of day-long events for women in Philadelphia, Washington, Chicago, Boston and Orlando.
By: Meredith Lepore:
Mika Brzezinski wants women to get more confident and she wants them to do it now. That's why she's teamed up with NBC Universal (her news show Morning Joe is on MSNBC).
"... individuals which have transitioned into the Obama Administration, most being veterans of the Clinton and Bush Administrations and having histories of being involved in furthering long-range globalist objectives. Thirty-one of the forty-seven people Barack Obama has named for appointments have ties to the Clinton Administration, including Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Larry Summers [see Sandberg], Madeline Albright, ... Military hawks from previous Administrations have been transitioned as well, including Zbigniew Brzezinski [see above Mika Brzezinski], and Robert Gates has been held over from the Bush Administration.
Larry Summers and Timothy Geithner have been involved with implementing damaging financial legislation during the Clinton Administration, and Rahm Emanuel has been a strong proponent of NAFTA and WTO related legislation".
Facebook's founder Mark Zuckerberg sought advice from the chairman of Hillary Clinton's campaign about how he could get involved in politics and said he was 'hungry to learn', according to leaked documents.
Emails from Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg [see Summers] to John Podesta, published by Wikileaks, suggested he was keen to influence public policy on issues like immigration, education and scientific research.
In one email, in August 2015, Sandberg wrote to Podesta:
'Mark [Zuckerberg] is meeting with people to learn more about next steps for his philanthropy and social action and it's hard to imagine someone better placed or more experienced than you to help him.'
The leaked emails supports Donald Trump's claims that Clinton is too close to those with vested interests, such as Zuckerberg, whose Facebook empire has 1.7 billion users globally.
Earlier in October 2016, other leaked emails showed Sandberg had gave Hillary Clinton aides research on 'gender and leadership by women' as they put together the former first lady's presidential campaign.
"...It should come as no great surprise to anyone that Silicon Valley's tech billionaires are "in the tank" for Hillary [Clinton; see Brzezinski]. That said, emails like the one below from Facebook's Chief Operating Officer, Sheryl Sandberg, will never cease to be shocking, particularly because she oversees the operations of a social media giant that wields incredible power and influence over news media presented to America's young voters.
Of course, the "cozy" relationship between Sandberg and Podesta is even more disturbing in light of the fact that former new curators for Facebook admitted that the company routinely suppressed conservative news on its news feed. Per a previous post we wrote back in June: After former news curators admitted that Facebook routinely suppressed conservative news on its news feed, a training manual was leaked that confirmed there was only one of ten "trusted" news sources by which trending news topics could come from with any type of conservative angle.
... After all of the aforementioned events, one would assume that Facebook would lay low and let all of this fade with time, but one would be wrong. Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook's chief operating officer recently announced that the company would be introducing a "political bias" training program in addition to the managing unconscious bias class the company offers employees. ... As the Daily Signal reports, Sandberg acknowledged that Facebook and other tech companies are perceived as being liberal ... Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg told Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta that she 'badly' wants Clinton to become president, according to new emails released by Wikileaks. In a May 2015 email thread, Podesta offered his condolences for the sudden death of Sandberg's husband, Dave Goldberg.
Sandberg thanked Podesta for his kind words, then affirmed her desire to 'help' Clinton win the 2016 election. She mentioned a home visit where Clinton interacted with her children.
'I still want HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton] to win badly', she wrote.
... Previous batches of leaked emails reveal that Sandberg offered to put Podesta in contact with Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg, stating that Zuckerberg was interested in influencing policies relating to 'social oriented objectives (like immigration, education or basic scientific research)'. Podesta appears to have at least arranged that meeting; his assistant emailed him in August 2015 with directions to Zuckerberg's office.
... Zuckerberg has been politically active since 2013, when he co-founded a 501(c)3 called 'FWD.us', primarily lobbying for expansion of the H-1B visa program and amnesty for illegal immigrants. ...".
Mrs. Clinton's State Department worked aggressively to attract U.S. investment partners and helped the Russian State Investment Fund, Rusnano [ROSNANO], identify American tech companies worthy of Russian investment (Peter Schweizer, 'The Clinton Foundation, State And Kremlin Connections', The Wall Street Journal, 7/31/16).
U.S. Military Experts Believe These Skolkovo-Based Companies Serve As Vehicles To Expand Russia's Military Capacity. Acc. to donaldjtrump.com/press-releases.
"...Research conducted in 2012 on Skolkovo by the U.S. Army Foreign Military Studies Program at Fort Leavenworth declared that the purpose of Skolkovo was to serve as a 'vehicle for world-wide technology transfer to Russia in the areas of information technology, biomedicine, energy, satellite and space technology, and nuclear technology'," by Peter Schweizer.
Clinton's Campaign Chairman John Podesta Sat On The Board Of An Energy Company Called 'Joule Unlimited'.
'Still, Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta sat on the executive board of a small energy company called Joule Unlimited' (Stephen K. Bannon & Peter Schweizer, Report: Hillary Clinton's Campaign Mgr John Podesta Sat On Board Of Company That Bagged 35 Million From Putin-Connected Russian Govt Fund, Breitbart, 8/1/16).
Received Up To 35 Million From Rusnano, An Investment Firm Founded By Putin In 2007. In 2014 Joule Received 'An Extraordinary Warning' - Warning From The FBI, Informing The Company That Skolkovo 'May Be A Means For The Russian Government To Access' Sensitive Or Classified Information".

Tony Podesta Is A 'Big-Money Bundler' For Clinton Whose Brother, John, Is The Chairman Of Clinton's Campaign. 'It should be noted that Tony Podesta is a big-money bundler for the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign while his brother John is the chairman of that campaign, the chief architect of her plans to take the White House this November [2016]', by John R. Schindler, Panama Papers Reveal Clinton's Kremlin Connection, The New York Observer, 4/7/16.
As Recently As The Second Quarter Of 2016, Tony Podesta Has Lobbied For Sberbank Of Russia, by Lobbying Disclosure Database, Accessed 8/15/16. Sberbank Is Russia's Biggest Financial Institution.
'Which is exactly what Sberbank, Russia's biggest financial institution, did this spring. As reported at the end of March, the Podesta Group registered with the U.S. Government as a lobbyist for Sberbank, as required by law, naming three Podesta Group staffers: Tony Podesta plus Stephen Rademaker and David Adams, the last two former assistant secretaries of state', by John R. Schindler.
Above Stephen Geoffrey Rademaker (born 1959) is an attorney [by Wikipedia], lobbyist and former Bush Administration government official. He was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, the Jefferson Literary and Debating Society ... After leaving government, Rademaker joined Barbour, Griffith and Rogers in January 2007. He came to the firm from the staff of Senate majority Leader Bill Frist, where he served as Policy Director for National Security Affairs and Senior Counsel. In February 2011, Rademaker left Barbour, Griffith and Rogers and joined the Podesta Group.
Mr. Rademaker is married to Danielle Pletka, vice-president for foreign and defense policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute. Above Danielle Pletka (born 1963 in Melbourne, Australia) is the vice-president for foreign and defense policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). Pletka was editorial assistant with the Los Angeles Times and Reuters, working in Jerusalem from 1984 to 1985 [by Wikipedia]. Pletka is married to Stephen Rademaker, who was Assistant Secretary of State for International Security and Nonproliferation (including head of the Bureau of Arms Control) in the George W. Bush [see Moczulski in 1987] presidential administration.

Sberbank - "Savings bank of Russia" is a Russian banking and financial services company headquartered in Moscow. As part of Perestroika reforms, in 1987 the savings bank outlets are reorganised into the Savings Bank of the USSR. Since 2007, Sberbank is led by former economy minister Herman Gref. In 2011, Sberbank acquired Volksbank International AG from its shareholders Osterreichische Volksbanken AG, BPCE, DZ Bank and WGZ Bank. The majority shareholder of Sberbank is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
Above Herman Oskarovich Gref born in 1964, "... is a Russian statesman and top manager. He was the Minister of Economics and Trade of Russia from May 2000 to September 2007. He currently is the CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board of the largest Russian bank Sberbank. .... Gref was born in the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic (now Kazakhstan) into a family of ethnic German deportees who were exiled there in 1941. Gref was considered as one of the liberal reformers in Vladimir Putin's administration of the early and mid-2000s...".
Herman Gref is member of boards and supervisory boards of a number of companies, including Yandex.
Yandex N.V. is a Russian multinational technology company specializing in Internet-related services and products. Yandex ranked as the 4th largest search engine worldwide, based on information from Comscore.com.
Yandex Labs is a wholly owned division of Yandex located in the San Francisco Bay Area. In March 2007 Yandex acquired moikrug.ru, a Russian social network, to search and support professional and personal contacts. Among the largest investors in Yandex were Baring Vostok Capital Partners and Tiger Global Management. Above Tiger Management Corp., also known as "The Tiger Fund," was a hedge fund founded by Julian Robertson.
Co-operated with Stephen F. Mandel born 1956, a founder of the hedge fund Lone Pine Capital, who worked as a consumer-retail analyst at Goldman, Sachs & Co. before working as a consumer analyst and eventually managing director at Tiger Management, a hedge fund founded by Julian Robertson; he married Susan Joy Zadek of Baltimore. She formerly worked in the corporate finance department of Dillon, Read & Company in New York.
Miss Zadek's father is chief of the orthopedic-surgery department of Sinai Hospital in Baltimore, and her mother, Miriam Zadek, is director of social work at the Hearing and Speech Agency of Metropolitan Baltimore. "Miss Zadek is a granddaughter of Mrs. Hyman I. Scharfman of West Palm Beach, Fla., and the late Mr. Scharfman, and the late Dr. Isadore Zadek, who was a director of orthopedic service at the Hospital for Joint Diseases in New York. Mr. Mandel's father is president of the International Welding Products Company in Greenwich, Conn. He is a grandson of Mrs. James W. Safford of New Canaan, Conn., and of Mrs. Richard H. Mandel of New York", by nytimes.com.

In 2012 Sheryl Sandberg was named in the Time 100, an annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world according to Time magazine. Ms. Sandberg's personal wealth is reported to be in the region of 400 million, thanks to her stock holdings in Facebook as well as other companies. "... Sheryl Sandberg was born in Washington, D.C, ... Ms. Sandberg graduated Harvard College ... being awarded the highly prestigious John H. Williams Prize for the top graduating student in her subject. While studying at Harvard, Ms. Sandberg first got to know Larry Summers who was teaching at the college. After graduation Summers asked Sheryl to join him as his research assistant at the World Bank reporting on important health projects funded by the bank in India. Sheryl was to remain at the World Bank for around twelve months during 1993, before enrolling at the Harvard Business School ... Sheryl Sandberg began her professional career as a management consultant for McKinsey & Company, before the meeting her professional association with Larry Summers, by then United States Secretary of the Treasury in the administration of President Bill Clinton. From 1996 to 2001, Sandberg held the role of Summer's Chief of Staff, playing a major part in the Treasury's mission of forgiving debt in the developing world. Ms. Sandberg left the Treasury to join Google Inc. in 2001, remaining there until early 2008, when she was appointed by Facebook to become their COO. Sheryl Sandberg is a key figure in the Facebook management team...".

Above The World Bank [under copyright by Wikipedia] is an international financial institution that provides loans to developing countries for capital programs. It comprises two institutions: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), and the International Development Association (IDA). The World Bank is a component of the World Bank Group, which is part of the United Nations system.
On 23 March 2012, U.S. President Barack Obama announced that the United States would nominate Jim Yong Kim as the next president of the Bank.
Mentioned Larry Summers - Lawrence Henry "Larry" Summers is an American economist who is President Emeritus and Charles W. Eliot University Professor of Harvard University. Summers became a professor of economics at Harvard University in 1983. He left Harvard in 1991, working as the Chief Economist at the World Bank from 1991 to 1993. In 1993, Summers was appointed Undersecretary for International Affairs of the United States Department of the Treasury under the Clinton Administration. In 1995, he was promoted to Deputy Secretary of the Treasury under his mentor Robert Rubin [under copyright by Wikipedia]. After his departure from Harvard, Summers worked as a managing partner at the hedge fund D. E. Shaw & Co., and as a freelance speaker at other financial institutions, including Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Merrill Lynch and Lehman Brothers.
Summers was born in New Haven, in 1954, into a Jewish family, the son of two economists, Robert Summers (who changed the family surname from Samuelson, of the SUWALKI DISTRICT, in RACZKI Wielkie) and Anita Summers (of Romanian-Jewish ancestry), who are both professors at the University of Pennsylvania.
Above named D. E. Shaw & Co., L.P. [under copyright by Wikipedia] is a global investment management firm founded in 1988 by David E. Shaw and based in New York City. ... The company has made investments in technology, wind power, real estate, and financial services firms. The subsidiaries of the company acquired the toy store FAO Schwarz and eToys.com.
Above mentioned David Elliot Shaw born in 1951 [under copyright by Wikipedia] is an American computer scientist and computational biochemist who founded D. E. Shaw & Co., a hedge fund company which was once described by Fortune magazine as "the most intriguing and mysterious force on Wall Street". In 1986, he joined Morgan Stanley.
Shaw is married to personal finance commentator and journalist Beth Kobliner. They are members of the Stephen Wise Free Synagogue in New York. Named above Beth Kobliner born in 1965 [under copyright by Wikipedia] is a personal finance commentator and journalist, and author of the New York Times bestseller Get a Financial Life: Personal Finance in Your Twenties and Thirties. Above Kobliner grew up in a Jewish family ... she worked for Sylvia Porter.

Sylvia Field Porter (1913 - 1991) [under copyright by Wikipedia] was an American economist, journalist and author. The daughter of Russian Jewish immigrants, was born as Sylvia Feldman in Patchogue, New York, to Louis Feldman, a physician, and Rose (Maisel) Feldman. Porter was born as Sylvia Field Feldman. In February 1966 Porter advised President Lyndon B Johnson on the appointment of Andrew Brimmer, the first African American to the serve on the Federal Reserve Board. She married banker Reed Porter in 1931.
Named above FAO Schwarz, founded in 1862, was once the oldest toy store in the United States. FAO Schwarz was sold to Netherlands-based NV Koninklijke Bijenkorf Beheer / Vendex/KBB, in 1990.
Named Robert Rubin / Robert Edward Rubin born in 1938, an American lawyer, former cabinet member, and retired banking executive. He served as the 70th United States Secretary of the Treasury during the Clinton administration. Before his government service, he spent 26 years at Goldman Sachs, eventually serving as a member of the board and co-chairman from 1990 to 1992; co-chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, serves as chairman of the board of the Local Initiatives Support Corporation, the nation's leading community development support organization, and serves on the board of trustees of Mount Sinai-NYU Health.
Rubin was born in New York City, the son of Sylvia (nee Seiderman) and Alexander Rubin, a wealthy Jewish family. He joined Goldman Sachs in 1966. Robert S. Strauss credited Rubin with making the system work.
Robert Schwarz Strauss, 1918 - 2014, his service dates back to future president Lyndon Johnson's first congressional campaign in 1937. "... [at Wikipedia] By the 1950s, he was associated in Texas politics with the conservative faction of the Democratic Party led by [LYNDON] Johnson and John Connally. He served as the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee between 1972 and 1977 and served under President Jimmy Carter [see ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI] as the U.S. Trade Representative and special envoy to the Middle East. Strauss was selected by President George H. W. Bush to be the U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union in 1991 and after the USSR's collapse, he served as the U.S. ambassador to Russia from 1991 until 1992.
Strauss was born in Lockhart, Texas, south of Austin. He was the son of Edith Violet (nee Schwarz) and Charles H. Strauss. His parents were Jewish immigrants from Germany".
Charles H Strauss, b. ca 1886 in Alsace, France. Husband of above named Edith Violet Strauss (Schwarz) b. ca 1887 in Lockhart, in the Caldwell County, Texas, United States; she was the daughter of Leo Schwarz, of Dzierzoniow and Selma Schwarz; above Leo Schwarz, of Dzierzoniow b. 1854 in Dzierzoniow, in the Lower Silesian Voivodeship at present, Poland, died in 1931 in Fort Worth, Texas.
Above LEO was the son of Heinrich Chaim Schwarz, Rabbi and Julia Nathan. Named above Selma Schwarz nee Weinbaun or Weinbaum, born in 1861 in Germany.

David Laurence Aaron born 1938, in Chicago, is an American diplomat who served in the Jimmy Carter administration. He then joined the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency where he served as a member of the U.S. Delegation to the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks.
In 1974, on the recommendation of Zbigniew Brzezinski, Aaron became Senator Walter Mondale's legislative assistant. In 1977, Aaron was asked by Zbigniew Brzezinski to become Deputy National Security Advisor in the administration of Jimmy Carter.
In Israel, Aaron worked with Moshe Dayan.
When Reagan became President in 1981, Aaron moved into the private sector, becoming Vice President for Mergers and Acquisitions at Oppenheimer and Co. and Vice Chairman of Oppenheimer International.
Aaron was involved in the election campaign of Bill Clinton.

"... Zbigniew Brzezinski is Barack Obama's foreign policy advisor. ... Brzezinski was the national security advisor for President Carter from 1977 to 1981. In 1988 he endorsed H. W. Bush for President and was Co-Chair of the H. W. Bush national security advisory task force. From 1987 to 1989 he also served on the H. W. Bush's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board.
Clinton Secretary of State Madeline Albright was a student of Brzezinski's.
G. W. Bush Secretary of State, Condi Rice (also a former national security advisor), who studied under Albright's father, shares many of the same world government views with Brzezinski and Albright...".

"...this is not an argument that David Rockefeller first invented Jimmy Carter around 1971, arranged for Zbigniew Brzezinski to train him in global politics, and then rigged his nomination and election. ... The second Rockefeller connection - more obvious, less noted - was the Trilateral Commission. The Trilateral Commission was David Rockefeller's brain child ... The commission was conceived in 1972 as a private vehicle for planning the industrial world's course out of the international monetary crisis (and John Connally's cowboy responses) of that period, away from the 'Nixon shocks' that had troubled Japan ... Jimmy Carter had been the one Democratic governor chosen among sixty North American members of the Trilateral Commission in 1973...".

"...Patrick Wood, author of 'Trilaterals Over Washington', points out there are only 87 members of the Trilateral Commission who live in America. Obama appointed eleven of them to posts in his administration. For example: Tim Geithner, Treasury Secretary; James Jones, National Security Advisor; Paul Volker, Chairman, Economic Recovery Committee; Dennis Blair, Director of National Intelligence. Several other noteworthy Trilateral members: George H. W. Bush; Bill Clinton; Dick Cheney; Al Gore. Keep in mind that the original stated goal of the TC was to create 'a new international economic order'.
In the run-up to his inauguration after the 2008 presidential election, Obama was tutored by the co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, Zbigniew Brzezinski ...".
Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski, geostrategist, served to President Lyndon B. Johnson from 1966 to 1968 and to President Jimmy Carter 1977 - 1981. Brzezinski belongs to the school of Halford Mackinder and Nicholas J. Spykman.

Sir Halford John Mackinder b. 1861, was a member of the Coefficients dining club, set up in 1902 by the Fabian campaigners Sidney and Beatrice Webb; in 1919 said: "Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland; Who rules the Heartland commands the World Island; Who rules the World Island commands the World," to warn of the possibility of another major war like by John Maynard Keynes; Mackinder was anti-Bolshevik, and as British High Commissioner in Southern Russia in late 1919 and early 1920.
Nicholas John Spykman b. 1893, known as the "godfather of containment," arguing that the balance of power in Eurasia directly affected United States security [1943/1944]; he thought that it was in U.S. interests to leave Germany strong after World War II in order to be able to counter Russia's power.

On 26 July 2023, Marius AKIM, ca 28 aged, 177 cm, Romani of Romania, under care of Police close to Szczecin, and also Jeleniewo close to Suwalki; with Canford 2 and Denmark 40 - he attacked, confident of the support of Watson and Romani clans. He was told to contact his Romanian intelligence superiors today. His dark brown face turned almost black with anger. A girl from Poland lined the bicycle lane, she waited, she was watched by a gray hairs Romani, 176 cm, 60 aged, who also appeared, oblong face, Semitic eyes, sharp nose - a permanent agent. The girl was transferred by the Foreign Intelligence Agency [24 July 2023 TVP Info indicated that this agency hid documents from Tusk's trip to Moscow to Putin in 2008] from Poland in or around 2008; is 36 years old now; Innovation Department; 155 cm, short dark cherry hair and very thick, like a barrel. The attacking me since 21 February 2023 until now, 23 July 2023, from the Den. 68 and 74, Mapl. 20, Wi. 137, Gar. Rd 43A, 72, 134, 136, 140; Marius Akim [on 25 July 2023 three times like rat going around me]; Ste. close 28, 22 and 24, with Ste. Close 1 and 2; with S. Rd 125, 66, 44, 94, 102, 6 and 16, is just a continuation of the activities of 16 May 2023/20 May 2023, when "deep state" called off the attack on me with accusations of THREAT to the environment at work - the action was carried out from Szczecin together with "Belo Horizonte province" from about 20 April 2023. On 25 July 2023, Piotr Czarnecki, Constitution Hill 9A, was waiting for me at footpath, together with a man with google for distance, Garland 53 right back home; Venezuela boy?, long black hairs, 28 years old, 177 cm, W. 94/96. On 24 July 2023, acted both parents at above W. 94/96, and fat 'mother' working at Buritto Bar of South America foods; old woman with long hairs, 180 cm, W. 56 / similar Marnhull 18, with a nice daughter, black long hairs, 170 cm, 34 years old, acted aft. 2007. Szczecin is net of General Jozef Flis, Romani/Sinti, and mother-in-law of the President Bronislaw Komorowski.

Nostitz-Jackowski owned property near LIPNO and CHELMZA - neighbors Kruszynski and family at the same time together with Garczynski near Koscierzyna, Wybicki near Koscierzyna, Karwat of Wichulec and Tczew, and this is a modern arrangement Jerzy Kruszynski acting as a spy near my parents after 1945 to around 1970. And this is also the Chelmza-Torun arrangement together with Piotr Szybko aka Szypko and Konicki, a gypsies families from Chelmza - together with Wabrzezno / Bydgoszcz / Torun / Tczew / Przybranowo near Aleksandrow Kujawski / Lipno / Wloclawek / Brzesc Kujawski / Chocen and Wola Nakonowska.
Around me enemys fight aft. February 2023.
Willis' father was a member of the Black Panthers and a criminal defense attorney.
Ed Willis is the author of Panther to Priesthood, an autobiography that tells his experience as a member of the Black Panther Party. Willis and his wife, Wanda, joined the Oakland chapter of the political organization during a time of social upheaval in the late 1960s. Ed served as security and stockpiled his own weapons, ammunition and Molotov cocktails. Willis faced poverty, drug addiction, some jail time, unemployment.
The Black Panther Party for Self Defense was founded in 1966 in Oakland by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale. The revolutionary organization was part of the Black Power movement and had an ideology of Black nationalism, socialism and armed self-defense.
Seale was one of the eight people charged by the US federal government with conspiracy charges related to anti-Vietnam War protests in Chicago. In 1970, while in prison, Seale was charged and tried as part of the New Haven Black Panther trials over the torture and murder of Alex Rackley, whom the Black Panther Party had suspected of being a police informer. Panther George Sams, Jr., testified that Seale had ordered him to kill Rackley.
Fulton County Sheriff Pat Labat says his office is preparing for the possibility of former President Donald Trump being indicted in Fulton on 24 August 2023. After hearing from 75 witnesses - including former US Senator Kelly Loeffler, former White House Counsel Pat Cipollone, and possibly Sidney Powell - the special grand jury completed its work.
Kelly Loeffler is an American businesswoman; her husband, Jeffrey Sprecher; she is a former co-owner of the Atlanta Dream of the Women's National Basketball Association (WNBA).
Accusations against me Bogdan Konstantynowicz, in April-June 2023 by Paulina Sosnierz [of Szczecin and Police] and Camila Camopy [mixed roots of the Belo Horizonte province - a flat of Rochelle Thompson of Jamaica] were similar like to Trump: threat to management and fellow employees - this is for Marius Akim of Sibiu in Romania, Gypsy [acted June-September 2023 together with Andrei Ambrus / Emil Andrei Ambrus and Liviu (three Romani also on 15 September 2023 with a plan to damage my factory tools)].
On 24 August 2023, Donald Trump calls his enemies 'savage animals' (compare my enemys) and says Georgia DA Fani Willis is 'getting killed' for indicting him as he rails against 'cheating'.

On this website [on 17 August 2023] I present groups of Jews and Gypsies surrounding the Polish conspiracy centers: Artur Potocki with his son in Kobryn-Zabinka, with Wojciech Paszkowski, General Franciszek Maksymilian Paszkowski with his daughter Maria Wilhelmina Paszkowska married in Moscow to Armand, the French family. The Oginski family in the Szawle district with Kelme / Kiejmy, Wajgowo / Vajgava - with Garfinkel the Rabbi in Szawle, in Antopol close to Kobryn, and with Jews, Frankists and Gypsies in Chernivtsi-Suczawa-Jassy-Botoszani / Botosani. And Czerniowce in 1885 with Wolowski-Arnold-Kiedrzynski of Raszkow-Bieganin-Orpiszewek-Pleszew. Artur Potocki's line in Lubushany / Luboszany and Berezyna / Berezino Ihumenskie until 1920, close to Miezonka in 1842 took by Dominik Konstantynowicz + ca 1832 to Oktawia Piottuch-Kublicka m. 1st Szumska [the link to Sedziszow Malopolski and Bouvier-Kennedy clan]. The Potocki-Oginski were conspirators and under surveillance of Jews and Gypsies from their possessions. Similarly,
Skora-Grzanek-Rogaczewski half Gypsy branch with origin in Przedborz-Krery-Chelmo area: here Bleszynski, Kiedrzynski, Skorzewski, Ostrowski, Malachowski intermarried Bobrowski from the Andrychow district - Bobrowski intermarried Skora-Pfeiffer-Temler in Wilczkow, Lodz, Wola Wiazowa, Wola Pszczolecka - the links to ENOCH and Aleksander Wielopolski. The Russian intelligence services took aft. 1944 all Warsaw military and civilian intelligence with General Miroslaw Milewski - the mother from INWALD close to Andrychow - and General Czeslaw Kiszczak of Roczyny close to Czaniec and Andrychow. They acted around me aft. 1972, mainly Gypsies - in 1972 Adam Adamkiewicz of Lodz then in communist militia - and Jews, aft. 1977, Zbigniew Natkanski of Honoratow-Opoczno-Ossa close to Bialaczow. This is "Czarniecki", the communist counter-intelligence agency code in Lodz-Zgierz aft. 1955 around my father and aft. 1972 around me until today, August 2023, with sample Marius AKIM of Romanian Romani.

Above complex system connects with General Ksawery Dabrowski with Bratoszewice, Milonice, Domaradzew [= DOMARADZYN close to Popow Glowienski and to BRATOSZEWICE] and Pola Negri with the Kielczewski family of the Wrzaca Wielka district close to Kolo, with Lipno and Chalin. The Sokolowski family of Wrzaca Wielka, Sokolowo and the Chocen commune close to Wola Nakonowska, together with Jakub Enoch born 1785 in Sokolowo and with Juliusz Enoch in 1825 lived in Zaspy, Milkowice and Warta with link to Jozef Paszkowski. Peter the Great and Russian intelligence net in Poland: Aleksander Wielopolski and Andrychow with the links to PM Donald Tusk and Boguslaw Grabowski, Sinti/Romani of Lodz; Andrzej Ostoja-Owsiany and Leszek Moczulski, both Romani of Grodek Jagiellonski, Chocen, Mariowka and Wielichowo; Znyk-Sobczyk and Waldemar Pawlak of Pacyna; Stefan Niesiolowski of Lodz and his links to Police close to SZCZECIN; from Chocen and Brzesc Kujawski with Wloclawek and Lipno: Lech Walesa and Maciej Igor Wojtczak, Jaroslaw Slota and Monika Sedzicka Bogucka with Helena Jaworska-Wodkiewicz and Tadeusz Cieslak. Lewald-Jezierski of Puc, Karwat of Wichulec and Nostitz-Jackowski of Tczew. Temler and Pfeiffer in Przedborz.
"CZARNIECKI" - the Lodz communist counter-intelligence code [Captain Krzysztof Tomczyk of Zurawia, Romani, b. ca 1952 with his boss in the 80' of the 20th century who was Romani, 175 cm, b. ca 1932, long black curling hairs, a round face; Colonel Adam Owsiany b. 1962, the Personal boss of the Foreign Intelligence Agency in Warsaw ca 2006/2009; the prosecutor office in Lodz, Andrzej Kolczynski b. ca 1952 who was died in car accident; Boguslaw Grabowski b. 1959, the economic adviser of Donal Tusk in 2023; Andrzej Ostoja-Owsiany the cover for Leszek Moczulski, together with next Moczulski's supporter, Bronislaw Geremek of DZBADZ close to Rozan who came from the Levartov Rabbis in Lodz, Zelechow and Cracow] for work around my family Konstantynowicz in 1939/2023, including death of my father in the night of 02/03 NOVEMBER 1987. Kielczewski + Pola Negri + Gypsies of the Zilina county in Slovakia + Juliusz Enoch begins his career as a protege of the Sokolowski family in Sokolowo and Wrzaca Wielka; + Kruszyn and Smolsk close to Filipki and Wola Nakonowska close to CHOCEN + General KSAWERY Dabrowski + Rembielinski + KARWAT of Wichulec and TCZEW + Sokolowski, Walesa, Findeisen close to CHOCEN. "CZARNIECKI" - the Lodz communist counter-intelligence code
[Captain Krzysztof Tomczyk of Zurawia b. ca 1952 with his boss in the 80' of the 20th century who was Romani, 175 cm, b. ca 1932, long black curling hairs, a round face; Colonel Adam Owsiany b. 1962, the Personal boss of the Foreign Intelligence Agency in Warsaw ca 2006/2009; the prosecutor office in Lodz, Andrzej Kolczynski b. ca 1952 who was died in car accident; Boguslaw Grabowski b. 1959, the economic adviser of Donal Tusk in 2023; Andrzej Ostoja-Owsiany the cover for Leszek Moczulski, together with next Moczulski's supporter, Bronislaw Geremek of DZBADZ close to Rozan who came from the Levartov Rabbis in Lodz, Zelechow and Cracow]
for work around my family Konstantynowicz in 1939/2023, including death of my father in the night of 02/03 NOVEMBER 1987. Kielczewski + Pola Negri + Gypsies of the Zilina county in Slovakia + Juliusz Enoch begins his career as a protege of the Sokolowski family in Sokolowo and Wrzaca Wielka; + Kruszyn and Smolsk close to Filipki and Wola Nakonowska close to CHOCEN + General KSAWERY Dabrowski + Rembielinski + KARWAT of Wichulec and TCZEW + Sokolowski, Walesa, Findeisen close to CHOCEN: Juliusz ENOCH was under cover of Aleksander THIS in Warsaw and St Petersburg. Juliusz Enoch had created Aleksander Wielopolski. The Sokolowski family of Wrzaca Wielka close to KOLO, Sokolowo and the Chocen commune close to Wola Nakonowska, together with Jakub Enoch born 1785 in Sokolowo and with Juliusz Enoch b. 1822, but in 1825 lived in Zaspy, Milkowice and Warta with link to the Temler family of Przedborz and Wilczkow, ex-Pstrokonski property who intermarried Kiedrzynski. Jozef Paszkowski.
Julisz Enoch, Jakub Enoch and Jozef Paszkowski in Zaspy, Milkowice, Warta and Blaszki.
Peter the Great and the Russian intelligence net in Poland with Aleksander Wielopolski and the links to Andrychow and Przysucha, and to Donald Tusk and Boguslaw Grabowski; Andrzej Ostoja-Owsiany and Leszek Moczulski; Znyk-Sobczyk and Waldemar Pawlak; Stefan Niesiolowski and Police; Lech Walesa and Maciej Wojtczak, Jaroslaw Slota and Monika Sedzicka Bogucka with Helena Jaworska-Wodkiewicz and Tadeusz Cieslak. Lewald-Jezierski of Puc, Karwat of Wichulec and Nostitz-Jackowski of Tczew. Temler and Pfeiffer in Przedborz.
Juliusz Enoch b. 1822, was the son of doctor Jakub Enoch, JEW, who was born in 1785 and he was living in Sokolowo / Sokolow close to Wrzaca Wielka. Juliusz's supporter was jurist Aleksander This. Sokolowo, 3 km north-east to Wrzaca Wielka, 3 km west to Kielczew Smuzny Pierwszy. Sokolowo [Sokolow] in 1785 belonged to Jozef Jordan Walenty Sokolowski b. 1760 and his father Antoni Sokolowski of Wrzaca Wielka, Sokolow / Sokolowo and of Ochle born ca 1710 + Marianna Obiedowska b. 1730. SOKOLOWO has direct link to the CHOCEN commune and to KOWAL by the Sokolowski family. Jozef Sokolowski b. 1760 married to Marianna Wolicka, the daughter of Cyprian Wolicki + Teresa Keska.

David Leavitt wrote down: "Trump died sleeping" - 3:49 AM - 30 Nov 2016 - Boston, MA [twitter.com/DrDavidDuke/status/803977428179808256]. David Leavitt born 1961, is an American writer of novels, short stories, and non-fiction. He said - "I am the youngest son of a youngest son of a youngest son. ... All four of my grandparents were Jewish immigrants from the Pale of Settlement. Leavitt, a Mayflower name, is my grandfather's Americanization of Labovitz, which was in turn his father's Russianization of Lieb. Just as, in the Lithuania of the 1850s, a Russian name was considered better than a German name, so, in the Boston of the 1890s, a Mayflower name was considered better than a Russian name. My paternal grandfather, Joe Leavitt, owned a dress shop in Lynn. ... He and his wife, May, had eleven children...".

Around me was acted Jew of Lithuania, Joe Witchwill / Jo Witwil ca 2013/2015, sent to me by Adrian Hern and his friend of pub, the father of named Jo / Joe Withwill / Witchwill.

Leavitt = Levit.

Mariusz / Marius Akim is a provocateur on behalf of the Romanian intelligence covering the Jews of Jassy / IASI, Suceava, Chernivtsi and located in the USA around American presidents; similarly to a group of Jews related to Romania, but coming from Belarus and Lithuania, including two estates belonging to my relatives [Kublicze and Monasterszczyna-Dudino], and several other estates belonging to the political structure: Paszkowski-Kosciuszko-Artur Potocki - Michal Kleofas Oginski, both near Kobryn and in Zmudz near Szawle.
Romanian and Polish intelligence are infiltrated by Russians as founded by Russian spies: Czeslaw Kiszczak in Vienna in 1945; Miroslaw Milewski in Suwalki in 1944. Jews are protected on the front line by gypsies from Lithuania, Slovakia, Hungary, but mainly from Romania and Poland, including Zgierz and Glowno.
Akim was distributed to me by Sosnierz from Police near Szczecin, who together with Camila Camopy accused me of THREATING to the management and colleagues - it was invented around April 20, 2023, and lasted until May 16, 2023, and Marius Akim's bandit actions are coordinated by gypsies from Suwalki and Jeleniewo near Suwalki. It is plans: I am threatening to these national minorities from Poland and Romania [red Jew, provocator of April-July 2023 acted under care of local Police HQ], now I am to threaten Gypsies from Romania like Cojocaru, Asien and Akim. This has to do with the accusations against Donald Trump in the US after August 15, 2023 - August 18, 2023.
Once I was threatened with hanging around 2008, twice in 2005 and 2006 attempted to kill me - compare the kill threats against Trump signed by DAVID LEAVITT who came from Lithuanian Jews.
Above Camila Camopy play together with Rochelle Thompson of Jamaica - see Jamaica and left, Russian Spies in Jamaica of the HILL family, and Donald Trump in 2023.

Above Joseph Leavitt (Labovitz / Lieb) b. 1877 or 1878 in Lithuania / ex-Poland, died in Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States. Marriage: Massachusetts, USA. His father: Samuel Labovitz. Mother: Ida Sarah Apreyafski / Aprejawski. That is Samuel Labovitz b. 1838 in Russia and Ida Apreyafski.

Joseph Leavitt (Labovitz ) b. 1877 or 1878 in Lithuania / ex-Poland, married Mamie Lapata b. January 1880 in Kushan, the Kovno government, in Russia / Lithuania [where ? - north-east to VAIGUVA / Wajgowo of Ignacy Oginski senior = Kurszany / Kursenai / Kursenai, 23 km to Szawle / Siauliai; south-west of JONISKIS and Zagare, east of Telsiai / Telsze;
in 1564 - Jerzy Despot-Zenowicz (1510-1583); then to the Pac family - Stefan Pac (1587-1640) in 1631 sold the estate to Jerzy Gruzewski (1600-1651) who was married to Marianna Podbereska (1590-?); Gruzewski - to 1939 [Jerzy Gruzewski killed in Majdanek]; mainly Jewish population. Kurszany in 1717 belonged to Jakub Gruzewski (1670-?), grandson of Jerzy; Jakub m. Anna Potocka (1680-?) - Pilawa; Kurszany ca 1800 to Stefan Gruzewski (1776-1826), m. Jozefa Swiderska (1797-1826). In 1826 Edward and Wespazjan, taken all assets - Kurszany to Edward Gruzewski (1830-1896) {born 1810 ?}, m. Aniela Dymsza (1830-?). In 1811 in Kurszany was Stefan Gruzewski, who built a court - manor; next was Jan (1860-?), son of above named EDWARD, m. Helena Skowronska (1860-?), and the last was Jerzy Gruzewski (1890-1943), son of above JAN, m. Barbara Puzyna (1888-1939).
Also read on Siauliai - see Billewicz, Pilsudski, ZUBOV; ZAGARY - see Zubov; JONISKIS - see Komorowski and Zubov];
Labovitz and Lapata / Lopata - marriage on 25 December 1898 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States.
Children were born since 1899 in Boston - to Stanley Leavitt b. 1918, Helen Labovitz (Leavitt) b. 1920, and last Harold Jack Leavitt b. 1922 in Lynn, Massachusetts, United States. Above Joe Leavitt (Labovitz) married to Mamie Lapta / Mamie (Mae) Lapata (born 1880).

By: Meredith Lepore:
Mika Brzezinski wants women to get more confident and she wants them to do it now. That's why she's teamed up with NBC Universal (her news show Morning Joe is on MSNBC).
"... individuals which have transitioned into the Obama Administration, most being veterans of the Clinton and Bush Administrations and having histories of being involved in furthering long-range globalist objectives. Thirty-one of the forty-seven people Barack Obama has named for appointments have ties to the Clinton Administration, including Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Larry Summers [see Sandberg], Madeline Albright, ... Military hawks from previous Administrations have been transitioned as well, including Zbigniew Brzezinski [see above Mika Brzezinski], and Robert Gates has been held over from the Bush Administration.
Larry Summers and Timothy Geithner have been involved with implementing damaging financial legislation during the Clinton Administration, and Rahm Emanuel has been a strong proponent of NAFTA and WTO related legislation".
Facebook's founder Mark Zuckerberg sought advice from the chairman of Hillary Clinton's campaign about how he could get involved in politics and said he was 'hungry to learn', according to leaked documents.
Emails from Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg [see Summers] to John Podesta, published by Wikileaks, suggested he was keen to influence public policy on issues like immigration, education and scientific research.
In one email, in August 2015, Sandberg wrote to Podesta:
'Mark [Zuckerberg] is meeting with people to learn more about next steps for his philanthropy and social action and it's hard to imagine someone better placed or more experienced than you to help him.'
The leaked emails supports Donald Trump's claims that Clinton is too close to those with vested interests, such as Zuckerberg, whose Facebook empire has 1.7 billion users globally.
Earlier in October 2016, other leaked emails showed Sandberg had gave Hillary Clinton aides research on 'gender and leadership by women' as they put together the former first lady's presidential campaign.
"...It should come as no great surprise to anyone that Silicon Valley's tech billionaires are "in the tank" for Hillary [Clinton; see Brzezinski]. That said, emails like the one below from Facebook's Chief Operating Officer, Sheryl Sandberg, will never cease to be shocking, particularly because she oversees the operations of a social media giant that wields incredible power and influence over news media presented to America's young voters.
Of course, the "cozy" relationship between Sandberg and Podesta is even more disturbing in light of the fact that former new curators for Facebook admitted that the company routinely suppressed conservative news on its news feed. Per a previous post we wrote back in June: After former news curators admitted that Facebook routinely suppressed conservative news on its news feed, a training manual was leaked that confirmed there was only one of ten "trusted" news sources by which trending news topics could come from with any type of conservative angle.
... After all of the aforementioned events, one would assume that Facebook would lay low and let all of this fade with time, but one would be wrong. Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook's chief operating officer recently announced that the company would be introducing a "political bias" training program in addition to the managing unconscious bias class the company offers employees. ... As the Daily Signal reports, Sandberg acknowledged that Facebook and other tech companies are perceived as being liberal ...
Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg told Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta that she 'badly' wants Clinton to become president, according to new emails released by Wikileaks. In a May 2015 email thread, Podesta offered his condolences for the sudden death of Sandberg's husband, Dave Goldberg.
Sandberg thanked Podesta for his kind words, then affirmed her desire to 'help' Clinton win the 2016 election. She mentioned a home visit where Clinton interacted with her children.
'I still want HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton] to win badly', she wrote.
... Previous batches of leaked emails reveal that Sandberg offered to put Podesta in contact with Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg, stating that Zuckerberg was interested in influencing policies relating to 'social oriented objectives (like immigration, education or basic scientific research)'. Podesta appears to have at least arranged that meeting; his assistant emailed him in August 2015 with directions to Zuckerberg's office.
... Zuckerberg has been politically active since 2013, when he co-founded a 501(c)3 called 'FWD.us', primarily lobbying for expansion of the H-1B visa program and amnesty for illegal immigrants. ...".
Mrs. Clinton's State Department worked aggressively to attract U.S. investment partners and helped the Russian State Investment Fund, Rusnano [ROSNANO], identify American tech companies worthy of Russian investment (Peter Schweizer, 'The Clinton Foundation, State And Kremlin Connections', The Wall Street Journal, 7/31/16).
U.S. Military Experts Believe These Skolkovo-Based Companies Serve As Vehicles To Expand Russia's Military Capacity. Acc. to donaldjtrump.com/press-releases.
"...Research conducted in 2012 on Skolkovo by the U.S. Army Foreign Military Studies Program at Fort Leavenworth declared that the purpose of Skolkovo was to serve as a 'vehicle for world-wide technology transfer to Russia in the areas of information technology, biomedicine, energy, satellite and space technology, and nuclear technology'," by Peter Schweizer.
Clinton's Campaign Chairman John Podesta Sat On The Board Of An Energy Company Called 'Joule Unlimited'.
'Still, Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta sat on the executive board of a small energy company called Joule Unlimited' (Stephen K. Bannon & Peter Schweizer, Report: Hillary Clinton's Campaign Mgr John Podesta Sat On Board Of Company That Bagged 35 Million From Putin-Connected Russian Govt Fund, Breitbart, 8/1/16).
Received Up To 35 Million From Rusnano, An Investment Firm Founded By Putin In 2007. In 2014 Joule Received 'An Extraordinary Warning' - Warning From The FBI, Informing The Company That Skolkovo 'May Be A Means For The Russian Government To Access' Sensitive Or Classified Information".

Tony Podesta Is A 'Big-Money Bundler' For Clinton Whose Brother, John, Is The Chairman Of Clinton's Campaign. 'It should be noted that Tony Podesta is a big-money bundler for the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign while his brother John is the chairman of that campaign, the chief architect of her plans to take the White House this November [2016]', by John R. Schindler, Panama Papers Reveal Clinton's Kremlin Connection, The New York Observer, 4/7/16.
As Recently As The Second Quarter Of 2016, Tony Podesta Has Lobbied For Sberbank Of Russia, by Lobbying Disclosure Database, Accessed 8/15/16. Sberbank Is Russia's Biggest Financial Institution.
'Which is exactly what Sberbank, Russia's biggest financial institution, did this spring. As reported at the end of March, the Podesta Group registered with the U.S. Government as a lobbyist for Sberbank, as required by law, naming three Podesta Group staffers: Tony Podesta plus Stephen Rademaker and David Adams, the last two former assistant secretaries of state', by John R. Schindler.
Above Stephen Geoffrey Rademaker (born 1959) is an attorney [by Wikipedia], lobbyist and former Bush Administration government official. He was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, the Jefferson Literary and Debating Society ... After leaving government, Rademaker joined Barbour, Griffith and Rogers in January 2007. He came to the firm from the staff of Senate majority Leader Bill Frist, where he served as Policy Director for National Security Affairs and Senior Counsel. In February 2011, Rademaker left Barbour, Griffith and Rogers and joined the Podesta Group.
Mr. Rademaker is married to Danielle Pletka, vice-president for foreign and defense policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute. Above Danielle Pletka (born 1963 in Melbourne, Australia) is the vice-president for foreign and defense policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). Pletka was editorial assistant with the Los Angeles Times and Reuters, working in Jerusalem from 1984 to 1985 [by Wikipedia]. Pletka is married to Stephen Rademaker, who was Assistant Secretary of State for International Security and Nonproliferation (including head of the Bureau of Arms Control) in the George W. Bush [see Moczulski in 1987] presidential administration.

Sberbank - "Savings bank of Russia" is a Russian banking and financial services company headquartered in Moscow. As part of Perestroika reforms, in 1987 the savings bank outlets are reorganised into the Savings Bank of the USSR. Since 2007, Sberbank is led by former economy minister Herman Gref. In 2011, Sberbank acquired Volksbank International AG from its shareholders Osterreichische Volksbanken AG, BPCE, DZ Bank and WGZ Bank. The majority shareholder of Sberbank is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
Above Herman Oskarovich Gref born in 1964, "... is a Russian statesman and top manager. He was the Minister of Economics and Trade of Russia from May 2000 to September 2007. He currently is the CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board of the largest Russian bank Sberbank. .... Gref was born in the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic (now Kazakhstan) into a family of ethnic German deportees who were exiled there in 1941. Gref was considered as one of the liberal reformers in Vladimir Putin's administration of the early and mid-2000s...".
Herman Gref is member of boards and supervisory boards of a number of companies, including Yandex.
Yandex N.V. is a Russian multinational technology company specializing in Internet-related services and products. Yandex ranked as the 4th largest search engine worldwide, based on information from Comscore.com.
Yandex Labs is a wholly owned division of Yandex located in the San Francisco Bay Area. In March 2007 Yandex acquired moikrug.ru, a Russian social network, to search and support professional and personal contacts. Among the largest investors in Yandex were Baring Vostok Capital Partners and Tiger Global Management. Above Tiger Management Corp., also known as "The Tiger Fund," was a hedge fund founded by Julian Robertson.
Co-operated with Stephen F. Mandel born 1956, a founder of the hedge fund Lone Pine Capital, who worked as a consumer-retail analyst at Goldman, Sachs & Co. before working as a consumer analyst and eventually managing director at Tiger Management, a hedge fund founded by Julian Robertson; he married Susan Joy Zadek of Baltimore. She formerly worked in the corporate finance department of Dillon, Read & Company in New York.
Miss Zadek's father is chief of the orthopedic-surgery department of Sinai Hospital in Baltimore, and her mother, Miriam Zadek, is director of social work at the Hearing and Speech Agency of Metropolitan Baltimore. "Miss Zadek is a granddaughter of Mrs. Hyman I. Scharfman of West Palm Beach, Fla., and the late Mr. Scharfman, and the late Dr. Isadore Zadek, who was a director of orthopedic service at the Hospital for Joint Diseases in New York. Mr. Mandel's father is president of the International Welding Products Company in Greenwich, Conn. He is a grandson of Mrs. James W. Safford of New Canaan, Conn., and of Mrs. Richard H. Mandel of New York", by nytimes.com.

In 2012 Sheryl Sandberg was named in the Time 100, an annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world according to Time magazine. Ms. Sandberg's personal wealth is reported to be in the region of 400 million, thanks to her stock holdings in Facebook as well as other companies. "... Sheryl Sandberg was born in Washington, D.C, ... Ms. Sandberg graduated Harvard College ... being awarded the highly prestigious John H. Williams Prize for the top graduating student in her subject. While studying at Harvard, Ms. Sandberg first got to know Larry Summers who was teaching at the college. After graduation Summers asked Sheryl to join him as his research assistant at the World Bank reporting on important health projects funded by the bank in India. Sheryl was to remain at the World Bank for around twelve months during 1993, before enrolling at the Harvard Business School ... Sheryl Sandberg began her professional career as a management consultant for McKinsey & Company, before the meeting her professional association with Larry Summers, by then United States Secretary of the Treasury in the administration of President Bill Clinton. From 1996 to 2001, Sandberg held the role of Summer's Chief of Staff, playing a major part in the Treasury's mission of forgiving debt in the developing world. Ms. Sandberg left the Treasury to join Google Inc. in 2001, remaining there until early 2008, when she was appointed by Facebook to become their COO. Sheryl Sandberg is a key figure in the Facebook management team...".

Above The World Bank [under copyright by Wikipedia] is an international financial institution that provides loans to developing countries for capital programs. It comprises two institutions: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), and the International Development Association (IDA). The World Bank is a component of the World Bank Group, which is part of the United Nations system.
On 23 March 2012, U.S. President Barack Obama announced that the United States would nominate Jim Yong Kim as the next president of the Bank.
Mentioned Larry Summers - Lawrence Henry "Larry" Summers is an American economist who is President Emeritus and Charles W. Eliot University Professor of Harvard University. Summers became a professor of economics at Harvard University in 1983. He left Harvard in 1991, working as the Chief Economist at the World Bank from 1991 to 1993. In 1993, Summers was appointed Undersecretary for International Affairs of the United States Department of the Treasury under the Clinton Administration. In 1995, he was promoted to Deputy Secretary of the Treasury under his mentor Robert Rubin [under copyright by Wikipedia]. After his departure from Harvard, Summers worked as a managing partner at the hedge fund D. E. Shaw & Co., and as a freelance speaker at other financial institutions, including Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Merrill Lynch and Lehman Brothers.
Summers was born in New Haven, in 1954, into a Jewish family, the son of two economists, Robert Summers (who changed the family surname from Samuelson, of the SUWALKI DISTRICT, in RACZKI Wielkie) and Anita Summers (of Romanian-Jewish ancestry), who are both professors at the University of Pennsylvania.
Above named D. E. Shaw & Co., L.P. [under copyright by Wikipedia] is a global investment management firm founded in 1988 by David E. Shaw and based in New York City. ... The company has made investments in technology, wind power, real estate, and financial services firms. The subsidiaries of the company acquired the toy store FAO Schwarz and eToys.com.
Above mentioned David Elliot Shaw born in 1951 [under copyright by Wikipedia] is an American computer scientist and computational biochemist who founded D. E. Shaw & Co., a hedge fund company which was once described by Fortune magazine as "the most intriguing and mysterious force on Wall Street". In 1986, he joined Morgan Stanley.
Shaw is married to personal finance commentator and journalist Beth Kobliner. They are members of the Stephen Wise Free Synagogue in New York. Named above Beth Kobliner born in 1965 [under copyright by Wikipedia] is a personal finance commentator and journalist, and author of the New York Times bestseller Get a Financial Life: Personal Finance in Your Twenties and Thirties. Above Kobliner grew up in a Jewish family ... she worked for Sylvia Porter.

Sylvia Field Porter (1913 - 1991) [under copyright by Wikipedia] was an American economist, journalist and author. The daughter of Russian Jewish immigrants, was born as Sylvia Feldman in Patchogue, New York, to Louis Feldman, a physician, and Rose (Maisel) Feldman. Porter was born as Sylvia Field Feldman. In February 1966 Porter advised President Lyndon B Johnson on the appointment of Andrew Brimmer, the first African American to the serve on the Federal Reserve Board. She married banker Reed Porter in 1931.
Named above FAO Schwarz, founded in 1862, was once the oldest toy store in the United States. FAO Schwarz was sold to Netherlands-based NV Koninklijke Bijenkorf Beheer / Vendex/KBB, in 1990.
Named Robert Rubin / Robert Edward Rubin born in 1938, an American lawyer, former cabinet member, and retired banking executive. He served as the 70th United States Secretary of the Treasury during the Clinton administration. Before his government service, he spent 26 years at Goldman Sachs, eventually serving as a member of the board and co-chairman from 1990 to 1992; co-chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, serves as chairman of the board of the Local Initiatives Support Corporation, the nation's leading community development support organization, and serves on the board of trustees of Mount Sinai-NYU Health.
Rubin was born in New York City, the son of Sylvia (nee Seiderman) and Alexander Rubin, a wealthy Jewish family. He joined Goldman Sachs in 1966. Robert S. Strauss credited Rubin with making the system work.
Robert Schwarz Strauss, 1918 - 2014, his service dates back to future president Lyndon Johnson's first congressional campaign in 1937. "... [at Wikipedia] By the 1950s, he was associated in Texas politics with the conservative faction of the Democratic Party led by [LYNDON] Johnson and John Connally. He served as the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee between 1972 and 1977 and served under President Jimmy Carter [see ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI] as the U.S. Trade Representative and special envoy to the Middle East. Strauss was selected by President George H. W. Bush to be the U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union in 1991 and after the USSR's collapse, he served as the U.S. ambassador to Russia from 1991 until 1992.
Strauss was born in Lockhart, Texas, south of Austin. He was the son of Edith Violet (nee Schwarz) and Charles H. Strauss. His parents were Jewish immigrants from Germany".
Charles H Strauss, b. ca 1886 in Alsace, France. Husband of above named Edith Violet Strauss (Schwarz) b. ca 1887 in Lockhart, in the Caldwell County, Texas, United States; she was the daughter of Leo Schwarz, of Dzierzoniow and Selma Schwarz; above Leo Schwarz, of Dzierzoniow b. 1854 in Dzierzoniow, in the Lower Silesian Voivodeship at present, Poland, died in 1931 in Fort Worth, Texas.
Above LEO was the son of Heinrich Chaim Schwarz, Rabbi and Julia Nathan. Named above Selma Schwarz nee Weinbaun or Weinbaum, born in 1861 in Germany.

David Laurence Aaron born 1938, in Chicago, is an American diplomat who served in the Jimmy Carter administration. He then joined the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency where he served as a member of the U.S. Delegation to the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks.
In 1974, on the recommendation of Zbigniew Brzezinski, Aaron became Senator Walter Mondale's legislative assistant. In 1977, Aaron was asked by Zbigniew Brzezinski to become Deputy National Security Advisor in the administration of Jimmy Carter.
In Israel, Aaron worked with Moshe Dayan.
When Reagan became President in 1981, Aaron moved into the private sector, becoming Vice President for Mergers and Acquisitions at Oppenheimer and Co. and Vice Chairman of Oppenheimer International.
Aaron was involved in the election campaign of Bill Clinton.

"... Zbigniew Brzezinski is Barack Obama's foreign policy advisor. ... Brzezinski was the national security advisor for President Carter from 1977 to 1981. In 1988 he endorsed H. W. Bush for President and was Co-Chair of the H. W. Bush national security advisory task force. From 1987 to 1989 he also served on the H. W. Bush's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board.
Clinton Secretary of State Madeline Albright was a student of Brzezinski's.
G. W. Bush Secretary of State, Condi Rice (also a former national security advisor), who studied under Albright's father, shares many of the same world government views with Brzezinski and Albright...".

"...this is not an argument that David Rockefeller first invented Jimmy Carter around 1971, arranged for Zbigniew Brzezinski to train him in global politics, and then rigged his nomination and election. ... The second Rockefeller connection - more obvious, less noted - was the Trilateral Commission. The Trilateral Commission was David Rockefeller's brain child ... The commission was conceived in 1972 as a private vehicle for planning the industrial world's course out of the international monetary crisis (and John Connally's cowboy responses) of that period, away from the 'Nixon shocks' that had troubled Japan ... Jimmy Carter had been the one Democratic governor chosen among sixty North American members of the Trilateral Commission in 1973...".

"...Patrick Wood, author of 'Trilaterals Over Washington', points out there are only 87 members of the Trilateral Commission who live in America. Obama appointed eleven of them to posts in his administration. For example: Tim Geithner, Treasury Secretary; James Jones, National Security Advisor; Paul Volker, Chairman, Economic Recovery Committee; Dennis Blair, Director of National Intelligence. Several other noteworthy Trilateral members: George H. W. Bush; Bill Clinton; Dick Cheney; Al Gore. Keep in mind that the original stated goal of the TC was to create 'a new international economic order'.
In the run-up to his inauguration after the 2008 presidential election, Obama was tutored by the co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, Zbigniew Brzezinski ...".
Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski, geostrategist, served to President Lyndon B. Johnson from 1966 to 1968 and to President Jimmy Carter 1977 - 1981. Brzezinski belongs to the school of Halford Mackinder and Nicholas J. Spykman.

Sir Halford John Mackinder b. 1861, was a member of the Coefficients dining club, set up in 1902 by the Fabian campaigners Sidney and Beatrice Webb; in 1919 said: "Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland; Who rules the Heartland commands the World Island; Who rules the World Island commands the World," to warn of the possibility of another major war like by John Maynard Keynes; Mackinder was anti-Bolshevik, and as British High Commissioner in Southern Russia in late 1919 and early 1920.
Nicholas John Spykman b. 1893, known as the "godfather of containment," arguing that the balance of power in Eurasia directly affected United States security [1943/1944]; he thought that it was in U.S. interests to leave Germany strong after World War II in order to be able to counter Russia's power.

After Second World War George de Mohrenschildt advanced within State Department, CIA and governmental circles. George H. W. Bush knew George de Mohrenschildt since 1942.

Allen Dulles knew de Mohrenschildt's brother in 1953. George knew Jackie Kennedy and her mother Janet Bouvier in 1938, also knew Mrs. Kennedy's dress designer Oleg Cassini and his brother Igor. George was business partners with Mohamed Al Fayed in 1964. Fayed had an affair with Alexandra de Mohrenschildt and James Angleton of the CIA was interested in this.
See more: Bruce Campbell Adamson's book.
In 1964, a CIA report states, "...(George's daughter) Alexandra was being monitored by CIA's James Jesus Angleton because she was having an affair with Mohammed al Fayed shortly after JFK assassination". James Jesus Angleton b. 1917, was chief of the Central Intelligence Agency's Counterintelligence Staff from 1954 to 1975 as 'Associate Deputy Director of Operations for Counterintelligence'.
Under his signature is that of CIA asset, Jane Roman. Roman was CIA agent who record shows was charged with monitoring movements of Lee Harvey Oswald for two months preceding assassination.

George DEMOHRENSCHILDT / DE MOHRENSCHILDT "was business partners with Mohamed Al Fayed in 1964. Fayed had an affair with Alexandra de Mohrenschildt...". George DE MOHRENSCHILDT and Mohammad Abdel Fayed were in contact in Haiti, and Mohammad Abdel Fayed was suspected of having been a member of Egyptian intelligence in 1953 in Saudi Arabia, in Haiti in June 1964 while official guest of Haitian Government.

On 02 August 2023:
John Luman Smith (born 1969) is an American attorney who has served in the United States Department of Justice as an assistant U.S. attorney, acting U.S. attorney, and head of the department's Public Integrity Section. GARLAND appointed SMITH. Merrick Brian Garland (born November 13, 1952) is an American lawyer and jurist serving since March 2021 as the 86th United States attorney general.

Nachman Garland (Garfinkel) / Nakhman Gorfinkel, b. 1847 in Vilnius / Wilno, the son of Leib Yitzchak Garfinkel. Leib Yitzchak Garfinkel / Leyba Itsko Gorfinkel b. ca 1825. LEIB was the son of Zelig Garfinkel.
"Merrick's great-great-grandfather was named Leib Yitzhak Garfinkel, and that pretty much clinched it, for Louis Edward is very likely its English equivalent; Branstad's grandfather was almost certainly named after him. Soon, Stuart had traced the nominee's lineage back to his great-great-great-grandfather (Zelig), his great-great-great-great-grandfather (also Nahkman), and great-great-great-great-great-grandfather, born circa 1735 (Leib)."
Zelig Garfinkel b. ca 1790, was the son of Nachman Garfinkel b. ca 1760.
Nachman Garfinkel b. ca 1760, the son of Leib Garfinkel, b. ca 1735.

Donald Trump vs Garland had originally been Garfinkel, like Nakhman Garfinkel.

Garfinkel / Garland of the Oginskis property WAJGOWO in the SZAWLE county
[Emma Goldman and Tadeusz Wolinski came from SZAWLE (close to Kielmy and Wajgowo) - General Tadeusz Kosciuszko was the god-father of Tadeusz Wolinski who moved home to PAKOSC, the Dzialynski estate. Tadeusz Wolinski had German wife. Close to Pakosc the CZOLGOSZ family was living in the 19th century, from the GRODNO county. Tadeusz Wolinski was pro-Russian statesman and he was educated in Mitau / Mitawa - compare the Garfinkel genealogy. Czolgosz and Goldman, the LGBT ideology, killed US President McKinley in 1901. The next coup in USA in 1963, involved Jerzy Mohrenschild from the Minsk governorate and the Tallinn county; OSWALD under care of James Jesus Angleton, the pupil of Russian spy, KIM PHILBY; and Oswald co-operated with above George Mohrenschild and the PAINE family - the LGB... ideology. The Oginski family acted in Polish underground against Russia, and Ignacy Oginski senior b. ca 1698 was the landlord for the GARFINKEL family (in WAJGOWO close to Kielmy) in the SZAWLE county (GARLAND in USA)].

The Garfinkels, Jews, came from the Kobryn district: Antopol; and from Szawle and the Szawle county.
Adam Potocki, the son of Artur Potocki, the Templar Freemason, owned Kobryn and Zabianka, and also Adam Potocki owned Zalesie and Olchowka, ie Zales'ye close to Ol'khovka;
but Al'khavyets / Olchowiec is situated in the Horki / Gorki district, 1 km west to the modern Russian border;
and Jablonowka / Yablonovka, 9 km north-east to Stowbtsy / Stoubce / Stoubcy and south-west to MINSK.
Lobushany south-east to Berezyna / Byerazino, and 13 km west to Miezonka / Mezhonka, belonged to the Potockis, and also to the family of Artur Potocki.
Above Count Adam Jozef Potocki (24 February 1822, Lancut - 15 June 1872, Krzeszowice close to Cracow) "was a Polish politician from Galicia, who was a prominent advocate for the autonomy of that region. He owned numerous estates, steel mills in Silesia, and shares in the consortium building Galicia's railway lines" by Wikipedia. The son of Artur Stanislaw Potocki and Zofia Branicka.

Garland had originally been Garfinkel, like Nakhman Garfinkel. In 1888 they are living in Vaiguva, Kelmes district - 19 km north-west to KELME. The property of IGNACY Oginski SENIOR b. ca 1698, the owner of Darsuniskis and Vaiguva / WAJGAWA / Wajguwa, ca 1775/1780.
Ignacy Oginski (SENIOR, ca 1698 - 1775 in Halle), the Lithuanian Marshall, the Wilno governor, and in BRASLAW, envoy. The Borysow governor in 1720. The son of Marcjan Michal Oginski and Teresa Brzostowski. Ignacy was MP of Witebsk in 1729, Braslaw in 1730, Livonia in 1733. IGNACY m. Helena Oginska (1700-1790), the daughter of Kazimierz Dominik Oginski and Eleonora Woyno.
WAJGOWO was the property of the Kiezgajlo family in 1528. Wajgowo (Tolusze). In 1547/1581 of Stanislaw Kiezgajlo.
Also read on Siauliai - see Billewicz, Pilsudski, ZUBOV; ZAGARY - see Zubov; JONISKIS - see Komorowski and Zubov];
Labovitz and Lapata / Lopata - marriage on 25 December 1898 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States. Children were born since 1899 in Boston - to Stanley Leavitt b. 1918, Helen Labovitz (Leavitt) b. 1920, and last Harold Jack Leavitt b. 1922 in Lynn, Massachusetts, United States. Above Joe Leavitt (Labovitz) married to Mamie Lapta / Mamie (Mae) Lapata (born 1880).

Vaiguviskiai / Wajgowo in the Kelme District Municipality in Lithuania close to SZAWLE.

Cyril Garland, 1915-2000, known as Zecharia ben Mordechai, b. 1915 in the Pottawattamie County, Iowa, United States. Cyril's mother - Rose B. Meyerson (Kaplan) / Rivka Raizel bat Mordechai, b. 1896 in Drohiczyn, the Siemiatycze County, d. 1995 in the Cook County, the daughter of Mordechai Kaplan. RIVKA m. twice: Herman Meyerson and Max Harry Garland. Rivka was mother of Cyril Garland and Doris Betty Shukert.
Above HERMAN Meyerson b. 1882 in MITAWA / Mitau, Courland / Kurland, Latvia - the Illuminati center, and compare President Roosevelt and his friend from Courland!
Herman d. 1977 in Nebraska, the son of Yehuda Leib Meyerson and Ethel Simon Meyerson. Herman m. twice: Rose B. Meyerson and Mary Falk. Above Mary Falk, 1886 in Russia - d. 1961 in the Council Bluffs. Or Mary Falk was born about 1886 in Germany. In 1940, she was lived in Chicago, Illinois, with her husband, Gustaw, son, and daughter.

Louis Lehrman was born in Kublitz, Belarussia in 1881. He arrived in USA in 1896. Met and married Sarah Sachs, who lived in Baltimore, in 1906. Louis Lehrman was born in Kublitz / KUBLICZE, moved to Harrisburg in the 1920s and he opened a wholesale grocery business.
His son, Benjamin joined him there in business: Louis Lehrman and Son. He was the Treasurer for the YMHA (now the JCC) for many years. He was a board member at Tiphereth Israel Synagogue in Harrisburg. Joined Ohev Sholom in 1910. He died on March 20, 1959.
Temple Ohev Sholom, established in 1853, is the oldest Jewish congregation in the city of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. It was established as an Orthodox congregation. In 1867, it became a Reform congregation.
Shimon Lehrman b. 1824, d. 1903 in Kublicze / Kublitz, the son of Chai Sarah unknown; the father of AARON TZVI Lehrman b. 1850, d. 1927; and Chasha Lehrman / Szasza.
Shimon m. 1st to Rifka Lernen died in 1863. Shimon b. 1824, was the son of older Aaron Tzvi Lehrman died in 1850 + Chai Sarah Guessing d. in 1852.
In Kublitz, the Vitebsk province, and then Dov Ber (Beryl) and Shimon Lehrman's children settled in the nearby towns of Polotsk / POLOCK, Lepel and Shashniki / CZASNIKI.

Ostrow Wielkopolski owned by Radziwill was the core of the Frankists movement, and Raszkow had link to the Zionists by the Newlinski family.
The same net:
Marshal Joachim Murat, Paul Armand, Franciszek Paszkowski, Stanislaw Fiszer, Wincenty Aksamitowski and Tadeusz Kosciuszko in France, the Armand family in Moscow, Oldenburg-Romanov-Japaridze-Armand-Saparian-Konstantynowicz branch of Moscow and Miezonka, Duflon and Breguet of Neuchatel [+ Freemasons in Ceylon; the tea plantation and Oliphant - the link to Zionist and Jaffa; the link to Azbelev and Duflon + Konstantynowicz in Moscow; the link to Konstantynowicz-Zbieranowski-Andrzejak in Moscow during the Great War bef. 1918].

In 1792, in Bieganin [close to RASZKOW - parish, and Skrzebowa] was living Katarzyna nee Newlinski, married SMULEWICZ / Smolewicz / Szmulewicz, widowed after death of Stanislaw Smolewicz {b. ca 1730, d. bef. 1792 ?}, and Franciszka Newlinska, her sister, both daughters of
Mikolaj Newlinski [b. ca 1700/1710] and his wife Elzbieta KIEDRZYNSKA {Elzbieta b. ca 1710, maybe was the sister to our Andrzej Kiedrzynski, b. ca 1710/1715; NOT of Jan Kiedrzynski b. ca 1670/1680};
Elzbieta Newlinska Kiedrzynska was living here 15 years or more - before 1775, was bpt. here ca 1710. Elzbieta's mother probably was from the Raszkow parish. Elzbieta was buried in the Raszkow parish ca 1792.
Helena Porebski married Newlinska (m. in 1721), was born ca 1700 or before, and was living in the Kozieglowki parish, 27 km south to Czestochowa. Marianna Porebska d. here in 1794.

Maria Newlinski born Krzeczkowski in 1780, to Jakub Krzeczkowski. Maria had a sister Antonina Czekierski. Maria married unknown Newlinski [b. ca 1770] with a daughter Faustyna Piatkowski (born Newlinski) and a son Ignacy Newlinski b. ca 1810, and next daughter Maria Bedkowska (born Newlinska).
Named Ignacy Newlinski had a daughter Maria Newlinska born in 1840. Maria had the brother Filip Michal Newlinski b. 1840/1841/1847. Michal Newlinski (1847-1899), was co-operated with Herzl in 1896 in Constantinopol / Stanbul.
Named NEWLINSKI, PHILIPP MICHAEL (1841-1899), was the jurnalist, b. in Dec. 1841 in Antoniny at the Russian Volhynia. Catholic. He was a multiple agent for numerous European states.
And for the Ottoman Sultan, and to Theodor Herzl. Newlinski himself warns him that the Sultan will never give up Jerusalem; Herzl's diplomatic agent in Constantinopol and the Balkan countries.

Marianna Rudnicka b. 1767 [or ca 1770/1780], m. three times -
the 2nd to Wincenty Czapski / Wincenty Hutten-Czapski,
the 3rd to Jan Czapski / Jan Hutten-Czapski of Raszkow and Glogowa [see the bpt. in RASZKOW with the godmother Julianna Kiedrzynska ARNOLD - the link to Arnold in CHOCEN; Arnold + WOLOWSKI and Wolowski intermarried Szymanowski - net of Adam Mickiewicz with connection to the Zionist movement],
the 1st to Jan Amadej / Amaday.

Above Jan Amadej b. ca 1750 [?] + Marianna Rudnicka, the daughter of Wojciech Rudnicki + Jozefa Ordega,
had a daughter Jozefa Kordula b. in October 1790 in Czacz;
Jan Amadej [the owner of Boczki] had a brother
Ludwik Amadej b. ca 1743, d. 1813 in Blaszki, came from Adamki, the manager in Kozmin Wielkopolski; the owner of Noskowo [ex-property of Kiedrzynski] + ca 1786, Wiktoria Rudnicka b. ca 1763 [the sister of Marianna Rudnicka b. 1767], d. in 1813 in Adamki,
the daughter of named Wojciech Rudnicki, the Kalisz official + Jozefa Ordega.

Kozmin Wielkopolski - the connection to Sapieha and Dambski in Chocen, the Walesa family in 1715/1716 lived in the Sapieha properties in the Greater Poland, then in the Chocen commune - see President Lech Walesa who came from France bef. 1715, and from above the Walesas of the Chocen commune where Gustaw Findeisen took a property and Gustaw was the secret courier of Leopold Kronenberg - the link to Zamoyski in Klemensow and Michalow; to Loewenstein; the Bloch family in Lodz.

Zbigniew Brzezinski is pro-Israel, he is a so-called Liberal Zionist.

In 1879, Oliphant left for Palestine, where he promoted Jewish settlement for Jewish suffering in Eastern Europe. This was the first wave of Jewish settlement by Zionists in 1882 in the Galilee. Oliphant settled in Haifa, and on Mount Carmel.

Jozef Hieronim Retinger travelled to USA and met Felix Frankfurter and Sir Edward Bedington-Behrens.
Felix Frankfurter b. 1882, in Vienna and immigrated to New York, Harvard Law School, friend and adviser of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who appointed him to the Supreme Court in 1939; was born into a Jewish family of Leopold Frankfurter, a merchant; Felix Frankfurter worked for Tenement House Department of New York City, friend with Walter Lippmann and Horace Kallen; an editor of the Harvard Law Review; law firm of Hornblower, Byrne, Miller & Potter in 1906, assistant to Henry Stimson, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York; law officer of the Bureau of Insular Affairs, used a donation from the financier Jacob Schiff to create a position; was appointed Judge Advocate General, supervising military courts-martial for the War Department;
he was encouraged by Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis to become more involved in Zionism.
In 1918, he participated in the founding conference of the American Jewish Congress in Philadelphia; 1919, Frankfurter served as a Zionist delegate to the Paris Peace Conference. Roosevelt nominated Frankfurter to the Supreme Court in 1939 (to 1962).
During 1st World War and after War, Jozef Hieronim Retinger met in England with
Stafford Cripps,
Winston Churchill,
Marshall Horatio Herbert Lord Kitchener.

Kenneth Joseph "Ken" Arrow born in 1921 is an American economist, writer, and political theorist. Arrow was born in New York City. By Wikipedia: "... Arrow's mother, Lilian, was born in Iassi (Romania), and his father, Harry, was from Podu Iloaiei (close to Iassi, Romania). The Arrow family has Romanian Jewish origins. ... Growing up during the Great Depression, he embraced socialism in his youth. He would later move away from socialism, but his views retained a left philosophy...".
Above named Podu Iloaiei - 30 km north-west of Jassy / Iasi, close to present Moldova border / ex-Soviet border [see the Sandberg family in Soviet Union in Chisinau / Kishiniov].
"...The first branch of the Zionist movement in Podul Iloaiei was a one of the 'Chovevei Zion' (1894). In 1919, a branch of 'Bnei Zion Dr. Hertzel' was also opened with 50 members. Two Hebrew courses were organized and 10% of the congregation's income was donated to 'Keren Hakayemet for Israel' [see the Sandbergs]."

Note on the SAMUELSON family come from the OLECKO area:
Paul Anthony Samuelson was born on May 15, 1915, in Gary, Indiana. His parents were Frank Samuelson, a pharmacist, and Ella Lipton / LYPSKI Samuelson. Ella Lipton and the Samuelsons immigrated to the USA in 1908 to build a pharmacy business in Gary, Indiana. Frank's older brother Herman also emigrated from Poland [the Suwalki area].
Samuelson come from RACZIK, Poland, then of the Prussian Empire to 1945 [Raczki Wielkie, north-east of Olecko, Prussia to 1945, and 1 km west of ex-Russian border; Nowe Raczki ca 6 km east of Olecko, and 2 km west to the ex-Russian border].

Zionist movement:
Jan Bloch of Lodz,
Armand Levy and
Adam Mickiewicz,
Leopold Kronenberg, Zamoyski, Adam Grabowski,
Gustaw Findeisen,
Filip Michal Newlinski,
with Polish conspirators: General Franciszek Maksymilian Paszkowski and his daughter Maria Wilhelmina Paszkowska Armand and her granddaughter Anna Armand Konstantynowicz and my grandfather Jerzy Konstantynowicz with nick-name Marian Konstantynowicz vel Stankiewicz.

Paul Wolfowitz came from Zakrzow Wielki close to Bugaj, Kodrab and Radomsko - the estate of Ankwicz intermarried Szwarcenberg-Czerny from the Andrychow district - the links to Skora, Pfeiffer of Przedborz and Lodz, Temler of Wilczkow, Bobrowski, Sobanski and Kiedrzynski.
'Czarniecki' the counter-intelligence code in Lodz with the 'Reset' to Russia in 1972-February 2023 on the genealogical groundwork of my family Konstantynowicz in Kublicze, Berezyna, Miezonka, Dudino-Monasterszczyna, Vajguva / Wajgowo in Belarus-Lithuania: Robert Rubin, Robert Schwarz Strauss, Arlen Specter, Czeslaw Kiszczak in 1972 the head of military intelligence, the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1972, TANYIA CHUTKAN, Tannenwald, Samuel Berger, Bill Clinton, Eli Segal, with Garfinkel of Antopol, Szawle and Wajgowo vs Donald Trump in 2016-2023.
Reset to Russia in 1972-February 2023: Robert Rubin, Robert Schwarz Strauss, Arlen Specter, Czeslaw Kiszczak in 1972 the head of military intelligence, the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1972, TANYIA CHUTKAN, Tannenwald, Samuel Berger, Bill Clinton, Segal, with Garfinkel of Antopol, Szawle and Wajgowo vs Donald Trump in 2016-2023.
Jakub Frank of Czerniowce and his Frankist's movement in Romania with Gypsies and Jews of Suczawa-Jassy-Czerniowce with Sibiu-Timisoara: Cojocaru-Akim and Asien; Wolowski-Szymanowski-Brzezinski-Nejman and Frankists of Poland in the service of Russian Intelligence in 60' of the 18th century with Kamyk of the Kiedrzynskis. In the 80' of the 19th century Czerniowce with Kiedrzynski-Arnold-Wolowski branch of Raszkow and Bieganin.
Thessaloniki in Greece and Suczawa-Jassy-Czerniowce with Romanian JEWS close to Clinton-Obama political arrangement: Hitzig b. 1874 in Cucinrul Mare; Segal of Romania and Garfinkel of the Kobryn district and in Szawle under Oginski with Maya Chrapowicka and Miezonka.
Barack Obama and Samuel Berger - Kublicze in Belarus. J. F. Kennedy in 1963 and Dudino-Monasterszczyna of the HOLYNSKI family with Specter. Hillary Clinton and Podesta, Putin, Radek Sikorski. China and Russia with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama Husajn junior. Leopold Kronenberg, Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, Loewenstein and Gerlach, Zamoyski in Klemensow and Kaczorowski with Rettinger. Ordega of Zelechow; Roman of Zelechow; Wyssogota-Zakrzewski of Zelechow and Chocen; Lech Walesa's ancestors of the Chocen commune; Jaroslaw Slota vel Skota of Chocen with his friends: Malgorzata Zieleniewska of Lodz - the friend to PM Leszek Miller, Monika Sedzicka nee Bogucka of Sporna and Krokusowa 59, the counter-intelligence officer.
Ordega and Jan Bloch and Leopold Kronenberg with the Zamoyski family in Klemensow-Bodaczow with Rettinger and the Kaczorowski's: President Kaczorowski in London and Emilia Kaczorowska Wojtyla, with the Wojtyla family in the Andrychow district: Czaniec close to Roczyny of Romani, General Czeslaw Kiszczak, near to Inwald of the General Miroslaw Milewski's mother. The Ordega-Holynski branch in Monasterszczyna-Dudino, with links to the Konstantynowicz family of the Mscislaw province and in Miezonka in 1842 - copyright by Bogdan Konstantynowicz on 24 August 2023.
RESET to RUSSIA started in 1972 with Segal, Garfinkel, Berger, Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, Tymieniecka, Sandberg, Arrow of Romania, Samuelson of Suwalki - Raczki Wielkie, Summers in USA, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Barack Obama, Tannenwald, Radoslaw Sikorski and Donald Tusk until February 2023. General Czeslaw Kiszczak was appointed in 1972 the head of military intelligence in 'Poland' but Kiszczak in 1945 was the spy for Red Army intelligence in Wiena. Kiszczak was born in Roczyny 5 km to CZANIEC, and several kilometers west to INWALD of General Miroslaw Milewski's mother. Milewski in 1944 was the spy for Red Army counter-intelligence in SUWALKI, but 1955-1982 Milewski ruled civil intelligence in Warsaw.

Fani Willis is fighting against Donald Trump on 24 August 2023. Marius Akim, of the Cojocaru gypsy clan in Sibiu fight against me in August 2023. Fani Taifa Willis born 1971 and she is the district attorney of Fulton County, Georgia. On February 10, 2021, Willis launched a criminal investigation into Donald Trump's attempts to influence Georgia election officials.
This is Russian intelligence net:
Sibiu, Timisoara, Bielsko-Biala, the Andrychow county with Roczyny and Inwald;
Kobryn with Antopol at west Belarus; Wajgawa / Wajgowo close to Szawle with link to PAKOSC; Kublicze with link to Miezonka; Wyznica, Czerniowce, Botosani, Suczawa, Iasi / Jassy, Ploiesti, Bucuresti, Kiszyniow, Podhajce, Skala Podolska, and Miezonka / Meshonka, Berezyna / Berezino, Lubuszany / Luboszany in the central-east Belarus, with Swolna in the Vicebsk / Witebsk province; MSCISLAU / Mscislaw in eastern Belarus; Karsawa, Mitawa / Mitau in Courland / Latvia; and Sterling castle in Scotland; Viljandi in Estonia; Rezekne in Latvia, Dryssa in Belarus, Monasterszczyna / Monasterszczyzna in Russia; Chocen, Bialaczow, Zelechow, Police and Szczecin-Pogodno, Sedziszow Malopolski, Chruszczobrod with the Andrychow district, Wadowice, Inwald, and Jedlno west to Radomsko. Romani peoples in Lipno, Chocen, Jews in Krasne and Leszno close to Przasnysz; Pleszew with Orpiszewek, Raszkow, Sobotka, Bieganin; Kozmin Wielkopolski with Srem; Margonin, Chodziez, Wies Margoninska with Ignalina in Lithuania, Bratoszewice and Glowno, Zgierz, Domaradzew, Popow Glowienski / Popowo Glowienskie; Wola Wiazowa and Wola Pszczolecka with Kalinowa / Kalinowo, Charlupnia Wielka and Charlupnia Mala, Blaszki, Pajeczno;
the Zilina / Zilin district in north-west Slovakia,
with Klemensow, Bodaczow in the south part of the Lublin province; and Romani peoples of the Andrychow district: Kiszczak, Milewski and Kaczorowski.
And ZILINA has links to the Paszkowski-Armand-Demonsi-Konstantynowicz-Piottuch Kublicki-Staroch Siedoch of Kazan branch.
Vladimir Armand joined a Social Democratic propaganda group in Moscow and was arrested but his sister Anna Evgen'evna helped finance party organizations. They lived in Pushkino, according to JoAnn Ruckman, 'Moscow Business Elite...', edit. 1984, p. 61 and by Egor Nazarenko - a great grandson of one of Evgenii Armand's brothers. They owned house in Moscow, but in summer lived in Finland.
The Eugene family intermarried with the families:
Demonsi-Shnaubert-Mathiesen-Bunkin-Tsitsin, Konstantynowicz and Manfred, Kohl - Osipov, Pampel / Papmel - Mazing, Vdovin, Stepanov, Stephen, Wild, Karasev, Fedosov, Egorov, Zhurin, Pichnikovyh - Shaposhnikov -
Zilina or in Zilina in Austrian-Hungary Slovakia {see Pola Negri in LIPNO},
Cardo - Sysoev, Fallen, Shapiro (Jews ?), Romas (Gypsy ?) and others like Demontet / Demonsi / Demonets, Kazan ca 1835 - 1839 and in Kazan was Breguet with visit ca 1840/1842.

And more on 1972 in USA:
"... Hale Boggs sat on the Warren Commission, which concluded that President Kennedy was slain by a lone assassin. Later, in 1971 and 1972, Boggs said that the Warren Report was false and that J. Edgar Hoover's FBI not only helped cover up the JFK murder but blackmailed Congress with massive wire-tapping and spying".
He named Warren Commission staff member Arlen Specter as a major cover-up artist. Congressman Boggs' plane disappeared on a flight to Alaska in 1972. The press, the military, and the CIA publicly proclaimed the plane could not be located. Investigators later said that was a lie, that the plane had been found. On the plane were Nick Begich, a very popular Democratic Congressman, and Don Jonz, an aide to Mr. Boggs. All were killed.

Anna-Theresa Houthakker (Tymieniecka) was the daughter of Maria Loewenstein b. 1877 [false data, maybe ca 1885], Jew bpt, the daughter of Ignacy Loewenstein b. 1828.
The great-granddaughter of Abraham Loewenstein (1782 - 1852).
Abraham Loewenstein, b. 1782, m. Rozalia or Rozalie FLATAU, Loewenstein, b. 1798.
Abraham was the father of
Ignacy Loewenstein b. 1828;
Hanna Emma Szancer;
Bernard Loewenstein;
Emilia Markusfeld and
Rachel Regina Samuelsohn b. ca 1830 - the wife of Szymon Samuelsohn / SAMUELSON [Olecko - Raczki and Suwalki ?].

Compare -
Summers was born in New Haven, in 1954, into a Jewish family, the son of two economists, Robert Summers (who changed the family surname from Samuelson) and Anita Summers (of Romanian-Jewish ancestry), who are both professors at the University of Pennsylvania.
Anita Arrow Summers have a brother Kenneth Arrow. Kenneth Joseph Arrow, Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 1972, born in 1921 in New York. Son of Harry Arrow and Lilian Arrow. Brother of Anita Summers (Arrow). Kenneth Joseph Arrow was born to parents of Romanian Jewish origins. Anita Arrow Summers have a brother-in-law Paul Samuelson.
Above Lilian Arrow b. estimated 1890 in Romania. Above Harry Arrow b. in Romania.

Above mentioned Paul Anthony Samuelson b. in 1915, died 2009, an American economist. President Bill Clinton commended Samuelson for his "fundamental contributions to economic science" for over 60 years. He served as an advisor to Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson, and was a consultant to the United States Treasury, the Bureau of the Budget and the President's Council of Economic Advisers. Samuelson was born in Gary, Indiana, to Frank Samuelson, a pharmacist, and Ella Lipton.
His family was "mobile Jewish immigrants from Poland who had prospered considerably in World War I, because Gary was a brand new steel town".

Lawrence "Larry" Henry Summers / Larry Summers, was the son of Robert "Bob" (Samuelson) Summers. Above Robert Summers (Samuelson) / Bob Summers, 1922 - 2012, was the son of
Frank Samuelson [Franc ?] and Ella (Lypski) Samuelson / Elzbieta Lipska?;
Robert was the brother of Harold Samuelson and Paul Samuelson, Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences, 1970.

Above Ella Samuelson (Lypski) / Ella Lypski, was the daughter of Mayer Lypski and Anna (Glotstein) Lypski. Named above Mayer Lypski / Meir Lypski born in 1840 in Suwalki, Poland. He was the son of Mordechai Nissan Lypski.

Note on the SAMUELSON family come from the OLECKO area:
Paul Anthony Samuelson was born on May 15, 1915, in Gary, Indiana. His parents were Frank Samuelson, a pharmacist, and Ella Lipton / LYPSKI Samuelson. Ella Lipton and the Samuelsons immigrated to the USA in 1908 to build a pharmacy business in Gary, Indiana. Frank's older brother Herman also emigrated from Poland [the Suwalki area].
Samuelson come from RACZIK, Poland, then of the Prussian Empire to 1945 [Raczki Wielkie, north-east of Olecko, Prussia to 1945, and 1 km west of ex-Russian border; Nowe Raczki ca 6 km east of Olecko, and 2 km west to the ex-Russian border].

Summers supported the Sandberg family. Sandberg's LEANIN Org. took Paulina Sosnierz ca 2010. Sosnierz studied LeanIn.Org receives all of the profits of Lean In: Women, Work & the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg.

At the same time acted Przybranowo / Wloclawek; again Michalow / Suwalki; together with Lodz resident MARCIN, on 21 March 2005 - 19 August 2017, an active counter-intelligence agent at St Swithun's Rd;
Zgierz {2005/2006 and again since October 2015 with international support from his "brethren"} + on 14th September 2019, 17.32 - EZG 17436 [ZGIERZ car] + Janosika 61 - on 09th September 2019.
With the mysterious quarter of residential houses in Lodz, between the streets: Rybna Rd, Zachodnia Rd., Limanowskiego Rd., Lutomierska Rd - in the years 1983-1987, 2005, 2015-2017.
In 1982/1988 from Opoczno - Zbigniew Natkanski - ZARNOW, Ossa - 7 km north-east to ZARNOW;
CHELSTY - 5 km south to ZARNOW;
"Bogdan - they were very easy to get along in your case", a man, Gypsy, b. ca 1980, named Przemyslaw of Zgierz says in spring 2006 to me; he was the bartender from the Piotrkowska street in 2004.
Above highly dangerous, aggressive network of a pseudo Counterintelligence nature dependent on the Russians, led by national minority, currently is in a state of underground conspiracy [2016-2017].
The creator of this special services network since 1972 was General Kiszczak, the head of military intelligence, former communist prime minister and the head of the secret police.
The funeral of Czeslaw Kiszczak was in November 2015 and his wife said:
"God will pay you for all the harm, which ungrateful, unworthy Pole has done to you. A wrong words fall somewhere there out, hateful to you - of the people full of evil, hypocritical ... Your heroic deeds will be exposed."

President Donald Trump commented:
"...We must work together to confront forces, whether they come inside or out, from the south or the east, that threaten over time to undermine these values and to erase the bonds of culture, faith and tradition that make us who we are. If left unchecked, these forces will undermine our courage, sap our spirit and weaken our will to defend ourselves and our societies. ...",
"...It's a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth, and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities. ... This is not just conspiracy but reality, and you and I know it.
The establishment and their media enablers wield control over this nation through means that are well-known. Anyone who challenges their control is deemed a sexist, a racist, a xenophobe and morally deformed. They will attack you, they will slander you, they will seek to destroy your career and reputation [Paulina Sosnierz, Camila Camopy of the Belo Horizonta province, in April and May 2023 and again in September 2023].
And they will lie, lie and lie even more. ...".

Arlen Specter, b. 1930, d. 2012, worked for the Philadelphia law firm Dechert, Price and Rhoads; it was formed by MacVeagh, who was United States Attorney General under President James Garfield.
Assassination of James Abram Garfield in 1881 by Charles J. Guiteau, and traces from the Warren Commission in 1963 led me to the Mscislaw province [now in Russia] that is to the village of Dudino - Monasterszczyzna. Everything points to the Holynski family and the small village of Dudino inhabited in the 19th century by the Jewish community.

Hale Boggs sat on the Warren Commission, which concluded that President Kennedy was slain by a lone assassin. Later, in 1971 and 1972, Boggs said that the Warren Report was false and that J. Edgar Hoover's FBI not only helped cover up the JFK murder but blackmailed Congress with massive wire-tapping and spying.

BOGGS named Warren Commission staff member Arlen Specter as a major cover-up artist. Congressman Boggs' plane disappeared on a flight to Alaska in 1972. The press, the military, and the CIA publicly proclaimed the plane could not be located. Investigators later said that was a lie, that the plane had been found.
On the plane were Nick Begich, a very popular Democratic Congressman,
and Don Jonz, an aide to Mr. Boggs. All were killed.

Wayne MacVeagh, who was United States Attorney General, was born in Phoenixville, in Pennsylvania, in 1833, the son of Major John MacVeagh and Margaret Lincoln. His brother, Franklin MacVeagh, was a banker and U.S. Secretary of the Treasury under President William Howard Taft.
Wayne MacVeagh was a brother of the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity (Phi chapter).
In 1875, MacVeagh co-founded the law firm known today as Dechert LLP. Dechert LLP is an international law firm.
Notable lawyers:
David N. Kelley, former United States Attorney and Deputy U.S. Attorney for the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York;
Norma Levy Shapiro, judge for the United States District Court Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
Arlen Specter, United States senator for Pennsylvania (1981 - 2011).
Scooter Libby, chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney (2001 - 2005), born to Jewish family in New Haven. his father, Irving Lewis Liebowitz, was an investment banker.
Cheryl Ann Krause, United States Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. In 2014, President Obama nominated Krause to serve as a United States Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.
Steven Engel, deputy assistant attorney general in the Office of Legal Counsel under George W. Bush and United States Assistant Attorney General.

Above Shapiro, born Norma Sondra Levy in Philadelphia, was nominated to the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania by President Jimmy Carter in 1978. Zbigniew Brzezinski supported CARTER.

Recently in 1987, I started by solving puzzles and political genealogy around my Konstantynowicz family in Poland and Russia. In the first period October 1987 - September 1989 I recognized the immediate environment of our family Konstantynowicz, maybe 200 people; unfortunately it 'coincided' with the sudden death of my father on November 3, 1987; he was killed by the communist goverment and buried 09 November 1987.
And at the same time: in the villa at the Zawrat Street in Warsaw, General Czeslaw Kiszczak meets Lech Walesa [+ Bishop Jerzy Dabrowski] dated 31-08-1988, 15-09-1988; in Magdalenka near Warsaw with Kiszczak were meetings on 27-01-1989 and 02-03-1989, 07-03-1989 and 29-03-1989.
Not counting other important my family events on 28 October 1987 and 1 November 1987 - and finally, on November 2, 1987 I attempted to obtain from my father (died 03rd Nov.) the most important data about our family.
In principle, all these people (October 1987 - September 1989) were associated with the Warsaw special services (Spartakusa Rd No 43 / 45; and Krokusowa Rd 57 + 59), mainly with counter-intelligence of the security services
(by the way, like in the whole period 1972
{Boguslaw Grabowski - since 1968; Adam Adamkiewicz and A. Krych - 1972; J. Janowski - since 1973; K. Wojcieszek - 1973; P. Dmochowski - 1974; J. Hempel - 1975; J. Matysiak - 1977; Slawomir Broniarz - 1978. The General Zbigniew Nowek from Bydgoszcz}).

General Zbigniew Nowek - the friend to Colonel Adam Owsiany from Lodz, and Nowek' professional career in 1990 started with the aid of the head of the Ministry of Interior, Andrzej Milczanowski. Nowek acted in Torun [in 2005 to 2008 head of the Foreign Intelligence Agency, in 2010 deputy chief of the National Security Agency]. He sent Grzegorz Kawrat, Paulina Sosnierz, Piotr Czarnecki, and peoples from Tczew, Chelmza, Torun, Wabrzezno and Gniew.
Nowek worked with Colonel Brunon Czabok [cyber threat information security and ex-Deputy Director of the Office of Information Security and Computer Security] a head in KATOWICE.
My friends:
Captain Krzysztof Tomczyk b. ca 1952 + Andrzej Kolczynski; Monika Bogucka Sedzicka; Jaworska Halina - Wodkiewicz; + Rozan by Narew river; with the next network 2006-2014 reaching to the town Rozan and Geremek - Lewartow, the Rabbi family; Chodecz {since 1983} - Brzesc Kujawski {2012-2013, Maciej Igor Wojtczak + Radoslaw Sadowski; Wloclawek {Sikora - Necki} in 2009 until 2019; to Popowo near Tluchowo; J. Burnicki; Maciej BURNICKI of Tczew; Pisz; Wabrzezno {since 2005} - Olecko; Jan Ddl, and on 18th April 2017, a network of Senegal / Nguekokh / Jamaica / Bronx.
The network created in cooperation of the Lodz civilian espionage with Szczecin [Glebokie aft. 1982/2005, 2007 until 08 September 2023]; but also with Olecko, Suwalki, Kowale Oleckie, mainly ethnic minorities from the Bialystok provice [and Gypsy from Zilina in Slovakia - Sibiu-Timisoara in Slovakia, and Jews of Suczawa-Jasi, Czerniowce-Wyznica-Botosani; Gypsy of LIPNO, Bugaj Zakrzewski, Chocen, Zgierz, Glowno, with Belarusian JEWS of Kobryn, Antopol, Wajgowo, Szawle, Kublicze, Berezyna]; and on 18th April 2017, a network of Senegal - Nguekokh / Jamaica / Bronx; the samples: 17.45-18.01, 10th September 2018; on 16 September 2017 in Maple Convenience Store bandit Wadiste el Modou from SENEGAL and Wi. 135 [the action completed visit to Sosnierz - 6.50 am the next day at W. 137].

The creator of this special services network since 1972 was General Kiszczak, the half Gypsy, the head of military intelligence and aft. 1985 the head of civilian intelligence, the former communist prime minister and the head of the secret police. The funeral of Czeslaw Kiszczak was in November 2015 and his wife said:
"God will pay you for all the harm, which ungrateful, unworthy Pole has done to you. A wrong words fall somewhere there out, hateful to you - of the people full of evil, hypocritical ... Your heroic deeds will be exposed."

"Bogdan - they were very easy to get along in your case", a man named Przemyslaw of Zgierz says in Spring 2006 to me; he was the bartender from the Piotrkowska street in 2004.
And in 2005/September 2023 the same Gypsies acted against me:
on March 20, 2019, I was again thrown out of the job, without giving reasons, with help of faked documents on 21 March 2019, by the employer
[the letter with information about the new place of work came April 6, 2019, so 16 days after its dating; my personal data in the aspect of the workplace, from April 11, 2019, have been faked in the factory computer system, on the recommendation of a Senior Manager, Sh...
On April 12, 2019, the Senior Manager ordered that I would practically be working without social insurance, depriving me of additional working hours].
The attack was launched on March 19, 2019, when I received a letter from the Personnel Department with information that I am not entitled to an additional 3 days of leave arising from the long employment, in the year of 01 April 2018. A campaign ends with a 15-year-old Negress nymph on the bus, 15 April 2019, 16.00-16.20.
The concept of this action probably came from observing my life. In March 2017 I had surgery for the right hand. After acupressure, everything went to improve, and on March 2, 2019, I ended up therapies in the hospital. I was immediately called by a factory nurse about 15 March 2019, and we came to the conclusion that it is good with my health while maintaining the current form of work.
Above highly dangerous, aggressive network of a pseudo Counterintelligence nature dependent on the Russians, led by national minority, currently is in a state of underground conspiracy [2016-2017].

In 1977, when De Mohrenschildt is located by investigators of the House Select Committee on Assassinations, who want to interview him, he allegedly commits suicide the following day. The last person to interview him on the day he died, is Jay Edward Epstein, a writer / historian and a known apologist for the Warren Report since day one. Epstein married a CIA agent and is the biographer of former CIA-director James Jesus Angleton, presumably in charge of Oswald's "defection" to Russia. Interestingly, Epstein is also the "consultant" that was suddenly hired by NBC in 1995, when NBC was making a program for national TV on the confession of James E. Files. The program was promptly cancelled.

Some quotes from studies on James Jesus Angleton (1917 - 1987):
James Jesus Angleton (1917 - 1987) was chief of CIA Counterintelligence from 1954 to 1975.
Angleton grew up mostly in Italy, where his father owned the National Cash Register subsidiary. He attended an English preparatory school before entering Yale in 1937. He entered Harvard Law School and then joined the Army in 1943. Angleton was recruited into the Office of Strategic Services and first worked in the super-secret X-2 counterintelligence branch in London. In 1954, he became the head of the new Counterintelligence Staff.
"Among Mr. Petty's concerns was Angleton's once-close relationship with Kim Philby, who rose to the highest levels of the British intelligence service before he was unmasked as a Soviet mole in the early 1960s.
... According to his unpublished memoir, Mr. Petty spent more than two years working secretly to investigate his supervisor. He gathered intricate details about Angleton's movements and close associates through the years, looking for - and finding, he thought - evidence that Angleton could have collaborated with the Soviets. ... Mr. Petty admitted that it was a messy conclusion based largely on the circumstantial suggestion of guilt.
'It was not a clear-cut case,' he told David Martin for 'Wilderness of Mirrors,' Martin's 1980 book about the Cold War-era CIA. Whatever his misgivings,
Mr. Petty reported concerns about Angleton to agency superiors in 1974. He delivered several drawers full of notes and documents supporting his view, then spent at least 26 hours over the course of a week explaining his work to a senior officer in tape-recorded interviews. The price of that move was Mr. Petty's job - he retired almost immediately - and his reputation.
His accusation against Angleton was dismissed in a CIA study, and Mr. Petty remains one of the more controversial figures in the agency's history...".

Jefferson Morley on the new JFK files:
"... Did you consider the possibility that Angleton himself may have been the mole as Clare Petty and Douglas Valentine suspected ... There were at least four internal CIA studies that look at the issue of the mole after Petty made his allegation (Cram, Goodpastur, Fischer, and Hart). None came to the conclusion that Angleton was not the mole, and all came to the conclusion that there was no mole during Angleton's tenure. Petty's report has never been declassified so the details of his argument are unknown and impossible to judge. While Cleveland Cram's voluminous study of Angleton has not been made public, there is nothing in Cram's public comments to indicate that Cram saw evidence suggesting Angleton was the mole. Cram's personal papers on the subject were withdrawn from public view by the CIA when I began to research the issue. ... In addition, I consulted the work of Christopher Andrew, semi-official historian of the British services and custodian of the Mitrokhin archive, the most complete collection of Soviet intelligence files available in the West. Andrew does not believe that Angleton was the mole.
Nothing that has been published about the Mitrokhin archive supports the notion that Angleton was the mole. ..."

Angleton shaped CIA counterintelligence for 20 years from 1954 to 1974.

"... Angleton, some of them say, was a paranoid who effectively shut down Agency operations against the Soviet Union".

Tennent H. Bagley insists that Nosenko's first contact with CIA in 1962 was designed to conceal the presence of Soviet penetration agents who had been operating in US intelligence since at least the late 1950s and that his reappearance barely two months after the JFK murder was a risky change in the operation.

Clare Edward Petty was born 1920, in Norman, Oklahoma. He was a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the University of Oklahoma. Clare Edward Petty investigation of Heinz Felfe caught the attention of James Jesus Angleton, the head of the CIA's counter-intelligence unit.
In 1966 Petty joined the Special Investigations Group (SIG) and was given the task by Angleton to find the Soviet mole that Anatoli Golitsin had suggested had penetrated the CIA. Angleton suggested that Petty should take a close look at David Edmund Murphy.
... Angleton's suspicions were increased by Murphy speaking fluent Russian and marrying a woman who had previously lived in the Soviet Union. Murphy had been accused of being a Soviet spy by one of his own officers, Peter Kapusta. Newton S. Miler, a member of SIG had investigated Murphy in the early 1960s.
Petty concluded that a phrase in a letter from Michal Goleniewski, the Polish intelligence officer who called himself Sniper ... the KGB had advance knowledge that could only have come from a mole in the CIA.
Angleton's mentor and friend, British intelligence officer Kim Philby, has been a longtime double agent for the Soviets.
As a result of this trauma, Angleton was about to become obsessed with searching for mole in the CIA itself, destroying the accomplishments and career of many agency officers.
Allegedly his long-term investigations led to the paralysis of the CIA, disrupted the team and introduced general distrust, which ended with no significant successes.

David Wise wrote:
"... Wise started a biography of Angleton ... on the search for 'Sasha' - the alleged Soviet mole inside the CIA. Wise drew on many of Martin's and Mangold's sources but also turned up new information from previously silent Agency officers and in formerly classified records, including about compensation provided to victims of the molehunt. Wise also revealed details about the penetration agent, who did not damage CIA nearly as much as Angleton feared or as the molehunt itself did - although he goes well beyond the facts to claim that the search 'shattered' the Agency. ...".
Angleton died in 1987.
"In later articles, Epstein did become more skeptical of the Angleton-Golitsyn interpretation of Soviet foreign policy. Most recently, he noted that the observation of Aldrich Ames's KGB handler that Angleton's suspicions about a mole inside CIA 'has the exquisite irony of a stalker following his victim in order to tell him he is not being followed'...".

David C. Martin does not identify where he got much of his specific information.

Angleton initially cooperated with Martin but cut off contact when he learned that the author also was in touch with some of his critics. One of them was Clare Petty, an ex-CI Staff officer who had come to believe that Angleton was either a fraud or a KGB asset.
Five months before landing in Normandy, Angleton's first meeting with Kim Philby came to an end.
According to the historian Antony C. Brown
"at the meeting Angleton had ambitions, and had no appointment. It was Philby who suggested he take up the job - counter-intelligence. ... It was Kim who taught Angleton the structure of secret service, explained to him how he was intercepted. ... Kim [Philby] became a mentor to James and a teacher. If that was the case, Angleton quickly became independent ... Kim was hired to work for the NKVD, and a few months later he became confident.
... At the beginning of April 1944, Angleton learned that Princess Maria Pignatelli, the wife of influential politician and conspirator ... crossed the border between Allied and German troops and paid a visit to several high-ranking Wehrmacht officers. According to Angleton's informant, the duchess was to inform the Nazis of the planned Allied offensive in Italy ... the Duchess was registered by OSS as their agent. ... double agents.
... Although the case came to light, and Poletti was shot by the British ...
Angleton was about to use the Prince's connections. Immediately after the war he decided with Pignatelli create an organization fighting the Communist Party of Italy and supporting the right-wing forces of Prime Minister Alcide de Gasperi. These actions were also supported by the British ... R5, its counterintelligence section also operating in Italy. Head of section in London was Kim Philby ...".
In September 1945, the Consul General of the USSR Konstanty Wolkow reported to the British consul in Istanbul, offering in exchange for asylum "... information about Soviet spying in Turkey and the Middle East. ... his information showed that the Foreign Office and the SIS counter-intelligence had three NKWD agents. ... Information ... was sent to the head of the SIS "C", and for the hearing of ... Philby, head of the Soviet section of counterintelligence. Kim was going to Istanbul for three weeks ...".

Even without the sensational New York Times front-page story by Seymour Hersh in December 1974 about CIA domestic operations that prompted Angleton's dismissal, it was more than time for him to go, as even his longtime defender Richard Helms came to admit.

Petty continued to search for the Soviet mole and eventually reached the conclusion that it was the man who had ordered the investigation, James Jesus Angleton, who had penetrated the CIA, and was in league with Anatoli Golitsin, who was not a genuine defector ... PETTY:
I began rethinking everything. If you turned the flip side it all made sense. Golitsin was sent to exploit Angleton. Then the next step, maybe not just an exploitation, and I had to extend it to Angleton. Golitsin might have been dispatched as the perfect man to manipulate Angleton ... Angleton was a mole, but he needed Golitsin to have a basis on which to act ... Golitsin was a support for things Angleton had wanted to do for years in terms of getting into foreign intelligence services. Golitsin's leads lent themselves to that. I concluded that logically Golitsin was the prime dispatched agent.
In 1971 Petty began "putting stuff on index cards, formulating my theory". Petty later told David C. Martin: The case against Angleton was a great compilation of circumstantial material. It was not a clear-cut case. ...
Petty told James H. Critchfield, the CIA head of the Eastern European and Near East divisions about his theory.
As he later pointed out:
"I reviewed Angleton's entire career, going back through his relationships with Philby, his adherence to all of Golitsyn's wild theories, his false accusations against foreign services and the resulting damage to the liaison relationships, and finally his accusation against innocent Soviet Division officers."
As a result of his investigation, Petty concluded that there was an "80-85 percent probability" that Angleton was a Soviet mole.
Petty decided not to tell his boss, Jean M. Evans, about his investigation. "Petty worked in absolute secrecy, ... he was gathering information to accuse his own boss, James Angleton, as a Soviet spy.
By the spring of 1973, after toiling for some two years, Petty felt he could not develop his theory any further. He decided to retire."

Clare Edward Petty died in April, 2011.
Mr. Petty joined the fledgling CIA in 1947. Within a few years, he played a key role in identifying and catching Heinz Felfe, one of the most successful Soviet agents of the Cold War.

Douglas Valentine (Author):
Valentine's research into CIA activities began when CIA Director William Colby gave him free access to interview CIA officials who had been involved in various aspects of the Phoenix program in South Vietnam. Angleton was key to understanding the CIA. Weiner hasn't detailed Angleton's relationship with the underworld through the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. ...
"Through Angleton's relationships with Italian royalty, Tibor Rosenbaum [Mossad agent], Charlie Siragusa [FBN agent], Hank Manfredi [FBN], and Mario Brod, he was certainly aware of Meyer Lansky's central role as the Mafia's banker in the Caribbean - where Lansky's mob associate from Las Vegas, Moe Dalitz, opened an account at Castle Bank - as well as in Mexico, where Angleton's friend, Winston M. Scott, was station chief, and certainly kept tabs on Lansky's associate, former Mexican president Miguel Aleman.
As ever, Angleton and Lansky were the dark stars of the intelligence and financial aspects of international drug smuggling. Alan Block devotes some pages to this in his book, Masters of Paradise. ...
Angleton thought William Colby might be a mole.
Angleton exposed the divisions within the CIA after 1966, the Colby vs. Helms factions. He also represented the literary sensibility the CIA once had, where finding secrets was like teasing the meaning out of a poem. Now we have sledgehammer spies. ... Cord Meyer worked with Angleton and used people like labor leader Irving Brown and Jay Lovestone to travel around Europe in the early 1950s. Despite all the strum and drang about battling the Soviet Union, what the CIA was really trying to do was court Socialists away from Communists to form Social Democracy governments to counter the influence of the Soviet Union. Eventually that strategy worked. That was really what was going on behind the scenes.
... Angleton ran the CIA's narcotics operation, in league with the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, until 1971, when Helms put it under Tom Karamessines at operations; Karamessines was the former CIA Athens chief. I know for a fact that Angleton in the counterintelligence division of the CIA was in charge of its relations with law enforcement agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, which is one of the reasons organizationally that he ended up having relations with people like Charlie Siragusa, a high ranking official in the FBN. This is how Angleton enters into relationships with Corsican drug traffickers ...
Suzan Mazur:
Speaking of affairs, Weiner's mention of Cord Meyer on the show had to do with Meyer's ex-wife (no name), who was one of JFK's lovers, being mysteriously murdered and Angleton turning up at her house to see if there was a diary. But as you illuminate in Strength of the Wolf, Mary Pinchot Meyer took LSD given to her by Timothy Leary and also distributed it to the Washington Establishment, possibly to JFK as well.
... You also say that Joseph Civello ran the heroin business in Dallas with John Ormento and the Magaddino family in Buffalo and that they were linked to Carlos Marcello, Santo Trafficante, Jr. and Jimmy Hoffa ...
Jackie Kennedy in a kind of premonition of Dallas wrote in one of her letters to Clark Clifford that she was concerned about the 50 businessmen in Texas who said:
'Why should we do anything to help the Kennedys?'
... Valentine: First of all, I don't pretend to know who killed Kennedy. For all I know it could have been Lee Harvey Oswald. That chapter on JFK in my book is speculative...
Jack Ruby [Jew of Masovia in Poland] went to Dallas in 1948 working for White and actually infiltrated Bugsy Siegel's Mafia drug connection with the Kuomintang in Mexico. As far as I know nobody was ever arrested. Bugsy Siegel was killed because he was getting a little out of control...".

James Angleton's supporters:

Frank Gardiner Wisner (1909 - 1965)
was head of Office of Strategic Services operations in southeastern Europe in 1944-1945. He served as the 2nd Deputy Director of Plans in charge of the Directorate of Plans of the Central Intelligence Agency from August 23, 1951 to January 1, 1959.
He was also tapped for the Seven Society. The Seven Society is the most secretive of the University of Virginia's secret societies.
[Edward Stettinius, Jr., secretary of state under Presidents Roosevelt and Truman] are only revealed after their death.
FRANK G. Wisner in Washington was associated with the 'Georgetown Set':
George Kennan, Dean Acheson, Richard Bissell, Walt Rostow, Eugene Rostow, Cord Meyer, James Angleton, William Averill Harriman, Felix Frankfurter, Allen W. Dulles and Paul Nitze.
The Georgetown Ladies' Social Club included
Mary Pinchot Meyer, Sally Reston, Polly Wisner, Cynthia Helms, Phyllis Nitze and Annie Bissell.
In 1948, the Office of Special Projects was unveiled as the renamed Office of Policy Coordination (OPC) with FRANK Wisner still in charge as Executive Director. With James Angleton, Wisner ran Operation red sox.
JAMES ANGLETON was associated with Frank Wisner in Albania and Poland. Frank Wisner worked closely with Kim Philby, the British agent who was a Soviet spy.
The FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, described the OPC as "Wisner's gang of weirdos" and had discovered that some of them had been active in left-wing politics in the 1930s. Hoover gave McCarthy inf. on an affair that Wisner had with Princess Caradja in Romania during the war; Caradja was a Soviet agent.

Princess Catherine Olympia Caradja born Ecaterina Olimpia Cretulescu in 1893, grew up in England and France, and lived in Romania from 1908 to 1952, as "Angel of Ploiesti" in PLOESTI [angel for Gypsies and Jews - around me many Gypsies from Ploiesti aft. 2005 until September 2023].
She resided in the U.S. since Dec. 1955, mainly in Comfort, in the Hill Country of Texas. In 1978 she befriended Ottomar Berbig, an antiques dealer in West Berlin.

FRANK WISNER was also involved in establishing the Lockheed U-2 spy plane program run by Richard M. Bissell, Jr. On August 23, 1951, Frank Wisner succeeded Allen W. Dulles and became the 2nd Deputy Director of Plans; with Richard Helms as his chief of operations. This office had control of about 75% of the CIA budget.

Allen Dulles in September 1954 selected ANGLETON to be chief of a countrintelligence staff.
Angleton was greatly influenced by DONALD McLEAN and KIM PHILBY.

Donald Duart Maclean (1913 - 1983) was a British diplomat and member of the Cambridge Five who acted as spies for the Soviet Union.

Wisner's gang of weirdos: MEYER, BRADEN, and FARMER in CIA.
BRADEN, and FARMER left CIA in 1954.
Tom Braden ran the C.I.A.'s covert cultural division in the early 1950's. Mr. Braden goes on in the 1980's to become the leftist foil to Patrick Buchanan on the CNN program ''Crossfire.''
In 1951 Allen W. Dulles took Cord Meyer to join the CIA.

Named Thomas Braden / Thomas Wardell Braden (1917 - 2009) an CIA official, journalist; co-host of the CNN show Crossfire. 1941 - served the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS), with the OSS director William Donovan.
After the war, Braden met Robert Frost.
Robert Lee Frost (1874 - 1963) was an American poet. His mother was a Scottish immigrant. He attended the Theta Delta Chi fraternity and then he moved to Washington, becoming part of a group of former OSS men: known as the Georgetown Set.

Richard Mervin Bissell Jr. was the son of Richard Bissell, the president of Hartford Fire Insurance. Two of his fellow pupils at Groton were Joseph Alsop and Tracy Barnes. Bissell worked closely with the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC), which had helped to organize guerrilla. 1947 Bissell was recruited by W. Averell Harriman.

The Georgetown Set was formed in 1945-1948 by a group of former Office of Strategic Services veterans:
Frank Wisner - the founder,
George Kennan, Dean Acheson, Joseph Alsop,
Stewart Alsop - the founder, Thomas Braden - a founder, Walt Rostow - a founder,
Eugene Rostow, Charles Bohlen, Cord Meyer,
James Angleton,
William Averell Harriman, John McCloy,
Felix Frankfurter,
Allen W. Dulles, and Paul Nitze.
The Georgetown Ladies' Social Club: Katharine Meyer Graham, Mary Pinchot Meyer, Antoinette Pinchot, Polly Wisner, Joan Braden, and Annie Bissell.

Bissell worked for the Ford Foundation but Frank Wisner took him to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
Bissell in February 1962 left the Central Intelligence Agency and was replaced as head of the Directorate for Plans, by Richard Helms.
Braden joined the CIA and he was working closely with Allen Dulles and Frank Wisner, "believing that the cultural milieu of postwar Europe at the time was favorable toward left-wing views, and ... best served by supporting the Democratic left", by Wikipedia.
Braden's efforts were guided toward promoting left-wing elements in groups such as the AFL-CIO:
Irving Brown, Jay Lovestone, a noted former communist follower.
Braden left the CIA in November 1954 and co-operated with his friend Nelson Rockefeller. Active in California Democratic politics, he served as president of the California State Board of Education.

Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller (1908 - 1979) was an American businessman and politician.
He served as the 41st Vice President of the United States from 1974 to 1977;
served as Assistant Secretary of State for American Republic Affairs for Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman.
Rockefeller was politically liberal and progressive.
He was the second son of John Davison Rockefeller Jr. and philanthropist Abigail Greene "Abby" Aldrich.
He had brother - John III.
Their father, John Jr., was the only son of Standard Oil co-founder John Davison Rockefeller Sr. and Laura Celestia "Cettie" Spelman.
Laura Celestia "Cettie" Spelman Rockefeller (b. 1839) was an American abolitionist and philanthropist.
Abigail Greene "Abby" Aldrich Rockefeller (b. 1874) was an American socialite and philanthropist.

But now on 26 August 2023 we back again to Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary Clinton - Tannenwald and Berger of the Jew families - Radoslaw Sikorski and Donald Tusk in February 2008 before meeting with PUTIN in Moscow.
Samuel Berger, was National Security Advisor to the Clinton administration.
Samuel Richard 'Sandy' Berger (October 28, 1945 - December 2, 2015) was an attorney who served as the 18th US National Security Advisor for US President Bill Clinton from 1997 to 2001, after he had served as the Deputy National Security Advisor for the Clinton administration from 1993 to 1997 - by Wikipedia. The Jew family.

By Jean-Francois Loiseau, published on October 28, 2017/2023: in her autobiography Living History, Hillary Rodham Clinton describes her maternal grandmother, Della Murray, as 'one of nine children from a family of French Canadian, Scottish and Native American ancestry'. In 2007, the genealogist Gail F. Moreau-DesHarnais and her team confirmed the presence of French emigrants, including some from Perche, in the ancestry of Hillary Clinton. Regarding the claimed Native American ancestry, no records have been found to support this statement and the genealogist E.H. Hail published in 2015 an article largely based on work by William Addams Reitwiesner which proves that Hillary Clinton has no Amerindian ancestry.

In 1972, Samuel BERGER met Bill Clinton, forming a friendship that lasted for decades. Berger later urged Clinton to run for President of the United States. Berger served as Senior Foreign Policy Advisor to Governor Clinton during the campaign, and as Assistant Transition Director for National Security of the 1992 Clinton-Gore Transition. Berger served eight years on the National Security Council staff, first from 1993 to 1997 as deputy national security.
Samuel BERGER studied at the Cornell University in 1967, and his earned Juris Doctor degree from Harvard Law School in 1971. At Cornell, Berger was a member of the Quill and Dagger society with Paul Wolfowitz.

Paul Dundes Wolfowitz (born December 22, 1943) is an American political scientist and diplomat who served as the 10th President of the World Bank, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense, U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia.
Compare OBAMA in Indonesia. "Obama started a close relationship with his maternal grandparents. In 1965, his mother remarried to Lolo Soetoro from Indonesia. Two years later, Dunham took Obama with her to Indonesia to reunite him with his stepfather. In 1971, Obama returned to Honolulu" - by Wikipedia.
Paul Wolfowitz enjoyed immense popularity when he served as US ambassador to Indonesia from 1986 to 1989.
The second Jewish child of Jacob Wolfowitz (b. Warsaw; 1910-1981) and Lillian Dundes, Paul Wolfowitz was born in Brownsville, Brooklyn, New York, into a Polish Jewish immigrant family, and grew up mainly in Ithaca, New York. Paul married Clare Selgin Wolfowitz (born November 1945), an American anthropologist with a specialism in Indonesia, the daughter of Italian immigrants.
When Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz hosts a Pentagon meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs Bernard Bot, of the Netherlands, on Feb. 17, 2005, together with him was Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for European and NATO Affairs Ian Brzezinski, who joined Wolfowitz and Bot to discuss a range of bilateral security issues. IAN Brzezinski - the son of Zbigniew Brzezinski.
BERGER got to know Clinton since sometime in the '90s, when Bill Clinton went down to Arkansas one weekend.

About March 1971, it was got a call from one of BERGER's closest friends still today, Eli Segal, who later on in the Clinton administration began AmeriCorps, Welfare to Work, and was the Chief of Staff of the campaign in 1992. Beregr was thinking about coming down to Washington to do a clerkship for Judge Theodore Tannenwald of the tax court.
Later they are going to elect a President who's 'going to end the war'. The Samuel Berger oral history interview, is part of the Clinton Presidential History Project.
In April 2001, six former national security advisors (NSAs) came together to describe the post considered by some to be one of the most powerful positions in the White House. A 'Forum on the Role of the National Security Advisor,' co-sponsored by the Wilson Center and the James A. Baker III Institute For Public Policy of Rice University, featured the distinguished panel of Samuel R. Berger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Frank Carlucci, Andrew J. Goodpaster, Robert McFarlane, and Walt W. Rostow. During the first half of the discussion panelists were asked a series of questions by CNN's Wolf Blitzer.
Polish Aid Fund in 1998: the national security adviser, Samuel R. Berger, and one of his predecessors, Zbigniew Brzezinski, squared off in a meeting, with Mr. Brzezinski's insisting that all the proceeds should stay in Poland.
Hillary Clinton served as a young attorney on the staff of the Democrats' attorney for the Senate Nixon impeachment committee. Clintons' Legal Defense Fund in 2001: Judge Tannenwald, concurring, joined by Raum and Sterrett, would have held there was no gift 'absent a familial or other personal relationship between a candidate and his benefactor.' The court also noted that, with regard to transfers after May 7, 1974, the gift tax was made inapplicable to transfers to political organizations by I.R.C. The Carson case remains relevant, however, because the transfers to the Clintons' legal trust are not to a political organization but to individuals - Carson, 71 T.C. at 264 (Tannenwald, J., concurring).

Mrs. Myra Barnet Tannenwald of Jackson Heights, was the wife of Theodore Tannenwald and mother of Theodore Tannenwald, Junior.

Reset of President of the US - Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Anna Teresa Tymieniecka, Loewenstein, Leopold Kronenberg; and Donald Tusk with Wybicki, Garczynski, Nostitz-Jackowski and Gostkowski of Tomice, Koscierzyna; Angela Merkel in Baszkow, with Mielzynski, Billewicz. RESET in November 2007 until 12 July 2023 in Vilnius, with the links to Jesus James Angleton, Rettinger and Zamoyski in Klemensow, Kaczorowski in Klemensow-Bodaczow, Cracow, Czaniec; and Wojtyla in Czaniec close to Roczyny, Inwald and General Miroslaw Milewski.
Hillary Clinton, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Angela Merkel, John F. Kennedy and the Russian intelligence global network:

March 6, 2009 - U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presented Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with a red 'reset button' to symbolise improved ties, but the gift drew smiles. In an attempt to break the ice with Lavrov, Clinton handed him a makeshift 'reset' button wrapped in a ribbon at the start of their meeting. Acc. to Jennifer Swarthout, on February 17, 2017: 'In March of 2009, the Obama administration was attempting to reset their relationship with Russia, which had taken a bad turn after the Russian and Georgian war the year before. At that time, as reported by CNN, Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. On March 6, 2009, Clinton met with the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Prior to their working dinner, she gave him an unusual gift ... Hillary Clinton opened the little box and presented Lavrov with a red plastic button'. Acc. to Wikipedia: - the red 'reset button' had the word 'peregruzka' inscribed in Russian on its base. The word 'Reset' was also written in English. Hillary Clinton then told Lavrov, 'I would like to present you with a little gift that represents what President Obama and Vice President Biden and I [Hillary Clinton] have been saying and that is, we want to reset our relationship, and so we will do it together.' 'The Russian reset was an attempt by the Obama administration to improve relations between the United States and Russia in 2009-2013'.
Acc. to politico.com on 2021/06/16, Hillary Clinton said - 'Biden will reset U.S.-Russia relations after Trump' [in February 2022, Russia started war against Ukraine]. On Jun 16, 2021, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Wednesday she is optimistic about the summit between President Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin, celebrating what she expects will be at this meeting.
One of Hillary's last acts as secretary of state in early 2013, was an article. Hillary Clinton wrote a confidential memo to the White House on how to handle Vladimir Putin.
At businessinsider.com, wrote:
Hillary 'Clinton was a key player in Obama's 'Russia Reset' policy, which aimed to cool tensions with Russia following its 2008 invasion of Georgia, a former Soviet republic.
'thehill.com' inf.: Trump resurfaces Clinton's 2009 reset button gaffe with Russia.
On Nov 12, 2017: 'President Trump resurfaced a 2009 event during which Hillary Clinton tried to reset relations with Russia as she faced criticism for believing Russian President Vladimir Putin's claims.
Hillary Clinton is all smiles with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov after presenting him a device with a red knob during their meeting in Geneva on Friday in MARCH 2009. By DAVID S. CLOUD on 03/06/2009, 'After promising to 'push the reset button' on relations with Moscow, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton planned to present Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with a light-hearted gift at their talks here Friday night to symbolize the Obama administration's desire for a new beginning in the relationship'.
Clinton says she'll hit 'Reset Button' with Russia on March 6, 2009. From 'reset' to 'pause' this is the real story behind Hillary Clinton. 'Washington Post', on Nov 3, 2016: 'Clinton, who began her tenure by famously offering a 'reset' of Russian relations, would end it by publicly blasting Putin's government on aggressive policy'.
Trump resurfaces Clinton's 2009 reset button gaffe.
'The Hill', on Nov 11, 2017: 'President Trump resurfaced a 2009 event during which Hillary Clinton tried to reset relations with Russia as she faced criticism for RESET'. On Feb 17, 2017: 'The red 'reset button' had the word 'peregruzka' inscribed in Russian on its base. The word 'Reset' was also written in English'.

The plan in 2020/2021, from which the 'Great Reset' was born, was called the 'Global Redeisign Initiative', or, let's say, 'an initiative to redesign the world.' Borge Brende born 1965, a Norwegian politician and diplomat, has been the president of the World Economic Forum since 2017. The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business and politic. 'Its first version, created by the WEF after the 2008 crisis, contained a 600-page report on the transformation of the global institutional order. In the vision of the World Economic Forum, 'the voice of government would be one of many and would not always be the final arbiter.' Governments would therefore be just one stakeholder in a multi-stakeholder model of global institutional governance. Sociologist Harris Gleckman of the University of Massachusetts called the report 'the most comprehensive proposal to redesign global governance since the creation of the United Nations after World War II.'

Who are these other non-governmental stakeholders? The World Economic Forum, best known for its annual meeting of people with a fat wallet in Davos, Switzerland, calls itself an international organization for public-private cooperation ... [together with] oil companies (Saudi Aramco, Shell, Chevron, BP), food (Unilever, The Coca-Cola Company, Nestle), technology (Facebook, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple) and pharmaceutical (AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Modern - compare COVID).

From June 12, 2023, we have a RESET episodes on TVP.

On 29 July 2023:
a tall guy, frontal bends, dark gray hair, walking with very small steps, CIA Security Agency, 186 cm, 55 years old, slim; cooperated with Garland 134, guy, brown face, round button eyes, very black hair, shaved very close, like a gypsy from Bulgaria or Libia/Marocco. Together with Jol. Av 2, repainted blonde, very long hair, 35 years old, 165 cm, Venezuela, 2.50 pm.

On July 28, 2023, the same Gypsy, but in a completely different place; light black face, big Semitic eyes, big nose like a hook, 180 cm, thick, Garland Rd 130, hair that used to be long and dirty, now cut in a crew cut. Together with "Indian" from Venezuela or gypsy [with the son? - 20 years old, like Venezuela mestizo], slant-eyed, brown face, medical string on right calf; large wart/lipoma, above right eye, on eyebrow, diameter 5mm, white color, hired Royal CASINO - in his team there is a Pole, Ashley Rd, 178 cm, exceptionally blond, strong frontal bends, crew cut, he is here about 10 years old, about 33 years old.

And we back to SOROS [who play with Hungarian left movement, and Estonian - what is around me in 2023] who said:
"... I was told to go to the Jewish Council. And there I was given these small slips of paper ... It said report to the rabbinical seminary at 9 am ... And I was given this list of names. I took this piece of paper to my father. He instantly recognized it. This was a list of Hungarian Jewish lawyers. He said, "You deliver the slips of paper and tell the people that if they report they will be deported." Soros did not return to that job and went into hiding the next day.
Later that year, at age 14, Soros lived with and posed as the godson of an employee of the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture. The official was at one point ordered to inventory the remaining contents of the estate of a wealthy Jewish family that had fled the country; rather than leave Soros alone in the city, the official brought him along. ... in 1945, Soros survived the Battle of Budapest, in which Soviet and German forces fought house to house through the city.
In 1947 Soros emigrated to England... In 1954 Soros began his financial career at the merchant bank Singer & Friedlander of London.
In 1956 Soros moved to New York city, where he worked as an arbitrage trader for F. M. Mayer (1956 - 59). From 1963 to 1973, Soros's experience as a vice president at Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder resulted in little enthusiasm for the job; ... In 1969 Soros set up the Double Eagle hedge fund with 4m of investors' capital including 250,000 of his own money. It was based in Curacao, Dutch Antilles. ...".
George Soros at the turn of the 80s and 90s in Poland supported the reforms that have contributed to the consolidation of the post-communist structures. The financier came to Poland already on May 8, 1988; Soros met, among others, with gen. Wojciech Jaruzelski, and the Prime Minister Mieczyslaw Rakowski [from LIPNO. like Lech Walesa's military practica]. But actually the Stefan Batory Foundation was established earlier - Soros established the Stefan Batory Foundation on the 5 November 1987 in New York and legalized in the General New York Consulate of the People's Polish Republic. George Soros in the US, is known primarily as a critic of George Bush and the supporter of Barack Obama [see discus on Hillary Clinton and RESET to Russia in January/February 2008].
And at the same time the fight about money and influences lasted also on another front. "In June 1988, the European Council meeting in Hanover, Germany, set up the Committee for the Study of Economic and Monetary Union, chaired by the then President of the Commission, Jacques Delors, and including all EC central bank governors. Their unanimous report, submitted in April 1989, defined the monetary union objective as a complete liberalisation of capital movements, full integration of financial markets, irreversible convertibility of currencies, irrevocable fixing of exchange rates, and the possible replacement of national currencies with a single currency...", at ec.europa.eu/economy_finance.
Professor Witold Kiezun wrote:
"On May 8, 1988, George Soros arrived to Poland. ... Then, [Jeffrey David Sachs] Jeffrey Sax, funded by George Soros, a young Harvard professor, arrived to Poland. ... he develops a program, which is now called the Balcerowicz program, but this is not the Balcerowicz program...", by journal-neo.org/
Jeffrey David Sachs born in 1954, "is an American economist and director of The Earth Institute at Columbia University, where he holds the title of University Professor...". In Poland advised on how to convert to a market economy, not on whether to be free-market like the US or social democratic like Scandinavia. Sachs worked in Poland intensive from April 1989 to end-1991.

"Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander was a financial services provider offering corporate and investment banking services to small and medium-sized companies, as well as wealth management services for high-net-worth individuals. Primary areas of activity were treasury, investment management, capital markets services, asset finance, and private banking. The company was created in August 2006 by the merger of Singer & Friedlander Plc and Icelandic Kaupthing Bank. The UK government put the company into administration in October 2008 in response to the failure of its parent as a result of the financial crisis of 2007 - 08.".
In 1907: Julius Singer founds London brokerage. 1920: The company is incorporated as Singer & Friedlander. 1957: The company is listed on the London stock exchange. 1963: Regional expansion occurs; a Birmingham office is opened. 1971: Singer & Friedlander (Isle of Man) Ltd. is launched. 1987: Singer & Friedlander becomes an independent bank. 1991: Collins Stewart is acquired.
1994: Carnegie Group (Sweden) is acquired. 1998: The company exits from capital markets operations. 2000: The company spins off Collins Stewart. 2001: Carnegie Group is listed on the Swedish stock exchange. Carnegie Investment Bank AB is a Swedish financial services group with activities in securities brokerage, investment banking, asset management and private banking. In the wake of the economic crisis of 2008 Carnegie Investment Bank AB was nationalized on November 10, 2008. Carnegie was established as a trading company in 1803 when David Carnegie, Sr., a Scotsman, founded D. Carnegie & Co AB in Gothenburg. The management of the company was later succeeded by Carnegie's nephew, David Carnegie Jr., who later returned to Scotland, leaving the company, which by then had considerable interests in brewing and sugar production, in the hands of Oscar Ekman.
David Carnegie, Sr. (8 February 1772, Montrose, Angus - 10 January 1837) was a Scottish entrepreneur who founded D. Carnegie & Co. in Gothenburg, Sweden, today known as Carnegie Investment Bank. David Carnegie Jr b. 1813 and died in 1890 in Stirling, Scotland; son of James Carnegie and Margaret Gillespie.
above James Carnegie b. 1773 and died 1851 was son of George Carnegie and Susan Scott; husband of Margaret Gillespie; father of mentioned above David Carnegie Jr.

Andrew Carnegie b. 1835, a Scottish-American industrialist. Born in Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland; he built Pittsburgh's Carnegie Steel Company, which he sold to J. P. Morgan in 1901; starting in 1853, Thomas A. Scott of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company employed Carnegie as a secretary / telegraph operator.
Thomas Alexander Scott b. 1823, an American businessman, railroad executive, was appointed in 1861 by President Abraham Lincoln as the U.S. Assistant Secretary of War during the American Civil War; Scott's protege Andrew Carnegie later challenged the Rockefeller monopoly in petroleum from his dominance of the steel industry.

"... Alfred Nobel (1833-1896) and Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919) lived in an era with fewer super-wealthy individuals than today; and even Carnegie's wealth did not match that of today's wealthiest. ... Both men had immigrated in their youth, Nobel from Sweden to Russia at age 9, Carnegie from Scotland to the United States at age 12. Both were sickly...".

Next my ancestor
- Antoni Konstantynowicz b. ca 1735, signed the Second Manifesto of Lithuanian Nobility in 1763;
- Dominik Konstantynowicz was born in the Mahileu (either Mogiliow or Mogiljow by Dnepr, Mogilev = Mahilyow by Dnieper, Moghilev) Government in Russia near by Krycau / Krychaw c. 1805. He was gotten married with Oktawia Piottuch - Kublicki from Kublicze (= Kublicy) in accordance with Boniecki; she was great-granddaughter of
Stanislaw Duke Radziwill at Nieswiez / Nyasvizh (b.1722) + Karolina nee Pociej (b. 1732);
and daughter of
Jozef Piottuch - Kublicki of the Ostoja coat of arms (Oktawia born c. 1810, and Kublicy = Kublicze is situated in Uszacz region = Ushachi, Usacy - that is west of Uszacz, the Witebsk / Vitsyebsk / Vicebsk province, in district of Lepel / Lyepyel. Compare the ancestors of Samuel BERGER / Breger from Belarus: Wilno, Lepel, Kublicze).

Eliasz Piottuch-Kublicki was the son of Jerzy Piottuch-Kublicki of Kublicze, an officer in Livland, b. 1710 + Rozalia Korsak-Udzielska, 1735- 1789. Eliasz Piottuch-Kublicki of Livland / Inflanty, born ca 1730, married in ca 1775 to Augusta Soltan b. ca 1750 or 1760,
the daughter of
Stanislaw Soltan, 1698 - 1758 + Helena Romer [Eleonora Hulsen von Eckeln died in 1764 [not born!]. The daughter of Jerzy Konstanty Hylzen, b. 1660, d. in 1737, m. Anna Schimmelpfenig. Jerzy Konstanty was the father to Jerzy Mikolaj Hulsen von Eckeln; Jadwiga Karolina Szadurska [the Szadurskis close to Malkiewicz of Oswieja, Rawanicze and Miezonka]; Jan August Hilzen; and above Eleonor Soltan. Named Eleonora m. Stanislaw Soltan First, 1698-1758, the son of Samuel Soltan + Helena Ewa];
the granddaughter of
Samuel Soltan, 1654 - 1735;
and great-granddaughter of Hieronim Wladyslaw Soltan.

Eliasz Piottuch-Kublicki of Livland / Inflanty, born ca 1730 had children:
1. Elzbieta Piottuch-Kublicka b. 1780, m. Benedykt Wawrzecki of Braslaw, b. ca 1760, 2nd to Krutz;
2. Jozef Piottuch-Kublicki of Zawilie, m. Karolina Soltan.

Half sister of above named Stanislaw Soltan, 1698 - 1758, was Teodora Soltan, 1700 - 1774 + Jerzy Stanislaw Sapieha, with a daughter Krystyna Roza Massalska b. 1724 [Eleonora Hulsen von Eckeln died in 1764 [not born!]. The daughter of Jerzy Konstanty Hylzen, b. 1660, d. in 1737, m. Anna Schimmelpfenig. Jerzy Konstanty was the father to Jerzy Mikolaj Hulsen von Eckeln; Jadwiga Karolina Szadurska [the Szadurskis close to Malkiewicz of Oswieja, Rawanicze and Miezonka]; Jan August Hilzen; and above Eleonor Soltan. Named Eleonora m. Stanislaw Soltan First, 1698-1758, the son of Samuel Soltan + Helena Ewa].

Jozef Piottuch-Kublicki of Kublicze, about 1800 m. Karolina Soltan / Soltan Carolina born ca 1780;
with a daughter
Valentina Piottuch-Kublicka of Kublicze / KUBLICHI, b. ca 1800 and m. Wladyslaw Jozef Soltan was born 1795, d. 1843 (the mother Josepha Benislawska),
and Walentyna's daughter
Oktawia Soltan / Soltan Octavia, b. in Prezma / Pryzma / Presman 1830, died on August 15, 1871 in Kazan (or Razan ?), she was married in 1849 to Samuel Jerome Wladyslaw Soltan / Hieronim S. V. Soltan born 1824, died in 1900, the landowner, member of the January Uprising. Above named Samuel Jerome Wladyslaw Soltan was born 1824 in Uzukrewno (his mother's estate) and died on March 15, 1900 in Prezma, now Latvia; he was son of Stanislaus Soltan (collaborator of the Constitution of 3 May, imprisoned in Smolensk in the 1794-1796, the President of the Provisional Government of Lithuania in 1812, d. Mitawa 1836) and Constance Toplicki / Konstancja Toplicka, a high school in Mitawa in 1835-1842 in Courland, his parents after confiscating the 'Zdzieciol' estate (in the Slonim area and here Mr. Tadeusz Mickiewicz) moved house on the Livonia area, he was the insurgent in 1863, exiled to Ufa, interned in Riga. Study at the University of St. Petersburg in 1843-1844, married in 1849, with a relative of his, Oktawia nee Soltan, the daughter of Wladyslaw Joseph and Valentina, and settled in the estate of his wife, Pryzma in Polish Livonia. In 1858 - 1859 he traveled abroad, where he conferred with Adam Czartoryski and Witold Czartoryski and Count Zamoyski on the current state of Lithuania and Belarus.

From KUBLICZE came from Samuel Richard Berger, also known as Sandy, who met in 1972 Bill Clinton!
From 1972, continuous observation of me began - Gorska 25, Apt. 3 and 4; Tadeusz Cieslak at Krokusowa 72A; Halina Wodkiewicz nee Jaworska, d. at Krokusowa 57 in 2016, from Leszno, small village close to Przasnysz and Krasne, with links to Marceli Nowotko of Krasne, the Krasinski estate, who co-operated with the Leopold Kronenberg family aft. ca 1860 until ca 1918; the Sedzicki family, Sinti Romani at Krokus. 59; family Krych, Karski - Romani family, Adamski, Adam Adamkiewicz, Plachecki, Niedzwiecki - Jews, Zbigniew Natkanski of Honoratow and Opoczno / Ossa, Lodz in 1977/ca 2010; Telefoniczna 61 with W. 135/137; Sadecka - the Grzanek family; Adam Zielinski b. ca 1958; and others to July 2023, with Ste. Rd 94 and 96, 44, 66, 16, 6; Ster. Cl 24, 22, 28, 1 and 2. In 1972 my family was reunited with Georgia in the Soviet Union, then with gypsies from the North Caucasus, Tbilisi and Thessaloniki in Greece, and Bruges in Belgium; the destruction of my father began in 1972, who was killed on the night of 02/03 October 1987 - after 1945, Jerzy Kruszynski of Nawra, near CHELMZA, was active around my father / aft. 2000 it was killed his older brother Jan Konstantynowicz b. in LIDA, the 77 Infantry Regiment until morning 18 September 1939; in 1972, the fictitious movement of the Sandberg family began
[the Summers / Arrow / Samuelson of RACZKI Wielkie close to Suwalki - cover and support for the Sandbergs], the return to Israel - it involved young Jews from Ukraine, Moldavia and Romania, as well as Jan Janowski from Baden-Baden, Krzysztof Wojcieszek from Munich; Niedzwiecki of Chicago and so on from my friends. Everything is connected with Gypsy underground movements inside People's Poland: general Miroslaw Milewski from Inwald near Andrychow; General Czeslaw Kiszczak from Roczyna / Roczyny near Czaniec and Andrychow - this included civilian intelligence conducted by Department I at the Ministry of the Interior and gypsies from Bielsko-Biala and the ANDRYCHOW district; Lodz {Justyna, Romani of Lodz in 2007/2023}, Zdunska Wola, Zgierz and Glowno].
And in the US there is a key arrangement of Samuel Berger with Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton in 1972, which will be joined by PODESTA later. It is with the Clinton / Berger arrangement that Radoslaw Sikorski will encounter in the USA on 31 January / 03 February 2008, and 5 days after his return to Warsaw, Donald Tusk will go to Wladimir PUTIN
(similar - on 07 April 2010, Vladimir Putin was talking with Donald Tusk of the Koscierzyna district, at the Gostkowskis estates, and Gostkowski took Tomice close to Wadowice, small distance north-east to ANDRYCHOW and to Habsburg-Romer-Bobrowski-Szwancenberg Czerny-Dembinski properties close to Andrychow and Czaniec; 08 April 2010, PM Donald Tusk met in Prague / Praga with Barack Obama, who was together with Hillary CLINTON; on 10 April 2010, over 90 persons from Polish goverment were killed by Russians in Smolensk. Tusk after the meeting with Obama: nothing will change regarding the 'shield', by newsweek.pl at 21:35 on 08 April 2010. The meeting with US President Barack Obama in Prague of the Prime Minister Donald Tusk was after Obama invited Tusk to Prague. Prime Minister Donald Tusk was invited by US President Barack Obama for security talks, together with the leaders of the new Europe).
However, according to American researchers, the key is Hillary Clinton, and according to me, Samuel Berger, after 1972.

Samuel Richard Berger / ex BREGER, b. 1945, d. 2015, the son of Albert Berger (Aaron Breger) and Rose Lehrman. Rose b. 1910, the daughter of Louis or Yehuda Lieb Lehrman and Rebecca Fried.
Mentioned above Albert (Aaron) Breger b. 1909 in New York, the son of Schulim Breger and Sara Laufer, b. 1882 in Osterreich (Austria), d. in 1959 in Fishkill, in the Dutchess County, New York. SARA was the daughter of Yehuda Schapiro and Chaika Laufer.
Yehuda Schapiro (Laufer) b. ca 1845 in Bukovina, Austria. Chaika Laufer (nee Katz) b. ca 1850.
This family: in 1874 Rebecca Shapiro was born in Zhadowa, Austria. Zhadowa in Bukowina (ca 40 km west to Czernowitz / CZERNIOWCE).
Mentioned Albert (Aaron) Breger / Berger, b. 1909 in New York, the son of Schulim Breger and Sara Laufer. Named Schulim Breger b. ca 1876 in Osterreich (Austria), d. in 1921 in Brooklyn. The son of Josel Chaim Breger and Sarah Breger (Alter) b. ca 1857 in Osterreich (Austria).
Mentiond Josel Chaim Breger b. ca 1859 in Viznitsa / WISNICA, in Austria = WYZNICA / Vyzhnytsya, in the Chernivets'ka oblast, Ukraine. The son of Israel Lieb Yehuda Breger and Toba Tessie Breger (Druckman) = Toba Stein b. in Austria. This family:
Jacob Breger b. 1892 in Buchavenia / BUKOWINA, in Chenovitz / CZERNIOWCE, d. in 1963 in Dade, Florida. About Jacob Breger says born in Vizhnitsa, in Austria, which is in the Chernivets'ka Oblast.

Above Rebecca Fried b. 1878 in Russia, d. 1942, the wife of Louis (Yehuda Lieb) Lehrman. Above Louis (Yehuda Lieb) Lehrman b. 1875 in Russia, d. in 1917 in Harrisburg, in Pennsylvania, USA, the son of Aaron Lehrman and Chaia Sarah Lehrman. Chaia Sarah Lehrman b. 1852 in Belarus, d. 1914 in Brooklyn, the daughter of Dov Ber (Beryl) Lehrman and Esther Lehrman. Above Esther Lehrman (nee Kaplan) b. 1825, d. in 1871, m. Beryl Lehrman / Dov Ber (Beryl) Lehrman, b. 1829, d. 1913 in Tchaschniki, the Vitebsk Oblast, Belarus, the son of Tzvi Aaron Lehrman. BERYL m. twice - to Esther Lehrman and Tamara Lehrman. Named Tamara Lehrman d. in VILNA, in RUSSIA.
Chashniki - is a small town of the Vitebsk region of Belarus, the battle during the French invasion of Russia in 1812; at half way from LEPIEL / LEPEL to Syanno / Sianno.

Above Tzvi Aaron Lehrman, b. ca 1795.
We are a LEHRMAN family descended from early 19th in Kublitz, Vitebsk / KUBLICZE. Dov Ber (Beryl) and Shimon Lehrman's children settled in the nearby towns of Polotsk, Lepel [43 km west to Chashniki] and Shashniki / CHASHNIKI / Czasniki. Beryl and Shimon Lehrman died in Kublitz [Kublichi / Kubliczy / KUBLICZE - 60 km north-west to LEPEL], but their children started to come to the USA in the 1890's, acc. to geni.com. There have been two large LEHRMAN family reunions. The last one was in 1996. Some of the many names associated with this family are: KAUFMAN, GINSBURG, GILDEN, KIRSNER, GILSON, ALPERT, ROYAK, FIRESTONE, HURWITZ and BROWN.

Kublicze - see my ancestrors Piottuch Kublicki.

My research show deep sources to the coup d'etat of 1992 in Poland [going to Russia, USA, Romania and with Jakob Frank, Szymanowski-Wolowski-Brzezinski branch, and RESET-GLOBALIZATION ideology of 1972/2023] -
President Lech Walesa of Chocen, Smilowice, Golaszewo, Lipno, Wloclawek;
Donald Tusk of the Koscierzyna county;
Leszek Moczulski of Mariowka in the Przysucha district
[Leszek Robert Moczulski was worked out by me as a civil intelligence agent of the Department I of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Warsaw, in 1988, so Antoni Maciarewicz in 1992 had to reveal him again.
Leszek Robert Moczulski was financed by a private company in Ursus receiving payments from the Police, and by one of the banks. His organization in the 80' of the 20th century was a fictional one, and famous television and radio stations in the West was disseminating false information at the time to strengthen him as a fictional nationalist and Jozef Pilsudski's followers leader. Leszek Moczulski know as Berman was deliberately advocated by Bronislaw Geremek aft. 2000' years. According to Geremek, exactly that Leszek Moczulski was the leading Polish globalist, like Zbigniew Brzezinski in the 70' of the 20th century in US. In the forefront there were Gypsies like Katowice, Lodz, Szczecin within this organization. Therefore, the Gypsy family of St. MAGDALENA'S 15, father 50 years old, devilish face, graying, dark white complexion, long nose; the son 22-25 years, 190 cm, slim, brown short hair, on 02 October 2022, 14.35-14.50, they both acted like secret observers];
Waldemar Pawlak of Zychlin district and PACYNA;
Stefan Niesiolowski of LODZ with Police and Senegal;
Bronislaw Geremek of the Rozan commune in DZBADZ, with the roots in LODZ and in ZELECHOW.
The Cabinet of Jan Olszewski was the government of Poland from December 23, 1991 to June 5, 1992. On 2 June, 1992, the final day of coalition negotiations with the Confederation of Independent Poland, Macierewicz met with deputy Marshal of that party, informing him that its leader, Leszek Moczulski, was on the list of collaborators which will be presented to the Parliament the following day.
Shortly before the vote, President Lech Walesa [Chocen - Smilowice - Golaszewo + Lipno - Wloclawek] organized a meeting attended by: Donald Tusk [Koscierzyna: Wybicki, Garczynski and Nostitz-Jackowski], Tadeusz Mazowiecki, Mieczyslaw Wachowski, Leszek Moczulski [Mariowka - Kiedrzynski in the Przysucha district; together with the Pelka family - the mother line of Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski in USA. In Ursus], Waldemar Pawlak [Zychlin, here the Znyk family in the 19th and the 20th century and my fate in 1973-1977], Stefan Niesiolowski [Police / Szczecin with Senegal - 1982/1983 and 2005 - October 2022 together with Monika Sedzicka nee Bogucka and Paulina S. hidden by Krzysztof of TCZEW - compare PRUSZAK in Turze, Tczew, Zychlin and CHOCEN], Bronislaw Geremek [Dzbadz close to Rozan and the Castellani close to Opoczno-Przysucha-Bialynicze: Malachowski + Krasicki],
Ryszard Bugaj, Gabriel Janowski, Aleksander Luczak, Pawel Laczkowski. The talks resulted in the dismissal of Jan Olszewski's cabinet and the appointment of a new government headed by Waldemar Pawlak of Pacyna-Zychlin district.
Leaders: Walesa, Tusk, Moczulski, Pawlak, Geremek, Niesiolowski.

Samuel Berger was working four year in the Carter State Department (Carter was friend to Zbigniew Brzezinski). Berger has been part of Washington's Democratic establishment. Berger's closest friend was Pamela Harriman and he and Clinton named her ambasador to France.
Diplomacy of Zbigniew Brzezinski, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, was connected to Garfinkel of Szawle, Wajgowo and Antopol; and to emigrating Jews from CZERNIOWCE, Suczawa, Jassy and Botosani together with Radomsko-Zakrzew-Wielgomlyny, and this diplomacy was completely wrong. In Poland the Foreign Affairs Minister was Radek Sikorski with similar political point of view. His wife was Anne Elizabeth Applebaum, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey M. Applebaum of Washington. Radek was the son of Jan Sikorski of Dwor Chobielin, Poland. "Judge Theodore Tannenwald, a senior judge of the United States Tax Court in the District of Columbia, performed the wedding ceremony at the home of the bride's parents". Copyright by nytimes. Named above Theodore Tannenwald Junior was appointed in 1965 by President Lyndon Johnson, after shooting of President John F. Kennedy in 1963. The same President Johnson appointed Zbigniew Brzezinski.

Garfinkel was the Rabbi of SZAWLE. He came from the KOBRYN district, and here we have Antopol / Antopal.
"... Applebaum has stated that she was brought up in a "very reformed" Jewish family. Her ancestors came to America from what is now Belarus {Stolpce - Brzesc Litewski - Kobryn area}. ...".
"...Nathan Applebaum, born ca. 1880 in Kobrin, Russia (now Belarus), immigrated to U.S. ca. 1903, married cousin Freda (Friedberg), practiced law NYC until his death in 1939".
KOBRYN, east to Brzesc Litewski.
... the Applebaum family on the 1930 in the Kings County census. It turns out that your father had three additional siblings (all brothers - they are listed as being from Poland because in 1930, Kobrin, Belarus was under Polish rule).
The Applebaums of Kobrin were friends of Goldsteins and the Goldens of Kobrin. One of the Applebaums helped start a temple (no longer in existence) called Sharei Tephila, located at the former site of 30 Norfolk Street in Manhattan.
"Gershko (Harry) Vainshtein (Weinstein) who was born in Kobrin about 1805. His son, Meyer David, was my great-great-great grandfather, and one of his other daughters, was Fruma Applebaum. I see that you are related to both Weinsteins and Applebaums from Kobrin...".
And "Movsha-Gershko Mordechai Epelbaum / Appelbaum, b. ca 1860 ..." Russia, but was living in 1887 in BREST = Brzesc Litewski.

Anne Elizabeth Applebaum (born July 25, 1964) is an American journalist and historian -
her parents are Harvey M. Applebaum, a partner in the Covington and Burling law firm, and Elizabeth (Bloom) Applebaum, of the Corcoran Gallery of Art.
Harvey Applebaum b. 1931 in Brooklym, New York; brother of Muriel Phyllis Friedman [Muriel Phyllis Friedman (Applebaum) b. 1926 in Jamaica, New York]. HARVEY was the son of William S. Applebaum [b. 1901, in New York; the son of Samuel Applebaum b. ca 1860 {?: 1860 - 1934 - maybe Stolpce or born in 1860 in Russia, married IDA; maybe in 1869}, and Clara] and Ethel Eleanor Goldman b. 1899 in NEW YORK [the daughter of Morris Berman b. ca 1860/1870, and Fannie - and anmed ETHAL was the wife of William S. Applebaum and Arthur Goldman].

We know on the Garfinkels:
Rabbi Baruch Garfinkel was the Preacher (Magid) in SZAWLE / Shavel, Lithuania; d. in 1933 in Philadelphia, maybe he was born ca 1870. Rabbi Baruch Garfinkel maybe was the brother to Chaim Meir Garfinkel [Chaim Meir Garfinkel b. ca 1871 in Antepolya, in Russia, the son of Avrohom Tzvi Garfinkel b. ca 1840 ?] + Rochel Garfinkel [Rochel Garfinkel (Mintz) b. ca 1869 in Antepolya, in Russia / Belarus / Poland bef. 1945, d. 1920. Antepol / ANTOPOL close to KOBRYN].
Max Garfinkel, was born in Mlawa about 1900. The Garfinkel-Herskovits-Illowicz / Illovich were from Romania and Belarus. Baruch (Bernard) Garfinkel; and somebody from RIVNE / Rowno in Ukraine. Ruth Garfinkel (Kramer) b. 1922 in Brooklyn, NY, United States, the daughter of Hyman Zalman Kramer and Fayge Deena (Fannie) Kramer.
Herbert Garfinkel = Chaim Meir Garfinkel b. 1917 in New York, the son of Rabbi Dovid Binyomin Garfinkel + Anna (Henya Reeva) Davidson [Anna (Henya Reeva) or Henya Reeva b. 1897 in NYC].
Rabbi Dovid Binyomin Garfinkel / Rabbi Dovid Binyomin b. 1890 in ANTOPAL / Antopole close to KOBRYN; two emissaries from Jerusalem visited Antopal in the 1880s and mentioned the Jewish community in their records.
In 1847, there were 1,108 Jews in Antopal close to Horodec and Golowczyce. "The presiding judges of Antopal and the nearby town of Horodoff were Rabbi Haim S. Zalman Bressler, Rabbi Pinkas Michalek and Rabbi Mordechaie Wizel Rosenblatt. Rabbi Moshe Neeman Akiva of Antopal went to Israel and survived the Safed riots of 1834" by Wikipedia.

Stephen Miller (born 1985) an American political advisor who served as a senior advisor for policy and White House director of speechwriting to President Donald Trump, came from Antopal close to Kobryn.
Miller was born in the Jewish family of Michael D. Miller, and Miriam Glosser. His mother's ancestors - Wolf Lieb Glotzer and his wife, Bessie - emigrated to the United States from the Russian Empire's Antopol, in 1903, and his great-grandmother arrived in the U.S. in 1906, she spoke only Yiddish.

Above Rabbi Dovid Binyomin Garfinkel / Rabbi Dovid Binyomin b. 1890 in ANTOPAL, d. in 1969 in Monticello, NY, United States; the son of Chaim Meir Garfinkel [Chaim Meir Garfinkel b. ca 1871 in Antepolya, in Russia, the son of Avrohom Tzvi Garfinkel b. ca 1840/1845 ?] + Rochel Garfinkel [Rochel Garfinkel (Mintz) b. ca 1869 in Antepolya, in Russia / Belarus / Poland bef. 1945, d. 1920]. Anna (Henya Reeva) Davidson b. 1897 in New York, United States, the daughter of Moshe Davidson and Esther. Moshe Davidson b. ca 1860 in Kobryn / Kobrin [of the POTOCKIs.

Compare Lis, jurnalist; and Nipokojczycki close to Kobryn], the son of Mayer Dovid Davidson.

Avrohom Tzvi Garfinkel b. ca 1840/1845 maybe was the brother to Nachman Garland (Garfinkel) / Nakhman Gorfinkel, b. 1847 in Vilnius / Wilno, the son of Leib Yitzchak Garfinkel.
Leib Yitzchak Garfinkel / Leyba Itsko Gorfinkel b. ca 1825. LEIB was the son of Zelig Garfinkel b. ca 1790.

ARTUR POTOCKI in 1823, founded the "Woolen Bank" in Ogledow, he founded a male school in Staszow. After his death in Vienna, Arthur was inherited by his only son, Adam Jozef Potocki born in 1822
[ADAM POTOCKI was the CONSPIRATOR in CRACOW in April 1848 {here Wojciech Paszkowski closest to Artur Potocki; and his half-brother General Franciszek Maksymilian Paszkowski with his daughter in Moscow intermarried ARMAND}; imprisoned in 1851. He studied in SCOTLAND in Edynburg {see CHOPIN !}. In 1848 in Paris was the chief of the National Guard.
Adam Potocki was the owner of:
Krzeszowice close to the PASZKOWSKI family; Tenczynek,
Medrzechow, Gora Ropczycka, Strzechowskie, Pacanow, Spytkow, Staszow, Buzanka; Daszkowka;
in POLESIE - Kobryn, Zabianka, Jablonowka, Zalesie and Olchowiec].
ARTUR POTOCKI was married to Zofia Branicki Potocka born on 11 January 1790 in Warsaw, whom she married in 1816, a philanthropist. She was the daughter of Franciszek Ksawery Branicki and Aleksandra.
Zofia Branicki Potocka was an art lover [compare the above Countess Giulia Samayloff / Julia von der Pahlen (1803-1875), Julia Samoilova / Yuliya Pavlovna Samoilova], collected, among others Italian painting. She founded a hospital and shelter in Krzeszowice and named him husband Artur Potocki. She helped the wounded in the January Uprising in 1863. She was the initiator of the reconstruction of the chapel of Saint Leonard in Wawel. She was buried in Krzeszowice on January 9, 1879.

Eli J. Segal was the chief of staff of Bill Clinton's victorious campaign for president in 1992. The Eli J. and Phyllis N. Segal established the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University in 2007. Phyllis is currently Vice President of Encore.org, which empowers people over 50 to be a force for good. Phyllis serves on the boards of the John F. Kennedy Library. Eli J. Segal was Clinton Aide who led major initiatives.
President Donald Trump commented:
"...We must work together to confront forces, whether they come inside or out, from the south or the east, that threaten over time to undermine these values and to erase the bonds of culture, faith and tradition that make us who we are. If left unchecked, these forces will undermine our courage, sap our spirit and weaken our will to defend ourselves and our societies. ...",
"...It's a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth, and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities. ... This is not just conspiracy but reality, and you and I know it. The establishment and their media enablers wield control over this nation through means that are well-known. Anyone who challenges their control is deemed a sexist, a racist, a xenophobe and morally deformed. They will attack you, they will slander you, they will seek to destroy your career and reputation [Paulina Sosnierz, Camila Camopy of the Belo Horizonta province, in April and May 2023 and again in September 2023]. And they will lie, lie and lie even more. ...".

In Poland, Soviet intelligence played a key role in creating a pro-Russian network after Second World War.
After 1944/1945, Russian intelligence operates through General Miroslaw Milewski and General Czeslaw Kiszczak, each of them half gypsies from the Andrychow district, that is, from Inwald and Roczyna / Roczyny - among them is Czaniec. What's interesting for you, but dangerous for me, are two gypsy women about 35 years old, Agnieszka with thick thighs, and Paulina Sosnierz in 2005 talking to Monika Sedzicka, the husband of Romani peoples, slant-eyed, like the Chinese from Krokusowa 59 in Lodz. Monika nee Bogucka married Sedzicka is an arrangement Jaroslaw Skota vel Slota from Chocen; Malgorzata Zieleniewski, colleague of PM Leszek Miller from Zgierz, who is half German, half Jew; Zieleniewski from Lodz and Zgierz are the Pawinski family from Zgierz and the German Findeisen from Smilowice near Chocen. After 1947, my parents were married in Spala by Jerzy Kruszynski, spy, with genealogical roots near Chelmza, just like Nostitz-Jackowski was intermarried in WILCZKOW from Kiedrzynski.
So the Miezonka-Kublicze family clan of Konstantynowicz was merged with Kiedrzynski-Arnold-Wolowski and Chocen-Zgierz was merged with Bialorus together with the Czernivtsi-Chocen-Raszkow family clan of Arnold-Wolowski-Kiedrzynski-Pradzynski-Trampczynski. The Russians connected the Frankists Wolowski with Zbigniew Brzezinski, Arnold-Kiedrzynski, Szymanowski and with the ancestors of Zbigniew Brzezinski from Krzynowloga Mala north to Przasnysz.
Ex-Kiedrzynski at the beginning of the 20th century merged with Skora from Krery, but part of Skora lived in Kuchary, Dmenin Zakrzewski near Zakrzew and in Kodrab.
In 1885, the Wolowski family even landed in Czernivtsi - the famous headquarters of Jewish spies like Jakob Frank and the Frankists movement. In the USA, after the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963, James Jesus Angleton joined hands with such people as: Paul Wolfowitz from Radomsko and Zakrzew / Zakrzow Wielki; Samuel Berger + Lehrman in Kublicze of Piottuch-Kublicki and this nobility intermarried Konstantynowicz of MIEZONKA; Eli Segal; Garland + Smith, combining Romania and Poland, obviously communist countries and subordinated exclusively to Russian intelligence before 2015. This is the environment of my factory, exclusively gypsies from Romania and Poland: in September 2023, Agnieszka and Paulina Sosnierz, both about 38 years old, want to finish me off with hard work, like in a concentration camp, and they do not know that gypsies from Poland are just pawns in the hands of the Jewish group Bronislaw Geremek, Soros, Berger, Garland in the USA + SEGAL of Romania.
From here one step to Zionism and Israel.

The Russian intelligence net in the second half of the 19th century and in the 20th century worked in Zakrzew / Zakrzow Wielki near to Bugaj Zakrzewski, Kodrab and Radomsko including too the Ankwicz family intermarried Szwarcenberg-Czerny from the Andrychow district - the links to Skora, Pfeiffer of Przedborz and Lodz, Temler of Wilczkow, Bobrowski, Sobanski and Kiedrzynski. Reset to Russia in 1972-February 2023 on the genealogical groundwork of my family Konstantynowicz in Kublicze, Berezyna, Miezonka, Dudino-Monasterszczyna, Vajguva / Wajgowo in Belarus-Lithuania: Robert Rubin, Robert Schwarz Strauss, Arlen Specter, Czeslaw Kiszczak in 1972 the head of military intelligence, the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1972, TANYIA CHUTKAN, Tannenwald, Samuel Berger, Bill Clinton, Eli Segal, with Garfinkel of Antopol, Szawle and Wajgowo vs Donald Trump in 2016-2023.
The Ordega-Holynski branch in Monasterszczyna-Dudino, with links to Kennedy's death in 1963, and the Konstantynowicz family of the Mscislaw province and in Miezonka in 1842.

Mentioned above Zakrzew is situated close to Radomsko with Paul Wolfowitz's ancestors, the landlords of Ankwicz intermarried Szwarcenberg-Czerny and nearby Sobanski.
Nearby Kuchary of the Ostrowskis - they took Leszno village close to Krasne and Przasnysz, too. From Leszno we have spy Halina Wodkiewicz married Jaworska in Lodz. From Krasne we have Marceli Nowotko. From Krzynowloga Mala close to Przasnysz we have Zbigniew Brzezinski's line of his mother Roman side - the Romans took Zelechow, then to Ignacy Wyssogota-Zakrzewski of CHOCEN, and to ORDEGA. In Kuchary, Antoni Skora was living, and his relatives in Krery in the Chelmo parish; and in Lodz the Skora family intermarried Pfeiffer and Bobrowski.

Samuel Berger knew Bill Clinton all through the 1980s, and in 1988 Clinton and Berger were together at the Democratic National Convention. In 1988 in Poland acted together Captain Krzysztof Tomczyk, Andrzej Ostoja-Owsiany the cover for Leszek Moczulski, Adam Owsiany, Terlecki, and Zbigniew Natkanski of Honoratow and Opoczno, Ewa Chudzik married Kubacka, Andrzej Karbowiak of Lodz, Jadwiga Czerwinska, Halina Jaworska nee Wodkiewicz of Leszno village close to Krasne, and relatives of Skora-Grzanek clan from Czarnocin, Krery, Beczkowice, Przedborz, Kodrab and Bugaj Dmeninski. Berger [the 1992 US campaign - but in Poland in 1992 was coup against PM Jan Olszewski] served as foreign policy adviser to Bill Clinton. Berger's mother genealogical line came from Kublicze in Belarus, the estate owned by the Piottuch-Kublicki family intermarried Konstantynowicz, Szumski, Soltan.

This civilization-threatening Russian intelligence network initiated globalism after the assassination of J. F. Kennedy.
This intelligence network was based on national minorities from Romania and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth within the pre-1772 borders.

The most important connections have already been made in the USA by Soviet / Russian spy ring after 1963/1971/1972. Several hundred kilometers separated Kublicze in Belarus, Miezonka near Luboszany and Berezyn; Wajgowo near Szawle, and the area around Kobryn-Antopol from Radomsko, Andrychow, Chocen, Pleszew, Tczew, Czerniowce, Wyznica, Suczawa with Botosani and IASI / Jassy in Romania.

In addition, this network coupled Zakrzew / Zakrzow Wielki near Radomsko and Bugaj Kodrebski. It was joined by artificial genealogical and political activities: Chernivtsi, Vyznitsa, Suceava, Iasi, Timisoara, Sibiu, Ploiesti and Botosani. The Russians connected the distributed network only years later in the USA. In the lands of Central and Eastern Europe, this network around my Kiedrzynski-Konstantynowicz family was invisible and uncontrollable.

In March 1992, "president Lech Walesa presented his conception of new economic and military alliance with former Warsaw Pact during his visit to Germany, which went against the euro Atlantic direction of the government. Jan Olszewski total stoped privatization what led to open conflict with liberal groups in the parliament [Tusk]. On 22 May 1992, Jan Olszewski opposed the signing of a clause in Polish-Russian Treaty of Friendly and Neighbourly Cooperation, which handed over former Russian military bases to international Polish-Russian corporations. Olszewski sent a telegram to Moscow to the president Lech Walesa informing of government opposition to the clause. Lech Walesa, after a conversation with Boris Yeltsin / Borys Jelcyn changed the controversial clause. However, this did not stop further clashes with the president Lech Walesa".

"This dependent relationship among Berger and Clinton created an unusual bond. Sandy provided a comfort level on a subject on which the president was manifestly uncomfortable". Bill Clinton appointed Samuel Berger to the position his national security adviser in the 2nd term. Berger took Professor Anthony Lake / Tony Lake, who was the national security advisor in the 1st term.
Mr. Berger has served for the four years as deputy to Anthony Lake, the departing security adviser.

Samuel Berger, Adviser to Clinton, succeeded Anthony Lake, Mr. Clinton's first national security adviser.

Samuel Berger, Jew, was the 18th United States National Security Advisor in 1997 till January 20, 2001, succeeded by Condoleezza Rice.
Lake also was a master of indirection and "Lake could be inscrutable and complained privately that he was not giving their views a fair hearing with Clinton". In November 1992 President-elect Bill Clinton has named Samuel (Sandy) Berger. Other Jews appointed to prominent posts include Eli Segal, Jew of Romania. Berger, Jew of Belarus, has been a law partner in the Washington firm of Hogan & Hartson, "and his views on specific foreign policy issues lie in the mainstream" ring in USA. In Clinton's new foreign policy team was Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, Jew of Czech, refugee of the Nazis. "Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, the only Republican in the Clinton Cabinet, was an iconoclastic senator, who wrote novels and poetry".

Eli Segal, a longtime friend of Samuel Berger said about 20-years period of preparations, ie 1972-1992. Clinton and Berger met in 1972 when both were working for the presidential campaign of Democratic presidential nominee George S. McGovern, strongly against the Vietnam War. The White House deputy chief of staff John D. Podesta, a friend since the 1970s. Berger studied at Cornell and the law school at Harvard, which led to the Washington law firm of Hogan & Hartson. Among the goals aft. 1996, BERGER identified were integrating Eastern and Western Europe without provoking new tensions with Russia!
The 2nd - more open trade;
the 3rd - improving shared defenses against 'transnational threats' like terrorism and drug trafficking;
and encouraging a 'strong, stable Asia Pacific community,' a policy Clinton seeks to promote by stressing cooperation with China over trade rather than confrontation over human rights!

The Russians have built a wonderful network of deep political intelligence and placed it in the US at the beginning of the 20th century
- they have grabbed the head of the northern hemisphere aft. 1963.
The rest of peoples are from Romania, Poland, Lithuania within today's borders, and once it was the area of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the entirety of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. This civilization-threatening Russian intelligence network initiated globalism after the assassination of J. F. Kennedy.
This intelligence network was based on national minorities from Romania and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth within the pre-1772 borders.
The most important connections have already been made in the USA by Soviet / Russian spy ring after 1963/1971/1972. Several hundred kilometers separated Kublicze in Belarus, Miezonka near Luboszany and Berezyn; Wajgowo near Szawle, and the area around Kobryn-Antopol from Radomsko, Andrychow, Chocen, Pleszew, Tczew, Czerniowce, Wyznica, Suczawa with Botosani and IASI / Jassy in Romania.
In addition, this network coupled Zakrzew / Zakrzow Wielki near Radomsko and Bugaj Kodrebski. It was joined by artificial genealogical and political activities: Chernivtsi, Vyznitsa, Suceava, Iasi, Timisoara, Sibiu, Ploiesti and Botosani. The Russians connected the distributed network only years later in the USA. In the lands of Central and Eastern Europe, this network around my Kiedrzynski-Konstantynowicz family was invisible and uncontrollable.
Donald Trump inside the US threatened this Russian intelligence network operating through the administrations of successive US presidents after the assassination of Kennedy in 1963. RESET-GLOBALIZATION reached its apogee under the administrations of Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton-Barack Obama Husajn-Tymieniecka structures + Merkel-Tusk-Sarkozy team with a base of Leopold Kronenberg-Loewenstein-Zamoyski-Rettinger-Bloch-Holynski-Ordega.
Samuel R. Berger, just after I left on March 21, 2005, wrote an Oral History at the Miller Center about Clinton [March 25, 2005] and made it clear that he had a primary influence on Bill Clinton and his "RESET" policy towards a hostile Russia.
Diplomacy of Zbigniew Brzezinski, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Garfinkel of Szawle, Wajgowo and Antopol; and emigrating Jews from CZERNIOWCE, Suczawa, Jassy and Botosani together with Radomsko-Zakrzew-Wielgomlyny, was completely wrong. Globalization after 1972 and RESET TO RUSSIA led to the creation of China's power and rebuilt Russia economically. The main and last initiator of these misdeeds was Barack Obama Hussein Jr. These huge mistakes in American foreign policy resulted in Russia's attack on Ukraine in February 2022, and the current threat to Poland's borders, very clear in August 2023.

Thus, we see - on 17 / 28 December 2020 / 28 August 2023 - that the Russians created an anti-Polish intelligence network in the lands of central Poland and acted ca 1741-2015/2020; this underground Russian diversionary uses together atheistic and deprived of a historical and ideological background three national minorities: German, Gy... [Sinti and Romani] and Jews of Romania and Spain are facilities for the diversion at present.
Of course, it is about individual families and individuals, people extremely alienated from the Polish national community, and this does not apply to entire nations, which national minorities also suffered from the Russian occupation after 1815 and lost a lot due to the fall of the Republic of Poland in 1795.
After killing three US presidents in the years 1885-1901-1963, the brain of anti-Polish and anti-civilization Russian action moved to the USA. This network was established after 1858 in Plock-Wloclawek-Warsaw-Przasnysz. These saboteurs infiltrated our independence movement [sample only: Chocen-Smilowice-Golaszewo-Przasnysz + Kalkstein in the Swiedziebnia commune with Krzynowloga Mala in the Przasnysz county, the village Leszno and the Krasne estate near to Przasnysz; together with Wieniec-Brzezie close to Wloclawek] throughout the second half of the 19th century [since 1858/1868].
The Russians occupied from 1815 to 1915 what is now central Poland, creating the so-called Congress Poland and the Vistula Country, and in 1988-1992 the so-called New Third Polish Republic. Despite this, the Polish underground led to regaining independence in 1918, but lost in 1939 and lost again in 1945-2015. The Polish underground had headquarters in the Berezina parish in Belarus from around 1797 to November 1918 [Templar Artur Potocki in the 20' of the 19th century, and his family + the Konstantynowiczs with the Armand-Paszkowski family branch after 1840].
This structure in Miezonka-Lubuszany-Berezyna Ihumenska actively collaborated with British intelligence that formed the Round Table in England and the Illuminati movement [ca 1870] leading to the liquidation of Russia's state structures in 1917 - 1922. The Russian intelligence operated in Poland from the 1740s, co-creating the Masonic movement in Poland and the Maltese Order [Poninski-Szoldrski in Wilkowo Polskie and in Kamieniec Podolski in 1767]. The Duflon and Konstantynowicz Company co-operated with the military FRENCH intelligence.
The Germans operated through Polish noble families [Skorzewski-Ciecierski clan + Wessel and Bruhl in LIPNIK close to Bielsko-Biala + the Krasinskis in Krasne close to Przasnysz] from the Greater Poland from 1760s leading to the defeat of the Bar Confederation in 1768-1771.

A note on November the 15th, 2016:
The daughter of Zbigniew Brzezinski - Mika Brzezinski says that Sheryl Sandberg's 'Lean In' [see Sosnierz and Pisz ca 2011/2013 around me of course!] is what women need to hear, and Sandberg is the perfect messenger.
By Frances Stead Sellers in 2015:
Mika Brzezinski, co-host of MSNBC's 'Morning Joe' and author of the 2011 bestseller 'Knowing Your Value', is launching a new venture this year - a series of day-long events for women in Philadelphia, Washington, Chicago, Boston and Orlando.
By: Meredith Lepore:
Mika Brzezinski wants women to get more confident and she wants them to do it now. That's why she's teamed up with NBC Universal (her news show Morning Joe is on MSNBC).
"... individuals which have transitioned into the Obama Administration, most being veterans of the Clinton and Bush Administrations and having histories of being involved in furthering long-range globalist objectives. Thirty-one of the forty-seven people Barack Obama has named for appointments have ties to the Clinton Administration, including Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Larry Summers [see Sandberg], Madeline Albright, ... Military hawks from previous Administrations have been transitioned as well, including Zbigniew Brzezinski [see above Mika Brzezinski], and Robert Gates has been held over from the Bush Administration.
Larry Summers and Timothy Geithner have been involved with implementing damaging financial legislation during the Clinton Administration, and Rahm Emanuel has been a strong proponent of NAFTA and WTO related legislation".
Facebook's founder Mark Zuckerberg sought advice from the chairman of Hillary Clinton's campaign about how he could get involved in politics and said he was 'hungry to learn', according to leaked documents.
Emails from Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg [see Summers] to John Podesta, published by Wikileaks, suggested he was keen to influence public policy on issues like immigration, education and scientific research.
In one email, in August 2015, Sandberg wrote to Podesta:
'Mark [Zuckerberg] is meeting with people to learn more about next steps for his philanthropy and social action and it's hard to imagine someone better placed or more experienced than you to help him.'
The leaked emails supports Donald Trump's claims that Clinton is too close to those with vested interests, such as Zuckerberg, whose Facebook empire has 1.7 billion users globally.
Earlier in October 2016, other leaked emails showed Sandberg had gave Hillary Clinton aides research on 'gender and leadership by women' as they put together the former first lady's presidential campaign.
"...It should come as no great surprise to anyone that Silicon Valley's tech billionaires are "in the tank" for Hillary [Clinton; see Brzezinski]. That said, emails like the one below from Facebook's Chief Operating Officer, Sheryl Sandberg, will never cease to be shocking, particularly because she oversees the operations of a social media giant that wields incredible power and influence over news media presented to America's young voters.
Of course, the "cozy" relationship between Sandberg and Podesta is even more disturbing in light of the fact that former new curators for Facebook admitted that the company routinely suppressed conservative news on its news feed. Per a previous post we wrote back in June: After former news curators admitted that Facebook routinely suppressed conservative news on its news feed, a training manual was leaked that confirmed there was only one of ten "trusted" news sources by which trending news topics could come from with any type of conservative angle.
... After all of the aforementioned events, one would assume that Facebook would lay low and let all of this fade with time, but one would be wrong. Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook's chief operating officer recently announced that the company would be introducing a "political bias" training program in addition to the managing unconscious bias class the company offers employees. ... As the Daily Signal reports, Sandberg acknowledged that Facebook and other tech companies are perceived as being liberal ... Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg told Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta that she 'badly' wants Clinton to become president, according to new emails released by Wikileaks. In a May 2015 email thread, Podesta offered his condolences for the sudden death of Sandberg's husband, Dave Goldberg.
Sandberg thanked Podesta for his kind words, then affirmed her desire to 'help' Clinton win the 2016 election. She mentioned a home visit where Clinton interacted with her children.
'I still want HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton] to win badly', she wrote.
... Previous batches of leaked emails reveal that Sandberg offered to put Podesta in contact with Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg, stating that Zuckerberg was interested in influencing policies relating to 'social oriented objectives (like immigration, education or basic scientific research)'. Podesta appears to have at least arranged that meeting; his assistant emailed him in August 2015 with directions to Zuckerberg's office.
... Zuckerberg has been politically active since 2013, when he co-founded a 501(c)3 called 'FWD.us', primarily lobbying for expansion of the H-1B visa program and amnesty for illegal immigrants. ...".
Mrs. Clinton's State Department worked aggressively to attract U.S. investment partners and helped the Russian State Investment Fund, Rusnano [ROSNANO], identify American tech companies worthy of Russian investment (Peter Schweizer, 'The Clinton Foundation, State And Kremlin Connections', The Wall Street Journal, 7/31/16).
U.S. Military Experts Believe These Skolkovo-Based Companies Serve As Vehicles To Expand Russia's Military Capacity. Acc. to donaldjtrump.com/press-releases.
"...Research conducted in 2012 on Skolkovo by the U.S. Army Foreign Military Studies Program at Fort Leavenworth declared that the purpose of Skolkovo was to serve as a 'vehicle for world-wide technology transfer to Russia in the areas of information technology, biomedicine, energy, satellite and space technology, and nuclear technology'," by Peter Schweizer.
Clinton's Campaign Chairman John Podesta Sat On The Board Of An Energy Company Called 'Joule Unlimited'.
'Still, Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta sat on the executive board of a small energy company called Joule Unlimited' (Stephen K. Bannon & Peter Schweizer, Report: Hillary Clinton's Campaign Mgr John Podesta Sat On Board Of Company That Bagged 35 Million From Putin-Connected Russian Govt Fund, Breitbart, 8/1/16).
Received Up To 35 Million From Rusnano, An Investment Firm Founded By Putin In 2007. In 2014 Joule Received 'An Extraordinary Warning' - Warning From The FBI, Informing The Company That Skolkovo 'May Be A Means For The Russian Government To Access' Sensitive Or Classified Information".

Tony Podesta Is A 'Big-Money Bundler' For Clinton Whose Brother, John, Is The Chairman Of Clinton's Campaign. 'It should be noted that Tony Podesta is a big-money bundler for the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign while his brother John is the chairman of that campaign, the chief architect of her plans to take the White House this November [2016]', by John R. Schindler, Panama Papers Reveal Clinton's Kremlin Connection, The New York Observer, 4/7/16.
As Recently As The Second Quarter Of 2016, Tony Podesta Has Lobbied For Sberbank Of Russia, by Lobbying Disclosure Database, Accessed 8/15/16. Sberbank Is Russia's Biggest Financial Institution.
'Which is exactly what Sberbank, Russia's biggest financial institution, did this spring. As reported at the end of March, the Podesta Group registered with the U.S. Government as a lobbyist for Sberbank, as required by law, naming three Podesta Group staffers: Tony Podesta plus Stephen Rademaker and David Adams, the last two former assistant secretaries of state', by John R. Schindler.
Above Stephen Geoffrey Rademaker (born 1959) is an attorney [by Wikipedia], lobbyist and former Bush Administration government official. He was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, the Jefferson Literary and Debating Society ... After leaving government, Rademaker joined Barbour, Griffith and Rogers in January 2007. He came to the firm from the staff of Senate majority Leader Bill Frist, where he served as Policy Director for National Security Affairs and Senior Counsel. In February 2011, Rademaker left Barbour, Griffith and Rogers and joined the Podesta Group.
Mr. Rademaker is married to Danielle Pletka, vice-president for foreign and defense policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute. Above Danielle Pletka (born 1963 in Melbourne, Australia) is the vice-president for foreign and defense policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). Pletka was editorial assistant with the Los Angeles Times and Reuters, working in Jerusalem from 1984 to 1985 [by Wikipedia]. Pletka is married to Stephen Rademaker, who was Assistant Secretary of State for International Security and Nonproliferation (including head of the Bureau of Arms Control) in the George W. Bush [see Moczulski in 1987] presidential administration.

Sberbank - "Savings bank of Russia" is a Russian banking and financial services company headquartered in Moscow. As part of Perestroika reforms, in 1987 the savings bank outlets are reorganised into the Savings Bank of the USSR. Since 2007, Sberbank is led by former economy minister Herman Gref. In 2011, Sberbank acquired Volksbank International AG from its shareholders Osterreichische Volksbanken AG, BPCE, DZ Bank and WGZ Bank. The majority shareholder of Sberbank is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
Above Herman Oskarovich Gref born in 1964, "... is a Russian statesman and top manager. He was the Minister of Economics and Trade of Russia from May 2000 to September 2007. He currently is the CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board of the largest Russian bank Sberbank. .... Gref was born in the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic (now Kazakhstan) into a family of ethnic German deportees who were exiled there in 1941. Gref was considered as one of the liberal reformers in Vladimir Putin's administration of the early and mid-2000s...".
Herman Gref is member of boards and supervisory boards of a number of companies, including Yandex.
Yandex N.V. is a Russian multinational technology company specializing in Internet-related services and products. Yandex ranked as the 4th largest search engine worldwide, based on information from Comscore.com.
Yandex Labs is a wholly owned division of Yandex located in the San Francisco Bay Area. In March 2007 Yandex acquired moikrug.ru, a Russian social network, to search and support professional and personal contacts. Among the largest investors in Yandex were Baring Vostok Capital Partners and Tiger Global Management. Above Tiger Management Corp., also known as "The Tiger Fund," was a hedge fund founded by Julian Robertson.
Co-operated with Stephen F. Mandel born 1956, a founder of the hedge fund Lone Pine Capital, who worked as a consumer-retail analyst at Goldman, Sachs & Co. before working as a consumer analyst and eventually managing director at Tiger Management, a hedge fund founded by Julian Robertson; he married Susan Joy Zadek of Baltimore. She formerly worked in the corporate finance department of Dillon, Read & Company in New York.
Miss Zadek's father is chief of the orthopedic-surgery department of Sinai Hospital in Baltimore, and her mother, Miriam Zadek, is director of social work at the Hearing and Speech Agency of Metropolitan Baltimore. "Miss Zadek is a granddaughter of Mrs. Hyman I. Scharfman of West Palm Beach, Fla., and the late Mr. Scharfman, and the late Dr. Isadore Zadek, who was a director of orthopedic service at the Hospital for Joint Diseases in New York. Mr. Mandel's father is president of the International Welding Products Company in Greenwich, Conn. He is a grandson of Mrs. James W. Safford of New Canaan, Conn., and of Mrs. Richard H. Mandel of New York", by nytimes.com.

In 2012 Sheryl Sandberg was named in the Time 100, an annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world according to Time magazine. Ms. Sandberg's personal wealth is reported to be in the region of 400 million, thanks to her stock holdings in Facebook as well as other companies. "... Sheryl Sandberg was born in Washington, D.C, ... Ms. Sandberg graduated Harvard College ... being awarded the highly prestigious John H. Williams Prize for the top graduating student in her subject. While studying at Harvard, Ms. Sandberg first got to know Larry Summers who was teaching at the college. After graduation Summers asked Sheryl to join him as his research assistant at the World Bank reporting on important health projects funded by the bank in India. Sheryl was to remain at the World Bank for around twelve months during 1993, before enrolling at the Harvard Business School ... Sheryl Sandberg began her professional career as a management consultant for McKinsey & Company, before the meeting her professional association with Larry Summers, by then United States Secretary of the Treasury in the administration of President Bill Clinton. From 1996 to 2001, Sandberg held the role of Summer's Chief of Staff, playing a major part in the Treasury's mission of forgiving debt in the developing world. Ms. Sandberg left the Treasury to join Google Inc. in 2001, remaining there until early 2008, when she was appointed by Facebook to become their COO. Sheryl Sandberg is a key figure in the Facebook management team...".

Above The World Bank [under copyright by Wikipedia] is an international financial institution that provides loans to developing countries for capital programs. It comprises two institutions: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), and the International Development Association (IDA). The World Bank is a component of the World Bank Group, which is part of the United Nations system.
On 23 March 2012, U.S. President Barack Obama announced that the United States would nominate Jim Yong Kim as the next president of the Bank.
Mentioned Larry Summers - Lawrence Henry "Larry" Summers is an American economist who is President Emeritus and Charles W. Eliot University Professor of Harvard University. Summers became a professor of economics at Harvard University in 1983. He left Harvard in 1991, working as the Chief Economist at the World Bank from 1991 to 1993. In 1993, Summers was appointed Undersecretary for International Affairs of the United States Department of the Treasury under the Clinton Administration. In 1995, he was promoted to Deputy Secretary of the Treasury under his mentor Robert Rubin [under copyright by Wikipedia]. After his departure from Harvard, Summers worked as a managing partner at the hedge fund D. E. Shaw & Co., and as a freelance speaker at other financial institutions, including Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Merrill Lynch and Lehman Brothers.
Summers was born in New Haven, in 1954, into a Jewish family, the son of two economists, Robert Summers (who changed the family surname from Samuelson, of the SUWALKI DISTRICT, in RACZKI Wielkie) and Anita Summers (of Romanian-Jewish ancestry), who are both professors at the University of Pennsylvania.
Above named D. E. Shaw & Co., L.P. [under copyright by Wikipedia] is a global investment management firm founded in 1988 by David E. Shaw and based in New York City. ... The company has made investments in technology, wind power, real estate, and financial services firms. The subsidiaries of the company acquired the toy store FAO Schwarz and eToys.com.
Above mentioned David Elliot Shaw born in 1951 [under copyright by Wikipedia] is an American computer scientist and computational biochemist who founded D. E. Shaw & Co., a hedge fund company which was once described by Fortune magazine as "the most intriguing and mysterious force on Wall Street". In 1986, he joined Morgan Stanley.
Shaw is married to personal finance commentator and journalist Beth Kobliner. They are members of the Stephen Wise Free Synagogue in New York. Named above Beth Kobliner born in 1965 [under copyright by Wikipedia] is a personal finance commentator and journalist, and author of the New York Times bestseller Get a Financial Life: Personal Finance in Your Twenties and Thirties. Above Kobliner grew up in a Jewish family ... she worked for Sylvia Porter.

Sylvia Field Porter (1913 - 1991) [under copyright by Wikipedia] was an American economist, journalist and author. The daughter of Russian Jewish immigrants, was born as Sylvia Feldman in Patchogue, New York, to Louis Feldman, a physician, and Rose (Maisel) Feldman. Porter was born as Sylvia Field Feldman. In February 1966 Porter advised President Lyndon B Johnson on the appointment of Andrew Brimmer, the first African American to the serve on the Federal Reserve Board. She married banker Reed Porter in 1931.
Named above FAO Schwarz, founded in 1862, was once the oldest toy store in the United States. FAO Schwarz was sold to Netherlands-based NV Koninklijke Bijenkorf Beheer / Vendex/KBB, in 1990.
Named Robert Rubin / Robert Edward Rubin born in 1938, an American lawyer, former cabinet member, and retired banking executive. He served as the 70th United States Secretary of the Treasury during the Clinton administration. Before his government service, he spent 26 years at Goldman Sachs, eventually serving as a member of the board and co-chairman from 1990 to 1992; co-chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, serves as chairman of the board of the Local Initiatives Support Corporation, the nation's leading community development support organization, and serves on the board of trustees of Mount Sinai-NYU Health.
Rubin was born in New York City, the son of Sylvia (nee Seiderman) and Alexander Rubin, a wealthy Jewish family. He joined Goldman Sachs in 1966. Robert S. Strauss credited Rubin with making the system work.
Robert Schwarz Strauss, 1918 - 2014, his service dates back to future president Lyndon Johnson's first congressional campaign in 1937. "... [at Wikipedia] By the 1950s, he was associated in Texas politics with the conservative faction of the Democratic Party led by [LYNDON] Johnson and John Connally. He served as the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee between 1972 and 1977 and served under President Jimmy Carter [see ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI] as the U.S. Trade Representative and special envoy to the Middle East. Strauss was selected by President George H. W. Bush to be the U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union in 1991 and after the USSR's collapse, he served as the U.S. ambassador to Russia from 1991 until 1992.
Strauss was born in Lockhart, Texas, south of Austin. He was the son of Edith Violet (nee Schwarz) and Charles H. Strauss. His parents were Jewish immigrants from Germany".
Charles H Strauss, b. ca 1886 in Alsace, France. Husband of above named Edith Violet Strauss (Schwarz) b. ca 1887 in Lockhart, in the Caldwell County, Texas, United States; she was the daughter of Leo Schwarz, of Dzierzoniow and Selma Schwarz; above Leo Schwarz, of Dzierzoniow b. 1854 in Dzierzoniow, in the Lower Silesian Voivodeship at present, Poland, died in 1931 in Fort Worth, Texas.
Above LEO was the son of Heinrich Chaim Schwarz, Rabbi and Julia Nathan. Named above Selma Schwarz nee Weinbaun or Weinbaum, born in 1861 in Germany.

David Laurence Aaron born 1938, in Chicago, is an American diplomat who served in the Jimmy Carter administration. He then joined the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency where he served as a member of the U.S. Delegation to the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks.
In 1974, on the recommendation of Zbigniew Brzezinski, Aaron became Senator Walter Mondale's legislative assistant. In 1977, Aaron was asked by Zbigniew Brzezinski to become Deputy National Security Advisor in the administration of Jimmy Carter.
In Israel, Aaron worked with Moshe Dayan.
When Reagan became President in 1981, Aaron moved into the private sector, becoming Vice President for Mergers and Acquisitions at Oppenheimer and Co. and Vice Chairman of Oppenheimer International.
Aaron was involved in the election campaign of Bill Clinton.

"... Zbigniew Brzezinski is Barack Obama's foreign policy advisor. ... Brzezinski was the national security advisor for President Carter from 1977 to 1981. In 1988 he endorsed H. W. Bush for President and was Co-Chair of the H. W. Bush national security advisory task force. From 1987 to 1989 he also served on the H. W. Bush's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board.
Clinton Secretary of State Madeline Albright was a student of Brzezinski's.
G. W. Bush Secretary of State, Condi Rice (also a former national security advisor), who studied under Albright's father, shares many of the same world government views with Brzezinski and Albright...".

"...this is not an argument that David Rockefeller first invented Jimmy Carter around 1971, arranged for Zbigniew Brzezinski to train him in global politics, and then rigged his nomination and election. ... The second Rockefeller connection - more obvious, less noted - was the Trilateral Commission. The Trilateral Commission was David Rockefeller's brain child ... The commission was conceived in 1972 as a private vehicle for planning the industrial world's course out of the international monetary crisis (and John Connally's cowboy responses) of that period, away from the 'Nixon shocks' that had troubled Japan ... Jimmy Carter had been the one Democratic governor chosen among sixty North American members of the Trilateral Commission in 1973...".

"...Patrick Wood, author of 'Trilaterals Over Washington', points out there are only 87 members of the Trilateral Commission who live in America. Obama appointed eleven of them to posts in his administration. For example: Tim Geithner, Treasury Secretary; James Jones, National Security Advisor; Paul Volker, Chairman, Economic Recovery Committee; Dennis Blair, Director of National Intelligence. Several other noteworthy Trilateral members: George H. W. Bush; Bill Clinton; Dick Cheney; Al Gore. Keep in mind that the original stated goal of the TC was to create 'a new international economic order'.
In the run-up to his inauguration after the 2008 presidential election, Obama was tutored by the co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, Zbigniew Brzezinski ...".
Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski, geostrategist, served to President Lyndon B. Johnson from 1966 to 1968 and to President Jimmy Carter 1977 - 1981. Brzezinski belongs to the school of Halford Mackinder and Nicholas J. Spykman.

Sir Halford John Mackinder b. 1861, was a member of the Coefficients dining club, set up in 1902 by the Fabian campaigners Sidney and Beatrice Webb; in 1919 said: "Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland; Who rules the Heartland commands the World Island; Who rules the World Island commands the World," to warn of the possibility of another major war like by John Maynard Keynes; Mackinder was anti-Bolshevik, and as British High Commissioner in Southern Russia in late 1919 and early 1920.
Nicholas John Spykman b. 1893, known as the "godfather of containment," arguing that the balance of power in Eurasia directly affected United States security [1943/1944]; he thought that it was in U.S. interests to leave Germany strong after World War II in order to be able to counter Russia's power.

Reset to Russia in 1972 was finishing in February 2023: it was work by Robert Rubin, Robert Schwarz Strauss, Arlen Specter, Czeslaw Kiszczak in 1972 the head of military intelligence, the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1972, TANYIA CHUTKAN, Tannenwald, Samuel Berger, Bill Clinton, Segal, with Garfinkel of Antopol, Szawle and Wajgowo.

And we back to SOROS [who play with Hungarian left movement, and Estonian - what is around me in 2023] who said:
"... I was told to go to the Jewish Council. And there I was given these small slips of paper ... It said report to the rabbinical seminary at 9 am ... And I was given this list of names. I took this piece of paper to my father. He instantly recognized it. This was a list of Hungarian Jewish lawyers. He said, "You deliver the slips of paper and tell the people that if they report they will be deported." Soros did not return to that job and went into hiding the next day.
Later that year, at age 14, Soros lived with and posed as the godson of an employee of the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture. The official was at one point ordered to inventory the remaining contents of the estate of a wealthy Jewish family that had fled the country; rather than leave Soros alone in the city, the official brought him along. ... in 1945, Soros survived the Battle of Budapest, in which Soviet and German forces fought house to house through the city.
In 1947 Soros emigrated to England... In 1954 Soros began his financial career at the merchant bank Singer & Friedlander of London.
In 1956 Soros moved to New York city, where he worked as an arbitrage trader for F. M. Mayer (1956 - 59). From 1963 to 1973, Soros's experience as a vice president at Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder resulted in little enthusiasm for the job; ... In 1969 Soros set up the Double Eagle hedge fund with 4m of investors' capital including 250,000 of his own money. It was based in Curacao, Dutch Antilles. ...".
George Soros at the turn of the 80s and 90s in Poland supported the reforms that have contributed to the consolidation of the post-communist structures. The financier came to Poland already on May 8, 1988; Soros met, among others, with gen. Wojciech Jaruzelski, and the Prime Minister Mieczyslaw Rakowski [from LIPNO. like Lech Walesa's military practica]. But actually the Stefan Batory Foundation was established earlier - Soros established the Stefan Batory Foundation on the 5 November 1987 in New York and legalized in the General New York Consulate of the People's Polish Republic.

George Soros in the US, is known primarily as a critic of George Bush and the supporter of Barack Obama [see discus on Hillary Clinton and RESET to Russia in January/February 2008].
And at the same time the fight about money and influences lasted also on another front. "In June 1988, the European Council meeting in Hanover, Germany, set up the Committee for the Study of Economic and Monetary Union, chaired by the then President of the Commission, Jacques Delors, and including all EC central bank governors. Their unanimous report, submitted in April 1989, defined the monetary union objective as a complete liberalisation of capital movements, full integration of financial markets, irreversible convertibility of currencies, irrevocable fixing of exchange rates, and the possible replacement of national currencies with a single currency...", at ec.europa.eu/economy_finance.
Professor Witold Kiezun wrote:
"On May 8, 1988, George Soros arrived to Poland. ... Then, [Jeffrey David Sachs] Jeffrey Sax, funded by George Soros, a young Harvard professor, arrived to Poland. ... he develops a program, which is now called the Balcerowicz program, but this is not the Balcerowicz program...", by journal-neo.org/
Jeffrey David Sachs born in 1954, "is an American economist and director of The Earth Institute at Columbia University, where he holds the title of University Professor...". In Poland advised on how to convert to a market economy, not on whether to be free-market like the US or social democratic like Scandinavia. Sachs worked in Poland intensive from April 1989 to end-1991.

"Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander was a financial services provider offering corporate and investment banking services to small and medium-sized companies, as well as wealth management services for high-net-worth individuals. Primary areas of activity were treasury, investment management, capital markets services, asset finance, and private banking. The company was created in August 2006 by the merger of Singer & Friedlander Plc and Icelandic Kaupthing Bank. The UK government put the company into administration in October 2008 in response to the failure of its parent as a result of the financial crisis of 2007 - 08.".
In 1907: Julius Singer founds London brokerage. 1920: The company is incorporated as Singer & Friedlander. 1957: The company is listed on the London stock exchange. 1963: Regional expansion occurs; a Birmingham office is opened. 1971: Singer & Friedlander (Isle of Man) Ltd. is launched. 1987: Singer & Friedlander becomes an independent bank. 1991: Collins Stewart is acquired.
Carnegie Group (Sweden) is acquired. 1998: The company exits from capital markets operations. 2000: The company spins off Collins Stewart. 2001: Carnegie Group is listed on the Swedish stock exchange. Carnegie Investment Bank AB is a Swedish financial services group with activities in securities brokerage, investment banking, asset management and private banking. In the wake of the economic crisis of 2008 Carnegie Investment Bank AB was nationalized on November 10, 2008. Carnegie was established as a trading company in 1803 when David Carnegie, Sr., a Scotsman, founded D. Carnegie & Co AB in Gothenburg. The management of the company was later succeeded by Carnegie's nephew, David Carnegie Jr., who later returned to Scotland, leaving the company, which by then had considerable interests in brewing and sugar production, in the hands of Oscar Ekman.
David Carnegie, Sr. (8 February 1772, Montrose, Angus - 10 January 1837) was a Scottish entrepreneur who founded D. Carnegie & Co. in Gothenburg, Sweden, today known as Carnegie Investment Bank. David Carnegie Jr b. 1813 and died in 1890 in Stirling, Scotland; son of James Carnegie and Margaret Gillespie.
above James Carnegie b. 1773 and died 1851 was son of George Carnegie and Susan Scott; husband of Margaret Gillespie; father of mentioned above David Carnegie Jr.

Andrew Carnegie b. 1835, a Scottish-American industrialist. Born in Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland; he built Pittsburgh's Carnegie Steel Company, which he sold to J. P. Morgan in 1901; starting in 1853, Thomas A. Scott of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company employed Carnegie as a secretary / telegraph operator.
Thomas Alexander Scott b. 1823, an American businessman, railroad executive, was appointed in 1861 by President Abraham Lincoln as the U.S. Assistant Secretary of War during the American Civil War; Scott's protege Andrew Carnegie later challenged the Rockefeller monopoly in petroleum from his dominance of the steel industry.

"... Alfred Nobel (1833-1896) and Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919) lived in an era with fewer super-wealthy individuals than today; and even Carnegie's wealth did not match that of today's wealthiest. ... Both men had immigrated in their youth, Nobel from Sweden to Russia at age 9, Carnegie from Scotland to the United States at age 12. Both were sickly...".

A note on November the 15th, 2016:
The daughter of Zbigniew Brzezinski - Mika Brzezinski says that Sheryl Sandberg's 'Lean In' [see Sosnierz and Pisz] is what women need to hear, and Sandberg is the perfect messenger.
By Frances Stead Sellers in 2015:
Mika Brzezinski, co-host of MSNBC's 'Morning Joe' and author of the 2011 bestseller 'Knowing Your Value', is launching a new venture this year - a series of day-long events for women in Philadelphia, Washington, Chicago, Boston and Orlando.
By: Meredith Lepore:
Mika Brzezinski wants women to get more confident and she wants them to do it now. That's why she's teamed up with NBC Universal (her news show Morning Joe is on MSNBC).
"... individuals which have transitioned into the Obama Administration, most being veterans of the Clinton and Bush Administrations and having histories of being involved in furthering long-range globalist objectives. Thirty-one of the forty-seven people Barack Obama has named for appointments have ties to the Clinton Administration, including Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Larry Summers [see Sandberg], Madeline Albright, ... Military hawks from previous Administrations have been transitioned as well, including Zbigniew Brzezinski [see above Mika Brzezinski], and Robert Gates has been held over from the Bush Administration.
Larry Summers and Timothy Geithner have been involved with implementing damaging financial legislation during the Clinton Administration, and Rahm Emanuel has been a strong proponent of NAFTA and WTO related legislation".
Facebook's founder Mark Zuckerberg sought advice from the chairman of Hillary Clinton's campaign about how he could get involved in politics and said he was 'hungry to learn', according to leaked documents.
Emails from Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg [see Summers] to John Podesta, published by Wikileaks, suggested he was keen to influence public policy on issues like immigration, education and scientific research.
In one email, in August 2015, Sandberg wrote to Podesta:
'Mark [Zuckerberg] is meeting with people to learn more about next steps for his philanthropy and social action and it's hard to imagine someone better placed or more experienced than you to help him.'
The leaked emails supports Donald Trump's claims that Clinton is too close to those with vested interests, such as Zuckerberg, whose Facebook empire has 1.7 billion users globally.
Earlier in October 2016, other leaked emails showed Sandberg had gave Hillary Clinton aides research on 'gender and leadership by women' as they put together the former first lady's presidential campaign.
"...It should come as no great surprise to anyone that Silicon Valley's tech billionaires are "in the tank" for Hillary [Clinton; see Brzezinski]. That said, emails like the one below from Facebook's Chief Operating Officer, Sheryl Sandberg, will never cease to be shocking, particularly because she oversees the operations of a social media giant that wields incredible power and influence over news media presented to America's young voters.
Of course, the "cozy" relationship between Sandberg and Podesta is even more disturbing in light of the fact that former new curators for Facebook admitted that the company routinely suppressed conservative news on its news feed.
Per a previous post we wrote back in June:
After former news curators admitted that Facebook routinely suppressed conservative news on its news feed, a training manual was leaked that confirmed there was only one of ten "trusted" news sources by which trending news topics could come from with any type of conservative angle.
... After all of the aforementioned events, one would assume that Facebook would lay low and let all of this fade with time, but one would be wrong. Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook's chief operating officer recently announced that the company would be introducing a "political bias" training program in addition to the managing unconscious bias class the company offers employees. ... As the Daily Signal reports, Sandberg acknowledged that Facebook and other tech companies are perceived as being liberal ... Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg told Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta that she 'badly' wants Clinton to become president, according to new emails released by Wikileaks. In a May 2015 email thread, Podesta offered his condolences for the sudden death of Sandberg's husband, Dave Goldberg.
Sandberg thanked Podesta for his kind words, then affirmed her desire to 'help' Clinton win the 2016 election. She mentioned a home visit where Clinton interacted with her children.
'I still want HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton] to win badly', she wrote.
... Previous batches of leaked emails reveal that Sandberg offered to put Podesta in contact with Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg, stating that Zuckerberg was interested in influencing policies relating to 'social oriented objectives (like immigration, education or basic scientific research)'. Podesta appears to have at least arranged that meeting; his assistant emailed him in August 2015 with directions to Zuckerberg's office.
... Zuckerberg has been politically active since 2013, when he co-founded a 501(c)3 called 'FWD.us', primarily lobbying for expansion of the H-1B visa program and amnesty for illegal immigrants. ...".
Mrs. Clinton's State Department worked aggressively to attract U.S. investment partners and helped the Russian State Investment Fund, Rusnano [ROSNANO], identify American tech companies worthy of Russian investment (Peter Schweizer, 'The Clinton Foundation, State And Kremlin Connections', The Wall Street Journal, 7/31/16).
U.S. Military Experts Believe These Skolkovo-Based Companies Serve As Vehicles To Expand Russia's Military Capacity. Acc. to donaldjtrump.com/press-releases.
"...Research conducted in 2012 on Skolkovo by the U.S. Army Foreign Military Studies Program at Fort Leavenworth declared that the purpose of Skolkovo was to serve as a 'vehicle for world-wide technology transfer to Russia in the areas of information technology, biomedicine, energy, satellite and space technology, and nuclear technology'," by Peter Schweizer.
Clinton's Campaign Chairman John Podesta Sat On The Board Of An Energy Company Called 'Joule Unlimited'.
'Still, Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta sat on the executive board of a small energy company called Joule Unlimited' (Stephen K. Bannon & Peter Schweizer, Report: Hillary Clinton's Campaign Mgr John Podesta Sat On Board Of Company That Bagged 35 Million From Putin-Connected Russian Govt Fund, Breitbart, 8/1/16).
Received Up To 35 Million From Rusnano, An Investment Firm Founded By Putin In 2007. In 2014 Joule Received 'An Extraordinary Warning' - Warning From The FBI, Informing The Company That Skolkovo 'May Be A Means For The Russian Government To Access' Sensitive Or Classified Information".

Tony Podesta Is A 'Big-Money Bundler' For Clinton Whose Brother, John, Is The Chairman Of Clinton's Campaign. 'It should be noted that Tony Podesta is a big-money bundler for the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign while his brother John is the chairman of that campaign, the chief architect of her plans to take the White House this November [2016]', by John R. Schindler, Panama Papers Reveal Clinton's Kremlin Connection, The New York Observer, 4/7/16.
As Recently As The Second Quarter Of 2016, Tony Podesta Has Lobbied For Sberbank Of Russia, by Lobbying Disclosure Database, Accessed 8/15/16. Sberbank Is Russia's Biggest Financial Institution.
'Which is exactly what Sberbank, Russia's biggest financial institution, did this spring. As reported at the end of March, the Podesta Group registered with the U.S. Government as a lobbyist for Sberbank, as required by law, naming three Podesta Group staffers: Tony Podesta plus Stephen Rademaker and David Adams, the last two former assistant secretaries of state', by John R. Schindler.
Above Stephen Geoffrey Rademaker (born 1959) is an attorney [by Wikipedia], lobbyist and former Bush Administration government official. He was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, the Jefferson Literary and Debating Society ... After leaving government, Rademaker joined Barbour, Griffith and Rogers in January 2007. He came to the firm from the staff of Senate majority Leader Bill Frist, where he served as Policy Director for National Security Affairs and Senior Counsel. In February 2011, Rademaker left Barbour, Griffith and Rogers and joined the Podesta Group.
Mr. Rademaker is married to Danielle Pletka, vice-president for foreign and defense policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute. Above Danielle Pletka (born 1963 in Melbourne, Australia) is the vice-president for foreign and defense policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). Pletka was editorial assistant with the Los Angeles Times and Reuters, working in Jerusalem from 1984 to 1985 [by Wikipedia]. Pletka is married to Stephen Rademaker, who was Assistant Secretary of State for International Security and Nonproliferation (including head of the Bureau of Arms Control) in the George W. Bush [see Moczulski in 1987] presidential administration.

Sberbank - "Savings bank of Russia" is a Russian banking and financial services company headquartered in Moscow. As part of Perestroika reforms, in 1987 the savings bank outlets are reorganised into the Savings Bank of the USSR. Since 2007, Sberbank is led by former economy minister Herman Gref. In 2011, Sberbank acquired Volksbank International AG from its shareholders Osterreichische Volksbanken AG, BPCE, DZ Bank and WGZ Bank. The majority shareholder of Sberbank is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
Above Herman Oskarovich Gref born in 1964, "... is a Russian statesman and top manager. He was the Minister of Economics and Trade of Russia from May 2000 to September 2007. He currently is the CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board of the largest Russian bank Sberbank. .... Gref was born in the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic (now Kazakhstan) into a family of ethnic German deportees who were exiled there in 1941. Gref was considered as one of the liberal reformers in Vladimir Putin's administration of the early and mid-2000s...".
Herman Gref is member of boards and supervisory boards of a number of companies, including Yandex.
Yandex N.V. is a Russian multinational technology company specializing in Internet-related services and products. Yandex ranked as the 4th largest search engine worldwide, based on information from Comscore.com.
Yandex Labs is a wholly owned division of Yandex located in the San Francisco Bay Area. In March 2007 Yandex acquired moikrug.ru, a Russian social network, to search and support professional and personal contacts. Among the largest investors in Yandex were Baring Vostok Capital Partners and Tiger Global Management. Above Tiger Management Corp., also known as "The Tiger Fund," was a hedge fund founded by Julian Robertson.
Co-operated with Stephen F. Mandel born 1956, a founder of the hedge fund Lone Pine Capital, who worked as a consumer-retail analyst at Goldman, Sachs & Co. before working as a consumer analyst and eventually managing director at Tiger Management, a hedge fund founded by Julian Robertson; he married Susan Joy Zadek of Baltimore. She formerly worked in the corporate finance department of Dillon, Read & Company in New York.
Miss Zadek's father is chief of the orthopedic-surgery department of Sinai Hospital in Baltimore, and her mother, Miriam Zadek, is director of social work at the Hearing and Speech Agency of Metropolitan Baltimore. "Miss Zadek is a granddaughter of Mrs. Hyman I. Scharfman of West Palm Beach, Fla., and the late Mr. Scharfman, and the late Dr. Isadore Zadek, who was a director of orthopedic service at the Hospital for Joint Diseases in New York. Mr. Mandel's father is president of the International Welding Products Company in Greenwich, Conn. He is a grandson of Mrs. James W. Safford of New Canaan, Conn., and of Mrs. Richard H. Mandel of New York", by nytimes.com.

In 2012 Sheryl Sandberg was named in the Time 100, an annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world according to Time magazine. Ms. Sandberg's personal wealth is reported to be in the region of 400 million, thanks to her stock holdings in Facebook as well as other companies. "... Sheryl Sandberg was born in Washington, D.C, ... Ms. Sandberg graduated Harvard College ... being awarded the highly prestigious John H. Williams Prize for the top graduating student in her subject. While studying at Harvard, Ms. Sandberg first got to know Larry Summers who was teaching at the college. After graduation Summers asked Sheryl to join him as his research assistant at the World Bank reporting on important health projects funded by the bank in India. Sheryl was to remain at the World Bank for around twelve months during 1993, before enrolling at the Harvard Business School ... Sheryl Sandberg began her professional career as a management consultant for McKinsey & Company, before the meeting her professional association with Larry Summers, by then United States Secretary of the Treasury in the administration of President Bill Clinton. From 1996 to 2001, Sandberg held the role of Summer's Chief of Staff, playing a major part in the Treasury's mission of forgiving debt in the developing world. Ms. Sandberg left the Treasury to join Google Inc. in 2001, remaining there until early 2008, when she was appointed by Facebook to become their COO. Sheryl Sandberg is a key figure in the Facebook management team...".

Above The World Bank [under copyright by Wikipedia] is an international financial institution that provides loans to developing countries for capital programs. It comprises two institutions: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), and the International Development Association (IDA). The World Bank is a component of the World Bank Group, which is part of the United Nations system.
On 23 March 2012, U.S. President Barack Obama announced that the United States would nominate Jim Yong Kim as the next president of the Bank.
Mentioned Larry Summers - Lawrence Henry "Larry" Summers is an American economist who is President Emeritus and Charles W. Eliot University Professor of Harvard University. Summers became a professor of economics at Harvard University in 1983. He left Harvard in 1991, working as the Chief Economist at the World Bank from 1991 to 1993. In 1993, Summers was appointed Undersecretary for International Affairs of the United States Department of the Treasury under the Clinton Administration. In 1995, he was promoted to Deputy Secretary of the Treasury under his mentor Robert Rubin [under copyright by Wikipedia]. After his departure from Harvard, Summers worked as a managing partner at the hedge fund D. E. Shaw & Co., and as a freelance speaker at other financial institutions, including Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Merrill Lynch and Lehman Brothers.
Summers was born in New Haven, in 1954, into a Jewish family, the son of two economists, Robert Summers (who changed the family surname from Samuelson, of the SUWALKI DISTRICT, in RACZKI Wielkie) and Anita Summers (of Romanian-Jewish ancestry), who are both professors at the University of Pennsylvania.
Above named D. E. Shaw & Co., L.P. [under copyright by Wikipedia] is a global investment management firm founded in 1988 by David E. Shaw and based in New York City. ... The company has made investments in technology, wind power, real estate, and financial services firms. The subsidiaries of the company acquired the toy store FAO Schwarz and eToys.com.
Above mentioned David Elliot Shaw born in 1951 [under copyright by Wikipedia] is an American computer scientist and computational biochemist who founded D. E. Shaw & Co., a hedge fund company which was once described by Fortune magazine as "the most intriguing and mysterious force on Wall Street". In 1986, he joined Morgan Stanley.
Shaw is married to personal finance commentator and journalist Beth Kobliner. They are members of the Stephen Wise Free Synagogue in New York. Named above Beth Kobliner born in 1965 [under copyright by Wikipedia] is a personal finance commentator and journalist, and author of the New York Times bestseller Get a Financial Life: Personal Finance in Your Twenties and Thirties. Above Kobliner grew up in a Jewish family ... she worked for Sylvia Porter.

Sylvia Field Porter (1913 - 1991) [under copyright by Wikipedia] was an American economist, journalist and author. The daughter of Russian Jewish immigrants, was born as Sylvia Feldman in Patchogue, New York, to Louis Feldman, a physician, and Rose (Maisel) Feldman. Porter was born as Sylvia Field Feldman. In February 1966 Porter advised President Lyndon B Johnson on the appointment of Andrew Brimmer, the first African American to the serve on the Federal Reserve Board. She married banker Reed Porter in 1931.
Named above FAO Schwarz, founded in 1862, was once the oldest toy store in the United States. FAO Schwarz was sold to Netherlands-based NV Koninklijke Bijenkorf Beheer / Vendex/KBB, in 1990.
Named Robert Rubin / Robert Edward Rubin born in 1938, an American lawyer, former cabinet member, and retired banking executive. He served as the 70th United States Secretary of the Treasury during the Clinton administration. Before his government service, he spent 26 years at Goldman Sachs, eventually serving as a member of the board and co-chairman from 1990 to 1992; co-chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, serves as chairman of the board of the Local Initiatives Support Corporation, the nation's leading community development support organization, and serves on the board of trustees of Mount Sinai-NYU Health.
Rubin was born in New York City, the son of Sylvia (nee Seiderman) and Alexander Rubin, a wealthy Jewish family. He joined Goldman Sachs in 1966. Robert S. Strauss credited Rubin with making the system work.
Robert Schwarz Strauss, 1918 - 2014, his service dates back to future president Lyndon Johnson's first congressional campaign in 1937. "... [at Wikipedia] By the 1950s, he was associated in Texas politics with the conservative faction of the Democratic Party led by [LYNDON] Johnson and John Connally. He served as the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee between 1972 and 1977 and served under President Jimmy Carter [see ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI] as the U.S. Trade Representative and special envoy to the Middle East. Strauss was selected by President George H. W. Bush to be the U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union in 1991 and after the USSR's collapse, he served as the U.S. ambassador to Russia from 1991 until 1992.
Strauss was born in Lockhart, Texas, south of Austin. He was the son of Edith Violet (nee Schwarz) and Charles H. Strauss. His parents were Jewish immigrants from Germany".
Charles H Strauss, b. ca 1886 in Alsace, France. Husband of above named Edith Violet Strauss (Schwarz) b. ca 1887 in Lockhart, in the Caldwell County, Texas, United States; she was the daughter of Leo Schwarz, of Dzierzoniow and Selma Schwarz; above Leo Schwarz, of Dzierzoniow b. 1854 in Dzierzoniow, in the Lower Silesian Voivodeship at present, Poland, died in 1931 in Fort Worth, Texas.
Above LEO SCHWARZ was the son of Heinrich Chaim Schwarz, Rabbi and Julia Nathan. Named above Selma Schwarz nee Weinbaun or Weinbaum, born in 1861 in Germany.

David Laurence Aaron born 1938, in Chicago, is an American diplomat who served in the Jimmy Carter administration. He then joined the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency where he served as a member of the U.S. Delegation to the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks.
In 1974, on the recommendation of Zbigniew Brzezinski, Aaron became Senator Walter Mondale's legislative assistant. In 1977, Aaron was asked by Zbigniew Brzezinski to become Deputy National Security Advisor in the administration of Jimmy Carter.
In Israel, Aaron worked with Moshe Dayan.
When Reagan became President in 1981, Aaron moved into the private sector, becoming Vice President for Mergers and Acquisitions at Oppenheimer and Co. and Vice Chairman of Oppenheimer International.
Aaron was involved in the election campaign of Bill Clinton.

"... Zbigniew Brzezinski is Barack Obama's foreign policy advisor. ... Brzezinski was the national security advisor for President Carter from 1977 to 1981. In 1988 he endorsed H. W. Bush for President and was Co-Chair of the H. W. Bush national security advisory task force. From 1987 to 1989 he also served on the H. W. Bush's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board.
Clinton Secretary of State Madeline Albright was a student of Brzezinski's.
G. W. Bush Secretary of State, Condi Rice (also a former national security advisor), who studied under Albright's father, shares many of the same world government views with Brzezinski and Albright...".

"...this is not an argument that David Rockefeller first invented Jimmy Carter around 1971, arranged for Zbigniew Brzezinski to train him in global politics, and then rigged his nomination and election. ... The second Rockefeller connection - more obvious, less noted - was the Trilateral Commission. The Trilateral Commission was David Rockefeller's brain child ... The commission was conceived in 1972 as a private vehicle for planning the industrial world's course out of the international monetary crisis (and John Connally's cowboy responses) of that period, away from the 'Nixon shocks' that had troubled Japan ... Jimmy Carter had been the one Democratic governor chosen among sixty North American members of the Trilateral Commission in 1973...".

"...Patrick Wood, author of 'Trilaterals Over Washington', points out there are only 87 members of the Trilateral Commission who live in America. Obama appointed eleven of them to posts in his administration. For example: Tim Geithner, Treasury Secretary; James Jones, National Security Advisor; Paul Volker, Chairman, Economic Recovery Committee; Dennis Blair, Director of National Intelligence. Several other noteworthy Trilateral members: George H. W. Bush; Bill Clinton; Dick Cheney; Al Gore. Keep in mind that the original stated goal of the TC was to create 'a new international economic order'.
In the run-up to his inauguration after the 2008 presidential election, Obama was tutored by the co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, Zbigniew Brzezinski ...".
Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski, geostrategist, served to President Lyndon B. Johnson from 1966 to 1968 and to President Jimmy Carter 1977 - 1981. Brzezinski belongs to the school of Halford Mackinder and Nicholas J. Spykman.

Sir Halford John Mackinder b. 1861, was a member of the Coefficients dining club, set up in 1902 by the Fabian campaigners Sidney and Beatrice Webb; in 1919 said: "Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland; Who rules the Heartland commands the World Island; Who rules the World Island commands the World," to warn of the possibility of another major war like by John Maynard Keynes; Mackinder was anti-Bolshevik, and as British High Commissioner in Southern Russia in late 1919 and early 1920.
Nicholas John Spykman b. 1893, known as the "godfather of containment," arguing that the balance of power in Eurasia directly affected United States security [1943/1944]; he thought that it was in U.S. interests to leave Germany strong after World War II in order to be able to counter Russia's power.

I wrote above on 22 January 2021 / 23 August 2023.

The President of US, J. F. KENNEDY said in April 1961:
this is the introduction and brief guide on how to read this page about the Russian secret network around our world:
"... I want to talk about our common responsibilities in the face of a common danger. ... The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. ... Today no war has been declared - and however fierce the struggle may be, it may never be declared in the traditional fashion. Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe. The survival of our friends is in danger. And yet no war has been declared, no borders have been crosse